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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour the u.s. call center industry has lost after million jobs over the last six years apparently that's not enough if you ask republicans in congress does this say about the republican party and its feelings for hardworking americans also michigan legislators are very close to letting for profit education companies destroy public education in that state all in the name corporate greed and out of the wallets
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who's behind this attack on public education and how can michiganders help stop it and mitt romney and paul ryan have been getting along really well lately maybe because paul ryan's budget would help the rich like romney get even richer but how do the rest of americans those who will get taxed more and can't afford to buy off someone in washington how do we fight back i'll tell you in tonight's daily to. prove news the u.s. call center industry has lost five hundred thousand jobs over the last six years thanks to corporations like bank of america wells fargo and t. mobile outsourcing american jobs to foreign countries where they can exploit low wage workers the big four wall street banks have all moved their call centers to the philippines in the last few years laying off hundreds of thousands of american workers who bailed out the banks to the tune of a couple hundred billion dollars back in two thousand and eight well on tuesday
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republicans in the house had a chance to put an end to this giant sucking sound bypassing the u.s. call center worker and consumer protection act that bill cuts off federal loans and grants to corporations that own. source american call center jobs unfortunately for american workers though the bill failed as house republicans lined up against it voted down while most democrats supported the bill so now corporations once again have free rein to outsource as many call center jobs as they'd like to stimulate the filipino economy while turning their backs on the american economy so what does tuesday's vote say about the republican party and how they really feel about hardworking americans chain larson joins me now he's the legislative director with the communication workers of america chain welcome thanks tom you're going to be here with us thank you what does this say about the republican party and their attitude toward american workers well you know just goes to show they have a great have a great opportunity yesterday to bring up and talk about
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a real critical bill call center consumer worker protection act in they punted so there's paul and they said no they said no flat out no we're not going to bring it up at a time when they decide to go on vacation every two weeks take a week off two weeks on a week off they've had plenty of opportunity to bring up bills like this instead they stand up and pontificate about tax cuts when this would actually save the taxpayers money by cutting off taxpayer funds to companies that offshore so i mean you have to ask yourself what are the republicans really stand for well is it possible there's another motive which is that some of these workers who have been laid off from the communication workers of america are unionized and anything that has a union attached to it whether it's teachers firefighters cops telephone answering people the call center people. publicans don't like i think that's a big part of it with the number of the workers because in industry unionized the union jobs have been the primary targets really as an effort to reward their
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benefactors it's interesting that the companies in the lobbyists that have been the ones most vocally opposed to this legislation have contributed to republican house members at a rate of two to one so they are funding these these individuals and it's all part of a greater scheme on their part really to line the c.e.o.'s pockets of these major corporations now i understand. you know many of these jobs are going to the philippines and in the philippines it is not against the law if i'm a call center worker and you call me and say hey would you believe this money from my checking account of my savings account and i say ok what's your password what's your mother's maiden name and what's your address and what's your count number and ok i'll do that for you and i just write that down on a piece of paper stick it in my pocket go home sell it to my next door neighbor who sells it on the internet or whatever that's actually not illegal in the philippines but there are no data protection laws governing the call center industry in the
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philippines or in india india actually passed a data protection law a couple years ago and purposefully carved out an exemption for the call center industry so there are no protections and the british press have been a much better job at this in the us perhaps of uncovering a lot of the identity theft that's been going on around the world didn't a british reporter like set to set up a sting basically up in the sky and a british reporter set up a sting exactly met with a call center employee who on his laptop head over a half a million u.k. citizens information everything from their version of social security number to their pins to date of birth with their mortgage account information and said how much. i'll sell this to you for two pence two cents and identity how many do you want and this is happening on a rampant scale around the world. and also the american banks basically right the big banks of the biggest fear. now this bill is filled with the next move well we're going to keep plugging away i mean we've got great people who who have been
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on your show to people like tim bishop congressman from new york from long island who have championed this legislation and they're just going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing when the great thing about yesterday was seeing the house democrats under louise slaughter and tim bishop's leadership yesterday calling the republicans bluff on the house floor do you stand for real passing real legislation to not only help create jobs and protect jobs in this country but also protect u.s. consumers or do we want to spend days talking about a lands bill let's bring this up and have an actual debate and that was shut down unanimously by the republicans these chain thanks so much for being with us and to be here to keep up the great lakes we need it time to call your member of congress especially if there are republican and ask why they support stimulating the filipino economy over the american economy.
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in the best of the rest of the news the michigan house recently passed s.b. six nineteen a so-called cyber schools bill and while supporters of the bill argue that it will improve the quality of education students in michigan receive really couldn't be farther from the truth in fact the bill is not about providing a better education at all it's about padding the already packed wallets of for profit education companies companies and put the bottom line ahead of quality education and put a little money into michigan republican politicians pockets but corporations haven't destroyed public education in michigan just yet the michigan house has the ability to bring s.b. six nineteen back up for reconsideration or a simple majority can trigger a new vote on the bill and it could allow it to be defeated so who is behind such as b six nineteen and just how much damage would it do to education in michigan if it were to become a law joining me now is fran brennan michigan director of working america fran
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welcome to the program. hank thank you very much for having me on thanks for joining us what would s.b. six thousand do. as these six point nine is intended to raise the care of cyber schools in the state of michigan what's in place right now is we have two pilot programs in place to determine whether they are beneficial to michigan and what their challenges and obstacles they may be facing and the six one nine was circumventing that and allowing unlimited amounts of private corporations to start running cyber schools which basically is having your child in their room isolated with just themselves and the internet as an educational program while that does not sound like a good formula it sounds like it could be very profitable you could have a single classroom with a thousand kids. yes in fact the primary lobbyist in michigan
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for pushing a speed six one nine is k twelve incorporated it's a for profit virgin you based corporation and and alec affiliated and it's definitely driving the. train into trying to get all these cyber school started in michigan and people don't realize arfon now when you're saying let's have private education i think they often think that that means private dollars but here in michigan k. twelve incorporated would get the complete per student lowance which is about seven thousand dollars completely free that well they give just a fraction of what our community schools give on a daily basis to our children while so a normal school has to have a school building and teachers and books and all that stuff that can be very expensive and for that they you know cost about seven thousand dollars
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a year to educate a student if this company can get seven thousand dollars a year and package thousands of kids into one virtual classroom they can make a fortune so that they're alec affiliated that's the american legislative exchange council the thing that was started by paul weyrich and and funded by the koch brothers. yes it is and actually when you're talking about private slayers here k. twelve incorporated made a record profit of five hundred twenty two million dollars and they did it on taxpayer educational dollars that didn't go to the community schools but were siphoned off to run help them with their cyber they're very experimental and now an accountable and nontransparent cyber schools how many states is this kind of thing happening or is this just a michigan phenomenon. no it's actually pennsylvania is having a lot of issues with there right now and they're currently doing quite a few studies and are finding out that the productivity is is incredibly lacking
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there's a thirty three percent rate on with dropouts with students that attend cyber schools . has also done some independent studies there are finding that close to fifty percent of the students that transfer to a cyber school will transfer back to the community school the challenge there is that the money doesn't go back with the student so for a lot of our superintendents and our teachers what they're finding is that you know in let's say in september you decide to have your child go to the cyber school in november it's not working out for your family you return your child to the community school but the funds don't go with your child and typically your child is behind so they need extra attention and they don't that funding is not there as well so that there is all these additional challenges that are layered into this legislation amazing but but even though you're the funding doesn't go back with your child the fat cats are on the cyber school they've they've run off for the
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profit fran brown and thank you so much for being with us and thank you so much it's clear the legislators in michigan are only looking out for the well being of the for profit education corporations in the fact cats are running and not for the well being of that state's children let's hope michiganders can come together to protect public education in that state and tell their elected representatives to say no to corporate greed. coming up you know every military billionaire in america has donated unlimited sums of money to their favorite political candidate all these large sums of money are really campaign contributions they're strategic investments that are intended to pay off later i'll explain in tonight's daily take. there hasn't been anything good on t.v.
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. it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism on us we. we want to present. something else.
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the. they. are first comments and i go so a big picture of you are right here in washington d.c. she has this take on the arizona radio show host who called president obama a monkey i am frightened could you please tell me was going on in this world
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first of all i have never been so hurt to hear what the lady said about mr obama president obama is a very well educated man and this has got to see somebody has to say some about that lady from arizona i will post it on my computer is ridiculous they need to stop any other president they put on there that you can not talk about the president or you will be locked up when they locked her up the back. well they haven't locked her up because she didn't threaten the president but i have a feeling she's lost her radio job what's even worse about the story than what we knew last night when joe madison and i were discussing it here is that the other guy who was on the air with her who didn't say anything to her about this who didn't contradict her who didn't say hey you know you don't really mean that are you know that was terror he didn't say anything was the current head of the arizona
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republican party and after she went on her little rant minute or so later he just. continued to show the next comment from the of the night comes from a viewer in new york city had this to say about my daily take last night on the differences between the republican and democratic parties so i just saw it's night's broadcast and you said that fair that the republican party of the democratic party is very different i think if you look at the voting record before you make such a statement it sounds like they've pulled you into believing just like that for most of the rest you know like the rest of the nation you know they all say they're here they're going to do all these things but they never do anything we all do what the corporations say this where there really is only one party thank you. respectfully they fool you. i mean two hundred over two hundred pieces of good legislation came out of the house of representatives when the democrats nancy pelosi controlled it they would have done things like putting an end to outsourcing
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and given strengthening the rights of unionized workers and raising the minimum wage and and just there was a long list and it was over two hundred good subsists substantive pieces of legislation that in any other time would have passed the senate every single one of them filibustered by republicans in the sun it only takes one senator in the senate to put a hold out of bill and prevent it from coming to the floor and in particular tom coburn dr no did that over and over and over again there is a difference our final comment the night comes from cap to bops who had this take on sheldon adelson the ten million dollars donation in that romney's campaign. this could very well be the downfall of romney's campaign all the dems have to do is point out that the rich are trying to buy the election and the public should vote against that at least they do in california such as with michael huffington meg whitman and carly fiorina if i were dictator of the world one wouldn't be allowed
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to have an estate worth more than a few million dollars it would be tax progressive so they could accumulate massive wealth we're learning a lesson here well you know huey long talked about that at some length back in the in the early part of the twentieth century and he got pretty popular for i mean he basically said let's put a cap on wealth period let's you know somebody as i recall his first proposal was five million dollars which today would be about fifty million dollars and he was like you know anybody who's got more in that. it goes to the government and it what does the government do with that money it destroy it redistribute it to all the poor people so that everybody comes up a little bit and lets just like kind of balance things out it was actually very popular his every man's a king speech. i can't imagine it happening today though. that's it for your take my take tonight if you like your comments and questions here in this segment the big picture listen up we want to know your take send us your comments by visiting the tom hartman facebook page via twitter at tom underscore her or in the chat room
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on the message boards or through the blog at thom hartmann dot com you can also leave a message on our rant line by three six fifty three zero six agree disagree sound off it's all welcome but remember that your comments may be used on the air. that would be the good the bad of the very very. ugly the good. a c. span call it on monday florida republican representative or congressman allen west was on c.-span taking calls from viewers one viewer called in and asked congressman west to name a few communists in congress a reference to remarks west recently made about cognise a democratic party well west had a hard time coming up with names take a listen. well it's not about me going to finding the bridges i'm talking about principles of governance of philosophies if you understand when you say progress is
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i mean that is directly related back to the term of the label cognisant turn century. first of all west needs to refresh himself on the definitions of progressive and communist probably dictionary would be a good idea and secondly he couldn't come up with the name of one the so-called communists in congress kudos to the c.-span caller for holding west accountable is absurd an outrageous remarks the bad senator marco rubio the republican from florida in an interview with chris. hannity today published yesterday rubio repeated his opposition to marriage equality saying that the bible opposes it and so do all faiths that he's experienced rubio also suggested the society should accept less than ideal family structures for us the debate is about what society should tolerate and what society should allow our laws to be the ideal the only way but certainly the ideal situation to raise children to become productive and
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healthy humans is in a home with a father and mother married to each other apparently senator rubio is unaware of numerous studies that show children do just as well if not better growing up with same sex. and the very very ugly the national review you may remember in april that the national review fired contributor john derbyshire because of a highly races read that he'd written well in new york the national review has filled that vacant contributor spot with david year a show me a known as lama phobic and white nationalist some of his extremist statements include calling for the quote at here and to islam to be illegal and saying that there's a reason the founding fathers did not give women or black slaves the road to vote. so it looks like the national review didn't learn anything from the derby shower incident is going to continue to allow intolerance a treated bigotry to fill its pages and that is very very.
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similar to this picture why it is mitt romney looks so happy to be touching republican congressman paul ryan well there's actually an answer because congressman paul ryan wants to give mitt romney a tax break worth millions of dollars a year to romney. at paul water ryan wanted to give you the same sort of tax break that you might be a going to but he doesn't want to give you a tax break in fact he wants to raise your taxes in order to pay for the tax break that he's going to give to mitt romney here's what's going on the congressional joint economic committee just released a new study on the paul ryan republican budget which passed out of the house earlier this year thanks to the support of nearly every single republican it is being blocked in the senate by the democrats but what they found is that
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millionaires like mitt romney would get a twelve and a half percent tax break with the paul ryan plan considering the mitt romney is worth about two hundred sixty million bucks makes tens of millions of dollars a year and comes out to a pretty hefty multi-million dollar tax break courtesy of his buddy paul ryan goes on top of the sizable seventy seven thousand dollars tax break that romney got last year by writing his wife's horse off as a tax deduction seriously so i know ann romney and romney really does love horses i joke that i'm going to have to send her to betty ford for addiction to horses unfortunate for the rest of us who aren't worth two hundred sixty million dollars and don't have an addiction to dressage horses that we can write off as tax deductions. the ryan plan would actually raise our taxes as the washington post points out the tax reform plan that house republicans have advanced would sharply cut taxes for the wealthiest americans and could leave middle class households
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facing much larger tax bills here's how it all breaks down the ryan plan creates just two tax brackets drastically lowering the top income tax down to twenty five percent on rich people and creating a second income tax rate of ten percent for working people might look like a good deal for everyone but paul ryan also eliminates a lot of tax deductions used by working people so the end result actually works out as a tax increase for low and middle income americans as this chart over here shows that if you're making less than ten thousand dollars you get nails but these are these are tax increases these are tax breaks if you're making over a million bucks wow you're making out like a bandit this is the fifty thousand dollars range right here it really starts to hurt if you're making less than thirty thousand dollars a year so these are the facts paul ryan budget which again was voted on by nearly every single republican in the house raises taxes on working people so that they
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can cut taxes on millionaires like mitt romney i guess we found the unwritten exception to millionaire and k. street lobbyist grover norquist pledge tax increases are ok when they get working people but not ok when they hit rich people like mitt romney grover norquist and the koch brothers but paul ryan plan as well as mitt romney's tax plan which also includes a tax cut for billionaires also explains why so many millionaires and billionaires like foster freeze the koch brothers shelley adelson are willing to spend millions to hundreds of millions of dollars to get round me and the republicans elected in november these are actual campaign contributions. there in the past it's a pretty simple premise if i'm a billionaire like shelly adelson or a wall street guy who are in a billion dollars a year and there are a bunch of them who literally bring home that much money every year and i know that if mitt romney and the republicans win i'm going to get
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a twelve percent tax cut why would i invest in there cause a twelve percent tax cut on a billion dollars is one hundred twenty million dollars that you get to keep in your pocket. that he's willing to invest one hundred million dollars on getting romney and the republicans elected so if his investment works out and his income next year is a billion dollars each show a net profit of twenty million dollars on his investment in romney and the republicans and eight also is actually worth around twenty five billion so you may well end up profiting a whole lot more what citizens united is turn our politics into a gambling ring where the super rich can pick out a candidate or resource to invest or bet huge amounts of money into making sure that their racehorse wins knowing that if they if they invest wisely if they bet wisely that they're going to tax break it's even bigger than their initial investment and in the case of mitt romney collect a nice fat tax break on that horse too as for working americans who are facing tax
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increases thanks to paul ryan and can't afford to buy a politician like paul ryan or mitch mcconnell the only way we can fight back is to overturn citizens united it's crazy supreme court decision and get money out of politics put an end to the billionaires gambling ring that's been taken over by our this taken over our democracy go to move to amend to work to get involved. that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered this hour websites and thom hartmann icon free speech dot org an hour to dot com also check out our two youtube channel there are links to tom arba dot com also tell marvin's dot com check out all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get active tag your it occupies a seat of the. mission
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