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tv   [untitled]    May 31, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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found another way to screw you over let's play it after the break. let's not forget that we heard in the park party regime right now in the love. i think the rock the bombing is beatable and one well. we never got the live shows liberal keep you safe get ready because you do the other freedoms. the ordinary or would you like her little book and they alone if ill will get the real headlines with none of them or see the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those
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stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . you don't know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture .
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our guys have time for show and tell on tonight's program now earlier this week we discussed the outrage after chris hayes on m s n b c question whether using the word heroic to discuss war whether war veterans whether you know it made people uncomfortable like it does him and the statement that he issued shortly after we also discussed that we wanted to know if you thought that his comment was justified or if the apology or statement that he released was the right thing to do so let's go to producer patrice in a sente to find out what you had to say. i'm of the streets of d.c. to tell people the nation's capital what our viewers had to say on twitter facebook and you tube and see which comments we should keep or delete. do you think that chris hayes should have apologized for his comments ok i really respect chris hayes and i think but i'm glad he did apologize for his comments
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because i think that all soldiers are i believe that they're all heroes well for on you tube wrote in to say he doesn't think should have apologized and agrees that things like memorial day are use a glorified war an increase in list meant more than show appreciation for the sacrifices made in war there is a danger and deifying members of the military in other words they can do no wrong they deserve our support no matter what i don't think that just because we have armed forces at it glorifies works i don't agree with that i read your sponsor and david on facebook he said chris was absolutely right he should have never apologized we need to be able to discuss things even if they're controversial what do you think. but i do agree with being able to discuss things even if they are controversial but that's a pretty strong statement to to to make so and on you tube said hayes should not have apologized there are heroes but the majority of soldiers don't consider themselves heroes they are just doing their job to protect our nation what do you.
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i do agree it's their job and i don't think that everybody signs up with the military with the idea of being a hero i don't think they think of themselves as heroes merino believes apologizing was a right thing to do because no matter how at the will or not war is soldiers put their lives on the line to follow orders from the government what he thinks whether or not it warranted an apology probably not because that honestly like the guy from in the sun b.c. he probably believed whole heartedly what he was saying i know that anyone who is you know willing to list their braver than i am whether you agree or not with chris hayes as hero comments majority of you do not think he should have apologized. now earlier in the show we discussed more bad economic indicators which are wise and fall and i noticed something that seemed like a seeming contradiction right if investors are so worried about debt especially here in the us the why would they be rushing to buy more u.s.
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treasuries so our question for you is if ten year bond yields are at record lows does that mean the size of the u.s. debt or deficit doesn't really matter all that much let us know what you think on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows the response just might make it on air . now here on the show we often discuss the growing student debt problem its massive unpaid student loans are now estimated to be worth over a trillion dollars and with mitt romney's angling to make the election a referendum on the economy higher education policy is something that is bound to be increasingly scrutinized as we inch towards november especially with the student loan interest rate debate has been raging on capitol hill as the last week romney gave us a greater glimpse into what his policy would be beyond of course allow me to have for profit colleges to have a free rein on vulnerable students and a document called a chance for every child one of three deregulatory hired policies pushed by romney
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he called on the government to welcome private sector participation instead of quote pushing it away and romney promised to reverse president obama's national nationalization of the student loan market and welcome private sector participation in providing information financing and the education itself but what exactly is romney actually referring to when he talks about the nationalization of the student loan market we see that legislation passed congress in two thousand and ten during wrangling over health care reform now because that legislation private banks leave no longer handled federally backed student loans instead the government became the main avenue for students to get these funds and by limon aiding the middleman the congressional budget office estimated the taxpayers would save sixty billion dollars between two thousand and ten and twenty twenty twenty ten in two thousand and twenty eight so why does mitt romney actually want to reverse this move will david sirota gave us his thoughts on the subject when he spoke with us last week. student debt is a huge financial goal right now in a lot of people are making
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a lot of money off of student debt we are a country that makes it financially very difficult and certainly comparatively difficult to other industrialized nations for choose to get an education mitt romney and his friends in the financial sector make a lot of money off of that so we're talking about education but what we're really talking about is deeper ideology and i think president obama this is one area of education as opposed to twelve education where the president obama obama administration is far better. but how different with student loans under romney really be according to her poor released yesterday by us per the two thousand and ten changes seem to be more of a nuisance than a barrier when it comes to scamming students in taxpayers see banks and financial firms they have been skirting the rules anyway by getting colleges to outsource certain services and exclusive deals and the services have been embraced by colleges attended by forty two percent of students nationwide so what are the
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services well not only do they include student aid disbursements on debit and prepaid cards there's also a service it's a special student id card that surprise surprise also offers additional banking services now not only is this raise privacy consumer choice concerns but it goes much deeper than that you see in some cases the financial firms logo is just in the leaves and on the id cards and students who want to quickly access financial aid will they have to use the firm partnered with their school so in the end kids already burdened by debt are roped into a host of fees purse wife charges inactivity tariffs overdrive penalties and more as again you were messed up that you actually could be charged to access your student aid money and this is all going on while colleges banks themselves are making a pretty penny c. one contract between ohio state university and huntington bank it's going to earn the school a cool twenty five million over fifteen years wells fargo they're operating exclusive so. service offerings at forty three campuses that over two million
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students and a financial institution called hire one has agreements with five hundred and twenty campuses that enroll over four point three million students now some people in washington are rightly theory it's about this in certain cases u.s. bird found that the fees of violate department of education rules and senator dick durbin for one has been taken too kindly to these revelations and although the senate is currently in recess he did release the following statement yesterday saying the following students of parents and taxpayers should be outraged by unreadable fees and sweetheart deals and valving campus debit cards when a financial institution charges debit card fees some as high as fifty dollars for students to access their student aid federal money the institution is taking away taxpayer subsidized funding that should be helping students pay for their education i'll be working in washington to put an end to the un reasonable practices highlighted in this report and to protect taxpayer investment well even of durban
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is successful in passing regulations here you can bet your bottom dollar the banks will probably just find a new way to screw over students just like they did after obama nationalized the student loan industry according to romney when it comes of bypassing regulations preying on the vulnerable these banks have a ph d. in sleaze. so to come tonight there bloomberg wields a sword when it comes to the war on the foods and drinks we're going to tell you how new yorkers might have to be forced to change their eating habits and i was told at an unhappy hour thank you sesame street theme song carol is used to quote obey and fox news release an anti obama political ad thinking. of american power continues. might be time revolution. and if.
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you are very good book. review. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else some other part of it and realize that everything. i'm trying hard is a big. story . book and they alone and so they'll get a real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v.
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anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . to the counseling i'm lauren lyster. all right guys it's time for tonight's to apply my ward i think we're going to get
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to a mayor who has i'm serious beef with sugar and salt and fun then freedom pretty much new york city's mayor bloomberg has made yet another absurd announcement about yet another thing that he's going to bat while at the help and he formally announced this at city hall today as a new proposal to fight the constant battle against obesity by kurds hailing the places where a large sodas can be sold so yeah he's actually waging a war on big gulps now set to start in march this prohibition would affect quite a few businesses and people in the big apple. restaurants sports stadiums cafes movie theaters and even food carts would be prohibited from selling sodas another sugary drinks that are larger than sixteen ounces now diet drinks would be exempt from these restrictions they could be sold at any size as could unsweetened coffee and tea and fruit juices grocery stores would not be affected by the plan but bodegas that get letter grades from the city's health department would have to comply. and those establishments who try to rebel they would face
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a two hundred dollar fine after a three month grace period and we should note though that while the ban applies to the size of drinks sold there's no restriction on the number of beverages you can purchase so the fact of the plan well it has a few cavities so to speak can't buy one huge shrink one is used by three four five six regular size sodas right purchase the way the state thinks you but i can't see them too surprised after all bloomberg has made no secret about his hatred of any type of food or beverage considered to be unhealthy he even told the new york times obesity is a nationwide problem all over the u.s. public health officials are wringing their hands new york city is not about wringing your hands it's about doing something i think that's what the public wants the mare to do and now i'm sure the new yorkers will just start shedding those jelly rolls all because he's on her degree in certain sales of large sodas to be illegal you think the new yorkers would have learned from his previous attempts right let's look back to what we want to call the nanny diaries and two thousand
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and ten he tried to implement a state tax on soda citing a two thousand and six thirty showing the correlation between sugary drinks and obesity that measure failed in the state legislature but being the strong leader that he is he refused to relent it is a road battle against the scowrers of sugar if anything he's learned from his mistakes as he by pushing on lee a city wide ban that would require anybody's approval except this city's board of health and guess who proved all the members sitting on the board of health bloomberg. so you think control freak like that would have left out of to anyone else ever right so the bloomberg cronies of the hell it should come as no surprise of the health department's been airing ads like this for a while now. b.c. causes type two diabetes and it's serious complications like heart disease blindness and even the patients if your kids drink one bottle of soda a day they're eating fifty pounds of sugar year fifty pounds of sugar from just one
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soda a day drink yourself sick. scary eyeopening public service announcement about sodas and sugar almost as good as the ads that counter that like this one. feeding a family is difficult enough in today's economy now some politicians want the government telling me how i should do it they want to put new taxes i want to grocery side by like soft drinks too strong sports drinks even flavored waters. now the truth is the ads bother me a lot less than the all out ban but king michael's own priorities and has used his iron fist to crush unhealthy habits think about all the other items that he sees as contra bad contraband he's put a ban on smoking in restaurants and parks yes outdoor parks in public places he's gone after the big bad artificial trans fats to make their way to restaurant foods and he's so serious about his role as chief of food police he's even enforced nutritional rules for food served at homeless shelters rules the de facto banned
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food donations so that's right even the people who are going hungry need to read the labels afore they can be fed now as much as we're joking about the comparison between the mayor and king joffrey from game of thrones the resemblance is actually a little scary you have to admit but away from king's landing back to new york city i think it's safe to say that i speak for a large number of people when i say stuff banning things bloomberg let's be honest obesity is a huge problem in this country but the solution is not a ban things is to teach people how to make healthy choices make it easier for them to make healthy choices for example the rule where you make restaurants post calorie counts on their menus that bloomberg rule i agree with i support because you're still giving people a choice you're just letting them know how many calories they're consuming when it comes to making selling a big gulp of crime the nanny state label becomes very very well deserved and let's not forget we tried prohibition and that didn't really work now did it so for trying to ban big sodas in new york city as if that's going to solve the obesity crisis mayor michael bloomberg is tonight's tool time winner.
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ok guys it is time for happy hour and joining me this evening artsy web producer andrew blake and mike riggs associate editor at reason that is dean and reason dot com. all right guys well yeah yeah you too over there. mike we miss you very much in studio i hope even enjoying yourself in florida it's not only you know it's not working like the rest of us just. don't tell my boss isn't really working right or just jealous or you're in a sunnier more fun loving you're putting your good riddance i say go back to italy . ok so i didn't read i don't i don't think that we went far enough i don't think
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we're done talking about bloomberg absolutely you're on the other twenty ounces right here they're not that i don't think you know i could probably also know. that yeah i like let's just move past the inconvenience for a minute it's bad public policy in general like the studies have shown that like the b.m.i. or the obesity index for people who are deprived of soda or their access to soda is like some how complicated it decreases right point zero one percent there's the fact that this really isn't about soda it's about the government telling us for last twenty years that we should carb load at every meal and just which is like eating garbage all day that we can't burn off you know and even the calorie counts which you like poor people who are the targets of these kinds of food policies actually when they see those higher calorie counts they buy them because they want to get as much bang for their buck when they go out to a restaurant so they're actually more interesting story guys and i you know i just fully support you know being transparent and the customers yeah the current to all the information out there giving the customers that choice and i'm a big fan of giving restaurateurs the choice as well personally and you know in
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these stories about i think three of the stories of everybody on span they're talking about big of an inconvenience this is to restaurants and he did months they were getting rid of small liquor you know you know there's going you know i don't know all right under the table to. drink your cold forty five or whatever that stuff is you have tucked away so my desk that's that desk desk yes. no i just it's bad public policy is i think it is battling policy but i think we have to do you know we just thought this was kind of an interesting story to juxtapose that with is that at the same time you have the f.d.a. that recently just told the high fructose corn syrup people they were trying to get the name change this because hybrid corn syrup has got a really bad rap there's all these commercials on t.v. these days all the time they're like you but i can't tell you that it's people walking through like fields. you know they've got to go is the name to come to gore
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and sugar and the f.d.a. was like no you know sugar is a solider you can't just pretend to serve as a sugar but they always try to trick you and so this is why i just think that we should have more of this openness more this transparency we should know what we're putting into our bodies yeah like an answer to which there isn't a. cancer. which there is no limit on what you can still drink yourself sick on the ground you know gives rats tumors and crap like that you know we're all dying slowly i think what they're feeding us speaking of policy i just figured this was you know the last two terms bloomberg said a lot of. really stupid things that get people really upset i figured he was probably just trying to go back to what giuliani did giuliani tried to clean up the city he got rid of the whole. thing. so maybe he was just trying to clean up the city's coke problem. i want to move
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on. i was that was so you know i feel that it's you know if you leave if you will always count on you to kill it you're welcome. ok let's move on to i mean this is something that we've kind of been hearing about for years a lot of artists have come out and been upset including rage against the machine when they found out that their music was used to torture people and this was especially at the time you had a lot of like rock bands heavy metal band and they would just play really loud for hours and hours and hours in these you know four detainees but anyway the artist did not like it here's tom morello speaking about it while back. when we learned that the united states government was using rage against machines music to torture people guantanamo bay we sued the state department to get the stuff and we were unsuccessful in that suit my only hope is that they hopefully at some point not the too distant future when the war criminals of the bush administration are brought to trial or one day wearing their yellow jumpsuits and black hoods that will be the
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music of rage against the machine that is pumping their cells twenty four hours a day. so they're all over the leaves and tories actually keep going i think you just have been going to apply to bush not terrorist if you're going to make now with. yeah you know it or not you're the night watchman or whatever crap you didn't write when i looked at one of the story or shall we start out you know it turns out and this is that there is a documentary that just aired on al-jazeera this week turns out the sesame street song. also was used in this guy came out and he said christopher syrupy was the creator and he said that the cia perverted his music to serve evil by using his work as well to torture prisoners at guantanamo bay if sesame street i mean you get rage against the machine but i mean isn't the idea that like it's foreign music or foreign culture to be used and it's played over and over again i mean i think it is mine ever will drive you crazy with a lot of eyeballs or do like the same thing with it and you know when i was growing up you know i had nobody would ever look beyond it's torture music but you know she
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did like how many times can you hear the way i do it because you hear something like that like well i was trying to sleep and weird stuff like you know what if you want to be your torture music of choice you know i thought it was a weird coincidence because you know back during the iraq war they used to use metallica on the soldiers overseas and in afghanistan as the taliban and just this week until it is said that they're going to have to start touring relentlessly because they weren't making enough or realty they weren't getting paid for anything you know completely unrelated so why then some. it all makes sense you know the u.s. government just really doesn't want anyone to have a nice time whether they're getting the detainees or change hadfield it made you know that's a great idea isn't there something a little bit contradictory about the u.s. government's war on the internet piracy and then like it's just not. our records and they bought the cd before they put it in the you can't live music even though
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you know you still could you know when they were torturing people in guantanamo bay they don't have to pay for sesame street because it's by the communists. p.p.s. right so as i was broadcasting corporation a public broadcast what do we even call it anymore i don't know public broadcasting service right there we go yes that's i was right the first time i don't listen i don't watch commie t.v. . should've watched their really great frontline documentary and al qaeda in the arabian peninsula the other day is that as a way to hear you say the next story is if you're not just right after you really are totally destroyed yeah i mean i have a lot oh yeah i've been going crazy about this all week because i'm so riled up about this kill list we finally had the new york times write this big piece about it and then i was talking about this frontline documentary that showed how you know the people that we've killed are now used as propaganda he added but. there's also a petition out there that's been launching the white house web site asking him to
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create a do not kill list needs what like twenty two thousand three hundred more signatures and then obama will stop killing people. but i kind of like the ideas like really we got to the point where you have to created a do not kill list you know i'm waiting for somebody to blow the lid open on how crappy that white house petition site is because if you go in looking like recent responses they're pretty hilarious they are completely a leak to whatever the station thing is in fact like there was one about why i can't veterans use medical marijuana to treat p.t.s.d. in the first line as president obama has done more than any other president on drug policy and stuff like this it's just it's totally wild it's like a centralized place to be lied to by your government so i don't know i don't i can only imagine what the response to the petition about the do not kill list would be and maybe a show. like that i also like to call that some of the cable networks that we watch but i don't think you know there's no accountability here. i put myself on this list i don't want to be killed by
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a drone strike i do you know i'm on i'm on the do not call list and if i get a call i ring up the better business bureau when i get assassinated by a drone. you know who is who do i hold accountable for that you know are you planning on going to no i'm just saying you never know where you have the luxury of not many propaganda videos you have on the internet right now. you're not his friends began to videos that they're going to i have no one for whoever is watching right now. what about this woman this goes on you tube this is not going to really that's all it takes because they don't like to give you evidence and i just ask the president not to execute me now. would you like to make a very quick two second announcement to the president you know i can assure you yeah ok please don't kill me i didn't vote for you but. i'm ok that's it thanks guys for joining me tonight that is a better night so things are turning in make sure you come back tomorrow lauren lyster host of the capital account as could be joining us for our weekly financial checkup and in the meantime don't forget to become
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a fan of the launch on facebook to follow us on twitter subscribe to our you tube channel you can watch us on hulu now too and coming up next is the news. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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