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tv   [untitled]    June 3, 2012 11:02pm-11:32pm EDT

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everybody in washington wants change everybody in europe and as well as the gulf countries and so but i was always condemned from the very start they never gave it a chance they never worked or did anything to try to see to its realisation they never ever put any pressure on their so-called friends in the syrian opposition and instead in fact arm to the syrian opposition and increase the violence and increase the bloodshed so it is quite rich now that they will without any evidence at all and while an investigation is ongoing automatically condemn the syrian government for what is a war this is a civil war you know the the western reaction and provocation of everything that's going on in syria is just the same old story over and over again they will not stop until they have regime change and so they do not want peace they do not want the annan plan to succeed and we know about foreign fighters are going in not only weapons from the gulf facilitated by the west but also foreign fighters are growing and stroking we know that here in lebanon there are fighters being trained in the
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north and they go across the border frequently to stir up trouble and to create more antagonism between sunni and the other way community and it's just a tragedy that's unfolding and the syrian people are the ones who are suffering about two thousand soldiers and security forces have entered the areas of the lebanese city of tripoli to restore calm after deadly clashes between pro and then to syrian regime gunmen the army was deployed in order to reach an accord on the implementation of security measures at least fourteen people have been killed and dozens injured in the fields fighting over the weekend lebanon is also thought to be a major hub for the syrian rebels but as maria notional reports the deadly weapons flow is also a matter of the. a seller shows off his goods. this is five thousand dollars this is thirteen hundred eighteen hundred and two thousand the seven machine guns between two and a half and three thousand u.s.
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parks shaadi not his real name also has rocket propelled and hand grenades which he showed me in private people come contact me every day we have a revolution next door. we talking shop his garage in tripoli lebanon syrian rebels are his major clients are very popular but recently they're looking for really have the stuff we buy from her and they're ours and resell they have a nerve and they're getting it for free as iran makes their entire story. it'll take no more than ten hours for this shot he says to reach lebanon's conflict in the gulf to neighbor since the beginning of the uprising in syria last march arms prices have rocketed for some items the coast has gone up five and sometimes even ten times and the more the conflict drags on the mall look at if it ends for the weapons dealers but money is not the key reason shaadi is a sunni muslim and to him it's his holy do you support his co religious fighters in
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syria for sure we. will help them topple assad till they do it. in a sunni dominated north never known where we meet the arms dealer those who want assad out are in the absolute majority and they are sending their religious brothers in neighboring syria a lot more than prayers. a mad twenty nine year old field commander from the free syrian army was wounded during the bubble armor siege earlier this spring together with other injured f.s.a. members he's now having treatment in lebanon but his not stopped fighting entirely . we have supported syrian ex-pats everywhere in the world people from britain france saudi arabia also send us the money we buy weapons walkie talkies. borders he says every day tons of this aid to go through his hands but for him it's not enough as soon as he gets better he'll return to syria. is a selfie
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a radical sunni group whose influence in this part of lebanon is growing dramatically. there are demonstrations in favor of the syrian uprising a role so part of the support package everything sounds. we also made some of fish a call might have bakley one of the founders of the band islamic group suspected of links to international terrorism and he says his input in the syrian revolt in sending the rebels the ideas and encouragement to achieve the ultimate goal would be to make all the overthrow of the government we would make all the squabbles speak for against the. issues make them all up lies against a sea of government and other selfish a can triple the runs this car parts shop and he confirms that every sunni and especially every salafist here in lebanon is involved either ideologically or financially in what he calls syrian liberation.
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already helped the tunisian and egyptian revolutions we want syrians now to get rid of this regime shake muslim doesn't wear muslim white robes and keeps his beard secret to every cellophane shot so as not to draw too much attention he says everybody has something these days just to see their mission and assad for. syria completed. the reporting from northern lebanon. on a top level tour of the euro president putin this week patience to let the coffee and on plan come into effect in syria he is speaking ahead of a meeting with top either officials who have now arrived in st petersburg and they've got a lot to discuss as a rino girlish quick spain. was it which in its first stop was in minsk which many saw as an indication that russia's foreign policy now will focus more on its closest neighbors and the c.i.s. countries many observers also saw this visit as the beginning of the suppose that
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the plan of economic and eastern bloc now off you went afterwards to berlin on a whirlwind visit which lasted for only half a day was going to put an end german chancellor angela merkel who seemed to see eye to eye on the matters concerning syria now earlier in the week u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said that russia is aiding to the troubles in syria by continuing to support the regime of president bashar al assad to which of course the russian president prepared a response. but usually russia is unilaterally supporting the assad regime. we have longstanding good relations with syria but we soon to be conflict. and agree with. common objectives. both russian and german leaders seem to believe that coffee on speed planet should be seen to progress to fully at
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the moment it does seem like a strong a by the seemingly unstoppable of fighting on all sides in syria now of course that not all leaders in europe seem to agree with the french president francois long also earlier in the week did mention that france supports military intervention in the middle eastern country and of course that is something that russia is adamantly against and that was one of the matters discussed by putin on his last leg of the european tour which took him to paris now of course there is no agreement on the issue of syria among the european leaders among other issues which were also discussed or mentioned to put in a meeting with the french president of course was the issue of missile defense now russia's russia's adamant. the plans for creation of the missile defense shield in eastern europe a plan much hailed by nato and the united states as being very much needed by countries to counteract the supposedly possible strikes from the likes of iran in
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north korea now these plans worry moscow very much and moscow has been adamant in its demands that nato and its allies present written guarantees that this missile shield will not be used against russia should be shared. in the past we've often been promised we wouldn't expect then we were promised a new two wouldn't put military hardware in the russian but we've seen it expand and its bases spread you know we need guarantees but i'd like to say we're not going to escalate this discussion we've been ready and willing to go partners to engage in dialogue it is natural that all of these issues of course will crop up during the russia e.u. summit in st petersburg and although we've probably cannot expect a major breakthrough to be done it is clear that a lot of people lot of observers as well as all of the european leaders involved are hoping that some sort of movement forward will finally be made at least in some
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of these topics. around the clock most protests carry on for the second month in a row in egypt over hosni mubarak sentence the country's also that leader is serving life for complicity in the killing of eight hundred fifty protesters during last year's uprising two sons and six security officials have been acquitted which also caused a burst of indignation among the people. is in cairo. hundreds of protesters occupying terrorists where behind me and more reporting into the square larger demonstrations have also been called for later in the day this all started yesterday initially with joy at the life sentence that was given to former president hosni mubarak but then turned to anger as a number of security officials in his administration were acquitted of any involvement in the deaths of hundreds of protesters in egypt's revolution last year . the verdict has given the police the green light to do whatever they want because
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they knew they wouldn't be punished we want those who kill their children to get life sentences and hosni mubarak and his interior minister should be executed. no doubt this verdict humiliating a year and a half after the revolution those who ruined this country escaped justice we know they're going to appeal the verdict people should unite to prevent that. mohamed morsi the muslim brotherhood candidate in the upcoming second round of the presidential election said that the revolution the started last year in egypt should continue and that if he was elected president he would make sure at least try to get mubarak back on trial and have him executed the top prosecutor in egypt he's going to appeal the acquittals of those top security officials people here who are really focused on the u.s. today's verdict snow said that that is the sign that the military here that the old
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regime may still in power chafee is the other candidate in the election he is mubarak's last prime minister a former general he has had offices of his both in the capital and in other towns raided and people say that they were even doubting whether a second round in the election should go ahead. after which i pretty house said that he wouldn't reinstate the all regime but he's going to have all of these very free to do to try and make people believe the future demonstrations planned in the coming week including a million man march through the capital. of as a journalist and danny says this level of mohamed morsi has promised to execute mubarak shows they his only intention is to win the election not to build a democratic and will for egypt they are also people demonstrating against. life sentence which do see as very lenient but it also has to be said there are
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also commentators and other people who do the key to successful revolution is precisely to do this on the mood of the room and indeed to send an execution of mubarak would be a setback to not only egypt's revolution but also to the arab spring in general surely and a key to a successful revolution is not to see the america tactics being reproduced in a tree in democracy in egypt but the two candidates who are switched to capitalize on. said that he was in great danger just. because it means that nobody is in the middle now this is a man who was a very trying to highlight he's traveled he was in peace dies a little more regime really and he's complaining that the egyptians are mainly concerned which are weak prominent figure in very. regime should enter.
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that we could lead shiva jillian asuncion lost his appeal against extradition from the u.k. to sweden where he's wanted on sexual assault allegations but his supreme court ruled on wednesday that his arrest warrant or was a lawful as i'm just saying was given fourteen day to appeal that decision which the world's top with a blow with it's politically motivated surfer three reports from london. the truth shall set you free or no it's the supporters were out in full six weeks for julian assange tearing his appeal was rejected and spit five t. decision by the judges after all the five hundred days of house arrest in britain he's now on the brink of deportation to sweden to answer questions about sexual assault accusations he's say a trumped up basic point you remember that julian hasn't been charged with any crime in any country and it really is extraordinary that so much pain actual joy just for the purpose of questioning. it all began when we started revealing
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uncomfortable truths about the us government the afghanistan and iraq war logs scaife shocking detail about the violent occupation of those countries the scale of civilian deaths on potential war crimes all at the hands of u.s. forces and the swedish arrest warrant wasn't far behind i think this will send a chilling effect to or potential because of laws but if they dare challenge the secrecy and indeed in many cases war crimes of united states they will face retribution and that's bad for democracy it's bad for human rights the case is being seen by many as a david and goliath style fight with a stanch taking on not just the legal system but the establishment that seek to silence him and wiki leaks and it's not just the government media that championed the songes of freedom of speech defend a spectacularly turned on him in recent times he didn't want to be a member of the club. and that was the problem we can reach produced in
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a matter of two years. revelations about the workings of democratic governments and the workings of the world in many ways how the world is wrong going all the newspapers in the western world put together. the word jealousy comes. in a further twist in the tiles. songes legal team managed to get him an eleventh hour extradition stay if they fail this battle is likely to end up in the european court of human rights it is. really a ritual. that should not be have. told me on this issue very well that he's disappointment among his supporters at the decision and a real sense that this wasn't just a loss for julian a stange and his legal team but a loss for the british justice system as well sir are a london while under house arrest in britain julia sanches filmed his talk show the
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next day as an r.t.a. this cheese day don't forget you can also catch a previous episodes at r.t.e. . they are as people have said yes' said to more this week in a nationwide referendum supporters say this will ensure stability and more rescue cash while critics fear the country will lose out the power to make its own decisions are seen as laura smith explains ireland says yes to writing european austerity into law and ceding more sovereignty to brussels the sixty forty result saw a split between rich and poor with middle class and rural areas in favor of working class urban dwellers against sin fein leader gerry adams campaigned vigorously against the treaty and is now ireland's most popular party leader as a result of government. commitments during the.
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we're converted to the notion that you can't cut your way. up to get people. back into work. just banking. the result of the greed of private bankers. so we. hold to those commitments they'll need to unemployment up to fifteen percent welfare payments a cut public sector spending has been slashed everyone's feeling the pinch including publican jimmy killed near he's seen his turnover fall by hauff as locals batten down the hatches we would have had. five full time employees and four part time to full time to part time we had a restaurant upstairs which is. another three full time jobs. it's a huge factor it's the discretionary spend that people have. you can see it throughout
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. the restaurant. people are very very very careful on how they spend their money to pay the economies tightly bound to the euro zone three bank loans and bailouts the treaty binds budget treat policy even tighter so that brussels will have a say over how island spends its money so when he leaves social justice ireland says it's a badly written treaty that will do what it's meant to do what we're looking at no is a limiting limitation being imposed by this treaty which we believe quite strongly means that we cannot put in the investment levels of the scale that's required actually generated to produce the jobs that are required to get out of this mess that it's in thanks to the constitution the irish are the only european people who got to vote on the pact and all but two. but governments have already signed it the
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u.s. will give outage power to an unpopular treaty france's new president francois hollande has talked about trying to renegotiate the pact and germany's angela merkel despite having written the treaty can't get her own parliament to ratify it richard boyd baratz of the united left alliance sees a police future because of all of the gambling debts of banks and speculators of import onto the books of the stage but this would mean permanent austerity billions worth of courts every year for at least a decade or more in order to meet the treaty targets and we believe will do damage to the economy which is already very traumatized for ireland it seems more damaging austerity is up ahead here in every bristling with referendum the no post it's called the fiscal pact the bankers treaty the austerity pact but the yes campaign has won the day with its message of stability. prepared to see over and
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see in exchange for financial backup but even that's not guarantee. doris may. remember there's always more in all of us stories including the ireland referendum and r.t. dot com you'll also find our t.v. very own occupy apple and facebook lets you do just their campout and campaign without leaving your p.c. and the. design award take a look online. and britain's been marking queen elizabeth the diamond jubilee with the biggest river pageant in three hundred fifty years if the tale of a thousand votes of all shapes and sizes sail down the times on sunday save for yourself and our car. a day after laying out details of the pentagon's new asia pacific strategy you with defense secretary leon panetta has visited vietnam. on saturday he said the majority of america's warships will be deployed in the area
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by two thousand and twenty american talk show host as stephen lemon says this is a virtual declaration of war for domination in the region. well america is doing everything possible to maintain it start going to school locally months back obama gave a speech he said america will increase its presence in middle east and the east asia north korea is the punching bag china is the target if china knows it just the way russia knows it being encircled with u.s. bases in america's missile shield it is nothing to do with iran it is everything to do with russia and america it was the established basing rights already has them by numerous countries in central asia japan of course and south korea china knows there's china believes that the south china sea. is what it is america wants to
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come in and usurp them but just imagine what is china or russia what it its fleet of america's east the west coast for the congress it would probably be an act of war. have a look at other stories making headlines at this hour is the death toll in sunday's plane crash in nigeria could rise to two hundred officials confirm all a hundred fifty three on board and another on the ground were killed when the jet plowed into a two story building with these forty victims thought to be trapped under the rubble the pilot reported technical problems on region lagos airport and the plane reportedly clipped a high voltage wire of trying to land this is nigeria's worst air disaster in almost two decades and the president has declared a period of national mourning. up to sixteen suspected taliban fighters have been reportedly killed in another four injured by a u.s. drone strike in northwestern pakistan near the afghan border the missiles targeted
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a house and a car reportedly carrying the militants it was the seventy u.s. drone strike in the last two weeks the continuing attacks are increasing tension between pakistan and washington which has ignored him wants to stop the use of unmanned aircraft. three people were killed in aid injured when they hang grenade was detonated in the peg nightclub in serbia explosion in evo north of the country's capital belgrade when of up to a group became angry over being denied entry to the club two of them were killed in the blast incidents with firearms are relatively common in the balkans where many weapons remain in civilian hands after the one thousand nine hundred warthe. in north or in kosovo clashes between serbian protesters and nato led peacekeepers have left at least six people wounded local serbs trying to prevent troops from removing bury cases set up last year on the border with kosovo the roadblocks were
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in response to an attempt by ethnic albanian authorities to impose border and customs controls major groups use tear gas and small arms and protesters who responded to with stones and hemp and fire serves and possible rejects the areas. than a declaration of independence from political analyst alexander in belgrade says the presence of foreign changes only stirs up more trouble. the nato forces which are being called peacekeepers are actually trying to use force to force the course of the serbs to accept living in independent kosovo which they won't accept and that's the whole root of the problem they've actually profiled live ammunition at people trying to keep the barricades and they're trying to keep the barricades to prevent the calls of all baiting regime from trieste or not to get a hold of the north northern part of the territory so we've had wounded civilians wounded by so-called peacekeepers using live ammunition against bare handed people
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on our own people so actually peace is the last thing that on their mind unfortunately i do want to say that this was something at the beginning of june which was to be expected because there is a sort of a power vacuum in belgrade right now we've just had parliamentary and presidential elections but we do not have a functioning government and we only have a technical government so actually what's nato and the e.u. and the u.s. are doing there using the power of vacuum in belgrade to try to to establish a new reality on the ground in kosovo. i'll be back with a recap of the top stories in just a couple of minutes and after that it's over to peter lavelle and his guess of all cross talk stay tuned for that the formula. to.
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culture is that so much in a moment taxpayers' money lending institution is going to be the modern people at area just when trying to use the west when it comes to soft power is the west specifically the u.s. losing its ability to influence others through weak sample. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest we.
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we want to present. something real. wealthy british scientists are. time to. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger or no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser
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reports. you're watching our t.v. just in time for a recap of the headlines moscow wants at the u.n. human rights a body is pushing the syrian peace plan to address why blaming the regime which accuses rebel gangs for the houla massacre russia believes that hundred nation is premature because the investigation is still ongoing and puts pressure on the security council. while president putin has reaffirmed his stance on not taking sides entering top level visits to paris and berlin speaking i had a meeting with the e.u. top brass which had launched in some petersburg. theory in egypt for the second night in a row as demonstrators angry at what they see as a self sentence were they a former leader bradley across the country said president hosni mubarak is now
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serving life for his part in killing eight hundred fifty protesters during last year's uprising. and the world's top whistleblower loses his extradition appeal from britain to sweden on sex assault allegation joining us on the legal team has fourteen days to appeal the decision which they believe is politically motivated. more on those stories in just half an hour and right now let's join peter lavelle and his guests for another a heated debate cross talk is up next.


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