tv [untitled] June 5, 2012 1:32am-2:02am EDT
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burley gives emotional expression and the exceptional passion for music has made him one of the most sought after conductors across the globe he has guest conducted most of the world's major orchestras since one thousand nine to six he has been the january director of the mariinsky theater in st petersburg and since two thousand and seven principal conductor up to london symphony orchestra. the organizer of several major international musical spectacular events most notably the white knight bastable in st petersburg and moscow east of festival one of the foremost international conductors of all time caregiver has never been shy to react to major world issues especially those concerning his native caucasus after the two thousand and four busline school massacre he conducted a series of concerts in tribute to the victims following the two thousand and eight war selfless said he came to conduct
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a concept of the win column and building in memory of those who died in the conflict. hello mr gifford welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us today my pleasure while her first of all i would like to ask. you do different things you do so many things in your life except music lots of things along with music so music for you is a trait a business or a mission. can you choose what three is it is my world so.
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but. it doesn't really matter if i must go in new york if i am was music event was orchestrated am was a singer's was a chorus is well i know what i have to do i think and. it is also important for me to say that. moscow and new york are big big cities but i find it more and more pleasant to go to listen on places smaller towns are wonderful music lovers. always good i think they always waiting for really important musical events and that's where my heart tells me i have to go more and more often you conducted wagner's parts of verdi's requiem with the marine corps construct in london this year you also are the principal conductor of the london symphony orchestra so what are you preparing for london this year since something
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interesting i just came from london there was a three days ago four days ago we performed. a very long over a beautiful bit of a kind of wagner. and famous wreck feel very young so that was very recently on my next return visit to london is in may it will be totally dedicated to russian composer stravinsky yugoslavians key is arguably the most famous composer of twenty of century and maybe one of the absolutely most important musicians of the century and i am always on the road to just conduct his music everywhere in russia in america in europe is they in london it will be the star i mean ski season what about the olympics will you be performing in london during the games well my august there will be involved some london symphony orchestra i will be there myself for the closing ceremony and i think we will all hope for fantastic
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games and i personally hope also russia. well so you here you are pretty. active i mean socially politically recently recently you he were. endorsed put his presidential campaign why did you decide to to to give your popularity your name to to put his campaign it's very simple i think russia needs a strong leader a russian yes a leader who knows the job well it's a little bit like orchestra. choosing a conductor because the fate of orchestra or big corporate house very much depends on the leadership i think putin knows even better than four years ago how to lead this country he knows economy better than maybe ever before and he will meet me very strong team and by far the most important question will be who will be the
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team members especially key members. when we say we are of the same generation you and me when we see a strong leader we have second thoughts we have the history of total a terrible regime in russia when you say putin is a strong leader and you want him as a president don't you have any theories and second thoughts do you think do you think he has enough will you know what to keep not falling over the edge you know what i mean i don't think he wants to be acting as a. leader who is really ready to go. push too far and make an impression that he is doing something what big big majority of people will not take very well i don't think so all the recent events in december. i thought show that russia is growing russia is changing but there was no blunt most importantly there was no blood i
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don't think it was any harder on demonstrators than in any other country nor myself . i myself hope for the lies that whatever happens on the streets it will be peaceful and things what it was peaceful so i think it's a big step forward for any country in the world today to have demonstrations protestors about to make sure that their lives hell for their well being cannot go out and i think russia is moving and moving in the right direction that's my feeling i'm artists i'm not spending hours and hours myself on the streets sure even in st peter's work i work and actually i hope a lot of people version will do the same just work quite hard that's why i'm interested in your opinion because the opinion of politicians are more or less easy to game for them but for you it's not a game it's a piece of sheet music is your world and this thing it's part of your world of this
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so so this is why it's very important for me to know your point of view what do you think and many people say that artists should this isn't this that's them south from politics some power they should be out there out in order not to lose not not to lose the love and devotion of the other people of different political views do you think this is correct or absolutely agree with this position i was in no way involved in any part of tea in the last twenty years and i think it's appropriate to say a famous man you know on that only subject ones. came to my house and he wanted me to be not only joining the party which he wanted to form but also to be what you call in the first three are you so you will ignore one or two one or three days i believe i was offered to be a number three. was or all the respect and very politely pretty cool
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yeah i told scheme it was maybe nine hundred ninety three ninety four and i had to tell him well thank you so much i'm very honored but i think i have to do what i do conducting leading the marine ski and for me it is totally important. young or old communist or or nationalists everyone who comes to the bar in ski for me the most important public public and they are all equal to me if they want to hear chekov mozart or wagner a very deep very equal we have to act well we have to perform same dance we have to deliver a very high quality and everyone who is in the auditorium is equally important to us and to me personally as a leader oh last question about politics we saw many artists many of your colleagues campaigning for putin this break why so some say they did so to secure their projects the answer is charities all movies whatever do you think that art is
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so very much dependent on politics in russia is the reality of india for example the best strategy to just survive as an articulate i will be very very honest. it's not maybe a very nice word to prostitute it's not what you can apply to the actions of some of very distinguished famous and actually brilliantly gifted people we are all grown enough to have an opinion i have very very firm opinion myself today no one is better prepared for his job than. what will happen in four five six years in very much will depend on putting himself but i repeat also what he's team for example what mr quadrant will do these are fine as well it's not only for mark it's also the best we've had yet it's very important and i believe this question's
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not only important also to many many artists and intellectuals but. when people i my younger friend for example the nice months is a brilliant pianist you know he was here in this studio is very very nice person i think he's also very small. he's very organized i don't think he has to do something special or something tricky he doesn't have to sell himself he's doing what he does brilliantly he's playing piano but also leading his generation. i don't think it's correct and i think it's smart and i don't think it's polite to think well if you support fortune or maybe he needs something from putin i think it's a very very big mistake it's exactly what was done. thirty years ago by the way i'm never very critical of everything what happened in soviet union of course not for example education system was quite strong quite brilliant health care many firsts the i was always
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a little sick and credible really but when we were told don't listen to the words of america why or you can't because there lies telling lies it's the same mistake what some somehow people repeat now if people today have their opinion and they say well i think i like this candidate oh no or you have some interests or you maybe want to get some money or you want to get some some kind of very special. you know help which you personally need if you just wait it out that i like the skinny but not another one but maybe some people like this kind of because they think is the best candidate i myself happen to think that today russia cannot afford an experiment where someone who never let anything. jumps to the chair of the president of the country especially
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in the world which would have no says to give a gift principal conductor of the london symphony orchestra and director of the embodying ski theatre in st peter's quite likely to back through three popular break so stay with us and we. are going. to the. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered . sigrid laboratory jim occurs with was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything terms mission to teach creation why it should care about
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humans in the world this is why you should care watch only on the r g dot com. welcome back to spotlight i'm just a reminder that my guest on the show today is valley get the principal conductor of the london symphony orchestra and director of the muddy theater. the annual easter festival easter music festival which which is your child your one of your beloved children it's opening this weekend so this is becoming like a world event he when you found it you promised you would make it a world world event is the geography increasing first of all it's called more is surface they're all it's clearly. indicates that it's
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a russian cultural group but b. event starts in moscow traditionally and comes from there and also has a big concert in moscow in between money's curious and also leading singers some of brilliance always instrumental is the violinist or peonies cellist. visit many regions of russia every year. it is good differently we go east so it will be perry more you can tell him more. or the more go almost where they built the stick new hole by the way gnomes very quickly build that hole there this time we go two more months which is part of the war thinks it was a was our congress when we go back to your last level and then moscow two or yes we plan intend also to perform in kiev a great russian or what are called one china here is a big project where we're going in it we will go south to the rest of we will go to
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verona national go to cross the will go to keys lovat's probably to start reporting to volgograd and then back to moscow you see we how many people take well we're sometimes a thousand over well covered and china will be about three hundred people it's a great great russian on board and i think you know here are a it's going to be hopefully a way to get beautiful beautiful event as well and then a minimum hundred people travel was me just an orchestra for this year's event you chose so gaper coffee yes what why him this time well tchaikovsky who we love and his music. still you need what you call more and more recognition because your cost is not only order of nutcracker or swan lake or fifth symphony or six symphony there are many many other beautiful compositions but prokofiev stravinsky shows the
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college. the great great composers of twentieth century and russia some people don't even maybe understand how incredibly much russia was given the world for our twentieth century and these three composers just for example stravinsky perkoff you just the coach nearly every week in my plans i know well i've noticed that your orchestra is playing more russian composers of the twentieth century stravinsky just a coffee if you just mentioned the then then then for says you you you put in she calls key glencoe well and then a traditionally well known is it well what we started with is it because music for you isn't just business but it's a mission you want to promote the people that you think are. a little bit forgotten in some places you see great composers they are able to worked. at
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least twenty five thirty years maybe schubert or mozart were not so lucky they didn't leave that long but we in twenty five thirty or forty or fifty years they compose a lot some of those pieces compositions become very things even verdi is more famous or prose and less famous so the true of costly is that even joe koskie has more famous. compositions on them that sort of real world in general is hugely popular i mean ski years prokofiev as well shostakovich getting more and more popular but i'm looking that all life story of prokofiev and i find it important today to play all his symphonies all his behind the concerto to push a little bit upstaged her from backstage to the liberal go very eve eve i am a soldier and my oldest with me of course my his good is in this case money's gone
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because he's a good strong army so we have to fight we're ready to fight who we defend we defend great composers of our nations in the first place and i think we have to be needs a good army to defend his music that isn't an easter fest so we call that easter first all does it have any religious component any anything they do well well for example for you a lot of bells will sing for mosque and for the c.d.'s these days and all the churches of moscow but also in many marriages of russia will be opened for choral singing we will perform in the. great hall of conservatory in moscow which is the best hall in moscow but also will perform in st petersburg about when your whole embodied ski will perform in many other cities i just mentioned them already and it
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will be a festivity i think. it is sacred music which makes it a little bit more close to the heart of simple people because everyone knows that if you go to the church and you will be very grateful also not only to the george and then muster of russian easter but also to the music which makes this list of eighty even more beautiful i think it's appropriate you have recently expressed your amazement the fact that most of the russian population are listening to cheap pop music that there are not enough what very few classical music in the air and the classical radio stations easily because you want to start or the classical station or what you know i never speak against any music. cheap music or pop music or. my says
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mass culture so the mascot you may be ok with it may be junk you were talking about junk bach music and why we don't know what i mean but isn't it we all know it is this is some of it is just noise but but i will never do it speak against any music what i will do i will of course act and try to build more and more facilities and create opportunities for classical music to i by the way i don't think there is a crisis was question school musical russian i don't think you travel a lot do you see a need did you see a market because f.m. f.m. station is a business is there a market for classical music in russia and a large scale not only among moscow's intelligentsia but i mean in in all the cities you just mentioned i think there is a. the huge number of people who are in love with law school music i swear we will go to these tent cities the halls will be full no one will
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force people to go there here's marion's key is famous years some people know my name but i think it's a love for music and people will expect something magical to camp in something beautiful i'm not worried about classical music or russian i'm not worried about a lack of interest i'm not worried about a lack of good taste now well here we can then we can improve i think we can improve overall but this is the case with many many countries i don't think we are doing. badly i don't think other countries are in much better shape i don't think so far as i mean italy in the schools there is no subject of music we have music and i was school still maybe not enough. you have recently opened your musical school in western siberia this winter actually had the news is that the graduates of your school in siberia will get an opportunity to work with you in
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the marines keep their insane piece is it a unique project or the other project like that it does with a few words about it look it's a small project but every conductor should try to do something small then all together we will make a progress because and not possible even to think that ok there is one man and he will just change everything we all have to serve school music and i think we don't have. we don't have to forget we a country of czerkawski where country or most of ski this is maybe not a lot it's a moral code no one tells me every day by the way you cannot forget you live in russia country because it's just it's for me like waking up and maybe make sure. only think of. things going. in russia and my country gave so much of the world of music recently you staged my fair lady
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a classical musical in the marines q which a classical classical music theory in st petersburg lots of people criticized you why did you do that i don't think people criticize me i think there were twelve performances sold out. which means there is an interest my fair lady is a beautiful story it's a little bit of cinderella story it's a much loved story in the world and in russia but is it the replacement in the classical all of the other classical stage i mean we're putting putting out there that they leave the pop i mean you're going pop well look i didn't do it instead of classical i did it on top we're going to do what we did. mikey magics are very important here marian skeeter performs more than seven hundred fifty times a year i repeat not two hundred fifty times seven hundred fifty times a year seven sixty to be precise. eve. five hundred
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fifty dollars are using pewter and two hundred i would cite it as work and outside russia as well for example recent london performances so birmingham boccardi for paris dortmund or munich or recently geneva that was just the last fifteen twenty days. that's good i think we mustn't doors without being off is surely part of the minister of foreign affairs but we're cultural ambassadors i find it very appropriate again and i find it also because i know because my distance was more in ski is full of many many events and my fair lady is just one of very many events you know is a leader i plan quite intensive program so the company works no one can make use of money is being lazy being what you call underperforming underachieve or underachiever that don't think you can apply to marine ski but one production is
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brilliant the other one is maybe less brilliant would regret but you know unified one director when he went another director you might course designer said designer and then you hope that it goes well and then after premiers say well that was great this was maybe a little bit less but well i hope you you you you always have this fire in your eyes because i see it now and as long as you do it as long as you how did you can do whatever you want to love you having fun thank you thank you very much for being with us and we're just a reminder that my guest today was the principal conductor of the london so free market truck and director of the muddiness here in st petersburg and that's a kind of from all of us here spotlight will be back with more and comment on what's going on outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take a. america
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closes the net around the f.b.i. now harnessing his contacts and apparent attempt to gather dirt on the world's most famous. eastern union. looking for some of china's economic fortune cookies moscow and beijing continue to read from the same page when it comes to politics. and egypt's muslim brotherhood sides with. a protest calling for an execution here to also sweep aside the presidential election before anyone even votes.
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twenty four hours a day very welcome well latest installment. premiering today here on r.t. with the f.b.i. now apparently among the ranks of viewers the agency is said to have been given the green light to launch a surveillance mission on the prominent whistleblower if you want in contact with him a number of his guests have been stopped interrogated by agents and one even offered the chance to turn the f.b.i. informant he's going to if you can has more on the story. u.s. officials say there is no indictment against julian assange but apparently the u.s. is going after him after all in their quest for evidence they might he watching this on his show here on our t.v. or else how would several of the show's guests end up be interrogated by u.s. officials about the week it leaks founder in this week's episode features one of them that's jeremy zimmerman an internet freedom advocate who's based in friends at the airport traveling from the united states to friends he will stop by itself.
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