tv [untitled] June 13, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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a mess. al qaida is number two voices is backing for syrian rebels over their fight against the government but a new video that's been released just a week of the washington plane did being killed. this growing condemnation of polish hooligans after the attack russian football fans during euro twenty twelve in warsaw it led to bloody clashes and the arrests of around one hundred fifty locals. and while julian assange awaits britain supreme court decision on whether it will reopen his extradition case the u.k. involves a new bill that could prevent potential whistleblowers from speaking out. troops supplies in the u.s. oppose the broad decline oil prices turn up and the russian markets managed to end the day on the very positive note more on that the twenty minute.
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hello there live from moscow this is r.t. it's kevin zero in here with you this hour at seven pm moscow time a militant web site has released a video message from al qaeda as deputy leader calling on islam is outside syria to join the rebels they're fighting against president a sad. though the u.s. have claimed. liberty had been killed in a drone attack in pakistan calling it a major blow to the terrorist group it's not clear when this newly published video was made however meantime the fighting in syria has reached new levels as government forces seek to blunt a nationwide offensive by the armed opposition who had withdrawn from the internationally backed cease fire let's talk about these latest developments as we thought from robert nigh mini's from the u.s. base just foreign policy organization he's covered the middle east extensively hi
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there robert now this call from the al qaeda number two what you make of it irrespective of when it was made as i was talking about then could it be regarded as evidence that terrorists are looking to expand further into syria. well this is morning standing we already know that the him even according to the u.s. . they're concerned for example. like groups in iraq have moved to syria and are you know likely believed by the u.s. to be behind some of the spectacular bombings and terrorist attacks in syria and there is evidence that trying to have gone from libya to syria how widespread is this infiltration. well it's hard to know you know the we don't have . there aren't a lot of foreign journalists servers in syria so
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a lot of the boards that come out of syria are either the government or people close to the government or the armed opposition close to the armed opposition and these are. these are forces that have incentive to spin developments according to their liking but the you know one thing you can sort of touch is that there is this debate going on in the united states about how the u.s. should be a law and significant concern in washington about some of the groups that are involved in the armed opposition and there are links to al qaeda or javascript so if you will its allies across that it supports the opposition well obviously there is a tension here on the one hand you have the the u.s. saying that they are concerned about groups in the armed opposition and their links to. jihad is on the other hand you have u.s.
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providing so-called non-lethal aid to the armed opposition and be sickly giving apparently a green light to other countries to arm the opposition so yes there is a contradiction in policy are they likely to use serious civil war to gain a foothold in that country in that war torn country where there's already so much disruption to maybe launch attacks on western countries. i think piers there is a significant concern in washington about. gaining a greater foothold in syria as a base of operations thanks i think you know again the contradiction in. you know why is the us pursuing in collaborating on policies that seemed to be increasing the likelihood of this were soft the it seems like if you're really concerned about this then rather than undermining. temps of
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a diplomatic solution rather than escalating won't carry force there would be more serious sport to plumes for example and said let's have a contact group let's include everyone let's include iran and us britain france shot down this point which is you know exactly the opposite of what you would do if you're looking for a diplomatic solution a liver diplomatic solution you want everybody at the table that has influence with all the parties and that means trying to have iran of table because they have some significant influence with the syrian government robert tulloch really taught me a lot of gas lined up they saw doing it one last thought on the the u.s. and the e.u. and said matter of powers of pushing for president assad to step that is that the golden palace here to solve this problem would just get worse i don't think it's apparent i think the the the focus ought to be. diplomatic and political
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solution that pushes the parties the main parties to people supporting the government and supporting the opposition to the table for a real political dialogue the same time and pressure both sides to reduce the violence that thanks ever so much for sort of been there for the u.s. space just foreign policy organization on the international. staying with syria now russia is denying allegations made by the united states that moscow supplying the assad regime with combat helicopters russia's foreign minister said moscow is fulfilling its obligations on earlier contracts which involve only air defense systems they cannot be used he said for offensive purposes and do not breach any international agreements foreign minister sergei lavrov made that statement during his visit to tehran he also commented on how syrian rebels regularly attack military bases as well as a ministry to buildings hospitals and schools lavrov admitted the kofi annan peace plan is not currently working but said it was
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a mistake to put all the blame for that on the syrian government. to go to everyone should stop the violence in syria report of the international community understands kofi announced plan only as a demand for russia to make the syrian leadership stop fighting then i declare that this is a provocation. by the side of this now or during his visit to iran russia's foreign minister also waves to discuss the iranian issue now the big news story including the upcoming nuclear talks here in moscow let's talk about the prospects for those with middle east expert allie risky is joining us on the line from beirut today ali hello thanks for being with us let's talk nuclear know that these upcoming nuclear talks in moscow were for some time in jeopardy one day there were there was even speculation they could be delayed what are your predictions about what they will bring when they happen. actually are not sure they will bring a lot the simple fact being that as the us elections approach president obama appears to be conceding and hating more and more to the a pro israeli tone all the
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pro israeli approach we know that the israeli president shimon peres is currently now in washington he has met with the defense secretary panetta in addition to hillary clinton and i think he made it very clear he spoke about for example the ayatollah is into iran and their aspirations to achieve some kind of head germany so i think from now the israeli pressure on obama is quite clear and if we look in the past all burma has being quite weak when it comes to confronting these israeli lobby and to confronting the government of not on yahoo in general for the surfer these reasons i don't think you can expect quite a lot from from the moscow talks i think that is world will continue to force its a habits have its way and to force washington not to make any kind of headway with iran what. israel does fear that there might be some prospects of a solution between the obama administration and to her and so it's doing all it's
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all it can and so i think because of this as i said we cannot expect much and obama . from now or at least from up with seen until now has gained the reputation of giving in and not being very strong when it comes to confronting confronting these really pressures so now in election year and especially when obama is trying to get the support of the conservative jewish votes we know obama met with all top of the jewish representatives in washington for example and said that washington has him but has been more attentive to israelis that it has been to palestinians so if you take all of this into one package and i don't expect anything significant will happen from now at least until the elections take place early there's an opinion that you just talked about israel their length is an opinion of these ongoing talks and the only thing is keeping israel from attacking iran's nuclear facilities do you buy that you think it's going to hold out there for. well i think that
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the sanctions yes i think that the sanctions which the american administration has imposed to some extent that has been a factor in preventing the israelis from actually going ahead and launching a strike it is always possible we have to say it's always possible that israel especially this current government might go ahead and launch a strike and this is something related to netanyahu and his. the way he views the make his own personal mission the so yes that has i have to say that is a factor the american deal with sanctions they are a factor which are preventing israel for bush in a strike and it's for this reason i think that the u.s. and that the obama administration keeps on reassuring for example that it has iran in tact it is tackling this situation it has made this statement time and again and that actually reveals genuine fears on the part of the obama astray should that israel might actually go ahead and attack iran unilaterally early while we go on the line away from the nuclear thing all the words all of the melting pot i mean
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during his russian during his recent visit russia's foreign minister once again stressed that iran's presence at a possible international conference on syria is absolutely crucial for settling the crisis there yet western powers aren't buying into that they are unwilling to involve the islamic republic is it a wise move really as you say it. no it's not wise and here again we come to the same issue you know his role in these little israeli lobby intellect election year of course it's very unlikely that america would actually agree to engage iran because when you have iran involved in such a conference about syria you're recognizing iran as a very important influential country where it has been received this status iran but america the world recognize this especially at this time where we have elections coming up as i said of course obama could have chosen another path because the americans the american public in general the longer views israel is as it used to however obama has chosen the old path of taking on the pro israeli voice
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and trying to compete with the republicans over the over who is more pro israeli and who is more probably called so if you look at the scenario it's not surprising to me that america is refusing this and as long as the competition between obama and romney remains very close which is because of the economic situation about one have the courage and what have the boldness to take this step and to challenge his or on any of what the way whatsoever let alone agree to iran being involved in the syrian issue the syrian situation or early things here thoughts is what we could serve at this particular time for now at the risk of middle east expert there live from beirut thank you thank you. and there's another twist in the iranian issue too as we explore later this hour with a new embargo against iran's old trade ready to take effect we look at what's behind washington decision to allow india and six other nations to sit out the sanctions we explore that. but next top polish officials have condemned the
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behavior of hooligans in warsaw who were tight russian fans before the two countries euro two thousand and twelve showed last night violence continued after the march to with poland's ambassador to russia saying polish hooligans are to blame for the turmoil that resulted in multiple injuries are eastern europe correspondent alexia jet ski reports. one hundred fifty poles have been arrested for attacking the crowd of russian fans and the russians were also attacking for providing violent response to the polish attack anyway we're under stand that those twenty odd russians who have been arrested who've been detained in poland will be deported from the country according to the interior ministry and a future they will have problems of training shan't get a visa because of all these because of participation in this in this in those riots in warsaw now certainly the relations between warsaw and moscow have been very strained have been difficult for many centuries now but for now when the stand that they have basically normalized and the events which happened in warsaw last night is something of
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a blast from the past certainly there are political forces in poland who are interested in this hatred towards russia but certainly this is a minority of the polish population for now in fact we understand that many poles have been expressing their apologies to russia on the internet on the internet into on twitter and different forums and websites for what they described to be brainless and mindless a bunch of supporters who attacked the russian crowd it's also understood that the media some of the media in poland have been have been doing everything they can to raise the height of this game equating this game with the battle of the river in one thousand twenty when the polish forces of outnumbered by the soviet troops actually managed to be victorious over the bolshevik soldiers and. some of the polish media including the super express newspaper said that you could not go without poland and you have to remember nine hundred twenty and you have to do
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everything even die if you need to to win over russia so all this hype certainly added to more fuel to the fire. corresponded in. their will for more of the story but spoke to glen ford a former m.v.p. and a member of the sea league he told me and to russia sentiment cultivated of poland did play a major role in stirring up tension in the country last night. clearly you've got football hooligans on both sides and you've got near nazi groups on both sides the difference seems to be that there are political elements in poland and parts of the media seem to be whipping up this this is a trade center phobia towards russia and towards russian supporters you've got a similar problems in ukraine with extreme nationalist neo nazi groups as well and it's led to a situation where for my viewing from afar of the marches many of the stadia. i mean how likely is it to progress is there that we're going to see further
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clashes there in ukraine. i hope not. but i mean having seen some of the footage that was shown on panorama in the united kingdom of extreme right wing near an r.c. groups doing nazi salutes wearing r.c. some arrest it's obviously a difficult territory for us to know mark minority. and founds in general we've got a clip we're talking about there was a fifteen second clip which is going to show our viewers know that came from the b.b.c. panorama program listening to that minute. eleven days during europe's biggest festival of football. i am just saying it was some friends be. set it up very well today i mean is that an accurate reflection of the problems there or was a case of it made good t.v. viewing in some kind as well i think is probably in between the two frankly i mean
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clearly our problems there and those of us who are looking at the growth of the extreme right across the european union in neighboring countries are well aware of the situation in ukraine and for that matter in in poland. we're also bringing all the latest from euro twenty twelve online r.t. dot com is all doom and gloom we got some nice bits on as well as the show you including was under the comments of football fans in poland discussing the clashes between the rival fans as the bad bit the good bit is that we're also telling you all about the russian team as well everything you ought to know about the russian team it says a bit of cheer in there as well don't you worry about that also if you fancy facing up to internet tormentors and dragging them to court britain gives you the opportunity with a new law against online trolling being adopted the details that are talking.
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wiki leaks founder julian assange is awaiting a decision from britain's supreme court over his request to reopen his extradition case it comes to weeks after he lost a previous appeal against being handed over to authorities in sweden where he's wanted for questioning about sex crime allegations and a soldier's lawyers claim the european arrest warrant was invalid because it was issued by a prosecutor not a judge or a court as required by u.k. law if this motion is rejected assad who denies any wrongdoing can still take his case to the european court of human rights his supporters many of whom are at the moment rallying near the court building believe that sweden might not be his final destination and it's just a step toward sending him to the u.s. for prosecution on charges of espionage meantime two during the sarge is just one of the targets of a possible clampdown on whistle blowers is gaining momentum the british parliament is currently considering a bill which if adopted might deter people from coming forward and revealing
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serious rule breaking and corporate wrongdoing watch that report next hour here on this channel and the late edition of julian assange is interview program to as well as all the previous episodes available for you right now on a special section of our website www dot. dot com. there are three weeks to see these darkness blong united states going to be the. united states strongly condemning. the war illegally. without charge. i. can change the world tomorrow. the new sanctions against iran's oil trader due to begin later this month but the u.s. has given exemptions to india along with six other nations from the penalties
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against countries which don't take part though it's seen as an attempt to smooth the way before high level talks in washington between the u.s. secretary clinton and the indian counterpart waiver comes in return for cutting purchases a radio in crude and it leaves china as the last major reporter which could be affected them by these tough financial sanctions let's talk about this with soraya separate paul rich independent research and writer on the line from california the soil hi. china is still exposed it has been mentioning there to these penalties what message is the u.s. senate abrasion when do you think. well clearly the united states regards china as its rival and it's been fighting china on all fronts we assert asians of human rights education into bass and naming the sanctions that china to weaken its economy. so the message is pretty clear to china well ok well china has rejected
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the unilateral sanctions against iran but did you think it may give in to the u.s. pressure on the issue again eventually so again i'm adamant eventually. well one would hope not going to doesn't serve china's national interest. america's allies saudi arabia has always wanted to step out to make up for the energy needs of china but it's not just a question of getting its energy from a different source it's a question succumbing to a power that months to basically eliminate china if china could to america demands americans demands then. it's really in fives giving up part of this and sovereign decision making and for a country that has developed some margin has gained so much internationally that's a very tough price to pay for very sure the so much of the melting pot here is known in the u.s. wants to need to to work closely with in there as part of is a just strategy and its attempts to contain china's influence in the region first
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question is india ready to come from beijing and what are the dangers of irritating china that's the big one too isn't it. and it certainly is china of course. is one of america's biggest trading partners and it is the second biggest economy in the world america has american as american politicians have made it very clear what their ultimate goal is which is global domination they've expressed this in writing such as the union call moments of constructive destruction and was happy you so although china. right now their immediate target does a site from the countries that are going to up he what's next the united states. india will not be very safe in the long run i mean if if if you recall in the late sixty's the united states china basically joined forces to align themselves
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against a stronger soviet union it's not china it is in fact the right target the united states along with the other with their sanctions education and what have you so india should be very careful and understand where it was to be in the future with plans to halt this destruction how is all this going to play a bit over which side india takes words allegiances alliances. a bit over the u.s. military buildup in china get how much patience go but the question i guess i should just now how much patience do you think beijing has here one of the dangers . well beijing has not shown any cool will to confront the united states i think it's buying its time but at the same time. they're shoring up the shanghai cooperation organization india is very eager to be a part of that and granted that it doesn't have the leadership the shanghai
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organization but it is formidable in this is especially if india were allowed to join it. in terms of just military soldiers to the resources available and he would really be a block against the united states imperial xander so china is buying its time. how soon will it if it's really and if it is just trying to be on the program. depended research and right on the line there from california. right what time is it it's twenty four hours when it's past seven o'clock in the evening here in moscow very good to have you with us of your news twenty four seven online at r.t. dot com but now let's talk business to be treated the to you said the business desk how to be tree oil suddenly jumped up while i was up well we've heard the energy information administration in the us reporting supplies the decline massively broadly over the past month and therefore we're seeing a jump in oil prices light sweet has moved up sixteen cents well there was trading
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around eighty cents lower brant is up sixty nine cents this also ahead of an opec meeting tomorrow which could decide on production quotas for for the organization over in the u.s. seeing the dow jones and the nasdaq moving in opposite direction of the market is pretty flat that's on the back of bad retail sales the contraction of point two percent in may as a second month in a row showing declines in retail sales data which could indicate a trend in europe. close to the closing bell the for the on the backs are now down just a bit they were declining within one percent just an hour ago and in russia because of that jump in the oil price it's looking all much better but the let's talk about currencies first of all the european european currency is now gaining against the greenback around sixty eight points that's very good news for the council which has
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been losing a lot of a lot of value the past couple of months because of the sovereign debt problems of course in the region whereas the russian ruble gained around half a percent against against the basket of the euro and the dollar and the russian market because of the jump in the world price managed to see some pretty good gains of four point seven point six percent on the first actually trading day this week the after a long haul day we've seen that we're now seeing gains continue from last week which was one of the best weeks so far this year among the stock movers on the my sex was seeing as burbank leading the gains of two percent almost the most liquid stock the leader in the banking sector magnate was up just point two percent of the close with a lot of its profit actually a raised its reported revenues go up by around one third compared to last year in
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the first five months of the year and gazprom is up just a point one percent because worse than the markets now this is on the back of russia's government they may reduce the planned tax hike for independent gas producers such as. the new rate comes into effect next year and has made gas companies frightened to cut investment and exploration gazprom has turned out to be a potential exception from that rule as many believe it's seriously under tax and then the new formula expected to put an export factor into place of basically all independent producers except gazprom for. we'll have a lower extraction tax. the world bank has put russia on the front line of crisis fighters improve the outlook for the country's economy expecting g.d.p. to increase by almost four percent this year world bank expects the growth to be mostly supported by stronger production. and that stricken cyprus is calling for
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another bit of help from russia the island's media says the country is requesting a five billion euro credit to support its financial system this comes after moody's cut the ratings of top cypriot banks mainly depend on the troubled greek economy last year russia already provided the republic with two and a half billion euros worth of loans which at that time equal to ten percent of cyprus as g.d.p. . that's all we have for you at the moment not a sunny picture in cyprus all around is it to me too thanks ever so much because of super programs land of the rest the saving on the way soon. latest debate show cross talk tonight discussing the recent russian protests that's on air in about three minutes time after i've updated the top stories here on r t moscow.
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