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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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let's not forget that we had in a parked car the regime broke down the road. i think the rock the bombings readable and on the well. we never got the live shows they're going to keep you safe get ready because you get the other freedoms. but the ordinary would like a little luck and they alone and so they'll get the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. .
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture .
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all right so we have another interview for you tonight that we filmed while we were in providence rhode island for the net roots nation conference now since then attorney general eric holder is appointed to lead prosecutors to investigate the leaking of classified information at the white house has been accused but while the rage now or damage of the response have for the freedom of the press. so the moment we see a scandal a rap doing in washington d.c. over a lot of anger directed towards the white house over leaking that's going on now specifically what we're seeing is anger directed at two stories in the new york times one that we've spoken a lot about on the show talking about obama's kill list and the stock that virus but right now everybody's chimey and it's a bipartisan effort everybody from lindsey graham to carl levin and even dianne feinstein people are placed in danger and american lives are lost because of it and people just talk too much and this didn't used to be the case but suddenly it's
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like it's a spreadable disease they're painting this president right before his election is a strong leader on national security they're doing in a way that our allies will help us in the future they're putting people at risk i've got a new communication strategy for you and should what she said shut the f. up now the white house's response to all this has been kind of a hold up you should respect the office of the president and don't you dare question the white house on something like this but what do we think about the entire thing and the selective leaking what does it say about the relationship between the white house and the press and of course the obama administration's aggressive war on whistleblowers while they do simultaneously leak here discuss it with me is treason leopold investigative reporter with the truth about jason i just i'm curious to get your take on this whole thing well first of all it's a it's quite incredible i mean it's a it's an aggressive response but i had a news conference dianne feinstein that basically began before from the house intelligence committee and the senate intelligence committee holding
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a news conference basically calling for. an investigation saying that they want to stiffen the laws that would allow them to go after certain whistleblowers or i'm not sure i would categorize them as whistleblowers but to just basically go after the individuals that are leaking this information and it's it's interesting because john kerry you know weighed in on this and he weighed in in a way that is curious you know he was saying that the new york times and the various reporters probably should have reported the story and the story being you know whether it's the kill list or the stuxnet virus so. it's this response sort of sends a chill. you know out there in terms of the way the media will is covering future stories and i think it's not just for the stories that have been written but it's for investigative type stories going forward because this this administration is so secretive and it lacks transparency and it likes to call themselves we have
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this transparent machinery harner white house spokesperson question about these you know the leaks and the fact that the congress is calling for an investigation and a special counsel said look this administration has nothing to do with it and to suggest as much is ridiculous but let's remember this is jay carney saying i would like to remind everyone that where the most transparent administration in history and it's a laughable simply because of the fact that they use you know state secrets they're blocking the release of any information that would provide the public with insight into you know how our government works now one hand and i said this is a bipartisan anger that's directed towards the white house right now but at the same time and i'm wondering if you think that there is just partisanship involved in that but regardless at least someone's talking about it you have john mccain who is pointing out the hypocrisy of the white house and they even mentioned bradley
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manning by name and we did you ever think that we would see. thing like that no i think that you know people like john mccain believe that the leaks are happening it's a campaign season to make the president look at i think that it's interesting because this is one of the very few examples that we have a true bipartisanship and the bipartisanship that we have seen previously was on other counterterrorism issues such as the national defense authorization act so it all straight out to you as usually things like this but so then why why are democrats so angry why is dan feinstein so angry at the white house why would she be going after the democratic president during an election year like this it's a good question i think first of all. she feels that there is you know certainly some national security you know implications involved here and that you know it could put you know the u.s. at risk and i think that she also believes that the administration is sort of
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acting on its own i'm not sure what you know she's part of the house intelligence committee i'm not sure what information was shared with her but she made a point of. noting in some of her comments that she was misled by the reporter. of the new york times david sanger on the impact of the story that he was publishing on the stock so far as blame it on the journalist right and not all the information that you're divulging out there now if there's one thing that we've learned about justice the way that justice is done in washington is that the high ranking officials never ever have to bear any responsibility they aren't held accountable especially want to talk about the bush administration so if this investigation goes through if they went after somebody i mean who would it be would they try to sacrifice some low level staffer at the white house or does it have to be coming from someone higher up sure great question i think you know there are rumblings out there first of all that you know john brennan may be involved because he has been someone who is briefed consultants who. it's gone on to. television
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to talk about you know various classified actions that you have out of taking place i don't think that there is a low level staffer that's out there that's ok that the level of reporting that went into both stories certainly suggests that this was an individual top secret clearance very high up in the street so i believe that dianne feinstein john mccain perhaps they know who who is out there talking they want to and i think they're saying you know a mess but as i said this actually sends another message you know to those individuals who may be speaking to the media for future stories that we have these new laws in place we have these investigations will go after you what do you think should be i mean is there anything that should be considered
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a secret if you want to talk about this kill a story that came out right and it's talking about the president looking through a deck of cards and looking at some of the biography could actually chooses the guest this person should be killed is that too secret to be printed in the press absolutely not that's that's an executive power grab of unprecedented levels that's something that the public should know about the public should know that the president is acting as executioner yeah and i think it's something that. congress frankly that's what they should be having hearings about they should be having hearings about the you know the campus instead of going after the individual that it was the one if there is a tail is that actually like this in the last thing i just want to say is you know you and i have been hanging out here providence of the net roots nation conference and we're outraged about it and we've been talking about this story but i feel like no one else really is and no one else seems to care right and when you think about it you know it's hard to say i think that there's a level of outrage fatigue that still exists i don't believe that people care as
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much. about these issues as it as they did under bush. and you know at this problems i'm not sure how many people are actually paying attention to this press conference that took place on thursday with dianne feinstein that that was a really big deal but it wasn't spoken about here and it was it was relegated to the you know a corner where a few people were discussing and so will turning a blind eye is you could say the left when it comes to what the obama administration is doing i mean really all thanks so much for joining us tonight thank you. well still to come tonight one congressman continues to claim that our drone strikes abroad are a load of carrying out a policy of righteousness and goodness he said that in full time that unhappy our cia had hopes well that when they were asked to explain their declassification procedure and barnes and noble had an epic fail when they turned a classic novel in and state.
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of american power continue. things that. might be time revolution. and it's true that they were very good. in radio. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then he glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. here is what i. love and they alone are so they'll get the real headline with none
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of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster.
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ok guys it's time for tonight's top time award and tonight we are giving in to the right wing meal call in new york congressman whose all about the national security state peter king is the chair of the house homeland security committee last week and he was on a c.n.n. state of the union panel discussing drone strikes abroad and how civilians make up seventeen percent of drone related deaths however when i was to try to talk to waded into the absurd waffling between pretending of the use of drones abroad doesn't even happen at the same time praising their use because of the intelligence committee i can't officially acknowledge that we have a drone program but assuming that we do it we had friends because you're right i did say that up front but the fact is and every war there's a large amount of collateral damage of civilian casualties with this world war two which the korean war and if we were using ordinary explosives we would also have
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those type of as civilian jets. now i think it's kind of scary that peter king isn't even phased by the seventy percent civilian death rate that's a figure that candy crowley took when your report from the new america foundation and of course it doesn't seem fazed that our own government attempts to hide these figures from us as best they can and then leaves it up to other organizations to try to piece the puzzle together then he carelessly loves our drone war in with so-called conventional wars world war two the korean war which is kind of funny examine why the u.s. actually declaring war in yemen or in pakistan where we launched drone strikes then neglects to even acknowledge the many questions that drone use raises there are issues we talk about all the time on this show the legal gray area of strikes and other sovereign territories what happens when other countries start using drones are we just going to take it as normal collateral damage if a country launches drone strikes on us without a clearing war and civilians are killed and what about the obama administration's fake work around that they created to ignore due process but you see for peter all
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that is just background noise as long as we keep the crosshairs on anyone who practices islam he's happy being the islam of a chickenhawk that he is he trying to make the issue black and white we're the good guys they're the bad guys he's evil people in the world germany evil people we will we were a force of good and we usually drones to carry out the policy of righteousness and goodness. as nests you mean pushing your morals on other people is that what our drone program is doing yeah you see the thing is that king think the drone strikes are righteous just like i'm sure he thinks that as mccarthy like hearings painting extremism as an issue exclusively affecting muslims in america is also righteous and whatever have been talking about civilian deaths now it's just that we kill everyone who's evil has king forgot about the new policy of signature strikes in yemen where we don't even have to know who the targets are they just have to look suspicious and of course it's not forget the emotional and physical damage from drone strikes has proved to be a fantastic recruitment tool for groups like al qaeda because the peter king only
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sees our drone strikes for a narrow minded world view that sharks any responsibility for the idea they mean making things worse from a national security standpoint of course and not to spreading righteousness and goodness and the thing is i'm not the only one saying these things you have journalists human rights organizations the un very small number of other members of congress and government officials to also point out these obvious problems but king inspired with moralizing it through this idea of american exceptionalism when we watch a drone strike it's always good the sad thing is that peter king and our democratic president are sounding a lot alike on this issue but for promoting a system where the executive branch is the powers of a monarch without question this king with tonight's tool a tool time award. ok
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i'd time for happy hour and joining me this evening elosha senior producer jenny churchill and mike riggs associate editor at reason that asean and reason dot com on. ok. we talk a lot about the stop and frisk policy as carried out by the n.y.p.d. on this program if you look at the statistics overwhelmingly the number of the people who are stopped and frisked are usually males that are minorities and most of the time they also get like zero because there is no crime and no harm done but mayor bloomberg decided to. when you call it a defense department study has had a brain fart. this weekend take a look. there were chewed up to this church in brownsville on sunday to defend it because it was sort of a global starts to feel that it is higher but this is really the stuff that's in the street it's
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a lot. what do you say well i just love that he did right before going to a parade that was celebrating a minority group in new york like oh i'm just going to talk about how great it is for us to stop and frisk you and then come party in your parade place yeah those those stops are finding guns and he said that he's not going to stop doing them until they find no guns whatsoever which i find this absolutely mind blowing we're just going to carry through this policy until it does absolutely nothing that we expected to do but you know this is this is bloomberg sort of being like bored in old and white and rich and sort of arguing that the slaves on his plantation are really well fed you know so i mean here is protecting black people from themselves by taking away their guns when you really believe that you don't you know you're not finding god is not your standard horse if anything they might find you know somebody has a little weed on them or something like that you know it's not weapons that they're confiscating if you know the numbers and the way the way these frisk i mean police
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officers who suspect there's somebody is armed they don't approach people the way the n.y.p.d. cops approach people on the street for stop and frisk you know for their stop and frisk those guys are not going to be armed and they're not going to put up any resistance that's why they do it you know if they really felt that they were in a threatening scenario it will be a much different much more planned out then they're just walking up to casually but you know i do find it really interesting that he actually even side to that crowd in the church like there were twenty i shouldn't quote because i don't know exactly what he said but just pointing out minority does just in the beginning of june and being like i'm saving these people from themselves like this that it is it's actually kind of sick yes or smacks of paternalism and racism but white new yorkers love them so you know until they try it you are you going to you know it's right away but there are so many we're going to also we'll see how long bloomberg his reign actually lasts. let's talk about. apparently i don't even know
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a really all that much about middleborough massachusetts or know how small of a town it is but apparently public swearing is such a problem there that they want to start enforcing a longstanding actually it's rules been around for a long time but rarely enforce law where they give you twenty dollar tickets to people that are loud mouth and apparently johnny thinks that i deserve one of these two if they had been d.c. . as of this want you my way to get in the middle of my shit and then trying to tell me what i should be doing right there where i can and would want to do i don't understand what his problem is. it was actually even worse at netroots this weekend i have to say being out and about thank god doesn't have you know when we're going to hear providence doesn't have laws like. i actually heard over the crowd i don't because that. whatever you want to get we laid it out her over
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theatrical versions there a little bit i think that this police department is down they've got to be going broke right because you know the twenty dollar a pop thing that's like that's desperate times i also like the story i read about earlier today the police a police officer tried to pitch this is like we're actually decriminalizing swearing because as of right now it's like a felony or misdemeanor because of the nine hundred sixty eight law so i'm making a sizeable since they're actually doing everybody in that town a huge favor a lawsuit and they only really have a very very. clearly that local news crew asked people around the town what they thought of this fine and the people in the town actually thought it should be even higher that the fine should be one hundred most jobs thing i've ever heard in my entire life you know i think i think everybody should move if they don't like the fine they should move i mean generally i hate these sort of like small loss and stuff but like if you've got that many scolds in your town move. that it's over that was a real real crisis let it be higher income it's probably a bunch of like nasty old being full of what i call necessary city services with
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the taxes i was so security checks like screw up i honestly i did something else go well i'm going to find you twenty bucks one hundred dollars a year i don't go you know that's how i really think everyone it's just the seven words or what now we have no idea why i'm not quoting. sergeant. i honestly i'm not going to be one to do anything let's move on to the next one ok. this is what happens when you know there's a little business a rivalry and then you have some employees sloppy and lazy basically the new book reader which is the rival to the kindle reader. they took out the word kindle everywhere and then replaced it with looked so that they are actually you don't see their competitors name anywhere but it turns out that then like in books where the word kindle or you know the kindle the verb is then there is now a problem and so it turns out that if you look at war and peace there are there are
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some there i think we have a quote here there is one that says captain titian having given orders to his company sent a soldier to find a dressing station or a doctor for the cadet and sat down by bon fire the soldiers had no effect on the road. i had read though that's a really good one i did i hear it is going away so instead of going to get nookie by any chance i'd be down for that yeah this is this makes total sense right this is like you have state parks in florida now that have advertising along their trails because that's what keeps them from going i mean we are just seamlessly merging advertising and content are the toilets we feature i have absolutely no there's no a lot of the literature writers wrote a little reading and hearing the piece unabridged. there are two hundred and i read rosemary and friends lation it's great but nobody cares nobody cares but really i was and what i notice we know what happened here right it was that the person was trying they were transferring a candle version to the noack and they changed the words so i mean it's not what i
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said he was a sloppy job by the by the employee here jim because you know in the cubicle where they never play this is the kindle version and they just had all kendall words kindle replaced and not so easy so that's not really that's how they're getting their books on the note is just copying them from getting more hard. just you agree pointed out the legal and the value of. the middleman yeah stuff comparable right let's move on to our next one sally. this one doesn't have a clip either i think we need a little clip in our life to move on to dylan ratigan. big big friend of this show right well he was on he was he was on the show when he was promoting his book. what do you think. i call them old bill. all of them know we're not quite that friendly in terms. of deal. is leaving m.s.n. the theater and after his contract expires at the end of this month that's after three years of being there and so apparently what he says is it's in the context in
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this context i decide to leave cable news to collaborate and join with some of these leaders to experiment and explore new ways to tell their stories we're saying is not going to go on to more t.v. and i don't know apparently he's going to be active in some way but maybe he kind of gave us a little clue to this when he was on the show take a look. our problems are so big we can actually afford to indulge the ego of our own rage however appropriate or maybe people think they're getting screwed over in health and education with energy that you are yes. so i mean what do you think is going to do next he's going to take a vow of poverty and join david schuster right i mean that's that's my rule i do i'm really curious i can't i can't really imagine his out of a job right now to they could start like the harlem globetrotters of crappy xmas. and i don't know if i do i don't i do and i do actually you know exactly as long as i don't get out there and. you can recount was step yes time and i was so it was i
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mean i really don't want to comment too much on this because it's your job you know j.k. you know as i said i am so you're not telling me. i feel like i can't function today because i want dylan to come on this show and talk about it so dylan answer my e-mail come on the show and he can talk about it very true very true and we would love to hear from you in terms of this departure but i mean you're talking about a deal and being at her job i think that's going to be a huge loss for a mess and b. c. because he was actually a gracious well they're going to martin bashir. murmurous here who is in yours you know he's our c.n.n. and i you know i really you know he's not going to lie there and so other media news since we're on this too so now joy baby car is going to host a show on current t.v. and it's tentatively titled the joy of a harsh show and it's going to premiere in september now personally i like to be
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her in the sense of like i actually i find her entertaining i find her pretty funny but on current t.v. i just do not understand what they're doing when they just keep hiring former democratic governor and now they have joy bay hard get some young people right get their real liberals on the program because you're blowing your chance to be a real alternative network to get it supposed to be i have incredibly low expectations for everything so i'm sure joel degree i think i do i like you like joy however i don't understand what current is thinking they're supposed to be an alternative news network and they're just taking you know the cast off and recycled walls from. the networks that are going to send bring something new no one wants to come watch what they used to watch on the other network on your network nobody will hear you almost like current is where careers go to die. it is as bad. as i read to you i just think that you know they have they they can do they can do better are you guys thanks for joining me tonight that is it for tonight so thanks for tuning in and they actually come back tomorrow we spoke with minnesota
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representative keith ellison while we were at netroots this past weekend so we show you what he had to say about syria about white house leaks and voter rolls in the meantime don't forget to like the longer show on facebook falls on twitter says prior to us on you tube and watch us on hulu and next to the needs. culture is that so much i'm saying we're going to make it a lot of people over here in our bloggers the era of the greenback finally coming to an end with china and japan now trading with each other in their own currencies is the international monetary and. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we.
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we want to present. something of. the.


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