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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2012 3:02am-3:32am EDT

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net freedom advocate who is based in france at the airport traveling from the united states to friends he will stop by self identified f.b.i. agents and questioned about julian assange the week in leaks website says mr zimmerman was threatened with arrest and imprisonment when he asked about his rights this all happened after his interview with mr asante where they talked cyber security and freedom in the face of ever expanding government civilians here is a bit of it don't miss the whole thing here and r.t. running all day know that some sites technology enables. every communication then there is to do the other side of that coin is what we do with it we could admit that for which you go to talk to anyone there is some indeed some legitimate use investigators investigating the bug. but guys and so on may need under the supervision of the judicial authority to be able to use. such tools but the
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question is where to draw judicial supervision where to go to the control that the citizens can have over the use of those technologies and this is a policy issue so there was jeremy and a bit earlier and another guest of the show internet freedom activists mari mccarthy the co-founder of the icelandic digital freedom society he too was stopped at the airport and questioned by u.s. officials about julian assange he says he was later followed and approached by three u.s. officials in washington late at night and asked to become an even warmer sounds like something from a movie as far as the number of people detained or arrested shortly before or after the show might be breaking some television record among other guests there was the president of the bahrain center for human rights and i believe our job was beaten up at bahrain international airport and held in prison for almost a month after recording an interview with julie. so what can we expect as if now
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the duke a court has authorized mr songes extradition to sweden his lawyers have less than two weeks to contest that decision in sweden he's facing quite thin allegations of sexual assault which reportedly had to do with consensual but unprotected sex but his supporters are saying it's not songes unprotected sex that they're looking into but rather a way to get him to sweden where it would be arguably easier to hand him over to the united states judging by the reports about people being interrogated one might say that the u.s. is building a case against julian assange. where he was later said he said it to the soldiers show here in r.t. starting from eleven thirty g.m.t. . free from prejudices and stereotypes that's how president putin has defined russia's ties with china i see looks east for the next three days neighbors are seeing eye to eye in major international disputes such as the syrian conflict and
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show concern about u.s. expansion in the asia pacific region see our share scheme is in beijing for us. well it's not only just a visit any just official visit it's a state visit the first one since like the reporting became the president so if you have some certain details about its protocol because as we know any president i've got to get the formal need one state visit to any country during his see certainly this outlines how important this visit is and for some experts this has already been a declaration of intent and the declaration of a lot of it which is the show that the foreign policy of russia with these new terror will not change and i first went to europe now if you go to china basically the relations between moscow and beijing have been very strong over the past several decades the trade turnover has been reaching one hundred billion dollars in its turn over every year so definitely this is russia's closest ally not only in terms of economic ties but also on very many international issues as well just in
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particular. the syrian issue within the u.n. security council russia and china seem to have a unified position now certainly this this visit will be interesting with a lot of on its agenda and certainly we'll be following this visit over two days as it's here and we'll be bringing all the latest details for you was every time we get the new information. was that more on that now let's cross to john young he's an assistant professor of political science at the national list of singapore thank you for joining us here on r.t. firstly china in russia's economic ties are developing rapidly with both expanding their national currencies as opposed to the dollar how important do you think that is in times of global economic instability. i think that what the two countries are doing is probably to act as a hedge against any instability in the u.s. dollar which is perfectly understandable given the fact that you know the u.s. economy seems. the recovery seems to be slightly shaky but i think even then there
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is it's not possible i think that the two countries have a clean break from the u.s. dollar in part because the chinese yuan as you know is not for me floating and part of its value is sort of. tied with the u.s. dollars. now china has expressed concern over a u.s. plan to shift most of its warships to the pacific region by twenty twenty does beijing have grounds to be worried. if i remember correctly the first statement from the chinese side coming out of the shangri-la dialogue was that they would not see this as a disaster which i guess. it doesn't exactly couch the. u.s. presence in asia pacific in the most positive outcomes i mean i think. they don't see it as being. necessarily negative all the time and i think you know they do want to hedge their bets and do the chinese side does and they do want to
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sort of have some kind of working relationship with the u.s. which i think is important for the chinese because if you think about it the chinese they sort of get a lot some would say for you right. u.s. presence the fact that the u.s. keeps the ceiling save the fact that the u.s. is somewhat of a force for stability in the asia pacific and in that sense china doesn't have to pay for these kinds of. case that why is the u.s. increasing its but it's a presence in the area well i think the chinese gets a certain get something out of it i think the u.s. side on the other hand the. day they do have their view and some of the apprehensions about the direction which the asia pacific is going to see i think a lot of the interest going forward be sort of tied to the asia pacific but i mean that's a sort of u.s. position which me not be entirely the same as the chinese position they make you a similar situation quite differently for instance where you talk about that's
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a different visa and data russia and china do seem to see eye to eye when it comes to some international issues like iran and syria what's the main reason behind that . well my own perspective is i think they the chinese and the russians probably you know don't want to see. over overly domineering us and which i think is understandable coming from moscow and beijing and i think what the u.s. i think does and to some degree the u.s. with europe with western europe does. seem to be coming down quite strongly in the middle east and in so far as the. the russians and the chinese you know have their interest which and honestly congress with those of europe or the u.s. they would probably want to protect those interests now both trying these president down premier of going to step down at the end of this year and we are in russia already having a newly elected leader what is likely to change in relations between the two very briefly. i don't think the relationship will change very much in the short term
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because i think after even after this sort of change immediate change you're going to your ship on the chinese side they still have to figure out you know the sort of the second or the second order leaders and on and so then the chinese side will probably have some flux in time domestically and they. probably won't be doing too much on the external front ok we'll leave it and now to our young assistant professor of political science at university and national university of singapore i should say thank you for joining us thank you so much. well that talk to author and supermini and from the peterson institute for international economics he thinks china has all that's needed to run the u.s. economy has a preview of what's coming up here next. at the moment china's g.d.p. for example is smaller than that of the united states. but if you measure it in terms of purchasing power it's as big as the united states one second china is
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already the world's largest trader. three china is a net creditor to the world it finances the u.s. and the u.s. is a debtor so it's this combination of the size of the economy the fact the big trader and the fact that it's a creditor confers on it a lot of power today and over the next ten fifteen years all these numbers are going to go in china's favor so the china is going to become an even bigger economy than the u.s. and even bigotry of the u.s. . the u.n. chief has rejected calls from syria's rebels to impose a no fly zone over the country to help bring down president at the moment followed a statement from the fighters saying they're no longer committed to the international truce down proposed by special envoy kofi annan the rebels claim dozens of government soldiers were killed in clashes in attacks on security
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checkpoints over the last few days where violence comes amid growing voices from the u.s. and its allies for action. reports of plans to set up military council in syria something which will only bring more bloodshed according to middle east blogger. i think it will actually increase the likelihood of revenge killings kind of sectarian tension along mixed areas where. revenge operations would start to happen and it will suck more and more people in i think syria now it is at that tipping point where the conflict can be pulled back from a full scale sectarian civil war to kind of some form of political framework but once there is actively groups on the ground in syria and whatever kind of formula they are in there they are likely to increase the prospect of bloodshed. well of course you can always log on to our website r.t. dot com we've got a day to snooze not dates there as well as any other stories you may have missed
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where some of what's there few right now let's have a look you know a promised land for migrants the israeli government sends a go away message to africans the prime minister calls for mass deportation while the rights groups describe the expulsion as immoral. and post revolution libya sees shooting and violence once again a militia group that uses armored vehicles to capture the main airport in tripoli as military chaos drags the country back into bloodshed. as cairo braces itself for the largest rally seen in months calling for the execution of ousted president mubarak the muslim brotherhood's presidential candidate is looking to use the protests to wipe out his rival even before round two of the vote is the mists join the calls of revolutionary groups for
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a million man march on tuesday to capitalize on anti mubarak sentiment dumbarton reports now from an egypt which could again be sliding into instability. revolution renewed but these protesters never expected to be back in time risk where just a year after they ousted the dictatorial president hosni mubarak he's now serving a life sentence but after thirty years in power toppling the system he built is proving to be an even harder task than talking the man everything is like could lapsing from at all just economy so this gave me the impression is that probably be one will not you know rise again they are already exhausted or too exhausted to go to the square and protest again but it's really impressive they went to ghana and they often help this thing dolly has been involved with egypt's revolution from the beginning she works to monitor civil and political developments in the country or lack of them many egyptians are dismayed that little if anything has changed under
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the ruling supremum council of the armed forces or skaf in fact with either. care. is continuing mubarak's regime and offering only very minimal or sessions to that evolution whenever he has to these demonstrations erupted after the notorious court decision that not only sped mubarak's life but acquitted his sons and six former security officials protesters say the second insult is the heavily criticized presidential runoff election a straight choice between the old guard in the form of an ex mubarak man and the religiously conservative muslim brotherhood i don't think injured or politically if they were in the next four years we're all now in a surgical operations with the rich and with so you think i'll do more poorly with things but i think we're being more storyboarded. successful others believe more
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time is needed even though it may be a bumpy ride people did not go to school. queers and streets again to protest there's also two big punches in the face more than they think this is their last chance to win begs that country but until then the revolutionaries plan to fight on which brings us back to real. protesters here describe their religious revolution to me rather like a train they determined not to have it the rails either by religious hardliners by the regime but they're equally desperate to stop it running out of steam lest egypt go off on the wrong track altogether tom watson our seats africa square. now a look at some other stories making headlines around the world u.s. officials say a drone strike on monday in north pakistan targeted al qaeda is the second in command at the moment it's unclear whether or not. fifteen people killed in the
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attack on a militant compound there in eight american drone attacks in the country the last fortnight before is increasing tension between pakistan and washington which is it demands to stop on land across fox. floods and heavy rain or struck three australian states leaving at least two people dead forcing thousands to flee their homes bridges and roads had to be closed people were warned against driving through floodwaters expected peak is reportedly the highest in every century just last month the northeastern state of queensland experienced its third major flood in less than two years. the. credit rating giant standard and poor's have predicted a one in three chance of greece leaving the eurozone after the country's general election later this month a left wing syriza party which is tied for first place in the latest opinion poll has voted cancel the country's bailout deal if elected comes after an inconclusive
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election result in may greece has been under strict terms to cut spending working last protests from the public. on the. strive to keep greece within the euro zone he said by many economists to increasingly resemble a farce in about ten minutes time here in our t.r. the financial guru max kaiser reveals what he believes is behind it is part of what's coming up. like a greek exit at worst means more money printing for the banks and they've already priced that into their stocks and their bonuses what they're really afraid of is that a country finds its inner gonads and decides to become politically independent that's what they're fearful of a country standing up for itself they want iceland to be just contained they don't want greece to stand up for itself they don't want ireland to stand up first up because then they would tell the bankers to stop it that's the real problem they threaten this financial terrorism which is false it's false these are false attacks
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it was a false attack in two thousand and eight it was a concocted covert cooked attack on nine eleven it's a false of. well they say a picture is worth a thousand words but in the art world you know talking millions of dollars that's if it's the genuine article but with forgeries on the rise it's getting increasingly hard for bias in the auction houses and like to sport fakes as aunties or smith explains some don't find out until it's too late. important works of arts go under the hammer every day in london's west end but how can i love as be sure of what they're buying according to scotland yard a staggering fifty percent of all art sold is fact what we're looking at these days is a very considerable increase in faking of twentieth century art i've seen
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a number of printer option houses and. so fakes. a considerable scale and i think it's something that we will accept a lot of forgeries are also sold on websites but it's not just internet bias he can be taken in by the food just brush the latest auction house to come into the spotlight with christie's which is involved in a high court battle with russian tycoon victim paxil but he paid more than two and a half million dollars for a painting he thoughts was by prominent russian artist buddies. and it's a find out later that it appears to have been signed for several years after. the case will go on for nineteen days and according to experts will probably cost more than the painting itself which is one reason why more of these claims don't go to court but another buy of russian art when confronted with lemons make lemonade
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eager to see a cough discovered his art collection meant to fund his retirement was mostly forgeries now he's displaying the paintings as a warning to others. when we have money where ashamed to talk of it i'm trying to be the person who says don't be ashamed of showing us because we believe your people who no one would down the moon now the time has passed and we realize we made a mistake and it's important to publicize the mistake because the quantity of russian figs with this is such that it does. british national. call for sharing it. with. one attempting a painting is genuine and one proving it sometimes even signed by the same person and his collection is just the tip of the iceberg. would be quite hard for the prosecutions in the u.k.
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and germany of so-called master forger's. field are still excellent fakes from hendrick's of actually fakes have been placed on the market and maybe that's just a very small bit how croft's method is clear it doesn't matter whether you're buying off the internet or if you're a reputable auction house buyer beware. of time for some business news now and marina a rare optimistic day so far for markets that's right kerry and i would don't see that very often here but this is mainly coming from the finance minister as well as governors from the group of seven major economies will hold and emergency conference call later today to discuss the eurozone debt crisis and of course we tend to see a lot of optimism before that but as soon as the conference is held we normally see the market slide down that once again let's take a look at europe just kicked off the trading session and it's all in positive
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territory we can see that the german dax is at an almost half a percent when it comes to the footsie it is of course closed for the second though the public holiday as the brits are celebrating and do believe over there and we'll have a more clear picture next hour when it's now after an hour into the trading session let's move on to russia where markets here are tracking overseas again so we see that the odds yes is adding over one percent while the my sex is at an over half a percent and of course we have higher oil prices which always help in the mawson we call them we'll talk more about that a little bit later let's move on to. and see what's happening there we see that it's all in the ted story as well with the nikkei added over one percent in fact the hong kong shares have managed to rebound after a four day moves in street there and what we also know is that investors there are food optimistic about it first of all the federal reserve and the group in central bank will stimulate the economy further in over there with some money now moving on to currencies and see how the euro's change the euro is now losing against the
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dollar when it comes to the ruble it's going against both major currencies the euro and the greenback and crude prices as i said gaining for as second day in a row and that's after analysts are expecting the reports to come out which they say will show that u.s. stockpiles have dropped for the first time in eleven weeks now and other news they seem to be problems in the horizon for one of the oldest lines in the world i'm talking about quantum us which is of course australia's flag carrier and it expects its profits to fall by as much as ninety percent that's amid growing losses at its international operations and its highest ever. its shares dropped around eighteen percent after this announcement. and the dispute between the owners of b.p. now has a new twist now the minority shareholders of the company demand that b.p. pay them fourteen the billion dollars in compensation and this has to do over b.p.'s failed arctic deal with raul sniffed and the what they're saying is that we
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suffered losses as it was invited into the exploration project which of course was later on blocked by the russian co-owners over the venture and earlier on the course the climate similar lawsuit saying there were unfounded and the renewal of the claim followed news of a possible sale of fifty percent stake in. the construction of russia second subsidy gas linked to europe is facing yet another difficulty this time oborne of the projects members. garia is considering pulling out the country says it could quit the south stream project claiming the proposed transit fees and operating ratio are on the except a ball could break the timeline of the project if it doesn't sign the necessary documents by the middle of november but analysts say the project could still be fulfilled with apple garia if it goes through the territory of its neighbor rumania which has shown its interest in the project
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a long time ago anyway. and that's why we have you back to you ok thank you out they very well. well the latest edition of the kaiser report is coming your way right after a recap of the top stories. wealthy british scientists and sometimes six platinum.
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markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines in two counties a report on our hold it. hold it. wrong and le. good speak. to. her.
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to. come up with. family. community wasn't rich wasn't upscale it was just like you know. they started showing up here what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of. rosa. legally. morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to and that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you
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have to. figure this year's one of the major trails into the united states. property and about this noise. from the wire protecting the country. so i come out here you know we're all immigrants that we all do some stuff. on t.v. . to get the maximum political impact. the material is worth hopes he journalism on us. we want to present. something else.
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you know with the main stories we're covering for you the south america closes the net around to the sons were there are saying his contacts and the parents attempt to tell the world's most famous with. the student union that he is looking for some of china's economic fortune cookies in beijing continue to read from the same page when it comes to world politics. and egypt's muslim brotherhood sides with moves from protests from the barracks execution. sweep aside their presidential election rival before anyone even votes. the kaiser report reveals the scandal behind the world's financial headlines.
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max guys or this is the kaiser report here in london getting ready for the summer olympics and the austerity pole vaulting competition they have to keep making the pool shorter and shorter which means more gold medals which means more bailouts oh my god george osborne must be in charge of that stay here well max actually speaking of the olympics there's a lot of fear mongering about the olympics and there could be all sorts of attacks that's why we have missiles on the top of all these apartment buildings out here but this is also the center of the fear mongering about europe and particularly directed at the greeks right now there's also horror stories about what will happen if they vote for one of the anti bailout parties greece responsible for point.


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