tv [untitled] June 10, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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volley clashes persist in syria as the u.n. admits that peace plan is being broken by both sides moscow's stepped up efforts to find a diplomatic solution. a hundred billion euros of bailout from madrid finally admits it cannot save it but the big banks on its own becoming largest economy so far to seek aid from the eurozone. also boosting trade and tackling the crisis in the middle east russia and china strengthen their partnership with president vladimir putin visits beijing.
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look back at the past seven days top stories and the latest developments this is the weekly on r.t. u.n. observers in syria continuing efforts to determine how many people were massacred in hama province on wednesday and who was behind the slaughter top u.n. officials admit the peace plan is being flouted by both sides of the conflict dozens of reportedly been killed across the country over the weekend while foreign calls for intervention are being ramped up as riff emotional reports. duquesne blood is lain side by side we mean children among them death was indiscriminate and bloody the pictures from syria this week have brought shock around the globe and also a worry in sands of deja vu just weeks before any other massacre came to light this time in the village of houla and the world was quick to pass judgment on the american british and french push for military intervention in syria is absolutely enormous we've seen hague. of course when you make the british foreign secretary
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calling for intervention we've seen the new french president saying the same thing the americans obviously taking the lead the specter of a military solution returned before an investigation into who was responsible was even launched they're all saying that the assad regime is committing human rights abuses and they repeat this message obsessive i am confident to predict that indeed it will remain fixed in people's minds and could well be used as a pretext and you don't have to look back to far to see where hasty jokingly saw a rush to take up arms like the cost of war and. what happened in our division of a massacre which was the village of russia you have a u.n. inquiry that was severely bullied by the u.s. ambassador it was leaving your observation mission on the ground your claims that it was a. massacre of innocent civilians by government troops serving it was when presented with. and bought back then the yugoslavian government just like the syrian
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one now condemned militants for the killings in this case blaming the ban in separatists from the kosovo liberation army an investigation was launched to find out whether the victims were innocent civilians as the international community claimed or whether the country's army had been battling professional fighters two out of three forensic inquiries proved most of the casualties died in combat the third report by an e.u. team has never been made public interesting we know about we have been reports of syrian rebels whoever they are. with the. think of being in kosovo liberation army the people who were basically agents of mido in the causal war. basically treading on i don't know they were saying they were training in the marsian human right but definitely the only training that caylee could have ever given anybody is how go figure. stage
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a war exactly what's happening now. but even with hindsight after the nato bombing of yugoslavia ruin the alliances these tribes in libya last year history isn't been prevented from repeating itself again and again with this seven images coming from syria in making the world headlines everybody agreed those who are guilty must be punished but the reaction from the international community has been so sweet and so called donated the result is that punishment will come before even those who are truly responsible are exposed and that could mean not just a loss of justice but also huge loss of life. refinishing r t reports in from syria . meanwhile moscow stepping up its efforts to mediate a diplomatic solution in syria he wants an international contact group to persuade damascus and the rebels to halt violence and begin talks but russia says some external players are provoking the syrian opposition to continue fighting despite kofi annan peace plan. you know when we hear reports of another massacre in syria
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and currently we see such atrocities almost daily many international media outlets place the blame entirely on damascus the government of any country is of course responsible for what's happening within its borders but we're sure the regime alone is not to blame for everything that we see massacres in houla terrorist attacks in damascus and aleppo that have been condemned by the un security council all this is a result of confrontation that are getting more and more support from abroad but first of all moral support for the so-called armed opposition which is being supplied with money weapons and bolstered by militants from neighboring countries. the syrian opposition group an exxon has elected a kurdish activist its new leader abdel baset site has urged mass defections from the regime and pledged support for the free syrian army fighting against president assad which could allow the rebels to gain further ground political analysts agency which he says the eagerness of the opposition and its international backers to blame a sad for the killings shows their real aim is regime change. these are the western
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media who are saying there bashar assad is responsible for these killings and from the very beginning president assad said beware of the able global cable networks because they are spreading blatant lies no doubt mr assad has less control over his country because this country is being invaded by foreign interests by foreign groups who are funded and armed by the united states and other groups for the western powers are really playing with fire trying to generate killings and mass civil war inside syria in order to have an excuse for military intervention or diplomatic political and military intervention we can see that there are definitely criminal organizations operating inside syria as they have done in libya and they are still doing in libya in all these organizations are financed trained and armed by the western powers. struggling eurozone has been dealt a fresh blows spain has become the largest economy so far to ask for help as it
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admitted it needs one hundred billion euros to prop up its beleaguered banks the cash will be fed directly to a special fund with madrid ultimately responsible for the money whether this plan let spain avoid committing to additional cuts imposed from the outside as happened in the case of greece and them portugal the spanish prime minister has praised the loan as a victory for the single currency is credibility and investment advisor patrick young is question its effectiveness and even the euro's future as a currency all of the politicians have basically left the people stranded the new government and went into debt and i almost died from the law when they came into office and six months later they suddenly realized what anybody who was remotely financially literate could work six months ago and two years ago even spanish banks are lost and ultimately there needs to be a way in order to manage to rescue the conventional be like mechanisms are not going to work and that's why ultimately it's. very difficult to see tragically
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whether or not there really is a future to the euro was a currency the greeks when you talk to the one side they don't want austerity and they don't really think they should have to pay their bills for the deaths that have been grown by the government over the years at the same time they think they should be in the euro it's automatically a little bit like going out and calling a group of eight year old children no matter they may say that they realize they have to eat sensibly they're going to demand ice cream and jelly for their next meal and for every meal there after as long as they have influence the problem with greece is ultimately it doesn't really matter what they vote for in the course of the middle of june because they haven't actually been taking their medicine greece ultimately is returning to the drachma i think whether it likes it or not because it's completely untenable as a conventional modern democracy it's simply sadly does not function as one another fact madrid is getting that huge handout with no austerity strings attached has led
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to calls in dublin for it to renegotiate its bailout deal but one small irish town isn't waiting for the government to sort things out as smith reports people there are looking back to help move forwards. it's a blast from the past as this customer uses the irish punt to pay for some everyday purchases in the town of clueless arlen's joined the euro from the get go in two thousand and two but crisis hit business owners here have revived their old currency to try and desperately claw some cash back into the community if you bring in pointed to was twenty point whatever you spend or fifty point whatever you spend we will give you a change of tone his tone voters which you can then go and spend crossroads super value on the create note or go for a drink up the tone it's it's a great scheme for the child it means all the money remains within the town as for the euro here it's been reduced to a novelty item printed on tissues and toilet paper and customers come from miles
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around to spend their puts often stopping by for a haircut while they're here oh yeah a lot of people come from from the about us especially our own from people from the long term spend their functions on us have a complication month women can have got him in the front to spit out there's an estimated two hundred eighty five million puns tucked away in draws and under mattresses forgotten about ok to souvenirs when arlen joined the euro a decade ago they're no longer legal tender but would have a value of around two hundred forty million euros just a fraction of which would make a massive difference in crisis hit close the permit scheme has undoubtedly boosted the local economy but the ravages of the economic crash are still all too evident the main street is lined with boarded up shops with around fifty percent of premises empty it's a scene that's repeated in small towns and bigger cities throughout our land
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austerity here means business people are being hit with a variety of taxes and levies making it harder and harder to stay afloat let alone . turn a profit it's not just told the stones the whole country has suffered with stereotype measures with the. new water charges which are common and shortly new household charge which came in this year will increase every year. there was a two percent hike up to twenty three percent in the point of sale tax which we have to do something something to improve the situation shopkeepers say going back to the point isn't a political statement it's a survival tactic and as the face of the euro hangs in the balance clueless may not be alone in looking back for its future nor a smith r.t. closest island. polls and close in france as people have cast their votes for the new parliament only a figure suggested the outcome will favor recently elected socialist president
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francois hollande his party already controls the senate. is in paris force. initial estimates of come out at eight pm local is the actual results you have the aggregate of the left now getting forty seven point one percent then you have the right thirty five point four. party who was trying to get seats in parliament for the first time since the one nine hundred eighty s. or they have thirteen point four percent so that is a victory for her in this sense and you still have forty two point nine percent that will go on to the second round those would be votes candidates that are guarded about zero point five percent of the votes are they going to go for the second round for france all along what he really wants is an absolute majority if not an absolute majority of all the socialist party getting more than fifty percent that would be a majority of the left at least would support his policies but let's remember that during the presidential elections people would come and voted for socialist stuff and so long they had voted for change in a smart as they didn't want sarkozy anymore so symbolically this is
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a test of ability to get the support from the french people that he doesn't get the majority essentially he will have a president who is on the left and you will have a parliament that is on the right right now before this elections it was the conservatives that was had the majority in the lower house and this will certainly pose problems into passing new laws if he wants to get into place such as his proposal to add sixty thousand new jobs in education sector or tax the rich by as much as seventy five percent you know first of all a lot of was campaigning on his anti austerity more growth measures and getting faster out of the crisis and then if he doesn't get if he doesn't get the support of the lower house he will not be able to go on the dispatcher and the conservatives are going to be more for this asserting measures now we see spain in trouble and you see my trickle down into france and if the french people get even more austerity passed on to them they're certainly not going to be happy about in france all alone just in the beginning of a storm does not want to see support lesson for the socialist party well as far as
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long as foreign policy is concerned the part of the military and defense he has also. to withdraw troops from afghanistan earlier and here earlier than planned and if he if he doesn't follow through with the promises he made during his election campaign he will need the support of the lower house he already has the majority in the senate and it's crucial that he does get the support of the a parliament in france. toward him and learned from paris this is r.t. live here in moscow still ahead for you this the thousands of fans a furious wasn't sentenced to death as the former president is now said to be in critical condition. that's still to come to biggest countries have cemented their partnership this week as russian president vladimir putin visited china and for the business deals were signed but apart from ensuring that trade is flourishing moscow and beijing have a number of pressing international issues to tackle and actually have just a few reports now from the chinese capital. who could have thought half
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a century ago when china and russia clashed over disputed territory that in twenty twelfth russia's president would be greeted by a red carpet in beijing during a lavish state visit. where we know that two years ago china became russia's largest street party you know outstripping other nations in the former soviet union as well as germany and other european nations you know the security cooperation in russia and china the parallels are. going to other forms of cooperation china needs and how i like russia or putin and hu jintao is alliance was reconfirmed by their unified stance on middle east issues in particular the syrian conflict that are being to some difference as a patron russia china why some that are up in countries from china and the russians perspective the key solution lysine. the presentation and that's planned rather than lies and whether or not we see the poverty the existing
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government that is now the committee so i think russia and china's position on syria so it's more responsible and they signed a prominent of the final solution to the sea represents and putin splendid to boost their already strong military ties so to be pleased beijing in light of us nature war games in the region and the recent tour of the u.s. defense secretary to the asia pacific china is strengthening its armed forces at an unpredicted rate the united states invaded the philippines in one thousand nine hundred in one thousand eight hundred it invaded the asian part of russia to stop the russian revolution it fought most of the war in asia then it went to korea vietnam the united states has fought many many battles in asia so a pivot towards asia should be considered something of great alarm for the people of the continent russia and china were also joined in beijing by iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad who supported their stance on syria the leaders also agreed that only diplomatic and political. approaches should be considered when dealing
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with the issue of tehran's nuclear intentions condemning any international talk of aggression towards the slavic republic the chinese and the russians probably you know don't want to see an overly domineering us is ition which i think is understandable coming from moscow and beijing and i think what the us i think does and to some degree the us with europe with western europe does you know does seem to be coming down quite strongly in the middle east and in so far as the. russians and the chinese you know have their interest which are not necessary congruent with those of europe or the us they would probably want to protect those interests important talks in difficult times and dozens of multi-billion dollar business agreements signed put in story day visit all but confirmed that the countries have kickstarted a new era in their relations and the fact that putin chose beijing as one of his early priorities since returning to power indicated that's in the far east where
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moscow has one of its most important partners more than half a century ago the chinese describe the u.s.s.r. as dog the elder brother by the time the soviet union collapsed these sentiments were long gone two decades on a state visit to beijing suggested that the two countries may not feel like a family just yet but have definitely moved much closer to each other. reporting from beijing in china. always more news analysis and pictures on our website r.t. dot com online at the moment disputable defense british government is facing questions over why a security firm accused of human rights abuses in the west bank has been hard for the london olympics. and somalis in this wanted in the u.s. for the thirty three million dollars come up with a counter proposal offering ten camels for president barack obama get the full story and that. the health of egypt's former president hosni mubarak has reportedly worsened he's currently serving life in
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a car a prison where he said to be slipping in and out of consciousness thousands of people have been drawn to tell his square this week angry at the verdict in the barracks recent trial that the money the death sentence for his role in killing hundreds of protesters during last year's uprising are also angry that his former prime minister has made it to the presidential election run off next week where he's facing the muslim brotherhood candidate. the ruling military council says it will transfer power to the elected president by the first of july arab affairs journalist that he says people are furious at the lack of positive change there. seems to be anger which. led to people massing and massive beyond the mere square last year and the beginning of the. scene again on the streets of not only cairo and the square in particular but across the country as a whole with the demonstration. organized and wondered. could al but also war demonstrations planned across the country in the days leading to the second
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round of elections so the am and. administration in general is still very much there and it's directed at many things first of all the fact that mubarak himself avoided execution over his lack of ability to protect the life in nine hundred thousand demonstrators in last year's uprising crucially the six top aide. in the wiring regime which were acquitted and that is an indication as far as egyptians are concerned that although their head has been removed the body to structure of the arab regime is still very much in place. this is the weekly live here in moscow just ahead for you this hour promoting pictures of them on the silver screen. hundreds and hundreds of storms and told as those military seem more in iraq than really years and never wrong and always good but this creates a false image in the american people's mind when it comes to the u.s.
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army's damage reputation hollywood comes to the rescue with a little help from the pentagon. tens of thousands of people have gathered in georgia's second largest city of could be seen in support of one of the country's major coalition groups the georgian dream party has been set up by a local billionaire and is expected to provide the main challenge to the ruling party of president mikheil saakashvili the head of elections later this year director of the eurasia democracy initiative peter i spoke to a little earlier here in r.t. he says if history is anything to go by the government's response to the rallies may not be a peaceful one. no the opposition has criticised increasing. and unfortunately very sure has not gotten enough traction among voters. as government has to do with opposition protests quite harshly and one particularly brutal crackdown if you remember occurred in two thousand and seven ironically the fourth anniversary of the rose revolution the opposition sticks to peaceful methods and it
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has so far so government will not have a good enough excuse to crackdown and it will have to rely. on the peaceful. demonstrations to be denied media coverage to the opposition and i also believe it is still quite assured. demonstrators breaking the protest regulations in russia will now have to pay seven thousand euros or do up to two hundred hours of community service present put in stress the new running law is in line with european standards in france for example protesters breaking the law could be fined up to forty five thousand euros and even face several years in jail and you know will be put to the test next tuesday when the opposition plans to stage a million man march scuffles broke out at the last government run in may after which i had to stage several unsanctioned sit ins.
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today's world news in brief an hour in our world update gunmen opened fire in a church in northeast nigeria killing a woman and wounding several other people in a separate incident a suicide bomber blew himself up outside another church in the central part of the country the blast left for worship is dead and over forty injured there is no immediate claim of responsibility but the radical sect book has repeatedly targeted churches in the past. the second day of fighting between libyan soldiers and tribesmen as seen thirteen people killed for an answer ruptured on saturday in the volatile region near libya's borders with chad and sudan longstanding rivalries and the smuggling of weapons in libya has intensified following last year's uprising and the death of former leader moammar gadhafi. a plane carrying parachutists as crash near the ukrainian capital kiev killing five people fifteen more suffered injuries some of them serious the aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing after encountering a heavy rain storm with high winds and investigations been opened into the cause of
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the crash. tear gas and pepper spray have been used against protesters in canada as hundreds marched in montreal around a dozen demonstrators were arrested after the clashes with police people took to the streets as part of protests against the rising cost of a university education as one of the city's hosting of a grand prix race students have been protesting for months demanding a to wish and feel for reasons. the image of the u.s. army has been hugely damaged lately by overseas campaigns and revelations of the ways these wars a wage but helping to repair that reputation the hollywood blockbusters which often promote patriotism and show the military in a heroic light well that kind of coverage means the pentagon is even ready to leak classified information. reports. from a former cia officer who questioned waterboarding to suspected we can make small bradley manning the obama administration has waged an unprecedented war on
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whistleblowers prosecuting more of them under a spanish laws than old previous administrations combined but it's jim's one man snitch is another man's spin doctor the problem with the current situation with the current white house is they have leaked classified information several times what it serves to diffuse one of those with what was with the book obama's wars done by bob woodward where they played out two chapters of information about current operations and also with the catholic bagel bigelow project regarding seal team six taken out of the water last year at this time the film in question which is titled as zero dark thirty covers last year's raid by u.s. commandos on the pakistani compound where some of bin laden was hiding the conservative watchdog judicial watch has obtained records revealing that hollywood filmmakers were given access to proof the undisclosed information about the operation oscar winning director kathryn bigelow and screenwriter mark boal were
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even granted at tour around the fold as cia building were tactical planning for the raid took place the film is out in december but was initially due to be released just weeks before november's presidential elections that facts saw some flak fly the administration's way while the entire project has raised concerns over the way intelligence is being used it's best that this kind of information particularly as it revolves around what's surrounding this movie remains classified it absolutely has to it's very unfortunate that it's coming out to be used for political purposes for a congressional election however there is nothing unusual about the defense department collaborating with the makers of hollywood blockbusters. it's a partnership that dates back to the middle of the twentieth century and it has proved effective the pentagon has what hollywood filmmakers won access to millions
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of dollars worth of military equipment to use in the movies and hollywood has what the pun again once the end slants to sugarcoat its actions and attract millions of potential recruits in recent months to other movies about the navy seals long survivor and act of valor how for a shift official assistance veteran hollywood reporter david robb says the pentagon has for a long time had access to the scripts of hollywood filmmakers to show the military in a better lot and the american people. are seeing hundreds and hundreds of films and television shows that have been sanitized by the military and to make military seem more heroic than a really is and never wrong and always good but this creates a false image in the american people's mind so while for some weeks will get truly locked up others very trying to project patrick to some and propaganda on to the
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silver screen my integration archie reporting from las angeles california. one of the few minutes for the story the people putting their lives on the line in the battle for nuclear disarmament that's all special report that will be. updated on a main news stories in a couple of minutes from now this is the weekly here in the sky.
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