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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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we want to present. something you'll. go to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture as greece continues to dig out of its economic collapse france decided this weekend to say no to austerity so as the sturdy push continues to spread throughout europe isn't it time politicians in washington said no paul ryan and his austerity policies that would for example end food stamps and medicare as we know also is china trying to buy the oval office and are republicans ready to kick students in the working class to the curb again all that and more in tonight's politics and on friday president obama changed
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course on immigration policy announcing that he would stop deporting young undocumented immigrants what ripple effects will this decision have across the country is that a sign of things to come or just political posturing from a vendor. you need to know this the greek situation is still unresolved antonis some are us with a pro austerity new democracy party edged out the anti austerity sarees a party and alexis spiros in sunday's greek parliamentary elections the new democracy party got twenty nine point seven percent of the vote sarees only got twenty six point nine percent of the vote very tight. new democracy didn't pick up
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enough seats to have a majority in government and thus must cobble together a coalition government with other parties but the serous a party which came in second and is staunchly opposed to more austerity has rejected calls for a new democracy to form a coalition government as part of the bailout agreement earlier this year greece must raise more than fifteen billion euros by selling off its commons cutting its budgets and laying off about one hundred fifty thousand government workers but in order form a coalition government the new democracy party may be forced to reach out to other parties who opposed the bailout deal in its current form meaning greece and germany will likely have to renegotiate these terms but here's the big picture behind everything happening in europe today all the news the american corporate media is how a relatively conservative government won the election in greece but to really big things are largely overlooked in our infotainment media's coverage of europe's elections over the weekend the first is that even the new greek government and
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leader are calling for changes to the paul ryan mitt romney type of austerity that's been devastating that nation and the serous of party sir is a name by the way which means coalition of the radical left polled about thirty percent of the vote but back in the elections of two thousand and seven two thousand and eight and two thousand and nine every single year they poll less than five percent so this was a huge victory for forced to resign over a five hundred percent increase in their votes the second important note is that france the second largest economy in the euro zone accounting for about a fifth of all the economic activity in all of europe a little over twenty one point five percent just elected a socialist as president and then this past weekend handed socialists control of both the assembly and the senate a complete sweep. the socialists in france have a solution for the ryan romney kind of austerity it's a racket in europe and it's tinge to the french economy and that solution is to step up government sector perspective raise the minimum wage increase taxes on
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people as rich as mitt romney who by the way lived in france to avoid the vietnam war when he was a teenager and dropped the retirement age down to sixty opening up space for young people to have jobs a bit over a decade ago argentina famously told the i.m.f. where they could shove their austerity ideas decouple the peso from the u.s. dollar i was down there in two thousand in two thousand and one they had a bumpy ride for a couple of years but the doing fine now similarly brazil rejected austerity and instead raised their minimum wage strengthen their labor unions broaden their health care and social security systems and raise taxes on the rich a result of those members measures excuse me is that they have one of the strongest of the fastest growing economies in the world chances are if you flown recently on a commuter flight it was on a brazilian made airplane break companies brazil russia india china fastest growing economies in the world fully half of all the cars in brazil no longer run on gasoline meanwhile here in the us republicans are pushing us to use more fossil
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fuels to keep giving huge tax cuts to people as rich as romney he's by the way proposed that same thing that as president he'd cut his own taxes and to end the minimum wage unemployment insurance social security and medicare south america woke up a generation ago europe is waking up now how long it's going to take us to wake up and see that paul ryan and mitt romney are just shows for billionaires and big oil and realize that if we follow their siren song of austerity it will destroy our nation the same way it destroyed south america and europe. for more on the situation in europe in the rest of this week's big talking points the time to turn things over to our monday political panel on our panel tonight sam sex progressive commentator and george landreth president of frontiers of freedom thank you both for joining me tonight thanks so. greece elected conservatives but it's likely the bailout deal will have to be negotiated in order for a new democracy to form a coalition government france elected socialist brits are rethinking austerity
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merkel's party in germany just got slammed in rhine-westphalia the largest state in germany how long until the united states wakes up to georgia well i don't know i mean the i think i guess i disagree the premise because i'm not sure that europe has been trying austerity they've been talking about it but it seems like they've mostly been pushing off and pushing it off and pushing it off and it seems to they've run out of other people's money to spend and i don't see the other options they have so i think they're surprised all the laid off employees yeah i mean there's the hundreds of thousands of people who've been laid off in places like in spain in places like greece and in london i mean there's two remarkable disconnects at work here one of them is just economic theory the idea that contractionary economic policy spending cuts austerity will somehow lead to economic growth it's never happened it never will happen it's like telling someone they can build muscle by starving themselves and sitting on the couch all day doesn't work and the other remarkable disconnect is. people policymakers in the united states unable to see what's happening in europe as
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a result of this austerity as you just mentioned the surge is a part of this is a pretty radical leftist party that hasn't garnered more than a couple percentage points in elections until now after five years of recession france is in charge of by the by socialists for the first time in in twenty more than twenty years i think to really remarkable things are happening in response to this austerity agenda of people saying enough is enough you know suicide rates in greece shooting up and sadly it might take those sort of terrible things in our economy to bring in new forces to put an end to austerity has any country in the history of the world. that you can identify ever cut its way to prosperity the way that paul ryan is proposing well i think it depends on where you think you're cutting because you have a public sector of a private sector and generally speaking the public sector. grows at the expense of the private sector but the private sector is. that and that it's a public the public sector in canada represents fifty one percent of their g.d.p. public sector and sweden is fifty nine percent of g.d.p.
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the public sector and average in the european union is around fifty four percent of g.d.p. here in the united states is twenty two percent of g.d.p. and you know can you give me an example of rising public because if you look at europe after world war two it is the public sector gruesome public private sector and same here since since one thousand nine hundred. historically i have seen there's an interesting economic study that says that as you reduce the number not just of government employees but actual regulators if you reduce that number you get a tremendously large growth and in jobs so that if you were to get rid of say a thousand government regulators you'd get ten or twenty thousand other jobs why would that be if for example the koch brothers have a factor and it's blowing stuff out the smokestack in the regulators come along and say ok you can blow that poison out into the air anymore they're going to have to hire somebody some is going to design a scrub or somebody's going to install it so they're going to maintain it those are
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all jobs that those regulations put them disagree with but i think that's the problem is it's not just a question of if you lay off those regulators will go away because those make more profit but i put that in a swiss bank account i don't it's not a question of whether or not you have pollution or not pollution i mean the reality is i want to i want to breathe clean air as much as you do i take my kids backpack and we want to drink clean water as much as you do i think the real issue then is is are we getting the right mix if you use the traffic light example i'm not against traffic lights but i would be against having ten of them on my street between me and the next block because that would grind things to a halt on the other hand but having that i want to see what it would protest right but having them well placed makes a difference and so i would argue that you do need some regulation some people say we need no regulation there are nuts but i think at the same time you can't have too much and so but but the idea that the i mean again you keep
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acting like europe's the model we want to follow and i they have high unemployment and countries in europe don't they have much higher well i mean europe europe they historically have ten percent unemployment there's europe out austerity is not we're going to fall and i think you're saying there's some sort of correlation between public workers and fewer public workers and that creates a private sector boom but the point is nobody's hiring in the private sector the pro. sector right now is dying and no matter what we're session whenever we've been in the same situation from roosevelt following the great depression or in the great depression to reagan in his recession to bush in his recession they've all picked up some slack by hiring public sector workers by putting people to work to get money in their pocket in stimulate the economy and that's not happening right now well i understand but i don't think i think there's several reasons for that one is for the private sector to grow they need a sense of stability both in their tax code their regulatory burdens and this administration you mean anything by the george i think what they need is the possibility of selling products making it making
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a profit which means that they need to have customers who have money in their bob salute and so if you give if you if they know that government hires people those people have jobs they become customers they need that but the question is are you going to build a new factory and put lots of people and increase capacity when you're not really sure what the ground rules are if you don't if you don't someone else will if there's if there's demand for the product i can tell you as an entrepreneur you know somebody will but i'd like to move to john mccain had this to say about shirley ableson offering to spend unlimited amounts of money in the us elections here's john mccain. mr adelson who gave large amounts of money to the gingrich campaign and much of mr eight oceans casino profits that go to him come from his casino in macao. which says what which says that obviously maybe in a roundabout way foreign money is coming into an american campaign political campaigns we do we really want communist chinese money influence you know it's
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already losing our elections two thousand and ten was the first election after citizens united and center for american progress to a study on where the chamber of commerce got a lot of its money from that it was running these super pac ads against democrats and a lot of it was coming from foreign sources hundreds of million hundreds of thousands of dollars of the tens of millions of dollars spent by the chamber attacking democrats came from foreign is this is this any way to run a country well i think in fairness i think you have to look at this question which is how about if when apple makes money it's not just making money united states and if it then makes contributions to campaigns does that mean that foreign moneys influence our elections or george soros for that matter the revenue that there you have on china the revenue they're getting is coming from american customers what shelly adelson is doing is he's going to macau he's building a casino and he's taking money from chinese although i was an i misunderstood i thought that apple actually sold products of other countries including china ok you're absolutely right ok so they made off with that and those profits you know that my point is it's very hard to argue that every time someone every company
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whether it's g.m. whether it's for what are you have companies not be allowed to contribute just sort of the problem of money well we'll have to pick that up when we come back more of more of that ice politics coming up after the break. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism on the real world. we want to present. something else.
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it is easy to beat. he. believes. it.
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will. be a. welcome back to our politics panel on her palin panel tonight sam sex progressive commentator and george landreth president of frontiers of freedom and we were just in the last segment we just kind of started the conversation about john mccain saying this money is shelly adelson is bringing is foreign money it's coming from a cow the supreme court has just busted open the doors with the citizens united ruling what should be appropriate boundaries sam. well this obviously isn't even before that we had twenty five hundred dollar contributions and we had pacs that people could bundle these money to and everything like that and it was all relatively transparent it was all we're all really i mean there's still a lot of problems in it i mean i think deal system is systems that we see employed
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around the world where you have complete public financing of elections everybody's getting the same money everybody's getting the same air time and elections are settled on the ideas and the visions that each candidate have for the country georgia is really nice and that actually works in a lot of countries yeah i mean i think it when we have public financing in our presidential elections in the u.s. and it was rock obama promised he was going to do it and decided not to so i'm not sure this is a partisan issue but i think part of the problem i mean fair enough i mean i think that's a good point but i know the way i see it ultimately is. newspapers could not be told how many. you know how many issues they could print you know they can run a big run or small run and i think on some level as an individual if i want to donate money i believe that the real issue is i'm not a position to but let's say i say we're fabulously wealthy like mr abel so. i think i have the right to participate to the full extent i want to but the bottom line i
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think is i mean the rest of us have the right in quotes to to live in a country where our politicians are bought and sold by the richest people i would argue that that's why we need absolute complete full disclosure i'm a big fan of disclosure because i think some lights the best disinfectant and i think that the reality is if if someone is some guy from the mobs donating one hundred million dollars to i can't you know to some congressional candidate my guess is nobody the district in a vote for that guy no matter what ads he runs going to go he's been bought and paid for i've suggested congressman she were to ask her why i'm asking her why is the conservatives are against full disclosure going not all i'm going to defend republicans but it seems like every year for the rest of the republicans are vocal about i mean my sense of it would be it make perfect sense. on your f.e.c. reports given the internet now i mean i know in the old days you had this paper stuff but that you could within twenty four hours you could report all donations that exceed a certain amount because obviously you know five nations who really cares if you five bucks but you know maybe it's two hundred bucks maybe it's five hundred bucks
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whatever the one someone is cutely hit more than five bucks you could put on the internet it could be there literally in twenty four hours of the i think that makes sense maybe maybe we have a consensus one point nine million american transportation workers are currently being held hostage by republicans in the house of representatives at the end of this month critical funding that keeps americans on the job rebuilding our highways and infrastructure runs out over in the senate they had a seventy four twenty two vote support support of both sides of the aisle and they've already passed legislation to keep the funding in place and keep those almost two million people employed but house republicans reportedly led by eric cantor. are refusing to vote on the senate bill unless it also includes immediate approval of the entire x.l. keystone x.l. pipeline which is really a poison pill put in there to make it unpalatable to the public to the democrats because we also are running out at the end of the month is the current student loan interest rate which doubles of congress doesn't act publicans are holding that
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hostage in the senate to make sure that corporate consultants keep a certain tax loophole corporate consultants like newt gingrich doesn't this just prove that republicans only care about corporations and the rich and not about young people and workers sam well i think so i mean it's not just this case they did this they did the same thing back in march demanding that the keystone pipeline bill be included in extending the highway spending bill so instead they had to do a short term extension which is about to run out last year they brought us to the brink of default by demanding there'd be all these cuts to social programs earlier that they almost shut down the government over planned parenthood it seems like in every instance republicans have chosen corporations in the very wealthy or their religious donors over working people and this is just the latest sort of thing to do this and still win elections i don't get it well first of all i think that anytime you have a stalemate between two people it's easy for the other side the with him you agree
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to say well it's there it's the other guy's fault but i think we have a stalemate that means there's two people who aren't agreeing and i think it takes two to tango so it takes two to agree it takes two to disagree so i think that your party is there i mean if you if you want to draw between the chambers or the republican and democratic party because in the senate republicans supported the senate's transportation bill it passed with pretty large bipartisan majority but yet republicans the house won't act on it and senate majority harry reid accused eric cantor of not acting on it because he wants to crush the economy well i doubt he wants to grassley calmly but i would ask this when the house passes a bill in the senate what does that upset you too or is it only when it's the other way around. well maybe if they're democrats or not this isn't in the house i mean you know there's a lot of her problems on the senate side so it's even more shocking than the senate's able to come up with a bipartisan bill and pass it in the house when even to act on that well i guess my point is this is harry reid sitting on a lot more bills than john boehner is it also requires a lot higher of a majority to pass legislation although you know you'd have to acknowledge most of
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those bills that you're talking about the thirty or forty pieces of legislation that the republicans the tea partiers in the house passed are either symbolic they know there's no chance you know hey let's privatized medicare right let's vote your eyes medicare let's privatized social security those are all of the bills some of them i think are actually things that i think are pretty rational and reasonable but the problem ultimately is again when there's political on both sides you have a political agenda and you know we've just given a lot of sam just gave you a long list of times rational reasonable things that republicans are filibustering . apparently for political reasons what are the democrats filibustering that is reasonable or stopping oh i mean there's lots i mean in the house on the example would be there have been some job bills that have gone through that point the more i will go has been his number cantor and boehner are calling things like privatizing medicare jobs but i'm not afraid and i realize that's controversial
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i'll give you an example though of mike even on the issue of the college loans as i understand it that's likely to pass there's not actually that much some disagreement i think it's kind of being hung up right now but the reality is between before the deadline most people i've talked to say they anticipate that that will go through both the senate since the senate offered to pay for the college student loan extension by cutting off a tax loophole by. corporate consultants and republicans decided they want to pay for it by cutting a wellness prevention health care prevention program in obamacare which basically ensures that children and women can get docks and nations when they need to so republicans are going to do with corporate interest over over over six people. i mean that's one way to do it but for example a lot of the health care bill was we were told that it was to help people get health care in fact what it was was a way to make sure that that you know big pharma got its profits on drugs too so i mean that goes both ways that wasn't obamacare that was during the bush administration and obama and no but in obamacare there's a provision about the fact there's been some discussion recently about the lack of
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transparency on the question of what deal was cut and what the farm a get out of it all i'm trying to suggest is i think it's easy for us to sit here and say on the one hand this is a bill that that helps corporate consultants and this is one helps women and children you know and that kind of gets back to this i think a dialogue that is very fruitful which is republicans who want you know children to die and people who read thirty air and drink dirty water and they didn't i mean i you know i know a lot of republicans and i don't know any of the that want themselves their children or anyone they know well let me say over there were only out there willing to take money from people who are our polluters and give them the right to pollute in exchange for continuing their power in congress. i can't find any i mean i ask every year air is cleaner so i'm trying to figure out how it is the republicans and that every year the republicans start screaming about we need to get rid of these regulations or get rid of those regulations they don't want to get rid of it is not a claim they generally going to do they generally want to refine wrote regulations
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and have them work better because over time you can make a regulation one hundred seventy five and by now it becomes an ill fitting you know in a precise regulation and there's nothing wrong with it what it was there wasn't any irrational regularly if there was one a rational regulation out there it would be as famous as rodney king talking about how to do it in the timing republicans were going about it for the keystone pipeline talk about they did i mean we're talking about a twentieth century form of energy should we be investing in renewables rather than building a dangerous pipeline it's a night of energy yeah exactly and i think well right there i mean president obama approved the second half hour. it already republicans want to force me to ten seconds george well the last word i don't agree that the fossil fuels are a ninety three even merely a twentieth century i think will be using them and need them for a period of time to come i think there will come a time and we'll have other energy sources they'll become economically feasible ok sam sachs george landreth thank you both for joining us tonight thanks so much.
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it's the good the bad of the very very pro. magically ugly good team romney as mitt romney travels around america in his campaign bus actually he flies by plane from city to city the bus travels around america he makes these little short trips in the town team romney immobile a project that move on dot org we'll be right behind it and they'll be taking the seamus along for the ride take a look. i'm on joy hi i'm rob and we're team romney you know where you know announce the every millionaire count story we'll be following mitt romney's bus across the country starting in new hampshire and finishing in his home state of michigan will be riding around as any one percenters should and a cadillac escalator romney will be traveling with that's of course their favorite
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dodge shamus to how's the weather up there let us know if you have any accidents boy. while romney tours the country preaching his how to screw over the ninety nine percent policies it's great to hear the team romney will be able to be right behind him reminding americans of how out of touch this all the middle one percenter is from the rest of the nation the bad arizona sheriff joe arpaio if you're arizona's most famous anti immigrant birth or sure of how do you respond to president obama's new immigration policy our pilot knows you arrest a six year old undocumented immigrant just an hour. after president obama announced his new immigration policy arpaio and his office to register arrested fifteen alleged illegal immigrants including a six year old girl and arpaio told reporters that he will continue to arrest young undocumented immigrants despite the president's new policy arpaio is currently under investigation by the department of justice for numerous civil rights
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violations and for using taxpayer resources in his berth or which of president obama so doing something as low as arresting a six year old child really shouldn't come as a surprise and the very very ugly florida secretary of state ken. does sarah who has played a large role in governor rick scott's voter purge of thousands of eligible voters was interviewed by about the purge by a local television station this weekend when asked about concerns that have raised over the voter purge deaths or had this to say. the single person state that says that we should go our separate folks that's my mission this election self-service. so mr does there is passion in life is to take away their i demoed one of america's most fundamental rights from thousands of floridians that he's very clear. after the break president obama's new immigration policy announcement on friday has
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created a political firestorm with publicans calling the move strictly political so how will this policy change play out and go to single that comprehensive immigration reform is far behind. admission and free accreditation free transport charges free. range month free risk free studio tied for free. download free broadcast plug in video for your media projects and free medio dog
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