tv [untitled] June 13, 2012 9:02am-9:32am EDT
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political weight inside the security council where the u.s. and its western allies are pushing for sanctions against the assad government now this is a campaign ongoing for months now the u.s. pretty much leaving it trying to get russia and china to agree on international sanctions against president syrian president bashar al assad until this point russia and china have opposed any type of international pressure in the in the form of sanctions instead referring to kofi annan six point peace plan and fully supporting that so of course these statements coming from a top u.n. official declaring a civil war in syria can be a game changer within the security council in the days ahead you have to remember that ninety day mission three hundred unarmed observers in syria was adopted under the idea that there would be
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a ceasefire in syria if there is no ceasefire what is there left for you and observers to be monitoring next month this ninety day mandate for this syrian mission the u.n. syrian mission expires and council members may not be willing to renew this mandate if they feel that the u.n. observers will be in danger if they are in syria which has now been deemed a civil war. well the crisis has reached a new level political and still going to show he believes. the only hope. i think the situation has reached very dangerous proportions and there are civilians that are being killed and today we had some. there were some pictures of harder but in massacres were children have been targeted and innocent civilians and i think however it's not too late to i mean i am afraid that perhaps the statement
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given by the united nations may may be a. desperate call yet yes but it's not the end of the road there is still a chance to actually have a cease fire to have the plan that has been laid out in the past by kofi annan implemented to have a ceasefire and go for the political dialogue there is no military solution they cannot be a military solution and in fact what the western powers are calling for. military interference is is in an insane initiative it would not lead to any progress in this situation it would only make the situation worse. and russia's initiative about holding a special conference on the situation in syria is getting support from another un security council member china as we reveal later this but the stumbling block the prevents western postmen bracing idea the inclusion of iran in the talks remains we got more analysis on that in just a bit. wiki leaks founder julian assange is awaiting
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a decision from britain supreme court over his request to reopen his extradition case that comes to weeks out he lost a previous appeal against being handed over to authorities in sweden where he's wanted for questioning about sex crime allegations such as lawyers claim the european arrest warrant was invalid because it was issued by a prosecutor and not a judge or a court as required by u.k. law now if motions rejected a son who denies any wrongdoing can still take his case to the european court of human rights supporters many of whom are at the moment rallying near the court building believe that sweden might not be his final destination though and it's just a step toward sending him to the u.s. for prosecution on charges of espionage. meantime during the sciences just one of the targets of a possible clampdown on whistleblowers which is gaining momentum right now the british parliament is currently considering a bill which if adopted might deter people from coming forward and revealing serious rule breaking and corporate wrongdoing r.t. sarah firth reports the possible downsides for those who want to speak. the war on
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whistle blowing it's a war of attrition a good one to some who has nothing against people that have a lot of wells and a lot of power behind them the battle against. this video named collateral murder is just one of many wiki leaks revelations exposing real crimes revolutionizing whistleblowing and tearing down the divides between governments and ordinary people and the government furious exposing wrongdoing can preview risky business as wendy addison found out back in two thousand whilst working as a treasurer of the south african company leisure net she discovered the c.e.o.'s were stealing money from shareholders and sending it to offshore accounts and she blew the whistle it was a decade point of my whole life fell apart. lost my career it was literally when i
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started getting their streets anonymously there were occasions where i was almost inclined to consider accepting society completely. and this is a very common thing for. talking about suicide despite risking everything wendy was in poor old in a lengthy legal wrangling and it would be more than a decade before those who committed the crime went to jail modern we're still playing techniques have been giving people more power to take on big corporations and even governments now the proposed changes to the law potentially threatening the protections also at a time when the culture surrounding whistleblowing be making big leaps forward the law could be set to take a big step back the problems being caused by this the enterprise and regulatory reform bill which is currently making its way through parliament and one small discrete line buried away in the text referring to a public interest test we were really worried that putting in
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a. interest test into legislation will have a chilling effect on the ability of workers to speak up and member of the international whistleblowing research network and an employment lawyer david lewis tells us the proposed test has dropped a bomb on whistle blame provisions the great virtue of the existing provisions is there's no public interest it was a very simple test as long as you had enormous motu if you could be sure and it was you would be protected now individuals will those claiming to use the provisions will have to satisfy public interest to us will make it very difficult for people to advise them the government archy's that the changes are aimed at closing a loophole this meant that employees with personal grievances a for employment contract have been able to use the whistle blame provisions but the some this will be seen as just the latest measure making it harder out the truth. of course is this trend. is one. whistle blowing blowing the
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whistle have to differing degrees had their lives changed their reputations threatened or ruined their freedoms removed but in the process they've revealed secrets that the rich and the powerful never wanted us to know who has been told i was doing the wrong thing. and yet it felt so right for me and i knew that i was doing the right thing their battle highlights the importance of protecting whistleblowers and the public's right to know something they all say was well worth fighting for so r.t. london well for now some whistle blowers are still speaking at a junior science is doing so on this very channel in the late edition of his interview program he takes on those plundering online privacy using the internet for spying even like to watch it didn't catch it on tuesday as was all the previous episodes as well from the series a special edition on our website streaming it whenever you fancy it's our. dot com
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. destocking it's. been in the united states strongly condemn. illegally shoot. with. the can change the world tomorrow. poland's press politicians and officials have condemned the behavior of hooligans in warsaw who attacked russian fans before the two countries euro two thousand and twelve showed fathers continued to after the match with poland's ambassador to russia say polish elegans are to blame for the turmoil that resulted in multiple injuries our eastern europe correspondent. reports. one hundred fifty poles have been arrested for attacking
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the crowd of russian fans and twenty russians were also attacking for providing violent response to the polish attack anyway were understand that those twenty odd russians who have been arrested who've been detained in poland will be deported from the country according to the interior ministry and it a future they will have problems of training shan't get a visa because of all these because of participation in this in this in those riots in warsaw now certainly the relations between warsaw and moscow have been very strained have been difficult for many centuries now but for now when the stand that they have basically normalized and the events which happened in warsaw last night is something of a blast from the past certainly there are political forces in poland who are interested in inciting this hatred towards russia but certainly this is a minority of the polish population for now in fact we understand that many poles have been expressing their apologies to russia on the internet on the internet into on twitter and different forums and web sites for what they described to be
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brainless and mindless a bunch of supporters who attacked the russian crowd it's also understood that the media some of the media in poland have been have been doing everything they can to raise the hype of this game equating this game with the battle of the river in one thousand twenty when the polish forces of outnumbered by the soviet troops actually managed to be victorious over the bolshevik soldiers and. some of the polish media including the super express newspaper said that. could not go without poland and you have to remember nine hundred twenty and you have to do everything even die if you need to to win over russia so all this hype certainly added more fuel to the fire. because there's more force than was sold told to glenn ford former member of the european parliament and member of the league on the line from brussels. we just heard and if you heard it as well our
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correspondent said that anti russian sentiment to the polish media could have played a role in stoking up the tension in the country fair point. yeah absolutely i mean clearly you've got football hooligans on both sides and you've got near nazi groups on both sides the difference seems to be that their political element seen in poland and parts of the media seem to be whipping up these this is hatred this sent a phobia towards russia and towards russian supporters of course the million dollar question what can you do about it. well i in the short term are not sure we can do very much apart for next time around when we're allocating the. location of the euro should look very carefully at the political situation because you've got similar problems in ukraine with extreme nationalist neo nazi groups as well and it's led to a situation where from my viewing from afar of the marches many of the stadia.
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i mean how likely is it to progress is there that we're going to see further clashes there in ukraine. well i hope not. but i mean having seen some of the footage that was shown on panorama in the united kingdom of extreme right wing new nazi groups doing nazi salutes wearing nazi symbols and the rest it's obviously a difficult territory for us to know mark minority because our plan found in general we've got a clip we're talking about there was a fifteen second clip which is going to show our viewers know they came from the b.b.c. panorama program listening to that minute. in eleven days time because disability takes on. just how safe some plans be. set it up very well today i mean is that an accurate reflection of the problems there or was a case of it makes good t.v.
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viewing in the some kind as well i think is probably in between the two frankly i mean clearly our problems there and those of us who are looking at the growth of the extreme right across the european union in neighboring countries are well aware of the situation in ukraine and for that matter in in poland. i think to be fair it's slightly that because of the policing there will be comparatively few problems in the stadia and in the immediate vicinity of the stadia the problem is going to be a bit further away where or you may well get clashes and you may well get racially motivated attacks in this particular case because it was so highly charged a lot of people neither was going to be trouble yesterday that was the word on the street anyway i mean how much responsibility can the media take for that well i mean i don't i don't read polish but i've read some of the reports singing this press about the polish media and it seems to me that there are elements of the polish media that bear some responsibility for the events of last night i'm not
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suggesting that. these hooligans spend their time studying the editorials of the newspapers but it clearly creates a climate where in a sense there is seem to be some degree of justification for the xenophobia cowpie to towards the the russian russia and the russian supporters your prognosis for the rest of the tournament smoothly here on em. well i'm hoping that it's going to be comparatively quiet as i said i recently confident the stadia will be well policed i think the problem is going to be if you want outside the stadium and maybe in some of the cities where the matches are going to be taking place after the events particularly when people are disappointed about losing or going out of euro two thousand and twelve you know the crunch time of course postman a few beers are involved all right well thanks ever so much for being on the line live for their former member of the european parliament a member of the anti nothing league. on a happier note we're also bringing you all the latest from euro twenty twelve as well online the better parts of it including hundreds of comments from football
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fans in poland who are discussing the clashes between rival fans enjoy the debate about that and we've also got outlined all the russian players as well if one of playing yourself on a bit more also online completely different if you fancy facing up to internet tall mentors and dragging them whole britain gives you the opportunity now with a new law being introduced against what's called trolling is being adopted again if that story interests you take a look online with us. but not one of our top stories is start a new world power struggling to find a solution to the syrian violence china's embrace moscow's proposal to hold an international conference that would also involve iran the russian foreign minister is now in tehran to discuss that very issue the us though as well as its western allies as expressed strong reservations over iran's participation
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a secretary of iran's supreme national council spoke to r.t. and said it's time to reject stereotypes that only a few powers can decide on the whole world's future. the world is changing people are no longer willing to accept a reality where a few select powers can dictate the course of the world that the balance of power is shifting into the hands of the people the fact that some nation seek to retain power through military means that is being rejected by the world once a new border a new model where all nations and peoples would respect each other and that is what we've always stood for democracy never comes from violence with the help of violence from military means or occupation and those that claim to use violence to further democracy in the end they always admit that they had ulterior motives and that. meantime washington continues to push for further sanctions against iran and next we talk to a middle east expert who says the ever toughening pressure on iran is driven by
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israeli threats to strike its nuclear facilities is a bit of what's to come for you. i think that put the israeli leadership is doing is just to. capitalize on kind of a men too with the sanctions first of all in the mind of many israelis the implementation of sanctions is kind of a byproduct of israeli pressure because israel actually threatened to militarily take it this was all forced the european union and the americans especially americans to come up with a march war let us the strict policy with regard to iran in order to appease israel this is how israel takes think. world news headlines in brief a series of bombings has rocked of rockets killed at least fifty three and injured dozens of others four explosions targeted shia pilgrims in the capital baghdad as
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they marked a religious anniversary and then other blasts shook the other mainly shia cities to al qaeda affiliate affiliated islamist militants often attempt to stoke sectarian tensions by attacking shia pilgrims. as the chin is in president ben ali has been sentenced in absentia to twenty years jailed by a military court in the country he'd be found guilty of murder looting and inciting disorder ben ali and his wife fled to saudi arabia after mass protests last year ended his twenty three year rule so the authorities are yet to respond to to his use extradition request is overthrow helped inspire the arab spring uprisings. south sudan's parliament has accused seventy five top officials of corruption with at least four billion dollars stolen president calvin silva kier wrote a letter to current and former government employees asking them to return the funds . sixty million dollars is already been recovered so sudan declared independence almost a year ago with a country suffering from massive corruption and poverty. war medals a symbol of
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a soldier's sacrifice to his country the usually veterans wear proudly yet in the united states some of throwing them back in washington's face these days as our. explains next former troops are joining an american public that fed up with this nation's continual state of war. true patriots they followed the order to fight their country's battles scott olsen survived two tours in iraq only to be critically injured upon returning home by police clashing with occupy oakland protesters also had joined the military to do good work to help other people to be part of something bigger than ourselves. but instead he and many others discovered an ugly truth about the military escapades they were involved damn. reman gave four years to the u.s. army and spent five years in kuwait as a contractor his experiences changed his perception of the u.s.
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there are gray in the violence in the piece and there are people from their culture from their communities and killing people in drone attacks. this group a veteran says the system they were part of is one that throws away billions of dollars and less wars pinches every extra penny when it comes to those fighting them when veterans come home one in three of them will be homeless veteran suicides every single day every thirty six hours an active duty soldier kills himself. u.s. veterans are increasingly taking to the streets to challenge what they believe to be false pretense wars agree with there's a legal occupation that's been held in afghanistan pakistan iraq and other foreign countries because this war base of terrorism is a big it's a war for other motives for money and political power. agenda's boyle in chicago dozens of veterans marched the streets. and dumped their war medals.
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by simply throwing them out in rejection of what those medals signify this is where we are disobedient. and really get it anyway basically this is to them. in the military and the words were not when they were told they would be. in these protests the veterans were joined by thousands of other americans also outraged with u.s. wars the american people are angry they're frustrated and they don't know which way to turn anymore with presidential elections around the corner these veterans see real change can only come from the bottom up i didn't expect any changes in two thousand and eight when obama got elected and i surely don't expect any changes now those ones taking commands to fight on foreign soil now taking command of the battle for peace at home. r.t. chicago illinois. speaking this is not exactly twenty four minutes past five
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o'clock moscow time to be treated changed on the markets what proves well basically retail sales in the united states have come in worse than expect the down in may by point two percent because of less expenses on gasoline basically so this is really take a look at what's going on here in russia now the markets barely make it into positive territory with my six and they are just one notch now on the way movers on the mice. burbank is still in the lead it's up one point four percent much better than the market is up almost one percent the retail chain has a reported revenues up around one third in the previous quarter and gas problem is still down quarter of a percent in line with oil prices declining a look at that in just a second in. europe for the mood has gone from bad to worse we'll look at in a second first of all the russian ruble is still strengthening against both
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currencies of the euro and the dollar but its positions have become a bit weak whereas the euro is coming back to yesterday's levels against the dollar a bit a bit stronger right now than the greenback. as aus i was mentioning the mood from bad to worse on the european markets with the footsie declining point four percent and dax point eight percent on the back of those bad retail data coming out in the united states will see the opening of the u.s. markets in in around five minutes time the futures are pointing to a negative opening right now. and on the commodities markets seeing light sweet decline almost the dollar now this is ahead of a crucial opec meeting on thursday when nations like venezuela and iran on one hand will be pressuring for a cut in production in order to support oil prices well other nations like saudi arabia's oil minister for example has already said that they're looking at potential collective efforts to increase production. the world bank has warned the
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developing nations should brace themselves for weak growth and tougher times the bank's latest forecast says the developing economies will grow five point three percent this year which is almost a one percentage point less than in two thousand level. policymakers to take measures to ensure that they can sustain growth amid escalation of the crisis in the euro zone at the same time the bank has put russia on the frontline of crisis fighters or doesn't prove the outlook for the country's economy expecting g.d.p. to increase by almost four percent this year the world bank expects the growth to be mostly supported by strong growth production. that stricken cyprus is calling for another bit of help from russia the island's media says the country has requested a five billion euro credit to support its financial system which accounts for around a quarter of its g.d.p. . this comes after moody's cut the ratings of top cypriot banks that mainly depend on the the troubled greek economy good last year russia already provided the
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republic with two and a half billion euros of a load which many analysts say is not likely to be paid back. and speaking of greece major gas company in the country depor is having trouble paying its bills the company is important eighty percent of its gas from russia and it needs a hundred twenty million euros to cover this month's supply meanwhile greece's state the other christie utility p p c shuts down gas power stations and boost production units fueled by locally. so next i'll be back kevin with of course the opening figures for the u.s. markets which are crucial now of course ok to be looking forward to that with some trepidation. you're just a couple minutes away from the latest news headlines here on international from moscow.
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the top stories from. number two voices his backing for syrian rebels over the fight against the government in a new video released a week after washington claimed killed. please the nation of. russia. it led to bloody clashes and the arrest of around one hundred fifty locals . britain supreme court decision on whether it will reopen extradition case the u.k. bill that could prevent potential whistle blows from speaking out. next special report lined up for you about one of the cheapest ways of travelling yes we're talking.
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you months ago i was in here with my host to watch your money and knowing that's the i was a boy we'd like to be alone so i. temporized a husband and i tried else son called me. a few times and when i left self-sown said oh don't want. to be ok when we come back he would come back. why i need to moan because actually it was my plan from the beginning. i told him i didn't like i want to respond. i don't want to change my plans. i mean this is the year before the most interesting the most amazing getting so all the. police to your date. you're welcome to my place i always dreamed about first.
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