tv [untitled] June 1, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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president putin and chancellor merkel agree that a civil war in syria must be prevented and praise a growing trade on energy ties. visits. on the brink of civil war the u.n. warns that its envoys peace plan for syria must be observed before the country could enter the point of no return. suggests most irish people say yes to tighter financial control from brussels despite fears that sovereignty will be sacrificed. it is six pm on friday here in moscow this is r.t.
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life with me rule receive shy but to me putin has vowed to do what he can to prevent syria from sliding into a civil war but repeated his stance that it's important not to take sides in the conflict the comments came as the russian president and the german chancellor met him in with putin on his first series of short visits abroad since he returned to the top job just last month in berlin you got a piece going off now reports. what we are is are saying that the most important thing at the moment is to prevent this is your wish and they're in syria to growing into a full throttle civil war and the only way to do that and that's agreed upon by both what will put an end and go america is through political measures through the united nations through the coffee on peace plan some western nations specifically the united states have already said that they are not excluding the possibility of foreign military intervention into the situation there in syria even if it means going around the united nations so i do in which i was again stressed that russia
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is standing for a balanced approach where equal pressure has to be applied science gypped ability at the time stories here but gives you a taste to say russia is unilaterally supporting the acid regime we have longstanding good relations with syria will be on supporting any side of the conflict if there is a threat of civil war but i agree with chancellor merkel to get our community active is to prevent this scenario what we're seeing today is the start of a civil war this is extremely dangerous because we want to stop violence no matter where it comes from your both russia and germany and other partners. we can to prevent violence from escalating to help you and employ kofi annan well russia does have contracts on the supply of forms to the syrian authorities and what you know putin has also reiterated that the arms supplied by the russian federation to see could not be possibly used in any civil conflict the eurozone crisis is
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a very important and stressful issue for both sides both for washer and for germany and i do know that russia's reserves around forty percent of them are held in euros which is. looking for ways to get the eurozone out of the place where the prices for this is for the members of the eurozone itself but of course russia will be assisting in its own. possible ways and of course energy cooperation in general is one of the most important aspects of the cooperation between russia and germany i mean of course the north stream pipeline project which is an international project . russia and germany and is aimed to send the russian gas directly to the european union germany has been chosen as the first western nation for his visit since returning to office earlier in may now. planning to head off to france to meet with the french president there continuing his european tour. he go to personal
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reporting that another u.n. human rights chief has warned that could be a full scale civil war in syria unless kofi annan peace plan is followed the commission also cold for an investigation into the killing of more than one hundred people in houla last week saying it may about crimes against humanity the syrian government's blaming rebel terror groups for the massacre which it says are seeking to trigger a foreign military interventions it's a claim the u.s. strongly rejects all secretary of state hillary clinton says plans are being drawn up to intervene in syria and she will activist sara flounders says america's never been interested in a diplomatic outcome. but it gets important to know that it's the us and nato who are creating a civil war in syria in terms of arming commando and mercenaries flooding the country with weapons doing everything that they can to destabilize syria and
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the latest massacre in houla is just one more example because it's this exact scenario that the u.s. has used to justify quote humanitarian intervention in the past and after they create total destabilization send in all sorts of mercenaries and armed groups and they claim that they're going in in order to save this. it's absolute hypocrisy and fraud and they've done it with the u.n. security council support and they've done it without u.n. security council support and we've seen this in the past and it's clear that the u.s. is not interested in a diplomatic solution if they are in every way trying to move toward military intervention which means massive destruction of the entire country but they're already responsible for great destruction. well russia's position on syria has been
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supported by china with the two vowing to strive for a nonviolent solution to the conflict both states have used their veto powers at the u.n. twice to block what they called unbalanced resolutions on syria and while some nations have kicked out syrian diplomats cutting ties with damascus moscow and beijing's relations with syria could ultimately help to resolve the crisis this according to at least one chinese expert the world sees russia as it were strong. where people perceive. basically supporting russia in this initiative and a lot of the reason china has been very soft spoken and very quiet about their support for syria killed for humans in syria right now is that if you can there is military intervention what comes next and i think that there's not a lot of pause for military intervention because there's really low blood sugar but even if people are dying right now the end result of the government will be bloodshed and thousands possibly tens of thousands so i think what russia and china
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are understanding is that they have a lot of sway over the syrian government perhaps one of the former see in this instance far more effective than a u.n. sanction or u.n. condemnation of what's happening in syria right now. and al because syria is spilling over into neighboring lebanon where deadly sectarian clashes have broken out in several cities there's also a growing influx of syrian refugees where there is divided between pro and anti assad supporters but more from lebanon his arteries were a financial. this house in the outskirts of tripoli in lebanon gives shelter to five syrian families running away from atrocities and violence in their own land or not long as we were forced to leave shelling in homs never stopped we were afraid to leave the house violence was part of everyday life we were just tired. to be to bloodshed means the just ten boys like ali have had their childhoods talents from
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them he now has to earn money to help his family he shows us what he does for seven dollars per week. no longer sounds like a child if you don't i want to join the rebels i want to fight refugees complain they live here in lebanon is really hard no work not enough money and often not even a roof over their heads but it's not just women and children who fled to syria night man made a spokesperson for the syrian refugees in lebanon says the right around one hundred activists among them who continue their resistance here and sometimes we make their move those protests this is a call for the international community for humanitarians and even lebanese authorities that it will meet but we need some more attention many though fear that this attention may bring in its wake even more trouble serious threat in the city of tripoli separates the whites and sunni neighborhoods in this part of no one on
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running like a move that between those who support the syrian president and his regime and those who want him out their own device that is here just as the conflict in neighboring syria does and with the spillover of violence from across the border are being felt here now but it wiggles and tensions between these tell becoming even more pronounced while we were in town we heard the sound of an explosion the men of the scene says he's the owner of base house where just minutes ago a grenade was thrown he says the man lives in an area known for being pro assad portrays of the syrian leader on every building here including the one now badly damaged the victim is very quick to come to a conclusion along with an aide was thrown from a sunni area they hate society and they hate us. but while he's blaming his opponents in lebanon. for the destroyed house he's blaming the unrest in syria for
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destroying his peaceful life by spreading to his community. this is all from syria refugees they come here radicals a sign of this support them and this is how it will ensue increases well we are supposed to be one family here. lebanon has been blighted by recent trouble it witnessed an almost fifteen year long civil war syrian troops were stationed here for three decades and only left in two thousand and five meaning they've never had too many sympathizers in lebanon but more recently the country had managed to keep religious and political tensions and pain now the syrian crisis seems to put that fragile calm i treat. tripoli lebanon. it's ten minutes past the hour here and moscow you're watching arts here thanks for joining us today still to come in the program action against actor concerns over the legality and impact on civil liberties forces the e.u. parliamentary committees to reject
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a controversial anti piracy agreement. and india stands a shoulder to shoulder with iran voicing support for its trading partner despite mounting pressure from the u.s. and europe. early results suggest ireland has said yes to the e.u. backed fiscal treaty drawn up in response to the eurozone debt crisis and the plan supported by the government and trade unions but critics worry that now control of the country's finances will be handed to brussels along with its sovereignty artie's laura smith is following the referendum in dublin. the counting is not over yet but it certainly looks like the yes campaign has carried the votes by a majority of about sixty to forty but there has been a strong no campaign hit in ardent including from gerry adams the head of sinn fein he's now island's most popular political leader but the yes vote was supported by the majority of ireland's main political parties and these trade unions and i mean
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that both campaigns have literally lifted the country with political literature on every billboard on every lamppost as being something to do with the referendum i haven't seen too much political literature anywhere the yes campaign has been criticized for operating on really a very negative basis from a basis of fear that critics say that there hasn't been a single poster to message in the yes campaign is all been about about fear you know if you don't vote yes on it will be on it said he won't be able to benefit from any more european bailout of terrorists he will be deeper and it will last for longer and many of course have succumbed to that message some of them reluctantly the fiscal treaty is aimed at restoring confidence in the euro which of course has taken a huge battering in recent months and it means much closer coordination of national budget as we in the year a saying to everyone in the e.u. is then managing their budgets in the same way the island though hit means more of the same really that people have been suffering here for extra taxes for households
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is much more money from small businesses a lot of quite natural pressure they're all to pay off banking debt and people see this as just a loss of super two which is of some of the sort of ideological message but also the loss of economic control i wanted to really be able to control the last profit how is the economy run and economists believe of course that is the onset of this will mean the island will be able to put its own growth part of plan into place it would be able to invest money in the economy to creating more jobs and to get the economy out of this mess so really the central message of the yes campaign was stability but the new campaign bases have said you know who wants to remain stable in this mess that island is in now and it looks like that's what's going to happen . he's laura smith reporting right there one i don't forget we have a lot more stories at r.t. dot com let's have a look and see what's awaiting for you on our web site right now spanish mine is scuffle with police during
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a demonstration of nearly ten thousand in the capital they're angry about budget cuts putting their jobs at risk. and look out lactic allision the entire milky way is going to crash with the neighboring andromeda galaxy and that would certainly dramatically change the view from the night sky from earth but when i find out the numbers at r.t. dot com. well at least six people have been wounded in northern cause of in clashes between protesters and peacekeepers nato run troops fired tear gas and rubber bullets while attempting to dismantle roadblocks put up by the local serbs now let's discuss the developments with political analyst alexander which are now joining us live from belgrade good to see you today the barricades as we all know were set up last year cause of your thought he's trying to enforce a trade embargo is anything being done to resolve this ongoing dispute. unfortunately what is being done is just more of the same from last year. the nato
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forces which are being called peacekeepers are actually trying to use force to force the course of the serbs to accept living in. independent kosovo which they won't accept and that's the whole root of the problem negotiations really are only directed toward that end as far as the western powers the e.u. the us are concerned so this is just more of the same but i do want to say that this was something at the beginning of june which was to be expected because there is a sort of a power vacuum in belgrade right now we've just had parliamentary and presidential elections the new president has only taken office yesterday he's sworn his oath of office but we do not have a functioning government we only have a technical government so actually what nato and the e.u. and the u.s. are doing there using the power vacuum in belgrade to try to to establish
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a new reality on the ground in kosovo well as you as you describe this so-called a power vacuum in belgrade and we understand here about see it as a bit of a transitional political process going on but if i can just get back to the issue of these these so-called peacekeepers they they have a mandate they can use deadly force on protesters who throw stones or use weapons. that justified in and some people might actually just question the whole. peacekeepers should they be cool peacekeepers. well absolutely actually no the short answer is no they've done everything to actually undermine the peace. by trying to change the reality on the ground yeah this morning they've actually fired live ammunition at people trying to keep the barricades and they're trying to keep the barricades to prevent. the calls of all baiting regime from priest you know to get a hold of the north northern part of the territory so actually this morning we've had wounded civilians wounded by so-called peacekeepers using live ammunition
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against their hand the people on our own people so actually peace is the last thing that on their mind unfortunately what do you think it's fair to say that belgrade could be seen by some as being between a rock and a hard place on one hand it wants to end the e.u. and has to build bridges with the cause of all the other it has to protect its population and sovereignty which way which way should it be leaning. well i think the majority of people in serbia are realizing that the e.u. is done expanding for a while and the whole story of e.u. integration is just being used really as a political tool from brussels to keep countries that are still outside of the e.u. at bay but actually even to gratian is not realistic the problem is that. serbia's a little bit isolated here because the other countries around it are either e.u. candidates or inside the e.u. either nato candidates or inside nato and so the room for for maneuver for any
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serbian government is very small and the west realizes that and they're using that to gain the upper hand on the ground regardless of human cost. political analyst alexander joining us live from belgrade thank you for coming on today thank you. now internet freedom campaign is in europe breathed a cautious side of relief the controversial and see piracy agreement or act has been rejected by three influential committees in the e.u. parliament that's all ahead of the final vote next month triggered mass protests in europe with internet users saying online freedom is at risk. from the swedish pirate party believes the treaty at best is confused. if you're sending something over the internet. you're exercising freedom of speech but at the same time if you're sending anything that means that you can also use this freedom of speech to
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infringe on the cop romanov so basically the speech has become fundamentally incompatible with age old monopoly. predominately up until a couple of decades ago only used by corporate lawyers these last few years it's battled its way into the bedrooms of ordinary citizens and it's just not doable to criminalize two hundred fifty millions of europeans on what they do pretty much every day that said even those who are in favor of strong or not police recognize the actor deliberately conflicts the issues of fake medicine as counterfeit fatal medicine with teenagers downloading and sharing music those two issues are not the same problem and they should not be covered by the same laws. for an hour straight to afghanistan lead us out of afghanistan to start
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of the r t world update now where seven people have been killed thirteen injured in a suicide attack in the eastern afghan city of cost the taliban claims its fighters rammed a vehicle packed with explosives straight into a nato base now violence has spread across the country since the taliban began its spring offensive to target foreign troops and government forces. thousands have once again gathered in cairo to protest against a presidential candidate who was part of the pre revolution mubarak regime they would shut feet to be barred from the race for the country's top job he will be in the second round runoff against the muslim brotherhood mohamed morsi of the protests comes just a day after egypt's controversial decades long emergency law expires that. israel has launched an air strike on gaza after a border clash in which a palestinian militant killed an israeli soldier a rocket landed in a residential area and wounded four passengers in
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a single vehicle two critically it comes after several months of relative calm along the gaza border. now india has dealt a fresh blow to america and europe's attempts to force iran to stop and enriching uranium just one month before president it's sanctions against the islamic republic come into force new delhi the biggest buyer of iranian oil said that trade will not be affected but the story also use preassure. india has taken a stance despite washington's ongoing pressure to stop buying oil from iran india is forging ahead india is severely energy deficient its imports seventy growing but it's even up to ninety per cent of it over requirements it only becomes a video two souls. acquiring and that you to sources and many say the same simply won't work without india since it's iran is biggest oil customer and so the united
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states finds itself in the position of hoarding india's cooperation for its plan to be successful hillary clinton recently visited india during her asia tour trying to sell american strategy to isolate iran but leaders here in india won't budge while they have reduced imports on iranian oil is slightly they say they won't ever stop completely their reasoning extends beyond just india's energy needs with one of the fastest growing economies in the world iran is an important partner for india to continue to grow in the future india is in talks with fourteen other countries to use iranian highways railroads and ports to connect it to parts of central asia and europe and half the time it currently takes if you're going to have a trading relationship when we can all make relationship why don't you go to relationship with the countries of central asia this is the only way and to be have been helping in building we were told it will be you in trying.
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to link up. ports. into central asia and iran also serves as india's only link to afghanistan a place that has plenty of mineral resources india is keen to get its hands on and a place the united states would want to run to easily get you one thing there are troops in twenty fourteen it is that what vital interests of all of us to ensure that of god his son is linked to the world through government if you can the means that cannot be disrupted that will that it has the ability to export its sources and therefore make somebody india say isolating iran it won't work and it's time for the americans to take a step back we're trying to encourage the americans to look at the bigger picture because we are we going to be affected but who will be affected so i think perhaps
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and it's a hope. and. flexing its muscles protecting its interests and not bowing down to pressure from the west pressure either r t new delhi india. it's that time again the part of the hour for the r.t. business update hello again team of arena do tell us there were american investors in a reaction to the negative job report you were mentioning last hour. well for those here last hours bullets and we are of course talking about the fact that the u.s. economy generated the fewest number of jobs last year and that's for the month of may and investors of course are not taking this very well and we'll take a look at the figures in the minute but first let's talk about seeing be a new seed more conflict there between the co-owners and this song we know that b.p. will be pursuing its half of the russo british oil for now the recently resigned c . friedman warned that one of the two partners needed to take full control of the
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firm otherwise the joint venture would be paralyzed meanwhile the financial times. says b.p. has received a buy offer from one of the russians they've companies and here in moscow there were rumors about the head of the eagle sachin has said that his company was not only in buying a stake in seeing k.v. and that such a decision requires deep market analysis and analysts estimate that the fifty percent stake in russia's a third biggest oil producer would be at around thirty billion dollars and while there are no guarantees that any transaction will take place alex a call came from says that the possibility is quite high. there's been disagreement apparently between b.p. and their russian partners. over how to use the money the steady cash flow generated by by the russian operation to be holding and apparently big pay you would like to get all this cash is dividends or as the russian side would like to
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use the car for global expansion and if if this disagreement goes on it's perfectly conceivable that people might want to sell out of this rather successful russian operation of the interesting question here is whether they would want to run or try to outbid about potential and get unknown but whether it would seek to control the whole company one hundred percent of that itself. i look at some of the international markets with here russia the last half hour of the trade in session of the day we can see that both the arts yes and the my sets are in the red losing over one percent we have a lot of risk aversion taking place right now also we could crude prices for having an effect here on the russian economy i'll talk more about that a little bit later let's take a look at some individual share moves on the my sex naturally a sea of red we have
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a sperm bank losing over three percent nationally heading for ten percent in the red following news of a possible exit by b.p. and of course gas from losing of one percent there now if we take a look at currencies the russian ruble is losing ground against the u.s. dollar and fact it's lost ten percent of its value in the month of may and it's currently trading at a three year lows there now a chief economist at renaissance capital of our jakarta said that despite the rubles weaker performance right now it could actually help russia overcome with the possible side effects of european financial crisis. but i actually don't think that we can you will necessarily hear with the russian economy grow but i think that the week will help ensure a late russian economy from external shocks and once again this was the very reason and the very purpose for the central bank to move to such an exchange rate arrangement before the two thousand and eight crisis we had a fixed exchange rate so all external shocks. to one for the russian economy right
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now it is the ruble that is speaking. and i think it's a good thing for the russian economy. by the let's continue with some international markets and they you wes which kicked off the trading session this hour we can see both in the seas in the red both losing the overall war on the percent there and of course i mentioned earlier unemployment went up for the month of may and also the amount of new jobs added was of far less than expected it was sixty nine thousand jobs for the month of may compared to the analysts expected. which was one hundred sixty five thousand and was the smallest increase in the year we can see that investors are not very happy about that and that's reflected in the figures that you see there for move on see europe also a lackluster performance there both in the cities are in the red the footsies losing of a one percent the dax over three percent and there we have investors basically reacting to bad p.r. my data are negative below expectations as well as now the u.s.
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jobs and earlier on in the day we had negative data coming our from try and not want optimism there are let's take a look at crude prices which are heading for their longer sweetly losing streak in the five and a half years we can see that light sweet is currently trading close to eighty four dollars per barrel while their bread blend is at around ninety nine dollars per barrel and there we have it this is your update for this hour we'll have more for you next hour back to you or henri always a pleasure to see that. the headlines in just a moment will be looking at the changing face of russia through the eyes of young successful muscovites moscow out just a sec.
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