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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report. there is center stage at the russia the e.u. summit with european leaders likely to push russia to exert more pressure on damascus moscow says the dialogue is the best means to resolve the conflict more details just ahead. syria's president decries the houla massacre and blasts the perpetrators as monsters turns to blame his regime being labeled as part of a plan to engineer foreign military intervention. thus the court verdict on egypt's ousted leader hosni mubarak and his aides ignites fierce continuing protest as both candidates competing in the presidential election a secret exploiting the sentencing. and russian markets take off the trade in. the
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red x. standing in international plunge all the consoles and business in twenty minutes. fly from moscow twenty four hours a day this is r.t. on kerry just. calls for outside military intervention in syria and laying blame only on the assad regime for the violence have been vigorously opposed by russia which has been pushing for dialogue instead this position is expected to be put to the test russia e.u. summit in st petersburg for more on this let's go live now i want to. read of the meeting is one underway now what do we expect to come out of it. well of course as we know that europe and the west in general. clearly the united states seemed to be
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adamant about seeing a president also said leave his supposed to leave syria to me all position of course we also know that the french president francois long makes absolutely no secret that what's wrong with it is for military intervention in syria as they say to stop the bloodshed and of course the u.n. human rights resolution was just passed or it was just proposed by the united nations that was adamantly rejected by russia who say that that resolution is one sided it's biased and of course russia voted against it along with china and cuba again they were appealing leaders who really would like to see us go and it does seem like they were pushing moscow to agree to some sort of military intervention but again believe there's just finished their introductory addressed and they did say that some progress is being made however of course we have to wait and see until the end of this meeting whether or not any step any movement forward will be
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reached in terms of the resolution of the syrian conflict of course that is just hours ahead from now but if they do have a lot to discuss inside from the syrian conflict which however is at the top of the agenda here in st petersburg. ok nicholas going to be there for now thanks for that update. well meanwhile the syrian leader bashar assad has flatly rejected any state involvement in the houla slaughter calling it a monstrous massacre the president went on to blame not the opposition but foreign backed fighters in syria he says are spreading chaos. and foreign intervention may be the ultimate intention. ten days after the terrible massacre in the syrian city of who're the world is still watching to see how this tipping point will shape the crisis while there is still at least some hope of a peaceful solution many analysts believe those hopes are fading fast the
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american british and french push for military intervention in syria is absolutely enormous we've seen hague of course william hague the british foreign secretary calling for intervention we've seen the new french president saying the same thing the americans obviously taking the lead the specter of a military solution has returned after the syrian regime was condemned internationally for the death of one hundred eight people half of whom were children before an investigation into who was responsible was even launched they're all saying that their side regime is committing human rights abuses and they repeat this message obsessive like i am confident to predict that indeed it will remain fixed in people's minds and could well be used as a pretext and you don't have to look back to far to see where hasty joke telling is so a rush to take up arms at the cost of war and see exactly what happened in our division of a massacre which was the village of russia you have
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a un in korea that was severely bullied by the u.s. ambassador it was leaving your observation mission on the ground yet claims that it was a program of her innocent civilians by government troops certainly was lame presented with ultimatum and game and bombed back than the yugoslav and government just like the syrian one now condemned militants for the killings in this case blaming the benon separatists from the kosovo liberation army an investigation was launched to find out whether the victims were innocent civilians as the international community claimed or whether the country's army had been battling professional fighters two out of three forensic inquiries proved. most of the casualties died in combat the third report by an e.u. team has never been made public interesting we know about. the reports of syrian rebels whoever they are liaising with the. think of being in kosovo liberation army
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people who were basically agents of mido in the course or. basically training don't know they were saying they were training in the marsian human rights but definitely the only training that could have ever given anybody is how to figure massacre in or stage a war and i believe that's exactly what's happening now. but even with hindsight after the nato bombing of yugoslavia ruin the alliances those tribes in libya last year history isn't been prevented from repeating itself again and again. when these disturbing images from the syrian village of whole are made world headlines everybody agreed those who are guilty must be punished but the reaction from the international community has been so so-called in ated the risk is that punishment will come before even those who are truly responsible are supposed and that could mean not just a loss of justice but also huge loss of life. r.t.
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moscow well neil clark a contributor to britain's guardian newspaper says a major obstacle to kofi annan says peace plan is the virtual you're in the given to the rebels by their backers. you know this is a crucial point of the whole affair now and i think that the onus must be on the western powers to sort of back down here because you know let's face it you know the u.s. britain france saudi arabia qatar do not want to succeed it's the syrian government wanted to see russia and china what you know was a plan working so far in bringing peace because the rebels are still fighting they're still using arms terrorist attacks are taking place in syria and one of the syrian government supposed to do in response seems now evidence has come out of who are that you know last week we were told it was a syrian government now the evidence is not so clear and the only way we can have a peaceful solution to this is the western powers and countries like qatar and saudi arabia rein in the rebels and say to them look stop this and stop supplying
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them with arms so you know it's not repeated to the people who are backing the violent rebels to rein them in now thousands of lebanese troops have been deployed to tripoli the nation's second largest city in an effort to stop clashes between pro and anti assad groups over the dozen civilians have died there in recent days as a conflict from neighboring syria spills across the border with sarah marusek from america's syracuse university but he's the growing violence is being fueled by gulf arab states. the regional countries are are interfering in syria this easily becomes a regional conflict and it's devastating for lebanon which has suffered enough already so many years of civil war between one nine hundred seventy five and one nine hundred ninety and now you know the violence is happening on a much more extreme level in the north and the lebanese are getting nervous they don't want to have to live through another civil war and it seems like the international and foreign in the gulf states are only encouraging the lebanese to
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get more involved and to drag it into a civil war and again i think this is more a political agenda than anything else this has to do with the resistance axis this has to do with hizbollah this has to do with the iran and the west determined attempt to undermine these players in the regional politics because they know how popular they are and they know how powerful they are and it's just going to make the whole region into a complication are huge conflicts and this could be avoided if the gulf countries step back didn't get involved in lebanon didn't get involved in syria and if the west didn't instigate them to. coming up a few dates in the program economic hardships move north thousands of quebec students protest against the magic like jewish things which will double the cost of third level education rather than being something. u.s. military seeks to return to britain as part of its build up in the asia pacific region is being seen that's placed on the mind china. around the clock protests continuing
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on tahrir square in cairo this fury over want to demonstrate his see is the need to sentencing of egypt's ousted president hosni mubarak and his associates to barton says many are angry he's not to be executed. protesters are still occupying talk wrist where insentient cairo that's second night now thousands turned out to show their anger verdict surrounding former president hosni mubarak he was given life imprisonment some of the protesters think he should face death and sensually around some of his former aides and colleagues who were acquitted of involvement in the deaths of hundreds of protesters last year as great anger showed that if they think sentences are simply too lenient this is also made more critical at this time egypt is between its first and second rounds of the presidential election have to be patient brotherhood's candidate for seat toward the protest camp saying that the
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revolution teemu that if he was reelected he would try to get back child after executing shafique the other candidate and it was largely seen by the protesters as part of the old regime said that a move towards the muslim brotherhood would take egypt back to the dark times he has said wouldn't reinstate the old regime that he would try to lead the. it forward into the democratic chair going to have a lot of convincing to get people to believe him of offices in the capitol and in other towns were raided and there have been demonstrations in other towns with more and pick their stray sions and including a million man march for the capital tom barton there will arab affairs journalist be there and danny says both remaining candidates in egypt's presidential election
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are trying to spin their reaction to mubarak is that their own way they are also people demonstrating against the one hundred one article i sentence which d.c. has never in any and but he also has to be sent and then there are also commentators and other people who are saying the key to successful revolution is precisely to do this in the mood of the room and trying to send an execution of mubarak would be a setback to not only egypt's revolution but also to the arab spring in general and surely and a key to a successful revolution is not to see who mannix the tactics being used in an entry in democracy in egypt but the two candidates who are switched to capitalize on. the said that he was a great day for justice and because it means that nobody is in the middle now this is a man who was a very troubled to highlight he's traveled he was in his dies with little men who
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are good and regime in earlier and he's complaining. well there's more on all our stories at dot com including iran's new space center and its completion and ports controversy as critics fear it's just a cover for making nuclear weapons. plus the end of an era as the famed soviet saying it will kill us and as mr dyson something to spread at the age of seventy seven legacy of twelve million you cheapest has learned a measure of his huge popularity. in russia would be so much brighter if you mean about someone from france to crash in movies. for instance on t.v.
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dot com. wealthy british style like it's a spot on. the . market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines and two cars a report on our. about to vietnam that's what the american military wants as it seeks a return to the country for its armed forces in the latest leg of his asia pacific tall u.s. defense secretary leon panetta has also permission for the u.s. navy to use port facilities he also announced that the majority of american warships will be deployed in the area by twenty twenty talk show host stephen leatherman a says the military buildup is clearly aimed at china. well america is
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doing everything possible to maintain its star going to school or globally months back obama gave a speech he said that america will increase its presence in middle east and the east asia north korea is the punching bag china is the target china knows it just the way russia knows that being encircled with u.s. bases in america's missile shield has nothing to do with iran and everything to do with russia and america was to establish basing rights already has them by numerous countries in central asia japan of course and south korea china knows there's china believes that the south china sea. is what it is america wants to come in and usurp them but just imagine what it china or russia what it its fully of america's east the west coast for the congress it would probably be an act of war
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greece is gearing up for a parliamentary election and less than two weeks time which could mean athens scrapping its bailout deal with the e.u. and i.m.f. with his future in the eurozone is also under intense scrutiny but in an interview coming up next hour american economist and nobel laureate eric meskin says an end to the financial woes is still nowhere in sight. greece could go on. into a long term depression unemployment could grow to astronomical heights it's already very high but it could it could certainly get higher. the. things are by no means currently as bad as they as they could get i seem to be the greek situation as a tragedy because so much of what has happened could have been prevented if europe were truly. an integrated unit.
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in canada thousands of again taking to the streets of quebec the latest demonstrations following weeks of protests and demands for tuition fees freeze will remain didn't deter crowds from marching through montreal two days after talks between students groups in the government broke down more than two and a half thousand people have been arrested since protests started and every movement doesn't qualities first is in the province well she's going to take on reports on how american the canadian government thinking is being blamed. the canadian province of quebec a region that prides itself on free healthcare and affordable education for its residents students here pay a fixed amount for tuition fees around twenty five hundred dollars a year for all of the colleges and universities that's the lowest rate in north america and the taxpayers pick up the rest but that model might change as their
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government looks south they are looking across the borders and seeing what united states are doing and trying to become closer and closer to what the united states are working on which is more and more proof is ations instead of adding new social programs that cover primary by the. tens of thousands spilled onto the streets when the government said they'd be pushing up to ration fees every year and in five years the students of care back will face education costs almost double what they're paying now. i mean even know of is a student at a montreal university she works part time at a local ice cream shop she says if the people of keg don't stand their ground now in the future higher education just won't be an option for many if it's too expensive a porch adenoma not even think about going to school because it's another world it's part of something that's accessible they're not even think about being
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a doctor or if it wasn't for you know it would be you know it's a symbol and what i was saying is that in us it's so expensive so the people the poor people they want to study they have no choice but going the army for that the prospect of having to join the military to provide for their education is not the only thing about the u.s. example that scares the give a quad to fund skyrocketing tuition fees americans carry massive student loan debts on their shoulders and we need to preserve this and become what we've seen growing in the united states right now having a lot of students they are still playing. their university program and when they are seventy years old so we need to make sure that every students will be able to contribute to. our economy region and making sure that they have you can afford actually to start maybe here and new and new businesses the rest of north america should be looking to go back as an example of how to mobilize how student
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association should function through direct democracy and how they should actually organize and challenge these measures and challenge this debt shackle system. the protest clearly signaled the path that back is willing rather not willing to take when we look towards the united states we see a country in which the idea of access is wrapped up in the ability to pay and this is what we're seeing the resistance against that access to things like higher education or like health care are in fact access to public goods and that there should be a way of controlling the costs and ensuring that people no matter what their monetary capabilities are able to take advantage of these kinds of programs. what the world knows about the protests here is that they have to do with students and their tuition but for people of the problem it's not so much about the economy but more about their identity and the special welfare model that they are striving to keep i'm going to check our reporting from montreal canada r.t.
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. now a look at some other stories making international headlines this hour the death toll from sunday's plane crash in nigeria is expected to rise to around two hundred one hundred fifty three on board died of the jet plowed into a two story building with more than forty people missing on the rubble reports say the pilot was making frantic calls just before the crash the country's president has declared three days of mourning for the victims. of the sixteen suspected taliban fighters are thought to been killed after a u.s. drone strike targeted a militant compound in northwestern pakistan is the seventh attack in the last two weeks we don't confirm reports that foreigners are among the dead it follows increasing tension between pakistan and washington which is ignored demands to stop unmanned aircraft strikes. an aircraft fighting a remote wildfire near a southern u.s. mining towns crashed killing both crew members on board their flying five thousand
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acre blaze which began on friday after a lightning strike in eastern the. town of on has been evacuated one thousand five artist tracking the flames it's the worst place in mexico's history. or time to take a look what's happening in the world of business now with marina on the business desk there understand the new development in the team kelly b.p. so what's happening now that's why i care we're now getting reports that china's two major oil companies and that cineplex and seeing all cannot they might buy al b.p. from its russian ventured. let's not forget that b.p. originally paid about eight billion dollars for its stake in the company and now it's worth about thirty billion dollars it says that it has received a lot of interest now other potential candidates include russian state energy holding ross they have to gus and sources close to the russian billionaire owners say they could buy out b.p.
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for twenty five billion dollars well we'll of course bring you all the latest updates on the story as we get them. now times take a look at international markets will start with the europe which just kicked off the trade in session and there it's a sea of red if we can look at the latest figures we know that the dax is headed over one percent when it comes to the footsie it's close today because of the jubilee celebrations in the u.k. now the mood is pessimistic across the board and that's coming from negative p.m.i. data in the region that we saw last week also a major factor is negative u.s. jobs they instead of one hundred sixty five thousand new jobs generated in may we saw only sixty nine thousand which was the smallest increase in a year and this is a fact the markets around the world now and other european related news we know that cyprus may turn out to be the next country to seek a bailout its banking system which is exposed to greece earliest set up the island reject the suggestions it would need financial aid but at the end of june cyprus
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faces a deadline to find almost two billion euros and that's the new capital requirements and eyeless fear that this cash will have to come from europe scale up phones. also according to a new report the jobless rate in the euro zone stood out eleven percent in april which is the same as march and that's the highest level since nineteen ninety five and then you have a sense of european wally's which is spain of course have let's hope jobless rates illegally and at twenty four percent the lowest unemployment is in austria it's just around four percent there and germany bucked the trend with a rate dropping by ten basis points to five point four percent. asian markets you can see it's a sea of red there as well then they can say is that an over one and a half percent the hang sang approach and sue and a half percent and then of course we have the u.s. jobs the. negative b.m.i. that effect than investors among the worst exporters with mars the dropping around
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seven percent and energy firms are thinking ahead as as well. group prices are heading lower more about that in a second let's take a look at what's happening here in russia as i mentioned markets are tracking overseas losses we see that the r.t.s. and dropping one of the half percent although my sex is either on a per side low and near it's not only the negative sentiment around the world but also have fallen food prices with always have an effect on the russian economy let's take a look at currencies first the euro as a flat against the u.s. dollar this hour as you can see there when it comes to the ruble it's losing against both major currencies and in fact the ruble shots have percent of its value for the month of may trading at three year lows against the greenback i mentioned oil prices earlier let's take a look at where they're heading south the light sweet is trading at close to eighty two dollars per barrel while the brand slowly approaching ninety seven dollars per barrel and this of course has
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a major effect on energy independent economists such as russia and we spoke to chief economist eventually got up from renaissance capital and he said walk kind of effect this could have on the russian economy. we should not forget. the budget is based on one hundred fifteen or pricing or prices already. this means that they're going to have probably a little bit of a fiscal deficit the current account is going to be smaller probably we're going to see a continuation of capital economy but as you know in the first quarter of this year because we grew very robustly in particular when compared to our emerging market economies the economy grew by five percent and even though we do believe that we're going to see. the priest if you cannot make a pivot in the second half of the year i think to be able to grow about about people in two thousand and twelve. and i do have some positive news and it has to do with spain and its unemployment rate for may but i'll tell you that for now back to back that update marino. well the latest edition of the people of bell's
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cross-talk program is that coming up here shortly after a recap of our top stories stay with us. the. world. for its technology innovation all the rest of elements from
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around russia we've gone through a few jerks covered. to . please. him.
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was. it. was.


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