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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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and r.s.s. feeds you now in the palm of your. question on the dot com you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. thanks.
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for. the back. all right it's time for you said it i read it right takes time to respond to my brilliant engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because when you have something to say i listen now first our interview with william k. black last week was quite a hit when he found out that he had been uninvited from briefing members of
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congress gave gadson said on face book bill black would have told congress the real truth congress can't handle the truth so well said gabriel well said but i do think we need to ask why it is that congress can't handle the truth and that's why i think it's less of them being able to and more of just not wanting to because it's not in their interest right they would rather keep a blind eye keep receiving campaign donations from wall street and pretend that this whole system is just so complicated that nobody can properly fix it so they'll just keep arguing of regulations for years and that's because the more they stall the longer they get to hold on to power and the richer they get our next comment comes from samantha spade who commented on our mainstream it which we called her the reason trump's yemen kill list to seven and kill is now on hulu that's where she commented she said in reference to the kill list please shut up no really please just shut the hell up thank you in advance samantha speight. and you know
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what all i can say is this has become a very typical response amongst americans these days which if you ask me is why we have a kill list people would rather not hear about it out of sight out of mind i don't want to know and i think that's part of what's kept our war in afghanistan going for ten years that's was allowed the president to kill american citizens without any due process because people who are lazy and impressionable they believe what our officials say don't do any research on their own to see how often those statements by our officials contradict reality and that's what breeds this kind of attitude so if one day you wake up your civil liberties or god half the world has turned against us because of what people like myself been warning about and it's finally come true and you all start screaming about it i just might tell you to shut up too because you refused to see it coming and for our last comment of the evening my fellow afflicted said on you tube i remember watching frozen years ago thinking i was learning something i graduated from that to m s n b c thinking i was learning something there now i've progressed to our team and can honestly say they
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don't know better than this alona you are the bomb dot com well thank you so much for all the kind words are always have to get new viewers we hope everybody out there spreads the word so don't forget so your friends so they can now watch us on hulu and if you didn't know we're taking the show on the road to netroots nation in providence rhode island this week so maybe we'll see some of you there that's of my ranting tonight we'll be back with more as usual later in the week. now if you're planning a wedding in canada the cost of the entertainment just went up she recently the copyright board of canada announced that if you plan on holding a public event and playing music at that event you're going to get a bill for it starting on october first of this year the board is going to charge fees to everyone from circuses weddings parades and even fireworks shows so if you're having a wedding reception if you've only invited one hundred of your closest friends and family your music fee is going to be nine dollars and twenty five cents for the day if you couldn't cut the list down if you have under three hundred guests it's going
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to cost you twenty seven seventy six for the day oh and then if anyone is dancing you're going to have to double that cost in your budget yes that is the truth dancing will cost you twice as much then there is karaoke bars they're going to have to pay up as well bars are going to be expected to pay up one hundred twenty four dollars annually for allowing their drunk pager insisting friends in low places and as for parades well that's going to be four dollars and thirty nine cents per float over the last year we've spoken time and time again about copyright piracy legislation here in the u.s. things like cispa sopa pipa and of course the one secret multinational act agreement and we saw these new fees out of canada where we could help but think that it wasn't all that far fetched that something like this could come to the u.s. of course the size the hollywood lobby the r.a.s influence in congress anything done here would be sure to be bigger badder and totally ridiculous so in an effort
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to be prepared we put together this short p.s.a. . the copyright police are coming for you they could get you here. block. well i don't even like the song or even though i have to fill the show to facebook . for you my job. but don't worry there's still one place where music can be played free of government see fav if you will.
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these pieces. jenny churchill was not harmed in the filming of that p.s.a. not too much at least but hopefully we'll never have to actually buy ad space to actually air that p.s.a. but unfortunately i can't totally rule it out seems like every time i turn around there's a new law being introduced in the name of stopping piracy because the music industry is suffering so much from it and don't even get me started on the insane anti-piracy ads but then you have to ask ok where's the proof how much is piracy really hating the music industry i'll take that as a north carolina state university study conducted between may have two thousand and ten in january of two thousand and eleven they found online piracy of music actually correlated with increased album sales and that's not the only study out there to make that argument but it looks like the lobbying and whining from hollywood is paying off at least in canada for now because the money from the fees will be collected by a not for profit agency called resound and the money they collect will be given to
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those poor targeted performers and music labels. i also the content i think countless amounts of information from the books of former government employees who are trying to blow the whistle the cia is finally facing an internal investigation they were skeptical in tonight's all time and unhappy hour one of the miss usa contestants tried to argue the prosecutor has a very powerful role model for women and he won't believe what one gets mad did with his dad kept. download the official ante up location on the phone the i pod touch from the. one child's life on the go. video on demand all t's mine gold coast's and feeds now in the palm of your.
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projects and free media don carty dot com. it's easy to. all right guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to an entire government agency as we all know the cia is in charge of our country's international intelligence apparatus and they're always on their toes when it comes to issues of national security but have they at times overstepped their bounds
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played favorites with declassifying or classify and declassifying information now i would immediately answer resoundingly yes but this is the question of the senate intelligence committee wants answered and in fact some of its members have sent a letter to the cia to find out why so many books written by former employees fail to get published now the washington post is reporting of the cia's publications review board is facing an internal investigation as to whether its screening process actually just keeps negative criticism away from the public and the p.b.r. doesn't just make decisions regarding former and current cia employees writing also they make decisions on pieces from x. and current f.b.i. and state department employees now i'm happy that somebody has finally decided to look into this but i can't help but ask what the hell took you so long this is been going on for a very long time and it's a topic that we discuss at length on the show all the time we've had several guests on to share their stories about how the cia publications review board has quassia
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their efforts to put a spotlight on the truth and a lot of these stories aren't hidden either a simple google search will give you the answers but since they're going to take forever act like they're coming at this investigation completely cold but we thought we put together a little cia censorship best to help them with their investigation see back in september of two thousand and ten we first met retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer whose book operation dark heart was about to be burned to keep any classified information from reaching the eyes of the public about what a failure the war in afghanistan was. and the focus of the book is the tipping point where we want from what are you losing based on the fact we recognize the port of tartus the taliban were rolling back and we need to do something to stabilize their efforts in pakistan. doesn't sound too crazy right now initially tony's book actually got the green light then later the cia removed from mission for the book to be published at the last minute citing over two hundred parts of the book were revealed as classified information oh and then they would all
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fahrenheit four fifty one and byrd ten thousand copies of the book but tony situation isn't unique we've also spoken to peter van varick whose book face the chopping block after he spoke ill of reconstruction efforts in iraq and his book was actually released but it was to say that he definitely had to deal with post publishing state censorship the state department took away a security clearance confiscated his diplomatic passport and eventually moved to fire him and how about ishmael jones the agency officer turned author also found himself in trouble in the cia took him to federal court over breaking his secrecy agreement for publishing his book the human factor but he claims he didn't share any classified information he was simply punished for failing to follow proper protocol as he calls it. this is up to q. your law the cia is using as you mentioned there's no classified information being exposed and they're not accusing me of exposing any classified information they're just accusing me of. not following their bureaucratic procedures and they use this
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to their they're using secrecy which is intended to hide our agent's identity and they're using now to hide the waste of taxpayer dollars. now the cia seems to make a pretty clear play by their rules or you don't get to play at all how about john kiriakou he's another former cia agent facing charges about him trying to trick the review board into letting him include classified information in his book the reluctance by something that he denies there's also ali soufan a former f.b.i. agent who said that his book the black banners receive the f.b.i. stamp of approval but hit a wall when the cia wanted to redact comments from public hearings on capitol hill and details on the cia's interrogation tactics as you find the book also points out how intelligence overlooked some key factors which could have helped to maybe prevent the nine eleven attacks the agency knew that this kind of operative in southeast asia flew to america or they have visas to come to the united states and somebody decided let's not share that information. now the case is
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a van buren kiriakou ishmael and shaffer all have something in common they all criticize government practices in some form or another so keeping that in mind let's remind you of the recent book published by jose rodriguez called hard measures how aggressive cia actions after nine eleven saved american lives this member by the former director of the national clandestine service spoke openly about cia torture practices and the book even earned him a spot on sixty minutes where he got to brag about it all dietary manipulation was part of the star so sleep deprivation dietary manipulation i mean this is orwellian stuff the united states doesn't do that well we do. so he spoke bluntly openly about how the cia waterboard and starve tortured people but when someone like ali soufan tries to write a book criticizing torture practices his information gets redacted but not
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rodriguez's so playing favorites i think of the cia has made it's a very clear if you're an insider willing to say something negative about them or any other government sector you're probably not going to get too far but we the people should have the right to know what they're doing behind the curtains on behalf of us and to get so many of these government or defense programs that have been declared national security secrets we can still go to google type the words into the search bar and bam you've got all the details at your fingertips it's classic u.s. government hypocrisy at its best here like when obama openly speaks about how he gets the big bad guys of these drone strikes but that if you try to inquire and get more details in court forget about there are going to they're going to label it as classified and as a state secret as long as they can and when whistleblowers put their safety reputations on the line to make sure the public actually knows what happens they get slapped with an indictment because the governor would rather keep on perpetuating lies so forgive me when i say that i'm pretty skeptical of this internal review which by the way nobody knows who's actually going to be conducting
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it seems more like the cia just wants to get everyone off its back and to keep the senate intelligence committee quiet we've learned not to judge a book by its cover if you'll forgive my pun so we're fighting against transparency while pretending to be the good guy with this investigation we're going to give the cia tonight's tool time award. time for happy hour and join you this evening alone a show producer jenny churchill and comedian primaries. hey guys. this first story ok so obviously there's been some really scary gruesome horrible incidents happening lately that of you know made people ask if there's a zombie apocalypse starting you know not only was there the face eating incident there's this guy canada or somebody in maryland as well there's been some really
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weird stuff going on. but apparently you don't then try to make a joke about zombie apocalypse coming and make a video about it as this russian guy who lives in miami learned to take a look. at . our two loves is one part of it but eventually the video somebody actually tries it almost gets shot i think it was right at the end of that clip one of the guys who are getting away. with it we. don't joke about being a zombie now i mean you're absolutely sure not joke about being a zombie when you've got organizations like the c.d.c. the center for disease control putting out warnings of what to do if
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a zombie apocalypse should happen it's very serious i don't have those kind of crazy the c.d.c. actually had when it was it's. like this is the point we've gotten to people who are obsessed maybe with a zombie of some. of the thing and he was he was warning people not to do this you know he dressed up as. i would think most people would just kind of it's kind of a no brainer that you don't dress up like a zombie like comic people to think he's running out of people in florida in miami where the guy bit the other guy's face and it's the same city i don't know i would be concerned and i actually have to say you know from what i've seen on my facebook timeline i had one friend saying that they hope the zombie apocalypse comes to kentucky because they've always wanted to beat someone with a baseball bat so i guess it's good he didn't do that there either so now we're just going to have a lot of crime a crime wave out there and we're going to blame it on the zombies the discrimination street. i guess you know one of the terms of becoming
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a viral video let's move on let's move on to this was miss usa miss usa pageant was on yesterday and on n.b.c. and just take a listen to what miss ohio said when asked this question. do you think women are depicted in movies and on television in an accurate and positive way i think it depends on the movie. pretty woman. time but you know it came out on how he didn't let anybody thing in her path. of all movies with pretty woman. white oh yeah that one where that prostitute is so likable that the man decides he's going to keep her around for a while i think not yet a you can't really the problem is they ask them these questions like every year a beauty pageant contestant says something insanely stupid now they should stop
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asking them questions it's like not their strength. you know they don't realize it is whatsoever because i mean they don't have like a swimsuit competition for final jeopardy because this make any sense you have to have your audience just dance around me and i think that's not nice to say that all the girls there are you know they're probably not all but there's always going to be listening. to these and they're totally including the section just because they know that one girl is going to provide a gem and also is it required that they answer every question like such as yeah such i think you're going to say the iraq yeah i feel like everyone blooper from these pageants i've seen starts with such as you know it's going downhill i don't they all have the same coach. answer questions and you guys didn't think that julia roberts was a role model in the movie he's a very classy prostitute. she doesn't come on the most if you're thinking of like a role model care fraud you just you know the boss you know that way nobody gets
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hurt. and you know actually when i have a daughter i'm going to be like you know. to say i just want to show you that maybe someday you can be like this woman their dream right on the mouth so. this is ok so this. it is dutch his name is bar jansen and you know before we were joking about the talk. that was supposed to be that some people thought was a joke but this is called the orville copter it's supposed to be a piece of arch and basically it's his it's his stuffed dead cat take a look. i
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don't know what i mean and i think that that is actually the perfect device for the government to unlist to document and spy on the zombie apocalypse that's happening down in miami ok a dead cat i don't know what he's going to. be this is what would have happened if like if the wright brothers work out lowers the smoke too much weed we would be driving everywhere and there would have kiddie copters flying around i mean i wonder is this something like animal rights activists are angry about the cat was dead exactly i'd like our animal rights activists upset about attacking i don't i don't think they like and only be like stuffed animals stuffed dead and i have to say though i saw this and i thought god who would do that and then i remembered that a few weeks ago i was thinking to myself why don't we have a taxidermy cat because i needed it first. always all these weird things that come out of your novel i don't think a lot of that probably might want to contact him and see if he can get us the wanted or evil or bill copter well it's it's on show at the art festival in
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amsterdam for anyone who's interested. ok. let's move on so you have to ask whether sometimes you know people take it a little bit too far when you worry about sexual predators you know i mean there are a lot of people that have for example these charges on their record for something stupid they might have done as a kid they want to flash somebody and then you're like a sex offender for the rest of your life but so listen to this this is a scottsdale man who's claiming that a barnes and noble bookstore discriminated against him when an employee forced him out of the store because he was alone shopping and he was a male and he was in the children's book area he's seventy three years old and he said that like there was a female shopper there too but no they basically they kicked him out and he said men cannot be by themselves in the children's area and you've got to be kidding i have to say there's no way they would let brian and the children i was going to show you my money. as a person of mustache. now that's one of the top of my character malvo one of our
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just going so far that he did the right thing they're trying to get you so you have an over moment on this story matter you call about we believe we acted appropriately i mean i understand that you have to. you know try to tread lightly and be careful but at the same time was so this means that a man can't go and buy his daughter his granddaughter you know never any you know any kid as a president i look i've had a problem with this ever since the day i was turned away from a chucky cheese because i didn't have a child with me all i want is a piece of pizza and i you know i think it's ridiculous it's not my fault that parents don't watch their children so now i can't well not me but if i was a man i can't be alone in barnes and noble because people let their children one run wild in the children's section what are you going to use for pizza it's good talking to these people so it's good that's actually kind of good memories but like i said for you you obviously have bad luck because i went to a chuck e. cheese one time in college and it was just my friends and i we were all of college
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age we had no children with us and we were away ironically this was around the same time that there was a flasher at the border in the vicinity might have been. drinking back and they were the same time. all right should or should we do a redo our last story to really look at let's move on archana will do this the other week we play this clip i don't think we have time for it now jonah goldberg basically going on about young voters how he thinks that it's too bad that the voting age is eighteen we should we should bring it up talking about how young people are just inherently stupid and he said that socialism is to be beaten out of young people either literally or figuratively and so jamie kills dean who's co-host of citizen radio basically wrote this whole article it's up on wonkette to why he wants to fight him and jamie although he's a vague and he also you know he's a fighter he does a number of forms so i kind of like to see that go down. yeah i'm all and bringing back modern day duels i think we throw a gun in there and make
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a real interesting of a prediction is what you think i think the loser in this fight between a comedian and a political columnist will be anybody who used to watch a fight between those two you'll run out of breath from thirty seconds comedians are fighters ok we're going to. actually see a fighter in a real fight ok we've got to wrap it up because we're out of time thanks for joining me tonight that's it for a night show things are spinning and come back tomorrow we're going to have greg roth on happy hour in the meantime you know where to find us on facebook and on twitter and you tube subscriber who channel or i guess watches there and perhaps next is the news. download the official location on the phone called touch from the still. life on the go. video on demand.
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comes and says feed now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture. there hasn't been a thing on t.v.
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. it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is worth hope's journalism on a real world. we want to present. something else. the aerial. the air.


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