tv [untitled] June 12, 2012 11:02am-11:32am EDT
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in moscow in may that was really hijacked by some radical groups we saw violent clashes and sometimes extreme violent clashes seeing both the police and demonstrators injured that resulted in an investigation and raids on the the houses of opposition leaders as police try to find out if they were involved in organizing any of of those violent clashes now it also resulted in changes in the law here in russia concerning people there today because in violations of the law demonstrations these include things like wearing masks to cover your face with nazi fast defines a back up to around seven thousand euro for forward to seeing an unsanctioned rally no this brings as far as the russian government concerned russia in line with the other european countries that have in some cases much stiffer penalties for breaking the law at demonstrations heavy rain in the russian capital dampen the mood indeed up by the opposition rally about an hour ago but the sun is out again
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and it's helping the celebrations of russia day in the heart of moscow thousands are enjoying the firm. from parts does that to you russia's any eurovision entry the bush kids are all here at red square now up to thirty thousand people expected here to come and enjoy the concert that's being put up here for all of them for russia day celebrations now join me to them with a little bit later when i bring you a little bit more on the live music have a bit more on the fireworks southie that. syria's been seeing spikes in violence on a daily basis u.n. observers now report not just offenses by government forces but also an increase in coordinated rebel attacks two conflicting reports about the number of victims and forces behind the violence have triggered conflicting reactions from world powers parties refreshers in syria for us spring says. un morning to us have reported a heavy surge in recent week of rebels called a nation and attacks in response they
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say the syrian government has given the army too much freedom and too much free rein and that all the lads too dramatic increase in civilian dads one of the most stark in the recent example of this fresh wave of violence here in syria is they have e r two ribbon bodman to all of the rebel stronghold backed by helicopter strikes in the central province of holmes and again we've been receiving conflicting reports on exactly what happened there with opposition claiming the syrian army has been targeting and shall in the residential areas of the town while the government has been accusing the rebels of using civilians as human shoot during these attacks death toll yesterday alone stood at sixty three people according to opposition sources with more than a third of them army soldiers the u.n. secretary general ban ki moon has said that he's deployed concerned over the increasing violence here in syria and has called on all countries with influence on both the rebels and syrian government to call on all colleges to stop while to stop
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atrocities to lay down arms and to pull back as he put it from the brink at the same time we are hearing claims of completely different nature from another international organization with a surge of violence has been seized on by nato chief hinting at a possible intervention mr rasmussen has compared the events in syria today with those in the balkans during the nine hundred ninety s. that led to nato is bombardment of former yugoslavia we've also been hearing a lot about military intervention recently from both you and nato member britain foreign secretary william hague has said that this scenario cannot be ruled out because also stressed that this up to assad to decide whether he wants to seize the violence and all atrocities in his country and fulfill the rebels' demands at the same time we know hague. has stressed that britain is aware of all kind of terrorists operating in syria saying that the international terrorist organization
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could fuel the violence and could fuel this conflict so that and the west's message is somewhat muddled that assad is not responsible for all violence here in his country but he is being held responsible regardless but every president has forces for all the violence has been branded a deliberate p.r. campaign against the syrian regime but many experts looks back at how similar tactics have used before to justify military intervention in sovereign countries. images like these. and words like these innocent civilians were beaten imprisoned and the violence protect civilians are often would have preceded military operations in the name of stopping brutal killings by hardened dictators and while authoritarian regimes are not devoid of responsibility for atrocities the story often ends there especially when leaders of intervening countries have to
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justify their wars to their people it's depressing easy to sell a war it's almost becoming a habit actually even in spite of. the lies told over iraq the same stereotypes crop up again and again and again regardless of who or what kind of regime is being attacked whether it's a secular regime or a religious one to the viewer it's about the good guy bad guy it's about saturating us over and over and over again with the same images but here's what they're good at satisfied the viewing audience without exposing your true agenda in one thousand nine hundred ninety a girl named maria told the story of what iraqi soldiers did to babies in a kuwaiti hospital to think abuse and let the children to die of a cloak. her testimony was widely publicized and cited by politicians in justifying their support for kuwait in the first gulf war turned out she was the daughter of the kuwaiti ambassador to the us and her testimony was part of
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a public relations campaign run by an american p.r. agency for the kuwaiti government sparking controversy and public anger. p.r. firms or individuals in doctor's consulting for governments and politicians is certainly not new or uncommon but while there may be a need for effective communication there's also a very thin line between that and saddam hussein to build and keep weapons of mass destruction out right manipulation as many would point to the nonexistent weapons of mass destruction he used as a pretext for one. powers to attack iraq in two thousand and three. communication is a weapon each slogan is a dumb. advertising terms have become war terms we talk about targets we talk about strikes again we talk about its impact this is terrible but it is also a weapon in the war because all wars are broadcast live and these images contemptuous world opinion with it's already been done several times in the past
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change the face of war to bring the bodies to make up you can always simulate a massacre that is not the current misinformation it is easy to fall during a period of war. even when history is full of examples to learn from some say people's collective memories are simply too short to reality is hardly ever black and white with many sides to it but when the wheels feel warm and start serving up polish that happens back take a back seat to the first lot of they are often what sticks and even if corrections apologies come later the damage that's already been done was wrong they were perfect. just so so you are to me. still ahead feel the program a hundred billion euro burden investors say the sum set aside to bail out spanish banks won't be enough to cope with the crisis as older people continue to bear the brunt of austerity and we're also reporting about the promises unfulfilled find out
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why inmates. have been denied the chance to continue their legal fight for freedom after being detained at that notorious facility without ever being charged. next wiki leaks founder julian assange has asked britain supreme court to reopen the case regarding his extradition to sweden almost two weeks after he lost his appeal there is lawyers challenge the legality of the previous ruling in what is said to be an unusual move the famous whistleblowers wanted in sweden over sex crime allegations but his supporters fears extradition will just be a step towards higher. over the u.s. recently as contacts and acquaintances experience evidence of the pursuit of. being held for questioning particularly after taking part in this program most broadcast right here on our t.v. indeed you can watch the latest edition of a sound you show throughout the day today as the us activist this time around from the cypherpunks movement about the invisible war over our future that's being fought right now online. but the fundamental things that cypherpunks really
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recognize is that the architecture actually defines the political situation so if you have a centralized architecture even if the best people in the world are in control of it no matter where we look we can see especially with financial systems that that effectively even if the people who are best of intentions it doesn't matter i mean the architecture is the truth it's true for the internet with regard to communications the so-called lawful intercept systems which are which is just a nice way of saying spying on people so you can use them. yes there are a lot of lawful murder you've heard about a lot of the other rights on american citizens by the u.s. president obama you know when he killed on laura locky sixteen year old son in yemen that lawful murder or targeted killing as they put it right so so-called lawful intercept is the same thing you just put lawful in front of everything and then all of a sudden because the state does it it's legitimate but it's in fact the architecture of the state that allows them to do that at all and is the architecture of the laws and the architecture of the technology just is the same as it's the architecture of
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financial systems and what the cypherpunks wanted to do was to create systems where we could compensate each other in a truly free way where it was not possible to interfere. and i can let you know you can watch the second part of julia's son just talk with the cypherpunks activists later this hour on t.v. if you missed the first part of it we showed last week it's of course available along with the rest of the series if you want to catch up with it again and come streaming whenever you want to see it. the rescue package for spanish banks will come with strings attached that's the message from the e.u. as the european competition commission has said the loan will be supervised and that contradicts comments from the country's prime minister that indicated that the hundred billion euros of financial aid was different from the conditional by lots of other e.u. states let's talk about this with john holzman these of political risk consultant on the line from germany hi there joe on the spanish finance minister says this rescue plan his bank says going to be big enough to eliminate all residue of debt now is a fact or fiction. as far as you all can see as my sister might put it meanwhile
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back on the planet earth i think the reality here is that they've lost control of the story and they're beginning to believe this nonsense the crisis has followed a pattern they've been frantic bailouts for greece portugal ireland and spain and what's happened is that after every bailout the amount of time it takes the markets to read the fine print realize that indeed this is nonsense it isn't all said it's smaller and smaller and smaller so we've gone from two months to two weeks to two days and in the case of spain it took literally two hours for things to turn around this is by far the and from from the story explains why they get to avoid calling this a rescue loan a bailout it seems to want to play whether any conditions are attached to it as a way of saying but i'm glad. that they help will be tied to reforms of the spanish banking sector why the misunderstanding and it really begs the question you think when trades ready for these reforms you know it isn't again they're in denial the point is that of course the germans are going to part with their money without
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conditions mrs merkel has a very tough political scene or sell and if she were said to just give the spanish one hundred million euro the people in germany would think she lost her mind so they're going to be conditions of course the troika is going to look over spanish banks of course there's going to be conditionality at the e.u. level and the spanish and what's happening is you see the politics of this getting harder and harder mrs merkel needs that conditionality the spanish government can't hope to survive if there is that conditionality and people talking their way around the truth but the bond markets and the rest of us don't buy it for a second. the a german chancellor also said that creating growth and europe campian cheap are piling up yet more debt but how does that all sit with the spanish love doesn't it mean yet more debt for the country about how you look at it you know absolutely it's a shell game to fix and not what this will do is add nine to ten points of g.d.p. to spanish debt and mediately and the problem with debt is if you don't have a way to repay it however virtuous you are after accruing that debt you're going to go bankrupt and that's indeed what's happened. there isn't growth fairy we can all
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talk about growth but the way to get to growth is about labor market regulation being loosened about making things freer cross across borders about building up productivity over time and there is no magic way out of this there is no growth area without growth as we've seen in greece two hundred billion euro in money and guess what the debt to g.d.p. ratio in greece is exactly the same as when they started the reason for this kafka novel is simple the greek certain growing so they can cut themselves off i have an indoor untold agony but without growth there's no way out what will the reaction to this bailout like for want of a pet or what a calling in countries like greece and portugal are both signed up to those. just exchange for their cash injections do you think now well the problem is if you buy the spanish prime minister mr always narrative of course everyone's going to say well why in the heck do we have twelve terms of the spanish or the z. terms and it leads to even more acrimony and the e.u. and if mrs merkel says the logical thing well the spanish have talked terms to mr
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avoid looks like either a fool or a liar and so the problem with the system is one of the two of them is wrong if not both of them but if indeed mr rove were right it would mean that every other country with a bailout would want these new terms meaning the whole thing would revel very quickly and look at the greek elections in this last week for the far left the rise of party to say you see we can get better terms that we just hang in there negotiating just absolutely untrue john i was one finds your thoughts time spent on the program and my pleasure. israel is attending dozens of african migrants in the first stage of the leadership's plan to the pulled of a four thousand people from the country itself the government initially welcomed the refugees who were trying to escape violence in their homeland but as nazis pulled asli if they faced the strife upon their return home. i thought that even though the sudanese are a cancer in our body the will do everything to return them to their alliance strong words from a politician in the country built by those who survived the holocaust thought that sudanese dissident sudanese to sit down and even stronger words inciting racial
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hatred against african migrants. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has boasted loud that israel is the only democracy in the middle east and yet it's his own politicians who calling for verse that vehicle agree need to expel the infiltrators from the lands of israel and we shouldn't be afraid to use that word many of the so-called infiltrators have already been expelled once fleeing poverty violence of authoritarian rule some sixty thousand of them have crossed illegally into israel through the relatively poorest dysart border with egypt israel is warn of an impending demographic and economic crisis. these are people who experienced severe trauma in their native land in therefore they saw their villages burned down eritrea's who were slaves of a dictatorial regime somewhere in torture camps in sinai and then
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a new struggle stars for their own. is really say most come seeking work rather than refuge and when it comes to growing crime figures the newcomers make convenient scapegoats but the government cannot deport the migrants there's a heavy group protection those from sudan and eritrea no matter what the circumstances cannot be simply because they face possible persecution and so they stay there without work permits and denied the most basic rights like shelter and food i feel very scary that most for that we have this this is a really really scary we feel like very secure. now and then there will be the. arts of violence towards that if it is and there already have been apartments of african workers set alight and almost daily beatings. far from dealing with the situation prime minister netanyahu has announced his intention to go ahead with building a detention center to house ten thousand africans and to enforce
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a controversial law that will allow its wheedle fight he's team prison illegal immigrants for up to three years without a trial then i see no leg that they should look into the eyes of these africans who fled violence and despair and think about what they're doing to see how they're demonized how they're called names is terrible i am ashamed i am ashamed as an israeli as a jew in recent months street violence against the africans has surged all the more insidious because it seems to be getting the nod from above policy r.t. tentative. the us supreme court refused to hear appeals far by seven go and tell them obey inmates challenging the legality of the detention or ever being charged it continues to president barack obama's failed election promise to permanently shut down the prison or through the ground telling our files and the worthington believes the judges mentality is exposing with the flaws in the country's justice system. for the last two years particular three d.c.
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circuit court so the appeals court has been rewriting the rules of detention has been overriding that exceptions that were made by the district court judges has been saying exactly anything that the government says we should be treating as though it's true. and has been stopping any of the prisoners being released through these legal means in the last two years not a single prisoner has when they hate this court was decision it's very very politically motivated by the d.c. circuit courts it's a very right wing judges they don't want prisoners released under any circumstances but those beliefs are persistent refusals to release people regardless of their judges and i think that makes a mockery of the entire process if we keep having review processes under bush and now under obama saying we do not want to keep holding these people and yet we don't release them what does that say for our notions of justice it makes
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a mockery of it. lot more live here on our website r.t. dog com some stories right now you might be interested to see a perilous place for babies you're certainly going to want to read this one if you're not too squeamish followed by this annual ritual in spanish town aimed at banishing evil spirits from newborns most frightened to death it's authority dot com also we're revealing cyber war entering a new era with the two latest supposed dangerous virus attacks but all the news lately orchestrated maybe by the same group at least that's according to a leading russian internet security lab spur ski want to check out what they've got to say about it it's on line from a. busy day on central moscow today let's go back to the heart of it should we were
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mass celebrations over russia today are in full swing by mazzei is there for us however i gather that those are eurovision button offs bush has a got their prostate cakes in the oven will they take them out there performing later on they what else is going on down there. you know we were all staying at the . money should be at home sitting and resting after that big moment that they gave every year a visit but they are loud here they say no we want to celebrate with the youth we're out here dreads where we want to enjoy have fine and you know celebrate with their music and that famous song of their the car that everybody is certainly going to be done thing that night now as you can see the flags already flying they've been flying all afternoon and it looks like it the rain has been dampened to a nice you are one hundred eighty six are around thirty thousand people have just been arriving right now as we standing yeah coming back to the concert if you are put out there a great way out with the music stars out from around to russia parts including the because of course so it's
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a really really into de mint center for families that they. young to all come out and enjoy themselves now the reason why this is actually taking place is because today will come moderate take a russian national day now back in one thousand nine hundred when this told you the soviet union actually fell down and russian federation became a very big nation they actually declared at this day ninety ninety four you know four years later that this is going to be a national holiday they're going to celebrate and if they didn't we hear today we're doing exactly that now late so cool to be going to have a while more than live music will be bringing some spectacular thing to this wonderful concept with bio words which i'm looking forward to especially now that the cloud that so we'll bring you more for you in the next couple of the next couple of hours in terms of what's happening with the concept but rather people are coming in and there's excitement in the everybody feeling this time of vibe as well as that you know taken this day to come out to add the russian or i could stuff to
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the java culture with again later on thanks for explaining what's going on in central moscow to across all the latest news online at our say dot com we got news features great pictures there on our website as to business now the after twenty four minutes past seven o'clock in the evening to be true because the dimitri it seems the u.s. and european markets are rather saying today what's going on and well the u.s. are hopeful for more stimulus measures from the central bank from the federal reserve basically while in europe the fears are about spanish bond yields going up to the euro area high well look at that in a second first of all let's take a look at what's going on in the u.s. markets ended the the dow jones is coming up to almost a one percent growth three quarters same thing for the nasdaq as investors are hopeful that basically there will be more stimulus measures for the quarter we not only in the u.s. but also in the view where right now of course the mood is much chillier frankfurt is even falling seqlock of b.
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of figures on the european markets frankfurt is. descended into the rare there were the decks going down point three percent as angle of merkel has once again dismissed the idea of joining in the euro area debt bonds basically saying that this is not a good idea and she's been saying that the crisis in spain is a result of a ten year property bubble which the authorities in europe failed to to address correctly and that the spanish bailout that's been sort of suggested over the weekend has not also been taking into consideration all the aspects of the problem. also cyprus may be the next country poised for an international bailout now on monday as finance minister hinted that the cash strapped country may apply for financial aid before the end of this month that's in case the economy finds it difficult to support banks which are highly exposed to greece. in asia the
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situation was quite different on tuesday with the nikkei dropping almost well actually more than one percent as the international monetary fund said that monetary easing was necessary as the yen that was overvalued over here in russia was no trading neither today nor on monday but there will be on wednesday this these are the closing the figures for saturday was a six day week last week and it was one of the best because of probably the sixth day and one of the best a trading week in russia so far this year with a big weekly gain but we have to remember that we've seen many consecutive more than five weeks of losses there will be trading tomorrow of course for russia bulgaria will get an eleven percent discount on natural gas that is buying from russia starting april worth around one hundred twenty million dollars the offer is conditional on signing the south stream pipeline deal to bring natural gas to southern and central europe gas from
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a finance both russian and bulgarian parts of the pipeline and then come. it's losses from transit payments over in the commodities markets we're seeing a mixed picture with light sweet adding a bit brant is going down by around half a dollar per barrel as the saudi arabian oil minister says that group efforts may we taken to increase production and on the currencies markets we're seeing a bit of a yo yo with the euro but it's flirting around the one point two five level it's now a bit a tad down against the greenback the russian ruble will start trading tomorrow on the my six that's the way it looks all right more for you later thanks for that dmitri just a few minutes tonight the latest julia sun show on air for you today about whether or not it's possible to keep anything secret in the world of modern day communications that one coming up after i've updated the headlines in two minutes from now.
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this is the r t news channel and these are our top stories this hour after noon crowds of opposition activists have rallied in central moscow with agendas ranging from the far left to national extremists ballance intensifies also across syria with un observers pointing out a spike in coordinated rebel attacks which government troops have to repel clashes leading to foreign powers increasingly hinting that intervention. and no room for refugees after promising to provide sanctuary israel begins arresting african migrants who fled violence in their homeland the plan is to deport over four thousand. just ahead julia sons meets the cypherpunks movement activist to look at whether a previous see your privacy is just a thing of the past. i'm
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truly innocent. it's true where we expose the secret these documents belong the united states government being attacked by the united states strongly condemn. people illegally shoot. without. a day. that can change the world tomorrow. a furious war of the future of our societies is on the way most of the.
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