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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2012 9:02pm-9:32pm EDT

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any international media outlets want to put the blame entirely on assad the government of any country is of course responsible for what is happening in that country is not the regime is not solely to blame we see massacres in houla as terrorist attacks in damascus and aleppo that have been condemned by the un security council all of this is a result of confrontations but are receiving more and more outside support firstly moral support for the so-called armed opposition then funding weapons and bringing militants from neighboring countries into syria. in terms of what the next step could be for syria where russia features in that rob saying that he wants to see a international conference held to discuss what the international community can do to try and sort things out in the arab state this conference would see the united states the european union as well as the permanent members of the the u.n. security council and also syria's neighbors being brought to the table also it will
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include countries like iran no so saying that when it comes to iran they have to be part of this discussion they were hugely influential with with the syrian government and the countries like the united states have in the past been willing to to discuss discuss issues with iran when it serves their purpose also secular of saying this country's had been quick to blame the government for must because that had taken place before the results of the investigations that are actually being have been made public also saying that the syrian people should be the ones that decide their future not any international power. if we are told that russia simply needs to order president assad around and everything will be sorted and then nothing can be done with such an attitude from our international colleagues that's why i say we need responsibility one word can ignite a fire that we. to be able to extinguish we cannot be sending signals that make the
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opposition believe it will receive help just as libby received it could help russia is committed to not allowing the situation in syria to end up like the one we saw in libya. u.n. observers in syria continue their investigation into a massacre in the hama province monitors visited the site of the killings but haven't yet to determine just how many are dead or who is behind the slaughter patrick hayes a reporter from the on line magazine spiked thinks outside military action in syria would only aggravate an already volatile situation. i think it is very important to rule out military intervention to say actually this is the worst possible scenario in terms of allowing the syrian people to decide their own fate yes the situation in syria is horrid at the moment i mean anyone with an ounce of humanity in them would over the last week really be troubled by the massacres that are taking place
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there by the fighting that is taking place but you have to really resist that need to impose to what the chinese have been into other countries so far in conflicts and to say we can just step in and make things better in many situations and this would be the case in syria western intervention would intensify the conflicts and potentially make it far worse than it is now it's always important to bear that in mind when thinking about you know how best to intervene in these conflicts often the best intervention is not to intervene the tool. well stay with us here on r t still to come anonymous hacktivist staged protests across india against internet censorship. but first a new russian law will regulate demonstrations and see illegal protesters face fines of up to seven thousand euros or perform up to two hundred hours of community service president putin said the new laws in line with european standards meanwhile the opposition is planning yet another anti putin march of the millions next week
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but artie's jacob reeves reports it may not live up to the name. it's been dubbed moscow's take on the globe comply movement. in america canada and around the globe we've seen protesters bedding down in their thousands here they've never quite reach those numbers more people need to do these because most of them just come to us in the weekends and in the evenings there were the support and a continual game of cat and mouse with the city's police has taken its toll it's all keep our style protest in moscow was only started up a short time ago it's already is the poor seems to be dwindling for those with to come out and visibly show their support numbering fewer and fewer we're talking about tens rather than hundreds more often than not and what's left is a hardcore few struggling to keep this movement alive like occupy elsewhere this
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has been organized online and epitomized by their encampment but that's about where the similarities end rather than demonstrating against perceived social inequality this is principally about one man in charge president vladimir putin is a stance that has won them support spurred by the backlash from disputed parliamentary elections but it's a faction that has little else to agree on with silicon born the rate of fusion of very different political forces will have national socialists have already called bolsheviks with a lot of people who just don't want to look some people just want to have a party or so in this case when you have these fusion of very different political forces it's next to impossible for them to. have any demands symbolized by white ribbons the movement survived nearly half a year with mass peaceful demonstrations initially grabbing the public's attention
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hard to ignore some electoral reform has followed. but more recently the efforts of the marred by violence leading to a change of tactics swapping classes for camping the stage sit ins to reach after tweet from an activist alexina vone arrests have followed but many don't see the police as the real threat to the move its longevity of a city district donaldson a leader is always your client says without a leader any movement is doomed to fail there is a unique situation where there are lots and there is presently no leader here. why would you deliberately i have not seen any leader that i can vote for myself but i hope that this movement will result in the birth of a new smart balanced and you can do it leader of their development as a movement is something many will be watching intensely currently still ranks in its infancy finding its feet but to convince
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a nation let alone. all intents and twists it will be needed to grease moscow. after being branded a threat to national security by a stony artie's eastern european correspondent you went to talent to look for an explanation along with a number of other russian in this story and politicians he was put on a blacklist by security police after a series of reports he did about some of the country's policies here is his investigation into the events. every time i travelled to a story i always enjoyed the wonderful hospitality the food and the sightseeing of this baltic country from the journalism point of view over the past several years i've produced several stories on social and economic issues here but i never expected that my reports from a store near would be regarded by some as a threat to national security. every poor to buy the country's security police stated that my last three stories had an anti estonian tone and had nothing to do with reality that is despite the fact these reports and rising neo nazis and
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a punitive new language law and the economic problems in the country featured prominent politicians and think tanks we went to the capitol tallent to investigate what this was all about finding myself on that list certainly came as a big surprise until i managed to speak to some of the locals who say that being there is nothing out of the ordinary here is andré has also been the victim of the security police for several years now. and how long have you been on that list. for three years now and this is connected to my work as a producer for russian channels basically all people who are somehow connected to russia get on this list the police don't do anything bad to those only minor things for example last year forty five minutes after i talked to one of our chief producers on the phone i saw a parking fine on my car's windscreen it had been standing there for more than a year and then i suddenly got to find him among others to be blacklisted were
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russia's foreign minister almost every russian t.v. news station and a handful of us stoniest politicians some of whom were in fact jumped to our defense tallinn's mayor said in a statement that accusing r.t. of anti stony and propaganda made the country a laughing stock we asked his closest political ally parliament member on the form as to why they risk their careers and decided to support us when we deal of us of our own i why did the mayor and your party try to defend r t well personally rushed into the canal it was not only about your can we believe this is undemocratic good gives them a right to label the media as safe and unsafe and putting black stains in certain people's reputations when i got on. very same list i told my mother about it she's old and she remembers soviet repression very well it will too upon hearing this news she nearly fainted and i had one doctor. to get on says i decided to go
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straight to the security police i was stalled their press officer was out of town but they gave me his telephone number i called and he told me i had to address my questions by email. but. i did but all i got in response was this. it seems that you haven't read our annual reviews they're public for everyone the english translations can be found on our web page we have grown used to a stony as officials denying us interviews so this response was no surprise i did not receive any explanation neither as to why my work is considered offensive in a studio nor what the consequences may face but i along with us on the blacklist hope that this mystery will soon be resolved with so many questions being asked domestically about the actions of the security police and the country's leadership is now under severe pressure to deliver in the middle of june we're expecting
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a prime minister to produce a statement explaining the actions of the organization meanwhile those who found themselves on the blacklist in their home country are hoping that this practice will be then a bullish look see russia. reporting from tallinn. well stay with us here and still to come we asked the residents of new york where they feel safe dashing their cash. markets. i'm sure it is smart. more opinions from the heart of the big apple in a few minutes. as the mother of the limbic set to start next month we take a look at why all firmly the allegations of human rights abuses has been chosen to provide security. but before we get to that internet users in india members of the hacktivist group anonymous took to cities across india today
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their anger at laws that ban file sharing websites and honest brought down more than fifteen major some websites prior to the rallies and protests over what they call internet censorship new delhi based activist believes there isn't much difference between the hackers and peaceful demonstrators. we are trying to reach out to the government of india and to tell them actively that this. ship that they have put up on the whole country is unacceptable because millions and millions of people are getting affected by it sides being banned that is used daily by design to make goods to upload the video and get in touch with their clients and everything it has become almost impossible for them to conduct their daily business they're losing massive amounts of money and they're doing massive amounts of opportunities so it is a very destructive thing to be internet like that this is widely referred to as hiking is not done by the anonymous group what anonymous does is something known as
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distributed denial of service which is known as the d.d. o. s. according to the two thousand and eight amendment of this bill this has been viewed as an offense but it is just a normal protest when people are protesting they're going and they're sitting in front of the offices of the organization you know their. functions off of the government that is why what is happening it's just it's just a peaceful protest. demonstrations for internet freedom or held in europe to protesters in germany austria and france rallied against the controversial anti-counterfeiting trade agreement which claims to curb piracy and protect copyright critics of the proposal say would harm freedom of expression and privacy to come into force acting needs to be ratified by the european parliament the vote said to happen later this month. spain finally admits it needs cash to help its troubled banks after emergency talks with euro zone ministers the country's economy minister said madrid is going to ask for one hundred billion euro loan earlier the
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international monetary fund recommended forty billion euros crisis strategist gonzalo lira believes spain will simply end up losing its banking sector. spain needs more money spain the country the nation the sovereign nation as well as spain's financial sector spain is bankrupt there is no other way to look at it and this is just postponing the inevitable so hard that they have promised a hundred billion euros hundred billion euros in order to gain some perspective that was as roughly ten percent of spain's g.d.p. heat and you've been notion is to scare the markets into thinking that your p.m.'s can salvage spain and spain is not a problem i think that the markets are going to realize very quickly that this is a smokescreen i personally don't think that. this will happen that this hundred billion euros will be just four over to spain's banks and even if it is it will have some nice things that for all intents and purposes it won't be really any kind of a handout it will be a some sort of hand european nationalization of the spanish banking sector i think
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all of this is really a reaction to what is one on greeks on june seventeenth rhesus for them to have parliamentary elections and it's looking very likely that the greek people will vote against any kind of austerity for their austerity measures after so i think that the european powers are trying to come up with a way to save face and protect spain from what they perceive is going to be the great disaster of next monday while european banks struggle to survive we asked people on the streets of new york whether it's safer simply to shove the money in the mattress instead of keeping it in a bank artie's lori harshness caged opinion on the streets of new york. do you trust your bank with your money this week let's talk about that the banks that we have all money on is like they all are doing in swiss francs most of it
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so this is like save us currency at the moment in europe so you're feeling pretty good we're on the good side you and your here in new york laughing at us with their silly dollars not really well. does it compare to the your it's getting stronger and stronger i mean i do so what do you trust about the mortgages they're investing in. well no. derivatives market well no i don't trust me but i got to troll volume i mean this is a personal you know. it might be the best business a personal say so what's the alternative what can we do about it because i think a lot of people feel that way. put it in your had it on the globe or you got me we are affected by your a very much our economy follows on what's happened in europe so. i exchange rate is not good and the rand is plummeting so we wait for better times does that make you mad at europe as a continent. that's a sign of the times
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a bunch of german banks just got downgraded i don't know germany supposed to be like the icon of europe like this opposed to be one of the stronger economies are they supposed to be solid there was a post last the storm and so we're not too far off and maybe you're right to not have your money in banks i mean it's secured but when it all breaks down so what's the dollar going to be a way it's paper i know for a fact that banks are colluding with many different institutions in our country and across the world. how do you feel about that i'm mad as hell it absolutely it burns this the the core of my being here so what can we do because i think a lot. people feel that way but they don't know what to do well it obviously needs to come down to a private or local levels what do you think is going to happen i mean it's going crazy all over the world and in europe things are going not.
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only god knows this. you think god has his money in the bank. smarted and that no matter how you feel about the economy in general these days the bottom line is it seems like there's a lot you can bank on. i mean you cannot find all our stories a click away round the clock at our key dot com here's what's on the line right now how many camels would you trade for this man somali islam is are offering a ten camel bounty for president obama in response to the state department putting out a reward of thirty three million dollars for the capture of their leader plus. japan already tops the world life expectancy list and they may now have found a way to increase their lead over other nations the country's scientists say they found a protein responsible for aging and learn how to control it right all the details that are. the u.k.
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government will face questions in parliament over its choice of company to provide security at the london olympics the firm g four s. has been linked allegations of human rights abuses and also operates in the jewish settlements in the west bank in east jerusalem settlements are considered by the u.k. to contravene international law investigative journalist tony gosling things companies with doubtful reputations use the games to whitewash their names. and i'd like to see a bit of spying from our parliament to say that these are not appropriate people to be doing that and what a lot of people involved in even picks as you probably know who aren't really appropriate such as the dow chemical company who when they bought union carbide really took on the responsible. for the deaths of four thousand people in a gas cloud in india and the maiming of countless more who were poisoned. by the dow chemical company i think there's been a real complete kind of mismatch in this olympics with trying to bring in really
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a prostitute the olympics and give a lot of these poisonous very profitable and actually very dark nasty companies greenwash for them that is to say to sanitize their images so show it in them with the olympic event and that is not what the olympics are for is starting to look rather more like the nineteen thirty six olympics than the good old london nineteen forty eight olympics which were done in a much nicer fashion without all this horrible corporate sponsorship. you worse will reopen two of its former military bases in the philippines there's a week after the details of the pentagon's new ager pacific strategy were laid out with the bulk of u.s. warships to be deployed to the region by two thousand and twenty renate rayas secretary general of the bay and political coalition thinks the move could be aimed at china. in line with the u.s. strategy of rebalancing their forces the u.s. is seeking more access to these former basis though they may not be going after
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formal basing agreements they would have unlimited access to be specific use in many other facilities all over the country so that their ships can stop over a few well and be stationed for periods specially during military exercises and this all of these would transform the philippines into a military outpost that would allow the united states to project its power throughout southeast asia the increased presence of u.s. troops would complicate matters between the philippines and china point stabilize the situation it might be seen as a provocative action it might spark some kind of arms race in the south china sea with the growing number of u.s. warships entering the country and the u.s. may not be headed for a direct military confrontation with china at the moment but the u.s. wants to contain china wants to encircle china and keep it subservient to us that they. let's take a look at some other stories making headlines across the globe for french soldiers were killed after a taliban suicide bomber disguised as
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a woman blew himself up in eastern afghanistan five others were wounded in the blast it's the second deadly assault on saturday against nato forces france plans to withdraw all its combat troops by the end of the year two years ahead of the planned pullout agreed by the alliance. or members of the international criminal court were detained in libya after meeting with gadhafi son saif al islam earlier reports claim one of the lawyers was held after trying to deliver documents libyan authorities said were a danger to national security saif al islam is accused of his role in the killing of protesters during the revolt that toppled his father. at least eight civilians have been killed in an ambush in ivory coast near its border with liberia seven un peacekeepers who were part of a patrol in the remote village also died in the attack it's not clear who's behind the killings liberia said it sealed its border fearing that gunmen had used the country for the cross border assault. finally in the news blog maria sharapova won
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the prestigious french open in paris the twenty five year old russians become only the tenth woman in history to have conquered all four majors are sports presenter paul scott reflected on the achievement. amongst the greatest players of all time to have ever walked the planet to ever play the game of tennis shopper who won the wimbledon on grass at the age of seventeen that was back in two thousand and four since then she went on to win the u.s. open in two thousand and six the australian open in two thousand and eight and she's had this year wait to complete the career grand slam and pick up the french title which is done today and she's had a massive shoulder injury it really affected the way she was playing she had surgery on it she had to adapt to the way she played and there were genuine question serious question as to whether she would come back the way she was whether she was going to fill up the tension she said over the seventeen year old and i think she won her last grand slam when she was twenty one seconds a long way despite that the way she came through she was dominant over weight and she was dominant again today in the final six three six seven you look at the women's game at the moment you look at serena williams venus williams they're
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coming to the end of their career over was last world number one back in two thousand and eight the top spot the top ranking is changed fifteen times and eight different women have been the world number one doesn't mean no one in the sport has dominated it maybe now she's back injury struck them to one side she's now got the french open under about maybe there's no reason why not it can't be sure apple who dominates in years to come will stay with us here on r.t. still to come a look into the legacy of nuclear weapons testing but first a recap of the headlines.
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hold it. hold it. liz. goodspeed. she. will. bring me some good.
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sleep. in. front of me a little bit. with the end of the boer war and going away of the soviet union many people thought that nuclear weapons disappeared. the risk is not zero that something might be going off by mistake especially when the sounds of the nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. the pacific to use it as a threat all of it but you know if you keep spinning a trillion dollars
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a year on weapons of intially you're going to blow everybody up you you know people are dying from these weapons but until we actually see it people don't come. nuclear weapons are a bill. that represents all of the firepower of the second world war and this second sound is the equivalent fire power of the world's nuclear arsenal today. if you move. from phones to.
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totty dot com. from five thirty am in moscow the zero two you have why russia calls for an international conference to resolve the syrian crisis moscow and says both sides are to blame and the only way forward is to back kofi annan as peace plan. spain confirms it will seek a hundred billion euros to help shore up the country's beleaguered banking system this after emergency talks with euro zone ministers and. russian tennis star maria sharapova completes a career grand slam by winning the french open. next a weapon that endangers our existence yet some countries choose to boost their nuclear arsenals instead of fighting for peace a special report coming up. the fall out from the
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french test went beyond the polynesian islands they caused outrage in new zealand which took the lead in the anti-nuclear movement and became a black sheep among western countries yes unlike any other country new zealand refused to rely on nuclear weapons for its security but here nuclear technology is banned it's the law i think a lot of the young people feel proud about new zealand especially for a policy that people have come of complacent and feel as foreign we're safe there are these other issues here i mean a lot of people say people in the priesthood and was happy sent out of names graveyards resounds and that's what people say. even in new zealand it's difficult to find young people concerned about this issue they are more sensitive to the melting of the antarctic and he wants to revitalize the ageing pacifist movement when i'm working at peace foundation and my role is to use our reach.


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