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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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broadcasting around the world from r t h q thanks for being with us these are our headlines today calls for fresh protests on the eve of the egyptian presidential runoff as the country's highest court dissolved parliament and allows mubarak's prime minister to continue his election challenge the ruling fears that the country's now sliding back into dictatorship. also from r.t. the u.s. steps up deadly drone attacks on pakistani territory leading to calls for an investigation into the legality i made claims innocent civilians have been killed in strikes officially targeting terrorists. and syria's government says there may be more suicide bomb attacks in the country's capital but warning follows the
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arrest of a man with ties to an al qaeda linked group. up next a report about a group of u.s. bounty hunters who reveal how they turned the wanted list into big bucks. involved in the arrest are twelve marshals some of them minority since the early morning. interventions by u.s. marshals are much more dangerous than the ones made by bounty hunters the murderer has taken shelter in a building of a wealthy neighborhood. scared they're on the run they need money they need food they want to communicate with their families but they don't know who they can trust with it cannot trust they want to have friends but they don't know what friends may. become traitors to them or so it's a very stressful one from the fugitive. they usually say that it was
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a very hard life. on the run. the last of the backup deploys discreetly after weeks of undercover surveillance the time has come to arrest the killer the marshals are sure of themselves yet tension still grows in the cars. where. the fugitive has been taken by surprise as soon as he leaves the building he is thrown to the ground by the marshals the man tries to struggle but he is no match for their training. so he had a knife on him and he resisted a little bit but then gave up because there was too many people on top of him he couldn't he couldn't find everybody. but it was good nobody got hurt you know he did have a knife no gun. basically this guy was wanted
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for shooting. another individual multiple times a visit to me a dollar bill for his arrest freeze the rest be documented member of a street gang based here in los angeles called watching. it's a nation and. it's possible death penalty a life sentence. the two million dollars won't go to the u.s. marshals however the informers that made the arrest possible will be rewarded. i think it's a. little. late but it's really a bit of a new one and so i figure out what's going on or to get you know video tapes for anything again it's always based on what they do if they pull a gun out and you know they're trying to take our life and they have the power of life or death because we're not superheroes they can be killed to you know if they
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shoot me in the head i'm going to die no matter what. you know my job is it's they they have the ability to kill us so we take that seriously and. based on what they do with how we react but we always react to what they do. you know we're just walk up shoot anybody. that you know the fugitive received a slight head injury during the arrest. it is likely he will complain about being mistreated cigarette or cooler and we can try to get him to look at. the law also rises him to be examined by a doctor or a paramedic comes to take him to the hospital under close watch. ultimately he might get the death penalty often expected in california for murder of.
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his back at the marshal's headquarters. very very hard to be a marshal is only three thousand marshals in entire united states for us it's very very strict we have to qualify with our weapons every six months. you have to get a certain score if you don't get a certain score you have to retest and if you don't do it on the retest they can take your gun away we're not bounty hunters a lot of people get confused but it's two very different things you don't chase somebody who skipped out on but they won't work those cases. andres is a civil servant not a bounty hunter unlike them he is not in it for the money. whereas the guys bounty hunters are chasing. to get out of jail in a week so they're not too scared to get caught. if they're working and they get paid her arrest. they get a percentage of the of the bounty. by rest one hundred people or one person my paycheck is the same. u.s.
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marshals are not fond of bounty hunters they complain about their unscrupulous methods one such tactic is performed by padilla him self. a bill bondsman comes to his office to offer him a new contract the job is to capture a mexican man tonight who was arrested while driving under the influence that cross-section bounty hunters school trainees are in luck for the second time in a day they are going to learn new tricks of the trait. the whole team goes to the last known address of the mexican. they're confronted by the mother of his children she tries at first to resist them. and the three. are you here by yourself. here. i'm sorry derby overshooting yeah. yeah i'm. very colorful but i think that.
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if. i talk to you in your life why are you put in jail if. they. don't get yourself that you're. always looking for you. you have to think of them to deal with everybody else nobody on all the different don't want to rewrite the life of god and we've got to take it to court and i think that might have. the right. there on the left here we've got a point now that never again and you know doctors kid you don't know where they are now yeah there's a game of. just going to church a place that will work. thirty. hours of paperwork and. tell you you know oh ok and. once again padilla has light the documents he shows is just an arrest warrant it doesn't authorize him to barge into homes. or
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didn't. i think something. was done was. handling the young woman intimidated by their presence finally complies the bounty hunters are in the house. arrest her. the mexican is not here. but she would go to work they would call them wrong. a deal however relies on instinct you know. ever. the search is not over yet angel one last time a dad came by. to say yeah point. saturday
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. children don't lie the mother did not say a word up until now knows that the fugitive will surely come next. to visit the kids. eighty kilometers south of sacramento shooting range in the middle of the desert. the meeting point of every gun owner in the area. three fifty seven smith and wesson. between manhunts padilla comes here to train with his this is tense and there are students. in every case of your patient. yesterday padilla didn't catch the mexican but he remains confident the mexican guy we know more information now than we knew last night and we know that he comes by
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the house because the little boy said that he was there last saturday so sometimes you start in on one and you finish it later but we got lots of time on that one we got a whole year on that one. we didn't have but two three days and one that we picked up. so sometimes there are some that are very important that we do right away and we don't have to do right away. today the most famous bounty hunter in the world is getting ready to appear on television or you did a very very. you know. he's used the studio lights his accomplishments have turned him into a star. fifteen seconds is a regular guest on the nancy grace show dealing with human dramas which is aired on c.n.n. daily to you nancy grace as you know that would be good for the finances that he. even has his own t.v. show. the bounty hunter runs his own advertising. if you're fallen.
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heroes. here in hollywood everything is a show even crime. this man saw the opportunity and tapped into it a reality t.v. show producer came up with the idea of following bounty hunters. the show is called fugitives from justice. a lot of people want to see. here is one of their programs film from beginning to end. this is not fiction but a real manhunt. in a farm in texas a fugitive has entrenched himself. with helicopters armored vehicles and rifles all of it paid for by the show.
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to flush out the fugitive the bounty hunters crash their armored vehicle against the wooden shack. line. by the gas the man is pinned to the floor. every right. to try to get a good view of these men and women are real policeman members of an anti-terrorist squad but moonlight's on weekends for the production of the show on reality t.v. in its rawest form crime for t.v. ratings. everybody loves hollywood and the celebrities. everyone who wants to go to hollywood you need. their fifteen minutes of glory yet.
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fifteen minutes of glory. that's what they want as. gangs plagued the united states. in california misery unemployment and racial hatred make for an explosive mix. for los angeles county alone the police report about two hundred fifty gangs and one hundred fifty thousand gang members every year they are accountable for hundreds of murders for the u.s. marshals they are the most difficult targets to catch. two hundred kilometers west of los angeles santa barbara a middle class town of four hundred thousand inhabitants that has been living in fear of gangs for some time now. it's eleven pm in a motel here tony burke is laying out the plan for the marshals task force. but
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only fairly large sized gangs and a serious problem. for murders of drug dealing. car thefts of. very different crimes in this whole santa barbara county area. the gang the marshals are getting ready to hit is called eastside recently they committed to assassinations and six other attempts against rivals in the drug markets. and four am four hundred fifty police officers squeeze into the gym. tony and his u.s. marshals come to give support to the f.b.i. santa barbara's police the sheriff's men and other agents. many different uniforms for more than fifty tasks. along here that we have realm are as is in charge of arresting two of the gang members suspected of
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being the murderers. here is the first of them a latino who at this time of night still sleeps soundly the gang leader relies upon the solidarity and protection of his group miguel nino it's number one is criminal history includes possession of controlled substance possess them purchase of a controlled substance contribute to doing with a minor obstructing resisting a police officer and hit and run with property damage one has a particularly the criminal history somewhere. with convictions for violence and. and weapons yeah. the a.t.f. the federal agency which takes care of fighting against alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives has been investigating them for more than a year. the swat team is going to assist morale as man. but. arrests will be made similar to new estates throughout town.
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but i it's six am the assault on the house takes place. i. point. zero zero zero zero zero. zero zero zero zero. zero zero. zero zero a surprise tactic works well the suspect still half asleep is taken care of without any resistance. he now has to answer to the investigating officers on the two killings and his links to the. mission accomplished for. targets here we're going to be interviewing conduct the search right now. he was in
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the back room or appears like he ran from that from that portion to the garage and that's what we contact inside. right now what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and interview him and. ask him some questions he's getting affiliation and so forth and we're also going to conduct the search. the marshals examine the house with a fine tooth comb to discover weapons and photographs proving his role in the gang which has been terrorizing santa barbara but no direct evidence of his involvement in the murders. of the day is far from over. his men still have to arrest a second gang member who is just as dangerous. christopher the other side gang leader. we do have an arrest warrant for mr manson. was born in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine and he resides at two
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zero three santa need his a criminal history includes burglary theft tampering with vehicle battery with serious bodily injury fighting a public place and recently he was arrested after after pursuit and. up to him to. the californian state has declared war poem gangs u.s. marshals on the front lines it is necessary to arrest those murderers to show that justice always has the last word. on. this now when your single friends.
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police department search warrant open the door. take the form and search warrant i'm going to go. home. preform a search warrant want to go far. that's the way it. goes i think it's on the outside but with you know where. i'm. pretty suburban. it's still a good little boy well to look up a long hallway. ok or
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a. closet. to come out. and. we're. going to leave him alone so if he sees department clear clear. please partner with more at. least one more. week right here in the uk going to clear. up right ok. if you want to search on the search back to just make sure that we just make sure that. he isn't under some clothing or. hiding spot that we missed the first time
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i didn't hear any kind of movement in here as we approach so i don't think they're here. so what we're doing is. we're going to search the search the garage make sure that there's no. appears like that nobody was home because i hear any kind of movement. but we do have a search warrant an arrest warrant so we when we made entry over there was very much you had searched the searched residence he didn't need to be you know first. of all a part of what was the same thing and same thing as. far as far as. again paraphernalia photographs letters and so forth ok. now it's up to the investigators they are going to search the entire house for evidence. from the pigs but i see a lot. of the notebook of lyrics full of hatred towards law enforcement clubber it
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that the fugitive belongs to the gang but the investigation is only beginning. to do and the bounty hunters main problem is the search warrants because they do not have one they are always borderline in their interventions. the target is a four. fugitive once again a drug addict of crystal meth a trendy drug in california these days he has a thirty five thousand dollars bounty bailed out he did not attend his trial the bounty hunters have located his hideout his girlfriend's place where. they're convinced that the man is hiding inside but they are not authorized to go in. allowed themselves to break through a window. now
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brown or you know deborah. deborah open the door if he's in there and you let us in you've got no problem at all. we're going to get in anyhow we're going to get the door. open the door. on the door. open the door i don't know don't shut the window we're here quit smoking it's going to warm open i go oh ok come here come over here and open the door right now not until you come over and open the door not right now gordon i'm going to come to this window good. thing that jeff jeff confronted with a threat jeff the fugitive finally appears at the front door go to the print door open the door and.
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once again hectoring works nobody stands up against padilla who silver tongue is important as his gun. this new arrest is worth three and a half thousand dollars to him. bounty hunters justify themselves by putting an emphasis on the risks they take. people that are on drugs you have no idea how they're going to react you know there's people in there that. become aggressive just because they have their own issues you know maybe there's another wanted person in there and all of a sudden they come for help you know you never know so i'll just get him into custody get him out of there and we're done so we're here for you got to go to the camera on my feet. i don't care give me once you have been you know never go back
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to anything else like in every hunt it has its share of accidents fail juncker he's dead after melody under fire again the most recent blunder goes back to may two thousand and eight in lakewood on the canadian border a thirty four year old fugitive dead by two bounty hunters the man cuban was an illegal immigrant who used to sell drugs. because they're cleaning the streets of small offenders bounty hunters usually think of themselves above the law. any private citizen can go into a house without a warrant the police need their permission or they need to get a warrant the bounty hunters are a little the way they come and say let me into your house if you let a bounty hunter into your house they're allowed to be there they cannot break the door down i mean there's a lot of mail about me and they can't do anything they want they can't pull a gun on you and force to and you know middle of
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a situation that they can't break into your house they can't beat your family up they can't steal your car they're still supposed to follow the laws and the question is whether prosecutors are going to prosecute family members and a lot of times they don't want to prosecute the bounty hunters because bounty hunters went ahead and got the bad guy they still want to prosecute the really bad guys and the bounty hunters they just turn a blind eye to it is archaic very archaic but it works at no cost to the taxpayer that's what's good about it that's with beautiful the taxpayer doesn't have to pay additional taxes to pay me my money comes from the billabong company or the insurance company that hires me. worked out quite well their ways are archaic but the business is profitable. in the u.s. just as markets bunty hunter still have some good days ahead of them.
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