tv [untitled] June 16, 2012 10:02am-10:32am EDT
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rebel attacks on. syrian army checkpoints at the same time we've been seeing that syrian government. has given too much freedom to syrian army to deal with and that has dramatically increased the death toll and civilian casualties in the country and indeed become significantly more dangerous right now for the u.n. observer is to work and to monitor and to report they were sent to syria in mid april to. monitor the implementation of coffee and six point peace plan here in syria the cordon to this to this plan backed plan ceasefire was supposed to take force on april the twelfth but we've been seeing an increased number of attacks from both sides and all drizzly there hasn't been no ceasefire with
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international officials and u.n. officials both confirming that it hasn't been implemented and both sides have been equally responsible for that well what we are seeing now here in theory is kind of deadlock because as you and. general trust there is no other plan on the table but these six point plan is not been implemented meanwhile we see the most. serious sees no to answer to that and is pushing both sides to try to implement this plan and. it is resisting military intervention in syria while the calls for that get in louder and louder and this news has come when. we are hearing reports from u.s. military officials that it has completed its own planning for how american troops would conduct operations against. this syrian government so the situation is very
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tanned and of course this news of u.n. observer is now suspended in the city we may act even further escalation here with syria what about the reports of russian ship make use where the syria what we know about. its work to be transferred just days after the u.s. state department was to back away after hillary clinton's controversial remarks alleging that attack helicopters were on their way from russia to syria we're hearing new comments from u.s. military officials this time reporters an american news outlets saying that has sent a small contingent of troops to syria the pentagon serves its trek and russian military cargo ships and it is now making its way to syria through a russian naval base there in the city of tire to use and it says that it may
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carry up to seven hundred tons of cargo and some three hundred troops we've been hearing from military diplomatic sources in morse code that indeed one of the large landing chiefs of the black sea fleet is on standby there and is ready to be sent to syria in case of military foreign intervention just to print tact and to evacuate russian citizens in this poor. but denies that it is right now making its way to the port of tartus. producer to his move live from syria. but with violence raging in the country many in the international community were quick to put the blame for alleged massacres on assad forces but. from a christian monitary in syria she told us armed rebels are playing games with the u.n. monitors. we want to defer this in the world to where a follow on to the scene or to tell you in the night of war would end the people
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they have seen and carrying out of their national hospital in delhi though could upset arms or blankets after ministry of health screening them to assemble them in a mosque and the second day we have seen the un observers coming to these very mas to be able to see these laws because it's that was said to. me keen those people internationally was then carried their. heads and gave them to the opposition close aides use why i'm here for all under possibility to show them we see there on a story or you end up sort of elysia men we don't know who they had armed opposition there's many threats each one of those factions are working in the independently it's why it's very difficult to then you would say add it to the next
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few minutes china's most ambitious space mission today launches a spacecraft with the first ever female chinese astronaut on board on a mission that set to see them attempt to dock with their orbiting module we've got more on that ahead. it's a tough decision for egyptians as they vote for the country's next president of the election runoff a choice of between muslim brotherhood candidate mohamed mercy or. mubarak's last prime minister the ballot comes after the country's supreme court dissolved parliament on the same fate could know face an assembly appointed early to draft a new constitution thousands of people chose to boycott the vote saying neither candidate represents the jeep they were fighting for in last year's revolution to get some more thoughts about what's happening to the thomas mounties they depend a journalist who's been covering events in north africa is on the line from london the. very a gypsy. say that the two candidates an inspiring prospect full of them but who in your view is more likely to win an islamist all the barracks former prime minister
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as it stands today. well it may sound harsh but to me this election is not about what the egyptian people want it's about what the usa once the about the fact is that the egyptian egypt is run by a military council who was put in power by basically with the u.s. approval last year with the overthrow of mubarak the united states has invested something like one hundred billion dollars in today's dollars. keeping the egyptian military funded and that's because the united states has to keep control of the suez canal a lot of people don't realize that the united states is now a second rate economic power but still the world's superpower militarily and something like two thirds of the world's commerce passes through the suez canal every day of the major trading partners of the world is between ager in europe and it's all passes through the suez canal including all the western energy from the persian gulf so the united states cannot afford to lose control of the suez canal
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and this is what this election looks pretty rigged i mean the rules have been changed since the last election and the you know the reality is political power grows out of the barrel of the gun in the egyptian military has the gun and they're being funded to a billion a half dollars every year by the usa so united states cannot afford to lose the horn of africa of the suez canal and they will do every dirty trick in the book to keep themselves in control of the suez canal and you know whatever happens in this election even if the muslim brotherhood does win the election the military still is going to have power. as you say the new sure of any she like kid the parliament needed a politician or a constitution to define the president's power in place so as not to do that you say it's going to play out anyway in america's favorite america once again. yes because america the day the american loses control of the suez canal the day that marks the beginning of the end of us empire if america can't keep control of the
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trade between asia in europe america is on its way out and america knows this and the united or are not they know it the suez canal in the horn of africa are the most critically strategic areas in the world today and controlling the suez canal is absolutely essential for the united states they're not going to let some democracy get the way of their control do you think the public are aware of what you say is going on. well you know forty percent of the egyptian public is illiterate i mean six percent are on the internet all this talk about facebook well you know they're watching satellite t.v. hopefully our people get their you know they are on arabic and for the egyptians to watch that at least they're getting the truth from our t.v. but you know i think the egyptians sort of sense that this election is sort of not the way it's supposed to be going and that you know they know that bottom line is you know the explosion that took place last year one sided with a spike in the price of bread sugar and cooking oil that the first major demonstrators that came on the streets were from the very poorest parts of cairo it
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wasn't the students in the middle class it was the poor people having a hard time feeding themselves to the rich and egyptian people are really concerned with survival they're not concerned with so much politics it's a question of how they're going to feed their children so what i think that's what they're concerned with what's going to happen in the near future and how is this going to play and now we're going to see more protests. well you know i hope there's going to be more protests i hope there's going to be a real uprising in egypt the reality is is there is a man named more superman the secret minister everyone in the supreme council of armed forces was handpicked by sulu over the last thirty years and he's still behind the scenes pulling the strings he's the go to guy for the cia between the egyptian government the military and israel and this guy is still behind the scenes everyone in the supreme council the armed forces was put in power by small amounts nobody in the supreme council the armed forces of noted for their intelligence independence or ambition they were there because they would not be a threat to mubarak and suleiman so superman's pulling the strings and we know what
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his his agenda is his agenda is is looking to the people who have been paying him and his cohorts for the last thirty years and that's the usa so until they they get rid of him and put him in prison a maximum security clean up the military from the colonels on up and actually build a real general people's army that's not going to be able to turn its guns on the egyptian people when they rise up again there's not going to be any change in egypt because the army's got the guns and if the people come on the streets america is going to do something dirty and have them do some big massacre if they have to america is not going to sit back and allow a democracy to come interfere with pax americana that's not the track record thomas monson think of his source independent journalist as you are joining us on the line from london. well egypt's election is being closely followed by the country's neighbor israel their affairs anti jewish sentiment on the rise since mubarak's state will spike even islamist kind of it comes to power paul asli has got that side of the story for you. good candidate mohamed mursi campaigning.
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at the capital of the arab league will be joost in. six weeks on the contest is this time to see even with morsi a strong contain date to be egypt's next president and he's promised. as in. egypt is committed to international agreements that were so. mind including the treaty with israel or egypt and should have the right to amend all that is not in their interest to go and make sure the other departments to what it is signed as if it's not warming enough for israel what will happen to the nine hundred seventy nine peace treaty with egypt big players who've put their weight behind more presidential bid have been even more bold in the claims. war with israel is in no way something that can be ruled out to the clock was always ticking the egyptian street no stranger to empty israel sentiment and despite the worries about stability in the revolution the elections simmering below the surface is hostility
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towards israel but that hostility was kept in check during the bikes time the top floor of this building used to house these weighty embassy in cairo but it's now a closed shop and make it a sign is rabies fear of what's to come. for egyptians this really sputnik and i mean number one the next president will be strong and change the status quo i refuse to continue the relationship mubarak had with israel in the last continue to fight. he's a realist the first for us the next president should cut all the relations between us it's a three to israelis can no longer ignore thing that. anybody should close ones and ignore such rhetoric that's not only very negative but is alarming but a muslim brotherhood victory is not a done deal on thursday egypt's constitutional court dissolved the islamist dominated parliament and gave morsi is contained. in the green light to stay in the race but it's done little to calm israeli fears of an islamist government on its
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border correlations will be reduced to zero. but the real problem is to what extent will the brotherhood pursue its goal of trying to destroy israel and kill all of us. i would actually say that the main security danger to israel today and for the next two years is not iran but the situation in egypt a consume the islamists at least in public and at least for now are trying to downplay i think it's already told to some trouble here but not trouble. you know but maybe israelis are worried because in the ruthless business of politicking easy points are schooled by using the jewish state as a punchbag and what israelis fear is that what see today is only a step away from being implemented to move policy r.t. . or course we're closely following developments for you in egypt hope you stay
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with us for the latest updates on expert analysis from the first post mubarak elections. champion hard line islamists. hated remnants of a tyrannical. rabble to come. by each subscriber. but it's time to come. on. public anger spilled out of the streets of rome this weekend with the taliban's protesting at ever growing cuts and unpopular employment and tax policies is fair the country which is the euro zone's third largest economy could be next in line for a bailout sisera first been following that rally. thousands of people that stand out here in the unions much praise us against the continued austerity measures
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that have crippled the country among. my own employment and to kill my effed employment now cost you my life the last year and you had taken a prime minister mario monti coming and he was aiming to fix the country finances but that economic medicine the eat the spider has really angered italians tell you just the large number of people. in this march today the year isn't that largest economy has seen its borrowing cost absolutely saw and the impact that that had of people's lives is very significant of course this isn't something we see this year in stone building for a long time you call greece ireland portugal spain spain which is just recently had . the stalls and a lot of people think it's going to be following in the sense that the other countries had a full state bailout in recent times remember just
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a couple of years ago even allowed that mention the possibility about the year right thing about the end of the year is saying well just a couple of years on and those same people and now very realistically discussing the possibility of the disintegration and the breakup of the year is a question that everyone's asking is what now happens are we place to saying goodbye altogether to the year right how will that impact this country if it's really thinking the. next disaster there are things. while the law is the long greece the greeks gearing up to make one of the most crucial financial decisions in the recent history their future in the euro support before sunday's election is said to be divided almost equally between two parties left wing serious strongly opposed to a sturdy and the conservative group new democracy which wants to want to bail out obligations jacob greaves is in athens. this is really become
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a two horse race about two differing schools of thought one of them is backing the waves of austerity we've already seen which have been growing increasingly popular that means job cuts means cuts to salaries also means cuts to spending from the government all part of this bailout provided by the e.u. i.m.f. and the euro zone now that has proven increasingly unpopular be still being defended by new democracy now on the other side the fence has to reason out beforehand before the previous elections in may these are seen as quite the outside left radical group now although they're really garnering much more middle ground when it comes the sentiment of opposing this yes there are two measures being put in place of opposing what's come before them they say there's been too costly for the greek people in their eyes and in many voters' eyes austerity simply isn't working to dealing with a mixed bag but one fact remains at present that people in greece are still
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suffering prosperity and a crippled economy. rocketing unemployment and a crumbling economy are the more widely know symptoms of greece's austerity plan but there are some who have lost something far more time to give up caring for their children simply because they can no longer afford to do so by your first six children we've been through some struggles i'm not only concerned about the future i'm concerned about everyone myself included. if these parts of a charitable program named s s children this is one of its branches a village of foster but now it's finding itself overwhelmed it's found we seek their help in desperate times our major. source of. income. he's from the private sector not from the greek state. and. yeah we had the significance of the use of money just what kind of grease
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these children grow up in maine about to be decided as people head to head to the polls so you must be coming here because it's very important for greece to stay in the euro zone and you know you were lost without us was there though a party's exist on the ballot paper for most this is a choice of two competing thoughts the pros bailed out voters being bullied by new democracy party which is overseeing the country's recent spending and job cuts they view us their tea as a bitter yet necessary pill to swallow but not everyone agrees. the cost a botched leaving the euro zone is estimated to be three trillion euros and this isn't the cost the eurozone can bear. merging only during may's undecided first election as a reason has continued to hold ground with this radical rejection of a u. i.m.f.
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and euro zone impose austerity rightly so for i guess the whole. experiment of the measures is going to end. the fear that. the perspectives. of the elections of this have been far from languishing on the sidelines the far right group golden door courting controversy known for racial outbursts and an anti immigration stance they've continued to hold on to a marginal but symbolic percentage of support for their views remain drowned out by the fierce anxiety and challenges that face this wearing nation whoever clinches victory to greece assy athens so much more lined up for you at r.t. dot com a website where today reveal the top six forward for america's agent orange may have spread from vietnam to japan with is that massive caches of there beside barry
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for. caves of poison the nearby island also previously said things overlooked silicon valley titans yahoo and microsoft have been cashing in on personal use a day to selling it's a political campaign that is small and that go out see dot com. is. down the official ante application your phone on pod touch from the top story. on the. video on demand.
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and r.s.s. feeds now with the palm of your. question on the dot com. china has launched a milestone space mission to perform the first of a manned docking with beijing's prototype orbiting station and all the way to orbit as well as china's first ever woman astronaut to actually probably in orbit now the nine spacecraft blasted off and did a couple of hours ago from the launch pad in the gobi desert in northern china the astronauts are set to spend around ten days in space where they'll test the craft's ability to dock at that all putting module beijing hopes to establish its own permanent space station up above our heads but twenty twenty tariq malik smiting editor of space dot com he says china is going ahead full steam with it right now. this is their big test to show that they can do it with people on board they can do it with a mixed crew a mix of veterans and new space fliers. for them it's
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a major milestone what china has done in just the last decade has taken a stepping stone approach to human spaceflight so they went with unmanned launches first and in two thousand and three the first manned launch last year was the first unmanned docking at this space module the chinese the third country after russia and the united states to develop human spaceflight and it really looked at the success of russia's program the experience that nasa had to to shape its own independent program they've also just learned from the errors and the successes of those two programs so well you see where you see a long decades long legacy of russia and the united states china is really relatively new but they're trying to focus on what they can do. successfully and that will be really unique and tailored to what china hopes to accomplish in space . well world news in brief car bomb explosions rocked the iraqi capital has killed at least twenty five and injured dozens the blast targeted neighborhoods where
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thousands of shia pilgrims have gathered to mark a religious festival the lawless is the latest in a wave of attacks on shia muslims in recent weeks with seventy people killed on wednesday alone. japan as all that the restart now of two nuclear reactors the first to go back online since all the countries plants were closed after last year's fukushima disaster the decision despite massive public opposition could open the door to more restart some entrepreneurs fifty working reactors officials say the move will help to avoid power outages and will speed up economic recovery for. saudi arabia's crown prince next in line to the throne has died in a hospital outside the kingdom prince nayef was announced as the country's to saudi king in october there for is also the country's interior minister and deputy prime minister next in line is now expected to be the prince's younger brother salma. thanks for being with r.t. surely look into the old american tradition of bounty hunting thirty minutes of that ahead for you after i've brought you up to date on our top stories this
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a time when people would wipe out in their forces in the wild west and pick up these future dates important into the sheriff for prosecution there is no one thing like opening mail. and when they go up there he's got weapons. and you have to hope that nothing bad. will and. we're chasing killers and you gotta keep that in mind others that to me a dollar bill please the rest. were not superheroes you can be killed in the head i'm going to die. the little. ones you hunted run your own never go back to a thing.
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starts on t.v. dot com. this is actually up our six pm moscow time our top stories are the u.n. observers in syria have suspended their activities because of escalating violence today meantime moscow's denied the pentagon's claims that russian military cargo ships carrying weapons and troops to syria. the final round of egypt's presidential elections under way but many are left disenchanted by the choices before the runoff between a muslim brotherhood candidate and i was to leader hosni mubarak's last prime minister. also thousands of a tally and cuts in rome while the euro's fate hangs in the balance with greeks set to go to the polls to determine the future of the single currency is fear the greek exit could split the eurozone apart. i'm kevin i would mourn all those stories in
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