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tv   [untitled]    June 5, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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america closes the net around just in the sun for the f.b.i. now harrison his contacts in the patent attempt to gather dust on the wells most famous. eastern union that he met putin is looking for some of china's economic fortune cookies while moscow and beijing continue to read from the same page when it comes to wont politics. and egypt's muslim brotherhood sides with news from the middle none protests calling from the barracks execution having it also sweep aside the presidential election rival. but next to the story of a lone american struggling with personal conflicts while battling to protect his country's borders.
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we had to earn it i mean we have to earn it every single day of our lives we have to get up every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to do it and that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the laws i figure spoken like the great granddaughters when they were there they go yeah i know yes mike well we're all immigrants we're all immigrants as well that we all like there's some somewhere else and there's a tolerance level where there's only so much that the united states can accept without severe economic consequence i'm not afraid and never have been i'm not hiding that flag has been up here for your honor and i will stand by keep that flag up there believe me thirty five feet from the mexican border and the most treacherous part of our border right here and will stay here. the migrants that
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came from europe they were mistreated and the first to write benjamin franklin herself said we've got to stop the german ideation of the united states each moment to be dramatic you have a german flag german customs sound familiar that was ben franklin with the most people here he's a hero he's on your hundred dollar bill and i don't believe the people that are here are here to work they're healthy people they're not here to use the system so the benefits remember that undocumented people don't want them for them it's going to they're not here for the benefits of going to there are going to use all your aiding and abetting to put in the water out there i tell people nobody's coming over the border coming here to work remember that the undocumented community is going to be billions to this country billions of the surplus those billions contribute to the growth of this country health institutions economic institutions education institutions so it's easy to say on that particular hospital that particular location was closed it was closed because yes we do need a new health care system in this country there's nothing to do with the
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undocumented community it's easy to put the blame where it's easiest place is one of the people that's what they're doing with that argument i had a decent job and an old lady i had a stepdaughter i had a family i lived in it and it failed a nice community wasn't which was an upscale it was just like you know archie bunker's society ok then they started showing up it was a mexican's at the time to south americans. and what happened i was pulling straight will just. stay out of the sun. what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of us and then for me to try to find another job i couldn't find another job because here it was what they were just giving it away to you know this cheap labor. well that broke up my family i don't see no liberal activist stand in there back in one nine hundred eighty you know. the. eighty six saying to me oh we want to help you secure your family hold
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it together no no way they let my family get shattered. ok and that caused so much damage to people. me i was heartbroken when i lost my stepdaughter i mean my old lady we had to have an abortion and that was the end the things but it was all based on the fact that we withdraw from low low middle class into abject poverty. so you know to think that they are coming here is helping them it's helping them at cost to me and guys like me and women like my ex. because i had very little that i was that these other people had one even if they was that you know what he jokes in the congress think that this anger is going to boil over into the streets in the long run i think that are against the getting think that they've got that much control they're not afraid of patriots standing up
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because they've already got the patriot act written would take your loyal ribbon and have more show down your throat will put you know boxes send you back where would you want to go to get them out of my life america started off to throw in the shackles of. the catholic church and the royalists all that bull. and now we're supposed to worship that whatever you suppose the base that he told these idiots. and that's what i think the american public is basically boiled down to be the dumbest people in the world because they're so gullible to believe anything so it really has got very little to do with new pedro run up here for my crew. like to say i feel bad for i've been that i have. not been to mexico but you know i just see and i. didn't shacks you know. i just can't be brought here i can help. we can see.
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her. going to. have. them. coming my man. my man. come out on that. one with. my. oh.
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well i got deported two weeks ago and while i was tied to the bat i had an accident that saved by the immigration and i fell down broke my neck. the doctor said at least two months before i could walk or take my cast off from thirty to thirty years old forty one from mexico this is what we got to go through. hard to do in the. united states at this time they told me if i come back they want to give me a better time. so that's why i was like i don't want to spend more time retail i'm going back to michael just credit for the for this now we would know what it's like you know. homo. concerned you. know i run thirty years yeah i've been there all my life since i wasn't a kid a break i got my kids over there i'm separated by this that's what it's all they're
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not kill. going to see in the whatever i know it. might get better isn't the be there but not with the other. i'm really happy to leave actually you know what i mean i'm tired of again how and why should i go out you know. kind of sad to leave but i've done fifteen months on the border i've done another five months worth of work on the outside.
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and i guess i've kept myself out to. i'm pretty happy for what i did and. if anybody was a moderating force on that line it would've been to me. to me after a while what i started to notice up there was that. there was more ideologues of the actual patriots. there's so many people who just have one single point of view and that's it they never get beyond that. i mean i see both sides. you know i found there was some racists up there i mean i wanted to kick the out of a few people have a daughter i was a puerto rican my mother is a puerto rican. from morocco. and you know i get it i get a pretty great kid out of it and i've heard people mumble things you know white
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trash race mix or. you know we show muslims what dead you know that's my daughter i would walk away and say you know well i wish you a christian kids with dad i would never say anything like that about anybody situation and i think that's pretty. proud of what i did down i am proud of everything i did that it is i've i've have helped more mexicans that have popped i mean i must have thrown. hundreds of bottles of water over the fence the people food medical help. so when a whole like negative. it's been a long ride for the. a. welcome. report from malaysia
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and it looks like twenty eight years of my current three years of my life so i have no idea what might go off so here i am struggling to adapt to the city you know. when it will not be. hard but there is a god and we have a lot of pain to him. thanks to the south we can let. you know. what it green card my mom. we process all the pain legal paperwork. and everything all right but i never became a us citizen no the whole problem would have become a little known i would have never been i never thought i was going to go through this sort of thought you know all my life in l.a. what's that like santa monica police that's all you're going for they tore it apart . indefinitely wherever i can never go back to my plans or to work here for like four or five months ahead gather enough money to pay for somebody help me get a brother i mean on the street right but it's all about.
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there it is. the majesty of las vegas. this is for. you to get anything on this. but the owner clearly something serious going on. but i believe it when you're pointing out your heart that. the more you gamble the cheap it might tax the. joint selves.
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you know he's going to get what's his phone. call but it's not really it's every going to like the forms. girl on the job is to make people come in and. i love. i would never. see me get some money and start styling out my clothes again . hang around the bellagio deal with these nice girls that are coming from everywhere. came. in telegraph smiley i got you know. i love it he's. going to live and die and plastering.
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we all desire to fulfill the american dream but. this is the price you pay. in this time we are struggling but they aren't going to hold us back even if they put up one hundred years we are going to cross into the u.s. again and we are going to cross from everywhere if that's how mexicans are very
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stubborn and we are very inventive but perhaps to them we are little mice if they only knew how intelligent we are. and if. we work the hardest. they should think it through. they are the super power now yes but at any moment they could fall and we will have the glory then then they'll want to come to our place to our country. the one that we would open our doors to them and receive them because we have a different mentality. is that you're going to. hit this. and it. is not a big deal i would try to. make this goal we haven't got a pretty. good. most zones so i stop on there like last week.
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and i just gave up side center somewhere else to cross the bridge. and so i got it back too because he's picked me up on the i want to be there so as you have a baby he's my money and i think i i think . people have reckoned i sing for the first time and i and i got to say at least thirty years people have recognized talents and it's got nothing and it's got to do
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with the way i work and my job and people are appreciative of good hard work and somebody who's got brains picks things up right away on the stance that concepts especially in the securities business you know you've got. you've got other people's lives basically. you have a culture which is fed up you want you want more and knew what the last twenty five thirty years by people are going to eat without being represented by national leaders not represents my needs my wants what i hear about taxation without representation every day since you had success here i believe if you go and i don't waste my. time you sure you know i know you don't because you're more people out there that are attacking you and believe is ready money similar enough
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that they feel that if you feel like i'm going to take you through. this that well over there looks like they just crossed over you know. c. they would play big. time ago however they can only. they just kind of blend in well they got a way to feed to dissuade. the key into the. anatomy of the. sea they got blood they got.
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that axe. finally got my wheels full with dr. that sort of had. well quite frankly. i was doing an experiment gravity still works but i don't bounce as well. in that. kind of mold my ankle and in the school direction and down at the track. the guy swung out front of me when i was in industrial golf carts and you know it's
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like it's like a big woodstock for all these drag races that are all living like you know. this happened good luck in the world and i'm not paying attention to things and you had three guys in the front five kids standing in the back and i was going to hit them like a torpedo old i couldn't get out of the way of hitting them unless i got on the bike and when i hit the brakes the bike started going down anyway so. that's quite second i thought well i'm going to feel just as bad if i get the car. and the only difference is a bunch of kids are going to go flying so i'm in agony you know i mean from where i come from from people i knew in my neighborhood if they could sit and they get paid for do opiates they'd be smiling their asses off but me i'm nauseous some aggravated that i can't go nowhere i feel like you know there's going to be some definite problems in my near future i'm just trying to survive this financially and such and. this is the most painful experience of my life is not my neck and back so
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that was pretty painful your ankles are amazing the pain levels get out of it sky high i can't believe i did more than half this bottle in a week that's like thirty friggin cold in caps it's more or less and it's still if you eat something and it just cancels out that right away but i really don't like the english doped out you know no pain no brain things like. that. i tend to work so hard at getting things done. that i kind of ignore things about myself and you know. in the midst of this i thought i could pull off this big movie big piece but i needed it from the beginning i didn't have enough finances to do what i was going to even with a lot of help so just use a bad term a lot. that's all it is you want to me. i think that i'm going to
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have to spend a while go cooper radiation this show i may go down to one of the strangers and actually you know check myself back up in the air not just a moat. and be as effective because i won't be able to come out in the brush in any game but. you know when you have a game to go show i'm looking to maybe go back and help out the situation.
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where it's been a real pain in the ass to try to keep it elevated as much as possible but you know what it's probably the worst bone in your body to break. everything you do. you know i struggle around in the band i haven't really been out of man march i basically got one or two hot meal since i got here about two weeks ago i drove down to town and i went to the campbell diner which somebody worried about the speedway i'm worried about a lot of things now. i left less vegas rather rapidly and i didn't get a lot of things going to need to get them done really need to get them done. my social life is like right now so. as you can see i have my specialized sleeping unit my. my of my other wheels have a wheelchair in you know luckily i've got
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a lot of storage in the back so i can keep my food and stuff separate the way it's kind of funny you know. i've got two guns with me and i haven't even opened the boxes and sort of like i get mixed signals from the speedway you know and things like to give are afraid i'm going to so warm and at the same time they're telling their people not to talk to me because they may get sued and someone may mention something that may not go good for the company and i mean now i'm thinking i've got to go get a lawyer i don't like lawyers i don't like lawsuits what i started off with was thinking this was a patriotic movement and people really cared and concerned that willing to do what they had to do at this point to stand up and say oh yeah we're going to fight back finally you know i'm going to get down here and i find out you know like they fight amongst themselves far more than they fight back at anything when you've got money . if we do become corrupted. at least down here i keep finding new and new stories
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new messages so i learned a lesson about. the handicapped people to this and how brutal it is to be that i wouldn't want to be in their wheelchair for the rest of my life believe me i'm friggin never leave my room i'm going to be guaranteed you know what i mean. but. so i wouldn't be able to learn these lessons i'd be setting up some plush couch watching you know. i think everything is hunky dory and you know you get to be in the fight at life or risk going over it's really good. so i'm happy enough to be their. fears the great more. they use it on us all the time. so when it goes bad the sun's coming back at them and they have to start living the of the existence maybe didn't feel so high and mighty when they get into their legs this get to
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drive down the hudson river parkway because someone might drop a big stone bridge then we. don't wait for armageddon come and i am. going to be a whole lot different. i know me i'm not a quitter. i'm going down a much more significant manner. i'm not like this and i'm going well. as flow as i go i know the bounce back.
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the be. the be be the
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