tv [untitled] June 6, 2012 6:02pm-6:32pm EDT
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another bailout what would this entail once again and who's going to be bearing the brunt of it would it be the taxpayers once again that would be a previously a spanish ministers had said that spain can't come up with the money on its own but already some ministers are saying that in fact they will need some international help and because of that there's a lot of skepticism jittery markets reacting to this now certainly what has been consistent in this whole crisis is that one statement today of confidence changes at the next day a complete turnaround and therefore there really is no sense of stability a sense of confidence in any of the statements coming from the country what has been consistent is that there is no solution until now found to get out of this euro zone crisis investment advisor patrick young says and the german downgrade has been a long time coming. we've really heard the truth that i think many in finance knew all along but i'm such as kamarck spike they build themselves up by huge portfolio where they thought they were being very very clever by buying themselves
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boards of places such as greece italy spain in other words all the places where not they can't possibly sell their debt because the governments are effectively in huge problems so therefore what's happened is once more another little layer of the onion let us say has been peeled away and that's examining and showing us that ultimately the euro has no clothes the european union is in a total mess due to its three years of denial of its economic problems all of the politicians have basically left the people stranded the new government in spin went into denial mode from the government they came into office and six months later they've suddenly realized what anybody who was remotely financially literate could work out six months ago or two years ago even spanish banks are lost and ultimately there needs to be a way in order to manage to rescue them but the conventional be alike mechanisms
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are not going to work and that's why ultimately it's very difficult to see tragically whether or not there really is a future to the euro was a currency because it's a disastrous political scheme rather than an economic engine of prosperity rather it's the opposite it's putting people out of work for up work rather than putting them in jobs russia and china be seen their military partnership including holding more joint drill for president putin's currency on a state visit to beijing to project closer ties with the asian giant china's growing influence of course in warriors while the u.s. which is shifting more with warships to the asia pacific. is in the tiniest capital for us. not only the diplomatic and economic ties seem to be very strong between moscow and beijing but now we have it confirmed by vladimir putin and this is something he stressed in particular that the military partnership between the two countries will also expand now it's already been very strong i mean here that
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russia and china have already conducted a very successful joint military exercises in the past and certainly the weapon exports from russia to china is also massive but now we understand according to put in that this cooperation will expand suddenly this is some kind of news which would hardly be very welcome in the west in the united states in particular which have been growing a very much war with china's growing military might and the recent visit by the u.s. secretary of defense mr panetta to the asian pacific region basically confirmed all these worries with producing statements like the united states must be vigilant in the face of. china's growing military power but beijing is also growing very impatient and very irritated with the actions of the united states which in particular this visit often they're saying that the growing military presence in the region may destabilize the whole situation we certainly are waiting to see whether there will be any reaction coming from washington on these statements
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coming from beijing but definitely the fact that russia and china are growing their military ties certainly adds a very interesting spin to global geopolitics meanwhile leon panetta is wrapping up his asian charm offensive with the last stop in india brian back from the anti war on the coalition says america's military focus on the region could have dangerous implications. it's because the united states wants to exercise had gemini in the asia pacific when it says it's pivoting towards asia which president obama announced in australia in january that should be considered a dangerous thing for asia united states invaded the philippines in one thousand nine hundred in one thousand eight hundred it invaded the asian part of russia. to stop the russian revolution during world war two that's what most of the war in asia then it went to korea vietnam the united states has fought many many battles in asia so a pivot towards asia should be considered something of great alarm for the people of the continent china is seeking to defend itself it does not have
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a global ambitions with its military unlike the united states which has a thousand military bases located in one hundred thirty countries china is basically concerned with its own economic development of course as a major power but they see the united states plans their pivot towards asia something very threatening and later this hour on our team a deadly wedding tragedy in afghanistan a fresh nameplates like killed more than a dozen afghans that a marriage ceremony will look at the huge toll the u.s. led war is taking on the don't know. how some of bin laden's death prompted in hollywood stay tuned for a report coming up in the program. bridging rules while organizing all participating in public protests may now cost a pretty penny in russia as the parliament has approved a new law supporting tough a punishment for violations it's yet to get signed off by the president but the
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bill's already caused a storm among opposition groups setting a new parliamentary record for the first time to be part. of peace cannot has the details. the draft significantly increasing the fines for violating the rules of taking port in mass rallies from the current seventy year olds up to a maximum of seven thousand euros for average citizens or around two hundred hours of community service so that's why it's called such a we are all so fierce criticism and anger both from the official and unofficial opposition many of whom are calling this draft will cool in yet but its supporters say that it corresponds with western european standards and actually if we compare the figures to the final. in some western european states are often much more severe and. could be much higher as well reaching seventy five thousand euros the draft was initiated after a launch protest rally ended in clashes between some of the protesters and the
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police we've seen pieces of concrete flying around small grenades and injuries on both sides it was more of a matter of form last night when it took eleven hours for the little chamber of parliament the state duma to work through the draft because of a new tactic which is being taken on by the opposition which is new for russia but it's a practice which is similar to filibuster ring in the united states when some deputies try to be obstructive possible to do real the vote but by around midnight it still ended up being passed to despite this fierce debate remember all the latest stories also on our website at r.t. dot com here's a taste of what's now released them or challenge them that amnesty international message to israel of a palestinian prisoners catch up with more details online. plus we investigate the mystery of an american said to return to earth off to
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a year in athens with its mission cloaked in secrecy. the attention of supporters has now shifted to an american military court away a series of hearings have started for u.s. army private bradley manning he's accused of the biggest leak of government documents in any u.s. history charges lawyers hope the dismissed however as. explains there are some leaks that will always go unpunished. from a former cia officer who questioned waterboarding to suspected we can take small bradley manning the obama administration has waged an unprecedented war on whistleblowers prosecuting more of them under a span ash laws than old previous administrations combined but it seems one man snitch is another man's spin doctor the problem with the current situation with the
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current white house is they have leaked classified information for the times when it suits them to do so one of those with what was with the book obama's wars done by bob woodward where they played out two chapters of information about current operations and also with the kathleen bagel bigelow project regarding seal team six takedown of ben lauder last year at this time the film in question which is titled as zero dark thirty covers last year's raid by u.s. commandos on the pakistani compound where some of bin laden was hiding the conservative watchdog judicial watch has obtained records revealing that hollywood filmmakers were given access to proof the undisclosed information about the operation oscar winning director kathryn bigelow and screenwriter mark boal were even granted at tour around the fold as cia building where tactical planning for the raid took place the film is out in december but was initially due to be released just weeks before november's presidential elections sad facts all some
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flak fly the administration's way while the entire project has raised concerns over the way intelligence is being used it's best that this kind of information particularly as it revolves around what's surrounding this movie remains classified it absolutely has to it's very unfortunate that it's coming out to be used for political purposes for a congressional election however there is nothing unusual about the defense department collaborating with the makers of hollywood blockbusters. it's a partnership that dates back to the middle of the twentieth century and it has proved effective the pentagon has what hollywood filmmakers won access to millions of dollars worth of military equipment to use in the movies and hollywood has what the pentagon wants the insolence to sugarcoat its actions and attract millions of potential recruits in recent months to other movies about the navy seals long
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survivor and act of valor how for safety official assistance veteran hollywood reporter david robb says the pentagon has for a long time had access to the scripts of hollywood filmmakers to show the military in a better lot and the american people are seeing hundreds and hundreds of films and television shows that have been sanitized by the military and to make the military seem more heroic than it really is and never wrong and always good that this creates a false image in the american people's mind so while for some weeks will get truly whacked out there are others very trying to project patrick tales and propaganda on to the silver screen but i didn't question the archie reporting from las angeles california. and the so-called wall and whistle blow us is just the beginning of an all out campaign against freedom of speech says a civil edmond's a founder and president of the national security whistleblowers coalition. it is
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going to be armed just setting an example by a congressman this is also sad precedence and this is what the american public and actually people around the world need to understand you are seeing as elation and each case where there is bradley manning or julian a sign or the recent whistleblowers who have faced indictments you are seeing escalation u.s. government is waiting to see what kind of reaction they are going to get from the public this is just the test case and if he has public feel that support this case that they are in supporting him getting outraged and supporting these whistleblowers we are going to see a foreign war situation not only with government was not laura's but also with journalists that bloggers and activists a morning nato air strike in eastern afghanistan has left at least eighteen people
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dead including women and children according to local officials people living nearby say all those killed were celebrating a wedding later denies that claiming they took out eight military commanders in the strike and doesn't mention civilian casualties in this statement ross baker at a job who what why dot com says the alliance tactics in the region result in more violence and not less. it's entirely just proportionate when you receive a small amount of arms fire to send airstrikes and i think there's going to have to be much more of a discussion about how proper this is it also the consequences of alienating afghans even more and provoking war suicide bombing killing civilians particularly in the border regions. and it's just difficult to see how this benefits anybody out there is the answer to world peace how this really significantly sets back the taliban i think it entirely different solution is going to have to be conceived of
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it it does not it. let's not take a look at some of the world stories making headlines at least a travel including the leader of the thirty seven the thought of go front when killed in north or in colombia they died when a fire camp was bombed by the military the minister of defense confirms this on twitter the revolutionary armed forces of colombia has been fighting the government for decades opposing united states influence and the monopolization of natural resources by multinational corporations. the congolese government says it's only killed thirty one renegade soldiers on tuesday in the country's east the rebels are following gen bosco undone gunda who defected from the army in april and is the subject of an international arrest warrant the latest outbreak of violence has complicated congo's already fragile relations with neighboring rwanda which reportedly support the coup officials also claim the revolt has seen it these two hundred militant killed in the last month. by iranian human rights
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activists not people reject has been arrested for posting tweets criticizing the country's rule is he is of a public insulting sudanese folded ties to the regime this is the fifth case the games of the activists in may he was a loss arrested just off to participating in june in a sun show on our. hundreds have marja through toronto in support of the back students who have been rallying for months against switching hikes since february hundreds of demonstrators were detained with almost two hundred thousand refusing to attend university when they surrender re-united local students and labor activists with another approach has scheduled for fortnight's time. north korean leader kim jong un has given his second public speech since taking power in front of tens of thousands of children wednesday marks the anniversary of the country's children's
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union the organization that helps ensure the young generations loyalty to the regime it comes two days after north korea want to solve or a neighbor of military action of their critical coverage of children is a festival in pyongyang. up next artie's interview with syria's the minister of information adnan mohamad he tells r.t. his views about the so-called information war and its conflicted reports stay with us.
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then the arab league council has asked satellite operators are upside. down the row cast of sirius satellite channels what do you think about this decision. this decision is an attack on free media and freedom of expression it's an attack on syrian media the purpose is to hide the truth about what is really going on in syria from people both inside and outside the country this is part of the smear campaign launched by certain satellite channels and supported by the gulf nations behind it the decision contradicts fundamental moral and professional standards for mass media in the arab world and globally it contradicts the rules and regulations for satellite broadcasting as agreed by the council of arab ministers of
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information and this decision was made by foreign ministers which means it was politically motivated it's part of the anti syrian political agenda we all understand that these plans are being implemented on political and economic levels the main purpose of this decision is to silence syrian channels can uncover the role of some of these countries providing support to terrorists in syria when i help him financially and smuggling weapons. into the country and they're all sort of fraid of serial channels disclosing the truth about terrorist connections of some media outlets financed and supported by these outside players we have had a situation where terrorists acted as correspondents to foreign media that the very people are sponsible that's filmed their crimes and sent the footage to the media blaming my government for the atrocities of the syrian people and the ministry of information condemning this decision the ministry considers it as its
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responsibility to provide satellite broadcasting the syrian satellite channels so what do you think of all how the arab states and other countries as you say are waging an information war against syria does the syrian government media still provide balanced and unbiased coverage do they provide an accurate picture of the situation in syria especially considering that they were not prepared for this information war. and. the role it should be said that everything about the mass media is in fact down to the audience if we take polls around inside and outside syria we shall see that the audience of the syrian satellite channels has grown up and so has the number of viewers who perceive these channels as the source to turn to a live news coverage on syrian satellite channels provide live coverage sixteen hours a day and this includes both the official channels and the specialized and private . thus we can say that the official syrian media has taken
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a few in the coverage of the barbaric war syria has been forced into them and in exposing the plans to undermine the strength of spirits by the syrian people i'm deeply convinced that the recent sanctions against our mass media came as a response to its increased impact had there been no such impact it would be no need to introduce sanctions against on mass media the american and european sanctions followed by those their own. why some gulf states at the recent arab league meeting only confirm that the influence of the syrian media has grown and because of all that we will have to develop our informational policy and improve the structure of the syrian media. the arab league sees to shut down some of the syrian channels but the annan plan actually calls for as many channels as possible to cover the dance in syria. as.
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of course it's very strange that we ask oceana and the un security council who will protect freedom of speech democratic principles and liberties how can you shut it down syrian national media when the annan plan calls for free accreditation for foreign media coming to syria to cover the situation here and we have one hundred eighty media outlets from all over the world represented in syria and over one hundred accredited foreign reporters permanently working here traveling freely across the country to cover the event that's. how can you shut down syrian satellite channels and at the same time allow foreign news services operate freely this will result in biased coverage of all this is part of the information more ways to get syria we know that eighty percent of the satellite channels dedicate thirty minutes of the news hour to syria today and a recent study shows that ninety percent of satellite coverage on syria has nothing
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to do with the actual situation in the country it's all lies and fabrications and this again proves that there's a real information more waged against syria with real facts being substituted be fabrications these lies and the only way for them to achieve their objectives in their war against syria that the have the houla massacre is a good example of that as soon as the first pictures of the massacre were. least everybody started accusing the syrian army and security forces but we all know who was really behind this crime i know the atrocities used against the syrian people as well as the sanctions introduce against the syrian government media have revealed the true nature of those waging war against syria today the people of syria a targeted by terrorists. and sponsored by regional powers like. saudi arabia and turkey. as well as by western nations such as the us the
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good. with the end of the war and the going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared. the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake especially a lot of little nuclear weapons on head trigger a lot. of the victims to use it. all and you know if you keep spending a trillion dollars a year on weapons of venture you're going to blow everybody up you you know people
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you're watching our t.v. just in time for the headlines for you as an infection has now been even germany's defensive. thanks to the country. raising fears throughout europe that not even its economic powerhouse can withstand the current financial on the flop. joint amid new to russia and china boosting their military partnership including an increase in mabel kill and move closer to you with pleasure to extend its military presence in the asia pacific moving most of its warships to the beaches in the air. and. pay a fortune. one hundred and. some
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of the most heated debate to a new parliamentary record eleven dollars on top of. next to join the james brown on his latest. adventure as he tours of the chela region. which is one of those places that if there's something for everyone sitting just east of the you reach the country's border between europe and asia this isn't as big a diverse area of more than three million people there's a bustling capital city to enjoy for the nature lovers some of russia's most stunning country something that is right on your doorstep. as well as being very beautiful this is also a very significant part of the screen. over there it marks the start of the european europe.
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