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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2012 10:02pm-10:32pm EDT

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for the international community to thought admittance to it's only last tuesday that british foreign secretary william hague has also knowledge that groups affiliated with al qaida were operating in syria all visibly on the side of the rebels and you will in the conflict and violence here in the country we've also been hearing a lot and many times from members and from. members that they're ready to provide the rebels with all kinds of support but everything they need be money overlap and this news has come at the time of the reason volumes all over syria and dramatic escalation of the events and the u.n. has expressed its concern over what's going on here in the country and banking one has called an old countries with influence on both rebels and the syrian government to call on all parties to lay down arms and to pull back as he put it from the brink of staying with syria russia's foreign ministers condemned some countries
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demand that moscow put pressure on the assad regime to stop the violence insisting pressure must be applied to both sides in the conflict comments came during circularize visit to tehran where the syrian issue dominated the agenda russia's foreign minister responded to u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton's claims that moscow was supplying syrian authorities with combat helicopters or. while the top top u.n. official may have labeled the syrian conflict a full fledged civil war according to the u.s. secretary of state russia could actually be to blame for the escalating crisis secretary of state hillary clinton to raise some eyebrows and stirred some diplomatic controversy on tuesday when she insisted that russian attack helicopters were on their way to syria take a look we have confronted the russians about stopping their continued arms shipments to to syria. they have from time to time said that we shouldn't worry everything they're shipping is unrelated to their actions internally
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that peyton li untrue and we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from russia to syria now washington seem to be caught off guard by a secretary of state hillary clinton's remarks in which stumped even the pentagon's own spokesman when asked to explain exactly what types of helicopters the secretary of state was referring to captain john kirby well was a bit surprised to take a look can you provide any details as to what kind of helicopters were the hour that. i have not seen reporting that indicates. that the russians are providing attack helicopters to the syrians i have just not seen that now while washington was left to sort out as confusion over the comments russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov was very clear in his denial of those
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allegations now moscow does have a long standing military relationship with damascus but as explained at a press conference in iran on wednesday the any sales or profiling preexisting contracts comply fully with international law and are for defensive purposes only. personal support for bashar assad or anyone else. including one in sudan is not our position i was stance is based on deep concern for the feet of the syrian people on the syrian state unilateral sanctions especially when the international community has a collective position expressed through security council resolutions are so to speak spoiling things the undermine the united action and the execution of a position collectively agreed upon now russian attack helicopters are in hot demand right now that's because the us pentagon spends millions to buy russian made and my seventeen s. on behalf of the afghan air force poland's interior ministry is calling for the severe punishment of hooligans involved in bloody clashes with russian football
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supporters in warsaw before the two countries euro two thousand and twelve showdown violence continued after the match to with poland's and basket or to russia saying polish pseudo fans are to blame for the turmoil that resulted in multiple injuries our eastern europe correspondent alexei airshow ski has more. the radical supporters of the polish team were attacking a regular simple russian fans just marching through the streets of war so in something in an action which had been agreed before that now the violence was so strong that the police had to use small bombs tear gas and water cannons to pacify the angry polish more we understand that for now two almost two hundred fans have been detained by the authorities one hundred fifty of them are polish twenty russian fans who responded violently to this attack they're also being detained and they will be deported from the country and definitely the relations between russia and poland have never been easy but definitely from what i've seen in these pictures from warsaw this is something like a blast from the past generally the relations between warsaw and moscow have
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improved greatly since let's say twenty years ago but clearly there are some political forces in poland who are still interested in inciting hatred between russia and poland because of something of a sentiment on the message boards in poland on the internet that russian fans must pay for their violent clash with two words during the first game and brought up one russia beat the czech republic one we know that russia has already been officially punished for that it is due to pay one hundred twenty thousand euro fine for for the for these actions but some of the polish media have been raising the hype ahead of that game saying equating that match to a battle of one thousand nine hundred twenty when. the bolshevik army was outnumbering the polish forces but the polish forces still managed to gain victory and some of the magazines portray the polish national coach in a military uniform saying that poland still has to be at the euros and the players
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i quote must die on the pitch if they need to but need to stop the russians so all this hype certainly added more fuel to the fire. for more perspective on this my colleague kevin owen earlier spoke with glyn ford a former m.e.p. and member of the n.t. nazi league he says the anti russia sentiment cultivated in poland played a major role in stirring up tension in the country clearly you've got football hooligans on both sides and you've got new nazi groups on both sides the difference seems to be that there are political elements seen in poland and parts of the media that seem to be whipping up these this is hatred this sent a phobia towards russia and towards russian supporters you've got a similar problems in ukraine with extreme nationalist neo nazi groups as well and it's led to a situation where for my viewing from afar of the matches many of the stadia. i mean how likely is it to progress is there that we're going to see further
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clashes there in ukraine. well i hope not. but i mean having seen some of the footage that was shown on panorama in the united kingdom of extreme right wing neo nazi groups doing nazi dissolute wearing nazi symbols and the rest it's obviously a difficult territory for us the minority that goes out and found in general we've actually got a clip we're talking about there was a fifteen second clip which is going to show our viewers now the came from the b.b.c. panorama program listening to that minute. eleven days telling you it's because it's the football league so. just how safe is some. little set it up very well today i mean is that an accurate reflection of the problems there or was a case of it makes good t.v. viewing in some kind as well i think is probably in between the two frankly i mean
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clearly our problems larry and those of us who are looking at the growth of the extreme right across the european union in neighboring countries are well aware of the situation in ukraine and for that matter in in poland. the great hopes and crushing disappointments of euro two thousand and twelve is beginning to reflect europe's financial turmoil this after the markets failed to rebound as much as hoped after spain became the latest country to get a multi billion euro cash injection or confidence a solo the e.u. has admitted discussing plans to limit withdrawals from cash machines and even impose border controls if greece quits the euro daniel wagner c.e.o. of country risk solution says the eurozone needs to grow its way out of its economic problems. i understand why there was an orientation toward austerity to begin with tighten the belt a little bit and change your ways but there's no way that europe's going to be able to dig itself out of its hole if it doesn't grow so the focus now has to be on pro
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growth growth policies and the question becomes are there sufficient resources to enable europe to grow sufficiently so that it can literally pull itself out of its hole that's a that's the question that i don't really think anybody has the answer to my best guess is that with enough fiscal incentive if you will enough printing of the money and enough throwing it down into the hole there will be limited benefit i am doubtful however if at this stage of the game four years down the road after all that money has been shoveled down into what seems like a black hole there there's now going to be enough resources available to to get the job done you know the effects are really far reaching. you'll ask someone in greece what the impact has been of course the average person across almost every socio record economic strata has been so severely impacted their the nature of their
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lifestyle has been impacted that hasn't necessarily been the case in some of the wealthier european countries but it may not be too long before that kind of an impact is felt what we're facing now is a situation where fringe political movements are on the rise if they get into power their ability to govern effectively is going to be extremely limited that in turn will affect how everybody lives and every government's ability to get the job done . scandal is brewing between a journalist of a russian opposition newspaper and a country's top criminal investigator alexander best streak it is after the editor of the no vague as yet paper claimed a street that had threatened one of his reporters in an open letter to the editor said the official security guards forcibly took the reporter to a forest on the air. outskirts of moscow where it's claimed that vestry can threaten to kill him according to the paper which is also the publication where murder journalist anna politkovskaya worked the chief investigator was angered by comments about the verdict of a high profile case the paper's editor is called on best he can to guarantee the
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safety of the reporter as well as other journalists working there. we're going to act according to the law and wait for the official response from the chief of the investigative committee mr mr aiken to the letter of the editor in chief of no vegas' it if the reply will not come within the deadline specified by law it will continue to act according to the law which says that we can press charges for no response which trust our colleague who founded know it has had it with us twenty years ago we do have certain proof but you have to understand once they get cycle of safety to be assured not just leaking to be fired is sokoloff is able to come home and work here will be happy with that i can say what kind of reaction this letter will provoke i wrote a letter that was friendly and non-confrontational it offers plenty of ways to defuse this conflict everyone's asking me how will the authorities react to this letter but i will tell you frankly it's the society's reaction that's a lot more important to me who did not expect such enormous overwhelming support from our colleagues. much more on line if you would r.t.
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dot com right now including this the risks of using your mobile phone exposes a dangerous dating application gets taken down. as it's an economy slides neo nazi rhetoric gains ground in greece with extreme or right issue an issue with the extreme right issuing threats against immigrants you can find all the details and money more at our team. we can leaks founder julian assange again is a again awaiting a decision from britain's supreme court over his request to reopen his extradition case he's wanted in sweden for alleged sex crimes the supreme court earlier rejected a songes defense argument that his european arrest warrant was invalid if the latest appeal is also dismissed a songe can still take his case to the european court of human rights prolonging the legal battle that started a year and
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a half ago the famous whistleblower denies wrongdoing his supporters fear the extradition to sweden is the first step in sending him to the u.s. for prosecution on espionage charges. in the case of julian assange isn't the only one of a possible crackdown on whistleblowers a new bill put forth in the british parliament might if adopted limit legal protection for employees who revealed corporate wrongdoing or illegal activity or he's sorry for a fix the possible repercussions for those who want to speak out. the war on whistle blowing it's a war the tradition called one two son has nothing against people that have a lot of wells and a lot of power behind the battle against. this video named collateral murder which is one of many wiki leaks revelations exposing real crimes revolutionizing whistleblowing and tearing down the divides between
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governments and ordinary people in the government who furious exposing wrongdoing can previously business as wendy addison found out back in two thousand whilst working as a treasurer of the south african company leisure net she discovered the c.e.o.'s was stealing money from shareholders and sending it to offshore accounts and she blew the whistle it was a data point of my whole life for the past. lost my career it was just literally when i started getting the streets and honestly there were occasions where i was almost inclined to consider accepting society completely. and this is a very common thing for. talking about suicide despite risking everything wendy was in poor old in a lengthy legal wrangling and it would be more than a decade before those who committed the crime went to jail modern we're still playing techniques have been giving people more power to take on big corporations and even governments now the proposed changes to the law potentially threatening
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the protections also at a time when the culture surrounding whistleblowing be making big leagues followed the law could be set to take a big step back the problems being caused by this the enterprise and regulatory reform bill which is currently making its way through parliament and one small discrete line buried away in the text referring to a public interest test we were really worried that putting in a. interest test into the legislation will have a chilling effect on the ability to speak up and member of the international whistleblowing research network and an employment lawyer david lewis tells us the proposed test has dropped a bomb on whistle blame provisions the great virtue of the existing provisions is there's no public interest it was a very simple test as long as you had enormous motu if you could be sure and it found that you would be protected now individuals those claiming to use the
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provisions will have to satisfy public interest to us make it very difficult for people to advise them the government that the changes are aimed at closing a loophole this meant that employees with personal grievances a for employment contract have been able to use the whistle blame provisions. this will be seen as just the latest measure making it harder out the truth. of course is this trend. is one. blowing the whistle have to differing degrees how their lives changed their reputations threatened or ruined their freedoms. but in the process they've revealed secrets that the rich and the powerful never wanted us to know that was being told i was doing the wrong thing. and yet it felt so right for me and i knew what i was doing the watching their battle highlights the importance of protecting whistleblowers and the public's right to know something they all say was well worth
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fighting for sarah. lunde. thursday and marks the thirtieth anniversary of the end of the falklands war but three decades on argentina in the u.k. are still loggerheads over the sovereignty of the southern atlantic islands the un's decolonization committee set to meet on the issue surely on the islands government's also recently announced it would be holding a referendum on the issue next year political analyst martin mccauley says he expects the islanders to show overwhelming support for staying with britain. it's if you like a signal to start is that the focus is or is the argentinians call the last move in this wish to stay part of britain and don't wish to become a province of argentina if you look at the leg which is coming from what is r a's the argentina government is using very very strong language and some people might say threats about the security of the falkland islands the falklands have been
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claimed by plain britain france and even the dutch and the i.g. to claim is a very simple one but argentina is concerned about structure its concern. which lie under the water there the idea is to discover the. it is possible that the extent right through to the falklands. british companies. prospecting for the wrong to focus so we say find. them that makes. strategically and economically very very important and. of course very very wealthy . be back with the headlines in a couple of minutes but first can heightened tension in the middle east lead to all our regional war israeli political expert who's iraq he shares his views on how the situation is likely to develop the interview next.
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you are. with me i have professor was involved be the director of the center for middle eastern studies at tel aviv university professor thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. my pleasure the israeli defense minister ehud barak recently said that israel would not be duped over negotiations regarding iran's nuclear program do you think that sanctions have been effect of here i think since the implementation of this we have
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sanctions a couple of months ago i think there is a progress so i think that what the message is pretty clear in two thousand and twelve we are having a different ball game. and iran is realizing that if it is not going to comply it would be very pricey for iran if you ran is beginning to feel the pinch why are we still hearing from the israeli. i think that what the israeli leadership is doing is just to. capitalize on kind of a man to man with the sanctions first of all in the mind of many israelis spatially those leaders you're talking about the implementation of functions is kind of a byproduct of israeli pressure. so because israel actually threatened. to militarily attack iran. this
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was all forced the european union and the americans especially the americans to come up with a much more strict policy with regard to iran in order to appease israel this is how israel takes things now since obama. and the american ministration would not like the idea of having kind of an im broadly go in the middle east before november i think that what obama did with the swift sanctions is on the one to tell israel we are on board and you should just set aside now actually and we are going to dictate the rhythm with regard to iran on the other hand there was a message which he was sent to iran that it's going to be very pricey so basically it could cut either ways but i think that what we stand now is kind of a stalemate but then lost just one more more no i think that what we are indians are doing and this is very very typical of their diplomacy they are trying to drive
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a wedge between the israelis and the americans between the americans and the europeans by coming up with those notions as to saying yes so we would like to actually listen carefully to what you all for we have offers on our side is that enough to satisfy the israeli leadership or could we still see as well as attacking iran i think it is unlikely. first of all i'm pretty sure that until november nothing will happen in that regards. and even after november we are going to have the same problem there are many now let us say figures or public figures like the former head of the mossad and others who are coming up with kind of a contra argument the final analysis of which at the bottom one of which is it at least this time this is the think israel should come up with don't talk actually about military solution if the summary unfolded that israel attacked iran there are
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nations that would help iran acquire a nuclear weapon is that of realistic scenario yeah i mean in a way that could be kind of a scenario that we're going to have or see there but i would say that the problem with a nuclear iran is not that iran is going to the story israel i do not believe in that. it would be kind of a source of inspiration and you carry around. for many radical groups in the region . to start to actually act in a different manner and now when they have kind of a nuclear backup this is the thing so i'm not sure that the game is i mean no the main issue is in the question as you put it i think that what we have here is kind of psychological. moving across to syria is all has been surprisingly quiet and inactive in terms of developments there is it because time is on israel
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signed all because it does not want to see regime change there well i think that is that is pretty confused about that this is kind of a multi-ethnic multi-religious. linguistic state. a state which is comprised of many. different. religious and ethnic types and this is a state that could easily become what we call failed state which means a state that cannot control over all the territory and more often than not you have some flanks or regions that are becoming kind of a no man's land we have had that in libya ready after the topping down of khadafi we do see that in sinai. and other radical groups are capitalizing on that kind of a situation where you have a weak central state and this is exactly kind of a byproduct of the toppling of the dictator or we going to have
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a bunch of power centers so it seems to be more concerned with turkey than with his well how can syria be so sure that israel won't take advantage of its weakening i don't think that is a would take an advantage because in that sense because you know what the israel had had when it. mean for the twentieth century i mean the closing decades of the twentieth century is a quite silent golan heights or border with syria. i think that israel is a spectator c'mon influence or do something good about the ever changing region of top of the arab spring. as i said before i think israel is confused and is or has just come up with kind of a strategy or at least a set of tactics of how to deal with this new situation basically it is becoming much more difficult middle east for israel because egypt and turkey one time friendly and staunch supporter supporters of israel and the west in the region are
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not there anymore professor thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. thank you. you know sometimes you see a story. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought. welcome to the big picture.
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headline. number two calls on militants across the world to join syria's rebels in their fight against president assad's regime this statement comes in an undated video broadcast a week after washington of washington claimed people killed in a drone strike. european football's governing body condemns violence around the pole in russia match at the euro two thousand and twelve championships polish fans attacked russian supporters before the game and then with police afterward around one hundred fifty poles and twenty four russians were arrested. while julius on her way to britain the supreme court's decision on whether it will reopen his extradition case the cables a new bill that could prevent potential whistleblowers from speaking out. up next political analyst alexander arar talks about the german vision for europe stay with
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us for spotlight. good lumber tour. was to build a. good lead. mission to teach the creation why it should care about. this is why you should. only. hello again and welcome to the show. today my guest on the program is that. it will germany.


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