tv [untitled] June 10, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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piers fighting across syria over the weekend reportedly leaves dozens dead this is moscow continues pushing for an international conference to resolve the crisis and the u.n. admits neither side is sticking to the peace plan. hundred billion euros of the bailout madrid finally admits it can't save its beleaguered banks on its own becoming the largest economy so far to seek aid from the eurozone. boosting trade in tackling the crisis in the middle east russia and china strengthen their partnership is russian president vladimir putin visits beijing.
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giving you today's stories and a look back at the week's news here on our team. thanks very much for joining us dozens have reportedly been killed over the weekend in some of the most intense fighting of the syrian conflict this is the u.n. observers continue their investigation of wednesday's massacre in the hama province they're still trying to figure out exactly how many people died and who if anyone was behind the slaughter top u.n. officials at mit for the first time the peace plan is being flouted by both sides meanwhile authorities worry if an ocean or reports calls for a foreign intervention are being stepped up just a warning you may find some of the images in this report disturbing. to cane budgies lane side by side we mean to do an m. on them death was indiscriminate and bloody the pictures from syria this week have brought shock around the globe and also a wine sense of deja vu just weeks before and now the massacre came to light this time in the village of who. and the world was quick to pass judgment the american
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british and french push for military intervention in syria is absolutely enormous we've seen hague of course william hague the british foreign secretary calling for intervention we've seen the new french president saying the same thing the americans obviously taking the lead the specter of a military solution returned before an investigation into who was responsible was even launched they're all saying that their side regime is committing human rights abuses and they repeat this message obsessive lee i am confident to predict that indeed it will remain fixed in people's minds and could well be used as a pretext and you don't have to look back to far to see where hasty jokingly a rush to take up arms in the course of a war an exactly what happened in our division of a massacre which was the village of russia you have a u.n. inquiry that was severely bullied by the u.s. ambassador it was leaving your observation mission on the ground your claims that
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it was a brutal murder programs occur innocent civilians by government troops serving it was lame presented with ultimatum and rambling game and bought back then the yugoslavian government just like the syrian one now condemned militants for the killings in this case blaming the ban in separatists from the cost of a liberation army an investigation was launched to find out whether the victims were innocent civilians as the international community claimed or whether the country's army had been battling professional fighters two out of three forensic inquiries proved most of the casualties died in combat the third report by an e.u. team has never been made public interestingly enough but what about the we've been reports of syrian rebels whoever they are liaising with the. think of being in kosovo liberation army the people who were basically agents of mido in the causal war. basically treading on my own no they were saying they were training in
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democracy and human rights but the only training that caylee could have ever given anybody is how to. stage a war and i believe that's exactly what's happening now. but even with hindsight after the nato bombing of yugoslavia who ruin the alliances these tribes in libya last year history isn't been prevented from repeating itself again and again with this seven images coming from syria and making world headlines everybody agreed those who are guilty must be punished but the reaction from the international community has been so sweet and so called donated the reason is that punishment will come before even those who are truly responsible are exposed and that could mean not just a loss of justice but also huge loss of life. refinishing r t reporting from syria . russia is stepping up its efforts to mediate a diplomatic solution in syria it wants an international contact group to persuade damascus and the rebels to halt violence and begin talks but moscow says quote some
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external players are provoking the syrian opposition to continue fighting and quote despite kofi annan peace plan. you know when we hear reports of another massacre in syria and currently we see such atrocities almost daily many international media outlets place the blame entirely on damascus the government of any country is of course responsible for what's happening within its borders but we're sure the regime alone is not to blame for everything that we see massacres in houla terrorist attacks in damascus and aleppo that have been condemned by the un security council all this is a result of confrontation so they are getting more and more support from abroad but first of all moral support for the so-called armed opposition which is being supplied with money weapons and bolstered by militants from neighboring countries. the syrian opposition group in exile has elected a kurdish activists as the new leader abdelbaset saida has urged mass defections from the regime and pledged support for the free syrian army fighting against the
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assad regime asia times correspondent pepe escobar thinks a day may be already distrusted and doesn't understand what's going on on the ground. see who comes after but. he's a very shady character he has very good kurdish government has of course so many connections as well but he is also trying to play to the christian answer the other whites say look if there is a pulse the government rejean or we're not going to touch it nobody believes him incites you know in fact did jim braylon the opposition is disgruntled matter of fact you know they don't get along with each other in the air if you read it on the ground by people who are actually doing a lot of these killings in fact and these people they are mercenaries imported from libya but i believe qatar though where i am at the moment and this is
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a blue subject to be discussed here in qatar i couldn't find anybody here who would discuss a train clee what the qatari intelligence services are actually doing on the ground in syria but this is part of the qatari foreign policy they are financing and weaponize in the really hardcore arm of the syrian opposition and i'm not sure mr sieda the new ahead of the syrians or is it still council knows what's really going on the ground. there struggling eurozone has been dealt a fresh blow spain becoming the biggest economy yet to ask for help as it admits it needs one hundred billion euros to prop up its beleaguered banks a hash will be fed directly into a special fund with madrid ultimately responsible for the money but the plan let's void committing to additional cuts imposed from the outside as happened in the case of greece ireland and portugal spain the prime minister has praised the loan as a victory for the credibility of the single currency by investment advisor patrick young questions of its effectiveness and the euro's future as
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a currency. all of the politicians have basically left the people stranded the new government in spain and went. into denial mode from the wall and they came into office and six months later they suddenly realized what anybody who was remotely financially literate could work out six months ago two years ago even spanish banks are lost and ultimately there needs to be a way in order to manage to rescue them but the conventional being like mechanisms are not going to work and that's why ultimately it's very difficult to see tragically whether or not there really is a future to the euro as a currency the greeks when you talk to them on one side they don't want austerity and they don't really think they should have to pay their bills for the deaths that have been grown by the government over the years at the same time they think they should be in the euro it's automatically a little bit like going out and pulling a group of eight year old children no matter that they may say that they realize
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they have to eat sensibly they're going to demand ice cream and jelly for their next meal and for every meal there after as long as they have influence the problem with greece is ultimately it doesn't really matter what they vote for in the course of the middle of june because they haven't actually been taking their medicine greece ultimately is returning to the drachma i think whether it likes it or not because it's completely untenable as a conventional modern democracy it's simply sadly does not function as well irish opposition politicians are already criticizing their government for failing to get a deal as favorable as the one spain got one town though is tired of hearing euro uncertainty and has already found a solution for the future by looking to their past. it's a blast from the past as this customer uses the irish punt to pay for some every day purchases in the town of close islands joined the euro from the get go in two thousand and two but crisis hit business owners here have revived their old
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currency to try and desperately claw some cash back into the community this if you bring in pointed to was twenty point whatever you spend or fifty pounds whatever you spend we will give you the change of tone this time voters which you can then go and spend cross the road and super value on the credit note or go for a drink up the town it's it's a great scheme for the time it means all the money remains within the town as for the euro here it's been reduced to a novelty item printed on tissues and toilet paper and customers come from miles around to spend their points often stopping by for a haircut while they're here. a lot of people coming from across the border from about us as fast as our own from people from no phantoms found their aunts and so on us have a complication mountain men can have gotten him in but if want to get out there's an estimated two hundred eighty five million puns tucked away in draws and under mattresses forgotten about ok to souvenirs when arlen joined the euro
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a decade ago then no longer legal tender but would have a value of around two hundred forty million euros just a fraction of which would make a massive difference in crisis hit close. the permit scheme has undoubtedly boosted the local economy but the ravages of the economic crash still all evidence the main street is lined with boarded up shops with around fifty percent of premise is empty it's a scene that's repeated in small towns and biggest cities throughout. austerity here means business people are being hit with a variety of taxes and levies making it harder and harder to stay afloat let alone turn a profit it's not just the whole country has suffered with starting measures with the. new water charges which are common in shortly you household charge which came in this year with increase every year. there was a two percent hike up to twenty three percent in the point of sale tax which we
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have to do something something to improve the situation so people say going back to the point isn't a political statement it's a survival tactic and as the face of the euro hangs in the balance cloners may not be alone in looking back for its future euro smith r.t. and. the polls in france have closed as people cast their votes for the new parliament exit poll suggesting the outcome will favor the recently elected socialist president francois hollande his party already controls the senate or he. has more from paris. initial estimates of come out at eight pm local is the actual results you have the aggregate of the left now getting forty seven point one percent then you have the right thirty five point four. party who was trying to get seats in parliament for the first time since the one nine hundred eighty s. or they have thirteen point four percent so that is
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a victory for her in this sense and you still have forty two point nine percent that will go on to the second round those would be votes candidates that are guarded about zero point five percent of the votes are they going to go for the second run for france all along what he really wants is an absolute majority if not an absolute majority of all the socialist party getting more than fifty percent that would be a majority of the left at least he would support his policies but let's remember that during the presidential elections people would come and voted for socialist stuff and so long they had voted for change in a smart as they didn't want any more so simply symbolically this is a test of a long ability to get that support from the french people if he doesn't get the majority essentially you will have a president who is on the left and you will have a parliament that is on the right right now before this elections it was the conservatives that was had the majority in the lower house and this will certainly pose problems into passing new laws that he wants to get into place such as his proposal to add sixty thousand new jobs in education sector or tax the rich by as
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much as seventy five percent you know for so long it was going to be aiming on his anti austerity more growth measures and getting faster out of the crisis and then if he doesn't get if he doesn't get the support of the lower house he will not be able to go on the dispatcher and the conservatives are going to be more for this asserting measures now we see spain in trouble and use it and it might trickle down into france and if the french people get even more austerity passed on to them they're certainly not going to be happy about it in front of a lot just in the beginning of a storm does not want to see supports less and for the socialist party well as far as long as foreign policy is concerned the part of a military and defense he has also. posed to withdraw troops from afghanistan earlier here earlier than planned and if he if he does intend to follow through with the promises he made during his election campaign he will need the support of the lower house he already has the majority in the senate and it's crucial that he does get the support of the parliament in france camille grande from the foundation
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for a strategic research says the predicted socialist victory is part of a larger political trend across europe. the most likely scenario is that you will get a clear left the majority of the big issue is whether it would be dismissed or it would be big only around a socialist all do we really need to support a socialist. such as the come in useful kinda greens in parliament french pretty. interesting because they're not always go with the overall cycle in europe when we do see certainly the rise of those nationalist policies all over the board in europe and this is clearly the case in france where in europe and this is this is a phenomenon that it is putting across the ball when it comes to the rise of socialism what with clearing the recent actions in europe is that the. parties in power about a tendency to lose election that happened in greece in. spain and in need
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to be so this is a situation where incumbents are in trouble stay with us here on r t still to come in a few minutes hosni mubarak or ported to critical condition egyptians gather to express their anger at the former president wasn't sentenced to death for his violent suppression of demonstrations during the revolution that imposed. here asia's two biggest countries cemented their partnership this week as russian president vladimir putin visited china handful of business deals were assigned but apart from ensuring that trade is flourishing moscow and beijing have a number of pressing international issues to tackle artie's alexei reports. who could have thought half a century ago when china and russia clashed over disputed territories that in twenty twelfth russia's president would be greeted by a red carpet in beijing during a lavish state visit. where we know that two years ago china became russia's
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largest st bernard you know outstripping other nations in the former soviet union as well as germany and other european nations you know the security cooperation in russia and china the parallels are. going to other forms of cooperation yes china needs and i like russia putin and hu jintao is alliance was reconfirmed by their unified stance on middle east issues in particular the syrian conflict that are being some difference as a patron russia china and the subways and that are up in countries from thailand the russians perspective the key solution lies seeing. the presentation and that's planned rather than lies and whether or not we see the poverty. that exists in government that is now the committee so i think russian with china's position on syria so as a more responsible and design to have prominent on the final solution to see where prices and putin splits to boost their already strong military ties so to be
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pleased beijing in light of us need to war games in the region and the recent tour of the us defense secretary to the asia pacific china is strengthening its armed forces at an unpredicted rate the united states invaded the philippines in one thousand nine hundred in one thousand eight hundred it invaded the asian part of russia to stop the russian revolution it fought most of the war in asia then it went to korea vietnam the united states has fought many many battles in asia so our pivot towards asia should be considered something of great alarm for the people of the continent russia and china were also joined in beijing by iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad who supported their stance on syria the leaders also agreed that only diplomatic and political. approaches should be considered when dealing with the issue of tehran's nuclear intentions condemning any international talk of aggression towards the republic the chinese and the russians probably you know don't want to see and over over the domineering us which i think is understandable
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coming from moscow and beijing and i think what the us i think does and to some degree the us with europe with western europe does you know does seem to be coming down quite strongly in the middle east and in so far as the. russians and the chinese you know have their interest too which are not necessarily congruent with those of europe or the u.s. they would probably want to protect those interests important talks in difficult times and dozens of multi-billion dollar business agreements signed day visit all but concerned that the countries have kickstarted a new era in their relations and the fact that putin chose beijing as one of his early priorities since returning to power indicated that's in the far east where moscow has one of its most important partners more than half a century ago the chinese describe the u.s.s.r. as the elder brother by the time the soviet union collapsed these sentiments were long gone two decades on a state visit to beijing suggested that the two countries may not feel like
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a family just yet but have definitely moved much closer to each other. see reporting from beijing in china remember there's always more news and analysis on our website r.t. dot com online right now it disputable defends the british government facing questions over why a security firm accused of human rights abuses in the west bank has been hired for the london olympics. and somali islam is wanted in the u.s. with a thirty three million dollars bounty come up with a counterproposal offering ten camels for president barack obama get the full story at r.t. dot com. the health of egypt's former president hosni mubarak has reportedly deteriorated he's now at a cairo prison hospital awaiting said to be slipping in and out of consciousness thousands gathered in tahrir square this week angry at the verdict in regard to the recent trial they're demanding the death sentence for his role in killing hundreds
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of protesters during last year's uprising there also angry as former prime minister has made it into the presidential election a runoff next week or he's facing the muslim brotherhood's candidate the ruling military council says it will transfer power to the elected president july first arab affairs journalist and to be around then he says people are furious at the lack of positive change. it seems that the and going to reach. people missing and massive beyond the media square not yet beginning to be. seen again on the streets of not only cairo and three square in particular but across the and to see the country as a whole we all the demonstrations who organize and wondered. could al but also more demonstrations planned across the country in the days leading to the second round of elections so the and anger i do mubarak administration in general is still very much there and it's directed at many things and first of all different than
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mubarak himself going to an execution he's like of ability to. tanked in the loft and nine hundred thousand demonstrators in last year's uprising crucially the world's a six top aides in the mubarak regime which were acquitted and that is an indication as far as egyptians are concerned that although the head has been removed the body destruction of the mubarak regime is still very much in place. stay with us here on r.t. still ahead trial and error as the u.s. most famous a whistleblower bradley manning appears in court and his supporters say prosecutors have something to hide. but first tens of thousands gathered in georgia's second largest city kutaisi in support of one of the country's major coalition groups the georgian dream party was set up by a local billionaire and expected to provide the main challenge to the ruling party of president mikheil saakashvili ahead of elections later this year the director of
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the eurasia democracy initiative peters says if history is anything to judge the government's response to the rallies may not be peaceful. no the opposition has criticised the shoes increasing for kerry and tactics and unfortunately that issue has not gotten enough traction among voters presidents i guess it is government has been known to do with opposition protests this quite harshly and yes one particularly brutal crackdown if you remember occurred in two thousand and seven ironically the fourth anniversary of the rose revolution the opposition sticks to its peaceful methods and it has so far so good she is going to not have a good enough excuse to crackdown and it will have to rely. on their peaceful methods in dealing with these demonstrations maybe deny media coverage to the opposition and i also believe that it is still quite assured.
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meanwhile protesters are in russia who break the law and demonstrations will now have to pay up to seven thousand euros fine or face two hundred hours of community service president putin says the new rally law is in line with european standards in france for example protesters violating the law can be fined up to forty five thousand euros in face several years in jail the law will be tested tuesday when an opposition rally called the march of millions is set to take place previous anti-government demonstrations of this sort ended with scuffles between police. and protesters. take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe gunmen have attacked a church in northeastern nigeria killing at least six and wounding several others in a separate incident a suicide bomber blew up his car outside another church along with the attacker the blast left at least four worshipers dead and injured more than forty others radical islam a second boko haram claimed responsibility for the attack that targeted christians in the religiously divided nation. a plane carrying parachutists has crashed near
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the ukrainian capital kiev killing five fifteen more suffered injuries some of them serious the aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing after running into a heavy rainstorm and high winds and investigation has been opened into the exact cause of the crash. polish police have arrested fourteen football fans after officers tried to break up fighting between irish polish supporters the incident happened just before the curry shoot vs ireland game at the euro two thousand and twelve football championships is the latest in a string of clashes that's already seen a number of teams warn over their supporters behavior. pre-trial hearings have started for the soldier accused of the u.s. biggest leak of classified data in history twenty four year old bradley manning is charged with aiding the enemy by passing materials related to the iraq war to the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks his lawyers fear the trial won't be fair as they say the government's withholding documents relevant to the defense campaigners
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act paisa vento was at the hearings. it's like watching a poorly executed circus act here i think the prosecution's verbal acrobatics really reached new heights and i think it really came to the surface for the judge that the prosecution is simply using word games to try to stall and delay this trial so there were a number of occasions where the judge basically caught the prosecution essentially misrepresenting the facts for example they may say that they were unaware of wiki leaks impact assessments for example and as it turns out in a memo that was revealed in court they actually were quite well aware of these things and so there were a number of instances where it became clear that they weren't telling the truth bradley's intentions were clearly to inform and alert the american people you know the prosecution is basically saying that his intentions don't matter they've even said in court it doesn't matter how pure is intentions were it doesn't matter that what the impacts were the government is arguing
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a very narrow point that simply by putting classified information on the internet if the enemy can also read the internet therefore you've helped the enemy and this would establish a very alarming precedent whereby essentially any soldier even if they unintentionally reveal something completely harmless they could face capital punishment so this i mean this could have a really huge impact on journalism not only for sources but on the ability of the american people to know what their elected officials are doing well stay with us still to come on r t a look at the legacy of nuclear test that's coming your way after the headlines stay with us.
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