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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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welcome back to the new studio here in moscow this is our top stories now. syria's foreign ministry says armed gangs were responsible for the massacre in the town of houla in a bid to start a civil war that's as washington warns it's ready to sideline the un and go into syria. the power to choose all and votes on whether to hand over the country's money matters to brussels which could see its sovereignty surrendered to. the tipoff at a high profile whodunit the father of poisoned and xander living believes exiled russian tycoon. was behind his murder in london that's where it is here on to the
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moment to of about with the news team in half an hour from now as the news continues in the meantime back to washington d.c. where the show looks at how banks in the u.s. are still being propped up despite the crisis. last week a state department released its annual human rights country report for twenty eleven and this report is used by human rights groups and researchers there are a lot of abuses around the world that need to be documented so it's an important piece of work and here's where hillary clinton had to say when the report was released. these reports which the united states government has published for nearly four decades make clear to governments around the world we are watching and we are holding you accountable. but sadly and rather predictably i must say human rights seaver take a backseat to politics in this report we couldn't help but notice some things that
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were missing and believe me we weren't the only ones either the state department as only fail to hold all governments to account here it also fails to recognize the role that america plays in the erosion of human rights in certain countries for example the report of mon how innocent civilians were indiscriminately killed by airstrikes like this one for example carried out by the turkish military in december. iraqi kurds take to the streets to denounce a ticket and strike that left thirty five. sounds pretty horrible right all that is seized in this situation were civilians and the state department characterized it as arbitrary or unlawful deprivation of life in his human rights report and rightly so but you see the devil is in the details and the details in this case are lacking the report totally failed to mention that a predator drone provided the initial intelligence for this airstrike so without the u.s. government's involvement there wouldn't have been indiscriminate killing in this
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case and point out all of this on his council on foreign relations block but it gets worse for other cases of arbitrary or unlawful deprivation of life mentioned by the state department is the airstrike deaths in yemen or entirely attributed to the yemeni government airstrikes in afghanistan were meagerly labeled as having been carried out by pro-government forces and drove through to stand well they weren't mentioned at all now according to independent reports in two thousand and eleven u.s. air strikes killed between sixteen and thirty three people in yemen between three hundred seventy eight and five hundred thirty six p. . and pakistan and saudi been clear how many of these were civilian considering the secrecy of the lies the trial these operations in afghanistan the u.n. is reporting the hundred eighty seven civilians were killed by u.s. and nato airstrikes alone last year so you point out civilian deaths due to drone strikes and then you just completely ignore the role that we played in those deaths
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of ball the it takes a lot of nerve but i also find it pretty disgusting what was that about holding governments accountable hilary i mean it shouldn't come a surprise here when it comes through rights abuses by america's adversaries the state department announces them in the strongest possible terms when it comes to abuses carried out by the united states and its allies not so much contrast also for example the reports on iran and saudi arabia simple browser search of the word protest in the iran report eighty six results and when it comes to the section on saudi arabia same sort of shields only six results a protest may have been a larger iran but this total whitewash definitely amounts to political favoritism here you see it's not as if there weren't protests in saudi arabia. this video posted on the social media website on friday shows a woman in saudi arabia defying the country's driving the law is being increasingly challenge by activists with thousands joining facebook groups and internet campaigns that teach women how to drive. so that's right america's oil rich
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ally where there was also the self-immolation a planned day of rage one facebook group had twenty six thousand people discussing the demonstrations but the protest movements were largely quiet by the authorities there happened in iran i can assure you that it would have been plastered all over the report at the top of every news show but saudi arabia partner in the war on terror right they agreed to purchase over thirty billion f. fifteen other weapons in december all part of a decade long sixty billion arms deal that was reached in two thousand and ten and that is just one example so i guess we shouldn't consider this all that surprising but let's be honest it's pretty ridiculous so let's have a little honesty shall we there was one other thing that we noted here the fact that this is a global human rights report and not only does it keep out america's role in human rights abuses in other countries it doesn't even document what's happening inside
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of america either and we all know that while the situation might be better here compared to other countries there is plenty to document plenty to fight against so we cover these issues all the time on this show much more in the mainstream media that's for sure so let us quickly remind the state departments of some of the abuses on our list how about the more than ten year long war on terror the patriot act other means of unlawful surveillance the president's kill list that included u.s. citizens an n.d.a. provision that allows for indefinite detention of u.s. citizens that we have ice prisons in which people are treated horribly the rest of our prisons which even the supreme court decided had become inhumane in the case of california due to overcrowding and other issues that we have the militarization of police no knock drug raids often result in deaths of innocent people to tie activists to terrorist groups there's f.b.i. entrapment and that's all just to name a few things here and here we're just talking federal abuses don't forget the oppressive laws enacted on the state level of this is why certain police
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departments like the n.y.p.d. you know things like stop and frisks that are racially motivated the monitoring of muslim communities based on the religion so for the sake of making making the state department's global human rights report more comprehensive i gotta say is you're welcome. now earlier today britain's supreme court upheld the decision to extradite wiki leaks founder julian assange to suite it for prosecutors want to question him about allegations of rape and sexual assault but it's not his lawyers have fourteen days to appeal this decision and a rather extraordinary turn of events now gets a little technical so pay attention one of the songes lawyers diana rose argue that the ruling was made by viewing the british extradition act through the lens of the vienna convention on the law of treaties and since the vienna convention interpretation was an argued by either side than the defense lawyer believes that the supreme court should allow her to resubmit the case now surprisingly the court
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agreed and according to the guardian this is the first time ever the bridge supreme court has agreed to hear an appeal of one of its rulings so once again we're still waiting now we q weeks respond to the ruling with their take on the entire process they released a statement saying that the u.s. u.k. swedish and australian governments are engaging in a coordinated effort to extradite its editor in chief julia songe to the united states surveys espionage charges for journalistic activities now after this two week period passes and the supreme court considers this argument aside as lawyers can also choose to appeal to the european court of human rights so just so you know this saga is a long way from over. all sort of comes out the f.b.i. is perpetuating a pointless war on eco terrorists were given details and are told time and happy hour obama makes a mistake during a speech that a little cringe worthy and jonah goldberg declares the view to the to the state.
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the official. called talk from the. lawyer on the. video. mission street now with.
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our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to the f.b.i. for perpetuating a pointless war on activists now we all know there are post nine eleven world terrorist that's probably the most widely used word that's thrown around carelessly by our government and our media but the f.b.i. is taking this to an extreme they use it extremely loose interpretation of terrorism when applying it to environmental activists say it's all part of this trend led by corporate interests the government and law enforcement those who highlight gross mismanagement of natural resources environmental problems well
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they're increasingly prosecuted in extreme ways and it's something we've spoken about before on this show like for example this conversation that i had with will potter from the blog green is the new red. so this campaign by corporations and industry groups to label activists is eco terrorists to push their political agenda they've been waging a p.r. campaign as they've been pushing for legislation and so when you actually has a study eco terrorism law that these industries lobbied for to label activists as terrorists it's all about protecting their profits. now thanks to reason for your request we have another chapter in this absurd tale see we're learning what the f.b.i. is actually trained to look for when they're hunting down these so-called eco terrorists so in a power point presentation called animal rights environmental extremism they explain how to identify these extremists explain some of their goals what's considered suspicious activity and it's bad enough that environmentalist get lumped in and called terrorists but check out what the f.b.i.
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is actually on the prowl for so they warned about what they call intelligence gathering things like cold calling physical surveillance in other words things that most journalists used to help them expose questionable practices of the everyday actions of journalists are now warning signs for f.b.i. counterterrorism officials and they get this they even suggest that a boy or request is overstepping the bounds and something worthy of surveillance that is really sad when it's time to gave information through a perfectly legal route or making it out to be the next timothy mcveigh now the government is basically saying here is stop asking questions about shady corporate practices or prepare to suffer the consequences take for example the story of andy's to pani and we spoke to him last year about his activism and how it landed him in an isolation unit at a jail in illinois. i ended up in one of these units because it was legislated and convicted underneath an overly broad law called the animal enterprise protection
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act in two thousand and six that law the animal enterprise protection act was amended to be called the animal enterprise terrorism statute the animal enterprise terrorism act is a law that says that if you inflict financial damage or an economic disruption or physical disruption on a enterprise that uses animals for profit you could be charged as a terrorist now after nine eleven. now the animal enterprise act and he talks about well that was a piece of model legislation written by the american legislative exchange council the controversial right wing group more commonly known as alex a basically a bill created by alec appears to be the inspiration for the f.b.i. is training when it comes to tracking down these terrorists great right it just prove will it proves it will potter's point how all this training focus on eco terrorists it really comes down to money and all the risk of possibly your health and the health of democracy and an informed citizenry here in america the sad twisted example of how lobbyist have corrupted the country how they've successfully managed to even get the f.b.i.
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to label environmental activists as terrorists and even make investigative journalist to practice is seem illegal or sketchy so for bally to massive corporate interests for attempting to intimidate americans are practicing their first amendment rights and for over using the term terrorist more than ever before the f.b.i. is tonight's tool time where. all right it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening alone a show producer jenny churchill and kevin glass managing editor at downhaul. thanks for joining me guys good being here having where do we start ok i know that i start off the whole show going crazy on the media because they will just not let this trump further story i mean sure you can talk about the fact is a why is mitt romney standing next to this guy well he just announce it but it's
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not worth spending every hour of every day on there is so much more important stuff going on out there but in light of all that mitt romney then. let's talk about something else that mitt romney actually proposed that was just ridiculous so he wants a constitutional amendment and i'll let him explain it. i'm not sure i can do it he said but i would like to have a provision in the constitution then addition to the age of the president and the citizenship of the president and the birthplace of the president being set by by the constitution and i'd like it also to say that the president has to spend at least three years working in business before you become president. as most absurd thing i have ever heard let's just be clear though he wasn't necessarily saying that this is something he wanted to happen he was simply relaying the words of a voter a voter told him this and he found it interesting and he found a support well you know what i found interesting is that some people pointed out
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how some of the you know what are considered to be the great presidents of this country in that case would be completely disqualified or people like i said how are their type of teddy roosevelt other people that have run for office that maybe have spent time they were immediately into the military they're considered war heroes john mccain for example so this is probably something i mean mitt romney is trying to keep the focus of the election on the economy and he wants to trump his business charge in part to trump business experience as very valuable and integrity to his candidacy so he's just trying to i don't know get the message to continue to stay on the business side of things and he probably said it you know like you said he was relaying the idea of a labor jobs and he was yeah really really you see us smirk after he says it like it or he knows that that's not something syria is definitely wanted this to get out there as a way to say like business people can run the nation and the reality is when you put in there the fact that what country they were born and i'm sorry maybe even standing next to trump a little too long that's just my thought. this
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is something that obama said yesterday he was presenting a presidential medal of freedom. wrong was written in the prompter he read it and caused quite. the out uproar poland is pissed but first let me just say this president obama catching some flak for a comment during a ceremony that was honoring a fallen war hero for one trip across enemy lines resistance fighters told him the jews were being murdered on a massive scale and smuggled him into the warsaw ghetto in a polish death camp to see for himself. all right so they're angry because he said polish death camp rather than knowledge and of course that it was the not the. you know the reading death camp german death camp is what they wanted to say and they apologized but the prime minister really went after him donald task said. he
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demanded that president barack obama explain his reference to a polish death camp and said that the remarks smacked of ignorance lack of knowledge bad intentions and amounted to a distortion of history they're loving this right there as we were talking about those earlier days they love when they could be like stupid americans don't know world history and as pointed out i don't think it was a huge idea or a scandal when obama obviously misread or someone puts something wrong in the teleprompter but apparently this is a big deal to the poles the prime minister like you said he he said that he it's kind of a cliche it's kind of something that they will stereotype that they want to dismiss that these death camps are polish and the word is often the case of the phrase thank you and you know you said that you misspoke and we appreciated they really wanted to rub this one in yeah absolutely and i mean it's really honestly in my eyes ridiculous i mean it can really film people in america don't think that the polish people were out there you know backing the holocaust in my opening camps of
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their own no one thinks that it was clearly a misspeak but i mean i guess they're going to might have had to fire that all residents proper you know speeches that whatever and if there's something you said that was you know i have a certain hundred correct but it's more a matter of the. i'm apparently being outraged you know i don't read the polish papers of the polish media so i don't know what the rest of them are saying but i know it's shocking to me but you know obviously some of their political leaders were upset understandably upset by misspeak or mistyping or whatever the poor research that went into it i think they were upset because somebody wrote it somebody else put it in the prompter then obama read it and it went through a chain of people and that's when people get upset if you put americans right. let's talk about we've actually spoken about this story before when it was first voted on and we found out there was going to be a ban in california but now it's about to about to go into effect and
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guess what's happening. as we have reported on this program here in california a ban on wrong goes into effect july first in anticipation frenzy stockpiling the fatty liver and its price has doubled. i mean the price has doubled basically before this you know chefs are just putting so many. menus or excuse me things on their menu they're also keeping secret the locations of multi-course dinners to avoid protesters before the ban is looming it's getting crazy in the demand is way up because everybody wants to binge on before the ban goes into effect so we're wondering are they going to have like. these like a black market in california are the only outlaws we. have a case of economics economics economics you know they're going to ban fog and so
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the demand spikes and people want to go out and consume as much as possible before it is officially outlawed and you see this with things like you know the incandescent light bulbs being banned people are hoarding incandescent light bulbs because before they get outlawed in twenty fourteen people are hoarding you know over the phone right where with her life all these are really important things here you can get to life. well i'm just surprised that peta hasn't come out yet and said that they want to start a campaign where they sell the livers of the gorge californians who are stuffing themselves with ground maybe you should go work for peanuts and you obviously i would rather die. you know i would like to go to one of these california. i'm sure that that's very the worst place on the planet are you kidding and already i'm sat here you know there's going to be a black market going to find its way into california a lot of rich people there like to eat well and they're going to dinners with. rich people doing trendy things matter how old it might be my nightmare you know ridge
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hollywood liberals were asking for you know now it's like once it's illegal it's like. canada might become you know might become the new trend right that's the thing that bans never work did we learn anything from probation ok. let's talk about the voting age jonah goldberg. he's the editor of the national review online and he was ranting about the young people either too stupid to vote and even went as far as saying that maybe we should raise the voting age to collect. i don't think you politics is something very special or enviable. personally i think the voting age should be much higher not lower we're going to run the country one day so we should really explain why there's so frickin stupid about so many things it is a simple fact of science that nothing correlates more with ignorance and stupidity than you. oh. i mean i'm definitely not that i
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think that there are a lot of young voters out there that are woefully misinformed and it's always something that scares me a little bit but i mean we should raise the voting age when we raise the voting age that we should raise the military age or you know we bring it all down and drinking i mean let's let's just have one one standard for everything you know the reality is that there are a lot of demographics other than young people who are also stupid who also vote should we just ban them i mean let's get serious here there are only young you know you're going to vote democratic so obviously i'm sure you know he has a lot of young people are stupid i mean i was an idiot when i was eighteen and probably really think you're smarter now not by much so maybe raise the voting age to the thirty five same age as being able to run for president or something but obviously this is you know not is not something that's going to go into effect anytime soon and ought to know what basis you know it's not that huge of a deal because while young people vote democratic young people also don't really
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vote them but yeah they're pretty have an enthusiasm. that's an all time high turnout of like eighteen percent it was although you know i was really sad i just can't help but watch that clip and think what he really meant to say is we haven't been able to brainwash the young children yet so they wouldn't be able to vote that's just right but you know you're not. if what's the old saying if you're not a liberal at eighteen you have no heart but if you're not a conservative at thirty you've got no brain well you moved liberal at twenty conservative forget about twenty and forty my bad thirty years we're going to see this definitely. not churchill that when ok so let's this is kind of of course we know there are kids don't exactly not the not jenny but winston. and so they don't exactly get to eat all that healthy in schools jamie oliver has proven this. you know those you know those.
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you know that is. going to stick celery. so this nine year old is pretty kick ass she's a scottish girlishness fed up with their school meals and so she started a food blog dedicated to reading the health and value of her school lunches and other people are now also taking pictures kids as far as taiwan in the u.s. are sending in photos and descriptions of their school lunches suite it's a triumph of local governance right there you know you have a you have you know a young child who is upset with how her local school is being run she starts a blog she gets some action going and she produces you know results and that's the way that we think that society should work is going to show where governments are she's putting it on the internet and have people internationally she's putting it on the internet to put pressure on her local government you know and she gets the she got her parents involved in the rest of the parents in the community involved and that's the way the government should work its should be on you know the most local level you can get that's why the internet is lovely i have to answer to that
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we don't have time for you so we're going to have to know your thoughts on this i got to wrap it up guys thanks for joining me that is if a night show thanks for tuning in had make sure the come back tomorrow reasons mike riggs is going to joining us on happy hour and in the meantime don't forget to like a lot of show on facebook to follow us on twitter to subscribe to our you tube channel and you can also now check us out on hulu as well coming up next is the. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule today.
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my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as
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a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg. and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me for my hands you know just as anyone would but they do tell a story they tell us story of. the oxen.


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