tv [untitled] June 19, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour blatant racism is on the rise again in america and even worse its influence in politics in our nation why has racism become so useful to the far right in america what can be done to rip this cancer out of our body politic also federal investigators have found serious issues in california's dandenault for a nuclear power plant that despite the issues the operators want to keep the plant up and running what exactly is wrong with the plant and how much danger does a pose and thanks to citizens united both political parties in america are being flooded with corporate cash and some cynical pundits are arguing that they've become largely the same but despite what the commentators are saying there are still very clear differences between the democratic and republican party i'll explain in tonight's daily take. it what seems to be
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a daily occurrence someone in arizona has said something completely outrageous and offensive and no it's not sure joe or governor brewer this time it's local political talk show host barbara as spinoza does a radio show with the former head of the arizona republican party during a recent segment of her hair on fire show as spinoza talk to a caller who was commenting about president obama's big years take a listen to the exchange. you see that rabbit ears guy who's sitting in the white house and what he's done to his station in three years i calling them a he i don't calling the guy with rabbit ears i calling the monkey and i call him and i don't believe in calling him the first black president i think he should have voted for the why guy myself i call you mama he i voted for the wise guy myself time calling my monkey i voted for the why guy myself. you're there right not once not twice but four times and as espinosa called the president of the united
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states a monkey and when outrage erupted over the racist remarks espinosa stood behind them in one internet post espinosa placing a link to a google image search of obama as a monkey cartoon well she wrote in our website that yes i did use the word monkey and obama in the same sentence so are these the sentiments of just one fringe conservative in arizona or they say something about the far right across america joining me now to discuss this is joe madison human rights activist and host of the joe madison show on sirius x.m. satellite radio joe welcome back thank you. how did your listeners respond to this oh mark my listeners. and i don't think there was a single person who was not outraged and not knowing where the outrage but they decided to do something about it and look this is the on i miss moment you remember the nappy headed ho moment it cost him we've had howard cosell
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who has in the past their viewers may be too young to remember he used a monkey turn this this woman is not a spring chicken she knows exactly what the connotation is that it is offensive it is pure racism she intended for it to be that way and i blame the management and the ownership of the station for condoning this type of thing you have been in radio as just as long as i have at some point in time you're going to say things that will get you suspended even fired i've been there for saying less then this but today i had colin powell on my show and i played this colin powell and he was outraged by it of course he pointed out that he is probably in. called similar things certainly not to this
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phase because he was a four star general but many things would get back to him but he made a point that at some point in time and our discourse we have got to stop this and people have got to stop hiding behind the anonymity of social media. talk radio and and then. and then we not just as african-americans but i just think all of us black white this is and bear seeing as an american i mean we all should be outraged by this and if the management and ownership of that station in phoenix arizona doesn't react to this in an appropriate manner then you can only assume that they condone this type of comedy show this i mean this was like pushing the extreme end
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of the envelope but just a couple of days ago at one of the republican party means i think was an all modern browsers i was someplace out the midwest they they set up an outhouse montana outside it was in the hilton parking lot but montana republican party was meeting to selected delegates to the republican convention so they set up an outhouse and on it was a sign that obama's presidential library but not only that then they had drawings of bullet holes and inside the makeshift outhouse they had derogatory racial comments about a shell obama we have seen images that where the entire family the obama family as decent a family as there possibly could be. i have been characters have been shown as
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images of monkeys chimpanzees the entire family of the girls you know and i asked this of of the chairman of the congressional black caucus who was by the way the first african-american to be aleck that mayor of kansas city missouri he represents a district of only seventeen percent african-american he says i never saw this type of thing oh you every now and then you see the fringe but this is an attempt to dean legitimize this president of the united states and and as he also said he two things one he's not surprised he hadn't heard about it because the media now takes what is abnormal right and it becomes now the norm for absolute joe madison thanks so much it's got to stop i agree with you know and it says something really really sad about the state of the body politic absolutely there's no need for
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a bank you with millions of americans struggling to survive day to day it's time we came together to rebuild our nation not like a cancer racism terrorist. incidents greener of course there could be trouble brewing at the sand enough for a nuclear power plant in california earlier this year to broken one of the plant steam generators leading to a release of radiation and endangering the seven point four million californians who live within fifty miles of senate offering now a team of federal investigators concluded the cause of that leak was a major design flaw within the reactors causing its parts to malfunction plan has been shut down since the leak in january but it's operators while the plant restarted meanwhile the environmental group friends of the earth has filed a legal petition with the n.r.c. to keep the reactors a santa no for a shutdown until the design. laws can be fixed so just how dangerous is the santa
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know for a nuclear plant and is the n.r.c. doing enough to keep americans living around nuclear power plants safe ballgowns or joins me now is the director of the reactor oversight project at beyond nuclear or thanks tom all welcome back thank you. first of all what you guys broke the story about santa not free on this show as i recall that there was the you were here either you were cabin or here the night that it happened it's in this this issue further demonstrates that inner city stands for no regulatory control and in fact our major concern here is that the drive to get this reactor back online is profit driven rather than safety minded and basically the inner cities abrogating its mandate for public health and safety this problem goes back to the fact that. the seminar for nuclear power station was looking to get more power out of this
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reactor and without with less oversight and that's that's precisely the point here is that with the less oversight they basically got a bad design that was put into this plant chiefly to raise the power but it basically is rattling loose i understand that the steam turbine that was put in at the cost of almost a billion dollars was supposed to last thirty years along as it lasted ten months that's about it that was the operational time and and they and so they want to restart it they they realize that they can't run it at full power because it just can't handle that because of these design flaws what's there was there. the idea of the steam generators to is to high pressure water the super heated in the reactor driven into the steam generator and. goes through all these tubes there's about ten thousand tubes in one of these generators and in fact the senate over
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a design was modified so that they could get more cram more tubes in there and what's happened now is that that did not provide oversight for the fact that these things now crammed tighter together they've been rattling and chafing in a number of tubes they've taken about ninety percent of the tube wall has just worn away and you know we've known for more than two decades now that if if these tubes break if one breaks it could cascade in a in a good team effect because these things are under extremely high pressure like two thousand pounds per square inch and it would if the steam jet comes out it could cause a good team effect that starts cutting more and more of these tubes and so you get a basically a loss of coolant accident that will bypass a cartel known it an accident that has the potential of bypassing containment so
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you know rather than just blow the containment apart it basically finds an escape route that can't be shut off at the same time you're losing coolant and this is this is what they're gambling which is which is all techno speak for the core could melt down that they could lose core cooling and they could melt the reactor and they have an open door to the environment of. what's the and what is what is or can be done about this shut it down yeah i mean this plant should not be allowed to come back online. there's a local effort to make that yes and it's actually friends of the earth is leading a national effort very quick we just have twenty seconds left what's the latest on focus and our fish radio at well you know chernobyl to the ocean is now demonstrating that we've got a scientific study now from stanford university. and stony brook university that shows the migrating bluefin tuna that spawn off the coast of japan and then feed
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off the coast of california where they're also part of the commercial fishing operation. each time they go back and forth across the north atlantic they're picking up more and more cesium thirty cesium one thirty seven and this is going to go on now for three hundred to six hundred years. under thank you so much for the great work you're doing nukes. or we'll continue to keep a close eye in the sand and offer a plan and all the other dangers lurking beyond nuclear power in america and the rest of the world. after the break thanks to the flood of corporate money in american politics today many argue that there really are many differences between the republican and democratic parties where i couldn't be farther from the truth i'll explain why in tonight's deleted.
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our first comments tonight comes from pos from a new york city he had this take about mitt romney and his offshore banking. card gone a long time listener first time caller why can't we talk about mitt romney as he put conditional tax cheat. for having his money abroad in tax havens which is designed for avoiding taxes why can't we talk about him as a potential tax cheat and if you wins the presidency why can't we talk about having him invest being investigated and brought up for impeachment have an investigation done on him because this is a serious matter. well the fact the matter is that mitt romney being a multi hundred millionaire i mean a guy who took one hundred million dollars and just threw it into
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a trust fund for his kids and on top of that he's sitting on a couple hundred million dollars the guy who last year took a seventy thousand dollars tax deduction that means you and i are pain seventy thousand dollars of his taxes for the cost of his wife's horse that he's got an army of c.p.s. and lawyers who have a figured out how to game the system so probably everything he's doing is legal but more importantly be come from that very very wealthy world of multi-millionaires multi hundred million years like him and billionaires where they basically buy legislation they want they want to congressmen and so and senators over the last couple of decades and said they would like for banks like mitt romney to only pay fifteen percent income tax and so last year he paid fourteen point nine percent that's the real problem our final comment from the night comes to mail three opposed to the thom hartmann dot com message board had this to say about president obama's new immigration policy which the president announced last friday even though i'm a democrat and democrat and so obama supporter i don't support this either the
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reason is simple i don't see much difference between importing millions of new and skilled workers each year versus sending jobs to china the net net in each case is less jobs for those americans who are here bringing in millions and millions of unskilled workers each year into an economy that's shedding unskilled jobs over time is economic suicide we don't need more on skilled workers it's importing poverty and wonder taxpayer supported social programs everywhere are imploding i don't see how any democrat can support continued massive immigration of unskilled workers and then turn around and oppose sending working class jobs to china same thing to me well here's here's my take on this the problem isn't workers coming into the united states this country has been a country of immigrants since it started just ask any native american. actually they were originally immigrants ten twelve thousand years ago maybe. a thousand years ago so but we've always been a country of immigrants the problem is the jobs here going away i mean we've
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had sixty thousand factories vanish from the united states go out of business factories not jobs factories just since george bush was swept first you know sworn into office. and when the democrats said hey let's do something about this nancy pelosi actually passed legislation out of the house that would have done away with a tax cut for corporations that tear down factories here instead of overseas the republicans filibustered at the summit so that's really where we need to put our efforts as stopping the sending of our factories overseas that's it for your take my take tonight if you'd like your comments and questions heard on this segment the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page via twitter at tom underscore her or in the chat room on the message boards or through the blog at tom hartman dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line at two a two by three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off its all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air. just.
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happens the good the bad of the very very luck to for asli ugly or good united nations the united nations has made a formal request to our government the us government asking our government officials to protect occupy protesters against excessive force by police and other law enforcement officials all across the country in a united nations letter to secretary of state clinton un envoy stated concerns that the excessive force used against the occupiers last fall quote could have been related to the protesters dissenting views criticisms of economic policies and the legitimate work in the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms so while the us government continues to lead police is excessive force against occupiers all across our nation at least an organization like the un is trying to hold them accountable and stand up for the good work being done by the occupy movement. the bad american future fund the american future fund
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a shady conservative attack ad group funded by secret millionaires and billionaires has released a new online ad suggesting that world war two veterans fought to protect our right to have unlimited secret money in politics yet applaud senator mitch mcconnell for his recent speech on applause opposing disclosures and limits on corporate political spending during the clip of mcconnell speech iconic images of war veterans are shown altec says that the veterans fought to protect our right to speak freely our war veterans fought to protect our way of life and our democracy a democracy that was established to give a voice to we the people not to hand it off to foreign corporations and secret billionaires like mitch mcconnell wants to do. and the very very ugly richard mourdock you might remember mourdock as the tea party favorite who beat incumbent republican senator dick lugar in last month's indiana primary well he said in
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a newspaper interview yesterday that employers should be able to deny health insurance to cancer patients rock went on to say that health care will be the biggest issue in november well first of all be the biggest issue that's going to be a failing economy and secondly mourdock and his fellow conservatives have this radical view of employers' rights on where they can do whatever they want and get away with it and that is very very a. given the amount of corporate money is flowing through the hands of both republicans and democrats it's really easy to think of the two parties as one of the same the story line is that they're both bought out and working for the corporations it's a talking point that's repeated by numerous politicians and political commentators these days. republicans and democrats aren't much different but i don't see any
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difference between the leadership of the two parties one of the widely perceived differences between the two parties was just an illusion both. parties or corporate parties just read the newspapers you see that both parties have run this country into the ground apparently none of these people have ever heard of the progressive caucus which has about one hundred democratic members in the house and senate plus this week the texas democratic party released its official two thousand and twelve party platform and last month the iowa republican party released its official two thousand and twelve party platform and look at these two platforms there's only one conclusion you can draw there are still massive differences between republicans and democrats exhibit a the iowa republican party their platform includes a requirement for future presidential candidates to prove that they are natural born citizens playing courtesy of the burgers the complete rejection of global
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warming courtesy of the oil barons who want to keep polluting our skies the total limitation of the departments of agriculture education homeland security housing health and human services energy interior labor and gummer's the t.s.a. the e.p.a. the f.d.a. the a.t.f. the n.e.a. courtesy of the iran libertarian whack a doodle who support by corporate fat cats instead of our country being run by the will of we the people another platform is an end to the federal income tax courtesy of rich guys like the koch brothers mitt romney who want you and me to pay the entire cost of running our government and opposition to hate crimes laws courtesy the far right who want to demonize gays african-americans and latinos they have more stand your ground shoot first laws courtesy of gun sellers like wal-mart who want legal cover when one of their guns is used to murder a member of your family. they want to reject a rejection of multicultural teaching in our schools courtesy of those like pat
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buchanan who believe that only white european history has any significance they want the promotion of creationism over evolution in our schools courtesy again of the religious right who thinks the earth is only five thousand years old they want to outlaw pornography again courtesy of you know who they want to borsch the elimination of the minimum wage laws courtesy of the corporations who want to bring the slave labor they currently exploiting asia right here to america these are just a few of the things that the iowa republican party stands for in addition to flipping their stars upside down now let's take a look at exhibit b. the texas democratic party with their star right side up and their platform which includes full support of public education raising teacher pay and force include class size limits because democrats know that teachers are just as important they're more important to our community than banks toure's and that our young people represent our nation's most important ip of infrastructure our intellectual
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infrastructure the democratic party of texas platform also includes the creation of a regulated and therefore sound banking system making housing health care and college affordable again for the middle class promoting public sector workers like teachers cops and firefighters strengthening medicare medicaid and social security putting an end to tax breaks for job outsourcers like mitt romney's bain capital investing in new infrastructure a living wage for all workers including health and retirement benefits a progressive income tax and assertion that health care is a right not a privilege support for a woman's right to choose support for stem cell research and the decriminalization and regulation of marijuana just like tobacco and alcohol so look at these two platforms. how can anybody say there's possibly say there's no difference between republicans and democrats republicans want to outlaw pornography democrats want to
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legalize marijuana republicans want to get rid of the minimum wage democrats want everyone to receive at least a living wage republicans want to deny global warming and teach creationism in our schools democrats want to move forward with stem cell research and help us again graduate world class scientists republicans want to throw women in jail who get raped and want an abortion democrats want to support a woman's right to choose republicans want fat cats to pay no income taxes whatsoever democrats want rich people to pay more and working people to pay less republicans want more shoot first laws democrats believe health care is a basic human right and more so a human right thing gun ownership the point is it's easy to get frustrated in even despair over our nation's current two party system is true of corporations have far too much influence in both but there are still monumental differences between the two parties with one party the republicans try to take america back to the days of
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the puritans the witch burnings and feudalism and the other party the democrats trying to move the nation forward with science equal rights for all and a strong social safety net just a little something to think about with the elections just a few months away. that's it for the big picture tonight for more information on the stories we've covered visit our website to tell marvin dot com free speech dot org and archie dot com also check out our two you tube channel is there a link to tom hartman dot com also over tom hartman dot com in charge of all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy begins when you get out there get active tag your it occupy soccer city.
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