tv [untitled] June 7, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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says feeds. massacre of days of the syrian government forces find a butchered corpses of women and children killed in the who is style slaughter once again coinciding with a high profile appearance of kofi annan. touching sore points global political attention shift eastward as president putin meets iranian and afghan leaders in beijing wrapping up his chinese tour. plus a political revolution that failed to bring a cultural one to when an egyptian fear their fight for equality is due as long as rise from the ashes of the uprising. and the russian government will lose control of the top oil company in the country all the details and business sense once the minutes.
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one pm in the russian capital watching r t r marina joshua welcome to the program how a new massacre has apparently taken place in syria in a small village near the city of hama you may find some of the images disturbing all the circumstances appear to be eerily similar to those surrounding the bloody slaughter in the town of houla last month again it was all for a leader by a government bombardment against a rebel stronghold in the village after having finding troops reportedly found scores of civilians have been tied out and shot or worse to death this video apparently from just some insurance some of the victims who appear to have been dad for days killed well before government forces took the village. international affairs into fans now it's believed the timing is highly suspicious. and it was said that the were. these might belong to
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a group that so. called. with their support that they certainly received they were. what they're. called to break the law they were protected by the rich is so i would think that they had this with the relations we. i cut the loot for sure we followed her to the base to gauge i suspect but they by had be killed by papers of the rebels the opposition lately thought they were with the. speaker or. they were a separate group he would have been. there because they didn't belong to them a group put them. through the actual alteration of the bicycle book if this case is he's quite striking are these like the who are the what they were what just before kofi about specific to syria. what there is about the situation but that is
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by secular happens so it seems to me that there are limits who are very old scrupulosity they don't want to go back to a situation in which they buy have to. pay the post to go here and to go with the us. so they are recurrent police. where the whole massacre occurred on the eve of coffee and a visit to syria this latest bloodbath comes just ahead of a un security council meeting but in the halls of the united nations deadlock over a damascus proving no barrier for some are finalizing plans for a post office at syria right is more important i reports. the united nations is the only diplomatic forum where every country is supposed to be governed by the same rules united nations founding charter close upon us to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security a founding member and biggest financial contributor america ratified inside the u.n. treaty in one thousand nine hundred five which prohibits unprovoked attacks or military
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interventions in sovereign countries unless authorized by the un security council. my fellow americans today our armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against serbian forces responsible for the brutality in kosovo in recent decades the us has been seen violating the very international laws it helped create we have acted with resolve the u.s. and its allies also acted without authorization from the un security council when it launched a seventy eight day aerial attack on yugoslavia in one thousand nine hundred nine nato starts war against the federal republic of yugoslavia serbia and montenegro. serbia for seventy eight days occupies kosovo and this doesn't have you an authorization until the very end the us again disregarded international law in two thousand and three after the security council refused to support a military strike on iraq they withdrew their new additional resolution rather than
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face defeat clearing it is their argument the way for a military campaign without any new u.n. approval the united nations security council has not lived up to its responsibilities. so we will rise to ours and it's not in conformity with the u.n. charter from our point of in the charter point of view it was in the by circumventing international law for geo political interests experts say the us has systematically damage the confidence and credibility of the un it's been used by the united states i think as a fig leaf to to get multilateral approval from the policies that the u.s. u.s. wants to do but if the u.n. doesn't agree with the united states as you know the case of iraq or kosovo the united states just disregards in the case of syria were kofi annan fragile peace plan has showed slow progress washington is prepared to once again bypass the un if
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the security council fails to impose more pressure on damascus and members of this council and members of the international community are left with the option only of having to consider whether they're prepared to take actions outside of the annan plan and the authority of this council groans have no need for diplomacy they have the legions apparently the united states thinks it has no need for diplomacy it has missiles and drones the u.n. was founded at the end of the second world war as a place for countries to solve conflicts through dialogue rather than gunfire however the honorable goal of maintaining global peace and security becomes harder to attain every time a member state decides to play by its own rules growing up or not i r.t. new york now clashes in syria how already spilled over the border to lebanon our team at war the country's interior minister who believes a virus of the syrian violence could be contagious for the whole region and here's a taste of what's coming for you next hour. we have some global and arab interests
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clashing and we all understand that what we don't understand is where this clash will take us in the end but we can say one thing with about if the syrian conflict is resolved one way or another this. would affect the situation in lebanon lebanon security doesn't depend on lebanon alone politically and in terms of security and lebanon depends on external factors as well the queen the people of lebanon have close religious i'm family ties with neighboring states. now foreign military interference into syria's affairs and strong arming a regime change there is unacceptable and that's the message coming from central asia six pioneering powers as the shanghai cooperation organization summit in beijing wrapped up all eyes now are on its friends as were iranian and afghan issues are brought to the forefront like here cesky now explains. well the shanghai
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cooperation organization summit which last two days now has come to an end with some very important security agreements have been signed between the parties involved but definitely the most interesting events of today all the meetings. leaders of iran mahmoud ahmadinejad and afghanistan hamid karzai first of all. china for him it's just the place to be because it is probably one of the few places in the world where he is not being threatened by sanctions where you can all feel relaxed and smiling we saw on the cameras as he was walking inside the building how chilled and relaxed he was definitely putting on him have a lot to talk about because russia plays a very important role in mediating the conflict between iran and the west moreover the timing of this particular meeting in beijing is very important as well because in the middle of june we're expecting a five plus one group of negotiators to meet in moscow to discuss the iranian issue certainly this happens i mean the time when washington does not rule out military action against tehran and constantly keeps slapping iran with
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a different sort of economic and trade sanctions both russia and china support to support the civil nuclear program in iran at the same time they would not support any military nuclear program in this country now as for the meeting with it's also seen as very crucial because russia is now playing a very important role in afghanistan providing one of its military bases in the town it will be honest for the nato troops to deliver its military cargo to afghanistan to help with all of the u.s. troops from the country by the end of twenty fourteen it's evident to many that the war on terror in afghanistan is not working out as it was planned civilians are being killed by terrorists drug trafficking in the still there so russia certainly wants to play a very important role in bringing this country to peace both russia and china have agreed to bolster their military ties of the news which would probably be unwelcome in the west and particularly in the united states definitely this latest meeting between the leaders of china and russia
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a very interesting spin to the international geopolitics. i suggest the reporting there and present how karzai cut short his visit to beijing to return home after eighteen civilians were killed in a nato airstrike in eastern afghanistan the incident happened at a wedding ceremony when the alliance forces launched an error rate something nato commanders deny claiming they only wide tout taliban fighters the same day three suicide bombers hit a market outside a sprawling nato base in kandahar killing twenty two people investigative journalist gareth porter says they it was activated in afghanistan has become a magnet for civilian deaths wherever it happens. this whole problem of u.s. and nato military operations both air strikes and make raids is a situation that has caused enormous opposition from the population particularly on the nation in southern afghanistan the.
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region of the country are to increasingly oppose the presence of u.s. and nato forces if you look at the casualty figures for civilians and you compare them with the level of foreign troops operating in afghanistan you can see that there is a direct correlation between the two and the more u.s. and nato forces particularly u.s. military forces are active in a particular area the more civilians are going to be caught up in the fighting so the exact opposite is really the reality. that the united states could ever protect the civilian population. well still to come for you in a program the pirates riding a wave to success mutiny on the political ship in germany as the pirate party uses the economic crisis have a friendly face take a first step onto the ladder to power. as fall america's most famous
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army whistleblower gets going in court turns out it's the u.s. government that's hiding skeletons in the closet. now the house of ousted egyptian president hosni mubarak has worsened dramatically comes just days after the eighty four year old was jailed for life for complicity in the killing of protesters during last year's uprising the former leader is currently in intensive care suffering from shock high blood pressure and the severe depression where the runoff looming on a june the sixteenth hundreds of thousands in tahrir square are calling for mubarak's former prime minister ahmed shafik to be disqualified from the presidential race well for many egyptians the revolution hasn't brought the change they were hoping for and that's particularly the case for women to sara first explain. when this egyptian woman was dragged on to tyrion to be exposed and abused by the military men and it serves as
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a stark reminder that barrack mice of being toppled egypt's arab spring has many hurdles to overcome if it's to blossom into a democracy for a conservative cult show watching a woman exposed in that way open the floodgates to show female protesters subjected to violence and sexual harassment not just at the hands of those they opposed that their fellow revolutionaries is still we're having a small profit on with some men and the streets is that there are still a little bit again as to having women with them side to side in the women played a vital role in egypt's revolution but will the future now holds for women and their rights. it's far from certain in the life of women actually is what. i'd like my do to live. i do less and the same way i live my i do this with no harassment sexual harassment is rampant in egypt forcing women to wear
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conservative clothes and even avoid areas where they might come into close contact with men because of the problems is that your harassment that a lot of women complain about in cairo the metric system has some areas for women only many of the women say that's avoid some of the men's wondering. egypt's now facing the prospect of an islamic government that's raising fears over what it could mean for women's rights i met with as around one of just eleven female m.p.'s and a member of the muslim brotherhood she's controversially condoned the practice of female circumcision which was banned under the former regime. who agreed the rules of the constitution first. the rules for women and for america and we will do what is right. these coups to revoke hard won women's rights could risk egypt's new modern democracy becoming
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a terrifying throwback to the past ages of female oppression now. from. point at which is that he for st because usually off to renew you feel that you are going to gain the political revolution in egypt may be in full flow but the cultural one it seems could be just getting started so if the timing. lower we've got all the latest stories and videos on our website or to cause or check out what's waiting for you there price now. why would u.s. presidential hopeful mitt romney make an appearance at this year's top secret conference known for being a meeting of the world's movers and shakers investigate whether it's. and be aware all the whining b.s. it's been discovered that thirty thousand years ago stone age people were using animation techniques in their cave drawings creating an impression of animals
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moving. now germany says it should move towards a political union in europe even if some states are reluctant to do the same the country's chancellor angela merkel has signaled that could be a cure to the e.u.'s financial woes on wednesday moody's rating agency slab germany's top banks well the downgrade something some european economists have been expecting all along. we've really heard the truth that i think many in finance knew all along but i'm such as commerce buying they build themselves up by huge portfolio where they thought they were being very very clever by buying themselves boards of places such as greece italy spain in other words all the places where not they can't possibly sell their debt because the government sort of
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effectively in huge problems so therefore what's happened is one small or another little layer of the onion let us say because we are way and that's examining and showing us that ultimately the euro has no clothes the european union is in a total mess due to its three years of denial of its economic problems all of the politicians hope basically left the people stranded the new government in spain went into the nile mode from the ball and they came into office and six months later they've suddenly realized what anybody who was remotely financially literate could work out six months ago or two years ago even the spanish banks are lost and ultimately there needs to be a way in order to manage to rescue them but the conventional be alike mechanisms are not going to work and that's why ultimately it's very difficult to see
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tragically whether or not there really is a future to the euro was a currency because it's a disastrous political scheme rather than an economic engine of prosperity rather it's the opposite it's putting people out of work for up work rather than putting them in jobs. as a european financial roller coaster keeps bringing not just economies but also governments down it's given some political parties a chance to get to the top the pirate party in germany has seen a surge in popularity as people decide not to put their trust in traditional factions are going off assesses their political ambitions. it may seem like a hollow convention but don't let these outfits for you this is the annual conference of the pirate party of germany only three years ago it had just about one thousand members now there are almost thirty thousand and with deputies in the three local pullman's including in berlin paris or hijacking their way into
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mainstream politics paris have become more beautiful landscape in germany that a lot of parties have to take and you already see the people reacting to the party success story started in local elections last september when they surprisingly won newly named percent of votes now according to opinion polls the party would capture up to thirteen percent of votes across germany if the election to the national parliament was held today the pirates are a newcomer within the party system they produce a kind of policy making people didn't expect from a traditional party they offer a new stars and political communication and they are kind of a platform for the transport of political protest. the bars are all about participation and transparency allowing all members to take part in discussions online and it doesn't seem to matter that so far leave only submitted to me to
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political motions and school spy ware until khan surveillance or that their favorite meeting spot is a bar in berlin they don't have a stance on foreign affairs or the financial crisis and have already made a few mistakes along the way with one senior member comparing their success to the first years of hitler's nazis though he quickly apologized we don't take ourselves so seriously we're not just pump thirst as other politicians are we we know that we're human and we we make mistakes and he accept that make mistakes and therefore we have no problem. ok sorry i was wrong germany's national election is planned for next year and the planets all ready for battle just like more organizations the pirate party of germany's going through its own case of growing pains but its popularity and flies are on the rise and it could be time for mainstream politicians to watch out for the new kids on the block is going to. germany.
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now is take a look at some other stories from around the world thousands of people have rallied in hong kong casting doubt on beijing's official account of a prominent labor activist death according to chinese authorities. hang themselves in a hospital year after being released from jail he was sentenced for count or revolutionary propaganda nine hundred eighty nine following a bloody military crackdown on protesters in beijing. u.s. federal agents have arrested dozens of workers avro to review those largest airport on suspicion of smuggling millions of dollars worth of cocaine thirty three people are accused of sending the drugs aboard commercial flights for at least a decade and they're suspected of belonging to to puerto rico based drug trafficking organizations that work together it starts the drugs were sent to several american cities including miami and new york. the space shuttle enterprise
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has arrived at its final home after blowing up the hudson river it's been lifted into place at the sea air and space museum in new york although it's never been on an actual space mission it was used as a test to be before experiments on the ground and was brought to new york after nasa decided to and the thirty year shuttle program. the pretrial hearings in the case of bradley manning accused of the biggest classified data leak in u.s. history have kicked off in maryland but there is growing concern over the air fairness whether u.s. government withholding more than two hundred thousand relevant documents from manning's to fans blogger kavanah good stall who witnessed the first hearing shares his impressions. what was really clear today is that the government has been misrepresenting intentionally the sort of evidence that it has in its possession that it knows agencies possess which they do not want to turn over to the defense they cite legal reasons and the military justice rules and they talk about the fact
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that the defense hasn't been specific and they make up how they haven't you certain terms that you would normally use so they're just you know going above and beyond to stall and make sure that they can keep going where they don't provide the information that the defense wants that's just not the role the judge is actually the person who makes the decision on whether evidence is supposed to be turned over to the defense is the government or the prosecution's decision. well let's see what happens in the world of business running costs or is there so what's going on there today well we have some exciting news about the government's parts i say some program this time we know that all company in the country of all stuff will be privatized a year earlier so investors you have very excited about that i'll tell you the details in a second but let's start with the international markets in europe it's all in positive territory if you look at the numbers right now the footsie is adding
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around half a percent similarly with the dikes there and basically and messes are reacting to the bond sale that we had the option by spain i'll mention that in the second and also they're looking ahead to super bowl of u.s. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke he will say at this s. and this is the u.s. congress. that there might be additional stimulus there for the economy but let's talk more about spain the government there held an auction selling over two billion euros worth of that they hope to get wanted to benet and so that's our get has certainly been reached and the auction came amid speculation is that the country has been seeking the bailout from you fauns let's not forget spain these to find at least eighty billion euros to. it's banks which are struggling due to bad property loans. but not here and it's a mixed picture as you can see the r.t.s. is gaining just a lot but the my sex is dropping almost half a percent still and this is all connected to the oil prices which are still heading
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south and also important to mention that russia is a state development bank v.b. has said that it will try to support the equity market here and the country and it will do that by selling stock and this will not only result in big profit for the company because russian equity is very cheap right now but it will also help to stabilize the markets now moving on to crude which as i said always has an effect on the russian markets here you see that is dropping the lights we've destroyed in close to eighty five dollars a barrel when it comes to the brunt blenders just above one hundred dollars per barrel and this is this spike the fact that the my be a more stimulation for the u.s. economy and also we're hearing that iran will take a harder stance on this nuclear talks this normally drives prices up but we're not seeing that right now also when it comes to kern sees the year over we can take a look at that it will show up right there. against the dollar that's more or less flat i should say and then when it comes to the ruble a different picture this hour and it's losing against the euro by gaining its
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dollar in fact when it comes to may the ruble lost fourteen percent of the of its value on the central bank here as we want to really hard to support it for the past three days it's been selling hundreds of millions worth of dollars to support and strengthen that has been working at least for two days now ok let's move on to other news as i said russia's a company will after all be privatized in the year this should happen by its two thousand and sixteen i'm of course talking about ralston after the sale will kick off next year and the company's stock should be sold entirely in four years the move us part of the government's privatization plans to sell state controlled energy and for companies to boost domestic markets and competition. and there we have it that's all we have the south by tomorrow all right thanks very much indeed a mixed up day there by the yeah you know i was covering the same row as i was a single is on then that's expire and then that's one of us now has a little late so i can hear moving there are two things very much indeed for the sub date and our special report is coming your way very shortly stay with us for
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