tv [untitled] June 8, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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we want to visit. something else. now the nominating process is over tonight happy to announce that i'm going to be supporting governor romney ron paul's son makes a major political endorsement for iran's backing of mitt romney is not sitting well with loyal ron paul supporters and that will take a look at ron paul's legacy including his appeal to young voters and his views on foreign policy and big banks might be too big to fail but kim dotcom could very well be too big to jail because mega upload servers are simply too large for prosecutors to extract evidence from we'll bring you the latest in this cyber crusade. if you're goes into a recession that means we're selling fewer goods fewer services and that is going to have some impact on the pace of our recovery when president obama
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points his finger he's got three more pointing right back on him and this is an election year so let the blame game began while politicians point fingers mainstreet americans still suffer so who's really to blame for this economic mess. friday june eighth five pm in washington d.c. i'm abby martin you're watching our team like father not like son in a shocking turn of events last night ron paul's son rand paul came out on the hannity show to make a very special announcement. my first choice had always been my father i campaigned for him when i was eleven years old are you still my first pick but you know now that the nominating process is over tonight happy to announce that i'm going to be supporting governor romney his indorsement for presidential candidate mitt romney it was a blow for ron paul supporters who are still rallying for ron paul and to the very
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end of the game so what does indorsement mean and should be expect ron paul's endorsement for mitt next to join me now to discuss robert vaughn california court nater of the two thousand and twelve ron paul campaign and pocket host of occupy the media on ron paul media dot com so paul let's start with you. robert let's start with you what do you think the political implications are for the liberty movement as a whole with this indorsement well as a liberty move as a whole i think a lot of people are going to be polarized on this and we hope that the liberty move just keeps moving forward because it's really not about the messenger it's about the message of liberty and freedom and so regardless what any politician or any elected official does it's for us to get involved in the political process and take it back and i mean you guys can't deny that this this was pretty devastating for a lot of ron paul supporters who thought maybe that rand paul would carry on the
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legacy of his father a lot of ways paca what do you think about the endorsement. yeah honestly i don't know what some make of it i mean part of me wants to say that he's selling out the part of me wants to say that he is a strategy and then the other part of me is maybe he was threatened i don't know maybe maybe this admission is you know a dance off on words with the show but i know that a lot of people don't like it a lot of people didn't you know hitting up rand paul's facebook put in a column is not they've got to keep the movement and keep going it isn't you know all surrounded around rampaul but at the same time i think ron paul supporters we get discouraged we get upset because we've got enough you know so to speak enemies battle and we don't need to be fighting amongst each other and when and when stuff like this happens indorsing mitt romney is really unexplainable i really don't know how to explain it i mean i like ran the only thing i could think of is maybe he's thinking you know what you guys let me endorse romney ok i'll adore some and then
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every time you give me media attention i will bring up our issues so if you notice he talks about foreign aid he talks about the t.s.a. so i'm hoping that maybe that's a strategy that he's just hoping the more cameras on him the more you can speak about our issues and oh wait more people love but but i thought. you know here we look at ron paul such a genuine political candidate arguably the most genuine who's just had a straight line all the way across his political career i mean should party loyalty really trump morality in this case i mean a rand paul endorsing a romney just to play politics it just doesn't seem like that's the deal here. and that's what i'm saying is that not only that he's also when you endorse romney anybody at that you pretty much indorsed the media perception you're feeding into the media narrative enough fada like you know you said i was overall paul media actually all ron paul radio dot com but what we're trying to do is we're trying to battle the mainstream media we're trying to beat the perception that they're
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creating that ron paul can't win and ron paul is dropping now and when you do things like this like endorse romney you help feed into that narrative and you make our job harder so again i'm you know i don't know where saddam i'm still thinking about it like i just found out about it last night but i still if they were all possible does need to keep the head of remember that not even ron paul can stop this not even him even if ron paul came out and he himself said he endorsed mitt romney is not going to stop we're going to keep pushing we're going to get him in the white house and as far as office are all paul's going to be president i'm not mean only. hold on hold on you're actually saying that there's still a chance for ron paul i mean his own son came out and basically said that he's indorsing his opponent ron paul sent out if we could show this really quickly to his newsletter supporters a newsletter to a supporters saying you know we don't have enough delegates when it's all said and done we're only going to have five hundred supporters as delegates on the on the convention floor i mean how could he possibly win he's he's basically saying he's
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out of the game at this point robert can you come on the. well. you know i've looked at the delegate process all the way if you it through and i know that texas is still picking its delegates it's going to be up to the people now thirteen of these states are all unbound delegates that means are not assigned to anybody there it's part of the caucus system and then the other states are a mixture of both california actually actually it's a wash for us because those are delegates that are chosen by each candidate and sent to the secretary of state in the g.o.p. so we're sort of disappointed in the results that happened here and there were some irregularities at the polls but i think once it gets to the vote in august it's like everything else or break talks about polls everybody talks about who's going to win who's in the front who's in the back but it's actually up to the nomination floor and that's when the process going to be because ron paul supporters that are nominees are delegates will not change their vote to go from that romney. so you're
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saying there's actually still you know it's kind of still undecided at this point i mean it does seem odd doesn't it that his son would come out and and say you know i endorse mitt romney really quickly i want to play this clip of network. rand paul before he joined the senate talking about his thoughts on build a bird and goldman sachs. so in that clip he's basically saying we should audit goldman sachs and that the builder group might have dishonest intentions then you see that romney was of course at the builder group and goldman sachs fund it is the top donor of romney's campaign do you know we could really say that rand paul is genuine when he does a one eighty in his rhetoric like this. and anything i can tell you that i am not very happy going on expresso that is the we the band the bankers
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against we the people and it seems like more and more even today i was as i was driving up here listening to the commentaries on certain talk radio shows talking about how the federal reserve is not going to give any more money to you know the help out the problem or they're going to give money and right now you see as they say well we're not going to give money to help bail out these banks or this or pump up the economy the economy seems to slow and also and you know a week later they go all going to give more money and this is where the problem lies and we've got can't rely upon bankers or corporations like that we're going to have to start working on relying too upon our neighbors and everybody else explicitly in this movement we can't be fractured and and just you know go off on ron paul i think it was a perfect campaign i was in this institute thousand and seven working on his campaign in los angeles now become the state coroner for down here last southern california and you know it's about getting people to run for office getting normal
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people to talk to their center committees. getting them on the central committee getting the run for city council because we're also just also working against the agenda twenty one this year so you're saying you know it's about the movement as a whole not just a particular person i can't deny that a lot of people did have a lot of hopes and his son to carry on the legacy around paul i know that he never really i mean that it is that fully on a lot of issues but still on some that were really crucial people pock i wanted to get your opinion just on the liberty movement as a whole i mean here we have rand paul coming out kind of catering to the various stablished that pushed out ron paul all along. do you think that it's possible that ron paul will will come out endorse mitt romney himself next i mean. seems like. they ron paul knows better than to do that because he's going to really upset his
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supporters but even ron paul can't stop this is what is the point that we're trying to make is that this devilish man is running scared because even if they get you know even they can get ron paul under their wing don't control us it's the idea you know when i say ron paul it's a quick way of me telling you in the fed it's a quick way of me tell you. the wars in the cia is a quick way of me telling you that so it's really the idea i don't know ron paul personally i've never met him so i'm not i would not say that is much more to it is so that's the thing it's about the idea it's about the movement we're going to keep pushing keep on going and about the delegates i don't even think ron paul knows how many delegates we have or anybody in the campaign has a true number you know we're over at tribune dot com in a video chat if you click on a video chat we got delegates coming in there with us and we're on the web cam we're talking about it we're doing a mock convention is you know we're trying to learn to process. and i mean it's tough and it's hard but you know well a lot of us are getting in this for the first time we got to understand establishment has been in for
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a long time but we got the momentum we got the passion you know to the so to speak and we just got to keep going and ron paul rand paul you know jesse band nobody can stop that except when we get discouraged and we beat ourselves up then we're just letting them win and we need to keep you know keep movement do you think. ron paul supporters are in a state of denial i mean ron paul himself came out and said that we don't have enough delegates to win and here is sun coming down and doris's. i mean you guys are still talking about the possibility that he might win enough delegates. well it's up to his supporters and delegates that he does have and who knows what's going to who knows those delegates if it's on the first round of voting because the second round of owning they're all inbound and they can vote for ever they want obviously the extent that will push hard to get romney endorsed as a nominee but like he says if you look at the numbers across the nation twenty percent of us. pretty much
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a solid twenty percent other people that are in the republican party support ron paul so that is a hard and we're and we're workers too we're not just people who sit back and start blogging and talk and we actually actually go out there make phone calls you know knock on doors with you know go out there implant signs find their supporters and actually move this movement forward and that's part of it like i said it's not about really ron paul is he was saying ron paul is sort of like a message of in the fed you know it's a sort of like the some of these things and basically we just want to end crony capitalism we want people to be prosperous right now we want this country and they actually the world around this to be prosperous like we are go and they want to go just as well you know this is ron paul's last hurrah you know it doesn't look like he's going to run third party here and really his son is left behind there isn't really no one and you later ron paul's position on his libertarian philosophy is.
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stablish meant so where does this really leave his his legacy in the g.o.p. when you have his son catering toward the various talisman that shut him out this whole time pack of the get go it will all go well well first thing if you ask me mom are all paul's going to be president regardless of what day it is made to be seen but if we got it we got it and teach obama all remove obama needs to be done for a lot we don't got time for another four years for another convention another vote in riyadh drole is flying around america will set me up a bit like that in the case of a lawyer saying that ron paul to be president matter what then why would he run third party then i mean you're you know it seems like you have them there were bragging that he does in his own family well here's the thing here's the thing in a third party though they don't get the recognition that they deserve and plus you've got to wonder why if we're going to beat the machine but if we're going to beat the machine we need to be from the inside because it's a lot better but it is not normally on the top of the pie and already it's not working from the inside it hasn't been there catering toward the establishment two
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party system i mean. come on you know much is go go to the kids what i'm saying is that we're showing up in numbers that we're making it hard for them we've got henry that we just had on my show on monday talking about again assaulted by the police there we're making them show their true colors so it was just in a third party none of this would be coming out because we don't get no media attention on the island third parties we don't get any of dallas but anyway i mean albeit with viable candidates on them and ran for president and all but even new last time a black woman ran for president last time and nobody even knew that pocket he would at least still be on the ballot he would still be on the ballot at least instead of people just saying i'm just going to write and then i mean at least he would still we know but we know that out there voting system is we know the voting is the machine and we can also count the numbers and can't trust the numbers just to summarize this really quickly robert i just wanted you to talk about just the concept of not really counting on politicians at all and just expanding upon you know really working from grassroots your own communities and not really counting on
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politicians to the dating of the people. well i'm going to tell you since two thousand and eight many of us ran for the republican party central committee hearing california a lot of that's who belong to the republican liberty caucus we've created our own california freedom pac we've we've building up the organization from the inside myself i ran for congress in two thousand and ten and i am a state delegate as well as an ex officio on the senate committee here in los angeles county right now david miller came within two thousand votes of actually taken in the number one spot number thirty in the thirty two congressional district out here in california another friend of mine jose aguilar he's actually ran in the fifty first i think it's fifty first senate district he is number two he's moving on he's a ron paul supporter so is dave miller we have several people throughout the state jack around who's also running for state assembly so that there's a lot of people out there soldiers and people to get in there and run for senate committee run for office on the inside so there is there is
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a lot of people out there for watching the ideas and still keeping carrying the liberty message alive thanks so much for coming on and sharing your opinions you guys i really appreciate it as are our bond california chrome ordinator of the two thousand and twelve ron paul campaign and pocket host of occupy the media ron paul radio dot com. the make a case against megaupload is at a standstill the prosecution says it cannot gather evidence against mega upload founder kim dotcom in a timely manner because there's simply too much on the servers this all comes after a local court ruled that the confiscation of his fortune was illegal and new zealand won't extradite him until the evidence is fully accounted for so what's going to happen to the fifteen million user accounts data that was shut down with the takedown of make upload and what does that mean for the copyright battle and internet freedoms at large aaron schwartz joined me earlier founder and executive director of demand progress he gave us an update on what's happening in the extradition case take a listen you know well it's interesting because the mega company has provided two
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defenses one is that there's been a whole series of government misconduct so for example like you mentioned the government is refusing to turn over the actual evidence against nick upload it it's been alleged that they made it legal copies of some of the information that the government has lost some of the key evidence all sorts of various examples of misconduct of mishandling the case the other is that the you know the entire case is a mistake that the u.s. government is trying to pursue once and for a registered corporation is registered in hong kong in u.s. courts and the company argues that you know you can't sue a foreign corporation in u.s. courts they have to pursue it in concordance what do you think about the f.b.i. is saying you know the data is digital so it's not really like we stole it it's not tangible i mean isn't it kind of hypocritical when you're talking about a copyright case and yours stealing data. yeah i mean the government was told not to share that the f.b.i.
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was not allowed to take the data and so the defense says well we took a copy of the data we didn't take the data i mean like if they're going to use that kind of argument the whole case should be thrown out because everything that they're being talked about is a copy of the let's all make copies of the. it's just a totally bizarre argument for this kind of well about some real question is i mean all these different i mean millions of users are hosting their data on mega upload and it seems like we have independent lawsuits actually assailing saying i want my data back i was completely operating within my legal bounds to host data on their i mean what do you think that happened to all of these users getting that they're going to get their data back it's been very hard i mean at the moment the government is or do they we give the data back and it's unclear whether the courts are going to overrule the government lets people have their data back but i certainly hope so i mean it's completely ridiculous you know i mean it's that example of how ridiculous this entire case you know the government claims. all
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right ok that's a reasonable dispute to have you know the law very ambiguous very laws famously unclear and so if they want to go to court and try to clarify the law i don't have an objection to what's crazy is to say oh the laws unclear you might be breaking it or we're going to do was throw you all in jail sees all the data shut down the entire website take all of your money and then have a decision about whether what you did is legal or not it's just crazy i mean you can't imagine any other business in the world being treated this way you know if it turns out that the banks broke the law can you imagine arresting all the bankers shutting down all the banks using all the money in all the banks and then having a court case to decide whether the banks did was criminal or not it's just outrageous and what about the local enforcement of new zealand saying that it was an illegal and that he shouldn't have gotten his fortunes seized. yeah i mean it's interesting that this happens you're taking place in new zealand because new zealand has been one of the few countries pushing back against the united states
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and some of the most extreme excesses of our copyright law so once again we've seen them push back and say look you know a lot of this stuff is just unreasonable you can't create like one of the arguments the government has made is that every single penny that mega upload has ever made is criminal and should therefore be seized by the united states government well i mean you know make up may have had some illegal uses it may not have but it's ridiculous to say that everything on it was criminal and that it should all be used again it's just this extraordinary overreach by the us government. for its founder and executive director of the man progress. so should the internet be democratically controlled by the government corporations be the ones that decide how to divvy it to find out what people think about internet freedom now resident took to the streets of new york take a look. the internet has only been around for a couple of decades now is it out right as human beings to be able to access it
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freely anytime we want this week let's talk about that. the internet is for everyone it was constructed to be information and we should all be able to draw on it and what about children in porn and i think that's up to parents to control the government so you are in control of what you access on the internet not anyone else . pick up whatever book i want to be. yes anything they want but maybe not at work. so there should be restrictions of where you view what you're viewing so i think the efforts to stop it bring in the government and everybody else to try to regulate i don't know that you can be done right they're just going to muck it up even more probably that's what i'm thinking i'm thinking you're thinking right now that maybe there should be warnings you know like that that video came out about syria recently and before i watched it on you tube they said you know be careful if you're going to see a lot that you may not want to see so that is
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a type of regulation it is ok so maybe a warning just to let people know what they might be in for right but other than that i think people should be able to post whatever they want he should be able to access misinformation and porn as you watch absolutely and be the judge of it yourself you know let people make their own decisions you know some people are idiots but most of us aren't. do you think the internet makes more idiots out of us than if the internet weren't around that's a good question because zero or sometimes the information you get from the internet isn't as reliable as it would be from a book people don't proofread which appears often as they probably should but you've got to it also teaches you to be a little bit more you know to take everything you hear with a pinch of song it's or it all comes together i guess of it is very free then that's going to be you know free speech and all that good stuff too i guess and you think it'll remain that way forever yes even though it's just an infant seat on thing people are smart enough to figure out how to make money and control it. and
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you know it's too big right a big no you know whether or not you think the internet should remain free and anonymous forever the bottom line is that's probably unrealistic so you might want to practice responsible googling now. let the two thousand and twelve blame games begin republicans are blaming president obama for may's dismal job report but it seems like he has a scapegoat. right now one concern is europe which bases the threat of renewed recession as countries deal with the financial crisis obviously this matters to us because europe is our largest economic trading partner with all the finger pointing is going on millions of families in america still can't pay their bills how much is congress willing to risk to help their candidate when to answer that and more i'm joined by michael hudson economics professor at the university of missouri thanks
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for joining me michael what do you think about obama's speech this morning about him kind of shifting the blame away from america right now well it was a very strange speech usually isn't very serious but in this case. or even just reading a speech evidently written by a campaign contributors on the walls he was blaming. one of your up in the other was a republican the speech basically said we're going into a depression it doesn't my policies it's not my fault laying the other guy regarding he wasn't really blaming it it was a. president here was a lawyer on behalf of his campaign. really client and your member about six months ago when i went to europe and. you can read the fault because america is meeting you. and we're going to go under.
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great people you have to bail them out so that we can make money. really. well now obama's in europe once again look we've just seen and this will go on in a formal. or designed almost ready to go to jail because we made you would you let us lose any more money because we. bent but your governments are strong enough to push your population into a last decade of unemployment so that we can make money so he's insisting that you are in some of those austerity and depression of they're all hungry so that the wells speculators can make money off the spending rate and that alan and i respond well so that was just a warning to them saying we'll get angry at you and remember michaelis on getting
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a little bit but we're going to put pressure on you if you don't what we hear on wall street well you have to so are we blame europe and then the other half of the speech was saying well it's going to be the republicans fault if they don't ask the employment act what i propose there is zero chance of this and that is why so and so is it a bad piece of legislation or do you think that they're they're just trying to play partisan politics here and it's trumping economics. it's the latter sure it's partisan politics obviously anomic like government spending would be much better if irony is that here mr obama is all in europe you have to spend more exposure to me sort of expression plus the way in which you spend. money for your banks so your banks can buy government bonds and make
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a profit you're not really supposed to spend on the real goods and services using the fun of it right here giving this much money to the quantitative easing that hasn't worked. if he really wanted to revive the economy here the government would give more money to the states and localities which are really getting back to their faith in the deficit and run deficits on the constitutional law in most states or abuse against government spending programs he hasn't done that the trusts the government either give money to the banks or to realize that he's given almost all the money for the buy hardly anything so the real autonomy for employment and then followed up with them and now he's trying to . it's the republicans who are wanting to give money to the one percent not the democrats who've been like that for the last three years well so what what is the real crux of the problem here and how can it be solved austerity bailouts printing
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more money than what do you think the crux is that people are consumers and businesses and governments are using their income. not to buy goods and services the result is that you have them and you're saying that by. then you don't have money to spend on services so as a result the demand is shrinking and. everything going on. here in new york when you walk down the street or a lot. on the retail lot. people are investing in more people the smallest because the market's drinking because the people are having to spend their money on our. mortgage that's. michael michael in a speech he said the private sector is fine. but that's what he said that he did.
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only if only a speech. right. as most people are just going to laugh at. republicans like oh boy this guy. because obviously that the economy is not. always. as of the money the break even after things that they're. working on. they certainly are struggling and sorry we're running out of time thank you so much for joining us to talk more about this issue that was michael hudson economics professor at the university of missouri and that does it for now more on the stories we're covering go to youtube dot com slash r t america or check out our web site our to dot com slash usa and also follow me on twitter at adding martin we'll see you at seven.
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