tv [untitled] June 17, 2012 6:02pm-6:32pm EDT
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pasok are also presenting their own problems because we're seeing reports at the moment they may not be willing to function with the new democracy without the input of so reserve because they have had such a significant sway when it comes to these elections indeed even if they're not part of a future government sarees are still largely to have a major showing when it comes to a future parliament greece their opinions will count and that will be quite crucial to lollies trying to stop any future austerity deals being made and the reworkings of that bailout plan they stand for a cancellation of austerity full stop saying it's been far too costly for the greek nation not ready they want to remain within the year over this is being where much talk has centered in the build up to this campaign but those stressing that their conditions for a cancellation to austerity would lead to an exit from the euro zone they always stress that this be far too costly of the eurozone members which was their card their trump card here is of risk contagion to other countries including the likes
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of the more vulnerable ones at the moment spain and portugal. are to use that jacob bridge reporting for us there now most of the greek political parties are hoping to retain the euro and planning to cancel or renegotiate cards political writer peter build believes that leaving the currency union would not go smoothly for. it's never happened like this before that a very very tightly knit union currency union has ever actually broken up so the real fear is that there could be immense legal fattal's going on for years and years and years between banks between debtors and lenders. simply because nobody knows exactly in what currency the debts that have been run up would have to be repaid those in greece perhaps would be repaid with a devalued new drama but that of course could possibly put the banks in germany in france in terrific trouble if they are low or if you like the moment of the
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european central bank that it prints new money then there is an endless amount of money available there is potentially enough money to bail out everybody and his mother but the will at the moment is not there to do that simply because it delays the problem of the lack of competitiveness of some of the eurozone countries after preliminary results in egypt the muslim brotherhood candidate claims an early lead in the historic presidential runoff there are also numerous accusations of ballot rigging from rival are made at sheffield headquarters and the let's now cross live to policy is in the following developments for us so paula thanks for being with us what are the key issues coming out of this election. while talking to demonstrators as well as talking to those who actually turned out to cast their ballot the general mood is that most people feel that this is really a choice that is not a choice you have michel freed who represents the mubarak era and you have dr
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mohamed morsi who represents the muslim brotherhood and the idea of turning egypt into an islamist state this is the polling stations throughout the course of the day i did get a sense that people there were very tired of this whole election process at the same time those that i've been talking to say that they are not that enthusiastic that everything will go ahead without any kind of mishaps now we do expect the official results to be announced on thursday although we anticipate that we'll get some kind of preliminary indication as early as monday morning the verdict turn out half way through this weekend election stood the fifteen percent mark if indeed it does not reach the forty six percent voter turnout that there was for the first round of presidential elections last month it will be an indication of widespread discontent and of the growing illegitimacy with which people view these elections
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were the usual complaints of election fraud we heard some reports of disappearing and of ballot cards having been pre-marked but the election committee on the whole did say that there was no wide scale forward in of was confident that these elections had been free and fair well with the courts getting involved in the dissolution of parliament where is the real power in egypt at the moment is it with the military or with in civilian hands. it's really very difficult to say but certainly more and more interruptions feel that the military is retaining its hold on power the army has promised to come in the first of july it will hand over the reins of power to a civilian government that indeed whether it does this or not talking to. gyptian is they feel that the army will continue to pull the strings from afar now on sunday was the announcement that the ruling military council had issued an interim constitutional declaration that for many days the generals in legislative power now
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of course this has been criticized particularly by the muslim brotherhood which saw the parliament that it held just under half the number of seats dissolved by the constitutional court just a few days ago we understand that this declaration gives an understanding in terms of what powers the new president will have and it will also give the generals the final say on the process of drafting a new constitution but the army saying that it will give further details come monday the muslim brotherhood had to be critical of this they say that the military has no right to draft any kind of interim constitutional declaration and so he does not have the right to form an assembly to write a new constitution. is going to be interesting from here on out policy or keeping track of things there from cairo thanks for being with us. the voting in egypt has been extended by two hours because of the low voter turnout but cairo based
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a journalist mohamed ali believes people will take to the streets no matter who wins. now we've got a great divide between the supporters and the muslim brotherhood of course dr morsi supporters in both case scenarios there will be protests no one is going to be pleased with the results because the divide is extreme in my opinion if mr shifty wins the elections there will be massive protests and demonstrations and i think a lot of the people whether or not you are muslim brotherhood supporters or revolutionaries or reformers will actually retreat to the streets of tahir and actually shout weyerhaeuser revolution gone because you cannot have a remnant of the extreme. into this new wave of transition but in the case that the muslim brotherhood candidate dr morsi wins there will be a lot of depressed revolutionaries and anti muslim brotherhood supporters who feel
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that egypt now is now in you know embarking on and on a different level of geology which will actually you know take place if dr morsi wins view and backed peace plan in syria took another blow with the observer mission there suspending its activities due to an escalation of violence the head of the monitors team has demanded the rebel and government forces allow the evacuation of civilians from combat zones or to use more of the notion of reports on how syrians are dealing with the ongoing blotter. this is how human skin looks after it's been burnt by an electric cable mostafa shows us the fresh signs of torture an ardent supporter of syrian president assad he was kidnapped in his native city of lip. they held me for three days being all the tired they told me is because you don't support our revolution rubbish they didn't care about
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the revolution either all they wanted was money they contacted my family asked two million syrian pounds for me is this what they're fighting for. most of us wife sold the house and scraped a half of the ransom father for mystifies now looking for money again to hide his family model narrative of this revolution if you want to call it that encouraged criminals of all current these people they listen to what world leaders and me repeat that assad is evil and start thinking that they have the right to do bad things to all those who serve with the president. syria once one of the safest places in the middle east is now one of the most dangerous even for those away from politics for twenty years this elderly lady has been selling vinyl eves while showing us how to cook broke syrian dolma should be made the syria she once loved.
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and that most syrians don't support anybody there in the middle but all suffer anyway they learn how to be afraid how to be careful and how to be angry we were happy before. she says is even harder now to get some meat for your blog ahamed a butcher from damascus says it could soon be even impossible a lot. are used to bring animals from all around the country but roads are now too dangerous to travel the result my business is declining prices are a lose lose situation. while the manager keeps his boutique hotel in downtown damascus running even though he is seldom any guests to look after the conflict torn country he is now a long way from people's idea of a top holiday destination is here with more people are afraid even if they want to come we can't make a reservation the world sites like booking dot com or hotels dot com they block syria. surprisingly though we meet
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a guest here even more surprising he says his business is growing these days dafydd is the chief executive of a media broadcasting company a couple of them are big cheers big for themselves with each new ones pictures that speak for them and the more convincing the message the higher the chances of victory and they're ready to pay for it even though the prose for air time has almost doubled. the picture is rather far transmits no matter from which side of the conflict they come send a clear message violent reality is all too familiar here in syria even to kids and we hear that in the last hour i know what's going on they kill and should people people die. who knows what kind of syria this six year old girl will face when she grows up in fifteen months of crisis syria has suffered deeply violence has raged
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sanctions have shaken economy and crime has flourished but has calls for military foreign intervention getting louder syrians say they still hold out hope for peace even if they're prepared for war sufferings before they get there. or if notion our team syria. this week after the u.s. backed away from hillary clinton's remarks that moscow is supplying assad with attack helicopters pentagon officials said it's tracking a russian ship with weapons and troops heading for syria moscow denies the claims but says several ships already if needed to protect syrian banks although the violence in syria is growing political analyst omar now should be believes kofi annan peace plan still remains syria's only hope i think the situation has reached very dangerous proportions and there are civilians that are being killed i think however it's not too late i mean i am afraid that perhaps the statement given by the united nations may may be
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a. desperate call yes but it's not the end of the road there is still a chance to actually have a cease fire to have the plan that has been laid out in the past by kofi annan implemented to have a cease fire and go for the political dialogue there's no military solution they cannot be a military solution and in fact what the western powers are calling for. military interference is insane this would take syria nowhere but the destruction and misery for everybody no one would come out as the winner in this if this continues the way it does. a fresh attempt to find a solution to iran's nuclear issue is about to get underway in moscow as we report a little bit later. with a group of six world powers and tehran apparently said after the go shopping table there's a third party it's trying to stop the process by downhill just a few minutes but here are the. exit polls that suggest president francois hollande
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socialists have won an absolute majority in the french parliament if the results of the second round of the voting are confirmed it would mean a whole lot to has got enough support to fulfill his pledge of economic growth instead of belt tightening but lord van ost international consultant and former deputy speaker of the belgian parliament says he doubts and will deliver on its promises a people oriented to call it socialist if you will get austerity policies exactly what european union needs but will this country fronts i doubt it if it's true teaches any lesson the socialist party of france never says the election of president. has gone it's taken up a neoliberal policies privatizing i think in the first months maybe the first year he will take some tepid steps in that direction but slowly he will start using european union as an excuse for just keeping the austerity plan going and for the
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growth plan to be something minor think the european central bank the i.m.f. are near liberal institutions and basically what they are now doing is doing exactly what happened in the seventy's and not in america check and that is the deconstruction or if you want a total destruction of the social welfare state as it was established after the second world war true that manaf it of banks for financial fun in so that each etc it's not it's not a secret what we call the so-called regrettable consequence of these dollars are actually what i think it is very much object and it is aimed at. on thursday supreme court dismissed as latest appeal to reopen the case against his extradition to sweden the judges voted unanimously dismissing the bit as being without merit the wiki leaks faces deportation to sweden where he's wanted on sexual assault charges who has been under house arrest in britain for some five hundred days says
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the case is politically motivated and that his final destination will be washington however it now seems that he won't be the only whistleblower the face of crackdown first reports on a bill being debated in the british parliament which if adopted could discourage people from exposing. the law on whistleblowing it's a war of attrition a good one to some has nothing against people that have a lot of wealth and lot of power behind them the battle against corruption. this video named collateral murder was just one of many we have relations exposing war crimes revolutionizing whistleblowing and tearing down the divides between governments and ordinary people and the government furious exposing wrongdoing can preview risky business as wendy addison found out back in two thousand whilst working as
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a treasure at the south african company leisure net she discovered the c.e.o.'s were stealing money from shareholders and sending it to offshore accounts and she blew the whistle point that my whole life fell apart. lost my career it was it was literally if i started getting death threats anonymously there were occasions where i was almost inclined to consider accepting society completely. and this is a very common thing for. talking about suicide despite risking everything wendy was in poor old in a lengthy legal wrangling and it would be more than a decade. the four days who committed the crime went to jail model we're still playing techniques have been giving people more power to take on big corporations and even governments now the proposed changes to the law potentially threatening the protections also at a time when the culture surrounding whistleblowing be making big leaps forward the law could be set to take
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a big step back the problems being caused by this the enterprise and regulatory reform bill which is currently making its way through parliament and one small discrete line buried away in the text referring to a public interest test we were really worried that have putting in a public interest test into the legislation will have a chilling effect on the ability of workers to speak up a member of the international whistleblowing research network and an employment lawyer david lewis tells us the proposed test has dropped a bomb on whistle blowing provisions the great virtue of the existing provisions is this no public interest it was a very simple test as long as you had enormous motor if you could be sure and it found that you would be protected now individuals of those claiming to use the provisions have to satisfy public interest to us make it very difficult for people to advise them the government r.g.s. that the changes are aimed at closing a loophole this man that employees with personal grievances a for employment
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contract have been able to use the whistle blowing provisions but for some this will be seen as just the latest measure making it harder out the truth. of course is this trend. this is blowing the whistle have to differing degrees have their lives changed their reputations threatened or ruined their freedoms removed but in the process they reveal secrets that the rich and the powerful never wanted us to know who has been told i was doing the wrong thing. and yet it felt so right for me. and i knew that i was doing the right thing highlights the importance of protecting. the public's right to know something they all say was well worth fighting for so. london. all the details about the case are available on our website as well as the entire series of his talk show in a special section of our website or t.v.
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dot com and there's much more online for you as well. sporting officials are under investigation for allegedly trying to cash in on the two thousand and twelve london olympics by selling tickets on the black market. also sales of u.s. weapons abroad shot up seventy percent this year which is the pentagon portably ready to give military hardware to some countries in russia's backyard for free. iran's top nuclear negotiator is in moscow for a fresh round of talks over tehran's nuclear program but today a meeting we six world powers and tehran starts on monday the previous negotiations in april and may brought little results apart from tehran tentatively agreeing to let us inspectors in to a military site suspected of carrying out weapons related tests the world powers also want iran to stop enriching uranium which they believe paves the way for acquiring weapons or grade materials in return they are offering it to help with
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medical research and aircraft parts however some critics say the close relationship between the u.s. and israel won't allow any breakthrough to come out of the talks. i don't think you can expect quite a lot from the talks and i think that israel will continue to for washington not to make any kind of headway with iran what. is robust fear that there might be some prospects of a solution between the obama administration and so it's doing all it can and obama from now at least from what we've seen on till now. again the reputation of giving in and not being very strong when it comes to confronting the israeli oppression is so now in election year and especially when obama is trying to get the support of the conservative jewish votes i don't expect anything significant will happen from now at least until the elections take place the sanctions which the american
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administration has imposed to some extent that has been a factor in preventing the israelis from actually going ahead and launching a strike it's always possible that israel especially this current government might go ahead and launch a strike and this is something related to netanyahu and his own personal mission of the u.s. and that the obama administration keeps on reassuring for example that it is tackling this situation it has made this statement time and again and that actually reveals genuine fears on the part of the obama administration that israel might actually go ahead and attack iran unilaterally and more news from around the world are making headlines this hour. at least thirty six people have been killed and more than one hundred injured after five churches were attacked in northern nigeria the violence prompted protests in the state of kut doona an area known for its religious tension this was the latest in a string of attacks against christians in the region the radical sect boko haram has previously targeted church services across the country killing hundreds.
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several hundred activists have built walls of sandbags outside the frankfurt stock exchange europe's second largest trading hub protesting against market speculation they demanded the introduction of a financial tax on every transaction carried out in the money markets the e.u. is set to decide on the much discussed tax while many disagree on how effective it's likely to be. israel launches its campaign to reduce the number of illegal immigrants by four and a half thousand a repatriation flight carrying south sudanese has left the country already cash incentives are being offered to those willing to leave voluntarily but reportedly others who disagree are threatened with arrest nearly sixty. thousand poverty stricken africans mostly from every train and sudan have fled israel since two thousand and five. u.s. ramps up strikes against suspected militants in pakistan with seven killed in two
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recent incidents america's campaign of drone attacks into news despite islamic claims that it violates international law and kills innocent civilians are. reports about u.s. drone strikes in pakistan coming more and more often we're getting used to hearing in the media such and such number of terrorists was killed with no way to verify really there are no names that patched to those numbers usually but earlier this month american officials proudly announced that a drone strike in pakistan killed one of his top commanders almost two weeks later video with the same man. levy was posted online with titles which are generally reserved for the living leaders have not confirmed or denied levy's death the video could have been taped before he says that that's true so he might as well be dead but the confusion has once again raised the question of who's really dying in those bombings and how much do we actually know. it's all very murky what we do know is
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that the obama administration has dramatically ramped up drone strikes in pakistan around three hundred strikes since he took office it's this area bordering afghanistan which is on the fire but judging by the intensity of the u.s. strikes there one thing that only terrorists leave there that's not the case of course the long and investigative journalism says more than eight hundred civilians died in those bombings among them almost two hundred children what's interesting for a year u.s. officials are altogether denied civilian deaths in drone strikes but reports on the ground told the opposite and thousands of people protesting furiously in pakistan told the opposite then that was the last straw of the aerial strike which killed two dozen pakistani soldiers last year by mistake diplomatic have a follow up between the u.s. and pakistan pakistan blocked supply routes to afghanistan and they still remain closed by the way a new wave of extremism has been steered by those strikes but it's also interesting
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u.s. officials have accused this bureau of investigative journalism which works to shed light on civilian deaths in those drone strikes of helping terrorists one might argue that this label terrorist helper is becoming an all too convenient tool for the government to brush off investigative journalism then there was this yemeni journalist who reported about the drone strike in yemen in two thousand and nine twenty one woman and fourteen children died there the journalist is now when jail reportedly at the personal request of president obama himself. there's this line of thought in washington it's all perfectly fine as long as we're fighting the bad guys the president approves the list of those bad guys by the way the kill list on secret evidence with no review but does the argument we're fighting the bad guys
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mean. the wall to keep quiet about the execution of innocent people in washington i'm going to check out. next started chats with someone who predicted the global economic crisis the consequences of which are still being felt across the world but first here on our day i'll bring you this hour's headlines again after the short break.
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and broadcasting live from our studios. top stories this is let's get right to your top headlines right now. conservatives oppose a poll bailout government has made claim a narrow victory with almost thirty percent of the vote leaving the main that left behind this could mean that coalition between the cia and its allies the socialist party. polls have closed on the final day of egypt's presidential election runoff with the islamists. in the lead meanwhile the ruling generals effectively give themselves lawmaking powers are raising fears that the old establishment is still in charge. and the syrian turmoil takes another turn if you want observers
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suspended due to an escalation of violence that says the head of the monitors. both sides of the conflict allowed the evacuation of civilians from combat zones. the effects of the global economic crisis are still being felt right across the world and the person who predicted it. thank you very much for your time in two thousand and six you predicted that there would be a deep economic crisis and six years later we're still in it now did you expect it to last so long that it would be so deep and where are we in the middle in the beginning or maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel and the krises morphed into thousand and six was a problem that a lot of outrage of the private sector households banks financial institutions some corporates now.
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