tv [untitled] June 3, 2012 7:02am-7:32am EDT
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how often you went afterwards to berlin on a whirlwind visit which lasted for only coffee date was going to prison and german chancellor angela merkel seemed to see eye to eye on the matters concerning syria now earlier in the week u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said that russia is aiding to the troubles in syria by continuing to support the regime of president bashar al assad to which of course their action president prepared a response. but russia is unilaterally supporting the regime. we have longstanding good relations with syria but we soon become feet if. i agree with. that are committed to. both russian and german leaders seem to believe that their coffee on speed planet should be seen to progress to excess fully at the moment it does seem like a strong a by the seemingly unstoppable of fighting on all sides in syria now of
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course that not all leaders in europe seem to agree with the french president francois along there also earlier in the week did mention that france supports military intervention in the middle eastern country and of course that is something that russia is adamantly against and that was one of the matters discussed by putin on his last leg of the european tour which took him to paris now of course there is no agreement on the issue of syria among the european leaders among other issues which were also discussed or mentioned which in. a way that the french president of course was the issue of missile defense now russia is russia is adamant that the plans for creation of the missile defense shield in eastern europe a plan much hailed by nato and the united states as being very much needed by countries to counteract the pose a possible strikes from the likes of iran and north korea now these plans of worry very much. has been adamant in its demands that nato and its allies present
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guarantees that this missile shield will not be used against russia would be shelling. in the past we've often been promised who wouldn't explain and then we were promised that need to wouldn't put military hardware in the russian but we've seen it expand and its bases spread you know we need guarantees but i'd like to say we're not going to escalate this discussion we've already employed all partners to engage in dialogue it is natural that all of these issues of course will crop up during the russia e.u. summit which kicks off in st petersburg today and although we probably cannot expect a major breakthrough to be done it is clear that a lot of people lot of observers as well as all of the european leaders involved are hoping that some sort of movement forward will finally be made at least in some of these topics. syrian president bashar al assad says his country is facing a real war and once again blamed forces from outside for instigating the conflict
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he said his government had nothing to do with the houla massacre in which more than one hundred people including many children died last week his comments come as an independent u.n. panel said to begin investigating what happened in houla russia spoken out against a recent un human rights council resolution condemning the syrian government for the atrocity moscow says the move jeopardize his coffin and peace plan by blaming only one side before the results of an investigation and no earlier qatar and saudi arabia pledged more aid to the rebels. and then is warning not to rush to conclusions about the houla tragedy russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov referred to the balkans war in the ninety's he said that european officials cause nato then to intervene by declaring a genocide of kosovo albanians yet leaks from a later investigation should jested the victims were actually cos of armed militants killed in the fighting serbian political analysts trick of it says the current situation in syria has parallels with the balkans war the lessons of which
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he believes have not been learned. atrocity management has done wonders first for the bosnian muslims during the bosnian war ninety two to ninety five and then for the costs of albanians in the run up to the nato bombing of one thousand nine the political utility of atrocity management is immediate and we have to ask in this particular case who has to gain from this situation certainly not the syrians slaughtering innocent civilians under the noses of international observers this thing stinks to heaven and i would bet my last gold needle that we are indeed looking at a case of premeditated cold blooded murder of civilians by deceived by the syrian rebels in order to provoke international intervention as the strife in syria drags on the rebels are being sustained by a constant flow of arms reportedly coming through neighboring lebanon but this deadly trade is also a matter of faith not just money it is more if
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a national reports a seller shows off his goods. this is five thousand dollars nine hundred eighteen hundred and two thousand the seven machine guns between two and a half and three thousand u.s. parks shaadi not his real name also has rocket propelled and hand grenades which he showed me in private people come or contact me every day we have a revolution next door. we talking shot his garage in tripoli lebanon on syrian rebels are his major clients are very popular but recently they're looking for really have the stuff we buy from her and they're ours and research they have a nerve and they're getting it for free and as iran makes their entire story. it will take no more than ten hours for this shot he says to reach lebanon's conflict and gulf to neighbor since the beginning of the uprising in syria last march arms
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prices have rocketed for some items the coast has gone up five and sometimes even ten times and the more the conflict drags on the more look at it it means for the weapons dealers but money is not the key reason shaadi is a sunni muslim and to him it's his holy do you t. to support his co religious fighters in syria for sure. they do it. in sunni dominated north lebanon where we meet the arms dealer those who want assad out are in the absolute majority and they are sending their religious brothers in neighboring syria a lot more than prayers a mad twenty nine year old field commander from the free syrian army was wounded during the baba amr siege earlier this spring together with other injured f.s.a. members he's now having treatment in lebanon but his not stopped fighting entirely . we have supported syrian ex-pats everywhere in the world people from britain
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france saudi arabia also send us money weapons walkie talkies. he says every day tons of this aid to go through his hands but for him it's not enough as soon as he gets better he returned to syria. ahmed is a selfie a radical sunni group whose influence in this part of lebanon is growing dramatically there are demonstrations in favor of the syrian uprising a role so part of the support package everything counts. we also need some a fish a call might have bakley one of the founders of the band islamic group suspected of links to international terrorism and he says his input in the syrian revolt in sending the rebels the ideas and encouragement to achieve the ultimate goal would be to make call at the overthrow of the government will make all the scholars speak
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for against these issues make them all up lies against the c.i. government and other some of the shake in tripoli runs this car parts shop he confirms that every sunni and especially every salafist here in lebanon is involved either ideologically or financially in what he calls syrian liberation army already helped the tunisian and egyptian revolution we want syrians now to get rid of this regime. shake muslim doesn't wear muslim white robes and keeps his beard secret every selfie short so as not to draw too much attention he says everybody sekret feiss something these days just to see their mission and assad free syria completed . an r.t. reporting from northern lebanon. still ahead here this hour out moved austerity ireland says yes to the fiscal treaty in a referendum even though it means brussels taking overall control of the country's
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national economic policy reporter and also reporting on the rage of roadblocks angry so protest clashing with nato peacekeepers over barricades in northern cos of we've got the picture. egypt's ousted president hosni mubarak who was given a life sentence on saturday's been admitted to a prison hospital now after reportedly suffering a heart attack while being taken from court however the life term acquittal of his two sons was considered too lenient by many triggering mass protests across the country with people demanding with death penalty for the deposed leader more than ten thousand gathered overnight in cairo i did for you city south of cairo an enraged mall botak the headquarters of the presidential candidate and mubarak's last prime minister ahmed to feed freelance journalist bill druze in tahrir square for r.t. . guys when they heard of a barak was given twenty five years of life sentence they were euphoric because people busy making would just be done for corruption charges however they realized
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that his sons and i come out to say. the interior ministry is a six police officers would not be were actually acquitted people started to realize that perhaps the verdict was that they wanted to say what we saw was actually my stock price here cross egypt where people basically came to the streets are streaming angry about a lot of people calling for just send him down so we still have several tens of thousands of people here with aunt maria and across egypt really very angry mubarak's the families who is deduction lodge an appeal earlier as soon as the verdict was really announced i mean that's one of the biggest fears the protesters are. fearing really is that he will actually. be fixed up to his you know such lead end up serving his life sentence this is why people are still on the streets basically people to believe that they do system is transparent so they think that perhaps that part will be acquitted because that's what the regime the old regime
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is still in place once people are beginning to make the connections between what they consider to be the old regime and the new regime which the military council basically what they seen is mubarak get off likely they want to hear they want to see the death sentence they want to taste sons to be put in prison. at the same time in the background of the elections where the park's former prime minister which it seems is actually considered to be one of the most but what makes the most popular candidate so people are really fearing is that this regime will never read any statement know why. the muslim brotherhood candidate in egypt's presidential election mohammed mosi valid if he's elected he'd retrials to mubarak along with several of his loyal officials some i found a revolution activist in cairo says the brotherhood actively trying to use the mubarak's trial to its advantage now in the upcoming presidential runoff people took the street for different reasons then you have to acknowledge that some revolutionary forces the ministry because they think this is is the rebuilding
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itself again. mubarak is about to be acquitted if the court ruling gets contested before the appellate court and this is this is expected by the way and others particularly muslim brotherhood wanted to portray their candidates in the presidential elections for the second round. as a candidate of the egyptian revolution again this is the old regime again is more barak and there guinness also is a state establishment candidate in this race there's a muslim brotherhood this is trying to capitalize on what's going on for the sake of the presidential election. time's running out for julian assange says his legal team knows less than two weeks for a last ditch attempt to stop him being extradited to sweden britain supreme court ordered the wiki leaks founder be handed over to once a sex crimes allegations the sanction of supporters fail over the stockholm i
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eventually send him to the united states to face espionage charges over the mass leaking of sensitive and embarrassing american diplomatic cables r.t. sarah firth as the story. the truth shall set you free all. the supporters were out in full six weeks for julian assange tearing his appeal was rejected in a split five key decision by the judges after all the five hundred days of house arrest in britain he's now on the brink of deportation to sweden to answer questions about sexual assault accusations he say a trumped up basic point to remember that julian hasn't been charged with any crime in any country and it really is extraordinary that so much been extradited just for the purpose of questioning. it all began when we started revealing uncomfortable truths about the us government the afghanistan and iraq war logs gave shocking detail about the violent occupation of these countries the scale of civilian deaths
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and potential war crimes all at the hands of u.s. forces and the swedish arrest warrant wasn't far behind i think this will send a chilling effect to potential whistleblowers but if they dare challenge the secrecy and indeed in many cases war crimes of united states they will face retribution and that's bad for democracy it's bad for human rights the case has been seen by many as a david and goliath style fight but the stanch taking on not just the legal system but the establishments that seek to silence him and wiki leaks and it's not just the government media that championed a stange is a freedom of speech defender spectacularly turned on him in recent times. didn't want to be a member of the club. and that was the problem. produced in a matter of two years. more revelation about the workings of democratic up the workings of the world in many ways how the world is wrong when all the news by
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western world put together. the word jealousy comes to my mind in effect the twist in the tale songes legal team managed to get had an eleventh hour extradition stay if they fail this battle is likely to end up in the european court of human rights it is. really a ritual. that should not be have. told me unnecessary but there she is disappointment among his the qualities at the station and i will study this wasn't just the last beginning a staunch and his legal team but a loss for the british justice system as well sir a london journalist and author believes it's a matter of principle now for the swedish authorities to have a stands convicted. and what i've seen so far on the net this pretty consistent with what we have seen all along in the past eighteen months or so and that is
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a mainly hostile and negative attitude towards joining the songs and his attempt to avoid extradition to sweden my own opinion is that the swedish prosecutors have invested so much prestige in this case that they're under a lot of pressure to get him convicted of something so i don't think they're just going to walk away from the case but they may surprise the ships so everything that i've seen thus far indicates to me however that the prosecutor in charge is rather seriously determined to convict him of something. remember you can always watch any percentages in t.v. shows at our channel on our website as well as streaming wherever you want to see it r t don't call me during the latest installment if you didn't catch it last week various occupy protesters to hear the first story of a small movie became what it is now it's really interesting watching as it's online is going to catch any time along with other programs also online as well what you might want to get of speed on this one too violent clash between neo nazis and anti
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nazi groups and how more than seven hundred arrests the cameras were there we've got the pictures and it's all more. on thursday island voted yes to the e.u. fiscal treaty by a margin of sixty forty critics say the plan will impose long term austerity and permanent loss of sovereignty from dublin to brussels over economic affairs artie's laura smith. ireland says yes to pricing european austerity into law and ceding more still pretty to brussels the sixty forty result saw a split between rich and poor with middle class in rural areas in favor and working class urban dwellers against sinn fein leader gerry adams campaigned vigorously against the treaty and is now ireland's most popular party leader as a result the government real number of commitments during.
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we're converted to the notion that you can't cut your way. up to get people. back into work. just. as a result of the great depression. so we. hold to those commitments they'll need to unemployment up to fifteen percent welfare payments are cut public sector spending has been slashed everyone's feeling the pinch including publican jimmy killed near he's seen his turnover by hauff as locals batten down the hatches we would have had. five full time employees and four part time we're now down to two full time to part time we had a restaurant upstairs which is. another three full time jobs. it's a huge factor it's the discretionary spend that people have. you can see it throughout
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. the restaurant. people are very very very careful on how they spend their money to pay the economies tightly bound to the euro zone through bank loans and bailouts the treaty binds budget treat policy even tighter so that brussels will have a say over how arlen spends its money on healy of social justice ireland says it's a badly written treaty that will do what it's meant to do what we're looking at no is a limiting limitation being imposed by this treaty which we believe quite strongly means that we cannot put in the investment levels that are required of the scale that's required to actually generate the draws to produce the jobs that are required to get out of this mess that it's thanks to the constitution the irish are the only european people who got to vote on the pact and all but two. e.u. member governments have already signed it the yes vote will give out his power to
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an unpopular treaty france's new president francois hollande has talked about trying to renegotiate the pact and germany's angela merkel despite having written the treaty can't get her own parliament to ratify it richard boyd baratz of the united left alliance sees a police future because of all of the gambling debts and banks and speculators have been put on to the books of the state that this would mean permanent austerity indians' worth of courts every year for at least a decade or more in order to meet the treaty targets and that we believe will do on told damage to the economy which is already very traumatized for ireland it seems more damaging austerity is up ahead here in dublin every taste is bristling with referendum haste is there no posters called the fiscal pact the bankers treaty the austerity pact but the yes campaign has won the day with its message of stability
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saying itself prepared to cede silver and sea in exchange for financial backup but even that's not guaranteed in a beleaguered yuri's they know it's me. on friday nato led peacekeepers deployed in northern kosovo exchanged fire with angry protesters for demonstrators into german allied soldiers in the clashes local serbs tried to prevent troops from removing barricades they'd set up last year on the border the course of those road blocks were erected in response to the tent where think i've begun authorities to impose border and customs controls the serbs in kosovo rejected two thousand and eight declaration of independence from serbia political analyst exam the provision belgrade says the presence of foreign troops on the trouble. the nato forces which are being called peacekeepers are actually trying to use force to force the course of the serbs to accept living in independent kosovo which they won't accept and that's the whole root of the problem this morning they've actually fired live ammunition at people trying to keep the barricades and
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they're trying to keep the barricades to prevent. the calls of all baiting regime from prishtina to get a hold of the north northern part of the territory so actually this morning we've had wounded civilians wounded by so-called peacekeepers using live ammunition against barehanded people on our own people so actually peace is the last thing that on their mind unfortunately i do want to say that this was something at the beginning of june which was to be expected because there is a sort of a power vacuum in belgrade right now we've just had parliamentary and presidential elections but we do not have a functioning government we only have a technical government so actually what's nato and the e.u. and the u.s. are doing they're using the power vacuum in belgrade to try to to establish a new reality on the ground in kosovo. i'm just letting you know coming up next hour an exclusive interview r.t.
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talks to serbia's newly elected president who says he's ready to maintain dialogue with prishtina. of a vocal group as that i'm ready for dialogue but not with hashem tattoo because the resubmission is that he committed crimes against the people he cannot negotiate until the investigation of his case finishes but i will speak with other representatives after the bombing of serbia in one thousand nine hundred nine we left nato in the territory of course available we gave them civil and military power and we have a administration in full communities and all because of it and the e.u. has asked us to abolish these serbian institutions we responded that we cannot do that because we have a university there are hospitals schools and colleges i just follow the constitutions and in serbia the president is its current or our constitution says that kosovo and metohija are parts of serbia. world music brief suspected car bomb attacks left thirty three people injured in nigeria the explosion had near a church in the north part of the country officials believe others inside were
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likely killed though that's not been confirmed nigerian churches are often the targets of sectarian violence carried out by the radical islamist group boko haram . thousands of students marched to the streets of montreal in protest at proposed to wish and fee hikes it came two days after talks collapsed between activists and the government aimed at ending months of sometimes violent protests over two and a half thousand people have been arrested since demonstrations began in more than a dozen colleges and universities in quebec. in guyana ten people in a minibus have died after being hit by a cargo plane which crash landed at the country's main airport the plane overshot the runway and plowed into the packed vehicle four crew aboard the jet escape with injuries and were taken to hospitals not yet clear what went wrong. just ahead a story of how to travel has found the calling of life for one of russia's oldest buddhist temples the first i'll bring you a recap of the headlines in just a few minutes it's now. twenty seven minutes past three o'clock moscow time.
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this is the weekly from r t with me kevin our present rejected calls for military intervention in syria reiterating that the u.n. peace plan is the only way to prevent full scale civil war the comments were made this week during his first foreign tour of his new term me to be leaders of germany france and brother was said of the e.u. summit in some papers but other headlines from us syria's president assad says his government had nothing to do with the houla massacre in which over one hundred people were killed last week and as the u.n. orders an investigation to find out who is really responsible. big protests in egypt as ousted former president hosni mubarak begins a life sentence for his part in the deaths of hundreds of protesters during last
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year's revolution thousands rioted in cairo with many angry that he's not been executed. and time's running out for julian assange with under a fourth legal team to follow a last ditch appeal after britain supreme court ordered his extradition to sweden. is a should it's been a supporters fear it could eventually be to him being handed over to the u.s. to face espionage charges over the leaking of american diplomatic cables. up next discover a pearl of the religion and it's located in eastern siberia. in eastern siberia two buddhists buddha lama lama discovered a miracle buried under the ground today as can be found in the major buddhist temple of russia of against good art so. different people see him in different ways some think that he is looking at them to me it seems.
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