tv [untitled] June 8, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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so. now the nominating process is over tonight happy to announce that i'm going to be supporting governor romney well ron paul's son made makes a major political endorsement iran's backing of mitt romney is not studying very well with a loyal ron paul supporters that will take a look at his legacy including his appeal to young voters on his views and foreign policy plus a feel loose of organization that no one has quite seemed to break into until now and speak to author parmeet olsen about her experience of diving into the cyber depths of the computer hacking organization known only as anonymous. but if you're goes into a recession that means we're selling fewer goods fewer services and that is going to have some impact on the pace of our recovery from president obama point
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his finger he's got three more pointing right back on him and this is an election year so let the blame game again but all politicians point fingers mainstreet americans suffer so who's really to blame for this economic mess. friday june eighth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm abbie martin you're watching our team like father not like son and a shocking turn of events last night ron paul's son rand paul came out on the hannity show to make a very special announcement. my first choice had always been my father i campaigned for him when i was eleven years old and he's still my first pick but you know now that the nominating process is over tonight happy to announce that i'm going to be supporting governor romney well indorsement for presidential candidate mitt romney was a blow to many ron paul supporters who are still rallying for ron paul to the very
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end of the game so what does his endorsement mean and what should we expect should we expect ron paul's endorsement from it next to talk about the endorsement and warm i was joined by jack horner the szell blogger for ron paul two thousand and twelve. jack what do you think about the endorsement. well it caught a lot of people by surprise i don't think it necessarily should you know senator paul has been saying for months now that whoever the eventual nominee is that he would endorse him i would like to know that he did choose to do this not until his father's conceded pretty much that he was going to be the nominee in a letter to his supporters so this isn't really anything new you mentioned in your news cast you know differences between father and son rand paul if you look at his voting record is every bit his father son in his philosophy is principles of his belief but i think that they both have sort of different styles of methodology if you will and reaching out to the larger party i think that's where they differ i think this indorsement has
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a lot to do with it. a different style i mean what catering to the establishment that shut them out for so long what or how they relate to the larger republican party rand paul has made you know great efforts to sort of make alliances here and there where his father might not have done that not because he's selling out or joining the establishment because he just has a different different method of pushing the same principles and the constitutional conservative ideas for the does with his father i don't think he's telling people to go vote for mitt romney or what not now is that exactly what an endorsement is well sure to a degree but you're not going to see ron and rand paul sort of ordering their people to go do this or do that that's not how this movement works are people do what they want they're going to do that in tampa and i think we're really going to show you know what kind of force we've become in the republican party how we're changing the republican party precisely in line with pushing the sorts of principles that were discussing here right now jack do you think i want to actually play a clip really quickly of a priest senate rand paul talking
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a liquid asking him where change. well who get together who are very wealthy people who i think manipulate and use government to their own personal advantage and i think that's the biggest thing that would help us combat this is that they want to make it out like they're just to help humanity and world government to be good for humanity i guess what role governments good for their pocketbook but those are the people through an audit maybe like goldman sachs and different banks that are making a lot of money off the u.s. taxpayer so these special deals are getting with the federal reserve so there's rand talking about the builder group how they might have you know mt tensions and also talk about audit in goldman sachs at the same time the rhetoric's kind of flipped one eighty jack when you see romney was verified to be at build a burger talks about his v.p. running mate and also goldman sachs of the top donor for mitt romney's campaign i mean what do you think about this kind of one aide in the rhetoric and senator paul they are describing corporatism and all the dangers we see with ed the occupy
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movements concerned that the tea party is concerned with that well this is true that that throughout the political class in washington d.c. i'm sure you're not suggesting that somehow senator paul is saying that's ok it's good to be a corporatists or crony capitalism or any of those sorts of things while i am saying i mean when you just come out and blanket lee endorse someone who is a corporatist and who is getting over half a million dollars from goldman sachs i mean i don't know i'm just i'm just saying what i see. well you judge people by how they vote at least politicians what they do what they stand for rand paul would never vote for any of those sorts of things that he's endorsed candidates where he doesn't necessarily agree with every issue and i think governor romney you certainly would be one of them and i would use that instance to show some differences there so would you not be opposed to ron paul and or saying romney i mean if this is if this is what you're saying that you know it's good to build alliances and that you don't necessarily need to agree with everything these people are doing to endorse them would you be opposed to that and . i would do what ron paul to do but i would be very surprised if ron paul of
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course mitt romney does not really dr paul style that's what i was talking about earlier it's not a difference in what they believe it's in how we get there so do so i mean there is a lot of difference when you look at the non interventionism mean rand paul the iranian sanctions and also he did say that people should be deported and arrested for simply attending speeches from extremists can you comment on that bell and some of those cut comments got taken out of context and he's for civil liberties and protecting our fourth amendment rights as much as the second and all that sort of stuff a lot of that was taken out of context rand paul does not want people rounded up willy nilly in just you know throw him out of the country or what not he was talking about people who might be actual potential terrorists very bottom verifiable you know information or evidence leading to that get taken out of context ok i mean i did hear the clip and then i can't imagine how much more context it could have been but i to be fair i didn't hear the entire segment of
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that but jack i mean what do you think as a whole this is going to do to ron paul's legacy i mean i think a lot of people did have a lot of hope for his son to really carry on the ideals of ron paul and when you look at someone like mitt romney who is out there spewing the rhetoric of growing the military to twice its size i mean it's already bigger than the next ten countries combined how much beer can the military really get that kind of flies in the face of of everything ron paul stands for. when it comes to foreign policy and curbing back the military i mean what do you what do you say to kind of his supporters who are like what do we do well that's exactly right and look if i thought that any of this had anything to do with supporting a more bloated military industrial complex or having a larger global military footprint in the united states with more wars and less civil liberties i would be in support of this i would be with the ron paul campaign i would not be you know in alliances with senator rand paul and what not this is a political endorsement and it's going to speculate beyond that that oh it will
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just beings that rob rand paul is mitt romney and his votes in the senate don't matter he's completely different person today yes indorsements have ramifications brett think people reading into this things that just don't exist rand paul is every bit as father son and that will continue but how can we possibly believe that i mean this is like the one you can take a stand against the establishment that's been show you now you and your family for so long and to kind of just play into that just seems almost like a cop out you can believe that by looking at somebody who's voting record what other republican on capitol hill but i mean but i mean you can i yeah i know that you said ron paul and his son have different styles i mean can't you support a constitutional member or you know the constitution party or something like that i mean why would you have to and doris mitt romney you think this is vying for v.p. nomination or why it now i don't i think this is trying to take those same ideas and push them into the mainstream what other senator up they are especially on the republican side is fighting against indefinite detention provisions and overturning
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the patriot act and defunding the iraq war that senator paul's records that's different from your average republican bear doing something like endorsing mitt romney is trying to take those ideas those positions and push them into the mainstream the republican party just like his father has in different ways and on the marginal unfortunately jack i'm endorsing someone who does support you know indefinite detention and all these other thing that kind of puts the come on what you know that that that supports a lot of people had for rand paul for standing up to those ideals and i think you know time will tell and we'll definitely see how this will play out but thanks so much for coming on and giving your opinion that was jack hunter an official blogger for ron paul two thousand and twelve. journalist parmeet olsen spent a year researching anonymous so those hacktivist collective cause a stir with their notorious take downs of multiple government websites a new book called we are anonymous inside the hacker world of woolsack anonymous and the global cyber insurgency follows the group from inception to its
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infiltration and arrests of several members to join me now to discuss the evolution of anonymous and where the group may go next is parmeet olsen herself thanks so much for joining me when you began your research for this book how real to forge relationships and how did you discern that these people were actually members of anonymous and not just you know morals or people claiming to be members. well anonymous makes itself very available to people who want to actually reach out and talk to them and a lot of people have asked me how do i how did i actually get the access that i got it really just started with reaching out and asking questions a lot of the reports about anonymous in the media you'll notice tend to i don't want to say regurgitate that kind of work off the reports that have already come out about anonymous there are a lot of misconceptions out there about what it is for instance that it's a group it's not really a group it's a community or a very nebulous loosely based network of people and so in order to talk to them i
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started out just by reaching out some of their observers people who are well known so not really spokespeople but observers of the network and then asked to be put in touch of with others who were in the u.k. because i was based there and it just turned out that some of the people that i was talking to end up being quite senior well known people within the network and they also ended up being the key interviewees in my book who also went on to create the splinter group the hacker splinter group. when you were talking to these individuals permian did you at any point think that you might be getting in the way of potential f.b.i. investigations with some of them that i might be gaining a way sorry or getting it get in the way of f.b.i. investigations with some of the numbers. i don't think so i mean it's such a large community of people that i mean just reaching out to them isn't going to
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get in the way of i can't imagine that it would get in the way of anyone beyond just creating that relationship and for the most part a lot of the time what anonymous is doing isn't necessarily illegal there are a lot of legal aspects to what they do and terms of raising awareness of various issues and so i never had that impression no what do you think the largest misconception i know use of the mainstream media and a lot of talking points are regurgitated mis you know put them in a different light than they really are what would you say the biggest misconception about anonymous is in the mainstream light right now. i think the biggest misconception is that it is this large calculating malevolent group or organization when really it's quite messy and in some ways and it still works it's still effective and resilient but just in the way that it works it's leaderless there really are no leaders or hierarchy there are certainly leading figures or
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figureheads within it and also the fact that it's not it doesn't plan ahead it really is a lot of the people within it are opportunistic so there's lots of cells or no within the network who use the name anonymous when they when they launch attacks or if they do campaigns they'll invoke that name anonymous because so much has been done in the past under that name attacks that it creates a sense of fear and mystery and it calls attention to whatever they're doing this really speaks to the power of the internet to manipulate public perceptions and that's something that anonymous has done really well is create this not an illusion but almost a mirage of power and scale when oftentimes it is just small groups of people young people working together online. definitely does create intrigue and when a lot of people are picking up the name of anonymous does create a large perception that they are the various you know nameless faces and to do that
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can really bring down the entire infrastructure of certain things like like we see in a lot of talking points from the government you know it's really barely been four years since an anonymous really started on this message board in the first chapter of your book and almost reads like this fantasy i mean were you overwhelmed when you started the research of how much has happened in such a short time. yeah that's really good point and the online world it's almost like you're in a time warp things move at such a frenetic pace i really almost feel for people who are kind of on the side of the authorities the f.b.i. who are using informants to kind of trying to investigate what anonymous does because it moves so fast and for anyone to try and drum up charges on someone and to go through all the red tape that i'm sure these stories have will be a really difficult process and yes having researched the book over the course of a year and then sort of written over seven months so much happened in that time the
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story was constantly unfolding the small group of people that i sort of embedded myself with ended up being the ones who were launching these high profile attacks and one of them ended up being an f.b.i. informant who was actually gathering intelligence on his team members this was. months ago or the nickname is based in new york and this was really a surprise to the whole anon community when it came out that he was an informant so lots of different things happening in a very short space of time but again this is the internet and that's how things work online everything's just happening so fast. according to your book. directly a pill to law and we know like you said it was working for months as an informant after he was after you reach out to him do you think that the f.b.i. was able to infiltrate wiki leaks through the group. i think one thing that's important to note about that part of the book is that prior to that i do indicate
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that the person in the innocent just inner circle who arranged that discussion between you and wiki leaks was someone who it's not clear that that person was a creditable actual wiki leaks operator and we understand that he was actually trolling people from time to time so we can't say with one hundred percent certainty that assad was behind those directions and so there's been some misinterpretation of that part of the book. but i would say i mean for anybody who's working on the side of the authorities trying to best to get anonymous or wiki leaks through the online world it's so easy to manipulate people's perceptions online that to sort of prove who is who and what's going on it there really did seem to be compelling evidence that lho was talking to a huge leaks and certainly someone from the inner circle that was happening with that person who was sitting right next to julian assange. but to actually prove that assad was giving the order i think would be very difficult for the authorities
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to do thanks for that clarification how do you think. has changed the culture of the internet. that's a great question i think it really has pushed forward the boundaries of what people can do online and it's important to note that anonymous suspense kind of spun out of this culture of trolling and pranking this is really where it came from its roots are in jokes and harassing people for fun this kind of internet subculture that comes from image boards and it's only in the last few years that it's taken a more serious direction and some people from that original part of anonymous many hundreds and thousands of people dislike the way that it's gone that it's gone and that kind of trying mission kind of ethos of robin hood style vigilantism but other people feel that actually this is the protest style of the future when we're living in an age where we live our lives online we all have online identities through social networks facebook and twitter we outsource so much of what we do to google
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we think through google now we need to remember something we just google it now and and this kind of style of online disruption of causing a stir of getting attention i think anonymous is really in many ways leading the way that people will do that in the future and just kind of exploring the whole new territory of how we cause a stir how we get attention through the internet now. very interesting commander x. was actually on our show a couple weeks ago and he was saying you know of course that interview that came out where he said anonymous is the most powerful organization in the world potentially and you know do you think that. some members who claim to be anonymous push or somehow give the justification to the government to pass legislation like do you think all the cyber terrorism hype will affect anonymous or will they use anonymous kind of as the down fall to pass legislation like this. i think it's very hard to spy and to cause and effect to that kind of tightening of regulation i
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would say the one thing that anonymous does really successfully is exploit people's fears and so for instance we see anonymous as this big scary sometimes threatening organization and i think the authorities particularly in america i mean i found just through spending a couple of days here in new york i'm normally based in the u.k. but there is much of a much stronger sense of we must keep ourselves secure people locked doors a lot more here even just in office buildings and and i'm sure that what anonymous has done in the u.s. for instance is only help to amplify that sense of threat coming from a kind of chaotic actor and of course the authorities are going to have to act on not. and you know i can't say you can't say that there's a there might be a correlation between what anonymous is doing and tighter regulations i don't know how you can say that anonymous is fault that tighter regulations would come into
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play but i'm sure there would be some quite there's going to be a cause and effect and that most likely will be in effect and of course what happens from that is perhaps an even greater backlash very interesting perma we do know that the rhetoric of strong about the cyber terrorism front and we have seen it applied to anonymous and many ways and we'll definitely see what unfolds thanks so much for coming on and for your investigation with this doesn't encourage or want to check out the cloak that was partly olsen forbes london bureau chief and author of the book we are anonymous look at two thousand and twelve blame games again republicans are blaming president obama for may's dismal job report but it seems like even he has a scapegoat. right now one concern is europe which bases the threat of renewed recession as countries deal with a financial crisis obviously this matters to us because europe is our largest economic trading partner for all the finger pointing is going on millions of american families can't pay their bills so how much is congress really really
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welling to risk to help their candidate when earlier i was joined by dr paul craig roberts former reagan if administration official i asked him what he thought of the president shifting the blame on europe while you know the policy failures that predate obama and i think more is going on than him just blaming europe i think is a bigger a bigger mess washington and wall street and the u.s. media are trying to keep the focus off the worst the worst and the worse condition of the u.s. financial system and the eroding support for the u.s. dollar is the word reserve currency and they do this by constant talking about the european union crisis but the worst crisis is in the us and obama is less responsible for the u.s. crisis than are the republicans who initiated it you see the crisis began with the all showing of jobs in order to boost wall street profits and the performance
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bonuses of corporate c.e.o.'s and the next leg of the american crisis was the financial crisis and this was caused by deregulation of the u.s. financial system. and the deregulation transformed the u.s. financial system into a gambling casino in which bets are made but they're not covered except by the taxpayers so all the talk about europe is is covering up more than obama's failure. is covering up the far worse financial and economic problems that exist in the united states. dr robertson said that this was facilitated by republican policy but i mean you you you can't deny that them a crowds have also continued the failed policy you mentioned the media's complicity
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in kind of shifting the reality away from american economics and the true woes of what's going on here what why do you think the media is playing into this. well they're not independent are they i mean. during the clinton administration and the u.s. media was concentrated and it's now owned by about five big firms it's no longer run by journalists run by corporate advertising executives the value of the corporations or their federal broke ass licenses so they don't want to fish and washington nor the powers that control the government so we can't rely on him on major ports and no i'm not making any excuses for obama of course not i mean how can you make excuses for a man who sits in the oval office and draws that list of people to be murdered without due process of law i don't have any excuses for any of them i'm just saying
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that is long as the united states can keep the focus on europe it can keep the focus off its own far worst financial problems there are two hundred thirty trillion dollars of derivatives. of which ninety six percent are on the books of the five largest u.s. banks this dorsenne account of the financial crisis in europe so that europe crisis is a useful thing to point a finger at so no one looks here. so what do you think the answer is seems like their answer is print more money bail out countries at the expense of the taxpayers of those countries. well in europe it's to force the people to cover the losses of the banks by giving up pensions employment social benefits that sort of thing and of course in the united states
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there's a tremendous issue of debt in order to keep the banks solvent and the burden of that debt ultimately falls on taxpayers so what is what is. the same in both countries in both areas the united states and europe is that economic policy is focused on saving the banks not saving the economies and it's not clear you can do both and let's talk really quickly about may's job report very dismal report unemployment is now at eight point two percent not good for obama at all and republicans of course are using this as fuel to fodder and romney's response to this was kind of just saying well you know we should take a cue from wisconsin what do you think about that. well they can't do anything about employment because for the last twenty years both parties allowed all the
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middle class jobs to be moved offshore the manufacturing jobs are always short the professional service jobs such as software engineering search design the cancer jobs american college graduates used to take their offshore so if the jobs are offshore you stimulus programs can't work because there's no employment to stimulate the people back into the employment in india as think china is cinco rare it's somewhere else and they refuse to acknowledge this fact and as long as they have blond that fact they're not going to be able to do anything about employment that you can't employ people when the factories a closed and when the engineers that the big firms that market to america use or chinese and indian or for that matter russian and he also said in his speech that the private sector is doing just fine. well it's not
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course not. it's collapsing it look you have to have a minimum of one hundred fifty thousand jobs every month just to stay in equal with population growth. now when they say the unemployment rate is eight point two they know that's only the headline unemployment rate the actual unemployment rate if you count discouraged workers the official government rate for discouraged workers is about fifteen or sixteen percent. dr dr roberts we're running out of time it seems like you know it is a lot of rhetoric and thanks for cutting through some of that and for joining us today that was dr paul craig roberts former reagan administration official. stilettos and guns sound like every red blooded american males fantasy but it's coming to reality in new york city where women are finding themselves at the shooting range instead of happy hour check out this report from artie's marina
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porton. it's the show that defines new york city's ambitious successful females who are known for their manaul of law nicks and cosmopolitans. in real life. the latest trend attracting career women of the big apple talk more punch in the sweet cocktail or call it within the city we're still letter and rifles meet and different not common but i've been feeling and i rather do this it's pretty cool actually it's very empowering it's something that yeah you know you get ahold of a gun who does it it's not really was that a man who's westside pistol range has become something of a networking hotspot a place where women from finance law education and many other industries gather to schmooze which would be a magazine round of ammunition and learn how to fire the rounds of pool with a twenty two caliber semi-automatic rifle to do. this growing unconventional
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trends were first triggered by a new york city social networking group called urban girl which organizes for weekly new york city events open to one hundred thousand members the last time we did this event it was sold out immediately like within hours organizer rachel bressler says rifle shooting is one of their most popular events are seeing that women are into like taking care of themselves and being that strong woman in new york and increasing number of females are not going to be firearms they're also buying them according to this six hundred number of women are no winners in the u.s. has nearly doubled in the house getting here with an estimated twenty three percent leave the country hark back. to the past year the majority of new members that men heightens shooting range have been women why can you do it why can't i right show me how i'll do it better that's i think that's what we're.
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