tv [untitled] June 15, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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more news today violence has once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada a. giant corporation to rule the day. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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of the. r.i. guys it's time for tonight's to a time of war and then why we're giving it to a group of republicans who don't seem to be quite comfortable with the female anatomy that we actually they love legislating about it they just don't like saying the dirty word but earlier this week michigan lawmakers came together debate
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a series of bills to put new regulations on abortion providers and would ban all abortions after twenty weeks fortunately this kind of thing has become not unusual right it's an issue that we've seen sweep through states across the country and it's often a heated discussion and when it was up for debate in the michigan state house it was no different several democratic female lawmakers came to the floor to voice their opposition to the bills but when representative lisa brown took to the microphone she made a comment that was apparently totally out of line and finally mr speaker i'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina but no means no. members at u.s.c. you respected or mobile homes. were you offended by her using the term. because i was a parent lee all the g.o.p. lawmakers were including the house speaker of self another republican lawmaker mike calton he told local news outlets what she said was offensive it was so offensive i
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don't even want to say it in front of women i would not say that in mixed company hold up i don't love it why would i be offended by the word vagina being used in front of me i mean how do you be so forward as to use the proper and atomic all terms that describe a body part that every single woman on this planet has let's not forget republicans they do often get a little sour on science so i guess even the science vocab freaks them out to anyway since she was so out of line and so offensive she was punished by being barred from speaking when the lawmakers voted on the next bill on their agenda and you heard me right she was barred from speaking how using the word vagina against decorum is not a profane word nothing that you have to censor maybe the other lawmakers are a bit more comfortable if she would have called it i don't know her crotch but j.j. who hot dusty muff in the cave of mystery the land down under squiggly bits twat
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cooter beaver fish lips pink taco bell and clam camel toe muff snatch love button poor box flower maybe then they wouldn't of pussyfooted around the issue then let's be honest those types of terms of the ones that might be considered offensive too much for mixed company but not the actual word the dr uses when he talks to women about their reproductive health and this of course why having men legislate a better of a giant as when they can't even say the word vagina becomes utterly more ridiculous now i love the word vagina vagina vagina vagina but that atrocious vagina comment fairly wasn't the only one that gained attention during this house session representative barr byrom attempted to follow in the footsteps of other state lawmakers by attempting to propose and amendments to this abortion bill that would essentially imply the same types of ridiculous restrictions on males and getting of a sect to me but her efforts were heard by the house speaker actually she was ignored altogether. of course for the for the house on the adoption of amendment
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you are on the board. members of. the amendment is not a doctor are there. so much for being fair right they actually tried to speak over byron in attempts at ignoring her so i think it's pretty clear what's happening here the g.o.p. majority in the michigan state house just couldn't be bothered by anybody who was willing to stand up for a woman's right to decide what's best for herself next time guys just don't say that or just do say that don't pretend to be offended by the female anatomy when it's only to say the word vagina you turn into a pumpkin i've said it at least ten times so far and guess what i'm still here now by the way while michigan republicans were clearly uncomfortable the twitter verse embraced the word all last night even today we've seen a lot of tweets with the hash tag which i know movie lines so you take a famous line from a movie your place one of the words with the word vagina and i got to admit they're pretty good i even took part in it myself because i just couldn't resist so anyway
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we decided to share some of our favorites with you but i think that my impersonations just wouldn't do them justice so i have even here with me to read them for you take it away we're going to need a bigger vagina. you can handle the vagina so i can do this one toto i've got a feeling we're not in the john anymore it's pretty good yeah myself and some of the other team members also partook hollowness red it's so good went to china hits your lips it's so good. with great to gina comes great responsibility and here's my gym get your hands off excuse me get your hands off me you damn dirty vagina. thank you very much get back to work that is a smattering but it was one of the top dogs trending in the twitters fear and guess what nobody out there was offended by the word vagina i was going to keep saying it really go all night but i think you guys get the point and i hope that continuing
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this argument isn't going to lay down and spread its legs any time soon women shouldn't be banished for addressing a health issue in a professional manner i can't wait until we start playing the penis game in some state legislature but until they grow up we are giving michigan's g.o.p. lawmakers tonights tool time award because clearly they're afraid of females and their vaginas. now just ahead on the show we have fireside friday and then happy hour somebody interrupted the president during his speech in the rose garden today and snoop dogg trying his hand at the news you want to. wealthy british style. that's not on lightly.
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all. markets finance scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on r g. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something else. culture is that so much it will definitely be a huge decision a person finding a letter from the marquesas violence in syria is now officially called a civil war this is probably cold comfort for the syrian people as western powers
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are for another edition of this week in apologists ok you all know it's not really what this segment of the show is called but it has been quite a week for respected established columnists making in my mind embarrassing justifications to protect the powerful started with david brooks blaming the lack of trust in our institutions down on corruption or the failure of leadership what are you what he likes to call the followership david brooks wants you to bow to your leaders and shut the hell up but today i want to bring up yet another person that i think deserves to be called out for a weak minded and quite frankly tired attack gene lyons is a democrat he wrote a column this week defending the obama administration calling it obama's politique strategy now it's like there's anything novel in defending the president's drone policy there are plenty of people out there who do it in fact we just looked at a few polled this week that show that in america drone strikes are broadly supported and by members of both political parties a stark contrast with seventeen of the twenty one other countries surveyed but it's
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precisely the so-called democrats that are supporting obama's drone policy that i find troubling and it's why people like lions deserve our critique and for starters it's because of the argument that he uses the second sentence of the comedy wrote this week reads anybody who's operatic obama was going to deal with terrorists by sending flowers and proposing group therapy is certainly naive enough to work for the nobel peace prize committee was glenn greenwald pointed out today this tried and true tactic of labeling anybody who questions those who want to look tough on terrorism as a terrorist sympathizer is something we saw a lot of during the bush administration but then it was a right wing attack so why have those on the left embraced it now why are they apologizing for a president who's chosen to circumvent the constitution and the courts and decide on his own. to execute us citizens alliance even calls the critics feeble right because it's a sign of weakness to actually try to hold a politician who promised to bring back the rule of law and not abuse executive
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power to was we're now luckily it's not everybody out there as i mentioned on yesterday show there is a letter out there signed by at this point twenty six members of the house asking for transparency accountability oversight into the drone program and criticizing the policy of signature strikes for all you need is a pattern of suspicious behavior and not knowledge of who you're actually bombing but it's the people like lions who are weak suddenly it was a democrat as in acting these tactics that it has turned into reality suddenly he sees no other real world alternatives despite the possible consequences that drone strikes and civilian casualties might lead to more problems in the future like proving to be a new recruitment tool and this is why we see bipartisan consensus on our national security apparatus to operate for the most part in the shadows asking for your president of follow the constitution it up hold the law has become a fringe issue under realistic i mean it's people like you lions who believe that who are living in a dream world so maybe mr lyons should send flowers to terrorists and thank them
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for catalyzing a departure from our values that he's now so proud to champion. our guide it is time for a happy hour and joining me this evening our team producer adriano zero and politicos david cat needs hey guys. friday friday where should we start this is briefly mention that our panel at the top of the show but today while the president was making his announcement about his new immigration policy there was a daily caller reporter that i got in we call it heckled him spoke out of turn you get take a look. talented driven patriotic young people it is the it
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is the right thing to do. excuse me sir there's not time for questions sir. not while i'm speaking. we are a better nation than one that expels innocent young kids and the answer to your question sir. and the next time i for you let me finish my statements before you ask that question is this is the right thing to do for the american people baby guy i didn't i didn't ask for an argument i'm answering your question it is the right thing to do for the american people. all right so the reporters name is neil munro he works for the daily caller and he said that he identified himself as an immigrant and then walked off that's according to other people who were there and he also says that he just missed his question to obama like my timing was so bad but i mean what do you think about this i mean this is the daily caller there are conservative website here trying to get some traction this is
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a list probably more attention than they've gotten you know they don't i don't why on a long time just knowing their regular stories they're defending it saying you've got to you know talk carlson the editor of the out there now saying oh my reporters have got to challenge a president that. it's a first amendment thing but nobody does this i mean there's protocol to a press conference in a rose garden i mean this is sort of tearing up formality and saying there are no rules we reporters can you know at any time even sam donaldson was asked about this and said no you don't do that and he was the most persistent questioner of presidents ok so it was a year this is not something that there would be a miscarriage time to miss time to they'd he didn't he knew exactly what he was doing absolutely there is no way that he didn't know what he had done that to president bush that's a question for these ideological outlets i mean if it was a liberal you know questioning president bush would they have done it to obama the same thing has to be applied here would you really you know the question of president bush in the middle of his you know ceremony outside i don't think has run
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out and i somehow doubt that and i don't see that but i mean i can imagine this being is the biggest scandal had to happen on the other side too in terms of not having any respect for the office of the presidency and you know. let's move on to this next and we've we've actually we've spoken about this secret spaceship before but a couple people thought the other night in washington d.c. that they saw a u.f.o. that was just you know getting driven down the freeway to take. and they i don't know if you are very. finally or haven't you seen independence day when they make. a welcome right before they were disintegrated yes i remember that scene i didn't should have gone vivek told him i agreed with the book. because
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you're not supposed to really get a good glimpse of you a full every time you suppose we see the charge grainy it's up in the air like this you knew it was anything like on the trot it is now in writing and doesn't mean i got a rail line of work so bourbons guys like i'm sure they were mean like come on by the way by the way let me just clear this up it's the x. forty seven b. which is this military air aerial that i look at that is secret that they don't tell us anything about i mean do you look i mean but the funny thing is i was on twitter when this thing broke and there were people really saying i see you a full on i seventy outside of washington and you know what are you know things blow up and like i'm like lying in bed knowing what the heck is going to get started but at least there's a video of it and. barely you can expect in the coming months to see this thing flying around the base and the surrounding air flying over the base in the surrounding area a long ways to say i hope it doesn't crash like the other one in maryland like
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figures yes yes kind of the problem with using these unmanned aircraft it's just let's ok this is a story that we've actually covered before on happy hour and it was this nine year old scottish girl named martha payne and she started a blog called never seconds and she was having kids from all over the world send pictures and talk about what their school lunches are and it was like this great really cool thing and we here's what kevin glass my guest that night had to say about it. of local governments right there you know you have a church you have you know a young child who is upset with how her local school is being run she starts a blog she gets some action going and she produces you know results and that's the way that we think that society should work is going to show where governments are she's putting it on the internet and have people internationally she's putting it on the internet to put pressure on her local government you know and she gets the she got her parents involved in the rest of the parents in the community involved and that's the way the government should work. what's happening now is the little
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nine year old is getting censored because you probably many schools you know in her school said that they will be instituting some changes to the school lunch program but this afternoon she posted that she's going to have to shut down her blog because she's been forbidden to take a camera into school and where is michelle obama when you need her i'm just saying this should be like this should be her thing right now the scottish i found what i just say that this is just an example of really what do we feeding kids all over the world like we can't even let them talk about it or think of women who said i didn't work do what he did was successful it drew a ton of attention i didn't know about this story i was clicking around on the links today because he was getting pictures from all over now we're talking about it you know and sure she can't do it anymore but the school has you said is now saying hey we're taking your fruits if you want you can have all your fruits and veggies and i'm like that is. because then if we change it back. to what i may be
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considered good and i think it's great you know and she got some traction from it but then i had one trip i didn't know. what i was nine years old i was not thinking bigger picture i am very much impressed. she's going to reporter i think and this girl intrepid reporter there we go yeah i don't know what what i was going to say when i was nine years old playing with lego. hanging out. and let's not. parents get so upset so this is the fifth graders that we're talking about here and they had a sex ed class and the principal describe certain sexual acts and talked about sexually transmitted diseases when they were talking about oral and anal that's what it is like you talk about the realities of what happens when you have sex and possible consequences. but listen to what the parents had to say about it. to spank our kids just one of many parents angry over
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a sex education class taught to their fifth graders last week basically how i feel and others that i've talked to it's just the same as raping somebody but their innocence. ok really i mean why do you think we're learning a fifth. grader like nine years old major the words maybe i never know they know they're older than i when i was older in fifth grade i think. you're like ten ok i like i said is that too early to be talking about or you know well did you opt out of these classes at all i thought that you could you know i remember when i was in school there were some students that were that were opted out of the sex ed portion of the class and i don't know that with i mean i don't think that we did sex out of my school until middle seventh and eighth. grade but young kids get and i don't exactly understand it was senior year but i went to catholic school so that should tell you a lot about catholic i'm just saying nobody has sex until very senior and i celebrate
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. i think it's now all about what are the details like how much are they telling the kids of fifth grade i think some information is helpful or i think i don't know how graphic detail i do think that they're you know from the parental perspective how much detail they're getting into with oral and anal sex i think you need to do some you know basics and then i later when you can expand all that i think a lot of this has to do with you know should be done in the home with parents i know that that's not always probably having it always do that if you have to have sex ed classes but i wonder if that guy did it that made the raping comment if he tried to rob a believer give him probably not said i was going to say no i'm going to say no to that. point over the top if you ask me. to guess who has a news channel or not you know they were not the only one. pick a look at this clip. john
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travolta followed his balls while he was just a vote. look at it how to do it is all this it's called double g. news. amazing i mean where people in here you can't you have no network like oprah i'm just saying don't be amazingly debut episodes point counterpoint discussion by the way it was a missionary versus doggystyle. see. that i really don't know yet if integrators will write a survey i will gee they're already listening to him so why i don't know anyone who can get through to the kids about it's snoop is snoop dog. was there like there's like smoke in the back there a loser who there is a great area and yeah it was. really
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a computer of the sea but then again there's probably like a couple of in turns and like i like a person that's like having to write everything for that i just want i want to have a writer now what he's like once a week but i'd like to do you know closer to episode each tuesday but i do wonder what it's like to be you know i'd like to think producer i'd like to think that it's like a hectic newsroom that there are people like really just going out all the time and . just let me have that we have that they. should hire the scottish girl the. dog and then you know there you go. we have heather and all that you know. we've we've spent some time talking about polity you know this show because paula deen if you've ever watched any of her cooking shows board it is just a heart attack waiting to happen all the ingredients that she puts in there then turns out that she had diabetes and she want to tell people because she was also what was repping. medicine didn't want it to be like connected with what the food
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she was making and so now. recently nancy o'dell from h.d.t.v. took a tour of paula deen state in savannah and said when you hear the name paula deen i want you to think of the word hope instead of this take a look. when you hear the name paula deen i don't want you to think of the word butter today we're going to be making they are special we call it. i have no way of. funny or die they were there making fun of you when you think of you know why you think you were butter how could you possibly think of anything else that she shot herself in the foot on that one there's no way. michelle obama because michelle obama wants to tell us what to eat some people don't like. that one wants to eat delicious she doesn't want to take any of the responsibility for telling you to like make
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a cake with rather than rather than let it get her to do you think it's really her responsibility i mean everybody knows that that's not good for him you know nothing it's our responsibility to know but it's not her response to belittle what other people eat let's be honest the stuff that you make of the recipes that you put up there are not healthy so we're not only not going to show up at mcdonald's i know i'm not eating healthy like i don't need but you know you always do associate with the word hope you know now and i know you have think i associate with the word delicious not good for you hoping to cure a hangover maybe. a little thing with a team of people or even paula deen how many of them don't know that they're eating something terrible where you got some butter you're frying thing is two and two together it's probably. well i'm ok with i mean you know what's bad for
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you know you know of course yeah you know wasn't bad for you i kind of just it but probably for is just owed it yeah don't kid yourself oh and she's going to pretend she's here and that you know she said she doesn't want her like to be associated with the word but are unsure whether the hope and just being so she didn't know when the butter thing what i think about it is pilates but i am like this i don't know where you come to window all of the like but a. guy that's always i don't know if it was like. thank you for joining me tonight that is it for tonight so thanks for tuning in as make sure you come back on monday we're. we have chris hayes here in the studio to talk about his new book twilight of the elites so you want to miss that in the meantime don't forget to like the a lot of show on facebook don't forget to follow us on twitter subscribe to our you tube channel and over again you can also check us out on hulu as well and don't be afraid of the word vagina i mean object is the.
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