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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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i won't be there i will not witnessed the killing my for. oh time to bring you the latest headlines now here naughty. russian opposition activists launched another mass rally in moscow after a similar demo last month led to clashes these are live pictures from central moscow protests trend has to be on the way. united nations observers report a shot rise in rebel attacks on syrian forces as nato zone chief then set a possible armed incursion into gaza so the un backing. and israel begins implementing its plan to expel more than fifty thousand african refugees and that's
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what's seen as a racist pledging policy deepens and self-styled away sissel democracy. up next an in-depth look at the capital punishment in the u.s. and our special report. right. there a trip we were there you know really goes. with our. go to your killing as well you know what we go by. what happens give checkers shekar. harder harder for her trip but she insisted. it was the biggest.
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in the fridge mission life me to do. mom said i was following dad around like a puppy right. what are you doing where you going and he would ask me if i wanted to go to the store so i didn't notice i was doing this but he's they said. i would go to go to the store with dad just to get milk or something. i would walk up to the front door and just stand there and because i still hadn't developed our redeveloped the habit of reaching out open a door i spent the entire day my dull life walking up the doors and stopping in wait no somebody else to open the door and i didn't realize i was still do it he'd be like standing behind me like you can open the door not in that scene look and so i step out of the way and let him open the door until they call that to my attention i realize how stupid that was and are not stupid but just weird so i had
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to make a conscious effort to say ok i'm going to open the door today and be aware that i could do that i can open the door walk outside sit down walk in the grass with my bare feet and. look at the moonrise and all and in those things that that. that we all take for granted you know being able to sit down with your mother and put your arm around her and break bread with your family and. like i say that's a good example welcome bourbon aggress i didn't see grass for. twenty three years something like this when he first got out he'd walk around the driveway and. i. got to go to get. one that had a side over here next door a nation. cop cars over there who he panicked
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who were i locked all the doors so i'm going to actually let you go and he should know about i don't unlock the door he was scared that he would drive a car right in the sight of oklahoma. because he's afraid of plants. and getting you know put some drugs that say it is. time you know they were going over. and now you're driving nebraska or kansas or wherever. they want to hear i don't think i'll ever get over that in that cell for twenty years. robert king. long time death row inmate i met him when i first got there he was a good guy they made him an orderly they trusted him he. was a good guy he didn't give the inmates any trouble and even give stephanie trouble
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until the day he died until he was scheduled to be executed robert had. resolved not to let the state of oklahoma kill him so he purchased and stored enough narcotics to kill himself several times over. in defiance of. or despite the rules and procedures that are and put into place to prevent such a thing on the afternoon of robert's execution he took enough drugs to kill himself several times over when it was discovered. the agents for the state of oklahoma instead of letting that man die which was their objective that day is that he leave this earth he did it for them instead of allowing his death in this peaceful manner that he chose by drug overdose they rushed him to the hospital pumped his stomach gave him the drugs to counter act the narcotics took him back to prison and two hours later they executed him they strapped him to a table stuck
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a needle in his arm and took his life it is the most bizarre and frightening thing that happened to me when i was on death row and of all of the horrors that i had to witness for two decades it was the one thing that i can't let go of the fact that they saved a man's life at the last minute so that they could killing. south beach. back. through. blood in the me. and. when.
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james. hanging. from the mob in st he. can see. the.
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the supreme court turned him down. not sure when they. said. so. two hundred twenty second execution under rick perry or four under the currently sixty first execution in texas is about to take place. all over the state of texas and even at washington they see people like rochester best texas tech secure showed. up unannounced it was like wow i was only was. told that was so why. bring up the fusion of models our. lovely family. back on. opposite sides of.
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the noise. the nation on my. side. minus. the sex. so a lot. of that. lethal
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injection was used in one thousand nine hundred thirty eight and one nine hundred thirty nine it was started by hitler's personal physician karl brandt ten thousand defective children were eliminated with lethal injections in the reich and thirty eight and thirty nine the same mentality that they use then we use today we call it humane to make it easier on those who do the killing rather than on those who are killed zajac line be it was responsible for the deaths of millions of people in death
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chambers across poland and yet in twenty ten in the united states arizona and mississippi use zajac line be gas pellets to liquidate people in gas chambers nobody wants to be linked to the nazis we can all agree that was among the worst regimes that ever existed in humanity and it's easy to point the finger at the nazis and say how terrible they were but the historical antecedents of the american death penalty today come in large part from the nazis who is coral brand no american knows hitler's personal physician but he gave us the idiology of using a needle to kill people in the name of the law because it was easier for those who didn't who put the needle in the arm this is america. if we're going to say how great lethal injection is then let's give credit to where credit is due and give
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credit to karl brandt and the nazis for coming up with that idea well i don't see that it's categorically more violence than than forcibly dragging a person off to be locked in a cage forever. you know it's not the kind of thing that i think of when i think of the word violence i think of. far more bloody and painful punishments than than a procedure that is basically is similar to what is done for a medical procedure except that the person doesn't make up. that that is what strikes me is that is what the term violence are for us too.
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i would pretty much be able to. work that way and the saddest part is the state of texas gets their way and they execute him i won't be allowed to touch him until after he's dead. tell me what justified about that other state at least let you have a last visit with your family state of texas don't you get your last visit but it's still perplexing. we keep making jokes about
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getting real friendly with the guards me and my mother in law so we can just reach our hand through the window one time and just pop in a couple. you know. my mother in law thinks she can convince. more from a. mobile home perfect for a guest cabin. goal is to set me up in business with a cabin. along the side out here how will he want to get rid of it and do it.
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looking for. fatality have. you decided to. give me a business have some income coming in or have to worry about working.
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drawing. for hours. when you look at it you know. that's what their thoughts are. in this one. that was one of my favorite because it's just so pretty and he uses color. i wish he would concentrate more on the pretty pieces. than the anti death penalty. there's a big story about this. the first time tony made this piece the hand looked to lifeline. they literally took it away from him took down his entire sail.
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took the hand took everything he had with it. told him the hand was made for an escape attempt. that my son and he wouldn't wouldn't even think about it don't escape him beyond it just wouldn't happen. so i don't want him thinking about it ok i feel like it means concentrating. on native american stuff even the african man. my unicorn. pretty. to me that's what i want him working on but he laughs at me. everybody. tony shouldn't be there tell him he's got an excellent case to be able to get relief and be out of there to be able to literally walk free from death row
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but all these people that keep telling us i mean their words and we're not being shown anything nobody we're not one step closer now than we were fourteen years ago to actually seeing him walk out the door and because we deal with it every week when we go to visit whether we talk about it or when we put our hands up on that window and say love you take care. chances aren't really very good and now it's getting to the point where they've executed more and more of his friends most of the ones that i knew when i first started seeing him and i've met some of them met some of the same wing gotten to know most of those have been executed already probably like two or
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three left that are still alive that i knew before and he was losing what to him are you the last of this friend and he says every time there's another execution it seems like he dies a little bit more inside i don't see the justice and i can guarantee you that all of the people that say it brings closure i think they're going to be very disappointed i don't think it's going to bring any closure to anybody. i just don't.
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personally i can't understand why anybody would want to witness that. i won't be there i will not witness them killing myself. i'll be there in huntsville but i will be far away you'll know i'm there right. now. but he doesn't want me to see that either. that his dad will go home. and probably his cousin. and they'll be there to be supportive for him. so he'll know he's not alone . in the matter what they did. are do i hate that i can't be there. so yeah. i think that. he's my only son. but i would not handle that well.
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i don't think i could do. to be sitting in a room with him laying their crap down in that gurney. knowing that that's the last minute. and they're going to ask him if he's got any last words what's he supposed to say. when he's told them all he didn't do it. but they don't want to believe anything and.
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we are sitting here and we can look back on an america that used to have slavery and shake our heads in disbelief that how could this country have slavery for two hundred forty six years and think it was ok but during that time those people thought it was ok it was a norm for them the way the death penalty is a norm for us so things change in society society grows it becomes better it just does it at a very slow and frustrating pace and that's what will happen in this country with this issue we will ultimately reach a point where the average person in this country accepts the
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idea that killing people in the name of the law is not good it is not a good thing for this country to be doing but we are not at that day yet. in the end. and. the. night before he. comes. to visit.
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me. down. here. you never. lose a limb. and sometimes. do that easy.
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to. her. views. and.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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