tv [untitled] June 16, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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you and observe the seriousness friendly activities because of asking leighton violence almost to denies the pentagon claims that a russian military ship is carrying weapons and the conflict on. the final round of egypt's presidential election is underway but with no constitution and that dissolved parliament many are left disenchanted by the choices on. and some of the italians are much against cuts in roma while the euro's future hangs in the balance of the greek as a whole the world that will decide the country stays in the result.
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it's midnight here in moscow you're live with us on our t m to bomb with say the u.n. observer mission in syria is suspending its activities because of the escalating violence in the country this as the u.s. says it's tracking a russian military cargo ship making its way to syria with weapons and troops reportedly on board moscow's deny the claims about said several ships already if needed to protect its syrian base artie's maria the national reports from damascus . we are hearing from the chief supervision mission here in syria that the more interests have suspended all the activities in the country and the main reason for that is an increased violence we've been written witnessed in the last few days that posed significant risk for around three hundred more interests here in the country and has actually been impeded in their ability to fulfill their here in syria indeed we've been seeing dramatic escalation last few days with increased number of rebel attacks on the syrian army checkpoints at the same time
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we've been seeing that syrian government has given too much freedom to syrian army to deal with you and observe they were sent to syria in mid april to monitor the implementation of coffee and six point peace plan here in syria the cordon to this plan ceasefire was supposed to take force on april the twelfth but instead we've been seeing an increased number of attacks from both sides international officials and u.n. officials confirming that cease fire hasn't been implemented and both sides have been equally responsible for that well what we are seeing now here in theory is kind of deadlock because as. general mood has trust there is no other plan on the table but these six point annan plan is not been implemented meanwhile we see that most. sees no to answer to that and is pushing both sides
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to try to implement this plan and. it is resisting military intervention in syria while the calls for that get louder and louder we are hearing reports from u.s. military officials that it has completed its own planning for how american troops would conduct operations against the syrian government just days after. the u.s. state department was to back away after hillary clinton's controversial remarks alleging that attack helicopters were on their way from russia to syria we're hearing new comments from u.s. military officials this time reporters an american news outlets saying that most has sent a small contingent of troops to syria the pentagon says it's tracking and russian military cargo ships and it is now making its way to syria through a russian naval base there in the city of tire to see we're really hearing from military diplomatic sources in mosco that indeed one of the large landing ships of
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the black sea fleet is on standby there and is ready to be sent to syria if needed just to protect russian citizens in this poor. but denies that it is right now making its way to the port of tartus. i had in the next few minutes of china's most ambitious a space mission today preaching fend for itself a few astronaut into orbit on a mission that could pave the way for china's our own mad space station. also police in the us seem to think a camera is more dangerous than a gun at least that's the impression some journalists say they get in when faced with brutal police action at protests read. it's a tough decision for egyptians as they vote for the country's next president and the election one of their choices between muslim brotherhood candidate mohamed
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morsi and. barak the last prime minister the ballot comes after the country's supreme council dissolved parliament and the same fate could now face an assembly appointed to draft a new constitution thousands of people chose to boycott the votes they need a candidate represents the egypt they were fighting for in last year's revolution the ruling military council promised to transfer power to the new president by july the first independent journalist told. montane ping for that's highly unlikely. well it may sound harsh but to me this election is not about what the egyptian people want it's about what the usa once egypt is run by the military council who was put in power by basically what the u.s. approval last year with the overthrow of mubarak the united states has invested something like one hundred billion dollars in today's dollars. keeping the egyptian military funded the election looks pretty rigged i mean the rules have been changed since the last election and the you know the reality is political power grows out
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of the barrel of the gun in the egyptian military has the gun and they're being funded to know a billion dollars every year by the usa you know whatever happens in this election even if the muslim brotherhood does win the election the military still is going to have power. egypt's election as also being followed closely by the country's name and israel there are fears the anti jewish sentiment on the right says mubarak's ousting will spike if an islamist candidate comes to power policy has the story. set a corner with these words the muslim brotherhood candidate mohamed morsi campaign was launched with a vow that the capital of the arab world will be jerusalem which morsi won two liberated six weeks on the contest is as tight as ever with morsi a strong contender to be egypt's next president and his promise is as governessing as ever egypt is committed to international agreements that were signed including the treaty with israel or egypt and should have the right to amend all that is not in their interest to go and make sure the other party commits to what it is signed
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as if it's not warming enough for israel what will happen to the one nine hundred seventy nine peace treaty with egypt big players who put their weight behind morsi as presidential bid has been even more bold in the claims. the war with israel is in no way something that can be rolled out to the clock was always ticking the egyptian street no stranger to empty israel sentiment and despite the worries about stability in the revolution the elections simmering below the surface is hostility towards israel but that hostility was kept in check during the bikes time. for this building used to house israeli embassy in cairo but it's now closed up and make it a sign is rabies fear of what's to come. for egyptians is really split and i mean number one the next president will be strong and change the status quo i refuse to continue the relationship mubarak had with israel it must continue to fight. he's
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a realist the first thing for us next president should cut all the relations between us it's a threat israelis can no longer ignore thing that. anybody should close ones and ignore such rhetoric that's not only very negative but is alarming but a muslim brotherhood victory is not a done deal on thursday egypt's constitutional court dissolved the islam has dominated parliament and gave morsi is contained. in the green light to stay in the race but it's done little to calm israeli fears of an islamist government on its border correlations will be reduced to zero. but the real problem is to what extent will the brotherhood purse its goal of trying to destroy israel and kill all of us. i would actually say that the main security danger to israel today and for the next two years is not iran but the situation in egypt
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a concern the islamists at least in public and at least for now are trying to downplay i think it's very close to some trouble here but. you know but maybe israelis are worried because in the ruthless business of politicking easy points are schooled by using the jewish state as a punchbag and what israelis fear is that what see today is only a step away from being implemented to police here r.t. . public anger has spilled out onto the streets of rome with italians protesting against ever growing cuts and unpopular employment and tax policies it's clear the country which is the euro zone's third largest economy could be next in line for a bailout artists are for it is following their record. thousands of people had. it right to the workers unions much protesting against the continued austerity measures that have crippled because families they strike. fire on employment in
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particular my east on employment forced to my back last year and had to take the prime minister mario monti coming he was a matter of fact the country's finances but the tough economic medicine that he perspired has really angered the italians here you can just see the large number of people that have signed out to this march today there is a third largest economy has seen its current course absolutely saw the impact that people's lives is a very significant of course this is something we see this year in stone building for a long time you go to greece ireland portugal spain spain which is just recently had a bailout the souls and a lot of people think it's going to be following in the first that the other countries had a full state bailout in recent times remember just a couple of years ago even love that you mention the possibility about the euro
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lending about the end of the year is well just a couple of years on and those same people and now very realistically discussing the possibility of the disintegration and the breakup of the year is the question that everyone's asking is what now happens next all we close to saying goodbye altogether to the euro how will that impact this country if it is it's really going to be the next disaster there are right. across the border in spain thousands have rallied in madrid against plans to bailout the spanish bank the bank purchases accuse a government of caring more about saving the financial system and the people who are struggling understand the measures and. another and you're seriously marjah has taken place in neighboring portugal but protesters in lisbon say the international monetary fund european central bank and the european commission institutions that provide the bailout money laundering the country the government increase taxes and
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cut workers' benefits in return for the seventy eight billion euro rescue package aimed at tackling portugal's a debt crisis. and the other indebted nation greece is gearing up to make one of the most crucial financial decisions in recent history its future in the euro support before sunday's election is said to be divided almost equally between two parties left wing syriza strongly opposed your sorry tea and conservative group in new democracy which wants to on a bailout obligations jacob greaves is in athens. this is really become a two horse race about two differing schools of thought one of them is backing the waves of austerity roared the sea would have been growing increasingly popular that means job cuts means cuts to salaries and also means cuts to spending from the government all part of this bailout provided by the e.u. i.m.f.
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and the euro zone now that has proven increasingly unpopular but is being defended by new democracy now on the other side the fence has to reason out beforehand before the previous elections in may these are seen as quite the outside left radical group now although they're really garnering much more middle ground when it comes that sentiment of opposing this. measure is being put in place of opposing what's come before them they say there's been too costly for the greek people in their eyes and in many voters' eyes austerity simply isn't working to dealing with a mixed bag but one fact remains at present that people in greece are still suffering prosperity and a crippled economy. well and then do your own membership want mean an end to the problems for athens and this is according to financial journalist peter built. it's never happened like this before a very very tightly knit union currency union has ever actually broken up the real
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fear is that they could be. going on for years and years and years between banks between. simply because nobody knows exactly what currency have been run out would have to be repaid those in greece perhaps would be repaid with. devalued new drama but that of course could possibly put the banks in germany and france in terrific trouble so the real consequences are so enormous potentially enormous that nobody really wants to contemplate. china has launched a milestone in space a mission to perform the first seven men docking with beijing's operating station and onboard is china's first ever woman in space she and her two fellow crew members will spend around ten days in our bit of space problems that are successfully from the launch pad in the gobby desert in the in china the aim of the
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mission is to test across ability to dock at the opportune module if successful it could pave the way for beijing setting up its own immense space station by twenty twenty direct monica managing editor of space dot com says china is going full steam ahead with its ambitions. this is their big test to show that they can do it with people on board they can do it with a mix crew. veterans and new space flyers for them it's a major milestone what china has done in just the last decade it has taken a stepping stone approach to human spaceflight so they went with unmanned launches first and in two thousand and three the first manned launch last year was the first unmanned docking at this space module but china is the third country after russia and united states to develop human spaceflight and really look at the success of russia's program. experience that nasa had to to shape its own independent program they've also just learned from the errors and the successes of those two programs
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so well you see where you see a long decades long legacy of russia and the united states china is really relatively new but they're trying to focus on what they can do. successfully and that will be really unique and tailored to what china hopes to accomplish in space . and is an action packed saturday night of football russians trying to get to the quarterfinals of the european championships they're playing greece as i speak and andrew is here to bring us up to date the entry do you have any good what's the scoreboard looking like new russia the moment are going to get knocked out of the european championships losing one little to greece with around twenty minutes left but in another key game the czech republic have just taken the lead against poland and that means as it stands russia will not qualify in either of the top two places in group a however of russia do you manage to get a draw do you manage to pull a goal back in the last twenty minutes of this game and they are throwing
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everything at the greeks they then would go through so it's all to play for still incidentally poland as i say have to get a draw against or have to beat the czech republic with the czech republic are beating poland at the moment it's not nearly as our graphic says it is one nil there you go and at the moment russia are going home so they need a goal desperately. while there's going to be a lot of people out the you know drinking themselves as well very rushes out of the quarter but i don't so i'm still time left. in hope alive thank you so much and. ride world news in brief right now twin car bomb explosions have rocked the iraqi capital killing at least thirty two when injuring dozens the blast targeted neighborhoods where thousands of shia pilgrims had gathered to mark a religious festival the violence is the latest in a wave of attacks on shia muslims in recent weeks with seventy people killed on wednesday alone. japan's older to restart two
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nuclear reactors the first to go back online says all the countries plans away close following last years of fukushima disaster the decision to spider-man's public opposition could open the door to more restart among japan's fifteen working reactors officials say the move will help to avoid power to just end the speed of the economic recovery effort. saudi arabia's crown prince next in line to the throne has died in a hospital outside the kingdom prince nayef was announced as the country's eighty saudi king in october now it was also the country's interior minister and deputy prime minister and you can prince will now be chosen from among his brothers and half brothers. just doing your job could land you in trouble especially it seems if you're a journalist covering protests rallies in the u.s. some reporters have accused the police of acting outside the law to suppress media
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freedom artie's and see it should be now reports. no. dramatic scenes unfolding in the u.s. a must cover vent for journalists that the idea i showed them. apparently that wasn't enough for the new york police his press pass feeling to pass the test this reporter got arrested while covering the occupy wall street protests no muss no fuss officer just books. and i just. tried to tell him that i'm a journalist. people out my state department. whether i have or new york police want unfortunately that one expired can you writes for daily russian newspaper and has worked in the us for the last three years i don't prove you have they don't really care that just you just business and you credentials can't really protect you sent through a whirlpool like legal system the seasoned journalist was treated as a protest participant under arrest twenty four hours behind bars
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a quickie trial six hundred dollars in fines were his punishment for doing his job covering the news of the day and then there were the two days of community service the what unit and bring right away here was an official station give you brooms trash cans and shovels and you're basically walking around sweeping the streets picking up the debris paper cigarette about whatever keep you is now on probation for six months it is an outrage and i treat that professes to have a undying respect for the free press to be you know throwing reporters in jail. but this case is not unique rather it's part of a dangerous trend in the u.s. when you let the state control who is a journalist that's just propaganda team pool is an independent journalist who has witnessed police reject press passes on a state by state basis throughout occupy wall street protests that in new york they
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don't care even if you have a press pass i've watched. i've watched a cop grab a journalist with his press pass on the ground i've seen supervisors call out to grab a journalist press pass and take it from him at d.c. p.d. processes things in oakland they require a local oakland press ups in new york they've been rejecting trespassers from other jurisdictions have a first amendment which guarantees the freedom of the press i mean there is no nothing in the law which must at least agencies to determine which press are legitimate press and which are not requiring a press pass it's also been sending journalists through a vicious circle not just people work with guessing games of which state might be in next to cover a story near impossibility in the past these worlds because you have to prove that you've covered breaking news but it's hard to cover breaking news in the police won't let you so creates this catch twenty two take several months finally if they
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like the news you're making they'll let you get a pass. arbitrary or unattainable press passes demanded journalists arrested for covering the news the constitutional concept of media freedom under siege i think we're slowly coming into a state of affairs where. you're doing a video camera is a lot more dangerous to the stablish myth and shooting a gun choosing to view his arrest as an invaluable cultural experience he treats it with humor i got two articles out of my experience so it's pretty good outcome for me freedom of the press in america a first hand account is the situation our party new york. the guantanamo bay detention center infamous for its military trials and allegations of torture appears to be stuck in limbo president obama has so far failed to fulfill his promise to shut the facility down and resident in new york took to the issues onto the streets of the big apple.
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even though president obama promised to close the prison at guantanamo bay or get him out it remains open why this week let's talk about that i think the logistics of closing it of prevented president obama from making it happen do you think it was a mistake for him to make such a promise no i don't i think. i think he's i think he's still committed to the policy he's trying to roll the rock and it's a tough rock to roll i say that i'm ready to be fed up of both the u.s. imperialism you should deal your own hughes first and then you will deal we ve issue of the world after a good is one time a bad just an example of our imperialism of course it is an example you know because you want to impose democracy even though some countries and you're not even able to impose democracy in your own country i think it's an issue i think it's hard for us to you know portray as being this sort of promoter of human rights
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while also keeping people in prison for as long as they have without any trials or any any chance to have us just as applied to them so yes i think it's an issue if you think it's fair for us to hold them indefinitely absolutely not so what does that say about the u.s. . says we're in a difficult position right now that make it ok to hold people without knowing if they're guilty of anything probably not it says that you guys want to control the world actually. and he shouldn't. and that's i don't know going to know what's going to turn him away shouldn't exist i don't think the president of the united states really has the power to close guantanamo i mean what would you have to do with the people who are there yeah i have no idea which is why i'm not in politics but that is the question right it's a lot easier to say i'm going to close it than actually go through with it whatever you think is the reason that get my remains open the bottom line is it probably
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won't be closed for a very long time. there's much more lined up for you at r.t. dot com where we revealed that toxic fallout from america's agent orange may have spread from vietnam to japan with fears that massive stocks of the heaviside to bury for decades have poisoned a nearby island. and the previously said things are overlooked silicon valley. and microsoft have been cashing in on personal user data selling it to political campaign us for more go to our two dot com. in a few minutes we'll be looking at the challenges a serbia's new president is facing in our special interview that's often update on our top stories.
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cool. down the last shelter an unnamed soldier left a few simple words farewell mother i'm dying but i'm not surrendering. if you're followed up on my death you'll go to the. chinese are sort of a throwback and archaic part of our law. and it goes back to a time when people would like out of their forces in the wild west and pick up these fugitives and putting them into the sheriff for prosecution there is no longer what company may follow. him when they go out there he's got weapons. and you have to hope that nothing bad. will.
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but we're chasing killers and you gotta keep that in mind others a to me a dollar bill please the rest. we're not superheroes you can be killed to you know they shoot me in the head i'm going to die. and. once you've had run you and i never go back on anything else wealthy british style the sun goes down because. if the market. is going to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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