tv [untitled] June 8, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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we want to visit. something else. now the nominating process is over tonight happy to announce that i'm going to be supporting governor romney ron paul's son makes a major political endorsement iran's backing of mitt romney is not sitting well with the loyal ron paul supporters tonight will look a look take a look at ron paul's legacy including his appeal to young voters and his views on foreign policy plus the elusive organization that no one is quite seem to break into until now we'll speak with author parmeet olsen about her experience diving into the cyber depths of this computer hacking organization known only as anonymous . or in a funny spin on a serious plight of college students armed with two deans degrees and debt seems
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not even an ivy league degree can score young americans a job in the struggling economy we'll speak to the creator of this viral video. friday june eighth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm adding martin you're watching our team. like father not like son in a shocking turn of events last night ron paul's son rand paul came out on a handy show on fox news to make a very special announcement. my first choice had always been my father i campaigned for him when i was eleven years old and he's still my first pick but you know now the nominating process is over tonight i'm happy to announce that i'm going to be supporting governor romney his endorsement for presidential candidate mitt romney was a blow for ron paul supporters who are still rallying for ron paul until the very end of the game so what does this indorsement mean and should we expect ron paul's
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endorsement for mitt next talk about the recent dorson and more i was joined earlier by lou rockwell chairman of the live on mesas institute here's what he had to say well i don't to bet it was on hannity you course after all is an enemy of ron paul but i think it's i think it's not a surprising announcement at all rand has always made it clear that he's not a libertarian he's a republican conservative i think it was always very much in the cards that he wouldn't indorse the nominee in fact he's been saying that for some time so i don't think that's a surprise but i think it's a sideshow i think what we have to think about is first of all congratulating ron paul on all is done on the millions of kids he's brought into the liberty movement not only in this country but in foreign countries who is educated about austrian economics and issues of war and peace and the police state and so forth and that all goes on and i would say intensifies once the political stuff is out of the way because i must say i think you can actually change the regime from the inside anymore you can change the mafia from the inside so it has to be done from the
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outside now ron paul is going to be working as he always has a lead from the outside in an educational way not in a political way and i think we're going to see many more victories from iran and from the poll movement is just not going to be part of the the political baloney that goes on in washington lou i know you're saying it's not really a surprise but a lot of people on the blogosphere are very shocked and are saying you know he's a sell out i want to play you a clip really quickly of him talking about how we should audit goldman sachs if we could roll that really quickly this is before he joined the senate. it together very well as the people who. manipulate and use government to their own personal advantage and i think that's the biggest thing that would help us combat. they want to make it out like they're just to help humanity and world government to be good for humanity guess what role governments gets in their pocket most of the people so they don't it may be like goldman sachs and different banks that are making a lot of money off the u.s. taxpayer so the special deals are getting with the federal reserve so there he is
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presented talking about how we should audit goldman sachs also kind of criticizing the builder bird group there and we there's kind of speculation that romney was at build a bird and here you see and here you see you know goldman sachs is the top donor of romney's campaign i mean this is kind of a one eighty and his rhetoric well romney represents just as obama does represent the oligarchy the republican party is run by an oligarchy it's why it can't be taken over by the people same with the democratic part of the plutocrats run everything and the auditing goldman sachs my emphasis would be let's take their money let's take their tax money away let's take the special loans from the federal reserve take all their privileges away and let them be in the market and let's see what happens to them i'm not for a lot of them and the government doesn't do a good job of auditing or anything after all they can audit you know accounting and government they're not two words they go together so let's take this in the bigger picture lou you know you're saying that it kind of always has been about the idea
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and not really about one person but once again i mean there is a massive disappointment right now from ron paul supporters are saying saying you know what happened i mean we're still with ron paul to the very end i think people say that we're still going to vote for him but then you see ron paul kind of coming out and saying you know we don't have enough delegates it's kind of over what do you think's going to happen with the liberty movement of his own son kind of cells and now endorses the rival here well i think you know rand realizes that the ron paul campaign is over. been over for some time and in fact recently pointed out he can probably count on two hundred delegates that's out of twenty four hundred delegates so you know of course he has no chance to win this nomination he fought a great fight he fought a very hard fight he touched as i say millions of hearts and minds most of them didn't want to vote however. and but now the voting. for ron is over and it's going to be other other things besides voting some people will still write him in but
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some you know some people still have had the view which you know i guess is charming but slightly and persuasive that this is all a secret strategy to surprise the romney and win the nomination as you know they're just they're they're not they're not fully in reality so the ron paul campaign ron paul's effort in politics as magnificent as it had been for decades and all the great things that he's done although i would always argue educationally rather than ever changing politics itself which is i would say a mug's game but he circuit has used his political status as a soapbox to teach the world one of the great things one of the wise such a great man the greatest man of our time may very well be look back on that as just an extraordinary human being. but i know you know that's the way he used politics there's never a guy who you know scratch scratch your back you scratch my no vote for your bill you vote for mine you vote for my corruption i'll vote for your corruption he never
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played those games ever so he's never really been part of politics as we think of it normally he always has been outside of politics now is going to be completely outside of politics and he still is dedicated to all the same ideas he's laid much more groundwork with all the great college speeches and other speeches he's given and now's the time to plant the seeds and and grow the crop and he's going to continue to do that he's not through with this fight lou i don't think i think the key by largest i think people are looking at this whole thing and just kind of hoping that rand paul would pick up. where ron paul kind of left off i mean he is pretty strong the civil liberties front although he never really emulated his dad with foreign policy and the anti interventionism stance but i mean here look at the entire g.o.p. establishment you as a libertarian know this better than most that they've shut out ron paul for so long been even on with the debates in two thousand a i mean so why cater to an establishment party that shut out what your morals are
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this whole timeline well i'm not for catering to these guys this is a disgusting bunch after all they're for torture they're for concentration camps the for war they're for drones in your backyard go down the list of all the horrible things the federal government is doing they're all for them so you know i'm not for catering i'm for just forgetting that if if you think that he i know that i wouldn't go do you think that is catering to get the v.p. nomination here well you know. who knows i mean rand is probably a possibility for the vice presidency or more if not this time the next time but you know he's a different person from his that he's not he's not a copy of his that he has his own views his own career he's been very successful you know very successful and but if he is he's just different so i would say the people who expect him to be a genetic clone of his dad that's not true and how could you expect that they're different people all i would say is in my view part of you know partisan politics
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electoral politics is is really a corrupt game it's a grim involves all kinds of corrupt bargains and one shouldn't participate in that so i think that this is a show you that people should not rely on politicians at all to their bidding and just be voting every day with their actions. well they shouldn't bother to salvation bother to vote it's a pain in the neck your vote doesn't count unless otherwise the election's a tie and it just it but buttresses the regime so you shouldn't vote you shouldn't be involved in partisan politics but you should throw yourself into the struggle for liberty just educate yourself help educate others and get people to withdraw their consent from the government the government has to be brought to task from the outside it cannot happen from the enzyme if you are in the inside ron paul's an exception to this rule but you know the typical if you're in the inside of the government you become almost instantaneously part of the problem and. just say yes or no to wrath of the second do you think that we can expect ron paul to come out with his indoor scent next for ron i don't you know i don't think so i don't think
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the run will be endorsing our. that was we rock will chairman of the lou reed von misses institute. journalist parmeet olsen spent a year researching anonymous blues hacktivist collective that's caused quite a stir the notorious takedowns of multiple government websites her new book called we are anonymous inside the hacker world of lol second anonymous and the global cyber insurgency follows the group from its inception to its involve tradition and arrest of several members of our meals and joined me earlier to discuss the evolution of anonymous and where the group may go next take a listen. well anonymous makes itself very available to people who want to actually reach out and talk to them and a lot of people have asked me how do i how did i actually get the access that i got it really just started with reaching out and asking questions a lot of the reports about anonymous in the media you'll notice tend to i don't want to say regurgitate the kind of work off other reports that have already come
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out about anonymous there are a lot of misconceptions out there about what it is for instance that it's a group it's not really a group it's a community or a very nebulous loosely based network of people and so in order to talk to them i started out just by reaching out to some of their observers people who are well known so not really spokespeople but observers of the network and then asked to be put in touch of with others who were in the u.k. because i was based there and it just turned out that some of the people that i was talking to ended up being quite senior well known people within the network and they also ended up being the key interviewees in my book who also went on to create lulz sec the splinter group the hacker splinter group when you were talking to these these individuals permanent did you at any point think that you might be getting in the way of potential f.b.i. investigations with some of them that i might be gaining a way for getting it getting in the way of f.b.i.
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investigations with some of the members. i don't think so i mean it's such a large community of people that i mean just reaching out to them isn't going to get in the way of i can't imagine that it would get in the way of anyone beyond just creating that relationship. and for the most part a lot of the time what anonymous is doing isn't necessarily illegal there are a lot of legal aspects to what they do and terms of raising awareness of various issues and so i never had that impression no what do you think the largest misconception i know use of the mainstream media and a lot of talking points are regurgitated mis put them in a different light than they really are what would you say the biggest misconception about anonymous is in the mainstream light right now i think the biggest misconception is that it is this large calculating malevolent group or organization when really it's it's quite messy and in some ways and it still works
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is still effective and resilient but just in the way that it works it's leaderless there really are no leaders or hierarchy there are certainly leading figures or figureheads within it and also the fact that it's not it doesn't plan ahead it really is a lot of the people within it are opportunistic so there's lots of cells or node is within the network who use the name anonymous when they when they launch attacks or if they do campaigns they'll invoke that name anonymous because so much has been done in the past under that name attacks then it creates a sense of fear and mystery and it calls attention to whatever they're doing this really speaks to the power of the internet to manipulate public perceptions and not something that anonymous has done really well is create this not an illusion but almost a mirage of power and scale when oftentimes it is just small groups of people young people working together on mine. it definitely does create that intrigue and when
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a lot of people are picking up the name of anonymous it does create a large perception that they are this nefarious you know nameless faceless entity that can really bring down the entire infrastructure of certain things like like we see in a lot of talking points in the government you know it's really barely been four years since i'm an anonymous really started on this message board in the first chapter of your book at almost reads like this fantasy i mean were you overwhelmed when you started the research of how much has happened in such a short time. yeah that's a really good point and the online world it's almost like you're in a time where things move at such a frenetic pace i really almost feel for people who are kind of on the side of the authorities the f.b.i. who are using informants to kind of trying to investigate what anonymous does because it moves so fast and for anyone to try and drum up charges on someone and
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to go through all the red tape that i'm sure these stories will be a really difficult process and yes having researched the book over the course of a year and then sort of written over seven months so much happened in that time because the story was constantly unfolding the small group of people that i it sort of embedded myself with ended up being the ones who were launching these high profile attacks and one of them ended up being an f.b.i. informant who was actually gathering intelligence on his team members this was hacked or saw two months ago or a nickname was sought to this base in new york and this was really a surprise to the whole anon community when it came out that he was an informant so lots of different things happening in a very short space of time but again this is the internet and that's how things work online everything's just happening so fast right. according your book of songs directly a pill to little sark and we know like you said saw who was working for months as an informant after he was a few reach out to him do you think that the f.b.i.
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was able to infiltrate wiki leaks through the group. i think one thing that's important to note about that part of the book is that prior to that i do indicate that the person in the initial on just inner circle who arranged that discussion between lulz sec and wiki leaks was someone who it's not too clear that that person was a creditable actual wiki leaks operator and we understand that he was actually trolling people from time to time so we can't say with one hundred percent certainty that a sonde was behind those directions and so there's been some misinterpretation of that part of the book. but i would say i mean for anybody who's working on the side of the authorities trying to best to get anonymous or wiki leaks through the online world it's so easy to manipulate people's perceptions online that to sort of prove who is who and what's going on it there really did seem to be compelling evidence that loaf that was talking to wiki leaks and certainly someone from the inner
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circle that was happening with that person who is sitting right next to julian a son. but to actually prove this on just giving the order i think would be very difficult for the authorities to do thanks for that clarification for me how do you think of the whole of anonymous has changed the quarter of the internet that's a great question i think it really has pushed for the boundaries of what people can do online and it's important to note that anonymous suspense kind of spun out of this culture of trolling and pranking this is really where it came from its roots are in jokes and harassing people for fun this kind of internet subculture that comes from image boards and it's only in the last few years that it's taken a more serious direction i was part of the olsen forbes london bureau chief and author of the book we are anonymous. it's a you tube sensation that resonates with thousands of americans nationwide. but let's go running wrap it. up with these two green do you think we
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made that. so how come i can't make more than fourteen dollars an hour it's called the ivy league hustle i went to princeton bit and it's not only a whole areas video but also give some real insight on a plate facing so many college graduates today how a college degree doesn't really do too much these days to talk more about the issue is the creator of the video comedian mickey miller nikki one speier to make this video. well basically i've been living in l.a. for like five years and it's not exactly the most intellectual community it's a little bit more image based out here and generally there's not a lot of room to your educational pedigree if you well and so you generally refer to where you went to school you know back east or you know new jersey and every now and then you just think you know i'm actually proud of where i
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went to school i don't have to apologize for it so i created sort of the fictional circumstance in which i got to sort of own up to what i did my life even though it doesn't really translate to any school success as of yet. terry said it's kind of a fictional narrative of a real life scenario but i mean is it true that you haven't been able to really find a job and you're making fourteen dollars an hour where i really degree and yes sadly believing that's fictional is that i would go out with a guy for more. given that i have a creative fields i don't want to i suppose it be a little bit different if i were really actively pursuing you know a salary job given that i'm a writer an actress and a comedian i'm still working those hours early service industry if you will
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and tutoring and it's it's really hard but the thing is i honestly all my friends who graduated a lot of them are having troubles too and it's not by choice. at all from your ivy league education. not to princeton which is really amazing that was the great gifts that they gave to all their undergraduate students and i am i am a. lot of people masters you know they become lawyers or doctors and they say oh it will pay for itself that's not really true for a masters of fine arts unfortunately if anything. people will make fun of you for having one and i did you know that money on that degree and i say maybe you're right i don't regret it i like what i learned and yes i am and. you know
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education is a wonderful thing. i guess some people would say what the hell were you thinking you know here in the. school. but you know the main point of your video is really kind of how people treat men in general i guess the gender roles where you're almost scared to tell someone that you went to the ivy league schools because it's intimidating can you expand more upon that. well i actually i was recently back at princeton for a reunion and one of my friends he said i was so surprised that a guy would find that to be a negative thing and i said you get brownie points for every but it's true of a lot of guys. they're immediately turned off by a woman who is educated i don't know i think it's still a societal thing. to the guys who are dating of course are not
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but i've had many women from other schools not just ivy league schools but you know schools of equal caliber you know rice university or north western you say you know we're out with a guy decided for once to be honest and not you know it around the bush and the guy literally goes to the bathroom and never comes back. and it's absurd because it's it's just information it's where you got into school when you were eighteen and sure it says what does it say about you it says you like to read books you are intelligent your motivated but i really don't understand why that is the reaction but unfortunately it is still true in this day and age. you know what your parents think about your degree and also about the video. my mom is actually really proud of me. she's kind of afraid that people at her office will get wind of all
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the you know the f.b.i. but she works in a law firm i won't say which one don't worry she has a different last name than the anyway so i think she's in the clear but. my mother actually was an actress earlier in her life before she became a mother and then subsequently went back to school to become a paralegal and many ways she thinks even though i make fun of it being brave in the video she does think that it's brave to actually. try to do so. being a more focused and artistic that doesn't have a clear success because it's it's it's it's tough for getting around out here and not knowing which way to go but she's she's proud of me. always going to the support of your parents and you say in the video you know you're taking an artist's path and you said yourself that a lot of your friends and colleagues are enduring the same struggle i mean working
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you know low wage jobs to try to follow about same path and stay true to yourself when you look at college education as a whole i mean when half of college graduates are unemployed what do you think about that i mean that college is kind of a scam this point. well it's so hard to say because. my father when i was growing up he was from germany and his a lot of his family did not get college degrees and they saw it as as maybe a waste of time if you're not an academic minded person why not just go to trade school and learn a practical saying that you can get a job in at least in germany they seem my relatives are very pragmatic about it but my father was always adamant he thought why would you not enrich your mind as much as you possibly can. and it's really hard for me because. i am cornish i don't
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know if you know this but i love school i would have stayed in school writing papers respond as i possibly could i would not trade it for anything even if princeton did have student loans i would have happily well not happily but i would have i would have still bear borne the burden of that because i loved being there i loved meeting those professors reading those books but perhaps for some kids it is not the right choice maybe some. college grad would have been better off going to a trade school i don't personally know i don't think i'm an expert but i do think it's a real shame that the way things are going right now that we're starting to think that way because i do you really believe in the importance of having an educated society and if we start getting so pragmatic now we say the only thing worth doing is learning how to fix a car instead of enriching your mind and reading philosophy then that's that's a bad sign of things to come it is really tragic state of affairs out as we know
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the student debt just hit the one trillion dollar mark so you know for a lot of kids unfortunately do have to make that choice thanks so much for making videos can't they when you really enjoy it and i hope everyone checks it out i was making miller writer and comedian thank you. stilettos and guns sound like every red blooded american males fantasy but it's coming to reality in new york city where women are finding themselves at the shooting range instead of happy hour check out this report from artie's. new york. it's the show that defined new york city's ambitious successful female. you're known for their manaul of law nicks and cosmopolitans. in real life. the latest trend attracting career women at the big apple top more punch in the sweet cocktail i call it within the city we're still let o's and rifles meet and different it's not
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common but i've been c.e.o. of class and i rather do it it's pretty cool actually it's very empowering it's something that yeah you know you get ahold of a gun who does it it's not really was that a man who's westside pistol range has become something of a networking hotspot a place where women from finance law education and many other industries gather to schmooze which would be a magazine round of ammunition and learn how to fire a few rounds of pool with a twenty two caliber semi-automatic rifle that. this growing unconventional trends were first triggered by a new york city social networking group called urban girl which organizes for weekly new york city events open to one hundred thousand members the last time we did this event it was sold out immediately like within hours organizer rachel bressler says rifle shooting is one of their most popular events are seeing that women are into care of themselves and being that strong women in new york and of
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course a number of females are not going to be firearms they're also buying them according to mystics the number of women who are no winners in the u.s. has nearly doubled in the house here with an estimated twenty three percent leave the country. for the past year the majority of new members are going to be in range have human rights and he do it why can't i write show me how i'll do it better as i say that's what we're missing a movement of trigger happy he mails making firearms something of a new york fashion i said all right that i've done better i'm coming back some improved that's michael green of. me we're going to do it for the news this week but be sure to tune in next week for a brand new line up we told you this week about taiwanese protest happening over american beef imports and now another nation is expressing concerns about u.s.
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food standards the biotech giant monsanto is facing a multibillion dollar lawsuit five million brazilian farmers are suing the company for collecting royalties on crops that unfairly claims as its own next week we'll tell you what the latest case of small farmers versus mega corporations plus get ready for the two thousand and twelve version of one thousand nine hundred four major cities across the u.s. are installing high tech security applications that have speakers were officially going to yell at people for littering or jaywalking and cameras that could see your every move and even record conversations between people on the street to say goodbye to privacy because big brother is watching and finally for decades the u.s. sex toy market is accounted for nearly two billion in total the adult industry sales every year that's all changing thanks to a mix of e-commerce and a gradual shift in sexual attitudes among mainstream consumers next people exposed the sexy side of one of the industry's economic recovery those are just a few of the stories that we have in store for you next week along with more in depth in our.
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