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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2012 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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well back here with r.t. and here's a look at the top stories a new twist in join us on just kind of a cat and mouse game was the british authorities as we queue leaks editor appeals for asylum ecuador's embassy in london after losing his legal battle against extradition to sweden. egypt's convicted former leader hosni mubarak is reported to be clinically dead after a stroke the country is in a limbo after the presidential runoff vote as protests rage over the military's relentless hold on power. the mainstream media goes a lot against those opposing intervention in syria with hive top reports warning of
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image of war games to be held in the country involving thousands of warships jets and tanks. while there is joyous sound is back on our t.v. with his explosive show and this time we can read her interviews a man who wants to change pakistan from within and bring about a peaceful and to the long running afghan war. time julian a sign of strength. it is true when he wakes expose the world secrets these jackets belong the united states government being attacked by the powerful united states strongly condemn this quote after quote people illegally shoot five hundred days now i've been detained without charge but that hasn't stopped us.
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today we're on a quest for revolutionary ideas that can change the world tomorrow. from humble origins my next guest iran come because i'm a household name as captain of pakistan's victorious cricket team he then left sports and launched his movement for justice party in the most dangerous political environment on a. four years can anti corruption party was ignored in two thousand and seven us state department cables referred to him as pakistan's one man party. but pakistan is changing. over the last two years widespread anger over u.s. drone strikes and corrupt political dynasties has proven millions to his cause i want to know why is he now front runner to be the next leader of pakistan. julian. i'm all right i have a bit of a cold but i think that's
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a good thing because my voice is a bit sexier than normal and i have to go basically. to get everything just to get what you want everybody just to well i think your interesting time is a bit more interesting than my interesting time i saw these videos of your rallies last night so i think this is great but i worry you're going to get blowed up. so i hope your interesting time doesn't get any more you. didn't you know to go so yeah this isn't some of them just. like i mean i was you know when i said i was going to host the site. to see you but i'm going in six months later they were gone so i have a completely different attitude to life and you're not around for long so you might as well make the most of it if. you don't realize it back to. the wiki leaks mid not just. let me let me pour you
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a rare go broken up for some reason where we're just lost you are going to like a your your back you get. back the middle of the world but in the sun the with the exploded all of these two faces one additions you know who was sucking up to the american in the same. and brave and telling them how great they were. you know sucking up to them and public giving completely opposite state it was a rare specially this one really just this guy. who was declaring leads this religious logic and he literally doing the americans he said look if you back me to become the prime minister i do whatever i want to do. and he's considered the most anti american politician so he was it was a. it really exposed a lot of people who. saw him run can you describe what what are the big power
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factions in pakistan is the i.s.i. the army is the supreme court the old families how would you describe the basic power structure of pakistan. well the babylon five just sign just like in the middle east is above a statistical and then storm status for what you call the boss structure benefiting from the system and the majority of the population want to change it so what you see in the middle east is exact numbers but as the west looks upon muslim societies and there's some war going on within fundamentalist and liberals islam fundamentalists their brothers actually and this is really the divided up in the muslim world which is why everyone looks surprised by the arab spring and by is the one with the following i have been are is the same much the same people who are going to go to the middle east people who want to get james and his disposal now what does this do just one focused on we have political muffy else all of the
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political parties have not got it together against me so they have sort of the this is a desert this is a good some of them got this is a good sign is that iran that if people are gathering around to oppose you very very must be scared. oh maybe five because the last time and by the sun we saw red is as big as the doing to god one of. the lot and one of the grudge was forty years ago. you could do the find the b.b.c. and when that these sort of the numbers don't know you swept the election he just went and he was an underdog and the statistical bodies. so that's why difficult skin we researched the wiki leaks cables from islamabad to see what they said about you and in two thousand and seven the us ambassador said. who's p.t.i. party is effectively
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a one man show has little to lose his credibility rests in his soul created role as a politician he sticks to his principles and he's popular with the pakistani intelligence here and elements of diaspora but khan has never been able to turn his starring role as captain of pakistan's only team to really win the international cricket championship into an effective political party that's obviously changed now what's happened in the last few months with julian what happened was the. media. from two thousand and five on words we suddenly had. the friesian of independent television jones. the most. the most watched programs begin to fail programs so the today if you watch the television it's like having read jeremy bash one i don't give you
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you have. these these guys have become women moves like terry virts and you will have one on the mean one of all the journals and. where you would for instance have a big brother in england or some sort of rock here you don't even want to watch it and a few programs. such as the desire. to understand the political situation of people such as the interest that they are diamond there they have the highest viewership it's a what's happened in the past six months i mean there's really been a tremendous rise the opinion polls by bread have your popular support at something between sixty to eighty percent. of the pakistani population perhaps you can describe this. how your party has grown in size and momentum and what's it like in the for you try to manage this incredibly fast growing
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organization first of all at once go to elections in two thousand and eight. because you know these alleged elections bug manipulated by the bush administration big group to deal between with cher and bill you see that with all of the corruption cases blood and not only the other crooked politicians they were given an amnesty by a shark and this was the deal brokered by the americans and it was the end not all national reconciliation ordinance so in the name of reagan solution the americans got it was sheriff and bin is it together and got all these are a house in the latest book drive with due dates above that whole bush get we're about on the back when she got them together and. so sort of sulfide and along with a lot of the by just why go to the election. because we've for the supposedly
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boring. for a while wake up and go on because we stood up and actions and then as the governments began to mess up because once the guerrillas came to buy our corruption grubel reckless and biased nasty because when you have a lot of big government to like us and the way it was doug remembering that i want everyone to know is what got in the election that this election is a disease it's going to be a disaster for the people of bias the one it's only meant for the bush administration to have one who. was sure of was struggling so he was like to go they wanted another puppet government so they could pursue this war on terror without a lot of them was bombing on europe and so on so whatever i was saying and went through the roof the war on terror was has been devastated by this alone for a because forty thousand by this time is a big get in
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a war we have nothing to do we're up busy our own army killing on a limb and then get it then doing suicide notes on bikes that is evidence and can be done again the cost of seventy billion dollars of this war totally it has been less than twenty billion so all i was able of these things and secondly it was. just resonated with people and almost two years ago my gut grass started going up as though says the big bad and the whole lot of people see this james. we are seeing non-politicians rushing to me so people who are electable is realizing that the war banner not belongs to me and i'm going to do and i heard that even even musharaff tried to say to you. you you pm me president. well there you see bush or. does not understand what's
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happening in pakistan because he's outside is all over you know politics is on the face book he doesn't realize that on the ground and biased on the situation is is completely different number one can be the biggest liability to get a leg but number two he's responsible for the mess he's responsible for this is a record corruption because he's the one to give them amnesty the good of the good of the new order in the world not given us given amnesty and that are going to just elections again and get into bomb on and secondly this war on terror so he's responsible if you look at say the soviet union which also had a lot of corruption but people said well that. well at least the black market is a market. so you're going to have some kind of trading it helps you get around regulations which are impeding business. what is the problem with corruption in pakistan why is why is corruption bad for pakistan just to give you know the
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statistics then you're not going to i am history of sixty years the total debt if you milledge it by bike stun is about was fighting it in just four years the debt has gone up from problems by politically. so we had. to to service our debts so out of one point eight trillion. debt servicing is eight hundred billion harvard goes to debt service and six hundred billion goes to before the army how do they leave the million people who have two hundred million to be used as a liberal so clearly the ganges and why so that in itself russia could still go on in gears and. we're looking at the atlas we're looking at. us going down the drain the country is heading towards complete chaos
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we don't have money to don't run the country and at the moment you are shouting we don't have money to buy and you do. not buy our generation so because you get a lot of buy food for a barge initial of the government are there's almost fourteen hours notice you did there's no electricity for fourteen hours a day. and and the corruption in pakistan the tax evasion is one thing but the the stealing of money from the treasury how much of that ends are back in pakistan i just taking from the poor the middle class and transferring it to the rich in pakistan versus how much of the money is taken out of pakistan and stashed into london banks or stashed into swiss banks or u.s. companies. so do things number one because we do not have money to be here
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for to get finest of oil for our generation the country is having load shedding this little electricity for fourteen to fifteen hours and it did eighteen hours in the rural areas. that would mean the fight was done right there. to do was to water their crops that means factories and industries are closing down there because there's massive unemployment and of inflation so that's one aspect of corruption the second it was sort of this money ends up and this was a dance of the dog was not the only political leader in the middest money are slightly biased on and i have everything going by stand in my nam apart from the more particularly this head of political bodies there have banned guns and brought their properties abroad and this is not declared so all of this money most of this body ends up outside the country but let's move on to the u.s.
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. tell me about this assassination of osama bin laden in pakistan what was the feeling in pakistan that the i.s.i. was hiding this i would get a lot of that there in confidence why. was a solid bin laden in pakistan and you know what you must understand is that some of been not there was trained by the i.s.i. and cia. did warlow adam were trained by the cia and i.s.i. about twenty years back so this is this is these people were assets of by this time on. their would really by the by this and i mean the i.s.i. financed by the cia or but they were fighting the soviets and for a long time these groups had a big close association with the most unsecured agencies now suddenly comes no new level and you do a lot of the leading degrees does i mean we showed us
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a hundred to be stolen. but it didn't mean that all along the way people would have accepted this because here what people are trained for jihad our job and this is in this just means by doing the foreign occupation so our people who can miss them having indoctrinating not only. these militant groups but also your own intimacies that they're fighting for an occupation is it is a religious duty play right some subset of the i.s.i. some people perhaps who are dealt with him in the past who are still loyal as goes people who would have thought of that why do you need another foreign occupation which is now the worst is also religious duty of course if it's possible as it is there a feeling that the u.s. is helping our clean out militants in pakistan or is there a feeling that it's a violation of pakistani sovereignty and this was the ultimate humiliation. it was
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a gun free which is a bad omen to most about thirty five thousand people dead fighting and there are those war. and as i said the country had lost far. in terms of what do you lost was then the gate given to us and the government was the figure to seventy billion dollars in order for it to begin so this war isn't going to the supposed to be a second post for the worse and then out and i did not trust us and actually game and kill someone on our own soil it wasn't that at all factors combine in the sacrifice and secondly it isn't and we should be above you for it and so forget about what the government on i'm done with the people of the country who didn't know what was going on because it. was the it was being abused the way to get them or europe all by the way because of this either they were involved in goods but
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what about the people so good that there was a definitive in there was a very strong reaction born of the feeling of humiliation answer to sink that you know that the us argue that so and bin ladin is a terrorist responsible for the deaths of many americans so they have a right to go in and take him out what i'm saying is the. war on terror is the law is somehow the confusion is there to win the war on terror by bombs and . you know killing actually war on terror is one when you win hearts and minds of people if you lose the war this is that that is the word this is going to end i don't like this one as well radicalized did that it was eight years back by just under one arrest and it's a polarized society that it was here two years ago whatever we do military this is
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not a solution we have. for eight years the americans and feel for eleven years but what are we going to do now which is different and as i understand said madness is doing this if you go over and over again and expecting a different result it's not going to happen there's no military solution only ways political solution by just bottom the bottom to the solution we do not have politicians look you will all get a bit of both so you need elections a good bit of government hope for the osce we'll start a political dialogue help the americans in an exit strategy from the understand this is the one we are all of those. we discovered a cable in two thousand and nine from the islamabad embassy. prime minister and interior minister mal ak went into the embassy and offered to share now that is the
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voting record system for voters in pakistan and a front company was set up in the united kingdom international identity services which was hired as the consultant on that drive to squirrel out. the. all of pakistan its it seems to me that that is a theft of some national treasure of pakistan the entire pakistani database registry office people. judy it's social will. you know never has a country's ruling elite for personal benefits never had betrayed the people as much as this elite and it was shut up and the gutter elite. not only have that done as they have been just number of people who have disappeared by just. on
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suspicion of terrorism they were biased on people from biased and sort of handed over to the americans on this mission of of of them being involved in some terrorist and people have disappeared. people that in a minute it suspects up to a limited to troop drawdowns and not only suspect their wives the children the neighbors and an agent never has it been any wording in what these people are innocent or not new country has ever been but it's one and out as we are being moments country as i said is the bullshit in full bit of my history never has a country that willingly betrayed its people saw the light at the start intruding elite and subversive benefits because a lot of their bank accounts across their money laying abroad and guess what the americans go on about guns they do believe only so from the from how
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how would you reconfigure their pakistan relationship with the united states were going to be a complete severance what would you permit drone strikes what kind of intelligence cooperation what would you do in practice. have a relationship based on the dignity self-deception. so it should be a relationship like the u.s. as with india it should not be a relationship with master lucian to anyone who was there but just as a hired gun big beard to. kill americans and it is it's not it's a licious ship that is feed it's now delivered to the people above is done nor has it delivered to the americans the only thing that the americans should we do all is there a lot of there will be border is a must but you can only do that if you lower the perceived to be
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a student of the americans only is going to be a problem get and then deal with terrorists or at the moment the terrorists or the militants have declared jihad against bugs on government so they are given a song as an a and r. and up with these guys say that this is a pull out of something americans so the woman should get out of this war this jobs the will of the job goes we need then against our sifting through the end of me this is it within our borders and then only can be gotten to that it will be not generous and from us and so there is one number one step has to be pulled out as a lot more worried we become a sovereign independent state and the relationship with the us should be of dignity and self-respect no longer the. last relationship you know your you give a good description of how the war on terror in pakistan has been counterproductive it's created in the miti towards the pakistani government thirty five thousand to
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forty five thousand pakistanis have lost their lives why do you think the united states pursues. its agenda its during drone strikes in pakistan if if the us ambassador even is writing back saying that it's counterproductive what is the driving forces from the us. well julian i think it's because of the the just like us the policy in us is being driven by a budget and it's the is the army would produce blows because only the military people always think of military solutions if you look at it here and you listen to i think it was a general magnum r r r i just remember a lot of dough and him well they're all saying we're back and it's sixty's that we've done the corner we're about to win the war of a few moments a few more moments and this will do the trick so the generals always think like
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that. one final question iran. have you met a.q. . and what do you think about the father of the pakistani nuclear bomb. i've made a clone of you know. a lot of pieces in a couple of years back but i'm going to for twenty years because he'd give the first edition to when i started building the guns hospital he was the one going forward first. hears a hero is is. here washington by the sun because if i was in the news of the one it was someone there was security in other words. the same reason given by the israelis that they needed the bomb because this owner of. hostile neighbors is ascendant by the sun before she was with india which is seven times the size of my guest on and there's
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a lot of the security of the country and this is a guy who's supposed to have secured us so from their point of view he's a hero worship and like. what i think of him i don't really nor was he in war and this is a proliferation of the good ones of you why don't. you know by the americans and we share over the others into my room said with the logo ready to. give all i want is that i never was a lot of those no i don't really know of it but it on television that it was avoided but he said he was forced by oneself to do that so i don't really know the truth behind it julian buzz only i managed to do here i don't know diddly. for the world of it which has gotten you know a nuclear bombs. but at the moment there's the where the situation is. people are going on here this ever since we've had acquired nuclear weapons even though
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there's been a lot of tension and we've come close but there has been no war would be focused on india and before the nuclear weapon there were three wars so the people who live on from that point of view ok. thank you very much to i wish you all the best because i think you. what you did with. the mission is the moves toward big pieces. by people who are going to wish. this is video and i listen i'm the biggest beneficiary there's going to be these fields would have just. like you would never have i just. love coming. so do you think that's thank you good luck. such a. clear. cut.
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well for the. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered.


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