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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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creeping good days in the euro zone champions germany indoors ratings downgrade with fears the crisis is hitting the monetary union's biggest economy. military maneuvering russia plans closer ties with china all american promises to move most of its warships to the asia pacific in the coming years. and protest peacefully or pay a fortune russian lawmakers pass a bill that sparked some of the most heated debate and set a new parliamentary record. the next sixty minutes to slice through the spin it's the young on the show from washington.
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welcome to the learner shell where you get the real headlines with none of the mersey are coming live in washington d.c. now tonight we're going to take a look at wisconsin where a number of big votes are going down including at scott walker's recall archies christine going to fill us in all the details from the ground and speak with the young turks about the role that money has played in this political battle then tony shaffer is going to join us to talk about expanded drone strikes in pakistan where as we mentioned yesterday rescuers and mourners became targets u.s. officials say they got his number two guy but doesn't that just mean that there'll be another one soon we're going to all of that and more for you tonight including a does of happy hour but first take a look what the mainstream media decided to make.
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both content is definitely a big story today and the mainstream media has given it plenty of coverage but there's just one other thing that it's absolutely taken over your television screen and i'm not getting if you were trying to get a pulse of what was going on in the world this morning you were out of luck because the networks were just going completely nuts over the queen's jubilee. millions of queen elizabeth the seconds loyal subjects converging on london today to mark her diamond jubilee a whirlwind week of celebrations has winded down in london as her majesty queen elizabeth the second marks sixty years on the throne the diamond jubilee the granite dear guards they've been lined up taking their positions along the mal because the queen and the other members of the royal family will be coming by shortly the fourth day of the grand finale of a weekend the festivities celebrating the queen's diamond jubilee the watching will almost instantly days of the history of the royal family sixty years on the throne
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for queen elizabeth and we are now awaiting the queen's departure a massive crowd they've been making their way toward buckingham palace as the royal family prepares to greet the many well wishers is the right thing and. he's moving with fineman soon to go as we know is based on members of the royal family courting the palace of westminster is an open carriage procession back to buckingham palace wait for queen elizabeth the second and her family to come out of the balcony this is a tradition rules are going up so something is good there is there's a great grammy. to know about that it was a great boom is over. honestly i don't even know where to begin with this i mean we saw the exact same thing with the royal wedding last year but it still never ceases to shock me c.n.n. is probably the worst of them all this morning just going full blast with piers morgan leading the help how sure people love the british royal family the regal excess the history of the character warship and i say that if you want to watch that it makes total sense to me that shows like maybe good morning america would be
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all over it we also have entire channels dedicated to entertainment to go on and on and on and on about it but why the hell does c.n.n. the so-called most trusted name in news as well as the so-called fair and balanced box and forward leaning m s n b c why do they feel that it is their job to provide wall the wall coverage for session which holds no political value and instead is just a symbolic worship of a monarchy i just can't understand and you wonder why people say that if you want news these days you shouldn't bother watching these news channels and instead you should just go online and read it you wonder why the ratings of all three major cable networks have been seeing drop c.n.n. leading the charge and seeing their ratings drop to the lowest level in twenty years hello people we have a global economic crisis going on and you want to play hours worth of the queen's jubilee could you be any more far removed from the actual news business anyway i think i've said my piece on that but before we move on with the show let me just
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point a few other things out if after the queen's jubilee the second biggest story days wisconsin and the mainstream media still messing it up and ignoring something that we've been bringing up on this show that is the silencing of american voters you see last week we told you about florida's problematic attempts to get non-citizens off of the voter rolls which in fact threatens to take thousands of eligible citizens off that list now if they think progress highlighted health thousands of students in wisconsin may be kept voting today a provision within their crazy voter id law the law which other provisions have been blocked by the judges by the way well there's a provision there called section twelve it's still there anything. he says the time period that a citizen must live in one location in order to register from ten to twenty eight days so that means that thousands of students who just graduated from the five largest colleges in wisconsin might not be permitted to update their registration because they've now moved home because most of these schools just got out a few days ago many of these students who have now left will be able to qualify under the twenty eight day time constraint and these votes just may have made
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a difference in a very tight race let's face it more younger voters to vote democrat and you know i haven't seen any of the networks that pride themselves on their nonstop horse race political coverage even take a look at this possibility not to mention the other places around the country where similar issues will be brought up the houston chronicle is just an analysis showing up to one point five million voters in texas may have their registration suspended now we're going to get into more of that this week but i think that you get the bigger picture here all across the country voters are having their rights threatened and instead of leading the charge to expose these problems the mainstream media isn't playing catch up because they had to be the first on the spot to spend god knows how much money to cover the queen's jubilee the stuff that actually applies to the lives of americans and the political future of this country well that's what they choose to miss.
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now over the last eight and a half months we've seen the occupy movement sweep across the nation change the political discourse in this country but while the occupy movement officially started with the wall street encampment ins the coddy park and might have never been if it weren't for wisconsin governor scott walker shortly after taking office in january of last year walker support of budgetary legislation that stripped public sector employees of their collective bargaining rights even though they had nothing to do with the budget he did this under the guise of deficit reduction despite cutting taxes very shortly after taking office and despite the fact that he's unions had agreed to pay cuts more over the state's fiscal bureau advised walker that austerity measures weren't needed so public employees were furious that they were being stripped of their rights in such an underhanded manner and mass protests erupted.
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the i. thank the and thank you. now the bill alternately passed the anti walker movement emboldened the occupy movement and also showed americans what massive protests protests actually look like here at home right after arab spring demonstrations and protests in europe moreover the size of the crowd surpassed anything that we have seen occupy thus far up to even maybe more than one hundred thousand people protested walkers bill in madison at the height of the demonstrations the largest single occupy crowd in one place only which tens of thousands at this year's may day protests in new york city now the new york civil liberties union as to made it thirty thousand took to the streets which goes to show the extent to which people will take to the streets when
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there are concrete proposals designed to infringe on their freedom and quality of life but although there are fundamental differences between the anti walker and occupy movements the two to compliment each other and the sustained nature of occupy fed back into the n.t. walker sentiment and after over a year of campaigning to recall governor walker voters go to the polls today to decide whether or not walker should stay or go his competitors milwaukee mayor and democratic candidate tom barrett and it's not surprising that the entire country is intensely focused on this race is a microcosm of the nationwide debate between democrats and republicans that's waging it represents the debate over economic policy the ideological differences between these two parties and it's also giving us a preview of dirty tricks that we might see in november there have been reports of the whopper campaign isn't making robo calls to voters telling them that signing the recall petition counts as voting and at the top of the. we just told you about the possible suppression of student voters likely democrats how democrats themselves are also prepared to slog it out they have four hundred forty lawyers at
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their disposal prepared to challenge election results so whatever happens the vote and i probably won't be pretty kind of like the november election is expected to be but in other ways this special election should bear little significance for november's elections both in wisconsin and around the nation and that's mainly because of outside out of state influence peddlers see the water campaign has raised thirty point five million over seven times more than the three point nine million raised by barrett and two thirds of walker's war chest has come in from out of state moreover another seventeen million has been poured into anti barrett super pac ads nine million of this has come from the governors of the republican governors association and three dollars has come from the koch brothers funded americans for prosperity now unions of the democratic governors association they themselves chipped in fifteen million for and he was at and one would think the president obama would be keyed to lend support to barrett considering his campaign promise to unions. the one of those i'll put on
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a comfortable pair of shoes by someone. with you is president of the century. because workers deserve to know wasn't. now in spite of all this the most the obama actually did in terms of directly campaigning for barrett is sending out a tweet last night and a tweet said it's election day in wisconsin tomorrow and i'm standing by tom barrett he'd make an outstanding governor. barack obama less than one hundred forty characters apparently as far as he's willing to stand with labor in wisconsin so wisconsin democrats complain that they received little support from across the nation compared to the pro walker groups financial muscle and it appears to be costing the milwaukee mayor to he's behind in the latest p.p.p. poll but only by three points but even with barrett expected to lose it's hard not to characterize this is a victory for popular protest considering how close it really is only two governors have been recalled in american history so this is
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a rare occurrence to even get recall efforts this far. now that's far the polling has shown that walker is likely to be the victor after today's vote we won't get the full results before show ends tonight so after more than a year of massive of the of a massive political battle in the state and seven elections in just fourteen months we have to wonder how voters in wisconsin are feeling about the political process if it's welcome the month or if the tea maybe has said it so to start out tonight let's get an on the ground report from our very own christine. christine thanks for joining us tonight i guess just first tell us what the atmosphere is like there in wisconsin. well we are in madison alone and right here it is actually quite festive you walk around this building i'm standing in front of right now the madison wisconsin state capitol people are chanting people are singing they're playing bongo drums guitar they've got. you know for a lot of people this is like a holiday this is what they have been working for for sixteen months that includes
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taking over the building you see behind me it includes getting signatures more than nine hundred thousand to make this election happen so really pretty festive year and for those who support scott walker this is not for today for them to reaffirm that support so a lot of people showing that support at the polls we visited several of them today and again just very festive and i think i will say a lot of people are going to be very happy at eight zero one pm when the polls close and this is all over so in that sense you know some people are wondering if there's going to be voter for tea or shell shock some have even called it because this is the case said the seventh vote in just fourteen months but are those people proven wrong considering how many people are out there considering that they had to call in extra poll workers today because so many people were coming up. what workers i spoke to said they arrived at the polling places around six fifteen this morning there were already sixty seventy people in line they say you know we wish we could have let them in just so they could come in and cast their vote and be on their way but they couldn't open the doors till seven that's the law here and so
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the turnout yes it is here. and as far as all those elections that you've spoken about yeah we've got to remember this is more than just an election for the governors there are several seats up for election today as there have been in the months prior to to here as far as that voter fatigue though yes people are feeling it however if they're going to show up for any of these elections it's going to be the one today and so you know from the people that you spoken to is this a personal thing are they really just trying to get scott walker out of office or do they feel like you know this is really a battle between two parties between two ideologies and it's much bigger than just scott walker himself i tell you what alone on a national scale on an international scale it is about ideologies but for every single person here that i spoke to in wisconsin this is personal i spoke to a young mom today who says you know that her twenty month old son will not have health care if scott walker is elected i spoke to so many people who are teachers who made sure to come out to the barrett campaign event they say they no longer
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have the right what's of the bargaining bargain and again those who are in favor of scott walker they say you know we are standing by a man who had to make tough choices other governors and other states have to make make those same tough choices but we're proud and we're standing here to say so that ours did so so yes this is very personal here in the badger state well then how do they feel about so much out of state money getting into this political process two thirds of walker's campaign one fourth of their campaign. that answer i can give you is to hold alone i mean on one hand people are angry especially those supporting barrett they say this is ridiculous how much out of state money is coming in here because what does that mean who are we going to favor of to if governor walker does get to hold onto his job a lot of people worried about the environment they're worried about some of the pieces of land here that might go for a good price to the koch brothers that's a lot of them are telling me but more than anything alone on both sides they are
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certainly annoyed with all the ads if you turn on the t.v. or if you turn on the radio here you walk down the street here you see an ad related to this election so certainly all that money going into control the message on both sides people are sick of answering their phone frankly for those people who have landlines they say it's just been non stop whether it's polling whether it's asking for support asking for money so certainly that money money has played a big role for the residents of wisconsin and you know perhaps in some respects kind of a shady role too and there are some some reports today that people were getting robo calls saying that if you've already signed a recall petition don't worry you don't even need to come out and that's all we have time for tonight christine thanks for filling us in. about. right still to come tonight we have show and tell and will continue our discussion about the wisconsin recall elections after the break we'll get to you first take on the role that money is playing politics.
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sigrid laboratory tim curry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach creation why you should care about humans in the world this is why you should care only on the. down low the official ante up location. i pod touch from the. lights on the. video on demand. an r.s.s. feeds now with the palm of your. right it's time for our show and talents a night's program the last week we told you about
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a contradiction when it came to economic indicators investors seem to be worried about debt or that's what we're told we're supposed to be worried about and yet these investors are rushing to buy more u.s. treasuries so we asked to be thought of the size of america's debt really matters a ten year bond yields are at record lows let's go to producer patrice innocently to find out what she had to say. i'm of the streets of d.c. to tell people in the nation's capital what our viewers have a say on twitter facebook and you tube and see what comments we should orderly. and . if so much cash is being put into u.s. treasury bonds does that mean we are no longer worried about the u.s. debt and deficit. from michael on facebook he wrote in to say he can't understand why investors are buying treasuries he thinks the u.s. should matter a lot what do i say that should matter a lot in the long term but i hate people are putting money into treasuries because they're scared to death of the stock market and there's a parade of european equity markets reader sponsor paul coonan on you tube he said
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ten year bonds at record lows when the u.s. is pushing the longer term bonds which means the u.s. debt and deficit are worsening but he thinks we have to stimulate the economy spend more money. and we have to invest in our infrastructure and and debt is part of that deal so as long as we're going to close these economic doldrums we have no choice but to spend more money i disagree that it's worsening but i think it's at a standstill right now it's not going anywhere whether you're buying treasuries or bonds prefer bonds would be better for the long term treasuries or short term for the money managers not for us little guys i'm going to read your response from gregory smith on your facebook he said u.s. treasuries are the only relatively safe part in the storm right now people are worried about the u.s. in the short term they're worried about not losing everyone everything in one fell sweet and capital or commodity markets what do you think about that. it's quite
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right i think a lot of nervousness in the market people are going to the safe haven i know but investors seem to be between a rock and a hard place in the short term willing to accept a low yield rather than risk any big losses all while living in fear that conditions down the road may not get any better for the fans of. the. well thank you as always for your responses and here's our next question for you we've been speaking a lot about wisconsin today we're going to continue to do so and while the results are in and we do have a question for you when it comes to the money how big a role do you think that money played in wisconsin's elections let us know you think on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. all right so let's keep going with this discussion about the recall vote in wisconsin today how we put it all into perspective it is the most expensive election in wisconsin's history scott walker's outraised his challenger tom barrett ten to one and both campaigns saw a lot of money coming in from out of state if you break it down that's two thirds
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of walker's money thirty walkers thirty point five million dollars and one fourth of tom barrett's three point nine million dollars so how big a role did money play here we're going to try to figure it out and will as why president obama didn't show up a change you were host of the young turks and i first asked him for his take on the election overall whether it's just about wisconsin or about the national political playing field. no i think it has enormous ramifications and that's why i think this election is so important it's because scott walker is getting money from these billionaires he serves these billionaires like the koch brothers and jerks it's cetera we have my on tape saying to one of his billionaire donors we're going to do a divided congress strategy we're going to go after the public you know employees first and then later we'll go out for all the unions and he's doing this to crush them so that rich working guy gets less money and those billionaires get more money and a question is are they going to be able to buy this election and right now they poured
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in about thirty one million dollars to scott walker tom barrett well as for mitt now there's outside money that supports both of sat thirty one to four is a gigantic disparity and it's basically a question of whether we're going to allow them to buy the governorship of wisconsin but so in that sense i think of as an interesting point to bring up is yeah there's a lot of money flowing into this election a lot of outside money two thirds scott walker's money comes from outside of the state but then if you look at recent polling you know he's not that far ahead of tom barrett it still is going to be a close race and so tom barrett can do all that even though them moneywise it's ten to one you know does that they have the money isn't having as much influence as a show that. well you know i have a theory on that which is that if you get to a certain amount of money that. and the rest of the money only helps incrementally like if you don't have any money at all you're going to get crushed you're not even going to have any chance at all but and i don't know what the threshold is and of
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course it depends on whether it's a local state or national race right but as long as you miss me some sort of threshold you're at least in the ball game and tom barrett is that a significant disadvantage but he's in the ballgame and so what remains is the question of whether the council going to be tricked into voting against him because of the inordinate amount of money the governor walker spending so this issue is really about the middle class versus the employers that don't want to pay him as much right but i've seen the attack ads against barrett and what walker is trying to do with all the money that he has it's not if it's not just some intangible thing it's tangible you buy ads with you deceive people and so he's running the ad saying that tom barrett oh my god something about a reporter in crime in milwaukee some that's totally tangential meant to throw you off to try meant to smear tom barrett that's what they do with the money so those that have some effect no question but i think that we can get beyond and if we do it sends a really strong message that you know what there's only so much you can screw the
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middle class at some point we're going to be on to you no matter how much money you spend not to mention of course that ascot walker might have a few problems of his own if you want to talk about scandals and some corruption that's involved there right but what do you think about the fact that president obama didn't show up that they haven't really been talking about wisconsin like it's that big a deal finally big bill clinton went over there but all we got from the president was a tweet so in under one hundred forty characters he tried to show his support for tom barrett but he's not really acting like this is going to be very influential on the national conversation and the general election in november and as that smart . no it's good to have a loser they are worried that if they actually try and lose it will look bad for them and might have a tiny little bit in wisconsin for their own election which is the only thing that they give a damn about they don't care about any other election whether it affects democrats
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whether effects progressives or the country who cares my god if we show up and we don't win oh my god in washington will say bad things about us and media pundits will write the rule wrong things who cares how losers think you go in your fight and if you fly you know what most of the time you win but here they even do anything and even try and at the end and it tweak that's barassi niat not so much but then you know do they not want to box themselves in because let's face it union membership is an all time lows in the country the money isn't getting pouring in the way that it used to in the campaigns and obama does take a lot of money from wall street too and these guys are for some reason incredibly sensitive these days and i always think that they're the ones that are being hurt. well look you're getting to the core of the problem which is that president we make some shit as progress is oftentimes that president obama thinks like we do and has the same principles and motivations etc which is
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a fundamental inaccuracy he doesn't he gets money from donors and he money to win elections so that's what he cares most about that's what's got them into power like we like we think there's something fundamentally wrong with the system that these billionaires can buy these politicians president obama doesn't think there's something fundamentally wrong with this is them is the system that allowed him to become president of the united states of america he loves that system so you know we're it's a false hope if you think that president obama is somehow going to help progressive we're going to change the system or cares that they're billionaires are trying to buy the election in wisconsin he doesn't care. you know i think about becoming more and more apparent to i'm curious you know what you think about what we did at the top of the show we looked at the massive numbers that came out in wisconsin last year to protest rights will say one hundred thousand people that's more than we ever saw with the occupy movement you can also say that was constant kind of helped launch the occupy movement though but then is that
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a good example of how if you really want people to go out on the streets voice their opinions become active it's got to hit closer to home it has to be something you know where teachers pensions public sector workers pensions are actually in trouble for them to take it to the streets. you know there's something both encouraging and discouraging about that discouraging in the sense that people need to feel the immediate impact for to motivate them to action as you're suggesting right oh my god my salary is going to get i didn't know they were coming for me you know that's the reaction we often get which is like oh i thought this was just well you know tax you know they're coming for you they are robbed you of your social security so they raise the retirement age for social security here in wisconsin which is a little bit more immediate there after your literal patients and salaries and even your jobs so that's why people got motivated but on the other hand it's encouraging because when you hit that nerve that all of a sudden people get it's not theoretical and they get their fighting dander up and
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if we cross country we do so multiplied across the country then the billionaires better watch out but that's why this election is so important because if you send a message today in wisconsin that you not going to stand for it anymore that's going to reverberate throughout the country if on the other hand walker wins the message that's going to reverberate across the country is don't worry about the middle class don't worry about the average voters that average guy at all you can crush of all day long as long as you raise enough money for your billionaire donors and uses simply by our democracy and by our government that's a horrible mess that's why the president should have fought so everybody should have fought but now we're on election day and all the only people that are going to side of those people on the ground in wisconsin allen harry i guess that's a lot of pressure right on just the voters in one state jank thanks so much for joining us tonight. well i really appreciate it. well coming up next is b.p. overstepping its bounds we're going to tell you about a case with the oil giant for scientists to hand over their personal e-mails and
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the u.s. says it has waged another successful drone strike in pakistan but will the latest al qaeda kill really change anything or just course in relations with pakistan we're going to be the tony shaffer after the break. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada.


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