tv [untitled] June 6, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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trying to corporations rule today. on the show we'll continue here in just a moment first a look at our headlines creeping in tasering the euro zone champion germany in-doors ratings downgrade fears the crisis is hitting the monitor union's biggest economy. military maneuvering russia plans closer ties with china while america promises to move most of its warships to the asia pacific in the coming years. and protest peacefully or pay a fortune to russian lawmakers possibile that sparked some of the most heated debate and set a new parliamentary record. part two of do on our show continues here on r t from
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washington. topic we often discuss on the show is the reporter's privilege the protection of sources when journalists testify in court but a recent lawsuit has shown that scientific deliberation can also come under threat from litigation seems to researchers whose work has been implicated in legal battles with b.p. fear the company has set a precedent that will strike a blow to academic freedom richard camilli and christopher ruddy there are two oceanographers who work at woods hole oceanographic institute in massachusetts and they responded to an appeal for help from b.p. and the coast guard after the deepwater horizon spill in april two thousand and ten their expertise studying the ocean was needed so using robotic submarines that to study the flow of oil from the cracked well they determined at the spill released four point nine million barrels of crude into the gulf but it's because b.p. is engaged in costly lawsuits battling government fines at the local state and
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federal levels while they are house camilli and ready to turn over their findings so the two scientists first said that they volunteered more than fifty thousand pages of documents raw data reports algorithms all used in their research research that was thoroughly vetted and as committee explained in september of two thousand and ten in congressional testimony. you know order to avoid subjective boise's or actually misrepresentation we've made a conscious conscious decision to present findings publicly only after scientific really rigorous vetting or peer review. now despite all that this massive dump of documents wasn't enough for b. p.c. the company commanded or demanded via subpoena access to private e-mails between the two scientists and the presiding judge granted this request despite recognizing that it might act as a deterrent to future research so why welcomingly and ready explained that the consequences of the subpoena could have consequences subpoena could have in
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a boston globe that you see in the deliberative process scientists challenge each other they poke holes in theories in order to make their final conclusions as airtight as possible and the intrusion on the deliberative process naturally didn't sit well with chameleon ready they summed up their frustrations with this process by saying the following our experience highlights a virtually all of scientists deliberative communications can be subject to legal proceedings without limitation incomplete thoughts and half finished documents attached to e-mails can be taken out of context and punished by people who have a motive for discrediting the findings in addition to obscuring true scientific findings this situation casts a chill over the scientific process and future crises scientists may censor or avoid deliberations and more importantly be reluctant to volunteer valuable expertise and technology that emergency responders don't possess so thanks to b.p. oil companies won't just be able to attack science by funding bogus climate change
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deniers any more now they'll be able to intimidate scientists through legal maneuvers which are actually stifle the scientific process so researchers fear their developed deliberations could be taken out of context in court this is what can happen now moreover the two also noted that b.p. has access to their technology and while the court imposed a confidentiality agreement in the company the bird. one of making sure it's unforced is entirely upon the woods hole institute so all the memory of the b.p. oil spill might be far from the minds of many americans these days you should realize that the legal battles here are far from over and this time the science that helps us analyze the damages could be in jeopardy. while u.s. drone strikes in pakistan are being launched in waves just yesterday we told you about strikes that killed twenty seven people over just three days that included targeting mourners and rescuers today u.s. officials said that al qaeda is number two man. alevi was one of those who was killed while the strikes were touted as success over here not exactly the case in
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pakistan say pakistan some in the u.s. envoy to the foreign ministry where they say that he was quote informed of the drone strikes were unlawful against international law and a violation of pakistan's sovereignty but of course the biggest question here is if getting number two even makes any difference joining me to discuss is retired lieutenant colonel anthony shaffer senior national security advisor with the national task the task force on national and homeland security and author of the book operation dark heart tony thanks so much for joining us tonight now i mean you want to talk about drone strikes a lot don't we and we were talking about the kill list last week but in terms of you know i'm curious as to what you think about when we see more inners being targeted with drone strikes and we see rescuers being targeted with drone strikes how does the cia the obama administration how do they justify something like that. well there's two problems with that i thank first everything i'm hearing about the
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way they're doing this quote unquote deliberate process is flawed. they are willing to launch these attacks on information which we would have never done things in zero three zero four relating to going after targets i'm hearing that they're launching with as little as forty percent evidence of assurance that this is a bad guy or this group is doing something untoward that's not a way to run a road what you're doing frankly is creating the next generation of terrorists by the fact you're killing people who did nothing more nothing more sinister than being born in pakistan so i think this is where we're making huge mistakes secondly the process itself is now being controlled by the white house and this is as we talked about last week the book the twenty first century a close quote a lot of l.b.j. you know lyndon baines johnson president johnson in one nine hundred sixty added rice paddies and his and the oval office and making tactical calls in washington for vietnam this is the same thing just done of a larger global scale with better technology we have not gotten any smarter now as
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i will say this about the libby attack today this is one of those times i would have taken the shot because this guy was truly was captured two thousand to a state in two thousand and five propaganda guy very effective in messaging and frankly he was the commander control now doing a lot of things but let me be very clear on is so you know because i don't be consistent here i have never said we shouldn't do drone strikes i said we should be very very sparing in how we do it this would have been one of those i would have taken the shot but the rest of them i don't think i would have done based on the fact we didn't have good intelligence and frankly how many number twos can you kill a year i mean i think this is legit number two the other one you got to worry about you got to ask our question why would they do it when they were well that's what i want to get it you know get into nexus yeah people are talking about that all the time having every number three guy al qaeda nobody knows right because. there's always going to be a new one popping up and so in that sense i mean you know how effective is it going
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to be now the olivea is out of the picture or is there just going to be a new number tomorrow but this headline this event should have been a year ago if we were really you know pushing the. pakistanis cooperating we could have got this guy frank we should had on one zoe here is the current head of. with i said to get this guy we have to go through a lot of missteps rather is you seen a surge over the past two weeks because they've been launching attacks where they thought this guy was mark he was injured in one a few weeks ago i think about ten days ago according to what i was told. and they were they were getting closer and closer to him but the problem is yes we're killing innocent people along the way so it's kind of like you know you're you would never have a new york city cop running down the street shooting randomly to get one bad guy one perpetrator this is why we have to be a lot more precise and the second factor you know i've talked about this i'm going to tell it softer i want to capture people i want to understand what that guy knows and thanks and i want to understand the network of because i want to keep the
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network and the roots of why the network exists where the simply playing whack a mole because whack a mole will get you what you're going to get now this guy will be replaced we're here is still out there and i predict six months from now right before the november election you're going to hear more about us making great progress against al qaida i mean as if the in your we were making great progress but it never seems to get the going to when we have made the progress that are now winning and don't have and can start ratcheting back well because we just keep hearing the word progress right but it's that i know nobody ever actually gives you full statistics to figure is there in spanish now i just want to you know switch really quickly to your e-mailing us earlier today about the other is that bill brought up by walter jones that was meant to really limit the president's war making power in the sense that i would say that it's an impeachable offense if you're going to try to use these powers without consulting congress and i think we saw a great example of that a great not being an actual term when it came to live the american but does anything like that even apply when it comes to the drone program. well it has to
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let's be very clear on this the drone program has made the technology available to decision makers to pull politicians to make killing more easy and this is very pushbutton i mean if you ever watch the videos of how we fly these drones it's like a video game so it's become very passe it's like yeah we can do it so we should do simply having the capability means that we have to be much more responsible both legally and operationally h r one of seven which referred to is something that walter jones going to put forward i'm on his side on this i think we ought to have a hearing talking about the the extent of presidential power to basically set up this is own assassination what i'm thinking about if if vice president cheney was in the white house running an assassination program of this magnitude during the bush white house the left would be up in arms about it and we don't see that right now so this is where i think walter jones is a conservative is actually doing the right thing here saying we've got to take a step back and look at what this presidential power really mean when it comes to
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assassination especially and warlock you know you pointed out before his teenage son which no one can explain why his teenage son a u.s. citizen was assassinated in yemen about about this report months ago yeah well i mean definitely the outrage coming from the left is not there and before it was it was rumor is right cheney and in fact the nation squad and i mean definitely that story was all over the place and then when it's a democrat president that's doing it sounding there's we have silence on it tony thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you for having. well after the break a conservative congressman goes after obama's a popular c. but fails miserably in the process we'll explain it all time and happy hour the hacktivists wage war against pedophiles and they get a politician to help them out straight to.
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with the end of the boer war and going the way of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared. the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake especially a lot of nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. because of the difference to use it as a threat all as an actual event that you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of eventually you're going to blow everybody up you've you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see if people don't wake up to nuclear weapons or a bill. that represents all of the firepower of the second world war this second sound is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal
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today. i guided time for tonight's chill time award and tonight we're giving it to a conservative lawmaker who seems to have a little trouble making comparisons to congressman jeff landry from louisiana as a proud republican he's been working with pat robertson's american center for law and justice challenging the obama administration's stance on contraception surely you guys remember sandra fluck rush limbaugh slack comment the catholic church is losing it over offering contraception so keeping that in mind landry went on jay seculars radio show to keep this outcry going and while he tried to attack team obama for mandating that religiously affiliated hospitals and colleges include contraception coverage in their plans he made this really strange comparison this
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is an administration who has no problem granting special status or waivers to. muslims as they go through t.s.a. screening which of course if they believe. that there is a me to grant them special. special rights as they go through the t.s.a. screening based on their religion then that's fine i'm ok with that but then don't turn around and attack christians when they stand up and say listen we believe that the policies you're putting in place violate our religious freedoms as well. man i mean when it comes to my opinion i think that it's bad enough to landry's even opposing the contraception rule just last week in oklahoma emergency room refused emergency contraception to a rape victim because a doctor claimed that it violated her beliefs but seriously landry's going to try
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to compare the contraception issue to ts a screening i mean i hate to be the want to tell you this jeff but your comparison sucks hell it's not even shrew for starters the t.s.a. doesn't grant waivers of any kind every one to subject of the same screening process unless you count paying extra for the prescreening as a waiver and everyone has to go through the exact same screening in fact it's safe to argue in this post nine eleven era that muslims are targeted way more by the t.s.a. the two thousand and seven study by the pew research center center show that thirty six percent of muslims muslim americans who travel by plane were singled out for special screening in that same year the t.s.a. said the only three percent of all passengers received a pat down during the secondary screening process anyway we see what jeff is trying to do here trying to expose obama's ties to islam he even tries to say that obama prefers muslims to those of christian faiths like catholics who oppose the contraception coverage mandate but still an awful comparison at least try to make some sense if you're going to make those claims but get back to me on the point
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that landrieu made about hypocrisy and the obama administration how big of a deal how big of an issue is this both in in the body politics and among your constituents well i. don't hear it's all that we did it is this is very important are the markets that you see which you know i think i think the biggest problem that a lot of americans have it out there is a park or students administration. well jeff you're right there is a lot of hypocrisy over at the white house up the top of my head the president is guilty of embracing the revolving door syndrome with lobbyist becoming presidential staffers and vice versa meanwhile the white house website says there's a firm ban on that what about obama's war on whistleblowers he's gone back on his own promise of transparency is labeled just about everything the u.s. does a state secret and an issue of national security and it is prosecuting whistleblowers who he once hailed under the espionage act so when it comes to popular sea yeah the
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president is definitely guilty of it but you pick the wrong example next time jeff just do some homework first because you had so many legitimate options to choose from so for taking the easy way out just making a scary stories about the t.s.a. under the obama administration favoring muslims representative jeff landry is tonight's tool time winner. our guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening is lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r t and greg roth social commentator for men on the street d.c. dot com all right guys we don't have our pens out here for you to take the quiz so you know i'm going to start with a different story first of all somebody brings you pens in the meantime i think we can talk about my personal favorite topic because other quite
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a few stories ago that today. called space. all right there is a lot of space news today i know i don't think i knew you were there although. you know you haven't you don't know me yet but i get really excited about space story so first of all i'm hearing things. first of all i guess let's start with what's happening with venus today look it's happening right now actually what is that speech that's see that little bit right there that's phoenix it's going to transfer across the face of the sun you don't need protective i wear or a telescope like venus glasses that's right you have to be in a sense that. i'm. only going to get on one of thing is i mean it just looks like this tiny little black dot that going across the sun but you won't see it again
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unless you're still somehow miraculously alive twenty one seventeen while i have you that and then i think oh a big correct lie because i never got to see that tiny dot of venus going to iraq believe it or in hair i think the story is for people who were just too excited by the whole space shuttle discovery fly over that was a little too much for them to handle so i'm looking forward to you know a million pictures of it on facebook after it happens oh i think i don't like me i was really excited about you can't even look at it because with the being in a clip it will burn your eyes so you have to do stuff to look at to wear protective gear watch it as a learner maybe when people people want to see it until twenty one seven hundred not only because they'll be dead but because if they had seen it now they'd be blind. just reminds. me of to be huge universe that we're just a tiny little dot in it and so i was being us in our world and so it was it was viewed as all right let's move on to this quiz that i wanted to give you guys so
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this comes from a norwegian researcher and so basically it's a quiz to see if you might actually be clinically addicted to facebook what more than seven hundred million people around the world now are on facebook and i just realized that you're not even on getting my book out of this to fit because i don't really don't even take the quiz. ok and i ask you six questions and basically you're going to answer either. or never and so it goes how often during the last year have you question over what spent a lot of time thinking about facebook or planned use of facebook. never to use facebook in order to forget about personal problems. confused number three felt an urge to use facebook more and more. the way there's three more this year more become restless or troubled if you've
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been prohibited from using facebook used facebook so much that it's had a negative impact on your job or studies and try to cut down on the use of facebook without success so boring i disagree with yours there are never so you're not exciting this is one problem or vice that i don't have i don't never knew i answered never to all of them ok greg are you saying it is such that i can't lie about having an account account people going to find it as far as was the first one much time do i spend do you spend a lot of time thinking about it thirty and eighty percent of their i wasn't there often or never question you couldn't even follow directions the second would be your writing. direction on follower. two was what was it using it to remember things pointed out are you going to. question the year i doubt it my answer that is zero percent because i use the to not remember things and not to forget about all of the other sounds like i might have to the point is that you
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have to answer quizzes odd if you listen to the thank you for you and i never take facebook was maybe that was the problem i have an i like to think ok five and hopefully my in my two guests and i as well as myself are not clinically addicted to facebook are a lot of people was that i was not is that the punch line well they're trying to see if people can actually be addicted to facebook and more of a way of just like laughing about i'm addicted to facebook can i have people have been giving it up as the new problems because they were i think need to go back to space stuff yet of course i don't think it's hit just just for a couple minute highlights but also so the pentagon they're so sneaky you know they have this secret black budget they don't even have to tell you what's in it and so there's two stories basically with it first of all there is this x. thirty seven b. spacecraft that's been circling the earth for the last year or so maybe maybe a little bit more and it's finally going to land in june and we have no idea what it's doing some kind of research for the department of defense but they won't tell
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us what it's doing and turns out that they have to these telescopes that are way more powerful than the hubble telescope and they've just been hanging on to them and they just now decided to give it over to nasa yeah so essentially that's why we can cut back nasa and why we don't need now though because the military is doing it all out of an hourly wages they have better telescopes there now so they have a space drone. that's where the new frontier is it's that's going to be the next battlefield all those battleship galactica movies might be the next book the man the telescope thing to me sounds like first of all the pentagon is way too casual about this they go by the way we have these two telescopes in the back like the pentagon is basically a federally funded ikea warehouse except this point and also you have to put them together so you might end up with like a loose bag of screws and two extra rubber feet you know if you put them in there's like extra parts missing but it's. and something else no but they just have it kind of like hang it out really i mean it's more powerful than what we thought was our most powerful telescopes best yeah this is sort of the fact that the shuttle's been
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circling since last year i think that just means that it's united airlines through chicago that old it should be down on the ground and he said. all right if you guys had to pick someone to write a new anthem for the united states would it be and i'll tell you who you know who the people picked up on fox news. i would definitely choose springsteen i think he's the perfect choice because first of all the complaint about the national anthem is it's too hard for people to sing and has a larger octave range of people usually comfortable with springsteen that's not a problem all his songs sound the same you can sing them if you're a half drunk which sounds like he is all the time anyway so that's good for sporting events and think about the content of the song so it's going to go on and on it's going to be big and bloated is going to be it about a new jersey housewife that has an abusive husband wants to move to california you know probably end in a car crash so what's more american than you thought about that yeah you did i rode
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out there and i you know well i'm glad that you're part of the springsteen crowd because i don't think i could sing a single springsteen song does that make me not i mean the you know i mean it's going to be in songs for you know nancy i mean i don't know a single one i be i don't. want to do it right here no no no you like blue collar you know like working class all-american but i think you kind of bring up a good point terms of how difficult the national anthem is to sing but then at the same time that's why we then appreciate people that go on and seeing the national anthem before a big sporting events before you know like the super bowl and for them the problem seems to be more remembering the word the so where consider the problem the other two were mentioned in the poll jay z. is the one that i'd be most interested to hear how that one turns out you know in a market that for once totally very true very true i think stevie wonder you know was up there as well down and had a few votes i could see that being kind of fun but donna got to people that you
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know dolly parton she was up there with springsteen you know i would like dolly parton national anthem let's make it a duet yeah i like it ok just my take i guess i got to wrap it up but thank you for joining me this evening that is if a night show thanks for tuning in and make sure they come back tomorrow and firedoglake is going to be on the show with details on bradley manning's latest pretrial hearing in the meantime don't forget to like the. alona show on facebook don't forget to follow us on twitter subscribe to our you tube channel and also don't forget that now you can check us out on hulu as well coming up next is the news. that. golden globe. clip.
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going off by mistake especially let's solve the nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. us of a difference to use it as a threat all as an actual event that you know if you keep spinning a trillion dollars a year on weapons of venture you're going to blow everybody up you you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see it people don't wake up to nuclear weapons or a bill. that represents all of the firepower of the second world war this. is the equivalent firepower of the world's nuclear arsenal today. few if. any music secret laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care
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about humans and world this is why you should care only on the dot com wealthy british silence on. this. market why not. come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on r.t. . if . you would be so which brightened.
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