tv [untitled] June 12, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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united nations observers report a sharp rise in rebel attacks on syrian forces as. a possible pounding coersion regardless of u.n. backing. russian opposition activists gear up for another mass rally in moscow after similar then last month that the clashes in the protest trend now in the way . israel begins implementing its plan to expel more than fifty thousand african refugees that's what's seen as a racist purging policy difference in the self-styled oasis of democracy. and convenience cost your confidentiality today june the sun show on our t.v. here's what worrying evidence of firms prying into your privacy online.
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and online twenty four hours a day you're watching r t the syrian rebels increasingly coordinated attacks on government forces and the governments have a response is being closely watched by the united nations secretary-general ban ki moon personally boyce his concern as you an observer as reported intensified rebel activity. has latest now from within syria. you earn more interest have reported a heavy surge in recent weeks of rebels called a nation and attacks in response they say the syrian government has given the army too much freedom and too much free rein and the lad to dramatic increase in civilian dads one of the most stark in the recent example of this fresh wave of violence here in syria is they
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have e r to reboard mint of the rebel stronghold backed by helicopter strikes in the central province of holmes and again we've been receiving conflicting reports on exactly what happened there with opposition claiming the syrian army has been targeting and shalyn the residential areas of the town while the government has been accusing the rebels of using civilians as human during these attacks death toll yesterday alone stood at sixty three people according to opposition sources with more than a third of them army soldiers the u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon has said that he's deeply concerned over the increasing violence here in syria and has called on all countries with influence on both the rebels and syrian government to call all parties to stop while to stop atrocities to lay down arms and to pull back as he put it from the brink at the same time we're hearing claims of a completely different nature from another international organization with a surge of violence has been seized on by nato chief hinting at
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a possible intervention mr rasmussen has compiled the events in syria today with those in the balkans during the nineteen ninety's that led to bombardment of former yugoslavia the alliances chief has said that unless you and reached a unified solution nato might intervene on its own without un approval and without u.n. support we've also been hearing a lot about military intervention recently from both un and nato member britain foreign secretary william hague has said that this scenario cannot be ruled out because also stressed that this up to. side to decide whether he wants to seize the violence and all atrocities in his country and fulfill the rebels' demands at the same time we know hague has stressed that britain is aware of all kind of terrorist operating in syria that the international terrorist organization could fuel the violence and could fuel this conflict so that and the west's message is somewhat
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muddled that assad is not responsible for all violence here in his country but he is being held responsible regardless. syria's new opposition leader has also mass defections from the regime and promised support for the rebels on top of that u.s. senator john mccain says arab gulf states are supplying fighters with weapons and wants to see washington do the same first of international ations mangum and says the u.s. remain true to its idea of regime change. the united states and britain and france have made a pretty decision by a long haul are there as a way of putting pressure on iran changing the whole. order of the middle east and therefore if they can achieve that through syrian domestic horses deniable or for other arab special courses and. supplies weapons all over that ultimately i think they will not wish to accept a defeat in regime survived it would be
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a huge geopolitical so for the whole the power relations between our states and its allies in syria and iran are overwhelmingly ultimately in favor of the western states but of course to go in on the ground like him we've written in kosovo in one hundred nine against serbia is a big risk for them you know the could be casualties on our side it's not clear western public opinion is also committed to regime change other crisis of their own soldiers and so what have you know now iraq is still a very one sided international call. but of course would want to become a multi-sided conflict that were extremely dangerous and though the risk of course of an explosion in this region. for the mainstream media has been hot on the syrian regime from the outset largely ignoring reports of rebel the choices of persistently hounding asset backed by often contradictory soundbites as artie's attacks are similar explains for some it's part of a first strike affected by decades of practice. images like these.
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and words like these innocent civilians were beaten imprisoned and the violence protect civilians are often would have preceded military operations in the name of stopping brutal killings by hardened dictators and while authoritarian regimes are not devoid of responsibility for atrocities the story often ends there especially when leaders of intervening countries have to justify their wars to their people it's depressingly easy to sell a war it's almost becoming a habit sanctioning even in spite of. the lies told over iraq the same stereotypes crop up again and again and again regardless of who or what kind of regime is being attacked whether it's a secular regime or a religious one to the viewer it's about the good guy bad guy it's about saturating us over and over and over again with the same images now here's what they're good at satisfied the viewing audience without exposing your true agenda
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in one thousand nine hundred ninety agr. told the story of what iraqi soldiers did to babies in a kuwaiti hospital to think abuse and let the children to die of a cold. her testimony was widely publicized and cited by politicians in justifying their support for kuwait in the first gulf war turned out she was the daughter of the kuwaiti ambassador to the us and her testimony was part of a public relations campaign run by an american p.r. agency for the kuwaiti government sparking controversy and public anger. p.r. firms or individual spin doctors consulting for governments and politicians is certainly not new or uncommon but while there may be a need for effective communication there is also a very thin line between that and saddam hussein to build and keep weapons of mass destruction out right manipulation as many would point to the nonexistent weapons of mass destruction he used as a pretext for western powers to attack iraq in two thousand and three.
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communication is a weapon each slogan is a dumb billet advertising terms have become war terms we talk about targets we talk about strategy we talk about its impact this is terrible but it is also a weapon in the war because all wars are broadcast live and these images can influence world opinion it's already been done several times in the past to change the face of war to bring the bodies to make up you can always simulate a massacre that has not occurred because misinformation is easier to fall during a period of war. even when history is full of examples to learn from some say people's collective memories are simply too short reality is hardly ever blotted white truth with many sides to it but when the wheels of the feel warmer things start serving up almost the opposite the facts take a back seat the first a lot of they are all but one stick and even if corrections
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apologies come later the damage has already been done the plots are often the reverse of. just or so you are to me part. so the come this out ignorance is bliss' what on a base prisoners are to justice us tens of those being held he is without even being charged with any crime. you want to miss another spain's one hundred billion euro bailout crumbles as markets realize that not even that's. about on the brink. now russia's opposition is getting back into protest mode with a planned march through central moscow due to start in about an hour a similar about in may descended into violent clashes with dozens of police officers injured in criminal cases filed against those who started the trouble. greece is across the story now in the central scope for so jacob on the run is due to start soon does it look like today's turnout will meet the organizers expectations. for despite some quite miserable at times where the scene where
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everyone's spirits be dampened so we are still seeing more and more people arriving at the site now but still just about a couple of thousand maximum out the moment definitely not the fifty thousand officially sanctioned for this demonstration now when it comes to those in attendance seeing a real amalgamation because the political spectrum for those on the very far left the congress pass and also there those on the very far right the nationalist party there in attendance as well now something very similar also dubbed the march of millions was attempted back in may now just ahead of the inauguration of the timea putin as president there we sort really pulling very short of the expected turnout estimated scored some certain amounts eight thousand people in attendance on the day that was course marred by violence still clashes between protesters and police of the day so now when it comes to this protest movement the white ribbon munites
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as it's been dubbed what's really had a bit of a full rough ever since the presidential elections ever since those results were announced in terms of people willing to come out onto the streets and voice their support and how does a day speak just after the parliamentary elections allegations of electoral fraud because those organizers involved in this a happy very pivotal well police told them just yesterday a few rays will launch some monk the same about the anticorruption blow to his home was raided now police say the. did this because of their alleged involvement in organizing the may the sixth demonstrations did in fact turn violent it's going to quite interesting demonstration to watch as because it comes just after some key legislation is being passed this will raise the fines in place for anyone disobey was called civil order so that could include many things so when it comes to un sanctioned demonstrations we turned out we could face quite a hefty fine even for sanction demonstrations like this if you're to cover your
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face again you could be paying quite a substantial fine for that now the backers of this bill say it's there to keep killing public peace keep public order but there are others and there are those critics who say that really this is mainly about having some sort of financial penalty in place to keep people at home to keep them from coming out and demonstrating protests they know will be other rallies all the straightest throughout the course of the day of course that is day over russia's they will probably be much more jubilant in nature but the focus here is going to be whether or not they can get those numbers out on the streets today because this speech six months in is starting up since it started out this movement still doesn't really have a leader to rally behind they still lacks according to many analysts in terms of political. ideology to unite this movement. ok for now a crease in central moscow thank you for that update. now
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israel has arrested dozens of sudanese refugees in the first stage of its plan to deport more than fifty thousand african nationals the country stars itself as the middle east away so democracy is attracted many africans fleeing from violence in their homelands but their one way journey rarely has a happy ending point to slee reports. i thought that. the sudanese are a cancer in our body who will do everything to return them to their lands strong words from a politician in the country built by those who survived the holocaust. sudanese dissidents sudanese dissident and even stronger words inciting racial hatred against african migrants. point minister benjamin netanyahu has boasted loud that israel is the only democracy in the middle east and yet it's his own politicians who calling for verse that vehicle we need to expel the info treaty
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was from the lands of israel and we shouldn't be afraid to use that word many of the so-called infiltrators have already been expelled once fleeing poverty violence of authoritarian will some sixty thousand of them have crossed illegally into israel through the relatively poorest desert border with egypt israel is warn of an impending demographic and economic crisis in the future these are people who experienced severe a tram when their native land in therefore they saw their villages burnt down or trees who were slaves of a dictatorial regime somewhere and torture camps in sinai and then a new struggle stars for them. is really say most come seeking work rather than refuge and when it comes to growing crime figures the newcomers make convenient scapegoats but the government cannot deport the migrants as they have a group protection those from sudan and eritrea no matter what the circumstances cannot be sent back because they face possible persecution and so they stay there
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without work permits and denied the most basic rights like shelter and food i feel very scary that most for that we have this this is a really risky we feel like very secure. now and then there will be the. arts of violence towards the refugees and their already have been apartments of african workers set alight and almost daily beatings. far from dealing with the situation prime minister netanyahu has announced his intention to go ahead with building a detention center to house ten thousand africans and to enforce a controversial law that will allow is radial forty's to imprison illegal immigrants for up to three years without a trial then assume a leg they should look into the eyes of visa africans who fled violence and despair and think about what they're doing to see how they were demonized how they were called names it's terrible i am ashamed i'm ashamed as an israeli as
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a jew in recent months street violence against the africans has surged all the more insidious because it seems to be getting the nod from above policy r.t. television. the world covered at r.t. dot com including details of the us state of obscure law says it can be ok to pull a gun on a police officer. us watch what you do on the web russian tech security for one square in the midst of an international side toward the same people behind two of the most damaging campaigns to date. high tech gadgets and software are supposed to make our lives much simpler but to do it's they have to get your private data there's fear there over what the tech
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firms are doing with your personal information whether you can really keep anything secret anymore but they turn our teacher in a sandwich the cypherpunk movement they say they're fighting your corner. what might be the million people have a security clearance and they're allowed to access that private data or four point how can you call their data private or right that's the problem right is that it is not actually truly one hundred percent secret from every person on the pillow it. only secret from the people who are from the. original when we talk about internet censorship it is about centralizing the power to do it online what people remain be able to access or not and whether it's government censorship or also private on censorship there are changing the architecture of the internet from one universal network to a bulk and ization of smaller networks but what we are discussing since the
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beginning are all global issues whether we're talking of the the financial system going henri whether we're talking of corruption whether we're talking of geopolitics or energy or environment or i don't know all of these are global problems that mankind is facing today and we have one still one global tool between our hands that enables better communication better sharing of knowledge better participation in political and democratic process what i feel what i suspect is that global universal internet is the only tool we still have between our hands to saw a rebel those global issues and this is why this is a central fight that we have to fight and that we all have a responsibility here to do to fight. well to the songes heritage thirty g.m.t. and if you've missed any of the series so far you can catch all the editions and
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r.t. dot com. now one hundred a billion the eurozone is still not enough to allay the e.u. spain's that's the message being signaled by investors just days after the euro zone agreed to an enormous paid out for spanish banks initial market optimism quickly evaporated spanish journalists make ellen show rather a sense that on top of all that broken jobless spaniards are being left to fend for themselves. the spanish government has been pushing a very very strict agenda austerity cuts for months already we've seen that before in all their bailout countries when you know one hundred billion euro seem to any economy. for a few days and then investors realize that we're still in an economic crisis in an economic downturn in a case of a spain even in a recession certainly the banks have to bail out we need our banking system intact of course but people east anglia because the banks are actually at the root cause
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of this crisis in the case of a spain because of the property bubble the cheap loans and all that so people would be saying why bailout the banks bailout us we also need to be citing why they're angry. now later this hour an r.t. american economist nouriel roubini tells us why you have debt ridden states can't all be tarred with the same brush. sometimes people tend to say the eurozone problem is because of lack of fiscal discipline or fiske of reckless there's that applies to be the really only the greece yes there is the lie then there is a fifteen percent of g.d.p. . deficit and then that led to the fiscal crisis but actually in the in spain in the island was the private side of that eventually led to the problems of having to bail out the banks large of their fears of the greater the fiscal problem was out of his car probably the first place. you cannot generalize there are different types of cries within the eurozone.
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now the u.s. supreme court is refusing to hear an appeal filed by seven the guantanamo bay prison as it were being locked up for lengthy periods without even being charged that's despite the president obama's of the actual promise to close in the tourist facility for good and the worthington author of the kuantan of files believes such an approach makes a mockery of the entire u.s. justice system. for the last two years and particular the d.c. circuit court said the appeals court has been rewriting the rules of detention has been overriding that its citizens that were made by the district court judges has been saying effectively anything that the government says we should be treating as though it's true. and has been stopping any of the prisoners being released through these legal means in the last two years not a single prisoner has when they hate this court was decision it's very very politically motivated by the d.c.
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circuit court these are very right wing judges they don't want prisoners released under any circumstances what was happening in the early days was the judges were very impartially looking at the evidence and saying look you're calling upon the evidence of some of the prisoners fellow detainees we also see here that you have actually said that you don't trust the statements that were made by a lot of these prisoners we don't trust your statements that were made by people in the field they were very carefully looking at all the different sides as they're supposed to do but there's been these persistent refusal to release people regardless of how they're judged and i think that makes a mockery of the entire process if we keep having review processes under bush and now under obama saying we do not want to keep holding these people and yet we don't release them what does that say for our notions of justice it makes a mockery of it. plus more international headlines for you now students in montreal
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have said that closing the latest protest over two should be hearts and turned it over to the country's no previous party. but least thirty nine people being arrested for trying to disrupt the event few days ago demonstrators were subjected to tear gas and pepper spray as they clashed with police students have been protesting for months to money a freeze on judicial fees. not the states and south korea have held more joint military training we have a live fire exercise in. volved a multiple launch rocket systems. thanks to that. launch a long range rocket test for doing anything. heavy rains have caused flash flooding and mudslides in taiwan killing four people in the three thousand evacuees from across the island large swathes of the capital were submerged in flood waters after
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a night of downpours potential rains are expected to last until wednesday. well it's time for a look at the business news now it's over to katie was what's going on everywhere the european stocks they're now moving cautiously higher the markets are looking to stabilize choppy pride a session and i was driven by the disappointment i was the bad package of this by now it is they won't know these houses the final details that they want. still no happy you know this of exact price is still in the and it's mainly because of the bond yields as well the spanish while they are edging towards dangerous highs now investors are continuing with course and as i say and all of that as well is that the greek election is coming out of june the seventeenth now is just a week or so for that we've also got concerns that the federal was that. and the european bank will have to step in as well to really fuel growth as you can see
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this see and this as i say we do have gains but they are indeed modest istar if we look at the asian markets will be able to see how they got and say they posted. losses as you can see the nikkei is now closed over a percent in negative territory the i.m.f. as well was saying that the yen is far too strong the japanese currency and saying that it does need some intervention in order to bring it in line with the rest of the global currency is because as far as export is a concern was a strong currency. nightmare and now we've got the hang signs as well china as they did post some really optimistic export data earlier on in the week and that was fueling optimism but that has appeared to have died because of the european sovereign debt crisis continuing to rumble all. have a look at how the u.s. markets closed up yesterday the dollar jones was lower for the first session from
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my back as you can see i wanted to mention apple as well and i was just reading about this now. the stock has just seventy five to say that my goodness may now that is impressive also thirty billion apps have now been sold by apple and i'm talking to a fool because yesterday it was in the headlines over stateside and that is because they have come out with new software technologies because they want to. talk about the russian market because i want to say it's actually a holiday here in russia right now yes said today the markets are closed investors are enjoying some leisure time so right now you're looking at the closing because this stuff today they were. consolation and they were higher and that's because over the weekend we had a little optimism spain's would get a bailout and that has happened but it's not quite as restive as that we would have hoped so there was optimism on saturday all. so we had high oil prices and saw says
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well we were helping out the moscow market is going to talk about spoke area now now is did a debt and the eleven percent discount all the natural gas it buys from russia starting from april and it's worth about one hundred and twenty million dollars the offer is dish no one signing the south stream pipeline deals bring natural gas to solvent and. may find both the russian hold for the pipeline and then cover its losses from transit. all right let's see the ruble that and see how that finished on saturday game is not trading today because of the holiday and we've also got the year at all let's look at as well which is actually declining this dropped slightly off to having a job in yesterday's session the good old price is now now trading at their lowest level in a month opec meeting on june the fourteenth they're set to discuss production for the second halls of the shia as well and opec account for forty percent of the world's oil production. so we'll have that the prices they are indeed declining are
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