tv [untitled] June 4, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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syrian rebels reject the u.n. peace plan only a new enter national calls to impose a no fly zone to force out president. thousands of canadian students return to the streets to protest against the rising cost of education here in their country is complicating the u.s. system a sign that young americans deep in debt. and trouble in tripoli aren't militia men take over the libyan capital international airport and ground all why demanding the release of one of their leaders.
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it's eleven pm in moscow this is r t coming to you live on the news so now it with our top story the opposition's free syrian army says it's no longer committed to the un backed peace plan instead it wants foreign states to employ as a no fly zone to help oust president but as voices grow in some arab and western nations for armed action after the civilian slaughter in houla but as various notional reports recent incursions set dangerous precedence. ten days after the terrible massacre in the syrian city of houla the waterloo still watching to see how these tipping point will shape the crisis while there is stupid least some hope of a peaceful solution many analysts believe those hopes are fading fast the american british and french push for military intervention in syria is absolutely enormous we've seen hague of course william hague the british foreign secretary calling for
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intervention we've seen the new french. and saying the same thing the americans obviously taking the lead the specter of a military solution has returned after the syrian regime was condemned internationally for the death of one hundred eight people half of whom were children before an investigation into who was responsible was even launched they're all saying that their side regime is committing human rights abuses and they repeat this message obsessive lee i am confident to predict that indeed it will remain fixed in people's minds and could well be used as a pretext and you don't have to look back to florida to see where hasty jochen in a rush to take up arms like the cost of war and nine months exactly what happened in our division of a massacre which was the village of russia you have a u.n. inquiry that was severely bullied by the u.s. ambassador was leading your observation mission on the ground the claims that it was a. massacre of innocent civilians by government troops serving it was when presented
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with. them and. back then the you just love in government just like the syrian one now condemned militants for the killings in this case blaming the benon separatists from the kosovo liberation army an investigation was launched to find out whether the victims were innocent civilians as the international community claimed or whether the country's army had been battling professional fighters two out of three forensic inquiries proved most of the casualties died in combat the third report by an e.u. team has never been made public interestingly enough. we have been reports of syrian rebels whoever they are. with the. think of being in kosovo liberation army the people who were basically agents of mido in the causal war. basically treading on i don't know they were saying they were training in the marsian human rights but definitely the only training that caylee could have ever given anybody.
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how do. you war we look at what's happening now. but even with hindsight after the nato bombing of yugoslavia ruling the alliance is a strikes in libya last year history isn't been prevented from repeating itself again and again. when these disturbing images from the syrian village of whole are made world headlines everybody agreed those who are guilty must be punished but the reaction from the international community has been so sweet and so called in ated the reason is that punishment will come before even those who are truly responsible are supposed and that could mean not just also of justice but also huge loss of life. grief nationality mosco. the rebels' decision to quit the un backed truce was largely motivated by the behavior of the u.s. and its allies that's the view of antiwar activist don de bar who's extensively
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covered civil conflicts in our countries. the united states is trying to kill it but it's absolutely essential that some sort of peace oriented mission take place or there will be bloodshed horrible bloodshed in syria little make libya look like a picnic the united states has been very clear from the outset really of the activity in syria that they want to see assad go on they have geopolitical reasons for that particularly the relationship with iran but i mean let's be realistic here there has been intervening since this uprising quote unquote began the report earlier mentions the fact that these are clearly professional soldiers that are conducting these operations these are not protesters that decided to grab some rocks or maybe a pistol because of the response of the state to their protests this is an army that was placed there either emigres from syria or just foreign nationals general generally it's being supplied from the outside from turkey the nato country from
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jordan and from lebanon and so the intervention is already a fact whether or not it becomes an overt intervention outside of the u.n. which by the way is illegal or you know take some other form the intervention has been underway since this you know since the arms struggle quote unquote began. top u.s. officials were expected to press president vladimir putin to change his stance on syria during their summit in st petersburg alongside china the kremlin is opposed to any kind of military intervention and wants dialogue instead but it was other issues that took the spotlight including some of own affairs our days are integral to scott has been following the top level talks of the final press conference attended by the chairman of the european commission. and of course the chairman of the european council carmen van rome pay and of course puts an egg question was posed by one of the foreign journalists and he said that there were leaflets distributed at the hotel where he is staying. no to russia. pinochet and hundreds
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of opposition members are in prison and just a quick aside we're apparently staying in the same hotel we did not see any such flyers but the question was posed and the russian president was quick to come up with a response to it and you. called political prisoners whenever i go i'm asked about mr holder and his future as we know the european court of human rights rules because there are no political motives in a criminal case sentence so if someone suggests i go to prison then i'll have good company of course we're talking about me here the former oil tycoon who is in prison at the moment on charges of investment and tax evasion now there of what were of course other issues covered at length and the first and foremost of those was the economy of course the euro for is finding itself in a rather tight grips of the a comic crisis we have
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a greece which is threatening to leave the eurozone and of course the decision on that is just weeks away from from now but it did look like the european leaders actually saw the picture and rather rome see colors they said that they are adamant in keeping a greece it in the euro zone bonds on the terms and conditions that they themselves put down for the country and this of course comes on monday when the markets have crashed yet again. greece is gearing up for a parliamentary election in less than two weeks time which could mean athens scrapping its bailout deal with the e.u. and i.m.f. creases future in the euro so is also under intense scrutiny and interview coming up next hour american economist and noble laureate eric mascon says and to the e.u.'s financial woes is still nowhere in sight. greece could go on. and so on term depression unemployment could grow to astronomical writes it's already very high but it could it could certainly go higher oh.
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things are by no means currently as bad as i as i could get i seem to be the greek situation as a tragedy because so much of what has happened could have been prevented if europe were truly. an integrated unit a. cyber threats hacker attack so malls officially aiming to tackle internet piracy but in fact infringing people's rights to on line privacy is an increasingly topical subject in the world's most famous whistleblower is aiming to get to the heart of it in his latest edition of his interview program here in r.t. julian assad gets together with activists from cypherpunk movement here's a taste of what's to come on tuesday. technology enables those surveillance of
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communication then there is to do the other side of that coin is what we do with it we could admit that there are some indeed some legitimate use investigators investigating the bug. but guys and so on but the question is where to draw these judicial supervision where to the control that the citizens can have over the use of those technologies and this is a policy should and when we get to those police issues and we were looking that earlier we have. to just sign something and don't understand the underlying technology which is why we see so much hype about cyber war is that some people that seem to be in the authority about wars are talking about technology as if they're saying that they're always talking about war because that's their business and so they're trying to root technology into that and so when we have no control over technology we have these people that wish to use it for for their ends for war specifically that's a recipe for some pretty scary stuff. and we hear that one of the
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cypherpunk activists interviewed by julie innocence jeremy zimmerman was held for questioning upon his return to france apparently the purpose was to fish out information about the wiki leaks founder and it's not the first time the program has provoked arrests with a top human rights activist from bahrain detained after ten talking to a science month ago. in other news canadian students are back on the streets thousands have marched through montreal two days after talks with the quebec government to listen fees collapsed student groups are demanding a freeze on planned increases of higher education costs but authorities have ruled out that possibility protesters are now vowing to renew delhi rallies which last month led to fierce clashes with police and more than two and a half thousand arrests and it's jacare now reports that what started in february as a student strike has now grown into a popular protest against mirroring the welfare system of canada's southern
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neighbor. the canadian province of quebec a region that prides itself on free healthcare and affordable education for its residents students here pay a fixed amount for tuition fees around twenty five hundred dollars a year for all of the colleges and universities that's the lowest rate in north america and the taxpayers pick up the rest but that model might change as their government looks south they are looking across the borders and seeing what united states are doing and trying to become closer and closer to what the united states are working on which is more and more proof is ations and so they're having your social programs that cover for everybody. tens of thousands spilled onto the streets when the government said they'd be pushing up to we should fees every year and in five years the students of care back will face education costs almost double what they're paying now. i mean he knows is a student at
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a montreal university she works part time at a local ice cream shop she says if the people of keg don't stand their ground now in the future higher education just won't be an option for many if it's too expensive porch adenoma not even think about going to school because it's another world it's part of something that's accessible they're not even think about being a doctor or if it wasn't for you know it would be you know it's a symbol and what i was saying is that in us it's so expensive so the people the poor people they want to study they have no choice but going to army for that the prospect of having to join the military to provide for their education is not the only thing about the u.s. example that scares the kid required to fund skyrocketing tuition fees americans carry massive student loan debts on their shoulders that we need to preserve this and become what we've seen growing in the united states right now having
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a lot of students they are still paying for their. university program and when they are seventy year years old so we need to make sure that every students will be able to contribute to the. region and make sure that they have you can afford actually to start maybe a. new and new businesses the rest of north america should be looking to go back as an example of how to mobilize how student association should function through direct democracy and how they should actually organize and challenge these measures and challenge this debt shackle system. the protests clearly signal the path that is willing rather not willing to take when we look towards the united states we see a country in which the idea of access is wrapped up in the ability to pay and this is what we're seeing the resistance against that access to things like higher education or like health care are in fact access to public goods and that there
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should be a way of controlling the costs and ensuring that people no matter what their monetary capabilities are able to take advantage of these kinds of programs. what the world knows about the protests here is that they have to do with students and their tuition fees but for people of the province it's not so much about the economy but more about their identity and the special welfare model that they're striving to keep. reporting from montreal canada our team. but don't forget all the stories we're covering are also available any time online here's what's uploaded and ready to go for you at our dot com life sentence for a russian man as libya convicts over twenty people for allegedly helping leader moammar gadhafi they insist they were working as an engineer. present billionaire. planning a big party a political one that is after securing six million votes in russia's presidential
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election discover the details are. i. round the clock protests are continuing in cairo's tahrir square as demonstrators demand the death penalty for ousted president hosni mubarak he and his interior minister were sentenced to life in prison for their role in deaths of protesters in last year's uprising although other mubarak associates were cleared of charges tom barton reports from the egyptian capital. protesters are occupying risk where in central cairo they're calling for a second revolution to change the situation in egypt initial happiness that former president hosni mubarak was given a life sentence turned to anger as other senior security officials were acquitted
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of involvement in the deaths of hundreds of protesters last year mohamed morsi the muslim brotherhood's candidate in the upcoming presidential elections second round in the country towards the camp he said that the revolution should continue and that if he was chosen as president he would try and get mubarak back on trial and how him execute it and the chief prosecutor of egypt has also said that he's going to try and appeal the acquittals of some of those senior security officials after marriage shafique is the other presidential candidates in this race seen by many as not really being sufficient not up to what they hoped for for this revolution and they see the court's verdict at this very crucial time in egypt as a sign that not much has changed and the military regime is still in power and mr
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shafique said that he would not reinstate that old regime and that a choice for the muslim brotherhood would take egypt back to the dark ages as he put it although he's going to have a lot of convincing to do to make people believe that he's not part of that old regime in the meantime as this election divides the egyptian people more protests are being held here in the capital and elsewhere over the country and more are being planned including a million man march through the capital. classes are reportedly taking place between rival libyan militia groups in tripoli as main international airport earlier reports that an armed group seized it storming it with heavy machine guns and armored vehicles their anger directed at the country's leadership for detaining one of their commanders on sunday for more now joined by vijay saad the director of international studies at trinity college in massachusetts and author of the book arab spring libyan winter thank you for being with us the latest developments in
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libya so the country is still obviously struggling to restore security how would you describe what's happening and the stability efforts at this stage. well the fact is that there is a north stability and security in condemn pretty libya the actual fights or the airport didn't just begin yesterday there has been series of clashes over the airport over the last several months the one that took place yesterday was around a militia found down of which is about sixty five kilometers southeast of tripoli and even there is being a very great divide between a section that looks back favorably to the gadhafi regime and another section that is disposed to the current government in tripoli what happened yesterday was
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the one of the chiefs of dalí and the fear was arrested of kidnap the first story he said that mr have she had been kidnapped today it seems that he has been arrested and as a consequence of his kidnapping or his arrest again it's not very clear what has happened to him or his supporters seized at the airport so there is a great deal of jockeying for power and influence in libya and given that the current government hasn't created any party for dialogue or negotiation it has just attempted to bumble through the present it seems that this kind of conflict is not going to end very soon but there are different armed groups who want who won't join the ranks of security forces what are their goals their. well the fact is that the we have the rebellion developed you know one has to first understand that libya is
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an archipelago of towns and cities there's almost no rural areas so when the rebellion broke out it didn't break out under unified c'mon there was a rebellion there was a militia group in sudan militia group in a militia group and been lucky and what they did was they coordinated their activities but they didn't come under unified command the unifying command as it were was need to those aerial bombardment and beneath that these militias operated basically independently so once tripoli failed to the rebellion there was annoyed to them in fact the central government was not even to create a unified come on and that is why this still fractured political disagreements which have taken up a military cust because each militias jockeying for power you know reserve the other militias so there is nor unified command and in a sense what we have now is
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a result of how the rebellion was conducted where is the arab spring led those countries which have had uprisings how would you assess their results. well i would say that in places like tunisia and in egypt there's been a resilient attempt by the population to create something new which is why there despite the election result in egypt use do you have hundreds of thousands of people coming into the streets not only of cairo that is there you square but also alexandria portside different places in libya the story is slightly different and the story is different because as a consequence of need those intervention it empowered a small elite of people who have come onboard with the infrastructure in libya you know the group that is now the government of libya is largely responsive to need to
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in its member states rather than the population there is not the sense of good popular uprising where there are definable political actors who have carried the uprising forward and i think in that sense the libyan revolution is a little headless and therefore there are all these different sections that are vying for power and there's a nature of the militia based rebellion they are vying for power through guns and not through mass demonstrations. director of international studies at trinity college in massachusetts thanks a lot for your analysis thank you so much. but look now at some other major news stories a car bomb has gone off near two government offices in the iraqi capital baghdad killing at least eighteen people and wounding dozens more the blast is the city's deadliest single attack in months it follows a series of assaults last week that claimed seventeen lives. emergency crews in
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nigeria say they fear the country's worst plane crash in nearly two decades has claimed many lives on the ground as well call one hundred fifty three onboard died when their m d eighty three jet plowed into it. building in a neighborhood near goes airport the exact cause is still not known but the plane's pilots reported engine trouble minutes before the tragedy the jury has declared three days of it national mourning for the victims. and denmark has convicted four men of plotting a terrorist attack on the newspaper that published cartoons mocking the prophet muhammad seven years ago the men were arrested in two thousand and ten after their plan for a shooting rampage was uncovered all those convicted are of north african or mideast descent and they could get up to sixteen years jail. time now to check in with the danielle bus so at the business desk danielle and he has more news he has news i should say of more banks needing bell outs you can
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never have enough more with more as when it comes to that absolutely he remembers his bank you had to be rescued last month now neighboring portugal is having to bail out three of its top lenders lisbon today said it will pump six billion euros into them as they call pay back loans the finance ministry they're also warned of the banks may need help and. we mentioned in the intro is trying to survive by bribing children here is giving spiderman towels and tickets for the film's new premier to kids who save with it after running out of cash last month as well as trips to new york their kids can visit j.p. morgan find out how not to run a bank it's just been fine for stock manipulation it's been a terrible day for the eurozone eugene's eurozone investor confidence index slip further mean more lending between e.u. banks is dropping it is forced this rate for four years the footsies closed on holiday today that's friday's closing there but the decks ended under six thousand
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points and those still the nurse slightly into the black but generally wall street suffering after all this to us factories will unexpectedly for april all that sending the dollar tumbling to the euro ruble and most major currencies the greenbacks now almost one twenty five against the euro the price of oil has turned around in the last few hours though of the sustained losses brant edgy back up to one hundred dollars a barrel almost a role so british will join he will suffer without b.p.'s expertise many most analysts and else saying of the two chinese firms moved closer to buying b.p. out of the joint venture our correspondent alex is in beijing with the latest. sule large chinese companies of the sign the back and also the china national offshore all corporation which are the second and the third largest oil companies in china respectively are looking to buy into the dmca b.p. now that the british shareholders are selling their stake now certainly for china this would mean diversification of their resources of of buying oil from russia
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right now when the stand that russia and china are already on the in agreement russia sells thirteen million tons of oil to china every year until twenty thirty it's already more than a halt of china's overall oil purchases but still this number could be bigger certainly for china this is a very important issue it is one of the most energy hungry countries in the world in fact different experts and organizations china in the first place in the energy consuming countries in the world and i say that more than twenty percent of the global energy consumption comes from china so we understand that for the moment the russian shareholders have the priority of buying the british part of the shares but definitely nobody could rule out the possibility of the chinese buying it in. a little bit for the ten percent collapse investors really don't like the world it
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goes from. the champions league football next year. from shareholders of a nine percent premium after announcing very good first quarter results russia was the ray of light in the global stock market boom today its shares closed up as investors feel it's full enough. already and drop today. business right as always thank you for that update the latest edition of peter crosstalk is coming your way shortly right after a wrap up of our top stories and this very short break statement.
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