tv [untitled] June 4, 2012 11:32pm-12:02am EDT
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in the most of the rest of the news the paycheck fairness act which aims to reduce the wage gap between men and women who do the same work better paid differently is the latest piece of legislation under attack by house republicans as part of their war on women but ask any conservative in washington about this war they'll just brush it off and pretend it doesn't exist take a listen to what mitt romney's senior adviser eric fehrnstrom had to say this weekend. you're going to see the democrats use all sorts of shiny objects to distract people's attention from the obama formants on an economy this is not a huge social issue election george this is going to be according to latest polls that's far from the truth social issues are important to voters this election cycle and among women the same women this party has attacked relentlessly that romney is trailing so how will the war on women play out over the next few months and what impact will it have on the november elections joining me now is former governor for vermont governor matalin the first woman governor of vermont the first u.s.
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ambassador to switzerland and the author of the new feminist agenda defining the next revolution for women work and family governor welcome thank you it's a pleasure i call you in bassett or which. ever you like. the new feminist agenda your book defining the next revolution for women working family. their head what is the new feminist agenda well it's different from the old feminist agenda but it's related to it it's the whole question of how do women do two things there has to do to be good caregivers take care of their kids or their elderly parents and at the same time go to work and the united states is very different from the rest of the world we don't provide things like paid maternity leave we don't provide across the board workplace flexibility or access to safe affordable quality child care so we're in a strange position right now where women really have to mobilize on two fronts one
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to hold on to what we have in terms of controlling. the birth control and access to legal abortion and also the violence against women act is being stalled in the congress and as you said the paycheck fairness act is is being stalled so we have to hold on to what we gain but at the same time. we have to move forward to name a neighbor women and men these days who want to be good dads to be both good providers and good caregivers you wrote about the third path institute you're writing a. video of and yes and some of the assumptions that were built into kind of the feminism version won of of women becoming more like men the assumption was that men were somehow. you know positive for or if a whatever something to be emulated. isn't there's something to be said for the old
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iroquois notion that women you know there was a major a lineal matriarchal society that women are independent of men and have their own should have their own power in their own spheres of. a mangling this but i think i get it ok rather than rather than operating on the assumption that women should become like men and weight is just acknowledge women as women and say they have every right to equal political power an equal income absolutely this is an absolutely we you know one of the people i interviewed for this book said you know we've spent forty years enabling women to do the things men do now we have to enable men to do the things women do such as being caregivers and more men are doing that some out of necessity if the wife has a job because he's unemployed or the partner but some men really want to be with their children and why and how about acknowledging women when they do these things for example women don't earn social security for being caregivers nor do men
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shouldn't i mean shouldn't we reconsider our social configurations in some ways where that would be the ideal but people have to you know it's pretty hard to calculate exactly what the caregiver and the homemaker earns and how to translate that and put that into law but at the very least what we should have. is equal pay for equal work yes and you know it's an enormously popular idea republicans the last poll i saw a seventy seven percent of republicans support this so i can understand why anyone would think this was a winning issue to oppose equal pay if republicans continue this battle against women and women's rights and women's equality in the workplace if nowhere else. do you think that that's going to play a big in this election or are the republicans right that nobody cares oh i think their best again to estimating the power of the women's vote you know there has been a big gender gap in favor of democrats you know since the early eighty's and in every
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election and you know women really care about economic issues and equal pay is the most fundamental economic issue there it is because it adds up over the years if you're making less than the other person i managed to in the exact same job by the time you retire you're going to get less retirement so this is not a complicated issue it's you know you do the numbers and they don't add up equally for men and women and this legislation that's pending can really help address the great new feminist agenda and madeline can thank you so much for being thank you tom pleasure very nice to meet you in person women have a lot at stake in this election that kind of taking back america means returning to a nation of dangerous back alley abortions the taliban like clamp down on contraceptives and mad men style massaging in the workplace and mitt romney is the
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guy to vote for. you know political news the romney campaign might have to shelve their untruthful saloon tax for a little while but remember last week romney appeared outside the headquarters of cylinder to attack the president over a federal investment going to arrive at the now bankrupt company never mind the fact that the government in. represented less than one percent of all the investments made by the deal we in renewable companies and nevermind the fact that the investment originated in the bush administration and not the obama administration romney's never been good with the facts and i've said it before i'll say it again the only way mitt romney can win the white house is by lying but now romney has some splaying to do on his own when it comes to failed investments in solar companies the boston herald reports as governor of massachusetts romney also invested taxpayer dollars into a green company that went belly up in two thousand and three romney appeared outside solar company on arca technologies calling for more grants for the
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renewable energy sector after a one point five million dollars investment by the state kanaka filed for bankruptcy playing off its entire staff and liquidating all of its assets so when romney attacks president obama for a similarly failed investment at cylinder he's also attacking himself this is a point made by fox's chris wallace this last sunday. let's compare romney and obama in another area romney hit the president this week for engaging in what he said is public equity using taxpayer money to invest trying to pick winners and losers the most obvious the poster child if you will is cylindrical but as governor romney approved millions of dollars in tax money for loans and tax breaks for private companies what's the difference. or is that everett's or should follow joins me now democratic strategist and host of the richard fowler show we had radio here in washington d.c. those are great to have you with us thanks for having me tom you know i don't know what the difference is i can tell you i think it's the same exact thing you know
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mitt romney like i said this race is not between president obama and mitt romney it's been mitt romney and mitt romney's ever changing mind. i'll hopefully people will perceive it that way but does this mean that we won't see any more cylinder attacks now that governor romney has done the same thing are the is he going to suddenly shut up no i don't think i don't think he's going to shut up on this at all but i thought. what is going to have to happen is i think it's very important that we educate people about the fact that mitt romney is engaged in some of the same policies president obama and the sad part is top of this whole situation is that even though he made these investments in massachusetts message this was still the forty seven state in job creation he was governor almost dead last and i ask people all the time why would you ever elect somebody that was dead last i mean i've never heard of it it baffles my mind you think the president should be the first not the last but you wonder about herbert hoover. so how long is romney going to be able to avoid talking about his time as governor of us choose c i have i haven't i don't recall having heard him mention other than in passing i have
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executive experience i don't hear him do you know that's a good question one woman meet with a real mitt romney stand up and talk about what he did as governor and what his track record was in one of the people of massachusetts overwhelmingly support the president over him and not only that the republicans in massachusetts support ron paul over him in their convention yeah we didn't even hear what happened this they don't want to tell me what they're up there in their state convention but ron paul at this like you know he did all the other state convention he came in and he starts like picking off delegates so he's picked up a good chunk but i don't have an exact number on the right now but he picked up a good chunk of massachusetts pro should be pro romney delegates that you know ron paul is now picked off i mean that the said the sad part of this guy for you to win the white house you have to win your home state and whichever home statement romney wants to claim i don't see him winning any of them he doesn't win massachusetts he doesn't win michigan and if you want to kind of add on that he wins that one even. if maybe you. didn't go to bring him to yeah i believe or don't there's no we
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don't we know who the real guy is well and in fact i'm still confused by his saying that he voted in the massachusetts election so just so you could vote against ted kennedy but at that time he was living in this mansion in california where he hired a lobbyist to build the to get the permit to build the elevator for his wife's second cadillac. how is it that this guy registers to vote in his son's unfinished basement massachusetts nobody's screaming about voter fraud but all these republicans are yelling about where's obama's person i don't get it i don't listen i don't get it either i really don't understand why this birth there is even an issue and i think they should i think mitt romney has personally himself repudiate what donald trump said about the president on top of. it why isn't romney's voter fraud issue it should be an issue it should definitely be an issue i think who's going to bring it up is a question i think the obama campaign is not going to go down that avenue and maybe they should i think they should talk about his for his record as massachusetts
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governor and on top of that how i see it listen i'm not really i don't really care where the president was born i care where he lives at six hundred pennsylvania avenue and i want him to stay there you know. bill clinton. kind of blew it by applauding romney's time at bain. how is that going to play out thirty seconds. you know i mean today i don't think anybody's criticizing being capital for what it does i think they're criticizing what mitt romney did it being capital and the horrible things that he did to working in middle class americans so that you can applaud being for the fact that it creates you know american businesses and creates american jobs but you have to criticize what mitt romney did it being when he fired workers to rehire them on the union contracts and i'll go so far as to say that what is a scam based on loopholes in the tax code and as hundred eighty they should not exist but. richard. while both romney and obama share similar experiences investing in failed solar companies there is one thing that romney did
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do that president obama never did and that's make hundreds of millions of dollars as a pirate equity manager devouring companies for profits and ruining the lives of thousands of american workers. coming up when all else fails do everything you can to sabotage a democratic president and make sure the american people hate him at the end of the day no matter what and i still take i'll tell you why that is the. official platform of the republican party. with. its technology innovations all the developments from around russia we've. covered.
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the good the bad and the very very emphysema to slay ugly good california state assembly states like florida are making it harder to vote for it is making it easier on thursday the assembly passed a bill which would remove restrictions on when californians can register to vote the bill becomes law it will allow citizens to register to vote at the polls even on election day so it is shown that election day registration states including district of columbia voter turnout rose by seven percent the right to vote is fundamental to our democracy so kudos to california for standing up for. the bad and even prime minister stephen harper our poor in the canadian government really writing this environmental laws help the fossil fuel industry make money changes in
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the laws would speed up the extraction and export of canada's oil minerals and other natural resources spokesman for our percentage that is simple and straightforward make canada the most attractive country in the world for resource investment and development yet again corporate money triumphs over the well being of the environment. and our plan. and the very very ugly dr susan the borgia borgia and the tremendous regional medical center where she works have been sued by. is a new jersey man borgia allegedly refused to give samoa as his hiv medications because the contract of the disease in her words against god's will or joe also contacted samoa's private physician and allegedly said to him you must be gay too if you're his doctor if you try to be patient this is a dose of the medication it can cause them to become resistant to the drugs and
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develop worse symptoms doctors are supposed to provide health care to patients regardless of their personal religious beliefs all this proves that what dr borgia did it's true is very very. ever since franklin delano roosevelt famously won the office of the presidency four times in a row the republican strategy against democrats has been pretty simple and can be summed up in one word sabotage when there's a democrat the white house simply and purely do everything possible to sabotage his efforts to do anything that will make him look good or help the american people during harry truman's first year in the midterm election in one thousand nine hundred six the republicans took the house and senate for the first time since
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before the great depression and immediately set out to sabotage truman he proposed expanding the new deal with what he called the fair deal a national single payer health care system along with a wide variety of other progressive reforms republicans blocked it all every aspect of truman's fair deal and hurt him badly in the polls so in the final months before the election he called them out calling them the do nothing congress are blocking all of his initiatives. benefits have been spread to all the people because it's the business of the democratic party to see that the people get a fair stare they say this last word a.d.'s congress just the opposite but the republicans. like to say a word or two now. but i think republican. ever since its inception that party has been under the control of special privilege and they concretely approved it in a.t.f.
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congress. i said i asked for adequate and they. were displaced persons and added to medic and it catholic now with this eighty congress passed by exposing the republican sabotage strategy truman got a real like that in a squeaker the next big democratic incumbent running for election as president was lyndon johnson's vice president hubert humphrey in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight the vietnam war had become enormously unpopular and in the spring and summer of sixty eight l.b.j. had negotiated a peace a preliminary priest peace deal between the north and south it amaze the would have actually ended the war that year before the election so richard nixon had his operatives reach out to the south vietnamese and tell them that if they just refused to go to the peace meeting in paris or refused to sign the deal he'd give them a much better deal and make them all rich in the process the cia intercepted the conversations between nixon's campaign staff and the vietnamese and gave the tapes to l.b.j.
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president johnson was furious this was reason but he was afraid that if he went public with the fact that nixon was committing treason to win the presidency it would stain the presidency forever so we call the republican senate leader everett dirksen and asked him to let nixon know that l.b.j. was on to this treason nixon was committing and that nixon should stop it. i don't. think it was shock america back spoke was playing where george strike. out or are good. but this kind of stuff they are good we. are. quoting some of these. are going to be an amazing embassy and. the second.
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and ever i go out to get theirs and the campaign and they are this is crazy. and and after l.b.j. says this is treason everett dirksen says i know those tapes were just released last year for almost forty five years nixon stres has been a secret and nixon knew that l.b.j. wouldn't go public with what he knew so he refused to stop his interference the south vietnamese blew up the peace talks and humphrey lost the election the next republican sabotage of a democratic presidential candidate worked the next democrat running for reelection was jimmy carter the shah of iran had been our guy and his entire military and police forces were using us made planes tanks and weapons so when the shah was dying of cancer and his administration fell in the nation was taken over by radical islamists they badly needed spare parts and munitions that were compatible with the us made weapons and planes carter was not giving it to them barbara honegger who
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worked in the reagan white house wrote a book titled october surprise outlining how reagan's campaign manager bill casey reached out to the arena and told them that if they just hold the u.s. hostages they'd taken until after the election one nine hundred eighty so reagan could win the election and reagan would give them sell him a spare parts and weapons that carter had embargoed historian david brinkley tells how jimmy carter learned of this after he. lost the election and bill casey had been elevated to the head of the cia carter was meeting with yasser arafat in one thousand nine hundred six in gaza city as part of an effort to broker peace with the p.l.o. during the clinton ministration arafat said quote there is something i want to tell you you should know that in one thousand nine hundred eighty the republicans approached me with an arms deal for the p.l.o. if i could arrange to keep the hostages in iran until after the us presidential election and of quote carter was horrified but like l.b.j. he was unwilling to dig deeper or go public with anything that would tarnish the
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office of the presidency so congress when congress investigated the sale of weapons to iran by the reagan bush administration the legislation authorizing their investigation very specifically blocked any inquiry into whether a deal was made before the election nobody wanted to charge the presidency as a republican sabotage almost work with truman did work with l.b.j. and did work with carter next up bill clinton republicans took control of the house in the mid term elections of ninety four two years in the clinton's presidency new speaker of the house newt gingrich reprised and revisited the republican strategy against truman and put it on steroids now with a bloc clinton's efforts they shut down the government and totally humiliated but clinton like truman went public with the whole thing and call them out accusing them of craven political activity that was harming the american people today as a most handfuls of federal government employees or. the government is
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partially show than them. because congress has failed to pass the straightforward legislation necessary to keep the government running without imposing sharp hikes in medicare premiums and deep cuts in education and the environment the republicans are following a very explicit strategy announced last april bus speaker gingrich to use the threat of a government shutdown to force america to accept their cuts in medicare and medicaid to accept their cuts in education and technology and the environment yesterday they sent me legislation that said we will only keep the government going and we will only let it pay its debts if and only if. we accept their cuts in medicare their cuts in education their cuts in the environment and
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their repeal of twenty five years of bipartisan commitments to protect the environment and public health on the half of the american people i said no. the result of clinton pushing back like that was that he wanted real action and gingrich was disgraced and eventually resigned from congress now barack obama is the democrat face to the republican sabotage strategy not only are they blocked any efforts by obama to revive the economy and bring jobs back overseas a republican leaning trans national corporations are sitting on two to three really and dollars here in the u.s. and even more overseas refusing to spend it until after the elections. every meaningful piece of job creation legislation to come out of nancy pelosi the house of representatives during obama's first two years was blocked by a filibuster in the sun and since the republicans took the house in the two thousand and ten midterm elections they've refused to pass any legislation that would create jobs or bring jobs back home from overseas and in the meantime they've
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demanded and gotten a reduction in the length of time people can get unemployment benefits from ninety nine weeks down to seventy three weeks meaning that a half million people are in the process of being thrown off the unemployment rolls right now similarly republicans in state government of laid off off over six hundred thousand people making things in red states even worse than the national average devastating millions of american families tragically unlike truman and clinton president obama has not yet done a good job of making it clear to the american people that this is a republican sabotage strategy instead in a bizarre reversal republicans are bragging about the success of their efforts to crash the economy notice all three of these guys are grinning while they're speak it's pretty clear the to american people are hurting and spall small businesses continue to avert hard in additional people and it's clear that the
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policies that we've seen are not working these job numbers are pathetic and you know the american people really deserve better and i think on the right the right leadership we can do better but i guess the only news this morning is that three and a half years later the president's policies are still failing three if president obama doesn't start channeling his inner harry truman we shall get ready for president romney and the super hard right wing supreme court that helped bring us. as the big picture for tonight tune in tomorrow for our continuing coverage of the wisconsin recall vote was special on the ground reporting more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech to oregon r t dot com you can also check out our two youtube channels and links over thom hartmann dot com also there you can find out all the different ways to send us your feedback and don't forget democracy begins when you show up and participate get out there get active your it occupy something else either.
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latest episode of julian assange just show premieres here on t.v. today as the f.b.i. tightens its nice around with. these guests. eastern union. is in china to pick up economic tips from moscow and beijing continue to read from the same page when it comes to world politics. egypt's muslim brotherhood sides with news from million man protest calling for mubarak's execution and it will also see assad tension. before anyone even votes. in the welcome to our team goes straight to our top story now the latest
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installment of julian assange is premiering today here on r.t. with the f.b.i. now apparently among the ranks of those viewers the agency is said to have been given the green light to the launch a surveillance mission on the prominent whistleblower and everyone in contact with him a number of his guests have been stopped and interrogated by agents we want even offered the chance to turn f.b.i. informant. u.s. officials say there is no indictment against julian assange but apparently the u.s. is going after him after all in their quest for evidence they might be watching the song here on our t.v. or else how would several of the shows and guests end up interrogated by u.s. officials about the week it leaks founder in this week's episode features one of them that's jeremy is them or met an internet freedom advocate who is based in france at the airport traveling from the united states to friends he will stop by
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