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tv   [untitled]    June 6, 2012 3:02pm-3:32pm EDT

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we're losing access to markets because borrowing costs have been going up so much this begs the question is there going to be another bailout what will this entailed once again and who's going to be bearing the brunt of it would it be the taxpayers of once again now the previously a spanish ministers had said that spain can't come up with the money on its own but already some ministers are saying that in fact they won't need some international help and because of that there's a lot of skepticism jittery markets reacting to this now certainly what has been consistent in this whole crisis is that one statement today of confidence changes and the next day a complete turnaround and therefore there really is no sense of stability sense of confidence in any of the statements coming from the country what has been consistent is that there is no solution until now and found to a get out of this euro zone a crisis. over more on the implications of the german downgrade i'm now joined by patrick young the executive director of investment firm dva advisors are with us on the line from poland patrick germany has been the anchor all along now it doesn't
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look quite so invincible how bad a state is europe's biggest economy and how's it going to reverberate through the already shaky zone well i think the situation we have here is we need to weigh the german our voice economy that's the business where they make savings b.m.w.'s mercedes all manner of wonderful pieces of engineering not the marketplace is not a little mystically there are problems because of course there aren't so many people in places like greece or italy or france or spain or most of the european you know who are buying them so much these days and indeed there's possibly not such a good only complacence like china and india as well then we have the german french colony and you see what's happened today is we've really heard the truth that i think many in finance knew all along but i'm such a commerce bank they build themselves up a huge portfolio where they thought they were being very very clever. by basically
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buying lots of bonds of places like germany and not so not germany by buying themselves bonds of places such as greece italy spain and in other words all the places where not they can't possibly sell their debt because the governments are effectively in huge problems so therefore what happened is once more another little layer of the onion let us say has been peeled away and that's examining and showing us that ultimately the euro has no clothes the european union is in a total mess due to its three years of denial of its economic problems that spain's budget minister continues to say that it's spanish banks that need the help but the country accounts for some twelve percent of the euro zone's output that's twice the arland portugal and greece combined can't it be bailed out like others of course not there's no way spain can possibly be bailed out the thing that's disgusting here in this whole situation is the way that all of the politicians have
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basically left the people stranded the new government in spain went into denial mode from the wall and they came into office and six months later they've suddenly realized what anybody who was remotely financially literate could work out six months ago or two years ago even spanish banks are lost and ultimately there needs to be a way in order to manage to rescue them but the conventional belike mechanisms are not going to work and that's why ultimately it's very difficult to see tragically whether or not there really is a future to the euro was a currency because it's a disastrous political scheme rather than an economic engine of prosperity rather it's the opposite it's putting people out of work work rather than putting them in jobs and this is from germany and spain is overshadowing a big greece of course which has another election later this month and it's largely it's. as
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a vote really on the eurozone membership for the country are the greeks ready to get thing to return to the drachma let the states well you know the greeks in this wonderful situation i mean the greeks when you talk to the long one side they don't want austerity and they don't really think they should have to pay their bills for the debts that have been grown by the government over the years at the same time they think they should be in the euro it's automatically a little bit like going out and pulling a group of your two year old children no marker of that they may say that they realize they have to eat sensibly they're going to demand ice cream and jelly for their next meal and for every meal there after as long as they have influence the problem with greece is ultimately it doesn't really matter what they vote for in the course of the middle of june because they haven't actually been taking their medicine the harsh austerity that they needed to have a remote chance of managing to meet the official terms of their be alike package are not going to be met they're not getting rid of the civil service they need to get rid of they're not cutting back on the budget the way that they really need to not there's another argument as to whether that's right or wrong but the truth of
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the matter is greece ultimately is returning to the drachma i think whether it likes it or not because it's completely untenable as a conventional modern democracy it's simply sadly does not function as one. right there you have it as says patrick yang executive director of investment firm d.v. advisors thanks for that welcome. russia and china are boosting their military partnership including holding more joint drills president putin is currently on a state visit to beijing to forge closer ties with the asian giant china's growing influence is causing some wary for the u.s. which is shifting more of its warships to the asia pacific alexei yourselves is in the chinese capital for. not only the diplomatic and economic ties seem to be very strong between moscow and beijing but now we have it confirmed by vladimir putin and this is something he stressed in particular that the military partnership
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between the two countries will also expand now it's already been very strong i mean here that russia and china have already conducted a very successful joint military exercises in the past and certainly the weapon exports from russia to china is also massive but now we understand according to put in that this cooperation will expand suddenly this is some kind of news which would hardly be very welcome in the west in the united states in particular which have been growing a very much worried with china's growing military might and the visit by the u.s. secretary of defense mr panetta to the asian pacific region basically confirmed all these worries with producing statements like the united states must be vigilant in the face of. china's growing military power but beijing is also growing very impatient and very irritated with the actions of the united states which in particular this visit often they're saying that the growing military presence in the region may destabilize the whole situation we certainly are waiting to see
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whether there will be any reaction coming from washington on these statements coming from beijing but definitely the fact that russia and china are growing their military ties certainly adds a very interesting spin to global geopolitics. meanwhile the young panetta is wrapping up his asian charm offensive with the last stop in india brian becker from the antiwar answer coalition says america's military focus on the region could have dangerous implications. it's because the united states wants to exercise had gemini in the asia pacific when it says it's pivoting towards asia which president obama announced in australia in january that should be considered a dangerous thing for asia the united states invaded the philippines in one thousand nine hundred in one thousand eight hundred it invaded the asian part of russia to stop the russian revolution during world war two it's what most of the war in asia then it went to korea vietnam the united states is for many many battles in asia so a pivot towards asia should be considered something of great alarm for the people
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of the continent china is seeking to defend itself it does not have a global ambitions with its military unlike the united states which has a thousand military bases located in one hundred thirty countries china is basically concerned with its own economic development of course as a major power but they see the united states' plans their pivot towards asia is something very threatening. still ahead for you on our t.v. later this hour a deadly wedding tragedy a fresh nato air strike kills more than a dozen afghans at a marriage ceremony a look at the huge toll the u.s. led war is taking its ability. but first the attention of wiki leaks supporters has now shifted to an american military court where a series of preach while hearings have started for u.s. army private bradley manning he's accused of the biggest leak of government documents in u.s. history the charges lawyers hope to see just missed however as artie's medina
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question of explains there are some leaks that will always go unpunished. from a former cia officer who question waterboarding to suspected we keep it small bradley manning the obama administration has waged an unprecedented war on whistleblowers prosecuting more of them under a span ash laws than old previous administrations combined but it seems one man's snitch is another man's spin doctor the problem with the current situation with the current white house is they have leaked classified information circle time to what it serves to give yourself one of those with what was with a book obama's wars done by bob woodward or they played out two chapters of information about current operations and also with the catholic bagel bigelow project regarding seal team six taken out of that water last year at this time the film in question which is titled as zero dark thirty covers last year's raid by u.s. commandos on the pakistani compound where some of bin laden was hiding the conservative
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watchdog judicial watch has obtained records revealing that hollywood filmmakers were given access to precisely undisclosed information about the operation oscar winning director kathryn bigelow and screenwriter mark boal were even granted at tour around the volt as cia building where tactical planning for the raid took place the film is out in december but was initially due to be released just weeks before november's presidential elections sad facts so some flak fly the administration's way while the entire project has raised concerns over the way intelligence is being used it's best that this kind of information particularly as it revolves around what's surrounding this movie remains classified it absolutely has to it's very unfortunate that it's coming out to be used for political purposes for a congressional election however there is nothing unusual about the defense department
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collaborating with the makers of hollywood blockbusters. it's a partnership that dates back to the middle of the twentieth century and it has proved effective the pentagon has what hollywood filmmakers won access to millions of dollars worth of military equipment to use in the movies and hollywood has what the pentagon wants the insolence to sugarcoat its actions and attract millions of potential recruits in recent months to other movies about the navy seals long survivor and act of valor have for swift official assistance veteran hollywood reporter david roth says the pentagon has for a long time had access to the scripts of hollywood filmmakers to show the military in a better line and the american people are seeing hundreds and hundreds of films and television shows that have been sanitized by the military and to make military seem
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more heroic than it really is and never wrong and always good that this creates a false image in the american people's mind so while for some weeks we'll get true locked up for others are trying to project patrick has and propaganda on to the silver screen but my you know question r.t. reporting from las angeles california. let's discuss the so-called war on whistleblowers with someone who is certainly no stranger to this issue in washington civil admins the founder of the president of the national security whistleblowers coalition base for being with us where do you think the fine line between as leaking information to an enemy and simply revealing truths which the world deserves to know is bradley manning a hero or a criminal in your view. well cradley manning is a hero no doubt about it and you have to look at the bigger picture here as the intention here is not only to set an example out of bradley manning by commission
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him and this is weed out any due process basically ignoring all his rights to u.s. citizens but also as a military our service they have not followed the proper process that is supposed to be at work here for or suppose that the government whistleblower and their government was not law protection laws and another thing you're looking at is going beyond just setting an example by a congressman this is also too sad hazard and and this is what the american public and actually people around the world need to understand because by saying presidents they are showing and they are not willing to start at bradley with bradley manning or julian aside or you might use that told us they secrets privilege in waukesha and six other whistleblowers who have been prosecuted another journalist from new york times who's they'll be. prosecuted so when you're looking
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at all these you are seeing ask elation and each case where there is bradley manning or julian aside or the recent whistleblowers who have faced indictments you are seeing escalation what they are doing years they are waiting to see what kind of reaction they are going to get from the public and this is u.s. government but also this applies to other governments and when a such. very interesting because what here is going to be established is unprecedented and with him this president is going to be established and this is going to apply to journalists to other was lloris to activist and and to to to media to and to any kind of law. there's this is just it has and if we as a public fail not support this so they help in supporting and getting outreach and supporting these whistleblowers we are going to see
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a war and war situation not only with governments whistleblowers what also with journalists that bloggers and activists what do you think are is in the stars so to say for julian assange i mean is his time numbered as a free man do you think you'll be extradited to sweden his lawyers have very little time to are to to appeal that last week's decision this is what it looks like and what you meant les as i said it's not limited to only us government because you should also look at is as a rule or rest of prostitutes in the future you're going to see other governments asking you know one government asking another government to extradite someone who is a political activist someone who may even be a political read it she and again it's very ironic all one hand you have u.s. state department that hillary clinton that points finger at china and says how dare you are highly distance and jailed them and on the other hand that's exactly what
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you're doing and not only you know nationally now we are taking you down and you know. there's also a troubling trend the wiki leaks founder our contacts people has been interviewing those featured on his program that we broadcast here in order to have recently been interrogated by f.b.i. agents when trying to return from the states to france do you think that's all or all of this might deter potential whistleblowers from coming forward with their stories or speaking openly. absolutely it already has my organization during bush administration. gathered more than one hundred fifty national whistle lors national security was laura's from a cancer guard from cia f.b.i. homeland security in the past two three years that has basically our narrowed down to one or two whistleblowers in two or three years i still get reports from the
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government insiders but they are saying that what they are seeing with the obama administration is all these cases out prosecution they are not going to come forward and they are also seeking ways to make it from a should they have a bailable because they will leave you know they believe that the american people has a right to know this information this is not classifying star really necessary intelligence gathering methods you're looking at classifying government criminal activities government fraud government waste government government abuse and so yes it has be tried and it has been and you know what we are doing this intimidation tactic by the f.b.i. is not new this was happening even in early two thousand under bush administration with other governments was the will or as it happened in my case when i visit young people who are going to come forward to congress and witness to my case these were senior f.b.i.
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agents so they are continually actually worse they are ask you lady in these types of intimidation tactics and several admins founder and president of the national security whistleblowers coalition live from washington. bridging rules during public protests may now cost a pretty penny in russia as lawmakers approved a new bill supporting tougher punishment for violations it's rare to get signed off by the president but the bill's already causing a storm among politicians and opposition groups and even set a new parliamentary record for the time it took to be power. has the details the draft aims that significantly increasing the fines for violating the rules of taking part in mass rallies from the current seventy year olds up to a maximum of seven thousand euros for average citizens who are around two hundred hours of community service so that's why it's caused such a wee fierce criticism and anger both from the official and unofficial opposition
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many of whom are calling this draft draconian but its supporters say that it corresponds with western european standards and actually if we compare the figures to the penalties in some of western european states are often much more severe and the flying is could be much higher as well reaching seventy five thousand euros the draft was initiated after a launch protest rally ended in clashes between some of the protesters and the police we've seen pieces of concrete flying around small grenades and injuries on both sides it was more of a marathon last night when it took eleven hours for the lower chamber of parliament the state duma to work through the draft because of a new tactic which is being taken on by the opposition which is new for russia but it's a practice which is similar to filibustering in the united states when some deputies try to be as abstract the best possible to deal real the vote but by around
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midnight it still ended up being passed to despite this fierce debate. remember we've got all the latest stories on our website here's a taste of what's online for you right now digital doomsday the head of a russian cyber security lab predicts the end of the world as we know it checkered by internet terrorism the details that are to dot com. plus we investigate the mystery of an american satellite which returned to earth after a year in orbit with its mission cloaked in secrecy. a morning nato air strike in eastern afghanistan has left at least eighteen people dead including women and children that's according to local officials the people living nearby say all those killed were celebrating a wedding nato denies that claiming they took out eight military commanders in the strike the president of the pac nationalist form told r.t. that america will pay for the damage and misery it's inflict it. would go with with
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the gun government is saying and they're saying that civilians have been killed today the of gun people have lost more of their civilians in the first decade of the twenty first century then the united states lost on nine eleven it was a tragic event of nine eleven but this is no less a tragedy and frankly we don't see any justice in this that the of gun people could lose this many and of course nato and the u.s. military in afghanistan a very quick to condemn the taliban for their bombings in various cities where and attacks of course were civilians were killed but how is the u.s. military and nato any different they kill as many civilians there we talk to a lot of gun activists and i think any future government in afghanistan after the americans are out in order to reclaim credibility i think they will have to initiate some sort of a reconstitution process whereby they would have to move some legal cases maybe go
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as far as the u.n. or the international court of justice and ask for compensation for what happened i mean of ghana's to. will be left with with wounds that would take decades to heal i mean just just thousands and thousands of civilians have been killed. i now see what's happening in the world of business daniel bushell and ikea not quite as green as it claims to be daniel your late i was just there today where we are earlier the world's top furniture store where you were protesting because the groups have been protesting else side their stores the world's top further store trumpets is sustainability but protestors outside their stores say they've been chopping forests with six hundred year old trees of quote conservation value protect the forest as p ok have issued photos of the destruction on the road so finish order is the latest scandal to hit the. bribes to bureaucrats and claims of horrific working conditions at its factories and the rolls broken out between france and america as well over who caused the current euro dick crisis french
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foreign minister laurent fabius blames the us in quotes lehmann brothers was not a european bank we should not shift responsibility for its new socialist government is seen as less friendly to washington than previous incumbent nicolas sarkozy america fingers brussels for helping you remember is enough. and of the facebook's bulge dog here last month the nasdaq may compensate some of these shares in the social network of shared some hundred million dollars of reports facebook had poor growth estimates from investors disney's staying in the u.s. is excluding junk food ads from its t.v. channels that don't meet new nutritional guidelines it's already scrapped mickey mails from packets of pop tarts with a majority of americans overweight or obese first lady michelle obama's back in these move comes of new york mayor bloomberg the bottles of sugary drinks club the horror of making false food chains told good emerging markets. teamed up with the
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t.v. bank to expand into the country's region's. will invest up to a hundred million dollars over three years most good had another fantastic day here is economy continues to grow force despite the euro crisis aeroflot shares particularly close to list in london this year investors will succeed as the russian airline is one of the world's most profitable flagship kara could earn two hundred forty million dollars from the move. strengthened against the euro greenback today again russia's central bank said the trend should continue throughout the year and maintain two thousand and twelve inflation target of five percent that's a record low for this country and british bank scuse me are much worse shape than previously thought sitting on a sixty billion dollar black hole of declared dead proving to new research the robots of scotland the worst with over a third of its capital buffer under threat followed by a just b. c. news it's being called the real reason why they're refusing to lend to businesses
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and kickstart the economy the banks haven't disputed the claim and eurozone lenders staying in the industry face further agree first time spare money will no longer bell the mild new proposals from brussels shareholders and creditors will be responsible for any losses but the new legislation is unlikely to come in for two years too late to protect taxpayers from the current bank failures in the likes of spain so another bad day for the eurozone and these are hopefully we'll have some better news when fed chairman ben bernanke he testifies to the u.s. senate tomorrow certainly shake out there daniel thanks for that update. now as syria continues to slide into full scale civil war the conflict is now creeping beyond the country's borders further across the region more on that in cross talk coming up after this break and i have mine.
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that's. the goal of. the book. lynn.
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let's speak. to. her. mum with. the luck good luck good luck. plays. just see the end of. the bottom a little. the for. the so.
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line from moscow our top story is creeping contagion the eurozone champion germany into his ratings downgrade with fears the crisis is hitting a monetary union biggest economy. military maneuvering russia plans closer ties with china while america promises to move most of its warships to the asia pacific in the coming years. and protest peacefully or pay a fortune russia lawmakers pass a bill that sparked some of the most heated debate and set a new parliamentary record. now since the uprising broke out in syria sectarian violence between supporters and opponents of the outside regime has flared up repeatedly in neighboring lebanon more on the ripples of the syrian civil
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war in our debate show called stop. if you. want to. follow him and welcome across talking about syria goes so does lebanon with the violent crisis in syria continuing to deepen and spread can lebanon remain on the sidelines much longer and many other questions of bound is syria intentionally destabilizing lebanon and or there are elements in lebanon being used to force regime change in damascus. and. to cross-talk the wave of violence across lebanon i'm joined by robert fisk in beirut he is the middle east correspondent for the independent in pittsburgh we have to go he.


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