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tv   [untitled]    June 15, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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louis. good afternoon and welcome to capital account i'm laurin the store here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for june fifteenth two thousand and twelve as we all know greek elections are sunday greeks choose among political parties and the world assesses what the outcome will mean for the hellenic republic and the eurozone but are we really looking at a choice between a catastrophic and for greece and lists chaos catastrophe at this point can nothing outweigh the benefit of a default we'll talk about it and on the crisis management side the european central bank reportedly stands ready to act if there is market turmoil the u.k. reportedly will unleash aggressive monetary policy in the face of a worsening euro zone debt storm so central banks are threatening to turn on the
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spigots. thanks. that's what they aim to do but will they drown us all in liquidity pumping an extra liter of liquidity into a container losing gallons by the day does nothing to change the deflationary dynamic will discuss plus it's friday we'll show you the incredibly creative way one of our viewers came up with to distinguish between a head and a proprietary trade once and for all since jamie diamond says he can't see that more in viewer feedback let's get to today's capital account.
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all right let's quickly recap what we're looking at this weekend with greek elections now you could say that the political parties in greece have fallen into two categories those in favor of the two hundred forty billion euro bailout loan of course to extreme austerity measures and those against it now here are the major players we're looking at sunday's series the party led by alexis tsipras this is one of their rallies there he is ok he's running on a staunch anti austerity platform he stated publicly that he believes greece will not be pushed out of the euro even if they break with the austerity measures tied to the bailout on the other side we have new democracy leader antonio is some of us now he's campaigned on a platform to keep greece in the euro zone but he's been walking a tightrope of promising fiscal adjustments to ease the pain associated with the memorandum now on june first is the last date opinion polls were allowed to be
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publicized new democracy lead with twenty two point seven percent syriza had twenty two percent and eleven point two percent but i should mention there is a two point eight percent margin of error so it is really close between new democracy and serious now if there is no clear winner on sunday forming a coalition could prove difficult again because it failed last time there are three hundred seats in the legislature and one hundred fifty one are needed to form a government so if new democracy gained enough seats they could form a coalition with however if syria is victorious the composition of any coalition headed by the left wing party will be more difficult to form so those are the nuts and bolts now we do have a unique situation because we have a great producer dimitri you all know one he's not only well versed in the history and politics of his country but has reported on the ground in athens during this crisis so let me give you our take seen largely through his eyes the problems in
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greece are broadly painted by the media as economic and. ok with the solutions always presented in a political framework greek so the conventional wisdom goes borrow too much and live beyond their means for too long and now the time has come to pay the bill how many times have we heard that so governments therefore must work together alongside central banks to write the greek wrongs and then the rest of the eurozone on the path towards growth and prosperity but this ignores certain realities realities which are just as responsible for the riots we have seen that you see they're just as responsible as they are for that as for the deposit flight from greek banks whatever policymakers think they know about greece greeks themselves know one thing very well and this is that they cannot trust anyone least of all their own politicians pulling their savings out of the bank before they are confiscated or turned into devalued drachmas is only one example of this another
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can be seen in the collapse of investment within the greek economy after all who in their right mind would put time and capital to work in an economy whose future is so bleak under the current dynamics and yet this very collapse in investment feeds a further collapse in growth so that the economy and the society were made in a perpetual contract of freefall if you were trying to design a depression you probably couldn't do a better job than what is happening by force of circumstance in greece today and yet the simplest and most obvious solution that of a unilateral default is something that the greek people and especially their politicians have really resisted so why well one reason is that the issue of euro membership is just as much if not more a political issue for greece than it is an economic one the days of the drama were not
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a pretty time inflation was rampant the greeks felt more isolated geopolitical. then they do today military spending and preparedness with a greater urgency given historical tensions with turkey and relations with the rest of europe or less familial shall we say in short breaking from the euro is not a decision to be made through simple mathematical equations there are costs that cannot be factored in and no motions they cannot be measured not by a poll not by any vote so even with elections scheduled for this sunday in greece the future remains just as uncertain today as it was last week or even last year because even if for example the left wing parties series against power no one knows if it will carry through with a default on the nation's debt or really break with the memorandum and the austerity measures are greed to between the previous government and its international lenders that all said let's talk about the outcomes we may see after
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this weekend constantine is here he's economist and coeditor of this book what if ireland defaults situation he knows well and he can really speak to all of this he's coming to us from dublin and first thank you so much for being on the show today and. what we're happy to have you especially on the eve of elections this sunday is so you probably heard my whole intro to this i want to ask you along those lines you know this greek situation is always framed are typically framed in the mainstream media as an economic one but are there political issues coming into play heavily here that cannot be discounted and how much of a role do you think that's playing well as you pointed out absolutely one hundred percent correct this is an interplay between baltics that can only extend behavioral its historical and cultural and geopolitical aspects this is what happens when the crisis is along through each over the five year period and it pulls the makers either in brussels no nonsense or capable of addressing it
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snowballs into crisis across different dimensions this is also why these words. difficult to see at this stage how the greeks will vote in order you know in the direction of exiting the euro zone and so that's why in my bill it's a kind of analysis right now it's about only forty percent chance on greece exiting the euro zone within the next twelve to eighteen months the reason for it is as you pointed as well this huge amount of costs which is associated with it and the fact that in order to facilitate orderly exit by greece the european union will have to spend in effect exactly the same amount as would be required in order to keep greece within the eurozone itself what about this professor grazier because greece is in a depression ok its economy has contracted for thirteen of the last fourteen quarters but has spiked this which is something you just mentioned greeks are sending mixed messages you know they want to stay in the euro but they don't want to tap austerity so what about a situation where greece defaults but stay then the euro. if if greece defaults
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unilaterally it will probably be forced to leave the euro simply because the disruption which it will do as a result of that is going to be felt across the entire eurozone system financial system and particularly the banking systems we're seeing what's happening in cyprus for example right now where even the orderly to structure reverse destruction of that has resulted in insolvency in the banking system which the exchequer of cyprus is now expected to cover can't cover and as a result of that the cyprus is not intruding on the line on the edge of applying for the bailout itself if greece goes on a disorderly fashion and i thought very small probability to that of about twenty percent roughly speaking down the whole how breaks loose across the eurozone and it is most likely what will happen is that the eurozone and the certainly i.m.f. will have to put a stop on greek bonds has been used as collateral in the emergency committee assistance operations with the national banks and also in the e.c.b.
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and that's the result of the police will not have lots of fun. thinks it's over my will to fall effectively on the payment system capital controls will come in political system will become destabilized once again behavior is the greeks oh it is talking about food they're still going to provisions as we know from the reports from athens and from the us through these there is a capital flight going on that capital flight is going to accelerate through the illegal black market channels where people will be withdrawn from the banks the money where they have access to this money so for example the deposit boxes jewelry and things like that will be thrown out the marketplace the whole system collapses and there's a lot of that that is inevitable that this will have to meet you know there is an opportunity to facilitate default for all this is something that i would call the marshall plan which has to happen across the entire eurozone at certain point in time not just in greece but also in other countries like ireland portugal spain other countries suitable for this type of resolution with. you know the fashion
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would be actually another looms in belgium as well out of everything you know what i want to ask is about a slightly different scenario because you say of greece defaults are going to get pushed out of the euro zone and that's just the way it's going to be but you talked about to kind of on a more much a much smaller scale i should say about a town where you are in ireland that they adopted the old irish currency and use that alongside the euro so pegging to that story no pun intended or maybe a little intended what if you had a situation where great if the government went back to the drachma they printed as many drachmas as their little hearts desired but the private sector remained on the euro and no one banking accounts saw their euros converted to drachmas and no private debts were converted to drachmas and that was the scenario well the minute the minute the various breeds its own currency or a new country within the euro zone prince its own currency if there is no longer a common currency area it was no longer
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a single currency area the more injury policy of the city becomes entirely due. stabilize the point there are some arguments to be made that some local currencies do emerge periodically for example and need to be there was a small town which did you mention the town fairly medium size city for other standards called mana where the old irish fans are now fully traded for about two months now with the even more national. retail outlets i've taken those as a form of payment as well there are other forms as well that are part of forms organized part of forms which are merging across europe all of that is the first what we call in economics the first stages of the collapse of the common currency where people starting to find the systems of payments and systems of transactions that they trust much more or that are available to them more freely and easily then the existence of a few shall currency were you going to see and we're already seeing that in and some peripheral countries first and foremost the real big step is when the
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governments local authorities start monetize and their transactions with businesses suppliers of goods and services to the governments through the means other than the euro we've seen that happening right now with local authorities in some parts of spain it is happening right now with local authorities a large number of italian local authorities and it certainly is happening with greeks where you know what the fact of live instead of using euros to pay for goods and services they're using late or future tax liabilities or even past stark's liabilities as offsets as well all of the first stages of the collapse of common currency and that's well established by the research of for example people like rain cards and growth of getting my hands example and the rest of the searchers in the area of the crisis and collapses of currencies interesting as we do see that spreading across their euro zone in many of these indebted countries when we get back from the break i want to talk to you more in depth about some of these greek default scenarios and what exactly happens in various sectors so stay right there
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we'll have more of constant anger and you have economist and coeditor of what if ireland defaults. and still ahead too you responded now all answer check out if your comment caught my eye this week and viewer feedback but first your closing market numbers. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is going to be you who with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our t.v.
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question more. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you sure see some other part of it and realize everything. you don't know i'm charging is a big issue. here if you want to. look into the loan itself you'll get a real headline with none of the most of the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. .
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welcome back analysts are sure sizing up what the impact of the greek elections will be on sunday we're getting into the nuts and bolts of this scenario is our guest believes there is a forty percent chance that there could be a greek exit according to his probability i want to talk a little bit more about the nuts and bolts of what happens to your rose in greece if there is a default scenario has a number of default scenarios so let's talk about this more with constantine he's an economist and coeditor of the book what if ireland defaults he comes to us from dublin so professor of i want to get a little bit more into these default scenarios because this is something that you know as a normal person that covers this kind of baffles me a little so in a situation where greece defaults and goes back to the drachma what happens for
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example to normal greeks bank accounts where they have their money in euro's and greek banks does their fifty thousand euro bank account become a fifty thousand drachmas balance. well that's you know that's a very big question because there are different ways of doing it there are different ways of any money ties and economy most likely what will happen in any scenario where there is a default on no default exit on no exit greece is going to face some capital controls the severity of those capital controls and the length of those capital controls this thread across say for example household accounts versus that accounts of the corporates banking and financial institutions accounts that spread will be and that caused the or the severity of those controls will be determined by the particular scenario how say for example disorderly and on facilitated is the exit of greece from the euro zone either way they count the funds that the greek savers for example ordinary families or businesses have will be nominated into the
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domestic currency the full extent if it given that greece has a record be kerry's good position right now it is highly unlikely that there will be a lot of significant if you want real real interest rate that you're so you will exchange rate adjustments on the accounts and in other words they will not provide a safety cushion for people against the future devaluation the second will be probably at the exchange rate close to the one which greece went into the you in the first place but that will follow immediately with a devaluation of twenty to thirty percent with them literally hours of introduction of that exchange rate and that will continue to develop their it will continue expectation is that drop what would have to devalue by about sixty percent in the meantime before it hits sixty percent it probably will devalue by seventy percent first and then will strengthen a little bit towards the sixty percent this is all of course not exact science because we don't know exactly action it also will depend on how much that is what
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default on will be these default on the only domestically how they have or will default also on international how do you denominated that all of those things are uncertain is what we do. is that greece right now is probably in the as bad situation as argentina was urgent kind default was very hard it was very direct and it was very abrupt and this is a lot of that we can expect a very similar time in greece itself with probably more of them than this and i'll use a kind of a proper. use of the fold increase during the exit is the fact that under my prediction or under my view of the way things will play out if greece stays within the euro zone the still implies capital controls it's still imply a severe restrictions on the abilities of individuals and businesses to transact within the greek economy and those who still implies effectively force him down or right and down significant amounts of debt that the economy is karen currently
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while before i get into a little more of that different sectors and the scenario talking about which sounds pretty dire i know with everything that you're saying which sounds like a really bad scenario i know it sounds horrible but professor gurdjieff have at this point what a default in some ways be the best thing a because at least then you have a bottom you have a reset i mean already you have a depression you have fifty percent youth unemployment twenty two percent unemployment for everybody else billions of euros flying out of the greek banking system capital flight you have tourism declining you have businesses shattering nobody wants to invest wouldn't it at least put an end to that and hey start over absolute it at this stage the system is so ridden with errors errors which were induced onto it over the years of being in their own currency environment in their own interest rate environment in their own policy environment but also areas which
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were introduced by the solutions the so-called inverted commas solutions that the european union has been putting forward as a result of that you're completely correct the only thing that greece has the only feasible exit. greece has right now in some sort of a default the only question then becomes what type of a default and there are three types of default that you can think about one of those is greece defaulting on its own with no support from the euro zone that's the worst case scenario worst destruction possible the other one is kind of you know much more benign whereby greece for example defaults with the support of the eurozone but that support is given in the form of new debt as the type of the destruction that we have seen from the end of the last year the beginning of this here we know that doesn't war so the only thing which we can imagine is the reason effects for the marshall aid style clown in order to write down use the funding from the eurozone to write down existence that's outright and that doesn't carry if
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you want to target that down the road for the economy as well that would be probably the least disruptive even with the least disruptive it will be costly and very difficult for good economy but nonetheless that is the only way that we can see do you see meaning within the eurozone greece eurozone itself remain intact and you know at the same time resolving the problem by the way let it stress once again that this is just the beginning of the process of write downs that will happen across the entire eurozone eurozone itself is deeply in doubt the leverage and that has taken place in the united states has not taken place in the eurozone at all and as a result of that we're looking at the write downs across the eurozone not just because there is just too much debt i appreciate you for laying out the beginning of this kind of scenario cascading domino effect that you say we're bound to see that's constant jeff thanks so much he's an economist and coeditor of what if ireland defaults.
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heavy stuff going on let's lighten it up and on a lighter note it's friday so it's your feedback you guys have lots of fun things to say yesterday we talked about oil and definition no fis wrote that the oil graph we ran through fifty one is crazy wrong i know we didn't consume more than we produced for thirty consecutive years please explain it ok so here's the graph if we can bring that up and as you can see on it is that what it shows is that oil consumption output is says production which is a little confusing because how can you consume oil that doesn't exist well the
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difference between crude output and total oil consumption comes from natural excuse me natural gas liquids so that's what the chart is showing so that's what makes up for the difference but i absolutely should have been a lot more clear about that so thanks for for bringing that up so i can clear it up now that was in an episode where we interviewed byron king and frank markopoulos tweeted i think lauren lyster interviewed the smartest man in the world about oil today awesome saws well awesome tweet because i have to agree he was a wealth of knowledge on oil and several different energy sources i mean who knew that mixing beryllium with your rainy and the design of nuclear reactors makes fuel rods almost no proof and that that technology exists well that's just one of the many things he said if you missed the interview can watch it online it was yesterday and wednesday of course jamie dimon testified before the senate banking committee or. maybe the committee testified to its love for jamie dimon however you
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want to look at it nonetheless we interview intell traded the capital to interview heidi moore of marketplace and kathy mock one said great show as usual heidi is great but please show us j.d.s. executive cufflinks well if you missed it here they are ok jamie diamond wearing not his heart on his sleeve but the president's seal you know i guess it only makes sense i suppose as he had lawmakers wrapped around his finger just bring it all together moving on richard back and since we did that some financial education for jamie dimon and jamie dimon it was on his twitter free if we could bring it up he showed us to distinguish between a proprietary trade and had a obviously it's a job but jamie diamond that's how he seems to see it at least and finally zero three greg maddux said the only thing more sickening did watching the pandering by
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the politicians and the stonewalling by diamond was the coverage by the mainstream media thank you lauren and capital account the whole team i should add for the only honest coverage of the hearing that i saw well thank you for seeing it that way we worked really hard to bring you it there you can see his comment there now there was also an interesting review or a bit of commentary on this network and i wanted to bring up a passage that actually my boss showed to me in this article it says that the presenters on our t.v. mostly dark haired young women untroubled them to the i talk with the casual disdain about us economic bigwigs like ben bernanke ian tim geitner as if these men were all together mad ok you know. what can i say i really take offense to this i think i would be considered more light haired that dark and you forgot to mention paul krugman european central bankers and technocrats and you probably should have thrown in the us big. banker banker big wigs like jamie dimon and lloyd
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blankfein and i would characterize my casual does dana as more of a professional contempt for their economic and financial policies priorities presumptions amp or scription so one comment just after that i wanted to add you to the author noted that the host lines of argument are often too strange or difficult to follow and to that i know economics and finance can be very confusing to understand but i encourage you to give it a try you might learn something and we're working on bringing back word of the day so that might help to you at all and you with that note that little word of encouragement because that is all we have time for that's our show today thank you so much for watching and make sure to come back next week. and in the meantime you can follow me on twitter at more and list or give us feedback on the show or catch any you missed the you tube dot com slash capital account plus you can catch out a catch all of our shows in h.d. on hulu and google alone at hulu dot com slash capital dash account and from
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everyone your capital account have a great night a great weekend come back monday matina status will be on to db reinvests on greece how to connect. the issues that so much given to huge music history the courage and finding the time to mark when violence in syria is now officially called a civil war this is probably cold comfort for the syrian people as western powers decide to speak. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something else.
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