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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2012 5:02pm-5:32pm EDT

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successful and the third option is that you're actually going to see julian assange his extradition now going ahead and he could be under extradition go ahead on a plane back to sweden within ten days he does end up going back to sweden there he'll face questioning over these sexual assault allegations now of course it's important to remember that julian assange is never actually being charged he's just facing questioning there in sweden it's always been something the legal team have been very eager to point out and to clarify we've seen a real shift in the coverage surrounding the trial surrounding the man himself of course very controversial stories coming out of wiki leaks we see governments around the world especially the u.s. government absolutely furious as some of the revelations wiki leaks was able to reveal and a lot of his supporters saying that this is a mounting to nothing more than a smear campaign and i can paint the sides not just cute in a staunch but also wiki leaks itself we're going to see as we said this very long legal battle that is already being three continuing now as we wait to see what that
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next crucial steps going to be. and as we've heard a founder supporters fear his removal to sweden will put him on a fast track to further extradition to america u.s. attorney cabined says. should this happen because he could find freedom of speech in the twenty percent tree. well of course it's up to the british court to decide that and they have decided and i disagree with them and i think it's a real shame on all sides as one of four is questioning he's not been charged he could have done the questioning by skype there's no need to go to sweden to be questioned this is a very extraordinary. extradition there's been rumors that there is a sealed in the words a secret indictment already against julius honest but there may not be we only know the answer that at this point nothing has been released about that if there is an indictment and he is actually. a long battle about that as well. then the charges
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will be very serious ones and of the ones that will define press freedom and government transparency for the twenty first century and so he's been challenging not just the united states but its allies he's made. by do what journalists should all be doing which is getting out the truth some of the truth. julius are just gotten out have shown that from the lowest levels to the highest levels of our military and our state department there are crimes being committed hillary clinton signing a memo ordering our diplomats to spy. nations which is really illegal she should be being prosecuted. egypt's future is looking increasingly uncertain the supreme court has ruled that the part of the mint must be dissolved meaning the inter military rulers again assume all political control the court found that
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a third of m.p.'s in the assembly dominated by islamists were elected even legally just a few days before the presidential runoff this week up another ruling has allowed the last prime minister of the ousted mubarak regime to stay in the presidential race despite thousands demanding abound on the eve of the court session egypt's government restored the army's power to arrest something that's usually only allowed in a state of emergency. based journalist and blogger violet condor believes the move may mean the return to the waves of the revolution regime. the military would do everything in its power to get your feet to presidency and the point they would take every measure to every oppressive measure to crackdown on dissent and things would be it would reproduce the mubarak regime once again this is an expansion of the military presence presence in egypt and. direct contradiction to the promise of
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the military to hand over power because at this moment they seem to want to grab on to power by extending the power of the police what has happened is that they've given the police a boost by adding in military officers and personnel that have the same role as the police but this time without any kind of supervision because they only respond to a military prosecution and military judiciary and this gives the military impunity to act as they wish without questioning from the civilian parties. the latest developments in egypt threaten to further escalate tensions between the countries in terms of terry rulers and the muslim brotherhood which was at the forefront of popular protest meanwhile a prominent expert on the region says egypt's moving away from democracy and the situation with the election illustrates that trend. so if you think that the elections were completely transparent you have some questions to ask because
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approximately forty five to fifty percent of us are still supporting you already it's all due to come to this result is strange and then you see how the candidates were put you know almost being inside and then the removed him and they kept your feet someone who is ready my sense of all this is that we are not dealing with a transparent process we are dealing with calculation and calculation means that i being that never from behind the scenes we lost control of the situation so this is in a sense and it might be that even the muslim brotherhood way used to be visible legitimacy to something which is happening from behind the scenes so they were the instruments of the coming back of the regime. you can watch this interview later this hour here in r.t.
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and more on the turmoil that's gripping egypt is still ahead for you before that we speak to some of the country's women who say it's an infamous domination and their country they fear. the syrian capital has been rocked by a powerful blast that's left fourteen people wounded a suicide bomber set off a car bomb near one of the holiest shia shrines which attracts tens of thousands of pilgrims from around the world it's believed the blast was targeting a security police department office located nearby the explosion came just days after the release ever video in which al qaeda second in command called on islamists to help rebel groups fight syrian government forces david gibbs a history professor at the university of arizona says the west keeps trying to see the middle east in too simplistic terms. assad regime going back to the. it's something of a police state but they want to record it with records on the other hand there's
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also the issue the united states and western europe essentially decided the rebels i think for reasons that have a lot more to do with real politique. more oil that he specifically syria is lined with iran and iran is seen as really. i don't know for a two hour story in tripoli is really in for us in the area as an ally of iran syria seen negatively so i think that's the main reason. and people like a simplified conflict they don't want to complicate we're on either side looks like good. or they don't want to be complications and so this is being presented as is typically the case in these types of conflicts of the good versus evil conflict with all the blame on one side even if the reality is more complicated. but moody's rating agency has cut the spanish rating to just about junk making it more expensive for madrid to borrow this comes as markets fell to rebound after the
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weekend's multi-billion euro cash injection to stabilize the country's banks confidence in the country's financial sector is so weak it could even trigger problems for italy more on the situation in spain now let's cross live to fill a bag and economics professor and author of the tragedy thanks for being with us with a round one for unemployment and the cost of borrowing putting spain deeper in debt every day how dire is the situation in the country right now as you see it. when most probably. needs months. later the spanish government committed in this financial bailouts to two arrows first basically admitted that it cannot be . one hundred billion on the private market that it needed. the other european countries and saved. and they also said they would won't do any other reforms any more this is not enough to have stable finances so they will probably need
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another bailout. first grief probably our land portugal now's the time to move away from austerity and toward investment perhaps. no more would we need this of the of the public sector and growth of the private sector and one leads to the other if the public sector. starts to lose resources and leaves room for the private sector that can be grown from the private sector so we need tax cuts. cuts in government spending and structural reforms. in spain of course in the labor market moves. leading investor george soros says the eurozone has only a matter of months to sort itself out before collapse how do you think it can carry . can it carry on i should say for a very long the way it's going. with knowledge looks like that spain really needs.
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and probably italy will need one and then we have to question a lot of greece if greece actually exits the euro. legal and minister to president so markets investors within that this could leave this would put more pressure on governments to do reforms and will also be pressing presidents for countries like finland and germany to say well we may actually lead if you don't get your i was this in order so then they would have a more credible threat. to push other countries to do the necessary stuff so. it's a very open how this all in but i fear that in in the end the e.c.b. . to political pressure and start running the printing press but.
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the e.u. has admitted at least discussing plans to limit withdrawals or say from cash machines impose border controls if greece quits the euro what effect do you think this would have on the union. whether. it shows the breeze leaves. want to leave without having reforms was a very talented people would of course like to rescue their words and they want to prove it is like the berlin wall and you stop people from getting their stuff into into labor too so i think this is not the right thing to do. right now philip baguettes joining us live from spain thank you very much for an alfa romeo come. our recession raging and social problems soaring the two go hand in hand and in our
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land growing drug addiction is among the many difficulties that artie's laura smith explains a government struggling to keep the country's economy afloat is also struggling to foot the bill for getting people off drugs. it's a tale of two cities a happy go lucky dublin where locals and tourists shop drink and make mary rubbing shoulders with the seedy underbelly tenement blocks where the poor struggle to make ends meet and drug workers estimate one person in sixty takes heroin tony gagan runs a needle exchange and rehab program where he sees marginalized people who take a cocktail of drugs leading often to crime and recessions making it worst he's seeing eleven new people a week. come on count. more record. takes
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off. between drugs and crime and knoll not his real name is recovering from years of drug addiction he says a story of economic privation and boredom leading to drugs and the breakdown of relationships with family friends and community. we lived on social welfare and my father would have been around. to. know did everything except heroin finding his brother dead from an overdose as a teenager saw to that he's in a four month rehab program partly funded at least for now by the state isn't getting any easier for the people who run vital drug programs in drop incenses needle exchanges seventeen week residential course it's none of that is cheap to run and despite increasing numbers of adding death threats against
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a drug and rehab center the seeing by government funding for lake every year state drug program contributions are being slashed by ten percent a year and for the mcvie. arie's drop in center for the homeless waiting lists a growing from a few days to weeks or months he says addicts need immediate attention something less and less likely to get the recalled marlise to say no point in even trying i'm never going to do it so having access to treatment programs to my mind is vitally in this fight against drugs and programs in our. hopelessly inadequate and as the recession bites even harder they won't get any better with disastrous consequences for addicts for communities and for society laura smith. elsewhere around the world this hour british prime minister david cameron testified in front of a u.k.
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media ethics inquiry thank press regulation need to improve cameron came under fire following the phone hacking scandal at rupert murdoch's now defunct news of the world com white british officials were accused of helping the media giant avoid investigation cameron has also been criticized for the way he handled murdoch's bid to take over british sky broadcasting. toronto rains have swamp large areas of central time triggering mudslides and forcing hundreds from their homes officials have set up shelters to house those displaced by fighting emergency repairs are under way with several highways being destroyed by landslides and gave it. back to egypt now ahead of the presidential run off the muslim brotherhood is warning that the military could effectively take control of the country even after the election but if this woman is domination but some fear most especially the country's women as are accused policy or discover. she's young and ambitious and
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planning to become egypt's next president but she needs to wait ten years until she turn forty so she can run not for the sake of you know winning the seat or so but for the sequel proving that egypt and women can do with it but they're not doing it at the moment this woman trying to run for president this time around and couldn't even get the fifty thousand signatures to qualify our it would you should it is for the equality states or the freedom for the dignity and when this value those values when success we can see a woman president but with radical islam on the rise and the muslim brotherhood's candidate making it to the presidential runoff the fact that women played an important role in the demonstrations that brought down mubarak doesn't mean much the number of women in the egyptian parliament has fallen from twelve percent before the revolution to just to proceed now and that's despite the fact that some fifty one percent of egypt is female noticeably absent from the presidential
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election campaign trails was the issue of women rights and women equality leaving many egyptian women to fear that in the post mubarak period their lives will get worse and. cream has been trying for five years to divorce her husband but divorce is tough to achieve and with an islamic influence it will only get tougher i don't want to go out of a deep i don't mind giving up all my financial rights even the money left to me by my father who recently died my husband doesn't give me any money and he treats me very badly. after a bit cream is hoping the courts rule in her favor even if that means she'll be out on the street with nothing but she wants the judge to decide soon before hardcore islamised gets into power and human rights activists like dr side i bring him are worried the future over in the countries. to the role of women. the full equality of women. living in that.
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undermine there or. in the is the one that is. in the road to progress to for them and so what dolly and might be inspiring her generation and she's received awards from around the globe for her feel is missing tweeting and blogging about the revolution more more people are asking if it's possible that the revolution that was supposed to liberate its people might just land up in slaving at least a part of it policy r.t. cairo. i'll be back with i have by i'm sorry they were for that are to talk to renowned media's academic terry graham advance about the state of the egyptian revolution.
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tariq ramadan you're a professor at contemporary slavic study with oxford university and also you are a professor at the faculty of a stomach studies in qatar and it's great to have you with us today sir so i know the situation in north africa and the middle east it's very complex and there are a lot of players involved in it. there's one trend that seems to be undisputed and it's rising and its rise of islamist movement throughout the region
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could anyone have really predicted that kind of an outcome and even the pro-democracy protesters or the rebels did they know that this would happen i think that we if we want to talk about the whole situation and the results that we see in the first once again i'm not using the arab spring as a concept or even revolutions arresting that we are still seeing unfinished processes in the country now the people who are in the streets in tunisia in egypt there were young people young and not so young people and the only objective was to get treatment of the dictator and the regime so they want to treat them dignity and justice and less corruption. they were not expecting anything and it was beyond any ideological trend what happened as a second step is the presence of people who were in the opposition and had historical credibility no one can deny the fact that in tunisia in egypt mr
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president they had popularity and they were tortured and repressed so the first reaction was coming back to make reference and supporting the people who had this historical credibility doesn't mean that it's going to stay the same doesn't mean that we are going through steps to be seen but what we have seen in tunisia and what we witnessing in egypt is still very complex is not yet done i'm not sure even at the time i'm talking to you that the muslim brotherhood are going to win the election i am one with is almost sure that it's going to be the opposite and all this process is the coming back of the old regime with a very strong egypt i would like to speak a little bit in detail that egypt right now the constitution is still not drafted it's going to be drafted problem much later so the president is going to be elected
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and he's you know he's going to know about his powers only after he is elected and the constitution will also of course depend. on who is elected the president can't even talk about democracy with this given fact you know we call it and i think that you know i'm very tough was dissent and studying what is happening if that t.v. you call was the last election i'm sure to tell you the truth that the last election was we transparent and i have a problem with the way it was done just even before who can be in and who is of the way these candidates was chosen by whom and then you come to the committee that has to work on the constitution and this was stopped. so you elect someone as a president with executive power without having a clear frame or the power and do we destroy the structure that's a really weird and i think that this is where we are now and we were told oh no
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just say we are going to solve the problem with the presidential election that's not going to happen then look at what is happening now so we have even people saying we have to stop the whole the process because even the fact that we have someone who is representing the all regime they should be how come. here they were saying that we need to put in the constitution that the people who are from the old regime cannot present themselves for the next ten years but you cannot come was just because it's not in the constitution and is going to be written after the election it's a mess it's not there is no transparency and how can you speak about democracy procedures if there is no transparency in do it's put so in egypt i'm very worried about what is going to happen talking about chafee a former egyptian prime minister under mubarak he still has a lot of support i mean a lot of people were shocked that he actually got to the runoff does that mean that there's still a lot of people in egypt who are actually favorable supporting the old regime so if
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you think that the elections were completely transparent you have some questions to because not only he cut twenty percent but if you look at all the other. he also got almost twenty percent means that approximately forty five to fifty percent of. supporting the regime so all of this to come to this result is strange and then you see how the candidates were put you know omar suleiman being inside and then they did the removed him and they kept someone who is ready and my sense of all this is that we are not dealing with a transfer. process we are dealing with calculation and calculation means that i. never from behind the scenes lost control of the situation so this is my sense and it might be that even the muslim brotherhood way used to be the visible
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to the sea to something which is happening from behind the scenes so they were the instruments of the coming back of the regime tariq ramadan thank you very much for this interview thanks. comfort is the least you have. money is the last you need if you travel this way. language is common. you know. the. emotions are intense. and the experience priceless.
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if you're followed up on my death snow. back and i can't part of. it goes back to a time when people would like out of their forces in the wild lands and pick up these future dates and putting them into the sheriff for prosecution. company may. not be. there. and you have to hope that nothing bad. or chasing killer. if you keep that in mind of the two million dollar bill for the rest. superhero who can be told to you know and i'm going to die. and.
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leave. the for.
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alive from the russian capital i have. to reopen his actual edition is rejected by britain's supreme court decision bringing the world's most famous whistleblower one step closer to being sent to sweden. egypt highest court orders the dissolution on the country's most dominated parliament after a ruling third of m.p.'s were elected. another court has been allowed hosni mubarak's former premier to stay in the press. the dental records quite massive protests. take place this weekend. and a suicide car bomb explosion injures a fourteen into the mouth this syrian official saying terror tactics are being
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stepped up pave the way for foreign military intervention to blast comes just days after al qaeda is second in command. to help rebel groups fight syrian government forces. coming up next max and say see turn their attention to the spanish bailout and more in the kaiser report. x.-prize or this is the kaiser report well you know it's pretty much all a. more well known other stacy herbert's max kaiser the short. change reason khan is known as and is a common short involves in all sorts of chains an amount of money with someone.


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