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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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syrian rebels reject the u.n. peace plan and renew international calls to impose a no fly zone to force out president to sad also. if someone suggests i go to prison we will have good company but im a potent response to opposition leaflets given out during the rush hour e.u. summit in st petersburg but again stresses there were no political motives behind the jailing of former all tycoon mikhail khodorkovsky. and sours of canadian students return to the streets to protest against the rising cost of education fearing the country's copying the us system has landed young americans deep in debt .
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hello seven pm monday evening here in moscow this is r t it's kevin zero in here with you this hour and first the rebel free syrian army says it's no longer committed to the un backed peace plan it's developing news this hour instead it wants foreign states to impose a no fly zone to help oust president assad that's his voice is grow in some arab and western nations for armed action after the civilian slaughter in houla but it's rare for national reports no recent incursions said dangerous presidents. ten days after the terrible massacre in the syrian city of who're the world is still watching to see how this tipping point will shape the crisis while there is still at least some hope of a peaceful solution many analysts believe those hopes are fading fast the american british and french push for military intervention in syria is absolutely enormous we've seen hague of course william hague the british foreign secretary
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calling for intervention we've seen the new french president saying the same thing the americans obviously taking the lead the specter of a military solution has returned after the syrian regime was condemned internationally for the death of one hundred eight people half of whom were children the full investigation into who was responsible was even launched they're all saying that their side regime is committing human rights abuses and they repeat this message obsessive like i am confident to predict that indeed it will remain fixed in people's minds and could well be used as a pretext and you don't have to look back to closer to see where hasty genitally is so a rush to take up arms in the course of a war and see exactly what happened you know now addition of a massacre which was the village of russia you have a u.n. inquiry that was severely bullied by the u.s. ambassador it was leaving your observation mission on the ground yet the claims that it was
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a program are innocent civilians by government troops serving with blame presented with ultimatum and random games and bombed back than the yugoslav and government just like the syrian one now condemned militants for the killings in this case blaming o'bannon separatists from the kosovo liberation army an investigation was launched to find out whether the victims were innocent civilians as the international community claimed or whether the country's army had been battling professional fighters two out of three forensic inquiries proved. most of the casualties died in combat the third report by an e.u. team has never been made public interesting we know about. then reports of syrian rebels whoever they are liaising with the. think of being in kosovo liberation army people who were basically agents of mido in the course or. basically training on how they were saying they were training in the marsian human rights but
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definitely the only training that caylee would have ever even anybody is how to figure masculine or stage a war and i believe that's exactly what's happening now. but even with hindsight after the nato bombing of yugoslavia ruling the alliance is tribes in libya last year history isn't been prevented from repeating itself again and again. when these disturbing images from the syrian village of whole are made world headlines everybody agreed those who are guilty must be punished but the reaction from the international community has been so sweet and so called in ated the risk is that punishment will come before even those who are truly responsible are supposed and that could mean not just a loss of justice but also huge loss of life grief nationality moscow. residents in lebanon's northern city of tripoli have gone on strike kids in protest of the deadly clashes between groups linked to the warring factions in
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neighboring syria thousands of troops have been deployed after more than a dozen civilians were killed there over the weekend as the conflict in syria spreads sort of musak from america's syracuse university believes the growing violence is largely being fueled by a third party. the regional countries are are interfering in syria this easily becomes a regional conflict and it's devastating for lebanon which has suffered enough already so many years of civil war between one nine hundred seventy five and one nine hundred ninety and now you know violence is happening on a much more extreme level in the north and the lebanese are getting nervous they don't want to have to live through another civil war and it seems like the international and foreign in the gulf states are only encouraging the lebanese to get more involved and to drag it into a civil war and again i think this is more a political agenda than anything else this has to do with the resistance access this has to do with hizbollah this has to do with iran and the west determined
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attempt to undermine these players in the regional politics because they know how popular they are and you know how powerful they are and it's just going to make the whole region into a complication are huge conflicts and this could be avoided if the gulf countries step back didn't get involved in lebanon didn't get involved in syria and the west didn't instigate them to talk to you officials are expected to press russian president vladimir putin to change your stance on syria during this summit in st petersburg earlier alongside china the kremlin is opposed to any kind of military intervention and once dialogue and stead but it was other issues that took the spot by the end of the day including some of russia's old refers. to follow the top level talks. at the final press conference attended by the chairman of the european commission chose emmanuel but it was a and of course the chairman of the european council herman van rompuy and of course with an egg question was posed by one of the foreign journalists and he said that there were leaflets distributed at the hotel where he is saying. no to russian
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pinochet and hundreds of physician members are in prison and just a quick aside we are apparently staying in the same hotel we did not see any such flyers but the question was posed and the russian president was quick to come up with a response to it and you. called political prisoners whenever i go i'm asked about mr holder and his future as we know the european court of human rights there are new political motives criminal case. so if someone suggests i go to prison you don't have good company of course we're talking about me here the former oil tycoon who is in prison at the moment on charges of investment and tax evasion now there of what were of course other issues covered at length and the first and foremost of those was the economy of course the euro is finding itself in a rather tight grips of the economic crisis we have a greece which is threatening to leave the eurozone and of course the decision on
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that is just weeks away from from now but it did look like the european leaders actually saw the picture and rather roams the colors they said that they're adamant in keeping a greece in the euro zone bonds on the terms and conditions that they themselves put down for the country and this of course comes on monday when the markets have crashed yet again. greece is gearing up for a parliamentary election in less than two weeks time which could mean athens scrapping its deal with the e.u. and i.m.f. greece's future in the euro zone is also under intense scrutiny and the interview coming up next hour american economist a nobel laureate eric mask and says an end to the financial woes is still nowhere in sight. greece could go on. and so on term depression unemployment could grow to astronomical high so it's already very high but it could it could certainly get higher. the. things are
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by no means currently as bad as they as they could get i see the the greek situation as a tragedy because so much of what has happened could have been prevented if europe were truly. an integrated unit. cyber threats hacker attacks and laws officially aimed to tackle internet piracy but in fact infringing people's rights to one line privacy at the same time it's an increasingly topical subject and the world's most famous whistle blows i mean to get to the heart of it in the laces edition of his interview program here on r.t. julian assange gets together with activists from the cyberpunk movement is a taste of what's to come in the next twenty four hours. technology enables total surveillance of every communication then there is to the other side of that coin is
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what we do with it we could admit that there are some indeed some legitimate use investigators investigating the bad guys and bad guys and so on but the question is where to draw this judicial supervision where to grow the control that the citizens can have over the use of this technology this is a police and when we get to those police issues and we were talking that earlier we have only decisions that are asked to sign something and don't understand the underlying technology which is why we see so much hype about cyber war is that some people that seem to be in the authority about war start talking about technology as if they understand that they're always talking about war because that's their business and so they're trying to rope technology into that and so when we have no control over technology of these people that wish to use it for for their ends for war specifically that's a recipe for some pretty scary stuff. so i salute as an aside to that as well we're hearing that one of the cyberpunk activists interviewed by. jeremy
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zimmerman has been held for questioning as he got back to france a part of the purpose was to fish out information about the wiki leaks that is not the first time either the program's provoked arrest you may recall if you can watch over the last couple of weeks a top human rights activist from bahrain was detained after talking to sandra months ago. canadian students are back on the streets thousands of march through montreal two days after talks with the quebec government onto ition fees collapsed student groups are demanding a freeze on planned increases in higher education costs but the authorities have ruled out that possibility protesters are now vowing to renew daily rallies which last month led to fierce clashes with police and more than two and a half thousand arrests and result is gonna change you can reports now what started in february as a student strike has grown into a popular protest against mirroring the welfare system of canada's southern neighbor. the canadian province of quebec a region that prides itself on free healthcare and affordable education for its
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residents students here pay a fixed amount for tuition fees around twenty five hundred dollars a year for all of the colleges and universities that's the lowest rate in north america and the taxpayers pick up the rest but that model might change as their government looks south they are looking across the borders and seeing what the united states are doing and trying to become closer and closer to what the united states are working on which is more and more proof is ations and said are having your social programs that harbor primary by the. tens of thousands spilled onto the streets when the government said they'd be pushing up to ration fees every year and in five years the students of care back will face education costs almost double what they're paying right. i mean he knows is a student at a montreal university she works part time at a local ice cream shop she says if the people of keg don't stand there around now
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in the future higher education just won't be an option for many if it's too expensive the porch adenoma not even think about going to school because it's another world it's part of something that's accessible they're not even think about being a doctor or if you know it would be you know it's a symbol and what i was saying is that in usa it's so expensive so the people the poor people they want to study they have no choice but going to army for that the prospect of having to join the military to provide for their education is not the only thing about the u.s. example that scares the chaotic walk to fund skyrocketing tuition fees americans carry massive student loan debts on their shoulders that we need to preserve this and become what we've seen growing in the united states right now having a lot of students they are still paying for it there. university program and when they are seventy years old so we need to make sure that every students will be able
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to contribute to the iconic whole region and making sure that they have you can afford actually to start and maybe hear their new and new businesses the rest of north america should be looking to go back as an example of how to mobilize how student association should function through direct democracy and how they should actually organize and challenge these measures and challenge this debt shackle system. the protest clearly signaled the path that came back is willing or rather not willing to take when we look towards the united states we see a country in which the idea of access is wrapped up in the ability to pay and this is what we're seeing the resistance against that access to things like higher education or like health care are in fact access to public goods and that there should be a way of controlling the costs and ensuring that people no matter what their monetary capabilities are able to take advantage of these kinds of programs. what
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the world knows about the protests here is that they have to do with students and their tuition but for people of the problem it's not so much about the economy but more about their identity and the special welfare model that they are striving to i'm going to check our reporting from montreal canada r.t. . just ahead of the program the egyptians who were more the life for killing cairo braces for third day of protests against demonstrators call a lenient sentence falls in the barrack of his former right hand plus. the peace movement of the world's biggest profits from tearin k p p earning forty billion dollars since two thousand and three but the looks to be over on rumors its motion paul the third joint venture is an ambitious enough chinese will join the bidding for b.p. stake will up all the latest business in about ten minutes. we will focus for now the u.s. defense secretary is in vietnam was part of a charm offensive in asia right now that slowly encircling china in its own
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backyard washington's beefing up its military presence in the asia pacific area is seen as an attempt to contain beijing's growing regional influence panetta wants greater american access to vietnam's ports dr parkman wong from hong kong city university believes china's neighbors may be using washington to get leverage against china. i would not say that this office asian countries this more powers would like to give up china but they would like to invite the united states to join in the arena so that they could have more bargaining chips against china if we will serve a kind of. our signal to china and china can nort assert all is so frantic claims over this of china sea and vietnam can also be packed up our by the americans military power to counter china's military dominance in the region the south china sea has been a very important astrological creation for number one connecting oil shipping routes from the middle east to east asia number two all saw
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a very important commercial shipping routes for all the east and southeast asian nations to solve china sea has been a very important irritant for china and southeast asian nations international relations for the past decade. don't forget all stories we're covering also available anytime online and his mother's that we've uploaded ready to go for you right now if you get a minute i don't see don't call it a life sentence for a russian man as that libya convicts several people for allegedly helping ex leader moammar gadhafi but the people charged insist they're working as engineers it will warm up story it's online right now. and russian billionaire tycoon mikhail prokhorov playing a big party a political one that is that after securing six million votes in russia's presidential election more details about that too online from us.
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round the clock protests continue in cairo's tahrir square as demonstrators divonne the death penalty for ost of president hosni mubarak his interior minister was sentenced to life in prison for their role in the deaths of protesters in last year's uprising or the other mubarak associates were cleared of the charges are reports from the egyptian capital. protesters are occupying tiris square in central cairo calling for a second revolution to change the situation in egypt initial happiness that former president hosni mubarak was given a life sentence turned to anger as other senior security officials were acquitted of involvement in the deaths of hundreds of protesters last year mohamed morsi the muslim brotherhood's candidate in the upcoming presidential elections second round
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in the country towards the camp he said that the revolution should continue and that if he was chosen as president he would try and get mubarak back on trial and have him executed and the chief prosecutor of egypt has also said that he's going to try and appeal the acquittals of some of those senior security officials after made shafique is the other presidential candidates in this race seen by many as not really being sufficient not up to what they hoped for for this revolution and they see the court's verdict at this very crucial time in egypt as a sign that not much has changed and that the all you military regime is still in power and mr shafique said that he would not reinstate that old regime and that a choice for the muslim brotherhood would take egypt back to the dark ages as he put it all though is going to have a lot of convincing to do to make people believe that he's not part of that old
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regime in the meantime as this election divides the egyptian people more protests are being held here in the capital and elsewhere over the country and more are being planned including a million man march through the capital to a bar in cairo. down he says both the remaining candidates in egypt's presidential election are trying to spin the reaction to my bags their way. there are people demonstrating against. life sentence which d.c. is very lenient but he also has to be sent and then there are also commentators and other people who think the key to successful revolution is precisely to do this on the move and. execution of mubarak would be a setback to not only egypt's revolution but also to the arab spring in general and surely and key to a successful revolution is not to see the tactics being used in. egypt
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but the two candidates who were switched to capitalize on. said that it was a great day for justice and because it means that nobody is among now this is a man who was very troubled to highlight his tragedy was in his dies with little more regime and earlier than he's complaining. in brief a rebel spokesperson says libyan militia allegedly ended their earlier airport takeover but there's no official confirmation yet an armed group seized the capital's main international airport earlier storming it with heavy machine guns and armored vehicles and also forced airport authorities to divert flights there and is apparently directed at the country's leadership for detaining one of their commanders on sunday the world news headlines right now emergency crews in nigeria say they fear the country's worst plane crash in nearly two decades has claimed many lives on the ground as well all one hundred fifty three on board died when the
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mcdonnell douglas eighty three jet plowed into a two story building in a neighborhood near lagos airport the exact cause is still not known but the plane's pilot reported to have mentioned engine trouble just minutes before that tragedy nigeria's declared three days of national mourning for the victims. denmark's convicted for the approaching a terrorist attack on the newspaper that published cartoons mocking the prophet muhammad seven years ago the men were arrested in twenty ten after the planning for a shooting rampage was uncovered all those convicted are of middle african or north african rather or middle eastern descent they could get up to sixteen years jail and sentenced later on monday. to have missed past several evening here in moscow let's go to the business then daniels at the business desk with bad news what yet more for america's economy yes key gauge for american industry orders to u.s. factories unexpectedly fell again in april for a second month this wall street for the self in the morning over in new york with
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a lot of weak data from europe isn't helping let's get to that june the eurozone investor confidence index has fallen again meanwhile lending between e.u. banks is falling at its fastest in four years the footsies closed for a polar day today that's friday's closing figures there on the screen the dax though has slipped under six thousand in the afternoon over in frankfurt portugal is having to bail out three top lenders in use today lisbon said it will pump six billion euro into them as they call pay back loans foreigners moved to also warns of the may need help in portugal. and then they bring spain troubled bankia is playing its youngest say was with prisons to get them to stay is giving spider-man towels and tickets for the film's premiere to children who save with it after running out of cash last month as well as trips to new york where the kids can visit j.p. morgan for more listens how not to run a bank it's just been fined for stock manipulation all those pushing bring prices
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the dollar down for the day crude is also edging nearer to eighty a barrel poor industrial new stateside just pushed the euro to almost one twenty five to the dollar its strongest in a week ruble also closed just now stronger to the greenback and. contacted british. off the russian side said it was unhappy with b.p.'s management our correspondent is in beijing with the latest. sule large chinese companies in the back and also china national offshore all corporation which are the second and third largest oil companies in china respectively are looking to buy into the dmca b.p. now that the british shareholders are selling their stake now certainly for china this would mean diversification of their resources of of buying oil from russia right now when the stand that russia and china are already under an agreement russia sells thirteen million tons of oil to china every year until twenty thirty already more than half of china's overall. but still this number could be bigger
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certainly for china this is a very important issue it is one of the most energy hungry countries in the world in fact different experts and organizations china in the first place in the energy consuming countries in the world and i say that more than twenty percent of the global energy consumption comes from china so we understand that for the moment the russian shareholders have the priority of buying the british part of the shares but definitely nobody could rule out the possibility of the chinese buying in. today some of friday's ten percent collapse on the news for. the champions league football next year. about stock from shareholders. today shares closed as investors feel it's full enough. to do.
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business thanks for the. program very shortly here on our team from moscow for an update of our top stories in four minutes time. culture is that so much a moment taxpayers' money mentoring is a chemise maybe there's a lot of people out here is just going to try because the west when it comes to
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soft power is the west specifically the us losing its ability to influence others through weak sample. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest when. we want to present. something else. in the limited.
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period. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lang you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harman welcome to the big picture. of a. golden globe. but
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speak. to. her or her. and. her wish. oh. mom is slow. but. we. just see them on the minimum. amount of money by no means a lobotomy.


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