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tv   [untitled]    June 7, 2012 2:32pm-3:02pm EDT

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investigating it and we highlighted a number of whistleblowers out there who had been victims including kiriakou so i guess all i can say is they were really happy to see that he's paying attention to our reporting on this now we just have to get everyone else on board next critic criticality excuse me a critic ality commented on our interview on the u.s. plan to move most of its navy fleet to the asia pacific as the pentagon strategically shift towards this region and they said on you tube why we always have to focus on a region of the world the last thirty issues been in the middle east and what now the d.o.d. wants the next thirty to be on east asia imperialism is never a good route to take in world affairs. i mean i think it's pretty obvious why we're switching gears to focus on the asia pacific region it's china but yeah you bring up a very good point why do we need to keep covering the entire globe with our military would be so nice if there was some honesty in this whole thing right call a spade a spade panetta try to claim that moving our fleet was not meant to intimidate china i call b.s.
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but if we can't even get him to acknowledge that think it's going to be a long time before any government officials publicly use the word empire ron paul probably the exception to that and finally it seemed like everyone had an opinion on our canada copyright story and get that we did it employ people said on you tube hey bloomberg canada is calling to you creepy loner in one nine hundred seventy nine also chimed it on you tube saying devil for damn thing save us kevin bacon richard seventy no one said on you tube i've been watching the show for a long time alone and i love it but i have to ask the story's real or fake i mean i've seen people claim government to do some stupid things but come on are you trying to outdo the onion and finally and the fight left this message on facebook or is it said heard the report on canadian music licensing fees and thought that they sounded pretty reasonable naturally the ones making the real money will be the big names their publishers and record companies but the fact the reliving in a time where no one expects to have to pay a musician has got to be addressed smash the corporate oligarchy but for god's sake
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pay the band so yeah i think that this proves once again that when it comes to aggressive measures to legislate impose fees criminal charges on copyright people feel really strongly about it and i do think it's important to note the distinction between bands individual musicians and the massive corporate behemoths that is the recording industry when they fight copyright infringement something tells me it's more about that and less about the artists getting their buck now for those of you who follow us on twitter and like us on facebook you probably already know that we're taking the show on the road this week this friday will be airing our show from the net roots nation. it's in providence rhode island i think it's going to be an awesome show so i want to take a second to tell you guys about it first we're going have a panel with baird today thurston author of the book how to be black and blogger and comedian james also interview slate matthew yglesias it will also have a panel about the occupy movement working with progress is within the system and
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that's going to include the founder of occupier homes dot org browner hamlin an organizer who helped launch occupy minneapolis nick espinosa and will have a discussion with colin much later the co-founder and c.e.o. of allowed south weld sauce about the future of technology the good and the bad include it but really the reason that i'm telling you guys about this because we want this show to be as interactive as possible we want you guys to tell us what you want to talk about so tell us on twitter tell us on facebook producer jenny churchill and i are going to be tweeting the whole time the word they're using the hash tag t.a.'s and twelve so follow us on twitter to find out what we're up to and use that hash tag as well when you want to see something will be there from thursday until saturday so please get involved help us make this the best episode ever.
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all right guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're not just handing it out to one person but basically all of the u.s. senate republicans get the honor tonight if they use the all mighty filibuster earlier this week to keep the senate from voting on the paycheck fairness act and the final vote on that was fifty two to forty seven and this bill was brought forward by maryland senator barbara mikulski and it's designed to fill in any loopholes from previous equal pay laws previous laws include the lilly ledbetter fair pay act of two thousand and nine thousand acted to ensure that females can fight for their right to equal pay and gave women a time frame to sue their employer for pay discrimination but there is still a lot of gaps that companies could use to keep the salary gap the way that it's been for decades and so that's where the paycheck fairness act comes in to plug all of these holes and it was drafted to ensure that women can investigate when they're being discriminated against discriminated against in the workplace it would force stronger penalties on employers to prevent them from violating those equal pay laws and it would make it easier for women to sue their employers if they can prove that
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they've been a victim of pay discrimination it would also protect workers from getting canned if they discussed wagers with wages with their coworkers something that's already protected in federal law but obviously isn't always followed so all of those things seem pretty legitimate and logical right. well not by the republican standard c. they stuck by their economic fear margaret mongering arguing that the fairness act could affect businesses negatively if employees try to file lawsuits senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said we've got a lot of problems not enough lawsuits is not a problem i think that what he meant to say was us senators got ninety nine problems and a big won't be one but i digress now thankfully there are four female senators out there who have joined the calls these attempts to encourage pay equality in the workplace and remind us that we should probably worry about people their rights their equality and not just businesses and so they've made a really strong case for why we need this bill to reach a vote. when women are not paid what they deserve middle class families and
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communities pay the difference the average pay for a woman working full time your room is forty one thousand three hundred and two dollars the average pay for man is forty nine thousand four hundred and fifty three dollars we hope this will not be a partisan issue his colleague said you should not be this is about women this is about families it's about the economy forty nine years later women their own may were doing because same job with the same education as men do it is long past time that we end the practice of short changing half of our country and really now all this said there is make some really good arguments there it's about the economy keeping up with the changing society where more and more women are the breadwinners are both the man and the women in the relationship work or both women in the relationship work and most importantly it's about trying to get rid of that
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gender gap and pay moving towards greater equality as a culture he pointed out women's pay has only increased and about by about eighteen cents at almost fifty years and as think progress notes women make about seventy seven cents for every dollar that a man makes let's expand on this a little bit see in two thousand and ten the average salary difference between when men and women over the course of just one year was more than ten thousand dollars now doesn't take a mathematician to know that is there is a problem here frankly it's just not right and it's a breath of fresh air that we have fiery women like these ladies who reintroduce the fair pay afeard on capitol hill but like everything else in our gridlocked congress a woman's right to equal pay has become a political issue just like contraception just like women's right to decide what to do with their body while people try to inject religious beliefs into those public debates this has none of that it should be a no brainer not a fringe issue now the filibuster by senate republicans just proves that to them
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it's all politics politics to come into play in the upcoming presidential election where the female vote has become a hot topic so on that no it's president obama's always been outspoken about the pay gap check out this comment that he made back when he was still senator. the truth is that although we've made enormous strides over the last twenty thirty years what remains the case is that women typically make a little over seventy five cents on every dollar that's earned by men unfortunately what we have not seen is a federal government over the last eight years that is seriously committed to making sure that we are closing that gap and he still stands by those comments at a conference call recently he's once again supported the senate democrats effort to pass the paycheck fairness act meanwhile give the mitt romney a saying about equal pay pretty much nothing to the romneys a campaign dodged the question about the lead better act during
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a conference call when reporter sam stein pressed on the issue. of our gov romney support though it would better act and will get back on the. yeah and then later romney camp spokesman explained the massachusetts governor does support equal pay for women but failed to elaborate on his stance on this bill he clearly had no idea what it was however he did get a few jabs with the answer about jobs and unemployment saying women account for more than ninety two percent of jobs lost under barack obama of course mitt romney supports equity for women the real question is whether president obama supports jobs for women well played it take an argument about women's equality and turned into an economic finger pointing is that should just do easy we all saw that when gummy it's of the two thirds of the female jobs lost have been in the public sector you know that part of the economy that you and other republicans want to slash and
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burn but let's go back to the issue here and asked what's really wrong with passing the paycheck fairness act if we know for a fact that there's an obvious inequality what's wrong with giving employers a little extra incentive to fix that mitch mcconnell says he has no time for lawsuits well would they be more likely to disappear if companies were prodded into ending pay discrimination when we keep emails from taking action from knowing why they're not being treated the same that i think it's pretty obvious that discrimination is still alive and well the workplace and something needs to be done about it meanwhile senate republicans they just want to sleep that all under the rug because businesses get hurt and guess what businesses donate a lot more during the elections and so that's why we're giving them tonight's tool time award. just ahead we have happy hour we're going to tell you about a new way to raise chicks and on top of being defeated by walker last night tom barrett got a nasty little slap across the face to the right back with the video. hasn't
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been seen yet. it is too good. axemen political impact. the full source material is what helps keep journalism i want to release. we want to present. something else. a little bit closer look at the golden globe. little. girl please little. goodspeed. feed. her.
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closely with the are currently able to solve the misleading good. police were looking. to. run over there at least. ok guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening is alone a show senior producer with her new role jenny churchill and jim hansen retired
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special operations master sergeant and military blogger a black dot net not as cool as being a producer a lot of show but i guess that i guess at that age you can store it a little bit sometimes on the misfire. all right so let's start with you sent us over this story in service in the u.s. a pretty strong feelings about it so let's play the clip you know this is a guy that went on america's got talent and we always get these like. in the back stories of all these people and so here he was talking about how he was injured in afghanistan. we. did it in two thousand and nine i got hit by. an instrument and it broke broke my back gave me a brain injuries. are a little bit. so but there are some problems with this seems like his story doesn't actually add up and according to an official statement from the national guard
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spokesperson his military records do not indicate that he was injured by a grenade in combat while serving in afghanistan and they can also confirm that he was not awarded the purple heart medal for sustained in combat it's a pretty big lie it's pretty sad i mean first of all he's lying about it he's claiming to have attempted to save his buddies so he's trying to claim about he also claim to get a bronze star for attempting to save the lives of his buddies for jumping on a grenade but he mistook the fact that an r.p.g. is not a grenade that bounces around you can jump on his story was bogus from the second he started saying it and it's a disgrace that he's saying it to start with and second america's got talent went ahead and publicize it without even taking the ten seconds worth the effort to follow up on what's really amazing is and i don't know if they're just trying to save themselves now but if you go to the america's got talent blog it has like story you know military officials confirm he didn't do this in story his ex-wife says that he doesn't start her and you know whatever so they're really taking this
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and running with it and i can't tell if it's a good thing that they are or if maybe they kind of suspected this all along they were capital is going to that's even sorry law guy who busted this is going to be john lilly who. runs a blog called this ain't no us he's busted several dozen posers over the last couple years who could do what we call stolen valor which is against the law to claim you've gotten valor awards and use them for money making purpose i don't think i do i wonder that was like the guy went on a nationally. like a national t.v. show he didn't think that he'd get caught if you're going to really that big of a stage now it's going to find out i think he's clearly got some issues anyone who's going to go on national television tell that big of a lie you know however this reminds me a lot of the whole chris hayes you know we have to call soldiers her roic thing and you know this really makes me think ok yes he is a soldier just someone who goes on a television show and lies about the things that happen to them in war and make
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themselves out to be a war hero is that person who wrote it i don't think so that. obviously is something wrong with him but the bottom line is these people think they're going to get away with it or they don't care and there's far more of them you never there's never any people watching yeah i mean you know to me of this one isn't as shocking as that he got caught obviously because he did on national t.v. but you know there's a lot other people when we hear about these stories all the time on like dating sites and stuff right where they trick these women by telling them you know what they did in battle let's move on to something else which i mean you know the conversations we've been having in our editorial meetings about this is that it's kind of starting to resemble a battle zone in the sense that it's kind of like a rock came to colorado here take a look at what happened the other day. it was a troubling situation dozens of cars corralled in a row after a bank robbery got. into they figured out who did what forty innocent people
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detained for more than two hours because police believed in to bank robber was among them. so this lasted like between an hour and a half in two hours and they stopped every card intersect. and handcuffed all of the adults and searched all of their cars and to get to the bank robber lucy want to catch the bag but it's insane i mean i actually don't think that now i would just as yes i do i actually you know it's hard hank i don't know it's not like i was so damn cold and sad at this intersection the guys there he was supposedly armed which it turned out he was they found two automatic. you know assault rifles in his car and i think that when you're looking for someone and they do this all the time they'll shut down an entire interstate so people can't get out if they think someone's in a certain area i don't understand how if everybody like that though meanwhile they're not making everyone feel like a criminal was one of them was it was an armed criminal and they were right so i
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mean at some point you got to go ahead and say this worked it was a decent idea you know it's really changed everything if it didn't work you know actually that's a fair point no it shouldn't because the idea is if you have a reasonable belief that there's a danger then you should take care of and do the right not and i mean i guess i get it like if you have a tip or a and have to act on it but the handcuffing everybody and there were you know we had some discussion about how there's like that local news reports out there people obviously want to be filmed because they're just innocent people standing there now with handcuffs on the side of the story in their neighborhood all the kids will talk about i totally get that you know and i'll be the first one to talk about when things go too far however in this instance if there's someone out there with a gun and it's a matter of public security and keeping people safe i don't know but i wonder if you think this goes too far jenny churchill. i know you think topless women and you know reporters that we're close go too far but this one. these are just a very bad enough that i got a very bad. i think everyone prior is hot or not which is the web site where you
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would go and you would agree people's pictures and so this guy's decided to bring it back it's a new app and it's called hops to gram and so basically it takes pictures from instagram and then it lets users pick which person is hotter and so we got you know the somebody said over the story to us yesterday and we kept trying to access the web site and we couldn't access the web site because the web site was crashed because there were so many people on the site that had apparently nothing better to do with their lives than just sit there and look at pictures of chicks all day. or you know that. my girlfriend sitting over. i'm sorry category we know what the hell is going to all right ok sure it's a stupid harmless time waster at work before someone figured out we got a new hey wait a minute i can sell this more power thing is one thing our stan understand that's about guys i don't get the appeal of looking at like hundreds of pictures of women you don't know and then being like oh this one's hot or like i don't get that that
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just doesn't mean i know who i mean i'm cool if they were like a hot and are not with a bunch of guys on and i you know i would not have a problem actually even with women i mean women love looking at other women and judging them too i mean we all love looking at pictures let's just be honest you know we all love being judged mental yes he's really good people early on and baby like you know what not high variance very like but i mean i guess it's the amount of time that people actually spend i can only be like all that myself all day all drift off every now and then and you know get stuck on a little slide show i'm not going to lie especially if it's you know legs like some like brianna and her cool new outfits i think it's all of the things that could have been accomplished yesterday if you know if i hadn't got caught on that damn you know if all those people who crashed that web site hadn't been there deciding which girl was hotter so much you're going to volunteer to get orphanages and so you're there curing cancer. ok let's.
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on my other favorite topics. taco bell. i don't know i just love terms of like gross bad fast food places to go to but you know recently they've been on this whole thing where they introduce the new taco with the derecho taco shell which is totally overrated i tried it it's just i didn't know what i need or get audio i need in the target audience it's totally. and i love to read those i love some junk food too and i thought that there was enough to read zero in it like not enough to read taste and you. and those people in the commercials that drove like five thousand miles to go to taco bell are idiots because it wasn't worth it but i skip eight exits on the interstate like i'm sorry i'm not going to be here are there are places in america that don't have talk about apparently i don't know i'm going to i'm going to really disturbed by that well how about washington d.c. for example they closed the taco bell that was down right now and now i got to talk
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about ok. really i don't mean to be a walking time for them here but they announced today basically that they're going to have a new. menu and i think that we have a story about it but their stock. taco bell has turned to choose to read those so the show was free it should use those locos tacos completely surprising yet somehow never believe it's october. that is ok just so we're clear. there is a hot to graeme with you know people you know if we know what it was how to graham between that woman and taco. oh i'm going to talk. to those are ugly but stocks did go up on this but so they're going to have a menu edition created by a celebrity chef lorraine garcia for its nearly they have over five thousand six
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hundred u.s. restaurants and they're going to have black beans rice citrus and herb marinated chicken and so launch dressing and so this one is going to be on top chef masters so do you think that. was quaking in their boots. you know they have to choose anything for taco bell to try to go gourmet i don't change any when i go to taco bell i'm like ok i'm slumming it today i'm going to go eat like low grade dollar eighty nine cent tacos i'm not like wow i want some. you know i want to do they did it so that when guys like me want to go to taco bell instead of to polish it goes i want to go to have those local talk is all from my girl. it's still better and can get the message really early on a bit to ten literally annoyed more than anything i have a feeling they're all it's still going to have the same effect on your stomach as the lower grades but. high grade yes probably probably ok before iraq but i think was to time just for this last one tom barrett who not only lost to scott walker
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last night the recall election he also got slapped in the face do we have the video of this here by this woman and then she later explained that she was upset they had already conceded because there were still more votes to be counted but. the last to this is going to be a popular statement but i always wonder this i do not understand how men when hit by women don't react like if someone hits me in the face my reaction is to then you know react and i don't it's like a magical and i don't understand how self control right now the fun part about it. and the literal meat in the same place because he got fish slapped in the election and he got a slap afterwards yes. we're done thanks guys for joining me that is it for tonight so thanks for joining in makes me come back tomorrow i'll be at netroots nation but christine preserve our will be filling in and in the meantime don't forget to like facebook follow us on twitter subscribe to our you tube channel you can also check us out on hulu now and coming up next is the new.
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a new massacre reported in syria however estimates of casualties vary dramatically as the timing of the slaughter just ahead of a briefing to the u.n. security council raises suspicions. and the u.n. general assembly has been tackling the situation in syria with some strong statements made as deportees chief said president assad has lost all legitimacy while russia insisted there be no mandate for syria intervention by the u.n. security council. global political focus shifts to the east where delicate iranian and afghan issues are discussed in beijing government putin meets with the country's leaders. and increased cases of assaults on women in egypt's tahrir square revealed the plight of female protesters whose hopes for democratic change is fading and it's going to strive to take a grip on power. around
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the clock around the world international news and comment live from moscow it's being reported that syria has suffered another massacre and they come our province there are however conflicting accounts as to the number of victims with estimates ranging from nine to several dozen it's also unclear who was behind the atrocity. explains from syria you may find some of the images in this report disturbing. there is even more confusion about this latest massacre here in syria than all of the previous ones and a lot of the details of alleged witness accounts and videos don't match so far the most extreme death toll. stands at almost one hundred and this is the figure that's been picked up very quickly by most of the international media immediately after it emerged now the opposition's claim is that government forces shelled two piece of old brahmin villages in central.


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