tv [untitled] June 21, 2012 8:30am-9:00am EDT
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still. don't see you don't. hear your headlines now but you. go to decide on his request for political asylum within hours the chances of him leaving the u.k. without being arrested remain. britain and the u.s. may give immunity and clemency to syria's president assad if he attends a conference on the transition of power all is part of the effort the syrian leader . fighting continues in libya with over one hundred killed in a week of tribal clashes as the interim government fails to end violence in the
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post gadhafi state. i do stay with us here in our. fighting his battle against extradition to sweden and for political asylum from ecuador we discussed the future of this with his wiki leaks project spokesperson kristinn hrafnsson distinguished us. thank you very much for joining us can you tell us how you came to join wiki leaks well. joining us ours was working quite a lot in iceland in the winter of two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten and after actually here year we could be produced a tremendously important leak in two thousand and nine with exposed the corruption within the iceland banks. superstation school. of the light on why the entire banking system in iceland webster two thousand and eight i met him in that the period when he was doing some work among other things one supporting
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the project the icelandic modern media initiative. and we befriended he. showed me the collateral murder video i was at the time working for the state television and of course offered my help and it became. basically a joint project to with between the ice and the state television and we can. join then we can use full time in the summer of two thousand and ten and how's it being feel you've been described as sort of the second public face of wiki leaks having stepped into this much more spotlighted role so to speak at such a difficult time with wiki leaks. have you been finding it i've been finding extremely interesting and it journalist would find it interesting to take part in in the biggest leaks in history. basically transform. politics from certain areas and it's been a total game changer it's
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a paradigm change you're saying is agendas but it's like working and what do you perceive as the other journalists response because we see a lot of the. wiki leaks and julian a sound well i mean there is a very mixed feelings among journalists and we have worked with a lot of excellent journalist who understand the importance of what we can use we also work with other journalists who have to go back and we have failed. very strange and most of the. people so small. it is hard to say what exactly forces so but they have many of them being. dishonest and spiteful in their in their. covering of. i have no idea. but it's extremely strange as it is disappointing to experience that for me as a journalist for more than twenty years but it's
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a fact ok i want to talk to you about wiki leaks as a how do you think there's a concern there that the focus is moved away somewhat from the really important aspect of it which is these incredible leaks to actually this sort of idea about wiki leaks as a whole in julian assange so that's maybe a shadowing more important aspect of it now does that concern me well i mean the focus has. always been an independent panel thing that we have not been able to always. decide upon how it was handled i mean. for example the first problem that i had to par. in the collateral murder video release in april of two thousand and ten i was surprised by the fact that the biggest stories we're actually on the leak itself and secondly on julian assange has. the fact that this is
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a video that is exposing. a war crime got much less attention and still hasn't gotten the attention it deserves but it's the media for you. the media will decide where the focus is and that's the reality we live in a way to see the future of wiki leaks always very hard i mean we have. we have been starved of ninety five percent of our funds julian assange is facing a legal battle. we know that in virginia there is a secret grand jury trying to find those of bringing cases against julian and or possibly others in the organization. people that have and are supporting we can use our being harassed when they. tell us even u.s. citizens so we it's hard to see where the world if you choose to.
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believe that despite. everything we look back at the accomplishments or we can do so they are. great in this period to say this is a battle between wiki leaks in big corporations governments. it is a battle. against corruption. and lies and secrecy. and he thinks going to win. well it's hard to say but let's hope that. rupert murdoch was right in the early fifty's when he was on a tour in australia where he wrote in that authorial. in the race between truth and secrecy truth will always win. i hope he'll remember these words himself but somehow i doubt that you're an effective journalist and i think. which is the thing that is being one of the
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world's strongest when it comes to the legal rights protected to whistleblowers what you think is the other countries following say well iceland is on the path of changing the laws to to make it a very strong. shield for journalists and whistleblowers. it's a long term projects but after the year economic collapse in no time two thousand and eight when everybody was agreed was caused by lack of transparency and lack of information so this is a. nation was. ready for. a total overhaul of the legal system it will take some time but sometimes shock like. the entire nation spectacular show total meltdown economy. creates the right atmosphere for. decide for improvement in this nature one of the
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positive things that can come out of such situations but i suppose the shocks can also work the other way because the scene of the sea the u.s. and some extent by sort of almost taking steps backwards and there's a sense maybe that these big corporations that are now under threat that the sort of transparency wiki leaks would bring fighting back against this now. now with that is certainly the trend i mean the situation comically or worse stream with dire i mean it was a. spectacular meltdown i mean the banking sector. was ten times the size of the local economy at ten times the g.d.p. of iceland when it all collapsed over a few days you can imagine the consequences. in other places like here in britain i mean there was a bailout. basically the taxpayers have to shoulder the burden to keep the banks like they were too big to fail. years which. all over all over yet what we're
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seeing of course was this trend. which was so much to. crack down it was a point with. totally contrary to the slow and gradual improvement in the legal environment that we've seen. over the years. of longo and some more protection i was introduced here in the u.k. a similar one u.s. . steel we received basically a systematic crackdown on whistleblowers especially in the u.s. a very serious one were all from one nine hundred seventeen the espionage act is being used to. haunt those who are basically blowing the whistle blowing the whistle on. illegalities corruption which is hurting the general public and costing the taxpayer
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a lot of money ok so we think that the legal protections afforded to potential whistleblowers can't necessarily be relied on at the moment which is an organization that predates these anonymous leaks what can you actually offer a whistleblower when they come to you how much genuine protection can you offer then. we'll have you know the a track record of. is impressive in that respect i mean nothing no nobody that has contributed material to weeklies has been exposed by anything that we can use has done so. hopefully the states like that we have we are still working on reopening the anonymous electronic dropbox which allows people to submit information to is with. it being traced to them in any manner of we we wouldn't be able to do it ourselves even let's hope that they will that will open soon meanwhile we've heard from
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today children play war in the old keys me. but in june nine hundred forty one these was really a first barrier feminazi troops on their way to moscow and. funders and brush fires were dying one by one under seasons without food water or. you're watching r.t. live from moscow thanks for joining us right now we're going back to one of our top stories for you now the u.s. and britain are considering a clemency for president assad if he agrees to attend an international conference on political transition in syria a petition official say the initiative came after london and washington received encouragement from russia's president vladimir putin let's not cross over to office and he said i was standing by in petersburg with russia's foreign minister so to
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get up off and over to you. that's right you have our foreign minister sergei lover with me i want to get straight to the questions because he's very pressed for time i produced prime minister david cameron says that in the most complex up to twenty president who has shifted his view on the situation in syria what do you say about that is that true because that is the truth of the meeting so that if there are those whose president obama did discuss syria. oh so we're. just that here it goes and the british were saying this. president does that must go and then the external players must develop the transition plan for the syrian story. we expressed our position that we can the accept the policy of which would be aimed at changing regimes from outside this has been though there's no will and that we can. judge for the syrians what the outcome of
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the political dialogue would we strongly support the political dialogue the strong to support the efforts to stop the violence and we saw just the for this for this role that still the players should leave for the syrian party on the beach with troops. and thus persuade them there was draw from this it just blows the government and the armed groups of the position to sit down and to have a dialogue but without projecting from both sides what these. substance and results of this dialogue might be useful to seriously decide so i assume the statement by prime minister can or that doesn't go to the court and shifted his position after meeting some last of a speech is not true at all right i want to get your opinion on this i apologize actually the president put in was asked you will stop a successful that's his final press conference about his position on syria and he
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expressed that except that the way you do is that good or that is the part that's something that has shifted are these reports that we're hearing about clemency for assad if he steps down from the west some kind of immunity how would press react to that i would just repeat what i said is for the syrian people to decide who should rule that how they would leave the main thing for they still players is to ensure that they all sit down at the negotiating table and develop the future for their country. the minority is not sure it would feel safe. will feel that included in the political system otherwise the. groups which no support president and there are like a number of groups would do so would become you know in the position of the ruling majority and the war and while those would continue the positions of the
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participants would to shift this is not what we want for this year this is something which might. be for the people and seized on the one side of the drill which is the crisis and if people insist on imposing some something with the super size somewhat argue that that was the case in libya which i want to just ask you one quick question about a hundred people killed just this week alone obviously not what a lot of people thought they were fighting for what the west thought it was getting involved in how it developed but is that the same fate that syria holds if there's . kind of interesting. well it could if you couldn't do the same because there would be no resolution of the security council authorizing go outside interference in terms of the aftermath of any kind if. the people well i think the intervention of the instant syria would be disastrous for the series multiethnic well to go fish will countries whose ethnic and confessional groups have very close relationship
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with his. sister groups in other countries living on his old would be influenced by the syrians of the most. interestingly the cholesterol and strife. faithful ace very fast and it's going to embrace the entire region the kurdish problem the kurds and even syria. in turkey in some other countries in iraq the problem of christians christians in egypt has already come over they've been subject to some violence and that this is their adventures they have been living here for centuries and to topple this violence would because it's the. western media this week talked about presses sending force if syria helicopters syria there was really sort of a media frenzy around it even though it proved out in the end of the u.s. kind of x.x.i.
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how do you react that it's part of the complaining. not a very decent campaign i would say. we are sending no but the ships the syria we have been saying publicly that we are implementing the calling for. which they have to supply arms to syria those amendments in the defense and they have most because they mostly consist of air defense systems which can be used against the will delay should. which can only be used to respond to another side that rush. the ship which is being discussed but these days indeed was scary for defense systems and it was scary the three helicopters which have been repaired in russia under the contras signed in two thousand and eight there was a soviet helicopters that have been in syria from seoul did this and it will sell
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didn't they there was a conflict to repeal. and this was done and they can look up the sort of what being shipped on board the vessel. and. they're still to be assembled you know when they're delivered they have to be a symbol that the process will fit less than three months so to speak about something which we just sold to syria and which is being used. in action is not truthful about this story because another twist is the british insurance company deciding who was there all the insurance from from this particular ship. you know it's testimony that. the insurance system of great britain is not reliable because they were citing the sanctions imposed on syria unilaterally by the or you know. which means that anyone any country any company of a country who is not violating any international rules who is not violating any
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security council resolutions might be subject to x. did it or real application of somebody is else you know let's also section. this is a very slippery slope and i do believe that we have to discuss this issue of unilateral sanctions in a systemic matter. what they mean and. what can be done you know to make sure that those who faithfully implement the international war would. the resolutions of the security go so should not just up the subject but the question of somebody else's. you know the weather example second pitchers and it was of the recent to the united states which was resorting to your you know little sensuous to buy this country severino as though you did exemptions visited it for a little occasion now unfortunately it be your view and you know this they can do to you and the becoming beginning to use ensures you know it's
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a little more and more soothing against syria but we'll see some of the cases it's so it's a trend which is. which is counterproductive in principle dealing is an international issue you need. to include. the swiss when you have difficult just to isolate that was that they should. know what's. wrong with the sister get out from commenting on the situation in syria and confirming here in our state that statement by british prime minister david cameron that russia has this shifted its position are clearly not the case back to you. all right and he said our the many many things. oh i'd so you want you know if you live from moscow i must apologize for a rather abbreviated version of the sports nevertheless has i. hello
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there welcome to the sport good to have you company and let's start with the european championships where portugal take on the czech republic in the first of the quarter finals the saving portugal will be the slight favorite at the national stadium in warsaw where neither side has been allowed to train to save the pitch ahead of this evening showdown portugal coach pilar bent over the expected to name an unchanged side to the one that beat netherlands and denmark and says his team has the desire to claim their third win in a row at the championships. like we have says if there is a game in front of us that could get us to the semi final that's a summing up the truth about the game tomorrow we will see the game czech republic versus portugal and that is what we're interested in we will play with the organization willpower passion talent and that is the most important thing for us if we win we will be very glad about it and if we don't deserve to win then we want them well portugal star man christiane who are now there has been instrumental for
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them his double in their two one win over the netherlands put them through to the last eight although portugal are quick to point out the reality grid man is not the only one in the team. well it's naturally there is a lot of talk about the best player in the world it's very natural to talk about him all the time but he is in our team to help us like all of us were here with the same goal and that is to help our team much ronaldo is a leader and he will continue to do his work for the team simple as for the czechs they could be with their most influential player thomas received he has an achilles tendon problem and although he did train on change day he will be given a late fitness test the arsenal man that was pretty confident of the match and has pointed out a weakness and we're now. well what i remember in the march. i played against him is that he's a good talker but he doesn't want to defend of course if someone is on such a high level you can afford not to help just poor girls well the czechs what we
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hoping for to repeat that famous win over the portuguese at euro ninety six. strike sending them into the semifinal sixteen years ago and that is something that still lives in the memory of their coach billick but there were examples as of course we remember this match it was exceptional for czech football we reached the final quarter finals in the lobby of carroll that was amazing and we wouldn't be angry if we repeated the same result of course i think the situation is similar portugal is also a favorite with strong individual players and a strong team i think that if we repeat our performance of the previous two matches we have a chance to go through to go to stay with football because a neymar goal was not enough to hold a sand toss to prevent. corinthians from moving into them a copy of it to doris final going into the match santa. from the first leg of their semifinal double header however the tie was evenly poised after neymar first sparked an onslaught and then finished off nine minutes before the break the twenty
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year old left with a simple tap in after paul has hit the post but sent off his hopes of a comeback came to an abrupt end. given enough time and space to clinically finish a free kick from right after the restart so every reason for corinthians to celebrate is the five time visiting champions hung on for a one one draw to win two one and i could get and they will play the winner of a semi final between argentina's pocket used and she now fit universe. and the ice hockey more accolades have been sharing our russian style you get e-mail kim the pittsburgh penguins forward has been named the n.h.l.'s most valuable player the icing on the cake for malkin who has had an incredible season the twenty five year old also won the memorial trophy picked up a second straight week as the regular season scoring leader. two thousand and nine stanley cup champion posted fifty goals and fifty nine assists and was also named the most valuable player last month ice hockey world championships to guiding russia to their third crime in five years. so that is all spoke we've got time for
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