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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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canada. china corporations rule today. julie no songes requests to reopen his extradition case is rejected by britain's supreme court a decision bringing the world's most famous was a blow or one step closer to being sent to sweden. egypt highest court orders the dissolution of the country's islamist dominated parliament after ruling a third of m.p.'s were elected illegally. but the suicide car bomb explosion injures ten in damascus with syrian officials saying terror tactics are being stepped on pave the way for foreign military intervention.
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it's nine pm here in moscow this is archie coming to you live from new so now it with our top story this hour and britain supreme court has rejected a request to reopen the extradition case of wiki leaks editor julian the song it brings him one step closer to being sent to sweden where he's wanted for questioning on sex crime allegations now a saudi denies all accusations against him saying they're politically motivated there are fears his extradition could eventually see him handed over to the u.s. our team sara firth has the latest from london. legal team haven't confirmed yet what their next step will be but of course that is the big question now just what comes next the case supreme calls for ject id that appeal to reopen the case and now really there are only three options that we could see happening here one is that the legal team can make an application to the european court of human rights to they can make an application to the high court preventing that extradition order
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but that's still pretty unlikely that that would be successful and the third option is that you're actually going to see julian assange has extradition now going ahead and he could be under extradition on a plane back to sweden within ten days he does end up going back to sweden there he'll face questioning over these sexual assault allegations now of course it's important to remember that julian assange is never actually being charged he's just facing questioning there in sweden this is always been something the legal team has been very eager to point out and to clarify we've seen a real shift in the coverage surrounding the trial surrounding the man himself of course very controversial stories coming out of wiki leaks we've seen governments around the world especially the u.s. government absolutely furious as some of the revelations wiki leaks was able to reveal and a lot of his supporters saying that this is a mounting to nothing more than a smear campaign an ad campaign to silence not just julian
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a staunch but also wiki leaks itself we're going to see as we said this very long legal battle that is already being three continuing now as we wait to see what that next crucial steps going to be. for reaction now on the case from juror a member of the european parliament. joining us live from london we're hearing that julian assange is preparing to appeal the european court of he to the european court of human rights i should say against this extradition how likely do you think brit is going to be successful. i think it's very unlikely i mean he's gone through this long appeal process in the u.k. he's lost his final appeal today as we've heard my understanding is he can put an appeal into the european court of justice but that is have to accept the paperwork and i think that's extremely likely they're going to do that because this whole european arrest warrant thing is driven by the european union and you know the closer integration of all the e.u. states so i think it's unlikely that they'll entertain it and i would assume that
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he's going to be extradited to sweden sometime between the twenty eighth of june the eighth of july that's interesting because the european court of human rights has banned britain from extraditing a terrorist suspect abu qatada to jordan now is it possible that as far as can be considered more dangerous than a terrorist suspect. yes some of the way that our legal system works now because saddam is a foreign national he's actually a citizen of jordan this is about jordan you've got to remember this is about extradition or is it's now properly called judicial surrender within the european union itself and the whole thing about the european union is the creation of a political state and i do not think that the european court is going to rule in favor of trying to put up barriers within the european union it's not really an independent core it's one of the engines of closer integration so well i mean i hope for his sake that it actually works and he's actually able to question these
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extradition on with the court but i somehow doubt that they will actually entertain it but it remains to be seen but we will find out very quickly you know within the next fourteen days the order has to be implemented and then as i say the latest date is the eighth of july what about one in sweden you're saying that you think you will be there apparently soon i hear of course insists that these accusations against him are politically motivated what will happen to him when he gets to meet and a lot of people think he'll go to the u.s. . that's that's what some people do think you know that this is really just a means of getting into sweden where you can be more easily sent off to the united states but the problem with this whole system is you know he's not going to get a trial by jury in sweden they don't have that like we have in the u.k. and if i can just go back to the arrest warrant thing is very very important and mr assad is really just the most high profile case of many many of these cases now only british courts have no power to actually look at the evidence against somebody
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and decide whether there's a proper case to answer they are obligated it's really just a bureaucratic formality once the paperwork been fielding correctly the courts are obliged to extradite people now if i can just say something quickly about the appeal it was very that i was at the court when that when the judgment was rule was read out and the appeal was based on what's the proper judicial or thorough now the british parliament and assume that meant i judge or a court of requested extradition actually comes from the prosecutor and the judge sorry the supreme court ruled that even though the british parliament thought and he's intentionally been under the legislation that this extradition could only be requested by a judge or a court it could be done by a prosecutor which is actually a good centuries of english law which says you can't be a judge in your own case but because he had been translated from a french fries which incorporated prosecutors then the intentions of our own parliament didn't matter and english law now depends upon the interpretation of
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a french fries for the benefit of the european union rather than what our own parliament attended i think that's absolutely scandalous when he gets there of course he's going to be charged by a magistrate and i believe two members of the court and it won't be addressed by a jury as we would expect and. you know i don't as a politician i'm opposed to the european arrest one on principle and the whole european legal system that's being created which supersedes our own legal. but a lot of people think that this is politically motivated and in fact there is a learned legal opinion in this country which says that the crimes that he is a q stop in sweden wouldn't constitute. an actual offense on their english law and you wouldn't get very far with it but of course our courts can't consider that so you know it's a formality as i say and extradition is granted but mr sanchez case is the tip of
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a very big iceberg of cases like this and i don't want to protect genuine criminals from justice but our own citizens cannot be carted off to any part of the european union just on the basis of a piece of paper being filled up correctly. i wish mr sanders cases actually it actually got more public about the growing end of many mr baggs i want to make sure i touch of that if you could in a couple of words express what you think will happen to decide if he gets to the u.s. . if he gets to the u.s. well i mean they haven't even managed to come up with a how many long long of they had to consider this a year or two now they haven't actually come up with a charge against him i mean you've got americans on t.v. talking saying that he should be killed or executed. by the act of terrorists. well i mean what he's accused of is leaking their secrets which may or may not be an offense depending how he got hold of them and what he did with them and that's why there's no charge against him but we've seen what happens with our own citizens
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when there is extradited to the u.s. . you know what might be fairly minor charges that they're incarcerated in a hellhole prisons you know probably solitary confinement if they're lucky and they're kept there for months i mean you know it will be horrendous experience for him because we've seen already what's happened to bradley manning who does face criminal charges in the fairly in human conditions that he's been kept under and it does you know if i hope very much he doesn't get extradited to the u.s. sorry but i think you have a very rough time if he did. member of the european parliament for london thank you very much for your input thank you. egypt's future is looking increasingly uncertain the supreme court has ruled that the parliament must be dissolved meaning the interim military rulers again assume all political control of the court found that a third of m.p.'s in the assembly dominated by islamists were elected even legally just a few days before the presidential runoff another ruling has allowed the last prime
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minister of the ousted mubarak regime thursday in the presidential race despite thousands demanding a ban on the eve of the court session egypt's government restored the army's power to arrest the billions that something usually only allowed in a state of emergency cairo based journalist and blogger while afghans are believed the move may mean a return to the ways of pre-revolution regime the military would do everything in its power to get your feet to presidency and the point they would take every measure to every oppressive measure to crackdown on dissent and things would be it would reproduce the mubarak regime once again this is an expansion of the military presence presence in egypt and. direct contradiction to the promise of the. terry to hand over power because at this moment they seem to want to grab on to power by extending the power of the police what has happened is that they've given the police a boost by adding in military officers and personnel that have the same role as the
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police but this time without any kind of supervision because they only respond to a military prosecution and military judiciary and this gives the military impunity to act as they wish without questioning from the civilian parties the latest developments in egypt threatened to further escalate tensions between the country's interim military rulers and the muslim brotherhood which was at the forefront of popular protests meanwhile a prominent expert on the region says egypt is moving away from democracy not towards it and the situation with the election illustrates that trend. so if you think that the elections were completely transparent you have some questions to ask because approximately forty five to fifty percent of us are still supporting that
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will receive all this to come to this result is strange and then you see how the candidates were put you know omar suleiman being inside and then the removed him and they kept your feet as someone who is ready my sense of all this is that we are not dealing with a transparent process we are dealing with calculation and calculation means that i thing that never from behind the scenes we lost control of the situation so this is made sense and it might be that even the muslim brotherhood way used to be the visible legitimacy to something which is happening from behind the scenes so they were the instruments of the coming back of the regime. you can watch that interview in full later today here on r.t. more on the turmoil that's group egypt is still ahead for you though this hour we freaked out some of the country's women who say it's an islamist dominate the islamist domination of their country that they know. the syrian capital
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has been rocked by a powerful blast that's left ten people wounded a suicide bomber set off a car bomb near one of the holy a shia shrines which attracts tens of thousands of pilgrims from around the world it's believed the blast was targeting a security police department office located nearby the explosion came just days after the release of the video in which al qaeda second in command called on islamist to help rebel groups fight syrian government forces not the country's ambassador to russia says the opposition is using increasingly violent tactics to pave the way for foreign interference. with syria is now under an organized terrorist attack some of the world's mean powers are behind those acts and they also fun terror to the syrian government strives to stay committed to the non peace plan but we are constantly provoked by terror groups and we have to respond to those provocations just as the syrian government has absolutely no interest in
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murdering defenseless people just it's armed terrorist groups who are responsible for human rights violations and bloodbath some serious that is being done to justify for need to vent you know in the creation of a buffer zones. but the syrian ambassador has also denied that moscow supplying the ousted regime with attack helicopters allegations earlier also refuted by the russian foreign minister lucy caffein of looks at where the claims came from and the robust response that followed. while the top top u.n. official may have labeled the syrian conflict a full fledged civil war according to the u.s. secretary of state russia could actually be to blame for the escalating crisis secretary of state hillary clinton to raise some eyebrows and stirred some diplomatic controversy on tuesday when she insisted that russian attack helicopters were on their way to syria take a look we have confronted the russians about stopping their continued arms
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shipments to to syria and we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from russia to syria now washington seem to be caught off guard by a secretary of state hillary clinton's remarks in which stumped even the pentagon's own spokesman can you provide any details as to what kind of helicopters where they live or how are they being delivered. i have not seen reporting that indicates. that the russians are providing attack helicopters to the syrians i have just not seen that now while washington was left to sort out its confusion over the comments russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov was very clear in his denial of those allegations and we sit yes we are currently fulfilling preexisting looks and paying for a contract one of these contracts are related to defense only and exclusively we do not export to syria or anywhere else or anything that could be used against
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peaceful demonstrators because you believe that's markedly different to the united states which regularly ships such weapons to the region just recently one such shipment arrived in a certain persian gulf state but for some reason the u.s. considers this normal when you're now russian attack helicopters are in hot demand right now that's because the u.s. pentagon spends millions to buy russian made seventeen's on behalf of the afghan air force. moody's has slashed spain's credit rating to near junk status that's in the latest blow to the struggling euro zone and after evil leaders agreed to provide spanish craigs with a gal out as the country is unable to rescue the banking sector are thrown well what this means for madrid still to come this hour or tease dmitry medvedev is ready at the business desk. well basically on the stock market the reaction has been quite moderate so far but on the bond market we did see a jump to
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a new era of more than seven percent seven point zero one percent in the yields for ten year bonds and spain and any value above seven percent means a much higher risk of danger zone of a nation defaulting on its debt but it has since come down to around six point nine percent the yields and this is all because not only moody's downgraded the rating by three notches but is also put the rating on further review so that in the end in the future we could see further downgrades. all right to me there will have more for us in a little while and more analysis from the business desk like i said coming up in just a few minutes and then later add in one thousand nine hundred thirty g.m.t. max keiser and stacy herbert weigh in on the e.u. mess with what bay say is fraud dressed up as rescue measures. seen bailout terms to be agreed within a week or urgency reflects a growing consensus a spanish class might start chain reaction that could topple italy and destroy the
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euro well you know it's pretty much all a con game and some con games are more well known the other the greeks or the spanish or the irish they are the instinct they're too polite to question the con artists because they're some of the talking they wear suits they have nice hats you know they come in there and they talk a good game and they thought well maybe we're wrong maybe we're the ones that need to really examine what our position and they're very polite and the con artist walk out the door with their money step up get their pockets picked but too big to fail banks don't waste your time a good line is dead a look. at the ongoing dispute over the falkland islands between britain and argentina will be discussed by a un committee later today in new york it's thirty years to the day since the war over the british territory ended around one hundred people die in the one nine
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hundred eighty two conflict before argentinian troops are rendered argentina says the british illegally occupied the falklands which are called amal when malvina has almost two hundred years ago islanders will hold a referendum next year to decide their future political analyst martin mccauley says it's what lies off the island's coast that's moving the dispute. if you like. to his art is that the four goons or his argentinians called the last movie in those weeks to stay part of britain. and don't wish to become the province of argentina if you look at the language which is coming from what is always the argentina government is using very very strong language some people might say threats about security of the falkland islands the falklands. or claimed by britain france and even the dutch. do claim. pretty soon one but argentina is concerned about the structure of. the order.
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which lie under the water that. you do use to discover the. you know argentina but it's possible that will explain why through the falklands. british companies. prospecting for the wrong to foreclose so we see fighting and. then that makes it. strategically economically very very important and. of course very very wealthy. i look around the world at some other stories making headlines british prime minister david cameron has been testifying in front of the u.k. media ethics inquiries saying press regulations need to improve cameron has come under fire following the phone hacking scandal that rupert murdoch's now defunct news of the world tabloid british officials were accused of helping the media giant to avoid investigation cameron has also been criticised for the way he handled
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murdoch's bid to take over british sky broadcasting. torrential rains have strong large areas of central china triggering mudslides and forcing hundreds from their homes officials have set up shelters to house those displaced by five funding bill is also working at work i should say to save one man trapped amid the raging waters he was successfully pulled ashore after an hour of rescue efforts emergency repairs are underway with several highways being destroyed by landslides and kate. back to egypt now ahead of the presidential runoff the muslim brotherhood is warning that the military could effectively take control of the country even after the election but it's islamist domination but some fear most especially the country's women as artie's policy clear discovered. she's young and ambitious and planning to become egypt's next president but she needs to wait ten years until she
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turn forty so she can run not for the sake of you know winnings a seat or so but for the sake of proving that egyptian women can deal with but they're not doing it at the moment this woman trying to run for president this time around and couldn't even get the fifty thousand signatures to qualify our it will usually is for the equality states or the freedom for the dignity and when this value those values when success we can see a woman president but with radical islam on the rise and the muslim brotherhood's candidate making it to the presidential runoff the fact that women played an important role in the demonstrations that brought down mubarak doesn't mean much the number of women in the egyptian parliament has fallen from twelve percent before the revolution to just two percent now and that's despite the fact that some fifty one percent of egypt is female noticeably absent from the presidential election campaign trails was the issue of women rights and women equality leaving
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many egyptian women to fear that in the post mubarak period their lives will get worse and. cream has been trying for five years to divorce her husband but divorce is tough to achieve and with an islamic influence it will only get tougher i don't want to go whatever deep i don't mind giving up all my financial right even the money left to me by my father who recently died my husband doesn't give me any money and he treats me very badly. after a bit cream is hoping the courts rule in her favor even if that means she'll be out on the street with nothing but she wants the judge to decide soon before hard core islamists get into power and human rights activists like dr side i bring him are worried the future of in the countries. to the role of women. the full equality of women. living in the undermine the poor. and that is the evidence.
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in the road to progress to for development and so why dion might be inspiring her generation and she's received awards from around the globe for his fearlessness in tweeting and blogging about the evolution more people are asking if it's possible because evolution it was supposed to liberate its people might just land up in slaving at least a part of it policy r.t. kind. let's check in now at the business that's weird to me the bad news on the u.s. job market stock market gaining explained that well it doesn't really make sense at first glance but on the other hand the fact that investors are seeing the jobs market continuing basically to weaken to store at the same time consumer price index is also retreating they are hoping that the federal reserve will be stimulating the economy more and therefore on these hopes that there jones is up one percent the nasdaq of a percent so it doesn't make sense yet over in europe is the closing picture for
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london for frankfurt a bit more gloomy here that's on the back of course the situation in spain where not only are the rating has been cut by three not just by moody's but also we've seen spade spanish bond yields go up to a record of more than seven percent of the standards at the close to below these kind of levels around six point nine but overall just the feeling is it's pretty gloomy except for in greece which is hopeful before the elections we've seen the main index in athens go up more than eight percent today. on the commodities market a crucial opec meeting took place in vienna today and production quotas to remain the same at thirty million barrels a day so basically that was not unexpected at the same time credit suisse has forecast that the price of brant crude could fall to fifty dollars a barrel by the end of the year but that's only if the escalation of the eurozone crisis takes the worst scenario just reminded. thousand and eight we've seen
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a steep fall from one hundred forty five breads to below forty and credit suisse now says they're basically what's happening right now is even worse than the financial crisis of two thousand and eight but relations capital says this is very unlikely. we have seen oil at fifty dollars a level it's not the what they all of the possibilities but i find it difficult imagining that anyone you know was an existing supply demand environment would be taking fifty dollars a barrel as their base case assumption. you know that's the spare capacity is still very limited it is it is at the end of the day is going to be that of them but by what happens to the demand trends both in china and you know it up but i mean if you're talking about fifty dollars oil you are talking about cool old bottle of base economic collapse and i might not be an economist and you know i'm just i'm just an oil analyst but they don't think we're anywhere close to that yeah well the prices we're seeing right now they have rebounded right off of the decision to keep
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production quotas where the least they were not increased to ease the pressure on oil prices so is seeing likes we rebound by one dollar eleven cents us off eight month lows the clothes that we saw in the previous session on the russian market we've seen twelve moderately negative session very mild my six is barely the ts is declining half a percent that's after a few good just sessions of growth so you could say a technical correction among the main movers on the my six financial sector stocks were pressuring now with the t.v. down no more than half a percent lukoil among energy shares was doing better than the rest of the stop action prices. and in currencies the euro continues gating against the dollar because of that the bad microeconomics the united states specially more job list claims in the labor market while the ruble pretty much lost the gangs that us saw
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on the way. stay pretty much the same the same values of twenty seven and forty copecks respectively goes to europe at the top. that's all we have time for this i'll be back in two hours time to bring your final first date business update all right thanks for that and in a few minutes we'll be delving deeper into big business but lauren lyster in capital account that's after this break and then a recap of our headlines but. you
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know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know what i'm charging welcome to the big picture.


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