tv [untitled] June 15, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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deadly strings attached to america's use of unmanned drones worldwide the weapon is being seen more as the aerial serial killer tool to aid anti terror. human observer sent to the syrian town of haifa which has been gutted by a week of bloody fighting litter reports suggesting rebels scorched the area before abandoning it. as immigration remains one of the major headaches for europeans human rights group says it's the policy makers that are driven the issue to the extreme. brokaw sing live from moscow this is our take. this going to pakistan's repeated
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demands for an immediate end to u.s. led drone strikes in the country reports of fresh attacks are continuing at least three people believed to be militants have been killed in the latest incident but with their identities hard to verify there are concerns that america's war drones could be causing civilian deaths in the process so called collateral damage what is going to check on reports. reports about u.s. drone strikes in pakistan come in more and more often we're getting used to hearing in the media such and such number of terrorists was killed with no way to verify really there are no names that hatched to those numbers usually but earlier this month american officials proudly announced that a drone strike in pakistan killed one of his top commanders almost two weeks later a video with the same men. levy was posted online with titles which are generally reserved for the living they're all qaeda leaders have not confirmed or denied levy's death the video could have been taped before he says that that's true so he . might as well be dead but the confusion has once again raised the question of
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who's really dying in those bombings and how much do we actually know because it's all very murky what we do know is that the obama administration has dramatically ramped up drone strikes in pakistan around story hundred strikes since he took office it's this area bordering afghanistan which is on the fire but judging by the intensity of the u.s. strikes there one thing that only terrorists leave there that's not the case of course the long and investigative journalism says more than eight hundred civilians died in those bombings among them almost two hundred children what's interesting for a year u.s. officials are all together denied civilian deaths in drone strikes but reports on the ground told the opposite and thousands of people protesting furiously in pakistan told the opposite then that was the last straw the aerial strike which killed two dozen pakistani soldiers last year by mistake diplomatic have a follow up between the u.s. and pakistan pakistan blocked supply routes to afghanistan and they still remain
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closed by the way a new wave of extremism has been steered by those strikes but it's also interesting u.s. officials have accused this bureau of investigative journalism which works to shed light on civilian deaths in those drone strikes of helping terrorists one might argue that this label terrorist helper is becoming an all too convenient tool for the government to brush off investigative journalism then there was this yemeni journalist who reported about the drone strike in yemen in two thousand and nine twenty one woman and fourteen children died there the journalist is now in jail reportedly at the personal request of president obama himself. there's this line of thought in washington it's all perfectly fine as long as we're fighting the bad guys the president approves the list of those bad guys by the way the kill list. on
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secret evidence with no review but does the argument we're fighting the bad guys mean the world should keep quiet about the execution of innocent people in washington i'm going to check on. becoming a little later in the program a surprise twist in egypt's politics the constitutional court dismisses the country's parliament even a year of post mubarak political struggles dead in the water. very quickly could. find himself in a swedish jail by the end of june after british judges refused to reopen his extradition case. after eight days of vicious combat against armed rebels syrian government forces are finally open the town of half or two un observers and with memories of massacres still strong looking for the telltale signs of slaughter will be running their agenda so far they found a vast amount of abandoned weapons and destruction and almost all government buildings looted and burned the town also appears to be deserted suspicion that
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bodies have either been buried or removed before u.n. observers arrived parallels already being drawn with past massacres is growing doubt of the government's culpability and reports also implicating rebel forces david gibbs history professor at the university of arizona says western media spin as left its mark on the conflict. it was a general point in these types of conflicts the propaganda aspect is critically important and there's an effort in the west for the rebels in a kind of purely positive light and syrian regime in a purely negative light and you know get the facts on the ground very hard to ascertain the houla massacre did for a long time for a while look like it was clearly done by the government but there was a report in the german process for particularly the front for. indicate that there are some indications that might have been some element of the rebels that might have committed at least part of the massacre the german report with regard to cool
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underscores the fact that it's very difficult to get at the truth in these types of conflicts where you know both sides are trying to use propaganda and spin to advance their positions and so this is being presented as is typically the case in these types of conflicts as a good versus evil conflict with all the blame on one side even if the reality is more complicated. and foreign meddling in the serious conflict is echoed in the wars of recent dates decades so today's crosstalk. if it hadn't been for the outside interference the arming of the opposition the proof motion of civil war by the united states britain france and their clients in the region this would not have evolved at this point it was it inevitable that there would be a sectarian conflict as joshua seems to seems to ponder there i think the united states and britain and france are on a regime change path they recognize the vulnerabilities in different societies if they're if they're divided based on religion or ethno sectarian divide those
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divisions are then utilized in order to break i think i was doing a job that you know i would never accept because this is. the america for enter russian plans to change the regime but it's. the. people who are protesting. the show. which bright. move from fans to pressure. starts on t.v. dot com. wealthy british style. expert on the.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. kaiser report on. using force and talk to me gratian control is inhumane and has gone far beyond the blocks borders according to a recent report by amnesty international and i stress our study rick spain's ongoing policy failures have become a growing headache for native europeans to. it may be called the european human but discord is rife and a swing to the extreme is becoming a little more mainstream especially when it comes to discourse on immigration and in some cases leads to outright violence from norway. to greece. to
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hungary. in our street girls a report of an l.s.d. and insulted by gangs of the. leader of the new solidarity alternative or any say group in goal jim was convicted on charges of racism he denies being racist that says he's against immigration because belgium can no longer cope with the economic and social demands of mass immigration and that's the fault of the. democracy democracy in whole in all the west to its economic but nothing to do with race is more extreme right or extreme arrest or whatever the bad whether it has to do with . such is the argument that has gained traction in crisis hit europe with soaring unemployment recent elections in france and greece showed a big gains for the far right and immigrants say they've increasingly been on the receiving end of prejudice in many forms. in all of europe a woman with
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a veil can go into any shop and buy anything she wants but a veiled woman cannot work in this shop another example the teacher of my ten year old child associated all acts of terrorism with this line in front of all the students. but what is in the report is the discrimination and there is. people. don't trust the police. on the street. so. a two thousand and ten report by the european network against racism or discrimination found the racially discriminatory practices are widespread institutional in nature and practiced at all levels of society across europe in two thousand and eight the european commission proposed a directive that would ban discrimination on the grounds of disability religion or belief and sexual orientation in all areas including social protection and
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advantages as well us access to goods and services the current law only applies to the workplace but it's been four years and the directive is stuck because some member states are blocking it arguing that implementation would be too costly this activists say is one of the many failures of policy makers and while immigrants are blamed by politicians on the right for failure to integrate others say it's the authorities which have not done enough. it was the. i never knew that if there is a new kitchen policy it's not the full of too far as i know of those who make the policy over the europe's economic troubles which are preoccupying leader show no sign of ending soon but the race and immigration issues they left us solved could prove just as big a political time bomb tests are cilia r.t. brussels but we can expound that you're in a son should be sent to sweden by the end of the month when he's wanted for
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questioning of a sex assault allegations that the u.k.'s top court than asleep dismissed his bid to reopen his extradition case but says the move is politically motivated and stopped him might have a secret agreement with the u.s. but he's wanted for his whistleblowing activities history and if it is the court's decision brings him one step closer to being handed over to washington u.s. attorney kevin zeese thinks the outcome of the process will be decisive for the concept of freedom of speech. i think it's a real shame on all sides as one of four is questioning he's not been charged he could have done the questioning by skype there's no need to go to sweden to be questioned there been rumors that there is a c. all the awards a secret indictment already against julius honest but there may not be we don't really know the answer to this point nothing has been released about that if there is an indictment and he is actually the united states not be a long battle about that as well. then the charges will be very serious ones and
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the ones that will define press freedom and government transparency for the twenty first century are really would be a really critically important case to some of the truth. just gotten out have shown that from the lowest levels to the highest levels of our military and our state department there are crimes being committed. hillary clinton signing a memo ordering our diplomats to spy on them as coming nations. legal she should be being prosecuted now during the songs and so it's a real shame that the transparency of the songs has brought to the world is being met with the fear and repercussions as being for and against him because what he has done merely has been giving out the truth and the truth is what's really frightening to the united states. but remember we have all the latest news and videos as well as the stories you may have missed when i web site r.t.
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dot com has a taste of what's there if you right now a superpower seat is no longer the stuff of science fiction as this one climbing outfit grabs the attention of the u.s. military. and a shower shave a billion dollar highway fail to withstand the patter of rain as it simply gets washed away. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism on we. we wanted to present. something else.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images. from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. egypt's supreme constitutional court has thrown the country's politics into disarray just ahead of the weekend's presidential runoff is dissolved the is the midst of a native parliament which means months of campaigning rallying and three rounds of voting an hour down the political drain with another highly contentious decision was to uphold the right of mubarak's last prime minister feet to remain on the presidential election that of course suspicion over his possible collusion the
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military with accusations growing that the army generals will use the current situation to stay in power because they started it stops me from using believes the muslim brotherhood cannot be left with no choice but to change their political strategy. as the muslim brotherhood and other islamic forces. are looking into the situation from a very worrying positions of the think is what has been happening today after this all brings up parliament which is the haves overwhelming majority and side that may be leaving is that we're. getting a list in upcoming election which will be a few a few months later. and the think is that if. this is likely actually an egyptian city which are they now maybe it will crack down on them. that seem very restrictive atmosphere experience due to mubarak
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regime elements or was all the regime regrouping themselves in a new political party as we hear now and they will compete in the upcoming elections that will change it definitely. will decide not to waste their time. resisting. themselves for the parliamentary election. now look at some other stories making headlines around the world to live in natives are continuing their forty six day march towards the past in protest at new plans to build a highway through an amazon nature reserve they say the project would destroy their home then to the country's president ever marianna's promising a public vote on the matter. over more than five hundred kilometers after a similar march last year that the original plans for a very long sprat. tens of thousands have been displaced and twenty nine people killed after clashes between muslims and buddhists in northern in march more than
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two thousand homes have been burnt with many people being housed in temporary camps neighboring bangladeshis guarding its border to stop more refugees fleeing their parents sparked after the murder of a buddhist woman which led to almost a dozen muslims being beaten to death. rains have swamped large areas of central china triggering mudslides and forcing hundreds from their homes officials have set up shelters to house those displaced by the flooding well it is also work to save one man trapped amid the raging waters he was successfully pulled the shore after an arab rescue effort mentioned repairs are underway with several highways been destroyed by landslides and cave ins. and activists have gathered in mexico's capital demonstrating against rising world food prices ahead of next week's g. twenty summit in a separate rally crowds also block the city's central bank protest
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a global economic policies world leaders are getting together for the summit eighteen june the european financial crisis expected to dominate talks. now trust is easy to lose and harder to earn that's what russia's cardiologist experienced first hand with their patients looking over the border when it came to treatment for serious heart disease this may soon change it's not discovered. home is where the hardest but for many russians their country is no where the chance to get their medical care especially those with heart problems as many is just seen thousand russians in here just to go abroad to get treatment because they say health care at home leaves much to be desired for the country's leading cardiologists it's a great concern that only. we have thousands of cases which can be very successfully treated here at home i say with all responsibility ninety percent of all treatment is done abroad can be done here. but many remain unconvinced even
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though centers like most goes back will of institute have perfected some of the most complicated procedures which can give the old or young taker and new life dr busier she believes the country's recent past is partly to blame that's of course the after the break up of the u.s.s.r. the state had to be created in you and in the process the situation with medicine was led to go to the point where people have unfortunately lost the trust in russian health care to me it's not so for two time hard bypass survivor italian meal knife the former diplomat underwent extensive treatment both abroad and at the buckley of center murphy. our health care is far stronger and kinder than western especially now when many medical centers have the technology we're used to seeing in the west but most importantly our doctors have so with this that along with well trained hands is something which allows russian doctors to save lives daily
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with operations on heard of just a few years ago such as replacing a human heart valve with one from a calf. and holding a frame was profuse as a phonier to evolve from the cardiac side of a cuff we purchase hearts from meat packers bring them here isolate the necessary tissues give them the necessary treatment the treatment methods are protected by apartments and then we saw evolve from this tissue that can fully replace a damaged human. thousands of such procedures have already been performed at the center on patients as young as just a few weeks old to those whose lives are in full bloom like twenty four year old not talia who suffered from inherited terry heart condition it's just the feeling right now is that i understand and feel like a completely healthy person. a priceless feeling of inner health achieved without hitting outside russia's borders in moscow it in a ghost go r.t. . well now let's join katie pilbeam on the business desk with more downgrades in
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europe katie yeah this time it's neverland's actually we had cyprus and we had spain earlier on the in the way didn't weigh but the neverland's is taking a battering now by rating agency moody's they've done graded five of their banks including rob a bank they're citing because of the continuing recession and also falling house prices are taking their toll as well now the writing firm has put the rest of the banks on a stable outlook except for. which is now on a negative outlook so that means it could have a further downgrade in the future so let's see how the markets are digesting this information we've got the asian markets up or running at the moment and they're gaining actually in the session the k. around a third of. one point three percent opposed to territory and the us despite recently the bank of japan and out saying they will not be adjusting their interest rate and
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they haven't announced any fresh stimulus and that's what investors were hoping for ahead of the greek election on sunday so it's for a stimulus is concerned the hopes will remain with us let's talk about some sort of as well what direction something as well as the world's biggest mobile phone make out and it relies on europe for nineteen percent of the cells is dropping over three percent you can see wall street just as i say there was optimism in the yesterday and that's why we had a positive closed optimism that the federal reserve will be intervening and that is a patience that u.s. stocks surging even as reports came out jobless claims were unexpectedly higher and the cost of living fell by more than the really years so let's have a look at occurrences and see that the dollar actually dropped yesterday so you got the euro dollar one twenty six thirty five so it's just helping keep the euro dollar the common currency afloat just now that's how the ruble finished up in the session yesterday it was lou. sing out to the dollar and the also the u.s.
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dollar as well if you look at the russian markets it's out to less than two hours now until the opening figures as you can see that both the r.t.s. and the my sex managed to drop my sex just three basis points so just about below the water line and if we move on to the oil prices and it was a big day yesterday because we had the opec meeting the organization of petroleum exporting countries they decided to keep the ceiling the quota for production on change for now so that leaves the farmers who are going to fill up their cars at the pump and it just gives a little bit alleve way for people that are struggling out of my men inside to the european sovereign debt crisis and foreign growth in the u.s. as well right now those prices are gaining at this we've got the lights over eighty four dollars per barrel in the bread over ninety eight dollars a barrel all right that's how the mark is looking for now kerry i'll be back in about fifteen minutes with an update ok mary thanks for that casey. just
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countries are sort of a throwback and archaic part of our long. and it goes back to a time when people would write down their forces in the wild west and pick up these future dates and putting them into the sheriff for prosecution there's no money what company may both feel guilty. and when they go out there he's got weapons. and you have to hope that nothing bad can. move. forward facing killers and you got to keep that in mind others a to me a dollar bill for his arrest. we're not superheroes we can be killed two you know they should be in the head i'm going to die. and. once you've hunted man you know never go back to hunt anything else. the. comfort is the least you have. the money is the last that you need to
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