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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2012 11:02am-11:32am EDT

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forces skaf to remain in power looking at a decision that was announced yesterday just two days before an important presidential runoff and according to that decision the islamist dominated parliament has been dissolved in addition to that which i think is backed by the army and was also a prime minister in the mubarak era has been given the green light to remain in the presidential race the decision also reverts image a slate of all fourteen back to the ruling military and the military really holds executive authority in this country and to a new president is elected so you have this very worrying situation where a president will be elected in the absence of a constitution and also in the absence of a parliament so at this stage there are more questions than answers the official line from the muslim brotherhood is to respect the decision of the court we heard as much from a candidate dr mohamed morsi although he did warn that there could be more dangerous consequences and he did say in fact that if there were any kind of
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mishaps in the elections and he would support people going back to the streets there there have however been leading voices within the muslim brotherhood that have denounced the decision of the court and the phrase being used is that this is a fully fledged coup and we're hearing that kind of criticism from across the political spectrum on wednesday the justice ministry decreed that the military police and intelligence services half of whites to a racist and detain civilians and that in addition has sent out alarm bells to me it seems as if the emergency law that was only recently lifted could very well be reintroduced so you have these political developments that are causing people like mohamed el baradei who is the former head of the united nations atomic energy agency to call on the military and the court to pursue the elections that were scheduled to get under great the concern is that these elections will be overshadowed by violence the concern is also that the country will slide back into
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dictatorial rule and the other concern is that whichever candidate is elected as president will have powers that at this stage seemingly are unlimited. we'll follow how the second round of historic presidential election in egypt unfolds don't forget to miss our special don't forget not to miss rather our special coverage on this channel throughout the weekend. just. pay to ground to run the. rubble to come. by to subscribe. but it's time to cut. your. reports of fresh stroke strikes in pakistan keep pouring in despite the country's officials demanding a hold to the attacks which they say are against international law at least three people believe three militants have been killed in the latest incident and as
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washington continues to defend its tactics more civilians are falling victim to america's drone attacks he's going to shoot you can explain. reports about you was drone strikes in pakistan coming more and more often we're getting used to hearing in the media such and such number of terrorists was killed with no way to verify really there are no names attached to those numbers usually but earlier this month american officials proudly announced that a drone strike in pakistan killed one of his top commanders almost two weeks later a video with the same men yeah yeah levy was posted online with titles which are generally reserved for the living other al qaeda leaders have not confirmed or denied or levy's death the video could have been taped before he says that that's true so he might as well be dead but the confusion has once again raised the question of who's really dying in those bombings and how much do we actually know because it's all very murky what we do know is that the obama administration has
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dramatically ramped up drone strikes in pakistan around story hundred strikes since he took office it's this area bordering afghanistan which is on the fire but judging by the intensity of the u.s. strikes there one may think that only terrorists live there that's not the case of course the long and based bureau for investigative journalism says more than eight hundred civilians died. in those bombings among them almost two hundred children what's interesting four year u.s. officials are all together denied civilian deaths in drone strikes but reports on the ground told the opposite and thousands of people protesting furiously in pakistan told the opposite then that was the last straw of the aerial strike which killed two dozen pakistani soldiers last year by mistake diplomatic have a follow up between the u.s. and pakistan pakistan blocked supply routes to afghanistan they still remain close by the way a new wave of extremism has been steered by those strikes but it's also interesting u.s. officials have been directly accused this view of investigative journalism which
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works to shed light on civilian deaths in those drone strikes of helping terrorists one might argue that this label terrorist helper is becoming an all too convenient tool for the government to brush off investigative journalism then there was this yemeni journalist who reported about the drone strike in yemen in two thousand and nine twenty one woman and fourteen children died there the journalist is now in jail reportedly at the personal request of president obama himself. there's this line of thought in washington. it's all perfectly fine as long as we're fighting the bad guys the president approves the list of those bad guys by the way the kill list on secret evidence with no review but does the argument we're fighting the bad guys mean the wall to keep quiet about the execution of innocent people in
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washington i'm going to check on. you coming up with a program to desperation palestinian village villages try to make it into the guinness book of records this destroyed by israeli authorities thirty eight times about a bit more of this story coming up. no unity in the e.u. to school to over immigration is mounting with the blockers. executes governments abusing hardline tactics with deadly consequences. the syrian government's warning of possible suicide bomb attacks in mosques in damascus after a man was arrested with ties to al qaeda linked group the suspect said to have confessed he was going to blow himself up in the center of the capital meanwhile un observers have visited the town of half after intense battles between government and opposition forces they found government buildings gutted from the inside with dead bodies believed to have been removed or buried before the u.n. mission arrived parallels are already being drawn with past massacres in syria that
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is growing doubts in the western media over the government's involvement in the atrocities across the country with reports also implicating rebel militia in the blood shed some journalists went as far as claiming the opposition deliberately set them up to be shot by the syrian army david gibbs history professor at the university of arizona says media spins left its mark on this conflict. was a general point and these types of you know conflicts are the propaganda aspect is critically important and there is an effort in the world for rebels in a kind of purely positive light and syrian regime with a purely negative light and you know get the facts on the ground are very hard to ascertain who massacre did for a long time for a while look like it was clearly done by the government but there was a report on the drive across particularly from further argument it's. indicate that there are some indications that might have been some element of the rebels that might have committed at least part of the massacre the german report with the growth of who underscores the fact that it's very difficult to get at the truth in
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these types of conflicts where you know both sides are trying to use propaganda and spin to advance their positions and so this is being presented as is typically the case in these types of conflicts the good versus evil conflict with all the blame on one side even if the reality is more complicated. program in about twenty minutes on this channel discusses the series. in crisis with experts focusing on why western powers never reveal their real agenda for intervention. in every case when the united states or britain or france the former colonizers of the middle east decide to intervene to overthrow a government they assigned their mission a noble cause to defend democracy to defend freedom to protect civilians they never say we're coming in to brutally exploit dominate and take your land labor and resources and use you as a bargaining chip and the world will struggle against others they never say it like that because nobody would support that.
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residents of a palestinian village have come to the guinness book of world records to register that their village has been demolished by israel thirty eight times as much as jeff helper co-founder and executive director of the israeli committee against house demolitions who thinks it's a last ditch attempt to attract attention to their plight. i think this is an act of desperation they've turned to these radio courts for years and years and years israeli activists have gone down to try to resist the demolition there's been international campaigns against the jewish national front which is behind the demolitions of these homes and nothing is helping israel comes back time and time and time again to demolish the homes of this small bedouin community that's been there since for hundreds of years and i think this is simply it's kind of a gimmick in a way to say to the world look we have no more redress you know in the end of the court of last resort as public opinion in other words if we can really put israel
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on the spot and really reveal what's going on here and to bring it into the international rules and let the u.n. and the international community start to deal with this i think we we have a chance through public opinion and international law to force the israeli government to do justice even towards its own arab citizens the middle stories we're covering also available on our web site twenty four seven along with a lot more as well like this site five stories coming to life take a look about things it's a spider-man suit that would climb its way into the future of the u.s. military that half a chance proud of every interested in it must make a rocket we have got the sound but it's a clever thing him and. also. he got washed away with the rain the billion dollar highway in russia's far east issues disappeared find out what went so wrong online .
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the e u k is more about enforcing its borders than people's lives that's the conclusion reached in the latest report by amnesty international human rights group claims your of actively aims to prevent a matter. africanness for reaching it shows endangering the lives of asylum seekers there are increasing calls from critics to hold a u. governments accountable for the treatment of immigrants. in the reports those who do manage to reach europe face increasing discrimination. it may be called the european human but dispirit is right to swing to the extreme is becoming a little more mainstream especially when it comes to discourse on immigration and in some cases leads to outright violence from norway. to greece. to hungary. this is in our story this is a rape doesn't l.s.d.
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and the. recent elections in france agree showed big gains for the far right and immigrants say they've increasingly been on the receiving end of prejudice in many forms people. in all of europe a woman with a veil can go into any shop and buy anything she wants but it build women cannot work in this shop but what is in the report is the discrimination and racism in the everyday life that people are facing because they don't report because they don't trust the police so every time you get into that on the street or issuing the stern warning that you have to cough and stick and you have all whatever through the report simply a two thousand and ten report by the european network against racism and discrimination found that racially discriminatory practices are widespread institutional in nature and practiced at all levels of society across europe in two thousand and eight the european commission proposed a directive that would ban discrimination on the grounds of age disability religion or belief and sexual orientation in all areas including social protection and
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advantages as well us access to goods and services the current law only applies to the workplace but it's been four years and the directive is stuck largely because some member states are blocking it arguing that implementation would be too costly this activists say is one of the. many still years of policy makers and while immigrants are blamed by politicians on the right for failure to integrate others say it's the authorities which have not done enough of people it was a freedom policy in the ignition policy and it's due to the merits i never knew that if there is a new kitchen policy it's not the fault of the too far as i know it's of those who make the policy over the europe's economic troubles which are preoccupied leaders show no sign of ending soon but the race and immigration issues they've left are solved could prove just as big a political timebomb tester cilia r.t. brussels the problems of extremism and intolerance in the e.u.
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though widely of a shot of course by the blogs current economic headaches two governments across the world are preparing for market panic ahead of that greek vote at the weekend which they are which will determine the country's eurozone future of course now in case athens does exit britain's announce some one hundred billion pounds is going to be pumped into its own banks to defend against any backlash author and commentator professor philip baca says the greek exit misspoke a europe wide chain reaction. well now it looks like that spain will need. one and probably italy will need one and then we have suppression of greece if greece actually exits the euro the. legal and administrative precedence so markets investors within that mark underscored leaves and will most of the rest of the presidents for countries like finland and germany to say well we may actually lead if you don't get your eye was this in more of the so than they would
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have a more credible threat. to push other countries to do the necessary stuff so it's very open how this all in but i fear that in in the end the z.b. years. to political pressure and start running the printing press. will be around a hundred. thousand festus of the streets of the blazing capital of call for an end to the violence between muslim and put his communities in western man many of the demonstrators were muslims forced to flee the rest they try to march on miramar the embassy where they were met by police the ongoing sectarian violence of the already seen dozens killed and thousands of homes torched. japanese police have arrested the last fugitive suspect linked to the deadly gas attack on tokyo subway seventeen years ago an employee in a city cafe recognized and called the police about belong to a cult group which had access to chemical and biological weapons nearly two hundred
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of its members have criminal records thirteen people were killed and thousands more injured in that one thousand nine hundred five plot. security forces have regained control now they say over a large crowd of rioters in indonesia is perhaps province the mob furious after police killed an independence activist set fire to shops and cars and stabbed one on look at of death police arrested three people and seized several homemade bombs weapons. officers in the province have been dealing with armed insurgents and growing violence in recent months on. russians going outside the nation's border for medical help may become a thing of the past soon patients can now look closer to home with treatment and procedures for serious heart conditions making great strides since the fall of the soviet union so you have to date all the stories catch up with autism in english. home is where the heart is but for many russians their country is not where they choose to get their medical care especially those with heart problems as many is
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just saying thousand russians are here just to go abroad to get treatment because they say health care at home leaves much to be desired for the country's leading cardiologists it's a great concern that only. we have thousands of cases which can be very successfully treated here at home so i say with all responsibilities ninety percent of all treatment is done a broader agenda done here. but many remain unconvinced even though centers like most goes back live in situ to have perfected some of the most complicated procedures which can give the old or young taker and new life that's across the hudson after the break up of the years of the state had to be created in you and in the process the situation with medicine was let go to the point where people have unfortunately lost the trust and russian health care stupid me it's not so for two time hard bypass survivor knife the former diplomat underwent extensive treatment
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both abroad and at the buckley of center most immediate suman our health care is far stronger and kinder than westerns especially now when many medical centers have the technology that we're used to seeing in the west just most importantly our doctors have sold most of them to this that along with well trained hands is something which allows russian doctors to save lives daily with operations unheard of just a few years ago thousands of such procedures have already been performed at the center on patients as young as just a few weeks old to those whose lives are in full bloom like twenty four year old natalee who suffered from a heritage terry heart condition it's just the feeling right now is that i understand and feel like a completely healthy person. a priceless feeling of inner health achieved without hitting outside russia's borders in moscow it even goes cold r.t. . great use of patience now the latest figures in the world of finance coming up
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soon you know now to dimitri's within a couple of minutes with this afternoon's business but it. comfort is the least you have. your money is the last you need if you travel this way. language is common. you see. the. emotions are intense. experience priceless.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought . i'm charged welcome to the big picture. but on a warm welcome to business dimitri medvedev go let's go first straightaway to the
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closing picture on the russian markets we've had a very short week just three sessions monday wednesday into for. friday and friday together with wednesday were very positive a minor correction on thursday and this is what we have two and a half percent for the r.t.s. and my six adding more than two percent this is on the back of optimism for the worst so to say which could happen on sunday during the elections in greece so basically if the elections are not satisfactory and there's market turmoil next week then we will see central banks in europe intervening in providing stimulus and therefore they might be buying up assets on the markets and so trade is a place to be hoping for this so it's as i said optimism for the worst second to get towards moving the my six and financial shares legs burbank were playing a big role in this game one half percent steelmaker m.k. was also good up one point three percent after put in financial results it was up
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almost two percent was one of the biggest gainers for the session when a bit down at the close on the back of dividends increased from eleven and a half to twenty five percent of net profit also. designed to deal with us exxon mobil jointly developed the difficult oil fields in west siberia analysts say the potential annual output of the deposits could be above fifteen million tons of crude this year to companies agreed to work together in the russian arctic shelf. all right on the american markets we see jones and the nasdaq adding more than a half a percent in pretty much the same reasons as the spike the fact that consumer confidence has come out on the lowest level since november so the stats are not so worsening the mood in europe what we're seeing close to the well the closing bell the footsies up a point three percent the dax more than one percent again on the back of this hopeful stimulus coming in on the european market next week. and in commodities
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and brant adding. at this hour after opec decided to maintain production quotas as is without increasing them to ease the price pressure and in currencies the euro continues to weaken slightly just not sure versus the dollar world the ruble fell slightly in value against the basket of currencies also bank u.b.s. as recommenders clients to buy into rubles against the dollar and the bank says this could provide a verse of the potential four and a half percent gain if they do it before the elections in greece which will take place this sunday lenders analysts believe risky currencies could balance if greek far to supporting a european bailout when the voting if they don't high yields yielding assets can still rise as central banks may be forced to support the markets. so that's the dilemma that the markets are facing right now of course next week will show who was
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right and who was wrong in terms of the outcome of the greek elections i'll be back in around fifty five minutes time with an update for you. there hasn't been a thing yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact on. the source material is what helps keep journalism on the.
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we want to present. something you know if. if you're followed up on my. back and keep part of our law. it goes back to a time when people would lie down in their forces in the wild west and pick up these future dates and putting them into the sheriff for prosecution. and when they go out there is cop weapons. and you have to hope that nothing bad can. move. forward chasing killers and you gotta keep that in mind others a two million dollar bill for his arrest. but not super hero they can be killed.
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and i'm going to die. and. never go back to hide anything else. if.
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headlines of live from marty in moscow fresh protests on the eve of the egyptian presidential runoff as the country's highest court dissolved parliament that allows mubarak six from minister to continue his election challenge the rulings have sparked fears the country sliding back now into dictatorship also from r t the us steps of deadly drone attacks on pakistani territory leading to calls for an investigation into the legality i mean claims innocent civilians are being killed in strikes officially targeting terrorists. and syria's government says that may be of all suicide bomb attacks in the country's capital the warning follows the arrest of a man with ties to an al qaeda linked group. and it's the syrian conflict we stay with next is the springboard indeed for strong debate in cross talk with people of just ahead for you.
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well. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered. and if you. follow in the welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle violence in syria is now officially called a civil war this is probably cold comfort for the syrian people as western powers decide the fate of this war torn country what remains to be seen is whether the syrian civil war pulling call for the entire region. live. if you. live. to cross talk siri.


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