tv [untitled] June 14, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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the second half of the a longer show is coming your way here's a look at our top stories on archie joining us sonders request to reopen his extradition case was rejected by britain's supreme court of the session bringing the world's most famous whistleblower one step closer to being sent just me down. egypt's highest court orders the dissolution of the country's islamist dominated parliament after a ruling a third of m.p.'s were elected to do legally another court decision allows hosni mubarak's former premier to stay in the presidential race despite massive protests but the runoff due to take place this week. and
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a suicide car bomb explosion injures ten in damascus with syrian officials saying terror tactics are being stepped up to pave the way for foreign military intervention but last comes just days after al qaeda is second in command called on islamists to help rebel groups fight syrian government forces. now back to our washington studios with on their own now. ok guys it's time for you said it i read it right take time to respond to our brilliance in engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you have something to say i listen now to start off tonight got to say we got a lot of responses out there to our tool time about david brooks last night you guys seemed almost as fired up about it as i was n.s.a. whistleblower thomas drake responded to us on twitter and tweeted brooks posits
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that some of us are more equal than others and we must submit to our leaders too tempting to lord over others and yeah that pretty much sums it up we think we were the only ones who noticed the absurdity of this op ed from brooks and i thought that this comment from thomas was a good way of putting it simply if you don't have time to repeat my entire seven minute rant now the rest of our comments tonight what kind of amusing i'm not going to lie to first there's a commenter out there that's given our very own jenny churchill a pretty tall order rumble touch droid had this message to give to jenny on you tube he said bring back viral spiral make a girls of our t. calendar and make a loan to do a maxim spread this is your duty jenny churchill. now listen here buddy k. jenni have got plenty to do on a daily basis to make sure that our program actually gets on the air so i don't need you giving her orders and as much as we all miss viral spiral unfortunately it's not coming back but if you do have some constructive ideas for what else you would like to see as a viewer aside from the girls of r t posing for pictures of bikini and lingerie we'd be happy to hear them in the meantime if not some calls i just might pick up
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and finally my pro me vs review it last night or me some credit some of the viewers aaron political said on you tube alone a thank you best review promethea as i've seen on you tube and apocalyptic with this alone if you're smart enough to see through the stupidity of promethea us and still sane enough to enjoy some of the good performances in the movie you deserve your own movie review show now you know it guys i have to admit i don't see too many movies in theaters these days i'm busy girl but i do love me some and some michael fassbender so i couldn't resist with this one but since you enjoyed my review then maybe i will do some more in the future the next time that i actually make it to the theaters so that my ranting tonight thanks for your comments as always and i'll be back with more next week. well yesterday johnson and johnson became the nineteenth company in recent weeks to cut ties with the american legislative council otherwise known as alec now corporations have come under fire for funding this lobby and the pharmaceutical giant has joined the likes of
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wal-mart mcdonald's and coca-cola and withdrawing donations that we've spoken about before but let me just refresh your memory alex is written controversial model legislation that's been embraced by state lawmakers all across the country and they have a corporate agenda that promotes the likes of union busting environmental deregulation and prison privatization and alec has been ruefully efficient in its quest to aid in the corporate takeover of america claiming that over one thousand of its bills are proposed every here with more than twenty percent becoming law although there are some liberal activists commentators out there that have been talking about for years they have mostly managed to fly under the mainstream radar until legislation that they drafted was connected to the death of trayvon martin and then the media frenzy erupted when the group was linked to the stand your ground laws the boycott campaigns kicked off and a lot of politicians and corporations sever their ties so in other words media focus actually made alec a dirty word but it looks like the activists can claim
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a victory in the battle but will they win the full war we fought on was on the show in april to discuss this issue and as he explained have no doubt there will be others out there to pick up where alec left off. not just alex this happens across the board and not just in state governments either that's why lobbying firms exist that's why big trade associations like the american petroleum institute and the u.s. chamber of commerce which is funded by big multinational corporations this is why they exist they help lawmakers draft those in secret they represent corporate interests that are looking for legislation that is not in the public interest at all. yeah pretty much alec draft bills in the corporate interests bills written by corporate lobbyists with coca-cola. wal-mart dropping alec it's not as though big business has suddenly turned a new leaf grown a conscience they worked with alec because it was good for their bottom line and they also left alec because it became a liability for their profits so even if alec days are numbered the days of an alec
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like influence to our states political system well they're far from over to now the question here is not will there be a new alec it's who will be the new alec so we did a little digging and we thought that we should point out some groups out there that might rise to the occasion now first you've got the chamber of commerce one of the lobbies mentioned by lee there alec member with a network extending all around the country and no shortage of resources and two thousand and ten the chamber took in over one hundred ninety eight million dollars and spent over one hundred fifty seven million on federal lobbying how the chamber doesn't shy away from state level issues either today they hosted a jobs summit here in d.c. and invited a number of governors including scott walker what a great venue right for walker to do a victory lap touting his union busting law as model legislation and another possible bill bill is americans for prosperity another i like member that had a forty million dollar budget in two thousand and ten now speaking of walker that group played an instrumental role campaigning for him during the recent recall election take
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a look. killing three know what i think you know and that is that you don't go over the entire you know i say. yeah that's right notice how he said your governor that's because it's not to philip to say he was busted from virginia the heart of a of these thirty two states strong network but it's not just electioneering if people routinely lobbies on state issues like it did in two thousand and eight when they fought climate change legislation on all fronts and next there is freedom works the astroturf group that propped up the tea party led by former house majority leader dick armey it took in over four point five million dollars in income in two thousand and ten and has satellite groups and holds events in all fifty states now freedom works as wonky the a.f.p. in the chamber and it isn't part of alec currently but the organization quote recruits educates trains and mobilize as millions of volunteer activists to fight for less government lower taxes and more freedom like any good front group it puts
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up a great grassroots facade but with that in mind it could be the perfect vehicle to advance corporate course legislation throughout the country especially if they're presented as grassroots petitions after all freedom works is experience at the state level portraying a big business agenda as part of main street take a look at this ad that they ran in oregon in two thousand and eight for too many years environmental extremists aboard against the welfare of the people who are well overdue. and they'll stop at nothing to justify their actions. or you certainly won't by reading words quote crying over dirt and rocks that adam in the fact the freedom works and link to funded by some of the worst polluters in history b.p. and exxon amongst others now those three groups that i just mentioned they are big players they've been around but after rounding up the usual suspects there are always lesser known groups who could just fill that void just as easily take for example the national. a ration of independent business is an alec member unlike the
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other conglomerate lobbying groups that pretends to be for small business but the n f b b took in just under ninety five million in two thousand and ten and boasts of having offices in all fifty state capitols a real modern pub lobbying group right in addition to its federal lobbying and judicial activism the n.f.i.b. has pushed a big business agenda at the state level notably where it tends to her workers in fact governor case which is anti-union bill in ohio the one that was rejected in a referendum it's also fought paid sick leave in connecticut and minimum wage increases in new york and last but not least there is a little known group the already closely mimics alec out that makes alec out there it's called the state policy network a free market think tank the took in just under five million in two thousand and ten now despite its relatively small budget the s.p.n. is spread across all fifty states and claims to be building a permanent freedom majority that's kind of surprising as pm has worked closely
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with a fact made glaringly obvious when reading organization state fiscal policy exchanges see if latest addition contain a tax on education spending in nevada taxes on the wealthy in maryland and public transportation in washington state so my already have the model town pat it also has a few accomplishments under the belt like the emergency managers law in michigan that allows the governor to take over in a civil government it's a power grab disguised as deficit reduction here the law permits the state executive to even union contracts fire local officials and interfere in land management issues what champions of freedom these guys are right just like the other lobbyist who want to hand the country over to all the guards so it seems that celebrating victory over our league is entirely premature if you ask me and who knows what new groups might spring up in addition to this unsavory bunch but the truth is that the influence of money in politics it's not going away anytime soon not at the state or the federal level especially the post citizens united era and because of the system. a lot of politicians around the country are going to
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continue to put the corporate agenda before the public interest they're going to have to if they want campaign donations from the business giants that actually fund these groups so for activists to truly celebrate the demise of individual groups like al like the entire system has to change because trying to fight the corporate influence in politics is like cutting the head off a hydra each victory only creates a place for two more monsters to grow back and until you take down the body it's a never ending fight. now still to come tonight the d.o.j. has made a huge mess and they're accusing the cleanup or it explains why and tonight's tool time and i'm happy our american space in a higher power is fading and wait until you hear about what is good an epic attempt at cheating. if you're followed up on my bill snowboarder the. runners are sort of a throwback and archaic part of our long. and it goes back to
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a time when people would lie down in their forces in the wild west and pick up these fugitives important into the sheriff for prosecution there's no one thing like jumping in late zero zero zero people killed them and when they go out there he's got weapons. and you have to hope that nothing bad. will. but we're chasing killers and you gotta keep that in mind others that to me a dollar bill please the rest. were not superheroes you can be killed too you know they should be in the head i'm going to die. and. once you've hunted len you don't never go back to and anything else.
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kaiser report. i guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and i were giving it to the u.s. justice department or the beginning of this year when they seized mega upload servers and an ass police in new zealand to arrest the company executives if not here's something refresh your memory make upload dot com it's one of the largest sharing websites millions tap into around the world but not anymore the u.s. justice department shut down the site for allegedly violating parsley laws and costing copyright holders more than five hundred million dollars in lost revenue all of our names. was out he was always. our business has been. and. don't have access to that.
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yeah everybody out there especially the d.o.j. or obsessed with megaupload founder kim dotcom and the other employees linked to the alleged intellectual property infringement now despite the fact the story has made headlines recently there is still a lot going on with the case and aside from all the legal actions surrounding megalopolis founder kim dotcom the other employees that are being charged well there are more elements to this legal battle see the company who least a thousand servers to make upload their stock in a pretty bad situation they will access the data on the servers because mega uploads assets are frozen and so they obviously aren't getting paid at the same time the government and the n.p.a. are in agreement that transferring all that media off the carpathia servers and on to others would actually be an act of copyright infringement in itself so they can't utilize the servers for anything else while they do contain that data so they're basically losing nine thousand dollars a day maintenance costs meanwhile you also have users who can't access their data that saved on those servers you see some users may have bit uploading sharing
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copyrighted materials on the web site but the heard a lot of people out there who uploaded shared media that they created themselves but sadly have been lumped in with the pirates and includes users like kyle goodwin as the owner of ohio sports net he films high school sports that he post those videos on they go to upload to share with his clients so he's one of the innocent people that's caught up in this legal mess with the electronic frontier foundation representing him good has gone to the court on several occasions to try to get his media back after it was seized by the government he even argued that the government could shell out whatever money is needed to retrieve this data but that was met with a big fat rejection from the federal courts and a statement from the d.o.j. saying mr goodwin's proposed solution is to have the government bear the financial cost of restoring his data even if that means releasing his assets of the defendants which are subject to mandatory forfeiture twenty three years ago the supreme court made clear that a criminal defendant does not have a right to use someone else's money to finance his defense. so let me get this
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straight an overreaching illegal operation resulted in an innocent person's data being confiscated by the government and now that data simply lost because without it he can't even prove there wasn't any wrong doing so not only is that the o.j. taking the liberty of treating goodwood like a criminal but they're also just trying to wipe their hands clean of the whole thing and for an extra slap across the face they even suggested the goodwin consumate upload or car path for his untouchable videos now call me crazy but has anyone else see how the government is being absolutely ridiculous here they go and they seize the servers they lump all of these users in as pirates put people in jail when it comes to helping out the innocent people that are caught in the mess now forget about that the d.o.j. is sticking to its original argument make the pirates walk the plank i mean even on the internet the us is taking out the bad guys with so little thought to the collateral damage they're causing they're all about the shoot first ask questions
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later or last questions later approach and that's kind of pirate like if you think about it so the d.o.j. has failed to fix its own problem is left innocent people like goodwin and the server company carpathia stuck in the middle and totally plundered so for that the justice department winter nights tool time award. i got time for happy hour and joining me this evening alone a show senior producer jenny churchill and greg roth social commentator for man on the street d c dot com. thanks for joining me guys thank you. so i you know these days it seems like people can't get anything done on their own you have to hire an entire team not only to decorate or whatever but apparently even to name your baby even though there's been t.v. shows about this take a look. and then their meds have requested me to help them find the perfect name
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for their son my first that is the handpicked think tank of the leading experts in various fields that i write academic and to help us come up with a break so one of the roles that's very important to us is easy to spell but not too popular you know decorative names we don't want the first name having a chat we don't want or in our we don't want the first name to engine and ask if they feel like it sounds a little strange. like speechless in terms of that is that that's a think tank because it's got you're going to help us all. but. in light of that now there's even a different way that you can have your baby named groupon is actually making an offer out there to name your baby clem bell klim ball i don't even know that would be my. vote for announce it for a one thousand dollars fee and actually apparently this monday one person did bid to take the group on up on the offer but they won't give you the details and that
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is i want to do the bidding would have been a little bit harder if they'd stuck with the original idea which was that living social sucks but no less. so the first new school for living social sorts grossman would probably be one of his worst so i honestly i'm a little disappointed in group on here i think they should have offered to buy your baby for a thousand dollars and then for the rest of its life your baby then just does activities that group on selling every single day for free for free yeah i mean they buy your own you lose your baby but so what's the thing i like it was the issue and to actually buy into this here that i don't like what it would do you get what i mean it was a joke first you obviously i can't believe someone bought it i assumed when i saw this that group on starts. all of their offers as one person has bought it nobody wants to be the first one but then the other one was like you know someone actually really did buy you i love the title it says redeem from home so if it were you know this is if you had to go and pick it up or there's meetings so that's just attention whoring for groupon but because this is redeemed from home it's family
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values could stay home and how italy and also i like how they're trying to justify it like you know anyone can name their child that name now that it's out there but they will all be you know posers opposers clearly because clem buys such a great very for nine hundred ninety nine i don't get made fun of and tortured at all i wanted to see you know by the way i'm a little confused citizen except that i as a lot of the next big shall we state of the nation you know we've done a lot of atheism discussions here on the show or at recently we had one of the largest gathering of atheists in the country that was a couple of months ago it turns out a new survey by the pew research center finds that the belief in the existence of god has dropped fifteen points in the last five years amongst americans thirty and under now the older the generation the more likely they are to believe in god but between eighty one and eighty nine percent of older generation say they never doubt the existence of god i mean i feel like most you know most young people i know are
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not not religious of course the older generation is going to say that they're about to die and they have covered their bases and say i believe in you just you but for young people i think it's impatience these kids were promised the rapture last year and that never happened so now i think god is maybe engaged in a little bit of a false advertising scam going on here i think everyone is so. people just want the end of the world because they want to show right everything is zombie apocalypse it's no big and when we get like two inches of snow last year l.a. shut down the four or five for two days and that was carmageddon i remember harm again that's not really in the world that's traffic were a little obsessed with these type of you know. ok i don't know if people don't believe in god or they're just mad that he hasn't retreated there for talking about all branches haven't you i mean if god can't text you back he clearly doesn't exist and i mean i think to you it's kind of funny you know we see the vatican trying to be cool and hip to appeal to these younger people who they're
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losing me to look at. it's obviously not working but there's i mean we were talking about there is you know the other the church we spoke with has a lot of younger members that look like total hipsters but. there you go working i'm sure we go back to the first time and i hope they're writing porn and their website is triple x. church dot com i know and everyone els yes and everyone who works at any church very memorable but you know i think what david brooks would have to say about this is that the problem is the young people are just too freakin vain these days and don't know how to worship their leaders and god properly so he can go suck it let's move on to our next story here fifty shades of grey this is supposed to be that raunchy speaking. i think that here is a here's a funny reading the l a degenerative of it. he grabs me suddenly and yanks me up against him one hand on my back holding me to him and the other hand my god i'm not
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going to say that. you know is it kind of is it ok if i paraphrase so that i don't say the exact words that it but it's more like i'm going to put it in my own words . i haven't read it maybe that's because i'm not like you know aging suburban housewife and i have other things to do but i know you're reading right now jenny. but to of course of course it's been going on the show might be about the shades of gray merchandise that's coming out there carolyn baker ltd as they've they've licensed it there might be lingerie and sleepwear peril fragrances beauty products bedding home furnishings stationery jewelry and other adult. how do you like what kind of furniture can you get that goes along with the book. like i'm dan schnur i have no no i'm what i was more disturbed by this was it made some mention of the upcoming movie fifty shades of grey apparently the movie companies are competing i'm like when we were writing been sold in something like thirty seven
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countries how is that possible it is only is it still run she that unbelievable it is the most absurd thing i've ever read and i actually you know it's not surprising that they're trying to merchandise it because it all started as a fan fiction story from twilight and they march and dies heck out of twilight there are but it's glitter and shimmer like edward so it shows how far we've come say thirty years ago this book sold ten million copies thirty million years ago nine and a half million of those would have been in between the box spring and the mattress now it's pretty much all you know it was out there when it was really care that this was going on i am not about to ride on the train like reading math like reading porn so you don't know yourself various about it yeah i'm actually a little upset i admitted i mean reading it on air i didn't porn. no idea how popular this book was and i was shopping for a greeting card and i picked one up and it said i just met you this is crazy here's
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my number come over slap me around dress me up in leather are you really bad maybe . you could say ok that's good that's good let's see your last story here i mean all i could say to this kid is that he's an idiot we've all done our fair share of cheating on tests and high school middle school but here's a high school student who was taking university entrance exam in kazakhstan and he was caught with a thirty five foot long had twenty five thousand answers on it and he was cognitive was wrestling and fiddling with his clothes too much for the test art how do you fit thirty five feet of a test no it's a how do you expect to be able to pull them out and see the answers how many questions are on this test well i don't know how many questions are total he had twenty five thousand right answers to me well just in case ok first of all in the time it took him to compile this. chichi he could have actually studied for the test and not only that how how long do they have to take this test how do you find you've got twenty two thousand answers how are you going to go about locating those answers and the logic of it there's really nothing sadder than doing something
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wrong the wrong way and if we want to be right you're going to be truly wrong and this kind of i mean. he's clearly committed so i say he skips college and somebody offers him a job he's got a future writing was boring meaningless legislation in this country then you just get over here. i don't know i just came up with brilliant ways of doing that. i just. don't tell my teachers i got a rabbit ok thanks for joining me tonight that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning it was only geometry where i make sure you come back tomorrow kato as it did i can fans going to be on the show to discuss the leaks and serve from the trans-pacific partnership agreement for vili for president obama's pair to grant more power to multinational corporations in the meantime don't forget you like the lot of show on facebook to follow us on twitter to subscribe to our you tube channel and don't forget you can also check us out on lulu now coming up next.
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