tv [untitled] June 19, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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for. well i'm tom aren't in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture in america today thousands of homeowners are struggling to stay in their homes college students are drowning in loan debt and public sector workers are being laid off in droves of the average joe and with van jones about ways to help reclaim the american dream also mitt romney has been caught in another law this time at a campaign event in pennsylvania but for some reason the mainstream media missed it let me lie about this time and why does the mainstream media always seem to give romney and his lies a free pass and a radio show host in arizona goes off on
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a racist tirade against president obama why has recently become a party platform of the far right in america today. you need to know this yes the conservative new democracy party finished first in the greek elections on sunday but it was not as american infotainment media is widely reporting a greek indorsement of the austerity regime that's currently wrecking europe and austerity parties actually nabbed fifty two percent of the vote in sunday's elections and the far left there is a party has doubled its share of the votes since may winning enough enthusiastic support that it can continue to push the new greek coalition government whatever it might look like away from austerity and toward pro growth policies as rizza party leader alexis sapir as said in
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a speech on monday some believe the conservatives won the election but the people have won the elections because now of a that would be the conservatives cannot proceed with bailout agreements and they recognize. as this both in greece and in brussels and he's right leaders within the new democracy party are now calling for a renegotiation of the austerity and bailout terms with the i.m.f. and the e.u. despite warnings from germany that greece can't do that point is austerity is losing its momentum in europe unfortunately here in the united states austerity is stronger than ever and manifests itself in the republican war against public workers americans who work for the local state or federal government people like cops teachers and firefighters i do not believe that state federal or local workers' unions should be involved in unions and i would actually support a bill that says that we should not have public employee unions for the purposes of wages and benefits to be negotiated are you saying that you would like to see no
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public worker unions i think really government works better without them i really do it's not the federal government role to hire teachers to hire firefighters to hire police officers ok so we get it the republicans don't like public sector workers otherwise known as government employees if you had to wait in line too long at the d.m.v. perhaps because d.m.v. employees were laid off and they're short staffed and they certainly would have you believe that there's an army of nameless faces government bureaucrats who do absolutely nothing unusual at all they just sit around and actually the republicans call a waste and fraud and they should all be fired. and with their marching orders from the koch brothers the republican governors have gone off in search of these public employees that they can fire and they found a few turns out that finding nameless faceless do nothing bureaucrats in government is actually pretty hard to do rick snyder rick scott scott walker john casey chris
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christie paul le page all a bunch of republican governors who are funded in part by the koch brothers have been on a crusade to find and fire public workers a k. a government employees and more a k. usually unionized government employees so what they find first off many government services are already been outsourced michigan for example fired a bunch of government i.t. workers had to hire them back as private contractors so you know some some politically connected people could make some money because the state actually needed its computers to work ditto for roadworks septic systems water systems all around the country so what were they left with nothing more than those people who make up the majority of state and local government employees firefighters cops and teachers public health and foster care workers bus drivers and librarians but mostly firefighters cops and teachers you can see it here in this graph yet this is
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this is your in millions all state and local jobs nationwide in millions. six point nine million elementary and secondary teachers and two million teachers in our education that's a total of. what not but nine million protective services is a fancy way of saying police and firefighters health services the emergency. people who are out there as well as things like foster care and you know taking care of kids things like that transportation your bus drivers libraries housing community development your librarians and then you get into the area where basically these are people who are administering programs financial others ministration public welfare public utilities waste management water environment recreation even mitt romney who's live so long is chauffeured rich guy bubble that he was amazed to discover that there are sandwich dispensing machines that use touch screens now as the most public employees at the state local level are
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teachers cops and firefighters he wants to add more to government he wants to know the stimulus he wants to hire more government workers he says we need more firemen more policemen more teachers did do you not get the message of wisconsin the american people did congress to. help the american people and so those republican governors have cut back on government they laid off a quarter million teachers nationally over one hundred thousand cops and firefighters after all you can't raise taxes on rich people like romney or the koch brothers to hell with our kids our streets and our homes really rich communities have their own private security most people don't know it but a lot of me even have their own private fire departments i'm not making this up and by firing those public employees who take care of the rest of us republican governors have kept unemployment over eight percent if they hadn't fired all these cops and teachers and firefighters unemployment right now would be around seven percent you know it's and they get to blame that high unemployment rate on
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president obama it's a win win for. i don't know what's going to what is going to take to wake up the american people to the charade the scam it's being run by the republicans although recent polling does show that more than half of americans realize that the republicans are hell bent for leather on intentionally crashing the economy and driving unemployment just so they can blame it on obama question now is whether bush white house brain karl rove will be able to whitewash americans memories before the election or etch a sketch them and whether republican governors will be able to lay off even more teachers firefighters and cops keep an eye on those unemployment numbers remember when republicans talk about those unemployment numbers they're bragging about their accomplishments. now on this issue along with what we as a nation to do to help struggling homeowners college students and working americans reclaim the american dream will be front and center this week at the campaign for
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america's futures as the campaign for america's future is hosts to take back the dream the american dream conference here in washington d.c. joining me now is a prominent member of the progressive movement speaking at the conference and is the founding president of rebuild the dream van jones pro-tobacco program had an interview with us so. despite what's going on in europe republicans here in the united states are still pushing for us territory and. well i mean well first of all you get the nail on the head when you said that they are bragging about their accomplishments one of the things i don't think people understand is that they have a choice in november are we going to reward this late level of betrayal this is betrayal on the part of the republican party if you imagine barack obama is a lifeguard he's on a beach a tsunami came people are drowning he may not be the best lifeguard in history but . he's trying to save people the republicans are like a guy sitting on a rock watching saying you know what the more people who drown out here the more
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likely it is they're going to fire the lifeguard maybe i get the lifeguards job that has been the republican stance they are doing they are literally throwing anvils doing if they can cutting the line the president threw a line to the public workers a third of the stimulus was to save cops teachers firefighters nurses jobs they well let's have another stimulus they're cutting those lines why the more bodies on the beach the more likely that lifeguard gets fired that is betrayal that's not that's saying my political gain can only come at the expense of the american people's pain that's what you're seeing and so to to take america's every day heroes the firefighters the cops the teachers who have never abandoned us one time no matter how big the fight. they don't abandon us no matter how heinous the crime they don't abandon us no matter how slow the learn are they don't abandon us but we're supposed to abandon them in the hundreds of thousands because that is now the
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right wing sort of favorite punching bag to attack america's every day heroes to show the american people under the waters of this horrible recession just for political gain there's a word for that it's betrayal yeah and i think it's well said what is the vision that progressives are bringing to the table well you know i'm so happy to be a part of rebuild the dream we have a six hundred thousand members were only not even a year old yet we have six hundred thousand members who are in every congressional district of people can go on to rebuild the dream dot com right now and during that they want to help us we're fighting on the two big issues that are pulling the middle class down used to be if you like my dad and you want to get out of poverty into the middle class have a very clear you get an education you buy a house get an education buy a house you're done that is now with these horrible student interest rates and the underwater mortgage problem that's now a trap door from the middle class in the poverty that is the best way to go for the
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middle class in the body and so we are fighting on those two issues we're fighting to stop the student loan rates from doubling july one for eight million students if we win that fight i think we're going to win it will save eight million students twenty billion dollars that should stay in their pockets and we're fighting to make sure that homeowners who are underwater can refinance that be a ten billion dollars savings we're not just talking about the issues of the ninety nine percent we're trying to get some answers to the ninety nine percent that's real the dream but if you don't succeed at least over the short term that the republicans and their banks are buddies get to put ten billion dollars and twenty billion dollars respectively in their own pockets because that's really what we're talking about here. those are pretty steep odds well listen the good thing is that the student loan fight because of groups like the perks who got the young. people up and fight on the interest rate which prompts our public interest research group a to go the acronym sometimes. united states students o.c.s. and other groups including rebuild the dream we have been able to get first the
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president and then even romney and now both chambers of commerce agree you shouldn't double the interest rate on student loans but look at the republicans they say that once out of their mouth they say all we want it we don't want to double the interest rate how they're going to pay for it they want to steal money from the mammogram fund to pay for it they want to steal money from the pensions of federal workers to pay for it even when they do right they do wrong terrible they do you want this party is a question mark that the as a party has behaved like this the past four years to be the government of the united states of america what will they do when they actually have power i think we got it we've got to put that front and center look at how they're behaving now do you want to reward this kind of behavior in november and it's a genuinely scary prospect more with van jones right after the break.
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welcome back i'm speaking with activist and author van jones is here for the campaign for america's future take back the american dream conference here in washington d.c. this week dan the experience that we had a week or two ago or three hour long it's been in was can i don't get time in wisconsin. a lot of people are thinking oh it's just an anomaly or you know whatever i see this is a really sobering moment well i think if you don't hear the alarm clock now i don't know what it's going to take here's what happened in wisconsin very simple is not going to have a big degree of political science of you know done a lot a lot of work in this we put our minimum against their maximum we lose that's what happened in wisconsin we spent about four million they spent about forty exactly and the people on the ground fought valiantly we don't give enough credit
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to the african-american community turned out in big numbers young people turned out in big numbers especially places like milwaukee of the league of young voters that extraordinary job but they weren't up against a local and i mean they were up against the national conservative movement thirteen billionaires only one of whom even lives in wisconsin ponied up and we got obliterated now if you think you felt bad when you woke up that wednesday morning with wisconsin having gone down i think how you're going to feel when you wake up the day after the elections in november when the same thing we get we put our minimum against their maximum in ohio if we put our minimum against their maximum in nevada if we put our minimum against their maximum in november in florida and we wake up with a tea party government that is possible this time next year we could be living in a country that is run by the tea party a tea party trifecta the tea party with the white house because i tell you what mitt romney i don't care what you say about him he will be
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a tea party president already he's. running to the right of bush on everything now think about this when they run to the right they govern for the right remember george bush compassionate conservatism and he governed by the way remember the tea party state house is that they just took a two thousand and ten they didn't run saying that they were going to destroy unions they ran to the right and they govern for the right romney is already running to the right of george bush he's already saluted the grover norquist flag he's already saluted that paul ryan wrecking ball budget he will govern even further right and so if you want to wake up. in november and feel five fifty times worse. better next morning than you thought with wisconsin let's keep putting our minimum of against their maximum so the alternative is the alternative is for true progressive is tough we've got a real let this president but that's not enough you also have to reenergize the
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movement to hold him accountable you see when george bush was president we had a great movement that movement for peace but you had the wrong president he wouldn't listen to us we were ten times bigger then you had obama arguably the right president but you had the wrong movement that the tea party movement was out there dragging things in a negative direction and i think everybody else and said hey we got a lot of the way we're done in iraq and exactly what we saw as a finish line rather than a starting line what we haven't done yet is to have the right president and the right movement at the same time so you've got a real like this president to stop the tea party then you've got you've got to be reenergized in the movement that's why rebuild the dream is fighting it right now on student loans we're fighting right now on home mortgages and we are insisting right now that the president say with his own mouth not with axelrod with his own mouth that he will veto any budget that comes to him in december that extends the bush tax cuts for the wealthy one percent why because if he does that the republicans said we're not going to raise taxes on anybody if they tied their hands
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if he ties his hands with a veto. we can actually finally have a real negotiation not capitulation but a real negotiation and so these are the kinds of things we've got to be doing on the economic front now so when we reelect the president the movement gets stronger going forward to to reenergize and to stop these sell out on the budget you've got to stop the tea party in november and stop the sell sell out on the budget in december and yeah ok van jones thank you so glad to be here the great opportunity to see you think a good time to stop the republicans from tearing down everything we've built since world war two social security unemployment insurance to medicare to labor unions it's time to rebuild the american dream. and the best the rest of the news if every time mitt romney lied a bird lost its wings and there be no birds flying around the sky that's right mitt
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romney was caught lying once again this time it was while he was speaking at a campaign event in pennsylvania and like all the other times mitt romney has lied to mainstream media dropped the ball there was m s n b c's coverage of romney speaking in pennsylvania though they were more interested in romney's out of touch obsessions with automatic sandwich makers than his allies take a look. i had to get the feeling take a look at this that mitt romney has not been in too many too many wa-wa's all from the right side and that something in. the way already where do you get your hoagies here do you get them it was is that what you get him well i went to a place today called while i was there been a while was it had been there some build on i'm sorry i know it's a very big state divided but we went to we went to what was i was it was i wanted to order a sandwich you press a little touch tone keypad a right you just touch that and you know that's the sandwich go such approach this touch this touch this go pay the cashier there's your sandwich it's amazing. what
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was left out of that clip was an analogy romney was trying to make between the wah-wah sandwich machine machine and big government bureaucracy here's romney in that same speech talking about the paperwork an optometrist had to do to move his office across town take a look at. the poor he gets to change addresses is thirty three pages long or thirty three pages one because some might ask how to fill it out because some of the government they tell him what to do he sends it in they send it back was it done right you got to do it again another thirty three pages he calls another person and they tell him what to do doesn't do it right the second time third time's a charm that this takes several months during which time he's not getting the checks for the work he's doing for people who need his care that's that's how government works the night i was at it was i want to order a sandwich he passed a little. keypad or i just touched it and you know that's sandwich because if you catch this touch this touch this go pay because you're there is your sandwich it's
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amazing that you put the private sector going to compete it's time to bring some capital. romney's argument i think was that the private sector is much better than the government because it's so easy to get a sandwich at wa wa it's so difficult for an optometrist to get his medicare payments moved to a new address but this argument is based on a lot here explain why is tommy christopher media correspondent white house reporter at media ite dot cop hey tommy while the band has a guy they're going to i'm going to be with him thank you so mitt romney him draws a comparison between a while sanish maker and an optometrist trying to move the address to which his medicare checks come can you break this down for us and expose you on that i actually what romney romney said was that he was trying to get peter to serve the writers to the poor and c. or so that that would be medicaid not medicare and so you know. people started complaining about m.s.m.
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he sees anything in eclipse for you when you know what i let me look into when i listen to the rest of his speech and i thought well first of all you know it should be kind of hard for a provider to change information because that's that's a tremendous fraud billions of dollars worth of fraud but i want to check and change your address with medicaid is two pages long two pages not thirty three so i mean romney was talking about i mean if this optometrist even exists. i sounds to me like the last place you want to be anywhere near i'm wrong you've got to pull out you reach for it apparently and and i don't you know i say i was doing my radio show and i played the the short clip and apparently right wing talk show host and not going to speculate who it was but it was one of the right wing talk show hosts is on the shows kerry answer is x. i was criticizing me for playing the clip and said you ought to call people call me suddenly our lines get slammed with people saying you know so and so i just said i should call you and they're all upset that we played
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a truncated clip and so my response was what you just essentially what you just said and they had no clue they've been listening to fox into. to the right wing is you know i have actually funny you mention fox because even though i am as i me see even today they didn't report on mitt romney's gaffe with the medicaid fox news did about about an hour ago bret baer i mentioned it on the air so good for them that's interesting because it was a pretty sure was a fox news guy who was telling people to call aside from the blatant lie should we all be trouble that mitt romney thinks that the government should keep records less carefully than a wall a sandwich maker yet very disturbed i mean and that's the thing you know even if he if his premise was completely one hundred percent correct it should be hard to alter federal records it should be much harder then making a freakin sandwich so yeah it was an idiotic premise to begin with but you know this is the kind of stuff that they that that that sells to you know is his party you know this very simplistic you know well we just need less regulations and i you
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know what it gets me have you seen these these ads for coal and they say hey you know what is obama's e.p.a. think they're doing you know they're going to make prices rise and us pain at the at the plugs what they say well you know what about the pain of the long i mean these people act like you know government regulations aren't there to do anything you know we we regulate call because they they they pump you know tons of mercury into the air it's not only did you want it to be jerks yeah yeah how does this how does this story show just how effective the right wing story line of bias in the media is oh it's incredible that this i actually i think this is a good story because this time it didn't work you know i put i posted a clip of andrea mitchell playing that clip and the right wing started going crazy and then a bunch of the mainstream journalists sort of jumped in and said yeah you know what that is deceptive and you should change it and you know andrea mitchell didn't didn't buckle under she said no she didn't apologize she said you know what mitt
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romney said some else and i'll play that for you go gene apologize. but i do think yeah it's instructive that and look these are people i respect and like but that you know automatic reaction when the right wing says jump is you know it's a sour you know why does the mainstream media have such a hard time calling out romney's lies tommy. well i mean some of that depends on just not noticing i mean you know i did notice you was this all of that with this medicare medicaid thing but i also think that you know they wanted to be close you know it i really feel like an objective of a spaceman came down and said ok well you've got this guy who you know put out the fire and started rebuilding a house and now you've got this other guy who's holding a gas can but it's a real close race they'd say what are you kidding me. so yeah i mean i just think the media. yeah the horse race is far more profitable for corporate media tomic chris thanks a lot for joining us tonight thanks for having time romney line isn't news he's
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been doing it for years conservatives used to complain about it loudly flip flops today's question is how long until the mainstream media starts calling out romney's more contemporary blatant lies. crazy alert she wasn't just groping around a woman who says she was groped by a t.s.a. agent at southwest florida international airport in fort myers decided to demonstrate her ordeal by groping a t.s.a. agent in return and it was all caught on tape carol pierces the t.s.a. agent groped her during a security check before a flight to cleveland for her brother's funeral after the incident piers dropped her bags walked over to a t.s.a. supervisor and gropes the silver riser ironically piers is a former t.s.a. agent herself who worked at the same airport so she should know the difference between t.s.a. policy and groping although it can be hard to tell sometimes despite her intentions
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to simply demonstrate what happened to her peers was removed from her flight taken to jail and now faces misdemeanor battery charges for t.s.a. touching i guess you could say ms piers decided to take matters into her own hands . coming up all is not well at the san onofre nuclear power plant in california where federal investigators have found major design flaws in the plant just what kind of risks do these design flaws pose and could we be looking in future nuclear disaster on the west coast and our fish getting more and more radioactive should you bring a geiger counter to the restaurant or supermarket yet. an issue free could you take should free in-store charge is free. range month free. three stooges free.
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