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tv   [untitled]    June 1, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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in recent years where the extra dating this anybody have repeatedly answers i don't think so you think for. really bad news for president obama's reelection efforts monthly unemployment numbers of america jumping for the first time in about a year rising to eight point two percent topping the news today as the american economy takes another dive the mainstream media and politicians on both sides of the aisle are spinning the latest job numbers in their favor no surprise there but what does this really mean for president obama and for your wallet. was it appears the olympic games are happening right here in the united states the obama administration is getting a gold medal in cyber espionage it's a series of sophisticated cyber attacks targeting among other things iran's nuclear program we'll ask our guest if this is a declaration of war. and argues online media team has created an app that's been
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nominated for a pristine just award i'll show you why the south is so addicting and why it already has half a million subscribers. well it's friday june first four pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for zero and you're watching r t now you may have been watching just before we came on russian president vladimir putin is meeting with french president francois alonzo we have here a live picture of the newly elected leaders talking to journalists in paris france there's argue about everything from the conflict in syria the euro crisis and russia's relationship with france and for those of you who did want to continue watching this press conference you can go to our web site r t dot com you can also watch it on the international channels. all right folks it's the first of june.
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also the start of hurricane season and guess what it appears that first storm has already arrived it came in the form of today's jobs numbers and to say the least they are not good according to the labor department u.s. employers created just sixty nine thousand new jobs in the month of may that is less than half of what was anticipated by economic analysts and the worst level of job creation in more than a year and for the first time in eleven months the unemployment rate actually went up it rose from eight to eight point two percent from eight point one percent now it doesn't stop here the u.s. labor department also revised the numbers for march and april the last two months and determine that hiring in those months was actually lower than previously were reported so we want to take this to the next level and talk about some the implications of these numbers on a larger scale economically and politically so joining us now we've got peter schiff the president of euro pacific capital also author of the real crash how to save yourself and your country. hey there peter welcome back let's just
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get this out of the way how much is this a punch in the gut for the obama administration well you know i think it's going to take several more body blows between now and the election i've long been forecasting that there is a good chance that call november statistically we will be back in recession and i think the only way that maybe of lloyd that is for a huge round of quantitative easing a lot more money pretty by the fed but of course that's actually going to inflict more long term damage on economy that is already you know on the mat i want to throw sort of save the politics of this for a moment mitt romney of course took this opportunity you know to stomp on president obama's record here he was on c n b c this morning take a look. well the president's policies and his handling of the economy has been dealt a harsh indictment this morning and it continues we've had forty straight months with unemployment over eight percent forty straight months and as you recall from
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the beginning of the obama's administration they indicated that unemployment would be kept below eight percent for this entire period and they predicted that by now we'd be in the sixes with our level of unemployment their policies have not worked . all right so so peter anything i mean is this something that you know the presumptive nominee mitt romney can just kind of run with until november well he can try and he might have success but the truth is obama is merely continuing and expanding the failed policies of george bush and unless romney understands that and articulate sit you know i don't think there's much hope that a president romney is going to alter our fate either i think it's going to be more of the same i do believe that romney will be less bad than obama and i think that we have a better chance of when the next crisis hits when the real crash comes i think that it's better to have romney at the helm than obama because i think i believe i think
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a romney at least philosophically is in favor of free markets and capitalism even if he doesn't completely understand how they work i think obama is philosophically opposed to it i think he's a socialist at heart and he likes it when he believes the free market is failing because he sees as a at that as an excuse for more government to try to reshape america in this socialist utopia that lives in the fantasy of his mind. saying that obama is probably happy to see these jobs numbers come out because it certainly didn't seem that way now but i think he's happy to blame it on capitalism and i think he's happy to see solutions in more government even though it's the government that is the source of the problem which i think was kind of ironic too in his speech today where he tried to figure out how we can help veterans returning from afghanistan or iraq get jobs and his solution there was maybe to fast track them so they don't have to test for all these licenses and certifications and take years of schooling
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and borrow all this money but what obama doesn't understand is that governments have erected these barriers he's trying to help the veterans get around federal state and local government barriers i mean that's an admission that the government is the problem. and you know what why don't we remove these barriers for everybody not just the veterans but how about everybody so that more everybody can get jobs because you got government legislating jobs out of existence you mentioned president obama in the speech today and we do want to show because we showed sort of romney's reaction to the jobs numbers let's show you know what president obama said how he reacted to the news most prominently most recently we've had a crisis in europe's economy that is having an impact worldwide and it's starting to cast a shadow on our own as well so we've got a lot of work to do before we get to where we need to be. all right so you know
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there's a lot happening in europe right now i mean spain seem to be just a couple steps away from needing a bailout is this legit is what president obama said also somewhat legitimate no he's got it backwards the european crisis is the best thing we've got going for us right now is because people are so worried about europe that there's a bit in the treasury market besides the fed's i mean we're benefiting from the fact that people believe that we're safe haven people are buying treasuries and they're buying the dollar i mean a few people woke up today and gold soared seventy eighty bucks from the inner day low to close up about sixty dollars so some people realize that there's no safety in dollars but you know i think the dollar and the treasury market when it comes to save havens are going to be the facebook of safe havens because a lot of people want to buy facebook on the i.p.o. they were really excited about that thought it was great but then once they owned it and they took a look at what they owned and they looked at the fundamentals they realized it
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wasn't so great and they wanted to get out the same thing is going to happen the people who are buying dollars because they think it's a safe haven from european debt america is more deeply in debt than europe and less likely to repay without resorting to massive money printing and if you think there's really a lot of money printing that is not a reason to want to own treasures or dollars that is a reason to get as far away from the u.s. dollar into the treasury market as you can we are certainly starting to hear a little bit more about q e three than we've heard in quite a long time the jobs numbers a part of that equation i do want to say too when we talk about the numbers that came out today it's not just politicians that are kind of spinning this and whatever way they want i want to show you some of our viewers the way that some of the means mainstream media sort of interpreted these numbers on their web sites today let's start with that with the fox web site the headline says does nother month of distressing economic news put the obama campaign on the clock and it says
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so and in a new. mr banner you'd think that christmas came early this year for fox news let's go to him as n.b.c. it says. global economic woes appear to ensnare us a little bit of a smaller headline there and if we looked on as cnn's website and actually didn't see those jobs numbers anywhere it was of course. you know the george zimmerman the trayvon martin that news came out so that was on there is so very different interpretations by some of these networks in terms of what these numbers mean why do you think that is well obviously networks have their own political perspective with which they view everything but you know i think that our problems are one of the few things that still made in america you know don't blame it on europe and you know i've been saying all along that q e three was coming i would say that for years because i understood that the economy was not recovering that it was all an illusion you know the economic recovery is kind of like big foot now a lot of people think they see it but they don't maybe you get a man in
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a monkey suit but there is there is no real recovery it is a fantasy is that illusion built up on a stimulus high but i knew the stimulus would wear off it always does the hangover sets in and the bigger the dose of stimulus the bigger the hangover and the problem is the more we're hooked on the stuff that we build up a tolerance and so we need bigger and bigger doses of stimulus but we don't get as high and this last dose of stimulus the biggest we've ever had barely produced a bounce and now we're rolling over again we're starting a brand new recession which is all part of this great depression but this brand new recession is starting with the unemployed unemployment rate already over eight percent in fact it's almost fifteen percent if you look at the use six numbers we're starting this recession with zero percent interest rates are going to get anywhere because certainly sets and it's going to be when this is all we can get in the recovery certainly your perspective is one perspective that a lot of people are taking on that that you know the bigger the stimulus the bigger
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the hangover but the fan. because a lot of people saying today a lot of prominent economic analysts are saying you know president obama asked for a much larger stimulus that that was what was going to be needed to get things going because this is a smaller stimulus was the one that actually went into effect not everything was achieved that's why the growth is so much slower i mean i think that's right that's always their excuse that you know we tried to put out the fire by throwing gasoline on it the problem is we didn't throw enough gas on it and that's why it didn't go out no it doesn't matter i don't care how much gasoline you throw on fire you put it out and the more stimulus we put on the economy the bigger the problem is going to be we're never going to get a recovery but i don't doubt that we're going to come back to the well and we're going to get a bigger dose of stimulus the voices for stimulus are getting louder and louder louder let's have a bigger one a bigger one my fear is the next round of stimulus the next dose is going to be the one that we overdose on is going to be a lethal dose that will completely destroy the economy because it will destroy the
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dollar peter said president at euro pacific capital also author of the real crash how to save yourself and your country i always appreciate your very outspoken perspective thank you. all right let's move on to a secret war that's been waged from inside the white house basically from the first day the president took office it seems the u.s. has been engaged in a series of cyber attacks as part of a program called the olympic games to remember that cyber worm named stocks that sent to iran to disrupt certain aspects of their nuclear program well it turns out the u.s. and israel were in fact behind that they developed and carried out the attack are you surprised well you should be we've been telling you about this for more than a year now and many of our guests that we've had on the show have said as much that the u.s. and israel are behind this well now david sanger of the new york times is saying it too the article published today says quote it appears to be the first time the united states has repeatedly used cyber weapons to cripple another country's
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infrastructure achieving with computer code and then until then it could be accomplished only by bombing a country or sending in agents to plant explosives so we want to talk about not just the cyber attacks but also about the message that we've been hearing from the inside a message very different it turns out from what's actually been happening aaron swartz is the founder and executive director of demand progress. hey there and work welcome back to the show first question i mean were you surprised that the u.s. government was behind us stocks not in so many of these other cyber attacks on other countries you know i think like you said it wasn't too surprising a lot of analysts had suspected it was the u.s. and israel but what was surprising was that they came out and admitted you know i mean you read in the new york times article that obama himself was worried that that this would set a terrible precedent i mean this is basically that the war in the u.s. government has just admitted they were behind i mean it's interesting to me because you know based on what many of our leaders have been telling us you know we should
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be afraid of other countries doing this to us let me just play a few examples for you. weapon of mass disruption you could have a cyber attack that would be as consequential in terms of the economy or maybe even in terms of loss of life as things we typically use or say it was more frightening the next pearl harbor that we confront could very well be a cyber attack that cripples our our power system certainly our grid acts of terror could come not only from a few extremists in suicide vests but from a few keystrokes on the computer so let's aaron just for a second talk about the irony here that we're told time and time again you know the pearl harbor of the internet and yet that's actually what's going on from our government so it's exact clear right this is the pearl harbor of the internet in the same way pearl harbor was an attack on a military installation so this is an attack by the u.s. government a military facility is doesn't get any clearer than that i mean this is definitive proof that the biggest threat to cyber security right now is the united states
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government i think it's important when we talk about situations like this to also show the perspective from the other side i do want to show a statement from the iranian foreign ministry spokesman ron mean maybe on par asked how this is an electronic war by the enemies of iran that can be listed under their attempts to prevent iran from acquiring peaceful nuclear power but it's a failure attempt as not a single part of the shore facility was affected or harmed by the virus and it was destroyed completely so this was of course iran's perspective they had first said there was no virus then they said they were able to capture it. intelligence now has shown that that's not exactly true but what do you make of sort of the interpretation by other countries in terms of some of these attacks launched by the u.s. . well i mean it's you know it's interesting to see iran say that this was an attack on an energy facility that was totally legitimate you know if that's the case then it's even more grave incident from the united states attacking
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a totally non military facility but either way you know it's incredibly striking moved by the u.s. government and we did we should say this new york times article very thorough had a lot of unnamed sources current and previous officials involved with this who you know obviously for obvious reasons couldn't give their names but do you think this is something that you know the white house is happy that is out there because you know we can look at that this and say well this is ironic this is hypocrisy but in some ways a lot of people look at this and they say this is exactly what the government should be doing oh there's no question this was an official story that was basically dictated by the white house so that people didn't let their names be used that was a tactical choice it wasn't you know because they were under some government restriction or something the obama administration has been very clear when there's a story about national security they don't like they go after the journalist who wrote it they were after people who talk to the journalists they start criminal proceedings i could tell you there's not going to be criminal proceedings about
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this this was a leak that was orchestrated by the white house let's talk about the partnership between the u.s. and israel obviously these are two countries that are already very close friends but what do you think the implications of this i mean some of course speculating that you know by keeping israel involved in this it put off a physical attack on iran from israel. do you think people be upset by this but this close relationship. well look i mean if the story is that we have to engage in cyber warfare because otherwise israel is going to engage in real affair the answer is simple stop providing israel with the weapons right i mean the united states is the largest funder and supplier of military as well as israel so you know if we want to prevent actual war from happening we can do that directly we don't need to go around with cyber attacks well according to the article though a lot of the officials in israel were extremely advanced and their knowledge and understanding of how to do this i guess what do you think though aaron and terms of the future what other countries will you know the u.s.
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be partnering up with to launch these kind of you know modern day attacks but i think the biggest threat right now is the united states government is paying people for security vulnerabilities and this is a huge sea change in the security community previously if you found a security vulnerability a piece of software you could make money off of it what you would do is you would disclose it and it would get fixed and everyone's computers would be more secure the u.s. government has shifted this to a policy where now people are auctioning off these vulnerabilities to the highest bidder u.s. government is willing to pay for them and i'm sure other countries are going to be willing to pay as well you know this is that excuse me merely dangerous move by the u.s. government because it means now vulnerabilities that aren't just an iranian computers they're in everyone's computer all over the world are going to be available to have hers and governments and anybody willing to pay for them i guess i want to get your take on what you think is next i mean according to you this was not a leak this was orchestrated that this knowledge is out there that it kind of makes the obama administration look tough on national security but now that it is out
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there i mean what's next you think it will just sort of be accepted that this is normal that this is something that we do every day. yeah i mean this is been the standard pattern the other week we saw a story where barack obama has a weekly tuesday terror meeting where they go through a kill list of people that he's allowed to execute via drones you know even americans for the sins that he's murdered and you know if this had happened under george w. bush people would be out in the street screaming but by making sure it happens under a democratic president you know it's normalized the people on the left who would normally criticize that stay quiet because they don't want to let mitt romney win and so you know this the reason dick cheney and other bush administration officials have been so supportive of obama's actions in the war on terror is because this is the way you normalize the sorts of things and really interesting to very briefly aaron it seems this is a perfect time for congress to be asking for more money for cyber security that is happening right now you think they're going to get it i mean again i think it's
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totally ridiculous when we're finding out that the u.s. government is paying people to create six thirty while their abilities that they're not trying to pass a bill that instead of cracking down on that is going to create more security vulnerabilities and try and enhanced the process as well as infringe on americans' privacy it's just in saying now right aaron swartz founder and executive director of demand progress thanks so much thanks for having me. well as you know we are and are to america have been covering the scene of the occupy wall street movement since day one it covered it extensively on our news programs and on our web site well some members of our creative team thought it might be a good idea to have yet another way for those involved to interact with others to leave their mark on a global stage well guess what now there's an app for that all right so here's what it is a virtual nap of wall street a new york financial region the occupy wall street app is the first ask created by our team and you can find it at apps dot facebook dot com slash occupy ws already
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we've got about a half million subscribers and we just received them very exciting news the app was nominated and just made it to the finals of the pro max b.d.a. global excellence awards this is one of the most prestigious awards in television design and marketing and my hat goes off to all of my colleagues here involved in putting that together and as for you well you should check it out. all right let's go now to a story that we've been covering for quite a while now and one of our regular guests alex jones has been covering actually for five years i'm talking about at the builder bert conference the meeting of bankers and billionaires kept secret for years then under the radar and now it's a little more well known take a look quite of quite a few headlines out today politico's as marco rubio as vice president the builder of conspiracy others built over twenty twelve technocrats arising this year salon asks will build a bargain to endorse rubio that even the huffington post has a headline about global leaders gathering for the shadowy conference at this
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virginia hotel and of course we've got someone on the ground there as well so let's go now to our to correspondent abbi martin she is live in gentilly virginia outside the hotel where the conference is being held on this rainy day abby talk to us i know this is day two what have you been seeing. so far christine there have been about four violent arrests about fifty cops lining the streets violently arrest in someone's down on the on the cop car and carting away another girl just got arrested hog tied and pulled back kind of behind the barricade so we don't exactly know what happened to her right now but severe thunderstorms and rain did push some of the protesters back today and hopefully they'll come back out but there are tornado warnings so we'll definitely see what happens in the next few hours i mean what are these protesters being arrested for are they trying to break into the hotel i know you've been reporting on this and and of course the hotel is on a major lockdown but i mean were some of these protests or trying to get in what's the deal here i think they were just out in the street and the cop said you know
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you're blocking traffic and they pushed them back to the sidewalk and they just still were yelling on the born and the cops just didn't like it and just kind of took action at that point and decided to arrest them so i'm not actually sure what the official charges were that's just what we saw and there was multiple footage of that that's online right now people can check that out now we just put up a bunch of headlines it's really interesting because this has not really been covered it's sort of been it went from like a conspiracy theory that a lot of people thought it didn't even exist it didn't even happen to people sort of acknowledging that it happened but not choosing to report on it and now we've seen some more mainstream publications actually talking about the why do you think that this is sort of the course of how things have happened and why now. i think really it's the rising citizen. clothes of the men the grassroots through the ground up i mean people are really speaking truth to power and we see a renaissance of citizen journalism happening worldwide and these that are meeting
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in secret the top one hundred forty elites in the world banking oil and politics and defense i mean you can't hide it for for so long when the dinosaur media bottoms out and decides not to cover his events time and time again citizens take it upon themselves to cover it and i think more people are recognizing that and with the emergence of occupy wall street the arab spring there's a global consciousness on the rise and people are being more aware of the power structure that exists in the world today and so they're taking upon themselves to go out covered these things and i think like you said the media is actually following suit i mean the mainstream media is actually saying hey ok they're covering it i guess you have to cover it at some point we're kind of falling behind the citizen journalist out here with the rigs on i mean they're really just the one man band citizen journalism taking in mainstream media by fire now obviously as we know the bill over a conference is highly secret the hotel is cleared out a few days in advance only people invited to the conference are allowed to stay
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there there's not any sort of list of names out there so we don't know exactly what's happening we can only speculate but what to the protesters out there say what's their beef with this conference happening i mean who cares that a bunch of rich guys are meeting. well actually this year they did release that official list of the ten deans on the build a bird website and i think that that's another sign that they're saying hey you know we're not we're not a secret if you guys are making it look like here here's the people who are coming this year so that is interesting that this year they decided to do that people out here are protesting the secrecy we see nato g eight these giant world summits that take place and there's a ton of press coverage there's massive protests there's a ton of awareness about these meetings with global leaders but for some reason the building her group is completely done in secret behind closed doors there's very early a piece about it on the mainstream media and you have to ask yourself you know when global elites get together foreign diplomats and heads of c.e.o.'s c.e.o.'s of
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corporations get together and discuss policy how is that going to affect the rest of the world and what exactly are they talking about kind of hard to believe that these people would get together and just you know talk about sports or movies i mean they're obviously talking about global policy and how that how does that can affect the rest of the world so i think that's why people are out here saying we want answers we want to know what is going on and what you guys are doing in there because we have to say we're the people of this world and we want to know what policies you guys are talking about they're going to affect us in the future certainly some important questions that at least people are finally asking are to correspondent abbie martin there for us in chantilly virginia. well the capital account is up next on our t.v. let's check in with lauren lasorda see what's on the agenda lauren it's friday the jobs numbers are out there is that am i getting warm in terms of what you might be talking about christine you are more than warm you are hot ok that is exactly what we're going to be talking about because any time we get this bad news which the
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jobs numbers definitely were but this is one in a series of pieces of bad data we've got now recently and it seems that every time this happens every time there is something bad coming out yet again we see this same response by policymakers by also people in the media again about what our central banks going to do are more money printing efforts going to be had are we going to see more acutely more stimulus the question we asked christine is why when central bankers seem to be bumper cars bumping up against each other with stimulus but without it getting out so why does this cycle keep continuing we're going to ask that question christine and we spoke to peter schiff earlier in the show who had some similar questions seems to think that this is another reason the some of the lawmakers are going to use for q e three stay tuned everyone and make sure you catch the capital account next and for us here that's going to do it for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america or check out
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our website r t dot com slash usa. culture is that so much a given to each musician find the mark of a revolution misunderstood soon egyptians will go to the polls to democratically elected president but what about the choice is this a contest to. download the official placation to go on the phone oh i pod touch from the queues ops to. life on the go.
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